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作者 孔忠伟 《广西教育》 2021年第25期62-65,共4页
本文以《相遇问题》的教学设计与评析为例,论述在具体教学中借助多样素材帮助学生理解“相遇问题”,通过问题引入,回顾经验;借助图形,理解模型;多样变式,丰富模型等活动,借助图形操作、直观对比和反思迁移策略,引导学生感悟解决问题中... 本文以《相遇问题》的教学设计与评析为例,论述在具体教学中借助多样素材帮助学生理解“相遇问题”,通过问题引入,回顾经验;借助图形,理解模型;多样变式,丰富模型等活动,借助图形操作、直观对比和反思迁移策略,引导学生感悟解决问题中“两积之和”的结构,提升解决问题的能力。 展开更多
关键词 《相遇问题》 整合素材 深化模型
作者 胡灿 胡勤 《建设监理》 2024年第5期11-15,27,共6页
BIM模型是项目在运用BIM技术过程中最重要的信息工具,也是整个项目全生命周期的信息载体。BIM模型设计审核是BIM技术应用中必不可少的一个环节,审核工作专业性强、要求高,对BIM模型的质量起到重要的保障作用,也关系到BIM模型应用是否能... BIM模型是项目在运用BIM技术过程中最重要的信息工具,也是整个项目全生命周期的信息载体。BIM模型设计审核是BIM技术应用中必不可少的一个环节,审核工作专业性强、要求高,对BIM模型的质量起到重要的保障作用,也关系到BIM模型应用是否能够落地。结合新建湖北鄂州民用机场项目BIM技术应用实际案例,阐述监理进行BIM深化设计模型审核的要点,有助于优化施工方案,实现精细化管理。 展开更多
关键词 BIM模型深化设计 BIM模型审核 钢筋建模 构件信息
浅析钻孔灌注桩BIM模型深化设计的监理审核要点 被引量:3
作者 刘京 陈继东 李向阳 《建设监理》 2022年第4期34-37,共4页
目前,BIM技术在建设工程领域的应用深度与广度已经有了实质性的突破。湖北国际物流核心枢纽项目工程全程采用BIM技术进行管控,已经实现了技术、质量、造价、安全等方面的实际运用突破。以该项目钻孔灌注桩BIM运用为例,浅析钻孔灌注桩BI... 目前,BIM技术在建设工程领域的应用深度与广度已经有了实质性的突破。湖北国际物流核心枢纽项目工程全程采用BIM技术进行管控,已经实现了技术、质量、造价、安全等方面的实际运用突破。以该项目钻孔灌注桩BIM运用为例,浅析钻孔灌注桩BIM模型深化设计监理的BIM技术审核要点。 展开更多
关键词 钻孔灌注桩 BIM应用 BIM模型深化 BIM监理工程师 监理审核
特大型剧院工程的机电深化设计BIM应用实践 被引量:5
作者 仝美娜 惠志伟 +2 位作者 聂晓帅 王京录 王佳旭 《建筑技术》 2022年第8期1089-1093,共5页
本项目作为超大型剧院工程,机电专业极其复杂,且涉及专业接口极多,为了提高施工质量,减少施工过程中返工等严重影响工期问题的发生,项目通过BIM技术辅助机电深化设计及管理,提前发现并解决机电管线冲突和跨专业碰撞等问题,并基于BIM深... 本项目作为超大型剧院工程,机电专业极其复杂,且涉及专业接口极多,为了提高施工质量,减少施工过程中返工等严重影响工期问题的发生,项目通过BIM技术辅助机电深化设计及管理,提前发现并解决机电管线冲突和跨专业碰撞等问题,并基于BIM深化模型开展相关应用,取得了良好的应用成果,极大地减少了项目机电施工中可能存在的问题,增加了施工安装效率,显著提高了剧院机电施工质量。 展开更多
关键词 BIM 机电深化及管理 深化模型应用
BIM信息技术在装配式建筑深化设计中的应用研究 被引量:5
作者 张晓聪 《建设科技》 2021年第14期73-75,81,共4页
装配式建筑设计模型填充族类混乱,导致公制常规构件埋深偏差过高,因此,有必要对BIM信息技术在装配式建筑深化设计中的应用进行深入研究。设计装配式建筑深化架构,根据深化架构建立BIM信息技术装配式建筑深化模型,深化设计装配式建筑。... 装配式建筑设计模型填充族类混乱,导致公制常规构件埋深偏差过高,因此,有必要对BIM信息技术在装配式建筑深化设计中的应用进行深入研究。设计装配式建筑深化架构,根据深化架构建立BIM信息技术装配式建筑深化模型,深化设计装配式建筑。通过工程实例分析,对工程概况总结并介绍工程整体的施工过程,利用BIM信息技术,对装配式建筑施工结果分析,可知在装配式建筑深化设计前,施工埋深偏差平均值的偏差最大为0.44m,在BIM信息技术装配式建筑深化设计后平均偏差最大为0.17m,能够有效提高装配式建筑深化设计与施工内容的契合度,同时,降低了施工埋深偏差。 展开更多
关键词 BIM信息技术 装配式建筑 深化模型 施工埋深
桥隧工程GIS+BIM正向设计方法与应用 被引量:9
作者 刘少鹏 邓斌 +1 位作者 曹影峰 夏丰勇 《隧道建设(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期674-689,共16页
为实现BIM正向设计在复杂桥隧工程中的突破,将Autodesk平台软件Infraworks、Civil 3D、Inventor、Revit、Navisworks进行二次开发和串联,结合Bentley平台软件和GIS技术的应用,提出桥隧工程全过程BIM正向设计方法。1)利用Inventor、Revi... 为实现BIM正向设计在复杂桥隧工程中的突破,将Autodesk平台软件Infraworks、Civil 3D、Inventor、Revit、Navisworks进行二次开发和串联,结合Bentley平台软件和GIS技术的应用,提出桥隧工程全过程BIM正向设计方法。1)利用Inventor、Revit建立桥隧标准库文件,结合Inventor iLogic语言对桥隧主要结构部件进行参数化设计。2)采用Civil 3D进行场地开挖并提取线路点进行路线设计,依据工程水文地质条件,将不同围岩等级隧道或桥型按里程桩号分段制定成措施表。3)利用基于C#开发的桥隧设计工具程序,在Inventor中将不同围岩类型的山岭隧道衬砌、钢拱架、管棚、钢筋网、洞门或盾构隧道管片、沉管隧道管节、桥梁结构等构造以线路为基准进行批量拼装整合,并自动生成工程图和工程量,在Revit中利用Dynamo的二次开发功能基于定位坐标放置建立的桥梁族库和自适应族完成桥梁和综合管线的正向设计。4)于Navisworks中进行可视化分析、施工进度管理和勘察设计过程控制。提出的正向设计方法在万家丽路快速化改造北延线(含电力隧道)工程、德州至上饶高速公路隧道工程和深中通道岛隧工程中成功应用,基本实现了对桥隧结构及附属工程的正向设计。 展开更多
关键词 桥隧工程 建筑信息模型 正向设计 二次开发 模型深化应用
作者 王瑞峰 《石油化工建设》 2023年第7期103-106,共4页
通过加强梁钢筋与型钢柱加劲板焊接质量,调整梁钢筋锚固长度、梁柱节点区域钢筋间距、型钢柱预留穿筋孔位置等,可整体提高型钢混凝土柱钢筋施工质量。达到型钢混凝土柱复杂节点钢筋的排布合理,施工空间充足,梁弯锚钢筋合理放置,焊接人... 通过加强梁钢筋与型钢柱加劲板焊接质量,调整梁钢筋锚固长度、梁柱节点区域钢筋间距、型钢柱预留穿筋孔位置等,可整体提高型钢混凝土柱钢筋施工质量。达到型钢混凝土柱复杂节点钢筋的排布合理,施工空间充足,梁弯锚钢筋合理放置,焊接人员容易施焊等目的,确保现场施工有序,高效快速。 展开更多
关键词 钢结构 图纸深化 BIM 模型深化 合格率
BIM技术在亚洲基础设施投资银行施工阶段的应用 被引量:2
作者 元晓皓 祖建 +2 位作者 肖伟 吴小婉 王艺超 《建筑技术》 2020年第4期442-444,共3页
关键词 建筑信息模型 深化模型 精细化管理
国家海洋博物馆项目BIM应用 被引量:9
作者 孟令萧 《土木建筑工程信息技术》 2017年第1期50-55,共6页
在建筑信息模型(BIM)技术越来越普及的今天,越来越多的工程在使用BIM技术。国家海洋博物馆整个设计和施工流程都由设计院提供的BIM模型来指导。作为项目的施工方,我团队采用了全新的组织架构及管理模式,由BIM模型指导施工,深入应用BIM... 在建筑信息模型(BIM)技术越来越普及的今天,越来越多的工程在使用BIM技术。国家海洋博物馆整个设计和施工流程都由设计院提供的BIM模型来指导。作为项目的施工方,我团队采用了全新的组织架构及管理模式,由BIM模型指导施工,深入应用BIM模型的各项信息和功能于施工过程中的各个阶段,整合所有施工专业,将设计方、业主方、施工方、监理方的工作融合为一体,在施工过程中有效地避免了许多常规问题,节约了工期和成本。 展开更多
关键词 BIM 组织管理 创新应用 模型深化 指导施工 节约成本
南昌绿地国际会展中心钢桁架内供回水管线方案优化与实施 被引量:1
作者 李国灵 《工程建设与设计》 2018年第22期86-87,共2页
关键词 综合管线 BIM模型三维深化 方案优化
Magnetotelluric extremum boundary inversion based on different stabilizers and its application in a high radioactive waste repository site selection 被引量:3
作者 Huang Xian-Yang Deng Ju-Zhi +3 位作者 Chen Xiao Wang Xian-Xiang Chen Hui Yu Hui 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第3期367-377,397,398,共13页
Geophysical inversion under different stabilizers has different descriptions of the target body boundary,especially in complex geological structures.In this paper,we present an extremum boundary inversion algorithm ba... Geophysical inversion under different stabilizers has different descriptions of the target body boundary,especially in complex geological structures.In this paper,we present an extremum boundary inversion algorithm based on different stabilizers for electrical interface recognition.Firstly,we use the smoothest and minimum-support stabilizing functional to study the applicability of adaptive regularization inversion algorithm.Then,an electrical interface recognition method based on different stabilizers is developed by introducing extremum boundary inversion algorithm.The testing shows that the adaptive regularization inversion method does work for different stabilizers and has a low dependence on the initial models.The ratio of the smooth and focusing upper and lower boundaries obtained using the extremum boundary inversion algorithm can clearly demarcate electrical interfaces.We apply the inversion algorithm to the magnetotelluric(MT)data collected from a preselected area of a high-level-waste clay-rock repository site in the Tamusu area.We recognized regional structures with smooth inversion and the local details with focusing inversion and determined the thickness of the target layer combined with the geological and drilling information,which meets the requirement for the site of the high-level waste clay-rock repository. 展开更多
关键词 MAGNETOTELLURIC adaptive regularization inversion STABILIZER extremum boundary inversion high-level waste repository Tamusu
Implication of Geochemical Simulation for CO2 Storage Using Data of York Reservoir 被引量:6
作者 杨子浩 金敏 +2 位作者 李明远 董朝霞 闫鹏 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1052-1059,共8页
In this paper, we build up a three-dimensional model for CO2 storage in the deep reservoir. And this paper gives the mathematical formalism of combined geochemical and multi-phase flow. The results give us the informa... In this paper, we build up a three-dimensional model for CO2 storage in the deep reservoir. And this paper gives the mathematical formalism of combined geochemical and multi-phase flow. The results give us the information about geochemical changing caused by CO2 injection into aqueous, the dissolution or precipitation of reservoir minerals caused by aqueous components change, the change of water density, also the differences between this model and the simulation model without considering geochemical. The basic data for simulation is from York Reservoir. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 storage geochemical reactions multi-phase flow numerical simulation York reservoir
Comparison on construction of strut-and-tie models for reinforced concrete deep beams 被引量:2
作者 仇一颗 刘霞 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1685-1692,共8页
With consideration of the differences between concrete and steel,three solutions using genetic evolutionary structural optimization algorithm were presented to automatically develop optimal strut-and-tie model for dee... With consideration of the differences between concrete and steel,three solutions using genetic evolutionary structural optimization algorithm were presented to automatically develop optimal strut-and-tie model for deep beams.In the finite element analysis of the first method,the concrete and steel rebar are modeled by a plane element and a bar element,respectively.In the second method,the concrete and steel are assigned to two different plane elements,whereas in the third method only one kind of plane element is used with no consideration of the differences of the two materials.A simply supported beam under two point loads was presented as an example to verify the validity of the three proposed methods.The results indicates that all the three methods can generate optimal strut-and-tie models and the third algorithm has powerful capability in searching more optimal results with less computational effort.The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm III has also been demonstrated by other two examples. 展开更多
关键词 reinforced concrete deep beam topology optimization strut-and-tie model genetic evolutionary structural optimization
Analysis of Morphological Processes in a Disturbed Gravel-Bed River (Piave River): Integration of LiDAR Data and Colour Bathymetry
作者 Fabio Delai Johnny Moretto Lorenzo Picco Emanuel Rigon Diego Ravazzolo Mario Aristide Lenzi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第5期639-648,共10页
The magnitude of river morphological changes are better analyzed through the use of quantitative approaches, wherein resolution accuracy and uncertainty assessment are treated as crucial key-factors. In this sense, th... The magnitude of river morphological changes are better analyzed through the use of quantitative approaches, wherein resolution accuracy and uncertainty assessment are treated as crucial key-factors. In this sense, the creation of precise DEMs (Digital Elevation Models) of rivers represents an affordable tool to analyze geomorphic variations and budgets, except for wetted areas, where reliable channel digitalization can normally be obtained only using expensive bathymetric surveys. The proposed work aims at improving channel surface models without having available bathymetric sensors, by deriving dry areas elevations from LiDAR data and water depth of wetted areas from aerial photos through a predictive depth-colour relationship. The methodology was applied to two different sub-reaches of the Piave River, a gravel-bed river which suffered severe flood events in 2010. Erosion and deposition patterns were identified through DEM differencing, showing a predominance of scour processes which can lead to channel instability situations. The bathymetric output was compared to other previously-derived models confirming the accuracy of the in-channel elevation estimates. Finally, a discussion on the role played by longitudinal protections during the studied flood events is proposed, focusing the attention on the incidence of two major bank erosions that removed significant volumes of stable areas. 展开更多
关键词 Colour bathymetry LiDAR data flood impacts fluvial erosion-deposition processes effect of river protections.
作者 朱广科 《数理化学习》 2017年第9期23-26,共4页
初三数学复习的内容面广量大,知识点多,要想在短暂的时间内全面复习初中三年所学的数学知识、形成基本技能、提高解题技巧、解题能力,并非易事,本文就以此为切入口,就如何提高初三数学的复习效率和质量,突出教学活动中复习课的教学设计... 初三数学复习的内容面广量大,知识点多,要想在短暂的时间内全面复习初中三年所学的数学知识、形成基本技能、提高解题技巧、解题能力,并非易事,本文就以此为切入口,就如何提高初三数学的复习效率和质量,突出教学活动中复习课的教学设计,加强例习题的精选、改编来提高复习课的效率等方面,作了一些粗浅的探索. 展开更多
关键词 问题变式 深化模型 渗透思想
Simplified Model for Evaluation of VIV-induced Fatigue Damage of Deepwater Marine Risers 被引量:2
作者 薛鸿祥 唐文勇 张圣坤 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2009年第4期435-442,共8页
A simplified empirical model for fatigue analysis of deepwater marine risers due to vortex-induced vibration (VIV) in non-uniform current is presented. A simplified modal vibration equation is employed according to th... A simplified empirical model for fatigue analysis of deepwater marine risers due to vortex-induced vibration (VIV) in non-uniform current is presented. A simplified modal vibration equation is employed according to the characteristics of deepwater top tensioned risers. The response amplitude of each mode is determined by a balance between the energy feeding into the riser over the lock-in regions and the energy dissipated by the fluid damping over the remainder based on the data from self-excited oscillation and forced oscillation experiments of rigid cylinders. Multi-modal VIV fatigue loading is obtained by the square root of the sum of squares approach. Compared with previous works, this model can take fully account of the main intrinsic natures of VIV for low mass ratio structures on lock-in regions, added mass and nonlinear fluid damping. In addition, a closed form solution of fatigue damage is presented for the case of a riser with uniform mass and cross-section oscillating in a uniform flow. Fatigue analysis of a typical deepwater riser operating in Gulf of Mexico and West Africa shows that the current velocity profiles affect the riser’s fatigue life significantly and the most dangerous locations of the riser are also pointed out. 展开更多
关键词 deepwater riser vortex-induced vibration (VIV) fatigue damage simplified model
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