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晚稻田深灌条件下水分耗散动态及其生态效应 被引量:2
作者 易爱军 王克林 黄璜 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期292-295,299,共5页
对前中期晚稻田实施深灌水试验,探讨稻田蓄水抗旱功能的作用过程及其生态效应。设置4种灌水深度,依次为20cm、15cm、10cm、5cm。测算试验期稻田的渗漏量、植物蒸腾量、蒸发量,分析单日总耗水量的日变化动态和不同生育期的阶段性数量构... 对前中期晚稻田实施深灌水试验,探讨稻田蓄水抗旱功能的作用过程及其生态效应。设置4种灌水深度,依次为20cm、15cm、10cm、5cm。测算试验期稻田的渗漏量、植物蒸腾量、蒸发量,分析单日总耗水量的日变化动态和不同生育期的阶段性数量构成关系。结果显示:①温度是影响田间耗水量的最为重要的因素,深灌具有蓄水防旱重要作用;②晚稻前中期深灌将增加水分渗漏量,却减少水分蒸发量,而不同灌溉方式下的总耗水量基本维持平衡;③晚稻前中期深灌增加了地下水的补给量,而浅灌增加了空中水蒸气补给量;④加以人为控制的防渗漏处理能减少田间水分的渗漏,达到节水目的,在红壤丘岗区稻田具有可行性;⑤晚稻前中期深灌实质上是利用了稻田的隐形水库功能,有利于抵抗当地秋季的季节性干旱。 展开更多
关键词 晚稻田 深灌 水分耗散动态 生态效应
灌水器埋深对涌泉根灌土壤水氮运移特性的影响 被引量:15
作者 刘显 费良军 +1 位作者 王博 刘扬 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期20-25,39,共7页
为了提高涌泉根灌水肥的利用效率,采用大田入渗试验,探究了不同灌水器埋深条件下涌泉根灌土壤湿润锋运移、土壤水分及氮素分布的规律。结果表明,不同灌水器埋深对湿润锋运移距离以及扩散速率均具有较大的影响。随着灌水器埋深的增加,水... 为了提高涌泉根灌水肥的利用效率,采用大田入渗试验,探究了不同灌水器埋深条件下涌泉根灌土壤湿润锋运移、土壤水分及氮素分布的规律。结果表明,不同灌水器埋深对湿润锋运移距离以及扩散速率均具有较大的影响。随着灌水器埋深的增加,水平最大湿润峰和垂直湿润峰运移距离均呈递减趋势;湿润锋运移距离与入渗时间有显著的幂函数关系。灌水结束后,在灌水器处铵态氮及硝态氮量最高,距离灌水器越远,氮素量越低;随着再分布进行,铵态氮量逐渐升高,而硝态氮量逐渐降低。 展开更多
关键词 涌泉根 水器埋 湿润体 水氮运移
不同灌水量和灌水器埋深下单坑渗灌红壤水分入渗特性及其模拟 被引量:3
作者 廖振棋 范军亮 +1 位作者 裴青宝 钟韵 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期110-118,146,共10页
【目的】探究灌水量和灌水器埋深对单坑渗灌红壤水分入渗特性的影响。【方法】通过室内土箱试验模拟大田单坑渗灌过程,研究了单坑渗灌红壤在不同灌水量(1、2 L和3 L)和不同灌水器埋深(10、15 cm和20 cm)条件下湿润锋运移距离、累积入渗... 【目的】探究灌水量和灌水器埋深对单坑渗灌红壤水分入渗特性的影响。【方法】通过室内土箱试验模拟大田单坑渗灌过程,研究了单坑渗灌红壤在不同灌水量(1、2 L和3 L)和不同灌水器埋深(10、15 cm和20 cm)条件下湿润锋运移距离、累积入渗量和土壤含水率的分布规律,并采用交替方向隐式差分法对土壤水分空间分布进行了模拟。【结果】入渗率随灌水量增大而增大,随灌水器埋深增大而减小;土壤入渗率在入渗初期较大,但随着时间推移逐渐减小,最终在较小范围内波动变化。在540min内,随着灌水量的增加,湿润体和湿润锋最大运移距离均增大,且促进土壤水分向灌水器右下方运移,其中垂向湿润锋最大运移距离大于水平湿润锋最大运移距离,灌水器埋深对垂向湿润锋运移距离均呈递减趋势;灌水量对单坑渗灌土壤含水率的影响大于灌水器埋深的影响。【结论】Kostiakov模型(R^(2)=0.998)较Philip模型(R^(2)=0.892)更适于描述单坑渗灌红壤的水分入渗过程;交替方向隐式差分法能较好地模拟单坑渗灌红壤的空间水分分布状况(R^(2)=0.827,E≤7.2%)。 展开更多
关键词 单坑渗 红壤 水量 水器埋 入渗 数值模拟
作者 梁耿 宁艳民 +3 位作者 郑纯 李董 张振贤 高丽红 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第S1期282-288,共7页
为了探讨温室黄瓜高畦双行栽培模式下,膜下沟灌适宜的灌水沟沟深,以冬丽519号黄瓜(砧木为高优亮南瓜)为试材,以常规畦沟灌溉(每次灌水量450 m3/hm2)为对照,设计了灌水沟沟深15,11,8 cm 3个处理,对应每次灌溉量300,225,150 m3/hm2,研究... 为了探讨温室黄瓜高畦双行栽培模式下,膜下沟灌适宜的灌水沟沟深,以冬丽519号黄瓜(砧木为高优亮南瓜)为试材,以常规畦沟灌溉(每次灌水量450 m3/hm2)为对照,设计了灌水沟沟深15,11,8 cm 3个处理,对应每次灌溉量300,225,150 m3/hm2,研究灌水沟规格对黄瓜产量、品质、土壤速效养分含量及灌溉水生产效率的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,3种规格灌水沟的灌水量均能满足黄瓜正常生长需求,黄瓜产量和品质与对照没有显著差异,对土壤速效养分含量也没有显著影响,但所有处理均显著地提高了灌溉水生产效率,其中秋冬茬节水率分别为27.03%,40.54%,54.05%,冬春茬节水率分别为30.20%,45.30%,60.40%。综合考虑产量与灌溉水生产效率,建议高畦双行栽培黄瓜的膜下灌水沟沟深为8 cm、单次灌水量150 m3/hm2能够满足嫁接黄瓜生产对水分的需求。 展开更多
关键词 黄瓜 水沟沟 产量 水分利用效率
灌水器埋深对红壤区涌泉根灌双点源入渗水氮运移的影响 被引量:4
作者 代智光 蔡耀辉 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期9-15,共7页
【目的】研究红壤区涌泉根灌双点源入渗土壤水氮运移分布规律,为提高涌泉根灌水氮利用效率和灌水器合理埋深提供理论依据。【方法】在大田通过灌水器埋深分别为30、45、60 cm的硝酸铵钙溶液入渗试验,研究了灌水器埋深对涌泉根灌双点源... 【目的】研究红壤区涌泉根灌双点源入渗土壤水氮运移分布规律,为提高涌泉根灌水氮利用效率和灌水器合理埋深提供理论依据。【方法】在大田通过灌水器埋深分别为30、45、60 cm的硝酸铵钙溶液入渗试验,研究了灌水器埋深对涌泉根灌双点源交汇入渗土壤的入渗能力、湿润锋运移距离、土壤水分以及铵态氮和硝态氮运移特性的影响,并建立了红壤涌泉根灌土壤累计入渗量及湿润锋运移距离与入渗历时的关系模型。【结果】灌水器埋深分别为30、45和60 cm时,红壤累计入渗量和稳定入渗率分别为18.84 L和0.035 cm/min、17.09 L和0.031 cm/min以及14.37 L和0.024 cm/min,即灌水器埋深越大,土壤的累计入渗量和稳渗率就越小,且累计入渗量与入渗历时之间均符合幂函数关系;灌水器埋深分别为30、45和60 cm时,交汇入渗发生的时间分别为168、187和197 min,交汇发生时间增幅依次为10.16%和5.56%,湿润锋运移距离随埋深的增大而减小,运移距离与入渗历时之间均符合对数函数关系,且竖直向下的运移距离均大于竖直向上;土壤含水率均随着土层深度的增加而先增加后减小,对于同一土层,灌水器处土壤含水率最大,其次为交汇面处,而距离灌水器12.5 cm处土壤含水率最小;土壤铵态氮和硝态氮均随土层深度的增加而先增加后减小,在水平方向,距离灌水器越近,铵态氮的质量浓度越大,对于硝态氮而言,灌水器埋深不同,硝态氮的分布存在明显差异。【结论】灌水器埋深对涌泉根灌双点源交汇入渗红壤的水氮运移分布均有显著影响,且埋深超过60 cm时,氮肥淋失风险较大,且对作物吸收不利。 展开更多
关键词 红壤 涌泉根 水器埋 水氮运移
改良剂配合水分管理减少水稻吸收土壤中镉的研究 被引量:11
作者 徐颖菲 谢国雄 章明奎 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期356-360,共5页
为研究减少水稻籽粒中镉的积累,选择一中度重金属污染农田,进行了4种改良剂处理(不施改良剂、生物质炭、钙镁磷肥—坡缕石—硫磺粉(比例为100∶50∶1)和石灰—沸石—硫磺粉(比例为100∶50∶1))和2种水分管理模式(深灌和浅灌)的不同组合... 为研究减少水稻籽粒中镉的积累,选择一中度重金属污染农田,进行了4种改良剂处理(不施改良剂、生物质炭、钙镁磷肥—坡缕石—硫磺粉(比例为100∶50∶1)和石灰—沸石—硫磺粉(比例为100∶50∶1))和2种水分管理模式(深灌和浅灌)的不同组合处理,田间试验研究了改良剂配合水分管理减少水稻吸收土壤镉的效果,改良剂用量为3 t/hm2。结果表明,施用改良剂和采取深灌均可显著减少水稻从土壤中吸收镉,并以二者配合的效果最佳。与浅灌/不施改良剂处理比较,钙镁磷肥—坡缕石—硫磺粉和石灰—沸石—硫磺粉2种复合改良剂配合深灌可分别降低籽粒中镉含量56.53%和55.53%,但施用生物质炭降低水稻吸收土壤中镉的效果相对较差。施用复合改良剂促使土壤中交换态镉转化为碳酸盐结合态、氧化物结合态及残余态镉等较为稳定的镉形态,降低了土壤中生物有效态和水溶态镉,减少了水稻吸收土壤镉;深灌有利于硫化镉的形成,并通过“稀释”作用降低水稻吸收土壤镉。研究认为改良剂配合深灌是一种较为方便、有效的技术,适用于农田土壤镉污染的控制。 展开更多
关键词 复合改良剂 深灌 镉污染土壤 水稻 食品安全
Soil Moisture Variation under Different Irrigation Quota 被引量:2
作者 李仕华 贺军奇 赵宝峰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第2期164-168,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study variation of soil moisture under different irrigation quota.[Method] By using Trime-TDR apparatus,soil moisture with different irrigation quota infiltration was measured;combining the ... [Objective] The aim was to study variation of soil moisture under different irrigation quota.[Method] By using Trime-TDR apparatus,soil moisture with different irrigation quota infiltration was measured;combining the characteristics of soil texture,curve characteristics of soil moisture variation with soil depth under different irrigation quota were analyzed.[Result] Different irrigation quota has resulted in variation of soil moisture in different layer depth.Soil moisture is 9.88%,17%,25% and 24.45% in so... 展开更多
关键词 Irrigation quota Depth of soil layer Soil moisture Guanzhong plain
苔草特征特性及防治技术 被引量:2
作者 宋洪海 《现代农业科技》 2014年第7期163-164,共2页
关键词 苔草 早春深灌回归水 特征特性 抗性 防治技术 注意事项
Testing Analysis of Composite Ground with Grouting Piles and Deep Mixing Piles
作者 邵俐 刘松玉 邵信发 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2001年第2期65-68,共4页
This paper discusses a new technique to improve soft ground with grouting piles and deep mixing piles. The bearing capacity of composite ground and the stress ratio between piles and soil is discussed by means of the ... This paper discusses a new technique to improve soft ground with grouting piles and deep mixing piles. The bearing capacity of composite ground and the stress ratio between piles and soil is discussed by means of the static test. Based on Mindlin solution and Boussinesq solution, the additional stress and settlement of the composite ground are acquired.Compared the practical value with calculation, a better calculating method is confirmed. 展开更多
关键词 grouting piles Mindlin solution Boussinesq solution deep mixing piles
Permeability in Flysch-Distribution Decrease with Depth and Grout Curtains Under Dams 被引量:1
作者 MARINOS Vassilis FORTSAKIS Petros +1 位作者 PROUNTZOPOULOS George MARINOS Paul 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期234-238,共5页
A considerable number of in situ permeability tests in flysch are processed to a depth of 120m with a good spatial distribution. The distribution of permeability values for the different litho-types of this formation,... A considerable number of in situ permeability tests in flysch are processed to a depth of 120m with a good spatial distribution. The distribution of permeability values for the different litho-types of this formation, their comparison and their decrease with depth is discussed. The depth where a permeability of 3 to 5×10-7m/sec can be retained (the limit of a reasonable grouting under a high dam) may be twofold if the geological history of the formation could not contain a compressional tectonic process. This depth may reach 100m in some cases. The differences in the mean values of permeability among the various litho-types are minor, while the presence of siltstones, always present although with varied participation, dramatically controls the global permeability. 展开更多
关键词 PERMEABILITY Flysch DAMS Grout curtain Distribution with depth
Managing Salinity in Tunisian Oases
作者 Mohamed Hachicha Imed Ben Aissa 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第9期775-782,共8页
The Tunisian oases face serious problems of waterlogging and salinization caused by mismanagement of water and soil resources and the reduced discharge of drainage water. The oases space is based on a fragile balance ... The Tunisian oases face serious problems of waterlogging and salinization caused by mismanagement of water and soil resources and the reduced discharge of drainage water. The oases space is based on a fragile balance between water, soil and man, which is now changed by modem irrigation and drainage systems. The oases pump most of their water from deep aquifers and only to a small degree from shallow aquifers. The quality of the irrigation water and the presence of a shallow saline water table are the main causes of salinization of the oases. Concerning the salt-affected landscapes and hydro-saline dynamic, the authors distinguish an equilibrium dynamic of salts to the parcel which depends on water management, and an equilibrium dynamic at the level of the basin watershed which is powered by drilling and ending in hypersaline depressions. For the management of salinization and waterlogging, a combination of agricultural management techniques are used, the first being modem methods of irrigation and drainage. Other, less used methods are sandy amendment, the reuse of drainage waters, geothermal waters and of treated wastewater. 展开更多
关键词 WATER IRRIGATION drainage SALINITY oases Tunisia.
Effect of Groundwater Irrigation on Soil PAHs Pollution Abatement and Soil Microbial Characteristics:A Case Study in Northeast China 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG Jing ZHANG Hui-Wen ZHANG Cheng-Gang 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期557-567,共11页
To evaluate the effect of groundwater irrigation on the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) pollution abatement and soil microbial characteristics,a case study was performed in the Shenfu irrigation area of Shenyan... To evaluate the effect of groundwater irrigation on the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) pollution abatement and soil microbial characteristics,a case study was performed in the Shenfu irrigation area of Shenyang,Northeast China,where the irrigation with petroleum wastewater had lasted for more than fifty years,and then groundwater irrigation instead of wastewater irrigation was applied due to the gradually serious PAHs pollution in soil.Soil chemical properties,including PAHs and nutrients contents,and soil microbial characteristics,including microbial biomass carbon,substrateinduced respiration,microbial quotient(qM),metabolic quotient(qCO2),dehydrogenase(DH),polyphenol oxidase(PO),urease(UR) and cellulase(CE) in surface and subsurface were determined.Total organic C,total N,total P,and available K were significantly different between the sites studied.The PAHs concentrations ranged from 610.9 to 6362.8 μg kg-1 in the surface layers(0-20 cm) and from 404.6 to 4318.5 μg kg-1 in the subsurface layers(20-40 cm).From the principal component analysis,the first principal component was primarily weighed by total PAHs,total organic C,total N,total P and available K,and it was the main factor that influencing the soil microbial characteristics.Among the tested microbial characteristics,DH,PO,UR,CE,qM and qCO2 were more sensitive to the PAHs stress than the others,thus they could serve as useful ecological assessment indicators for soil PAHs pollution. 展开更多
关键词 microbial biomass paddy soil polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons soil enzyme activities
A deep-learning method for evaluating shaft resistance of the cast-in-site pile on reclaimed ground using field data 被引量:1
作者 Sheng-liang LU Ning ZHANG +2 位作者 Shui-long SHEN Annan ZHOU Hu-zhong LI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第6期496-508,共13页
This study proposes a deep learning-based approach for shaft resistance evaluation of cast-in-site piles on reclaimed ground,independent of theoretical hypotheses and engineering experience.A series of field tests was... This study proposes a deep learning-based approach for shaft resistance evaluation of cast-in-site piles on reclaimed ground,independent of theoretical hypotheses and engineering experience.A series of field tests was first performed to investigate the characteristics of the shaft resistance of cast-in-site piles on reclaimed ground.Then,an intelligent approach based on the long short term memory deep-learning technique was proposed to calculate the shaft resistance of the cast-in-site pile.The proposed method allows accurate estimation of the shaft resistance of cast-in-site piles,not only under the ultimate load but also under the working load.Comparisons with empirical methods confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method for the shaft resistance estimation of cast-in-site piles on reclaimed ground in offshore areas. 展开更多
关键词 Deep-learning method Cast-in-site pile Shaft resistance Field test Reclaimed ground
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