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作者 李孝雄 庄海洋 +2 位作者 王伟 赵凯 陈国兴 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期131-137,183,共8页
为了明确场地液化流滑区越江跨海盾构隧道结构的抗震性能,以宽河谷微倾斜可液化场地在不同地震动强度下土层的位移时程作为输入地层震动状态,并基于广义反应位移法,建立了4.8 km精细化梁-弹簧盾构隧道模型,研究了场地液化流滑对盾构隧... 为了明确场地液化流滑区越江跨海盾构隧道结构的抗震性能,以宽河谷微倾斜可液化场地在不同地震动强度下土层的位移时程作为输入地层震动状态,并基于广义反应位移法,建立了4.8 km精细化梁-弹簧盾构隧道模型,研究了场地液化流滑对盾构隧道纵向地震响应和相邻管环纵向张开量的影响。研究结果表明:场地的液化流滑将导致盾构隧道产生极大的环间纵向张开量、截面拉力和压力突变,充分说明了场地流滑对隧道结构地震安全的危害性;盾构隧道损害严重位置处均位于液化土层的滑动面;沿轴线的弯矩变化曲线与加速度放大系数曲线和河谷地形具有一致性,且曲线在液化区呈现出明显的突变现象。 展开更多
关键词 盾构隧道 广义反应位移法 液化流 环间张开量 地震响应
饱和剪胀性砂土液化后流滑现象与机理 被引量:6
作者 张建民 王富强 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期2711-2715,共5页
基于完全不排水试验的已有研究结果表明,只有在饱和松砂中才可能发生流滑现象,较密实的饱和剪胀性砂土在初始液化后的不排水循环或单调剪切作用条件下,则会呈现出所谓往返活动性或抗剪强度恢复现象。然而,实际土工抗震边值问题中的饱和... 基于完全不排水试验的已有研究结果表明,只有在饱和松砂中才可能发生流滑现象,较密实的饱和剪胀性砂土在初始液化后的不排水循环或单调剪切作用条件下,则会呈现出所谓往返活动性或抗剪强度恢复现象。然而,实际土工抗震边值问题中的饱和砂土在许多情况下并不能够被视为处于完全不排水条件,可能由于土性和变形等因素的不同而处于剪切排水甚至剪切吸水条件。通过对饱和砂土液化后常剪切吸水率试验结果的分析指出,剪切吸水条件可能导致剪胀性砂土的抗剪能力显著降低、甚至发生流滑现象。基于可逆性与不可逆性剪切体应变的概念以及3种体应变分量变化的特性规律,推导出剪切吸水条件下的体变约束条件。不同排水条件下的体变约束条件决定了剪胀性砂土应力-应变响应的不同变化,当满足自由吸水剪切条件时饱和砂土会出现具有流动特征的大变形;当满足强制吸水剪切条件时会发生具有非稳定特征的流滑现象。 展开更多
关键词 剪胀性砂土 液化 排水条件 剪切吸水现象
液化侧扩流场地桥梁桩基抗震研究进展 被引量:11
作者 凌贤长 唐亮 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期1-10,共10页
震害调查表明,强震下液化侧扩流场地桥梁桩基破坏严重。为此,国内外学者针对液化侧扩流场地桥梁桩基抗震问题开展了大量卓有成效的研究尝试。本文系统总结并评述了液化侧扩流场地桩-土-桥梁结构地震相互作用的基本规律、力学机理、荷载... 震害调查表明,强震下液化侧扩流场地桥梁桩基破坏严重。为此,国内外学者针对液化侧扩流场地桥梁桩基抗震问题开展了大量卓有成效的研究尝试。本文系统总结并评述了液化侧扩流场地桩-土-桥梁结构地震相互作用的基本规律、力学机理、荷载特征与失效机制及其影响因素等的研究成果,全面阐述了液化侧扩流场地桥梁桩基抗震方面的试验、分析方法与数值模拟技术的最新进展,并指出这类场地桩基抗震研究尚存在的主要问题与亟待解决的难题。这项工作对我国桥梁工程的抗震安全性具有重要意义,可供我国研究人员与工程师参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 抗震分析 桥梁桩基 土-结构相互作用 液化侧向扩 地震
液化侧扩流场地桩基动力反应振动台试验数值模拟 被引量:7
作者 苏雷 唐亮 +2 位作者 凌贤长 刘春辉 张效禹 《防灾减灾工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期227-235,共9页
针对已完成的振动台试验,采用OpenSees数值模拟计算平台,建立液化侧扩流场地群桩振动台试验数值模型。该模型中,采用线弹性梁柱单元模拟桩和挡墙,采用刚性连接单元和零长度单元模拟桩-土界面。自由水体通过施加节点孔压和节点力模拟。... 针对已完成的振动台试验,采用OpenSees数值模拟计算平台,建立液化侧扩流场地群桩振动台试验数值模型。该模型中,采用线弹性梁柱单元模拟桩和挡墙,采用刚性连接单元和零长度单元模拟桩-土界面。自由水体通过施加节点孔压和节点力模拟。引入多屈服面塑性本构模拟饱和砂层,采用两相完全耦合的u—p形式模拟土体位移和孔压。通过对比振动台试验结果表明,建立的有限元数值模型能够可靠地再现砂层和桩基的动力响应,进而验证数值模型的可靠性。同时,针对两个代表性时刻,分析了桩-土体系的侧向变形响应。所采用的分析方法和相关结论也为同类桩-土体系数值模拟提供一般性分析方法和思路。 展开更多
关键词 桩基 动力反应 有限元 振动台试验 液化侧扩场地
作者 王知扬 贾科敏 +1 位作者 许成顺 杜修力 《地震科学进展》 2024年第2期125-134,共10页
桩-土-上部结构体系的动力相互作用是一个复杂的过程,尤其是在倾斜液化侧向扩展流动(侧扩流)场地中,由于地震过程中场地产生地面永久大变形,桩土间有可能产生错动滑移与开裂等非线性反应,因此桩-土相互作用模拟至关重要。为了探究桩-土... 桩-土-上部结构体系的动力相互作用是一个复杂的过程,尤其是在倾斜液化侧向扩展流动(侧扩流)场地中,由于地震过程中场地产生地面永久大变形,桩土间有可能产生错动滑移与开裂等非线性反应,因此桩-土相互作用模拟至关重要。为了探究桩-土非线性接触对倾斜液化场地-群桩基础-上部结构体系动力响应的影响,本文基于OpenSees分别建立了考虑桩-土相互作用弹簧和桩土结点之间直接绑定的有限元数值模型。结果表明:考虑桩-土相互作用Pyliq弹簧时,土体加速度幅值略微降低,桩基对土体的约束明显变弱,土体残余位移增大。同时,具有Pyliq弹簧的模型能较好地模拟桩的曲率响应,而采用桩土结点直接绑定的模型高估了桩顶曲率,进而无法准确估计桩基抗弯最不利位置。桩-土相互作用弹簧对上部结构动力响应的影响较小。 展开更多
关键词 数值模拟 倾斜液化侧扩场地 桩-土相互作用 Pyliq弹簧
液化土体侧向扩展条件下群桩动力响应振动台模型试验 被引量:9
作者 沈吉荣 王志华 +2 位作者 林文品 高洪梅 郭恩成 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期27-33,共7页
为研究液化土体侧向扩展对群桩基础动力响应的影响,设计了可液化场地流动变形对桩基础地震反应影响的小型振动台模型试验。采用"钢带法"估计不同位置、不同类型场地地基土的侧向位移,探讨了地基土侧向流动速率与桩基结构地震... 为研究液化土体侧向扩展对群桩基础动力响应的影响,设计了可液化场地流动变形对桩基础地震反应影响的小型振动台模型试验。采用"钢带法"估计不同位置、不同类型场地地基土的侧向位移,探讨了地基土侧向流动速率与桩基结构地震内力的相关性,对比分析了上部结构惯性力及场地类型对桩身内力反应的影响,研究了由倾斜场地土体侧向扩展导致的群桩偏移运动。试验结果表明,桩周及下游土体的侧向位移随着土层深度的减小而逐步增大。可液化土体发生液化时所产生的流滑效应促使土体孔压加速消散。在水平场地条件下,土体侧向扩展沿土层深度方向线性分布;而倾斜场地条件下,土体的侧向扩展沿土层深度呈"抛物线型"分布。随着地基土液化,群桩基础受到的土体侧向约束力逐渐降低,进而使得群桩的峰值位移逐渐减小。 展开更多
关键词 砂土液化 液化流 侧向大变形 振动台试验
湖南保靖地区下志留统重力流沉积特征及沉积模式 被引量:4
作者 李斌 胡博文 +1 位作者 罗群 晋长昊 《油气地质与采收率》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期7-16,共10页
为揭示页岩气储层的形成机制,明确时空展布规律,指导页岩气的勘探部署,通过岩心观察和重力流理论分析,对湖南保靖地区下志留统重力流沉积特征及沉积模式进行研究。结果表明,湖南保靖地区下志留统主要发育浊流、碎屑流和液化流3种重力流... 为揭示页岩气储层的形成机制,明确时空展布规律,指导页岩气的勘探部署,通过岩心观察和重力流理论分析,对湖南保靖地区下志留统重力流沉积特征及沉积模式进行研究。结果表明,湖南保靖地区下志留统主要发育浊流、碎屑流和液化流3种重力流沉积类型。其中,浊流发育不完整的鲍马序列浊积岩,下部以多期次单段式或两段式浊积岩叠加的进积型地层组合为主,上部以多期次三段式浊积岩叠加的加积型地层组合为主;碎屑流以块状细砂岩为主;液化流以厚层的泥质粉砂岩或粉砂质泥岩为主,发育变形层理。从下志留统龙马溪组沉积时期到马脚冲组沉积时期,湖南保靖地区断续发育海底扇、远岸水下扇和滑移-滑塌扇3种沉积模式。浊流主要发育海底扇扇端亚相浊积砂、扇端泥微相,扇中亚相网状水道、水道侧缘、前缘席状砂微相以及远岸水下扇扇中亚相水道侧缘、前缘席状砂微相,碎屑流发育远岸水下扇扇中亚相辫状水道微相,液化流发育滑移-滑塌扇扇中亚相滑移-滑塌水道、水道间湾微相。 展开更多
关键词 重力 液化流 碎屑 下志留统 湖南保靖地区
甘肃积石山 M_(s)6.2级地震的震害特征与启示 被引量:6
作者 王丽丽 王兰民 +5 位作者 卢育霞 许世阳 夏晓雨 盖海龙 池佩红 郭梅 《世界地震工程》 北大核心 2024年第1期58-71,共14页
2023年12月18日,甘肃省临夏回族自治州积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县(35.70°N,102.79°E)发生了6.2级地震,震中烈度为VIII度。地震发生后,通过实地烈度评估与科学考察,对震区VI~VIII度区不同建(构)筑物与生命线工程的震害特... 2023年12月18日,甘肃省临夏回族自治州积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县(35.70°N,102.79°E)发生了6.2级地震,震中烈度为VIII度。地震发生后,通过实地烈度评估与科学考察,对震区VI~VIII度区不同建(构)筑物与生命线工程的震害特点进行了统计分析;从抗震设计与施工管理、场地放大效应与地震次生灾害对建筑结构抗震性能的影响等角度,提出了此次地震的震害启示。结果表明:1)严重破坏和毁坏的建筑结构主要集中在老旧的土木结构、砖木结构和无设防或设防不规范的砖混结构。2)造成建筑结构破坏的主要原因是少量自建房抗震设计和施工的不规范、场地放大效应和地震次生灾害。3)优化和改良生土砌筑材料,改进纵横墙间的拉结措施,强化结构整体性是提高土木结构抗震的有效方法;普及“上下圈梁与构造柱”等基本抗震设防措施,规范水泥砂浆强度,提升农村工匠的施工水平,可有效提高砌体结构的整体性,避免房屋出现整体性垮塌;室内洗手间的墙体应该与房顶、纵横墙间建立有效联接,提高结构的抗震性能。4)孤突斜坡、河流高阶地与岸边为抗震不利地带。当建造用地极为匮乏,不得不选址在这些场地之上时,应该综合考虑场地的地形地貌特征、岩土体物理力学特性、水文地质条件、抗震设防目标、建筑结构类型等影响因素,做好地震灾害风险评估,根据评估结果进行科学设防。灾后重建过程中,应由政府统一规划选址、统一设计,规范施工。 展开更多
关键词 积石山6.2级地震 震害调查 场地放大效应 黄土液化流 震害特征
作者 李兆焱 张升 +4 位作者 袁晓铭 赵凯 王永志 马健 耿铭屿 《防灾科技学院学报》 2024年第2期43-52,共10页
2023年12月18日,甘肃省临夏州积石山县发生6.2级地震,震源深度10km。此次地震造成了大量人员伤亡。地震强度较大,建筑结构、非结构构件震害严重;生命线系统多见破坏;场地灾害主要表现为土壤液化、山体崩塌、液化流滑,其中以金田村的液... 2023年12月18日,甘肃省临夏州积石山县发生6.2级地震,震源深度10km。此次地震造成了大量人员伤亡。地震强度较大,建筑结构、非结构构件震害严重;生命线系统多见破坏;场地灾害主要表现为土壤液化、山体崩塌、液化流滑,其中以金田村的液化流滑现象尤为突出。与2018年印尼帕鲁7.5级地震、1303年洪洞8.0级地震、1920年海原8.5级地震相比,此次地震液化流滑现象具有低角度、大范围、长距离的显著特征。现场调查分析发现,充分的水利补给、物源区的明显凹陷是导致本次地震液化流滑规模巨大的原因,且此次流滑与2018年帕鲁地震流滑现象有多处相似之处,但两者流滑机理上存在着本质的不同,值得后续深入研究。对于此次地震,美国地质调查局给出的人员伤亡及场地破坏预测偏向保守,急需发展匹配抗震设防能力的震害预测方法。 展开更多
关键词 甘肃积石山6.2级地震 震害特征 土壤液化流 水膜效应 震害预测
桂西北二叠纪灰岩墙(脉)的地震成因解释 被引量:26
作者 乔秀夫 彭阳 高林志 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期102-104,共3页
广西西北部的泥盆纪灰岩中发育大量产状直立的二叠纪茅口组的碳酸盐岩岩墙,其成因一直引起地质学家的兴趣。本文尝试用地震灾变事件解释这一奇特的地质现象,即:二叠纪强地震发生时,茅口组未成岩的软沉积物中产生的液化沉积物流借助上覆... 广西西北部的泥盆纪灰岩中发育大量产状直立的二叠纪茅口组的碳酸盐岩岩墙,其成因一直引起地质学家的兴趣。本文尝试用地震灾变事件解释这一奇特的地质现象,即:二叠纪强地震发生时,茅口组未成岩的软沉积物中产生的液化沉积物流借助上覆沉积物的压力,贯入下伏已成岩的坚硬的泥盆系灰岩的裂隙(断层、节理等)中,形成具直立层理的灰岩墙(脉)。上述过程反映一次强地震灾变事件作用在软沉积物与坚硬岩层中的不同响应。 展开更多
关键词 灰岩墙 地震灾变事件 液化沉积物 广西 二叠纪 地震成因
In situ investigation of atmospheric corrosion behavior of PCB-ENIG under adsorbed thin electrolyte layer 被引量:6
作者 易盼 肖葵 +3 位作者 丁康康 李刚 董超芳 李晓刚 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第4期1146-1154,共9页
The effects of relative humidity (RH) on a printed circuit board finished with electroless nickel immersion gold (PCB-ENIG) under an adsorbed thin electrolyte layer (ATEL) were investigated in situ via the measurement... The effects of relative humidity (RH) on a printed circuit board finished with electroless nickel immersion gold (PCB-ENIG) under an adsorbed thin electrolyte layer (ATEL) were investigated in situ via the measurement of cathodic polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to clearly elaborate the corrosion behavior of PCB-ENIG in the atmospheric environment. Results indicated that the cathodic process of PCB-ENIG under ATEL was dominated by the reduction of dissolved oxygen, corrosion products, and H2O. The cathodic current density of PCB-ENIG increased progressively with increasing RH. Moreover, its cathodic current density in the solution was greater than that under ATEL. This result demonstrated that the diffusion process was not the controlling step during the limiting reduction of cathodic oxygen. When the polarization potentials were located in a more negative region, the cathodic polarization current density gradually decreased under 75% and 85% RH. Notably, the anodic process became the controlling step in the extremely thin liquid film during the remainder of the experiment. 展开更多
关键词 electronic materials adsorbed thin electrolyte layer cathodic polarization curve electrochemical impedance spectroscopy relative humidity
Effects of Main Parameters on Rheological Properties of Oil-Coal Slurry 被引量:13
作者 WANG Yong-gang HAO Li-fang +1 位作者 XIONG Chu-an SUN Xiu-ying 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第3期274-277,共4页
Oil-coal slurry prepared in coal direct liquefaction is a dispersed solid-liquid suspension system. In this paper, some factors such as solvent properties, solid concentrations and temperatures, which affect viscosity... Oil-coal slurry prepared in coal direct liquefaction is a dispersed solid-liquid suspension system. In this paper, some factors such as solvent properties, solid concentrations and temperatures, which affect viscosity change of oil-coal slurry, were studied. The viscosity of coal slurry was measured using rotary viscometer, and the rheological properties have been investigated. The viscosity and rheological curves were plotted and regressed, respectively. The results show that the coal slurry behaves a pseudoplastic and thixotropic property. The rheological type of coal slurry was ascertained and its rheological equations were educed. The oil-coal slurry changes to non-Newtonian fluid from Newtonian fluid with the increasing of solid concentration. 展开更多
关键词 direct liquefaction oil-coal slurry rheological property optimized regression
Chemical Composition of Root and Stem Saps in Relation to Cadmium Resistance and Accumulation in Brassica parachinensis 被引量:4
作者 WU Qi-Tang XU Zhao-Li +1 位作者 YE Hui J. W. C. WONG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期352-359,共8页
Sap mixtures of the xylem, phloem, and vacuoles from low and high Cd accumulator varieties of Brassica parachinensis L. H. Bailey were analyzed under Cd stress to understand the biochemical mechanisms of Cd accumulati... Sap mixtures of the xylem, phloem, and vacuoles from low and high Cd accumulator varieties of Brassica parachinensis L. H. Bailey were analyzed under Cd stress to understand the biochemical mechanisms of Cd accumulation in plants. Low Cd accumulator ('Teqing-60') and high Cd accumulator ('Chixin-2') plants were grown in Cd-treated soil in pots in a greenhouse. Percentage of cell wall-bound Cd was estimated. pH level and the concentrations of amino acids, organic acids, anions, and cations in both stem and root saps were determined for the calculation of Cd speciations using the computer program GEOCHEM. The results showed that 'Teqing-60' had a significantly higher (P≤0.05) percentage of Cd bound to cell walls in roots and a significantly higher (P≤0.05) pH in the root sap. 'Teqing-60' also contained a higher concentration of total amino acids in both roots and stems compared with the high Cd accumulator variety 'Chixin-2'. However, between the two accumulators, for stems and for roots, there were no significant differences in non-amino organic acids. GEOCHEM calculations showed that Cd in the root sap of 'Teqing-60' mainly combined with amino acids, especially alanine. Compared with 'Chixin-2', in the root sap of 'Teqing-60', much lower levels of Cd as free ions or bound to simple ligands were found, indicating that less 'Teqing-60' is transferred to stems and leaves. Cadmium activity in the shoot sap of 'Teqing-60' was much lower than that in 'Chixin-2'; therefore, 'Teqing-60' exhibited higher Cd resistance. However, direct determination of the Cd complexes from xylem and phloem sap is needed to verify these results. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica parachinensis CADMIUM plant sap resistance SPECIATION
Study on Liquid-Phase Axial Dispersion in Converging Taper Liquid-Solid Fluidized Beds 被引量:1
作者 夏素兰 朱家骅 胡新辉 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2000年第2期134-139,共6页
It is found analytically that the parabolic radial profile of liquid velocity in cylindrical liquid-solid fluidized bed (LSFB) causes particles to circulate around some radial position. This is the main reason for liq... It is found analytically that the parabolic radial profile of liquid velocity in cylindrical liquid-solid fluidized bed (LSFB) causes particles to circulate around some radial position. This is the main reason for liquid-phase axial dispersions. The liquid-phase axial dispersion is depressed as the liquid velocity presents a flatter Bessel radial profile in a converging taper LSFB. The void fraction increases with axial distance in converging taper LSFB. The behavior produces less liquid-phase axial dispersion. Experimental results show good coincidence. 展开更多
关键词 converging taper liquid-solid fluidized bed liquid-phase axial dispersion radial profile of liquid velocity void fraction
Sealing of the hepatic resection area using fibrin glue reduces significant amount of postoperative drain fluid 被引量:3
作者 Frank Eder Frank Meyer +2 位作者 Gerd Nestler Zuhir Halloul Hans Lippert 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第38期5984-5987,共4页
AIM: To investigate whether the routine use of fibrin glue applied onto the hepatic resection area can diminish postoperative volume of bloody or biliary fluids drained via intraoperatively placed perihepatic tubes an... AIM: To investigate whether the routine use of fibrin glue applied onto the hepatic resection area can diminish postoperative volume of bloody or biliary fluids drained via intraoperatively placed perihepatic tubes and can thus lower the complication rate.METHODS: Two groups of consecutive patients with a comparable spectrum of recent hepatic resections were compared: (1) 13 patients who underwent application of fibrin glue immediately after resection of liver parenchyma;(2) 12 patients who did not. Volumes of postoperative drainage fluid were determined in 4-h intervals through 24 h indicating the intervention caused bloody and biliary segregation.RESULTS: Through the first 8 h postoperatively, there was a tendency of higher amounts of fluids in patients with no additional application of fibrin glue while through the following intervals, a significant increase of drainage volumes was documented in comparison with the first two 4-h intervals, e.g., after 12 h, 149.6 mL +/-110 mL vs 63.2 mL +/-78 mL. Using fibrin glue, postoperative fluid amounts were significantly lower through the postoperative observation period of 24 h (851 mL +/-715 mL vs 315 mL +/-305 mL).CONCLUSION: For hepatic resections, the use of fibrin glue appears to be advantageous in terms of a significant decrease of surgically associated segregation of blood or bile out of the resection area. This might result in a better outcome. 展开更多
关键词 Fibrin glue Hepatic resection
Simulation of Droplet-gas Flow in the Effervescent Atomization Spray with an Impinging Plate 被引量:6
作者 钱丽娟 林建忠 熊红兵 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第1期8-19,共12页
Abstract A comprehensive three-dimensional model of droplet-gas flow was presented to study the evolution of spray in the effervescent atomization spray with an impinging plate. For gas phase, the N-S equation with t... Abstract A comprehensive three-dimensional model of droplet-gas flow was presented to study the evolution of spray in the effervescent atomization spray with an impinging plate. For gas phase, the N-S equation with the κ-ε turbulence model was solved, considering two-way coupling interaction between droplets and gas phase. Dispersed droplet phase is modeled as Lagrangian entities, accounting for the physics of droplet generation from primary and secondary breakup, droplet collision and coalescence, droplet momentum and heat transfer. The mean size and sta- tistical distribution of atomized droplets at various nozzle-to-plate distances were calculated. Some simulation resuits were compared well with experimental data. The results show that the existence of the impinging plate has a pronounced influence on the droplet mean size, size distribution and the droplet spatial distribution. The air-to-liquid ratio has obvious effects on the droplet size and distribution. 展开更多
关键词 effervescent atomization spray impinging plate droplet distribution Sauter mean diameter SIMULATION
Boosting catalytic activities of carbon felt electrode towards redox reactions of vanadium ions by defect engineering 被引量:2
作者 XU Jian ZHANG Yi-qiong +8 位作者 ZHU Xiao-bo LONG Ting XU He LOU Xue-chun XU Zhi-zhao FU Hu XIANG Wei-zhe XIE Ming-ming JIA Chuan-kun 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第9期2956-2967,共12页
Vanadium redox flow batteries(VRFBs)are one of the most promising energy storage systems owing to their safety,efficiency,flexibility and scalability.However,the commercial viability of VRFBs is still hindered by the ... Vanadium redox flow batteries(VRFBs)are one of the most promising energy storage systems owing to their safety,efficiency,flexibility and scalability.However,the commercial viability of VRFBs is still hindered by the low electrochemical performance of the available carbon-based electrodes.Defect engineering is a powerful strategy to enhance the redox catalytic activity of carbon-based electrodes for VRFBs.In this paper,uniform carbon defects are introduced on the surfaces of carbon felt(CF)electrode by Ar plasma etching.Together with a higher specific surface area,the Ar plasma treated CF offers additional catalytic sites,allowing faster and more reversible oxidation/reduction reactions of vanadium ions.As a result,the VRFB using plasma treated electrode shows a power density of 1018.3 mW/cm^(2),an energy efficiency(EE)of 84.5%,and the EE remains stable over 1000 cycles. 展开更多
关键词 vanadium redox flow batteries carbon felt defect engineering plasma treatment
The changes of nitric oxide and hemorheology in steroid-induced avas-cular necrosis of femoral head 被引量:1
作者 王国毓 贺西京 +1 位作者 李毅 张珍妮 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2006年第2期108-111,共4页
Objective: To explore the pathogenesis of avascular necrosis of femoral head (ANFH), the early diagnosis index and the treatment effective index of ANFH in clinical practice. Methods: Twenty-four Japanese rabbits were... Objective: To explore the pathogenesis of avascular necrosis of femoral head (ANFH), the early diagnosis index and the treatment effective index of ANFH in clinical practice. Methods: Twenty-four Japanese rabbits were divided into 2 groups: model group and control group. ANFH models were produced by intramuscular injection of large dosage of steroid to rabbits for 8 weeks. On the 4 th, 8 th week after the injection, two rabbits each time from each group were taken to observe the structure of femoral head by light microscope and scanning electron microscope. Four other stomach-empty rabbits from each group were also used to test the contents of Nitric Oxide (NO), contents of the hemorheology indexes. Results: Compared with the control group, the rabbits in the model group exhibited osteoporosis of femoral head and more bone lacuna and more fat cells through light microscope. Through scanning electron microscope observation bone trabecula were broken and sunk, and collagen fibers on the surface of bone matrix became loosen and broken, more osteocyte had pyknosis, adipocyte in the medullary cavity were enlarged and subchondral arterioles and capillaries of the femoral head were pressed by adipocyte. Compared with the control group, the model rabbits contained less NO and obvious increase of the plasma viscosity (PV), low blood viscosity (LBV), erythrocyte hematocrit (HCT), indices of erythrocyte rigidity (TK) and indices of erythrocyte aggregation (AI), plasma fibrin level (PFL) (P<0. 01) and an increase of erythrocyte electrophoresis rate (ERT) (P< 0.05). High blood viscosity (HBV), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were unchanged. Conclusion: The steroid-induced ANFH might be related to less NO and the abnormal hemorheology; and NO and hemorheology should be considered as an early diagnosis index for ANFH in clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 femoral head necrosis PATHOLOGY nitric oxide HEMORHEOLOGY early diagnosis index
A novel suspension-floating-circulating fluidized combustion technology for coal slurry 被引量:3
作者 Yi Wang Maoyong Cao +2 位作者 Zenghui Wang Lu Wei Shuping Zhao 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第1期35-46,共12页
A novel suspension-floating-circulating fluidized combustion technology is proposed for burning coal slurry fuel in traditional circulating ftuidized bed boilers (CFBB). This technology can solve some existing probl... A novel suspension-floating-circulating fluidized combustion technology is proposed for burning coal slurry fuel in traditional circulating ftuidized bed boilers (CFBB). This technology can solve some existing problems in large- capacity CFBB burning coal slurry. The principles of the suspension-floating-circulating fluidized combustion technology were introduced in detail in this paper. A 130 t/h CFBB was retrofitted based on the technology, and the retrofitted system mainly includes a long-distance transport sub-system, a bed-material conveying sub-system with a wind-seal device invented by the authors, a superheater thermoregulation device using a novel temperature regulator, a return loop flu- idization facility, and a pneumatic ash conveying sub-system with sealed pump. The achieved performance of the retro- fitted CFBB shows that the thermal efficiency is 89.83 %, the combustion efficiency is 96.24 %, and the blending proportion of slurry is 94 %. 展开更多
关键词 Suspension-floating-circulating fluidized Coal slurry . Combustion technology - CFBB
Changes in spatial variations of sap flow in Korean pine trees due to environmental factors and their effects on estimates of stand transpiration 被引量:2
作者 Minkyu MOON Taek-yu KIM +4 位作者 Juhan PARK Sungsik CHO Daun RYU Sanguk SUH Hyun Seok KIM 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期1024-1034,共11页
It is difficult to scale up measurements of the sap flux density(J_S) for the characterization of tree or stand transpiration(E) due to spatial variations in J_S and their temporal changes.To assess spatial variations... It is difficult to scale up measurements of the sap flux density(J_S) for the characterization of tree or stand transpiration(E) due to spatial variations in J_S and their temporal changes.To assess spatial variations in the sap flux density of Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) and their effects on E estimates,we measured the J_S using Granier-type sensors.Within trees,the J_S decreased exponentially with the radial depth,and the J_S of the east aspects were higher than those of the west aspects.Among trees,there was a positive relationship between J_S and the tree diameter at breast height,and this positive relationship became stronger as the transpiration demand increased.The spatial variations that caused large errors in E estimates(i.e.,up to 110.8 % when radial variation was ignored) had varied systematically with environmental factors systematic characteristics in relation to environmental factors.However,changes in these variations did not generate substantial errors in the E estimates.For our study periods,the differences in the daily E(E_D) calculated by ignoring radial,azimuthal and tree-to-tree variations and the measured E_D were fairly constant,especially when the daily vapor pressure deficit(D_D)was higher than 0.6 k Pa.These results imply that the effect of spatial variations changes on sap flow can be a minor source of error compared with spatial variations(radial,azimuthal and tree-to-tree variations) when considering E estimates. 展开更多
关键词 Sap flow Environmental factors Pinuskoraiensis Scale-up Stand transpiration
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