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水对PX液相氧化反应的影响 被引量:4
作者 牛俊峰 李希 +2 位作者 成有为 司马坚 张莉 《聚酯工业》 CAS 2002年第5期18-20,共3页
研究了水对主副反应的影响规律。加水可以降低主反应速率常数 ,水质量分数增加 ,主反应速率常数降低加大。加水可抑制副反应 ,水质量分数越高 ,副反应产生COx 越少。水更倾向抑制副反应。
关键词 PX 液相氧化反应 影响 PTA 对二甲苯
液相氧化反应失控过程的动态流程模拟 被引量:1
作者 张帆 陈萌萌 邹晋 《过程工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第S1期89-96,共8页
随着化工工业现代化、绿色化概念的普及,氧化工艺特别是新型氧化工艺在当前工艺中所占比重日益增加,但氧化反应多为强放热反应,反应所涉及的物料往往也具有不稳定性.为防止反应安全事故的发生,有必要进行系统的反应安全性研究.针对液相... 随着化工工业现代化、绿色化概念的普及,氧化工艺特别是新型氧化工艺在当前工艺中所占比重日益增加,但氧化反应多为强放热反应,反应所涉及的物料往往也具有不稳定性.为防止反应安全事故的发生,有必要进行系统的反应安全性研究.针对液相氧化反应,本工作利用流程模拟手段,建立了带控制条件的半间歇动态反应器模型.介绍了反应器模型的结构、传热设置和工艺控制设置方案.选择丙烯环氧化反应开展了模拟研究,设置了相关的动力学参数和反应器参数.通过模拟正常反应过程对设计的反应器参数进行核算,证明在正常工艺条件下可保证反应平稳进行.利用所建立的模型模拟了密闭绝热、冷却失效和冷却水调节阀故障条件下的多场景反应危险性,得到了各场景下反应器温度、压力和反应器内物料组成的变化曲线,为后续工作中制定合理的安全控制措施提供数据支持. 展开更多
关键词 液相氧化反应 反应危险性 流程模拟 半间歇反应
烯烃液相环氧化反应研究进展 被引量:3
作者 章亚东 高晓蕾 蒋登高 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第8期564-568,共5页
从常用氧化剂无机过氧酸盐、过氧化氢、分子氧、有机过氧酸及烷基过氧化氢等方面 ,阐述了烯烃的环氧化方法 ,对环氧化用催化剂如Mo(Ⅵ )、V(Ⅴ )、Ti(Ⅳ )络合物以及过渡金属卟啉络合物等进行了介绍。综述了由丙烯、环己烯等环氧化制备... 从常用氧化剂无机过氧酸盐、过氧化氢、分子氧、有机过氧酸及烷基过氧化氢等方面 ,阐述了烯烃的环氧化方法 ,对环氧化用催化剂如Mo(Ⅵ )、V(Ⅴ )、Ti(Ⅳ )络合物以及过渡金属卟啉络合物等进行了介绍。综述了由丙烯、环己烯等环氧化制备环氧丙烷和环氧环己烷等化合物研究进展以及环氧化用催化剂高分子固载化研究情况 ,并对今后烯烃环氧化研究开发进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 烯烃 液相氧化反应 研究进展 环氧丙烷 环氧环已烷
2,6-二异丙基萘液相空气氧化制2,6-萘二甲酸 被引量:7
作者 靳海波 韩占生 +3 位作者 单希林 李达仁 吴志强 杨春育 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期1996-2003,共8页
The influences of catalyst concentration, reaction temperature and pressure, feed rate, and water content on the liquid phase oxidation of 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene to 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid (2,6-NDCA)were ... The influences of catalyst concentration, reaction temperature and pressure, feed rate, and water content on the liquid phase oxidation of 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene to 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid (2,6-NDCA)were studied in a 1 L titanium reactor using air as oxidant, acetic acid as solvent, and a Co-Mn-Br mixture as catalyst, and the optimum operation conditions were obtained in the experimental range.Meanwhile, the promotor effects of individual CO2 and Ni 2+ and their combined use on the activity of Co-Mn-Br catalyst were discussed.Based on the results of the batch experiments, a continuous process for making 2,6-NDCA was developed.The yield of 2,6-NDCA increased from 69% to 73% and the purity of 2,6-NDCA could be up to 95% with the increasing of reaction time. 展开更多
关键词 2 6-二异丙基萘 2 6-萘二甲酸 液相氧化反应 Co-Mn-Br催化剂
液相氨氧化合成对叔丁基苯腈新方法研究 被引量:5
作者 刘 琳 马玉龙 《武汉大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期167-170,共4页
关键词 合成 对叔丁基甲苯 对叔丁基苯腈 液相氧化 液相氧化反应 催化剂体系
作者 潘煌 彭如斯 +4 位作者 尹金鹏 徐浩 蒋金刚 薛腾 吴鹏 《化学反应工程与工艺》 CAS 2021年第5期395-406,共12页
采用二甲基二丙基氢氧化铵(DMDPAOH)为结构导向剂,以超稳脱铝FAU分子筛(USY)为硅铝源,通过外加硅源调节体系硅铝比,无外加晶种条件下制备了高纯度MSE拓扑结构UZM-35分子筛,并通过后续的酸洗、补钛处理得到了Ti-UZM-35分子筛。X射线衍射(... 采用二甲基二丙基氢氧化铵(DMDPAOH)为结构导向剂,以超稳脱铝FAU分子筛(USY)为硅铝源,通过外加硅源调节体系硅铝比,无外加晶种条件下制备了高纯度MSE拓扑结构UZM-35分子筛,并通过后续的酸洗、补钛处理得到了Ti-UZM-35分子筛。X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和N2吸脱附等测试结果表明,后续酸洗补钛的过程并没有明显改变分子筛的孔道结构和形貌。将Ti-UZM-35分子筛用于正己烯和过氧化氢液相环氧化催化反应中,考察了反应溶剂、双氧水与正己烯物质的量比、温度和时间等因素对正己烯环氧化反应活性的影响,并进行了循环反应测试及失活分析。结果表明:制备得到的Ti-UZM-35分子筛在正己烯环氧化反应中展现了优异的催化性能,且经过焙烧再生后可重复使用。因此这种方法制备的Ti-UZM-35分子筛是一种高效的选择性氧化反应催化剂。 展开更多
关键词 MSE结构 钛硅分子筛 无晶种 同晶取代 正己烯 液相氧化反应
超大城市SO_2排放对硫酸盐区域分布影响的观测与模拟 被引量:10
作者 朱帅 颜鹏 马建中 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期7-15,共9页
2002年8月14—24日在临安采集气溶胶样品,对气溶胶质量和离子成分的尺度分布进行分析.结果表明:SO42-主要集中在粒径<2.1μm的细粒子中,约占所有尺度段上SO42-质量总和的94%;细粒子(PM2.1)中,ρ(SO42-)和ρ(NH4+)最高,二者之和占所... 2002年8月14—24日在临安采集气溶胶样品,对气溶胶质量和离子成分的尺度分布进行分析.结果表明:SO42-主要集中在粒径<2.1μm的细粒子中,约占所有尺度段上SO42-质量总和的94%;细粒子(PM2.1)中,ρ(SO42-)和ρ(NH4+)最高,二者之和占所分析离子质量浓度总和的89%.利用公共多尺度空气质量模式(CMAQ)的过程分析对影响硫酸盐气溶胶分布特征的主要因子进行定量评估,结果表明:经过云内液相氧化和湿清除形成硫酸盐气溶胶的速率为0.19μg/(m3.h),其对硫酸盐气溶胶的贡献最大;SO2液相氧化反应中速率最大的是H2O2〔5.26μg/(m3.h)〕,其次是O2〔4.14μg/(m3.h)〕和O3〔1.56μg/(m3.h)〕.模拟分析证明,采样期间研究区域SO42-主要是由上海及其以南的浙江沿海一带通过SO2云内与H2O2和O2的液相氧化反应生成.通过模式敏感性试验发现,在个例的风场配置下,上海排放的SO2对临安地区的SO2和硫酸盐的贡献率分别达15%和22%. 展开更多
关键词 硫酸盐气溶胶 液相氧化反应 超大城市 长江三角洲
PTA装置CTA产品灰份的控制 被引量:1
作者 姚新星 杨世芳 董正凤 《广州化工》 CAS 2011年第21期155-158,共4页
阐述了PTA装置中CTA灰份的构成和来源,以及影响其含量的因素。CTA灰份的测定方法是对CTA试样进行燃烧并对残余物进行称重得出。实验得出CTA灰份主要是由CO、Mn、Na、Fe等金属化合物类的无机杂质组成。其中,Co、Mn化合物在CTA灰份中的含... 阐述了PTA装置中CTA灰份的构成和来源,以及影响其含量的因素。CTA灰份的测定方法是对CTA试样进行燃烧并对残余物进行称重得出。实验得出CTA灰份主要是由CO、Mn、Na、Fe等金属化合物类的无机杂质组成。其中,Co、Mn化合物在CTA灰份中的含量占60%以上,是影响灰份含量的主要因素。在实验中发现,氧化反应深度、催化剂Co-Mn-Br浓度、催化剂回收率、过滤机操作等因素对灰份含量都有影响。文章从工艺的角度提出了降低灰份在CTA中含量的措施。 展开更多
关键词 PTA 灰份 醋酸 CTA 液相催化氧化反应
Kinetics of 2-Methyl-6-acetyl-naphthalene Liquid Phase Catalytic Oxidation 被引量:2
作者 田文玉 薛为岚 +1 位作者 曾作祥 邵记 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第1期72-77,共6页
In this paper, a kinetics model for the liquid-phase oxidation of 2-methyl-6-acetyl-naphthalene to 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylic acid catalyzed by cobalt-manganese-bromide is proposed. The effects of the reaction tempe... In this paper, a kinetics model for the liquid-phase oxidation of 2-methyl-6-acetyl-naphthalene to 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylic acid catalyzed by cobalt-manganese-bromide is proposed. The effects of the reaction temperature, catalyst concentration and ratio of catalyst on the lime evolution of the experimental concentration for the constituents including raw material, intermediates and product are investigated. The model parameters are determined in a nonlinear optimization, minimizing the difference between the simulated and experimental time evolution of the product composition obtained in a semi-batch oxidation reactor where the gas and liquid phase were well nuxed. The kinetics data demonstrate that the model is suitable to the liquid-phase oxidation of 2-methyl-6-acetyl-naphthalene to 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylic acid. 展开更多
关键词 2-methyl-6-acetyl-naphthalene 2 6-naphthalene dicarboxylic acid liquid phase catalytic oxidation KINETICS
Microwave-assisted hydroxylation of benzene to phenol with H_2O_2 over FeSO_4/SiO_2 被引量:4
作者 LIU Tong WEI Xianyong +3 位作者 ZHAO Jianjun XIE Hengsen WANG Taotao ZONG Zhimin 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第1期93-96,共4页
Hydroxyl radicals HO are generated under Fenton-like (Fe2++H2O2→HO?+OH?+Fe3+) catalytic conditions upon microwave irradiation. Liquid-phase direct catalytic oxidation of benzene to phenol was obtained using FeSO4 sup... Hydroxyl radicals HO are generated under Fenton-like (Fe2++H2O2→HO?+OH?+Fe3+) catalytic conditions upon microwave irradiation. Liquid-phase direct catalytic oxidation of benzene to phenol was obtained using FeSO4 supported on silica gel as a solid catalyst and hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. The effects of various parameters, such as the different solvents, the amount of solvent used, the amount of catalyst used, the reaction time, the reaction temperature and the amount of hydrogen peroxide used on the yield of phenol were studied to identify optimum reaction conditions. Conventionally heated reaction gives a phenol yield of 0.6%. A higher phenol yield of 13.9% with a selectivity of 100% is obtained when the reaction mixture was irradiated with micro-wave energy. It is concluded that microwave irradiation offers more effective control of energy input for hydroxyl radical generation that is appropriate for various synthetic reactions. 展开更多
关键词 hydroxyl radicals Fenton catalytic conditions microwave energy
作者 谢艳玲 祝琳华 司甜 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期107-111,117,共6页
以有机硅烷接枝改性埃洛石纳米管(HNTs)和层状高岭土(Kaolin)为纳米金的载体、氯金酸为前体,通过液相还原法制备得到负载型金催化剂。以环己烷液相选择性氧化为模型反应,考察了还原剂的种类和载体的形貌对金催化剂催化性能的影响。结果... 以有机硅烷接枝改性埃洛石纳米管(HNTs)和层状高岭土(Kaolin)为纳米金的载体、氯金酸为前体,通过液相还原法制备得到负载型金催化剂。以环己烷液相选择性氧化为模型反应,考察了还原剂的种类和载体的形貌对金催化剂催化性能的影响。结果表明,当纳米金的理论负载质量分数为1.5%时,以管状埃洛石为载体、NaBH4为还原剂制备得到的金催化剂样品1.5%Au/AE-HNTs上纳米金呈高度分散状态,平均粒径为2.6 nm;在模型反应中催化氧化性能较好,其中KA油的选择性达到83.06%,环己烷的转化率达到9.6%,且XPS表征结果显示Au0为主要催化活性价态。 展开更多
关键词 负载型金催化剂 改性埃洛石 高岭土 环己烷 液相选择性氧化反应
Kinetics of Burning Side Reaction in the Liquid-phase Oxidation of p-Xylene 被引量:2
作者 成有为 彭革 +1 位作者 王丽军 李希 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第2期181-188,共8页
During the liquid-phase oxidation of p-xylene,over-oxidation of reactant,intermediates and solvent to carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is generally known as the burning side reaction.Batch and semi-continuous experi... During the liquid-phase oxidation of p-xylene,over-oxidation of reactant,intermediates and solvent to carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is generally known as the burning side reaction.Batch and semi-continuous experiments were carried out,and the experimental data of the burning side reaction were analyzed and reported in this paper.The results showed that the rates of burning side reactions were proportional to the rates of the main reaction,but decreased with the increasing concentrations of reactant and intermediates.The inter-stimulative and competitive relationship between the burning side reaction and the main reaction was confirmed,and the rates of the burning side reaction could be described with some key indexes of the main reaction.According to the mechanism of the side reactions and the kinetics model of main reaction which were proposed and tested in the previous papers,a kinetic model of the burning side reactions involving some key indexes of the main reaction was developed,and the parameters were determined by data fitting of the COx rate curves.The obtained kinetic model could describe the burning side reactions adequately. 展开更多
关键词 KINETICS burning side reaction p-xylene oxidation
Effects of Oxygen Transfer Limitation and Kinetic Control on Biomimetic Catalytic Oxidation of Toluene 被引量:1
作者 罗伟平 刘大为 +4 位作者 孙俊 邓伟 盛文兵 刘强 郭灿城 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期509-515,共7页
Under oxygen transfer limitation and kinetic control, liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of toluene over metalloporphyrin was studied. An improved technique of measuring dissolved oxygen levels for gas-liquid reaction a... Under oxygen transfer limitation and kinetic control, liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of toluene over metalloporphyrin was studied. An improved technique of measuring dissolved oxygen levels for gas-liquid reaction at the elevated temperature and pressure was used to take the sequential data in the oxidation of toluene catalyzed by metalloporphyrin. By this technique the corresponding control step of toluene oxidation could be obtained by varying reaction conditions. When the partial pressure of oxygen in the feed is lower than or equal to 0.070 MPa at463 K, the oxidation of toluene would be controlled by oxygen transfer, otherwise the reaction would be controlled by kinetics. The effects of both oxygen transfer and kinetic control on the toluene conversion and the selectivity of benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol in biomimetic catalytic oxidation of toluene were systematically investigated.Three conclusions have been made from the experimental results. Firstly, under the oxygen transfer limitation the toluene conversion is lower than that under kinetic control at the same oxidation conditions. Secondly, under the oxygen transfer limitation the total selectivity of benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol is lower than that under kinetic control with the same conversion of toluene. Finally, under the kinetics control the oxidation rate of toluene is zero-order with respect to oxygen. The experimental results are identical with the biomimetic catalytic mechanism of toluene oxidation over metalloporphyrins. 展开更多
关键词 kinetic control oxygen transfer limitations CATALYSIS TOLUENE OXIDATION PORPHYRIN
Recent development of supported monometallic gold as heterogeneous catalyst for selective liquid phase hydrogenation reactions
作者 Thushara Kandaramath Hari Zahira Yaakob 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期327-336,共10页
The great potential of gold catalysts for chemical conversions in both industrial and environmental concerns has attracted increasing interest in many fields of research.Gold nanoparticles supported by metal oxides wi... The great potential of gold catalysts for chemical conversions in both industrial and environmental concerns has attracted increasing interest in many fields of research.Gold nanoparticles supported by metal oxides with high surface area have been recognized as highly efficient and effective green heterogeneous catalyst even at room temperature under normal reaction conditions,in gas and liquid phase reactions.In the present review,we discuss the recent development of heterogeneous,supported monometallic gold catalysts for organic transformations emphasizing mainly liquid phase hydrogenation reactions.Discussions on the catalytic synthesis procedures and the promoting effect of other noble metals are omitted since they are already worked out.Applications of heterogeneous,supported monometallic catalysts for chemoselective hydrogenations in liquid phase are studied including potential articles during the period 2000–2013. 展开更多
关键词 Supported gold catalyst Liquid phase reaction Hydrogenation reaction CHEMOSELECTIVITY
Oxidative coupling of α-bromoarylacetonitriles and oxidative decyanation of diarylacetonitriles catalyzed by solid-liquid phase transfer
作者 张鑫 侯雪玲 +3 位作者 韩方斌 葛泽梅 程铁明 李润涛 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2012年第5期409-415,共7页
Oxidative coupling of α-bromoarylacetonitriles and oxidative decyanation of diarylacetonitriles are efficiently realized by solid-liquid phase transfer catalysis using anhydrous K 3 PO 4 as base and TBAB as catalyst ... Oxidative coupling of α-bromoarylacetonitriles and oxidative decyanation of diarylacetonitriles are efficiently realized by solid-liquid phase transfer catalysis using anhydrous K 3 PO 4 as base and TBAB as catalyst in acetone at room temperature. In this mild and convenient method, α,β-dicyanostilbenes and diarylketones were prepared in good to excellent yields. 展开更多
关键词 Solid-liquid phase transfer catalysis Oxidative coupling reaction α β-Dicyanostilbenes Oxidative decyanation Diarylketones
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