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液相流体在固定填充床中的轴向扩散 被引量:2
作者 李忠 万家明 叶振华 《化学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第6期62-68,共7页
关键词 液相流体 轴向扩散 固定填充床
修正的van der Waals模型及其对液相流体的应用
作者 窦晓冬 卢伟京 +2 位作者 李忠辉 陈求林 傅国旗 《化工科技》 CAS 2002年第1期22-24,共3页
用 7种有代表性物质在广阔温度和压力范围内的液体物性实验值 ,对两个不同程度上修正的vanderWaals模型进行比较和评价。结果表明 ,从统计力学出发 ,进一步引入Lennard Jones位能函数对内压项进行修正的vanderWaals模型 。
关键词 修正 van-der-Waals模型 液相流体 应用 液体 内压 位能函数 硫体状态方程
修正的van der Waals模型及其对液相流体的应用
作者 窦晓冬 卢伟京 +2 位作者 李忠辉 陈求林 傅国旗 《甘肃化工》 2002年第2期18-20,共3页
用7种有代表性物质在广域温度和压力范围内的液体物性实验值,对2个不同程度上修正的van der Waals模型进行比较和评价,结果表明,从统计力学出,进一步引入Lennard-Jones位能函数对内压项进行修正的 vaa der Waals模型,较仅对已占... 用7种有代表性物质在广域温度和压力范围内的液体物性实验值,对2个不同程度上修正的van der Waals模型进行比较和评价,结果表明,从统计力学出,进一步引入Lennard-Jones位能函数对内压项进行修正的 vaa der Waals模型,较仅对已占体积项进行修正的van der Waals模型明显更优。 展开更多
关键词 van-der-Waals模型 液相流体 应用 内压 己占体积 位能函数 状态方程
液相流体加剂减阻相关理论及其应用进展 被引量:2
作者 冯潇霄 谢佩兰 +4 位作者 代晓东 张忠达 王艳丽 杨光辉 李义扬 《节能》 2017年第3期4-8,共5页
我国是能源消耗大国,为了响应节能减排基本国策和满足提高生产率的要求,有必要控制能源的消耗采取节能降耗的措施。阐述流体加减阻剂在节能减排方面的广泛应用。通过描述液相流体减阻机理(包括假说的发展),对空调循环系统(如温度、质量... 我国是能源消耗大国,为了响应节能减排基本国策和满足提高生产率的要求,有必要控制能源的消耗采取节能降耗的措施。阐述流体加减阻剂在节能减排方面的广泛应用。通过描述液相流体减阻机理(包括假说的发展),对空调循环系统(如温度、质量分数、减阻剂的混合、应用等方面)进行讨论,油品管道输送中添加减阻剂,可以有效减少全线沿程摩阻损失,降低首站的压力,确保管道运输安全,实现了成本少、迅速、操作简便、有效降低节能消耗且增输的目的。 展开更多
关键词 液相流体 减阻剂 节能
作者 杨春霞 胡广杰 《计量技术》 2001年第7期29-31,共3页
含两相物质的计量一直是个难题 ,为消除液态流体夹气对质量流量计的误差 ,将温度、压力、含水、油质、粘度等影响因素加以细致考虑 ,根据最小二乘法思想进行线性拟合 。
关键词 油包气 质量流量计 最小二乘法拟合 相对误差 修正方法 流量计量 夹气液相流体
作者 杨春霞 胡广杰 《试采技术》 2001年第2期56-58,共3页
关键词 油包气 质量流量计 测量 夹气液相流体 最小二乘法 拟合 相对误差 修正
青海茶卡盐湖石盐中流体包裹体记录的古气候信息 被引量:17
作者 葛晨东 王天刚 +2 位作者 刘兴起 孟凡巍 刘吉强 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期2063-2068,共6页
内陆干旱区形成的盐湖是研究过去气候变化的有效载体之一,而石盐中包裹体是揭示古气候的一种有效手段。青海茶卡盐湖是晚更新世晚期,逐渐演变形成的以石盐为主,固液相并存的综合性盐矿床。对茶卡盐湖钻孔样品中石盐的流体包裹体均一温... 内陆干旱区形成的盐湖是研究过去气候变化的有效载体之一,而石盐中包裹体是揭示古气候的一种有效手段。青海茶卡盐湖是晚更新世晚期,逐渐演变形成的以石盐为主,固液相并存的综合性盐矿床。对茶卡盐湖钻孔样品中石盐的流体包裹体均一温度研究,揭示出从5ka 以来,盐湖水温总体上逐渐升高,从20℃~30℃升高到接近400℃,反映出古气候的温度是逐渐升高的,与全球变暖的总体趋势是一致的。研究表明,对石盐中原生单液相流体包裹体,采用冷冻-加热的方法测定均一温度,是获得盐湖古水温资料,进而恢复古气候变化的一种十分可信新手段,它在盐湖的研究方面具有广阔的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 古气候信息 液相流体包裹体 均一温度 石盐 茶卡盐湖 青海
一种新的二元Lennard-Jones链式流体互扩散系数计算公式 被引量:1
作者 何茂刚 郭盈 +1 位作者 钟秋 张颖 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期1-5,共5页
在前期工作提出的Lennard-Jones链式(LJC)流体自扩散系数计算公式的基础上,将计算平衡性质物性参数的范得瓦尔斯混合法则尝试应用于迁移性质的计算中,提出了一种新的计算二元LJC流体互扩散系数的计算公式.公式不包含二元可调参数,物理... 在前期工作提出的Lennard-Jones链式(LJC)流体自扩散系数计算公式的基础上,将计算平衡性质物性参数的范得瓦尔斯混合法则尝试应用于迁移性质的计算中,提出了一种新的计算二元LJC流体互扩散系数的计算公式.公式不包含二元可调参数,物理意义更加明确.通过不同温度、组分范围的12对二元LJC流体的270个实验点对新的方法进行了验证,新公式计算结果与实验值的平均绝对偏差为6.98%.与其他计算方法的比较结果显示,该计算方法具有更高的精度. 展开更多
关键词 二元液相流体 互扩散系数 Lennard-Jones链式流体 范得瓦尔斯混合法则
云南勐野井钾盐矿床石盐包裹体特征及古环境意义 被引量:10
作者 董娟 高翔 +3 位作者 方勤方 彭强 马宏伟 刘广耀 《岩石矿物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期227-236,共10页
云南江城勐野井钾盐矿床是我国唯一的一个古代氯化物型固体钾盐矿床,主要盐类矿物是石盐,其次是钾石盐和光卤石,其中钾石盐是该矿床主要的钾盐矿物。本文采用流体包裹体冷冻加热法,对该矿床含矿层中的原生单一液相石盐包裹体进行了均一... 云南江城勐野井钾盐矿床是我国唯一的一个古代氯化物型固体钾盐矿床,主要盐类矿物是石盐,其次是钾石盐和光卤石,其中钾石盐是该矿床主要的钾盐矿物。本文采用流体包裹体冷冻加热法,对该矿床含矿层中的原生单一液相石盐包裹体进行了均一温度测定,以期获得该矿床钾盐成矿和盐湖古水温方面的信息。实验结果表明,从白色石盐层→青灰色钾石盐层→含光卤石的青灰色钾石盐层,均一温度的均值呈现逐渐升高的趋势,即由23.8℃→27.7℃→38.6℃,这与盐类矿物晶出的顺序一致,即由石盐→钾石盐→光卤石。可见,上部含光卤石的钾石盐层的蒸发强度明显高于其下部的钾石盐层和底部的石盐层,说明钾盐矿层的形成是湖盆卤水不断浓缩咸化的结果,这种咸化是缘于湖盆卤水温度的不断升高。湖盆卤水温度的变化是环境气候变化的结果。因此,原生包裹体均一温度可直接反映矿床形成时湖盆的古水温,同时可推测当时的气温。 展开更多
关键词 原生纯液相流体包裹体 均一温度 石盐 古水温 勐野井 钾盐矿床
地下水LNAPL层的原位曝气模拟研究 被引量:7
作者 刘晓娜 程莉蓉 +2 位作者 张可霓 丁爱中 刘奕慧 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期19-24,共6页
曝气法(Air sparging,AS)已经成为修复地下水、土壤有机污染的重要技术,与数值模拟技术相结合可优化修复条件。文章利用TMVOC多相流模型研究了地下水位处LNAPL层的迁移转化,并通过情景模拟比较曝气法对污染修复的贡献率。只考虑地下水... 曝气法(Air sparging,AS)已经成为修复地下水、土壤有机污染的重要技术,与数值模拟技术相结合可优化修复条件。文章利用TMVOC多相流模型研究了地下水位处LNAPL层的迁移转化,并通过情景模拟比较曝气法对污染修复的贡献率。只考虑地下水水流的对流-弥散作用时,目标污染物苯并没有得到彻底去除,只是通过下边界流出。60 d苯的质量损失率仅为1.79%;而连续曝气30 d后苯的去除率就可达到31.4%,最终脉冲曝气苯的损失率为44.8%。增大曝气量能提高气相渗透率及气相-液相接触面积,扩大污染物修复范围;当超过某一值(12 m3/h),其增量对污染物修复影响甚微。当曝气点位于低渗透岩层下方时,低渗透岩层会阻碍气流的垂向迁移,位于低渗透岩层上方的污染物很难得到除去。曝气法适用于溶解、挥发性较好的污染物。 展开更多
关键词 曝气法 轻质非液相流体 效率 模拟
调节阀噪声分析及解决办法 被引量:3
作者 朱小本 《新疆石油科技》 1995年第3期70-73,共4页
关键词 调节阀 噪声 机械振动 液相流体流动噪声 气相流体流动噪声 噪声预测 处理方法
An Improved Level Set Approach to the Simulation of Drop and Bubble Motion 被引量:14
作者 杨超 毛在砂 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第3期263-272,共10页
An improved level set approach for computing the incompressibletwo-phase flow with significantly de- formed free interface ispresented. The control volume formulation with the semi-implicitmethod for pressure-linked e... An improved level set approach for computing the incompressibletwo-phase flow with significantly de- formed free interface ispresented. The control volume formulation with the semi-implicitmethod for pressure-linked equations consistent (SIMPLEC) algorithmincorporated is used to solve the governing equations on a staggeredgrid. Several improvements concerning the computational grid,interface update, reinitialization procedure etc. are tested Andfound to be effective in promoting the convergence and numericalstability. 展开更多
关键词 level set approach BUBBLE DROP FLOW
Local Flow Regime Transition Criteria of Gas-Liquid Two-phase Flow in Vertical Upward Tube with a Horizontal Rod 被引量:4
作者 胡志华 杨燕华 +1 位作者 刘磊 周芳德 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第4期442-449,共8页
The upward multiphase cross flow and heat transfer in the vertical tube may occur in oil production and chemical facilities. In this study, the local flow patterns of an upward gas-water two phase cross flow in a vert... The upward multiphase cross flow and heat transfer in the vertical tube may occur in oil production and chemical facilities. In this study, the local flow patterns of an upward gas-water two phase cross flow in a vertical tube with a horizontal rod have been investigated with an optical probe and the digital high speed video system. The local flow patterns are defined as the bubble, slug, churn and annular flow patterns. Optical probe signals are ana- lyzed in terms of probability density function, and it is proved that the local flow patterns can be recognized by this method. The transition mechanisms between the different flow patterns have been analyzed and the corresponding transitional models are proposed. Finally, local flow pattern maps of the upward gas-water two-phase flow in the vertical tube with a horizontal rod are constructed. 展开更多
关键词 GAS-LIQUID two-phase cross flow local flow pattern transition
Simulation and Analysis on the Two-Phase Flow Fields in a Rotating-Stream-Tray Absorber by Using Computational Fluid Dynamics 被引量:8
作者 邵雄飞 吴忠标 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第2期169-173,共5页
The flow field of gas and liquid in a φ150mm rotating-stream-tray (RST) scrubber is simulated by using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) method. The sismulation is based on the two-equation RNG κ-ε turbulence model... The flow field of gas and liquid in a φ150mm rotating-stream-tray (RST) scrubber is simulated by using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) method. The sismulation is based on the two-equation RNG κ-ε turbulence model, Eulerian multiphase model, and a real-shape 3D model with a huge number of meshes. The simulation results include detailed information about velocity, pressure, volume fraction and so on. Some features of the flow field are obtained: liquid is atomized in a thin annular zone; a high velocity air zone prevents water drops at the bottom from flying towards the wall; the pressure varies sharply at the end of blades and so on. The results will be helpful for structure optimization and engineering design. 展开更多
关键词 rotating-stream-tray two-phase flow field SIMULATION computational fluid dynamics
The Relationship Between Hysteresis and Liquid Flow Distribution in Trickle Beds 被引量:3
作者 王跃发 毛在砂 陈家镛 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1999年第3期221-229,共9页
Experiments were conducted on a trickle bed with 0.283m ID to elucidate the relationship between hysteretic phenomena and liquid distribution. The hysteresis of pressure drop and the variance of radial liquid distribu... Experiments were conducted on a trickle bed with 0.283m ID to elucidate the relationship between hysteretic phenomena and liquid distribution. The hysteresis of pressure drop and the variance of radial liquid distribution were observed simultaneously. Residence time distribution (RTD), holdup and mean residence time (RT) of liquid phase were also found to demonstrate hysteresis of the same nature. RTD, liquid holdup and mean RT calculated with a simple model from the distribution of liquid flow rate show characteristics consistant with the experimental data, suggesting that the hyteretic phenomena originate from the multiplicity and nonuniformity of liquid flow distribution. 展开更多
关键词 trickle bed liquid distribution HYSTERESIS residence time distribution
Study on Liquid-Phase Axial Dispersion in Converging Taper Liquid-Solid Fluidized Beds 被引量:1
作者 夏素兰 朱家骅 胡新辉 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2000年第2期134-139,共6页
It is found analytically that the parabolic radial profile of liquid velocity in cylindrical liquid-solid fluidized bed (LSFB) causes particles to circulate around some radial position. This is the main reason for liq... It is found analytically that the parabolic radial profile of liquid velocity in cylindrical liquid-solid fluidized bed (LSFB) causes particles to circulate around some radial position. This is the main reason for liquid-phase axial dispersions. The liquid-phase axial dispersion is depressed as the liquid velocity presents a flatter Bessel radial profile in a converging taper LSFB. The void fraction increases with axial distance in converging taper LSFB. The behavior produces less liquid-phase axial dispersion. Experimental results show good coincidence. 展开更多
关键词 converging taper liquid-solid fluidized bed liquid-phase axial dispersion radial profile of liquid velocity void fraction
Comparison of a Full Second-Order Moment Model and an Algebraic Stress Two-Phase Turbulence Model for Simulating Bubble-Liquid Flows in a Bubble Column 被引量:3
作者 周力行 杨玟 +2 位作者 廉春英 L.S.Fan D.J.Lee 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第2期142-148,共7页
A full second-order moment (FSM) model and an algebraic stress (ASM) two-phase turbulence modelare proposed and applied to predict turbulent bubble-liquid flows in a 2D rectangular bubble column. Predictiongives the b... A full second-order moment (FSM) model and an algebraic stress (ASM) two-phase turbulence modelare proposed and applied to predict turbulent bubble-liquid flows in a 2D rectangular bubble column. Predictiongives the bubble and liquid velocities, bubble volume fraction, bubble and liquid Reynolds stresses and bubble-liquidvelocity correlation. For predicted two-phase velocities and bubble volume fraction there is only slight differencebetween these two models, and the simulation results using both two models are in good agreement with the particleimage velocimetry (PIV) measurements. Although the predicted two-phase Reynolds stresses using the FSM are insomewhat better agreement with the PIV measurements than those predicted using the ASM, the Reynolds stressespredicted using both two models are in general agreement with the experiments. Therefore, it is suggested to usethe ASM two-phase turbulence model in engineering application for saving the computation time. 展开更多
关键词 second-order moment model two-phase turbulence bubble-liquid flow bubble column
Experimental evaluation and modeling of liquid jet penetration to estimate droplet size in a three-phase riser reactor 被引量:1
作者 Ali Akbar Jamali Shahrokh Shahhosseini Yaghoub Behjat 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期293-309,共17页
In this work, the effects of injecting an evaporating liquid jet into solid-gas flow are experimentally investigated. A new model (SHED model) and a supplementary model (spray model) have also been proposed to inv... In this work, the effects of injecting an evaporating liquid jet into solid-gas flow are experimentally investigated. A new model (SHED model) and a supplementary model (spray model) have also been proposed to investigate some flow-field characteristics in three-phase fluidized bed with the mean relative error 4.3% between model and measured results. Some experiments were conducted to study the influences of flow-field parameters such as liquid volumetric flow rate, injection velocity, jet angle and gas superficial velocity as well as solid mass flux on the jet penetration depth (JPD). In addition, independent variables were experimentally employed to propose two empirical correlations for JPD by using multiple regression method and spray cone angle (SCA) by using dimensional analysis technique. The mean relative errors between the JPD and SCA correlations versus ex- perimental data were 7.5% and 3.9%, respectively. In addition, in order to identify the variable effect, a parametric study was carried out. Applying the proposed model can avoid direct use of expensive devices to measureJPD and to nredict dronlet size. 展开更多
关键词 FC-C riser reactor Hydrod ynamics Heterogeneous vaporization Jet penetration depth (JPD) Spray cone angle (SCA)
Velocity Slip and Interfacial Momentum Transfer in the Transient Section of Supersonic Gas-Droplet Two-Phase Flows 被引量:1
作者 魏文韫 朱家骅 +2 位作者 夏素兰 戴光清 高旭东 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第2期163-169,共7页
Modelling and simulations are conducted on velocity slip and interfacial momentum transfer for supersonic two-pha.se (gas-droplet) flow in the transient section inside and outside a Laval jet(LJ). The initial velocity... Modelling and simulations are conducted on velocity slip and interfacial momentum transfer for supersonic two-pha.se (gas-droplet) flow in the transient section inside and outside a Laval jet(LJ). The initial velocity slip between gas and droplets causes an interfacial momentum transfer flux as high as (2.0-5.0) x 104 Pa. The relaxation time corresponding to this transient process is in the range of 0.015-0.090ms for the two-phase flow formed inside the LJ and less than 0.5ms outside the LJ. It demonstrates the unique performance of this system for application to fast chemical reactions using electrically active media with a lifetime in the order of 1 ms. Through the simulations of the transient processes with initial Mach number Mg from 2.783 to 4.194 at different axial positions inside the LJ, it is found that Mg has the strongest effect on the process. The momentum flux increases as the Mach number decreases. Due to compression by the shock wave at the end of the LJ, the flow pattern becomes two dimensional and viscous outside the LJ. Laser Doppler velocirneter (LDV) measurements of droplet velocities outside the LJ are in reasonably good agreement with the results of the simulation. 展开更多
关键词 supersonic gas-droplet two-phase flow interfacial momentum transfer velocity slip relaxation time numerical simulation laser Doppler velocimeter measurement
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of gas-liquid two phases flow in 320 m^3 air-blowing mechanical flotation cell using different turbulence models 被引量:3
作者 沈政昌 陈建华 +2 位作者 张谌虎 廖幸锦 李玉琼 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期2385-2392,共8页
According to the recently developed single-trough floating machine with the world's largest volume(inflatable mechanical agitation flotation machine with volume of 320 m3) in China, the gas-fluid two-phase flow in... According to the recently developed single-trough floating machine with the world's largest volume(inflatable mechanical agitation flotation machine with volume of 320 m3) in China, the gas-fluid two-phase flow in flotation cell was simulated using computational fluid dynamics method. It is shown that hexahedral mesh scheme is more suitable for the complex structure of the flotation cell than tetrahedral mesh scheme, and a mesh quality ranging from 0.7 to 1.0 is obtained. Comparative studies of the standard k-ε, k-ω and realizable k-ε turbulence models were carried out. It is indicated that the standard k-ε turbulence model could give a result relatively close to the practice and the liquid phase flow field is well characterized. In addition, two obvious recirculation zones are formed in the mixing zones, and the pressure on the rotor and stator is well characterized. Furthermore, the simulation results using improved standard k-ε turbulence model show that surface tension coefficient of 0.072, drag model of Grace and coefficient of 4, and lift coefficient of 0.001 can be achieved. The research results suggest that gas-fluid two-phase flow in large flotation cell can be well simulated using computational fluid dynamics method. 展开更多
关键词 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation flotation cell gas-liquid two-phases flow
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