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磨刀门河口环流与咸淡水混合层化机制 被引量:7
作者 吕紫君 冯佳佳 +3 位作者 郜新宇 汪玉平 张梦茹 孔俊 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期908-921,共14页
为研究磨刀门盐水混合层化特征,基于SCHISM模型,建立了三维盐度数值模型,根据实测资料对其进行验证。结合水体势能异常理论,对枯季磨刀门河口混合层化的时空变化特征及深槽与浅滩的层化机制差异进行分析。结果表明:磨刀门河口小潮时水... 为研究磨刀门盐水混合层化特征,基于SCHISM模型,建立了三维盐度数值模型,根据实测资料对其进行验证。结合水体势能异常理论,对枯季磨刀门河口混合层化的时空变化特征及深槽与浅滩的层化机制差异进行分析。结果表明:磨刀门河口小潮时水体层化最强,中潮时水体层化最弱,且拦门沙至挂定角段水体层化始终较强。磨刀门深槽水体层化主要受纵向平流、纵向水深平均应变和垂向混合影响,而浅滩水体层化则受横向平流、横向水深平均应变和垂向混合影响;磨刀门河口表、底层水体湍动能耗散率较高,而中间水层存在低耗散区,且涨潮时湍动能耗散率比落潮时大。 展开更多
关键词 混合 势能异常 河口环流 湍动能耗散率 磨刀门河口
作者 黄惠明 姚佳辉 +1 位作者 王义刚 华厦 《河北工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2020年第1期66-74,共9页
通过分析长江口北槽2016年枯季水流、盐度实测资料,揭示了水流、盐度的大小潮、涨落潮周期变化特性。采用Simpson的势能差异函数对北槽混合与层化的时空变化进行分析,指出北槽中上段势能差异极值出现在涨憩落憩时刻,北槽下段势能差异极... 通过分析长江口北槽2016年枯季水流、盐度实测资料,揭示了水流、盐度的大小潮、涨落潮周期变化特性。采用Simpson的势能差异函数对北槽混合与层化的时空变化进行分析,指出北槽中上段势能差异极值出现在涨憩落憩时刻,北槽下段势能差异极值出现在涨急落急时刻。采用改进的一维势能差异方程分析了北槽枯季潮汐应变、重力环流、河流效应和潮汐搅动的时空变化及对应关系,得到水体混合与层化趋势是由这四者相对大小决定,其中影响大小潮层化变化的机制是潮汐搅动、重力环流和河流效应。发现重力环流是涨潮期间促进河口层化的主要动力机制;河流效应在落潮期间偏大,潮平均作用强于潮汐应变,整体促进河口层化;大潮的潮汐搅动比小潮大1~2个量级,削弱了大潮的层化作用。并且证实改进的一维势能差异方程能够较好地解释长江口区域的混合层化特性。 展开更多
关键词 长江口北槽 混合层化 势能差异 潮汐应变 潮汐搅动
磨刀门水道枯季大潮水体层化混合分析 被引量:4
作者 童朝锋 李磊 +1 位作者 孟艳秋 王波 《水利水运工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期48-57,共10页
通过分析磨刀门水道枯季大潮期间的水体盐度实测资料,得出涨落潮时期盐跃层上下流速结构的差异性,确定了磨刀门水道盐度和盐水楔变化特征,判定磨刀门河口属于部分混合型河口。采用整体Richardson数、梯度Richardson数以及势能函数φ等3... 通过分析磨刀门水道枯季大潮期间的水体盐度实测资料,得出涨落潮时期盐跃层上下流速结构的差异性,确定了磨刀门水道盐度和盐水楔变化特征,判定磨刀门河口属于部分混合型河口。采用整体Richardson数、梯度Richardson数以及势能函数φ等3种层化指标,计算分析了磨刀门水道枯季大潮期垂向各层不同密度水体层化混合的周期性变化过程,指出出现层化混合的峰值时期。采用Simpson势能理论,分析了磨刀门水道枯季大潮期的河口环流、潮汐应变和潮汐紊动过程,及其与水体层化指标特征峰值的对应关系,结果显示磨刀门水道枯季大潮期河口环流加剧水体层化,潮汐紊动促进水体混合,潮汐应变则是在涨潮时促进混合,在落潮时促进层化。分析指出潮汐应变是引起磨刀门水道各层不同密度水体周期性层化混合现象的主控因子。 展开更多
关键词 混合型河口 混合 河口环流 潮汐应变 潮汐紊动
2018年澳门海域秋季水体温盐分布与层化特征 被引量:1
作者 胡梦茜 甘华阳 《海洋预报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期52-58,共7页
分析了2018年秋季澳门海域的温盐平面与垂向分布特征,并利用线性优化法确定上混合层深度。结果表明:澳门氹环岛近岸存在温度高于外海区域且梯度较大的暖水带,主干道内海水混合强烈,洪湾水道下泄径流量远大于上溯潮水,盐度整体偏低。温... 分析了2018年秋季澳门海域的温盐平面与垂向分布特征,并利用线性优化法确定上混合层深度。结果表明:澳门氹环岛近岸存在温度高于外海区域且梯度较大的暖水带,主干道内海水混合强烈,洪湾水道下泄径流量远大于上溯潮水,盐度整体偏低。温盐具有Ⅰ—Ⅳ4种典型的垂直分布类型:其中Ⅰ类具有明显的3层结构,即上混合层、跃层与下混合层,集中分布于紧邻开阔水域的东、南部海域;Ⅱ类结构的跃层梯度较小,无底部混合层,潮致混合效应较Ⅰ类强,主要存在于澳门南部海域,两者上混合层深度与水深比值约为0.6;Ⅲ类与Ⅳ类为强混合结构。澳门海域水体以混合作用为主,垂向交换条件良好,对海气热量与物质通量等的屏障作用微弱,利于大气复氧与水体自净。 展开更多
关键词 澳门 温盐特征 混合 线性优 混合深度
泉州湾水体结构的潮周期变化 被引量:8
作者 刘浩 骆智斌 潘伟然 《台湾海峡》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期316-320,共5页
泉州湾6个站点的观测数据显示:内湾涨潮流历时由底层向表层逐渐变短,而落潮流历时则逐渐变长;同时,各个站点实测的盐度水深结构也具有明显的潮周期变化特征,这可能与局地水体的层化和混合机制的交替变化密切相关.进一步定量分析s2站位... 泉州湾6个站点的观测数据显示:内湾涨潮流历时由底层向表层逐渐变短,而落潮流历时则逐渐变长;同时,各个站点实测的盐度水深结构也具有明显的潮周期变化特征,这可能与局地水体的层化和混合机制的交替变化密切相关.进一步定量分析s2站位上影响水体结构变化的四种机制发现:外湾的河口环流作用与潮汐张力、风混合以及潮汐混合作用相比要小一个量级.在一般天气条件下的大潮周期,潮汐混合与潮汐张力相互竞争是导致水体结构交替变化的根本原因;小潮周期由于潮流混合作用减弱,水体层化现象得以持续较长时间,风的搅动在特定时刻可以起到削弱层化结构的作用. 展开更多
关键词 物理海洋学 混合 潮汐张力 河口环流 泉州湾
作者 潘明婕 周娟 +4 位作者 章卫胜 荆立 罗照阳 叶荣辉 孔俊 《水文》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期40-45,75,共7页
珠江磨刀门水道地处亚热带季风气候区,直面南海,容易受到热带风暴的袭击。选取台风"纳沙",采用SCHISM模型建立磨刀门水道三维水流盐度数值模型,通过数值试验对比,结合势能异常分析法,探究了台风期间波浪和局地风对磨刀门水道... 珠江磨刀门水道地处亚热带季风气候区,直面南海,容易受到热带风暴的袭击。选取台风"纳沙",采用SCHISM模型建立磨刀门水道三维水流盐度数值模型,通过数值试验对比,结合势能异常分析法,探究了台风期间波浪和局地风对磨刀门水道混合与层化的影响。结果显示:由于近岸及河道内水深较浅,波高整体较小,波浪对水体层化过程影响不大,对流速分布有一定的调整作用,使其分布更为均匀,并在一定程度上加强水体掺混,利于外海高浓度盐水向河口和海岸扩散。而台风期间强劲的局地风对垂向水体状态以及势能异常变化率各项均有显著作用,影响着盐淡水的层化混合过程。 展开更多
关键词 台风 混合 波浪 局地风
夏季渤海海峡大小潮影响下水体温盐浊分布特征及其水动力机制 被引量:1
作者 王燕 李日辉 +2 位作者 温珍河 陈晓辉 陈斌 《海洋地质前沿》 2016年第5期63-69,共7页
渤海海峡沉积物输运及水体温盐分布特征与水体层化混合程度密切相关,大潮时期水体混合程度比小潮时期强,使得水体温盐分布自南向北、自底向上都存在着明显的大小潮差异。老铁山水道附近中低层入侵的高盐低温的黄海水团受混合作用影响,... 渤海海峡沉积物输运及水体温盐分布特征与水体层化混合程度密切相关,大潮时期水体混合程度比小潮时期强,使得水体温盐分布自南向北、自底向上都存在着明显的大小潮差异。老铁山水道附近中低层入侵的高盐低温的黄海水团受混合作用影响,在大潮时期明显比小潮时期垂向作用范围大,且跃层明显;自北隍城岛向南,受渤海沿岸流淡水影响,水体盐度逐渐降低,温度逐渐升高,表层存在明显温盐跃层,且小潮跃层厚度较大。受混合作用影响,中底层水体浊度在大潮时期基本高于小潮时期,底层泥沙主要来自海底底质泥沙再悬浮,自南向北底质泥沙粒度渐粗,因此,底层浊度自南向北逐渐降低。 展开更多
关键词 渤海海峡 温盐分布特征 大小潮 水体混合程度
调水调沙影响下黄河口泥沙异重流过程 被引量:2
作者 李庆余 王爱美 +2 位作者 吴晓 涂德耀 王厚杰 《海洋地质前沿》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期52-63,共12页
利用黄河干流大型水库进行调水调沙,在短期内将大量沉积物快速输送入海,是河口泥沙异重流触发的重要窗口期。根据2010年调水调沙期间黄河口沉积动力现场观测资料,建立覆盖整个渤海海域的ROMS数学模型,以黄河利津站逐日水沙数据和海域潮... 利用黄河干流大型水库进行调水调沙,在短期内将大量沉积物快速输送入海,是河口泥沙异重流触发的重要窗口期。根据2010年调水调沙期间黄河口沉积动力现场观测资料,建立覆盖整个渤海海域的ROMS数学模型,以黄河利津站逐日水沙数据和海域潮汐、风场数据作为模型驱动条件,模拟调水调沙期间的河口泥沙异重流发育过程。模拟结果显示,在没有大风扰动的情况下,河流入海悬沙浓度>29.0 kg/m3时会在河口产生高密度泥沙异重流。黄河冲淡水携带大量悬浮物从河口流出后,与海水迅速混合,在潮流影响下,冲淡水舌随时间由西北向东南偏转,输运至莱州湾西侧。淡水和沉积物主要以表层羽状流和底层异重流形式输运:表层羽状流扩展范围较大,输运路径为河口西北方向-远岸(河口东北区域)-莱州湾西侧;底层异重流扩散范围较小,输运路径为河口西北方向-河口沿岸(东)-莱州湾西侧。河口泥沙异重流生消和水体垂向结构存在周期性变化特征:落潮时段异重流发育较好,水体层化增强;涨潮时段异重流逐渐消亡,水体混合增强。估算出黄河口清水沟清8叉流路主泓区内水体由河口径流、潮汐应变和潮汐搅动引起的势能变化率,其中潮汐应变和潮汐搅动起主导作用,比河口径流引起的势能变化率高出2~3个数量级(102~103)。 展开更多
关键词 黄河口 河口泥沙异重流 ROMS数值模拟 混合 调水调沙
福宁湾海域冬季大潮期悬浮泥沙输运特征 被引量:6
作者 孟令鹏 胡日军 +3 位作者 李毅 袁晓东 朱龙海 郭俊杰 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期61-73,共13页
基于2014年12月在福宁湾附近海域8个站位的同步水文泥沙观测资料,分析了冬季大潮期悬浮泥沙分布以及输运通量的变化规律,并结合理查森数、水体混合所需的势能、潮动力引起的水体势能变化率的计算结果,初步探讨了水体的垂向混合对于悬浮... 基于2014年12月在福宁湾附近海域8个站位的同步水文泥沙观测资料,分析了冬季大潮期悬浮泥沙分布以及输运通量的变化规律,并结合理查森数、水体混合所需的势能、潮动力引起的水体势能变化率的计算结果,初步探讨了水体的垂向混合对于悬浮泥沙垂向分布的影响,研究了悬浮泥沙的输运机制。结果表明,从湾内到湾外,温度、盐度总体上呈现递增的趋势;平面上各站位悬浮泥沙浓度由湾内向湾外递减;潮周期内悬浮泥沙浓度变化存在不对称性,总体来说,湾内及湾口处(1#站除外)涨潮阶段悬浮泥沙浓度高,湾外(4#站除外)落潮阶段悬浮泥沙浓度较高。从湾内向湾外,随着水深的增加潮周期内水体的垂向混合逐渐减弱,悬沙浓度的垂向差异逐渐增大。悬浮泥沙输运在湾内及湾口整体表现为向陆输运,在湾外为向海输运。在湾内及湾口处,各分层悬浮泥沙的输运方向大多向陆,且量值较高,而湾外的悬浮泥沙输运方向在垂向上存在差异。由于潮流不对称以及悬浮泥沙的滞后效应引起的潮泵项输运对总的悬浮泥沙通量起主要贡献。 展开更多
关键词 悬浮泥沙 混合 输运机制 福宁湾
Hybrid assessment of pre-blasting weakening to horizontal section top coal caving (HSTCC) in steep and thick seams 被引量:4
作者 Lai Xingping Shan Pengfei +3 位作者 Cao Jiantao Sun Huan Suo Zhengyong Cui Feng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第1期31-37,共7页
Horizontal section top-coal(HSTCC)caving offers a powerful method to efficiently excavate rude coal in steep and thick seams,and pre-blasting weakening has a profound effect on pursuing great production,high efficienc... Horizontal section top-coal(HSTCC)caving offers a powerful method to efficiently excavate rude coal in steep and thick seams,and pre-blasting weakening has a profound effect on pursuing great production,high efficiency and good benefit under particular conditions like a small-scale working face with large-scale sectional caving height.+564-level HSTCC working face in B3–6coal seams of Jiangou Colliery in Urumqi was taken as study case for in situ industrial experiment.Total thickness of seams in the study case is about 50.0 m and average angel here is over 83°.In the industrial experiments,at first we adopted continuous charge machine and emulsion matrix explosive to substitute for traditional blasting schemes for specific geological settings in the study case.Hybrid analyses and assessments with blasting crack propagation analysis,abutment pressure monitoring prediction and economical benefit assessment were attributed to be able to attest pre-blasting weakening effects practically.Meanwhile crack propagation analysis after pre-blasting weakening showed that in all triple monitoring bore holes rock masses of top-coal would be fallen into three stages from the bottom up:fracture zone,plastic zone and elastic zone generally,and fracture toughness respectively in correspondent zones was calculated by the analytical formula:0.5616–0.8806,0.6403–0.9541 and0.7535–1.1900 MPa m1/2after pre-blasting weakening.Pressure monitoring prediction and economical benefit assessment also indicated that it was necessary to introduce the pre-blasting weakening with predominant blasting scheme from both views.For excavation in extremely steep and thick coal seams,relevant results would be a useful tool to study the mechanism of pre-blasting weakening both qualitatively and quantitatively. 展开更多
关键词 Pre-blasting weakening HSTCCS teep and thick seams Explosive scheme In situ hybrid monitoring
Wear behavior and dry sliding tribological properties of ultra-fine grained Al5083 alloy and boron carbide-reinforced Al5083-based composite at room and elevated temperatures 被引量:7
作者 Matin SAESSI Ali ALIZADEH Alireza ABDOLLAHI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第1期74-91,共18页
Tribological behavior and wear mechanisms of mechanically milled Al5083 alloy and Al5083−5wt.%B4C composite at room temperature and 200°C were discussed.Results revealed that due to the oxidative wear at room tem... Tribological behavior and wear mechanisms of mechanically milled Al5083 alloy and Al5083−5wt.%B4C composite at room temperature and 200°C were discussed.Results revealed that due to the oxidative wear at room temperature,a mechanically mixed layer(MML)was formed to protect the surface of the samples.Under 80 N of load at room temperature,the milled Al5083 and the Al5083−5wt.%B4C samples showed evidence of abrasion with limited volume loss.In this case,the wear rates were 5.8×10−7 and 4.4×10−7 mm3/(m·N),respectively.At 200°C and under 80 N of applied load,severe wear occurred in the milled Al5083 sample,and wear rate reached 10.8×10−7 mm3/(m·N)while the Al5083−5wt.%B4C sample showed mild wear with local 3-body abrasion and the wear rate reached 5.3×10−7 mm3/(m·N).Strengthening mechanisms such as dislocation pinning and the Hall−Petch theory,high hardness and the load transfer effect were crucial in determining the wear behavior of the Al5083−5wt.%B4C composite.On the other hand,the milled Al5083 sample represented a relatively high wear rate at 200°C,which seemed to be related to the local grain growth and a drop in its hardness. 展开更多
关键词 tribological behavior oxidative wear mechanically mixed layer wear rate Hall−Petch theory
Seasonal variability of zonal heat advection in the mixed layer of the tropical Pacific 被引量:1
作者 官聪 陈永利 王凡 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期1344-1355,共12页
Zonal heat advection (ZHA) plays an important role in the variability of the thermal structure in the tropical Pacific Ocean, especially in the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP). Using the Simple Ocean Data Assimil... Zonal heat advection (ZHA) plays an important role in the variability of the thermal structure in the tropical Pacific Ocean, especially in the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP). Using the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) Version 2.02/4 for the period 1958-2007, this paper presents a detailed analysis of the climatological and seasonal ZHA in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Climatologically, ZHA shows a zonal- band spatial pattern associated with equatorial currents and contributes to forming the irregular eastern boundary of the WPWP (EBWP). Seasonal variation of ZHA with a positive peak from February to July is most prominent in the Nifio3.4 region, where the EBWP is located. The physical mechanism of the seasonal cycle in this region is examined. The mean advection of anomalous temperature, anomalous advection of mean temperature and eddy advection account for 31%, 51%, and 18% of the total seasonal variations, respectively. This suggests that seasonal changes of the South Equatorial Current induced by variability of the trade winds are the dominant contributor to the anomalous advection of mean temperature and hence, the seasonality of ZHA. Heat budget analysis shows that ZHA and surface heat flux make comparable contributions to the seasonal heat variation in the Nifio3.4 region, and that ZHA cools the upper ocean throughout the calendar year except in late boreal spring. The connection between ZHA and EBWP is further explored and a statistical relationship between EBWP, ZHA and surface heat flux is established based on least squares fitting. 展开更多
关键词 zonal heat advection SEASONALITY tropical Pacific Ocean warm pool ocean circulation
Flow pattern visualization and nonlinear analysis of gas-liquid mixing process with top-blowing gas stirring 被引量:4
作者 YANG Kai WANG Shi-bo +2 位作者 ZHU Xiu-le XU Jian-xin WANG Hua 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第8期2029-2040,共12页
The evaluation of the mixing effect of gas-liquid two-phase flow during the top-blown gas agitation mixing is one of the difficulties in the testing field, especially in the process of using the model method to study ... The evaluation of the mixing effect of gas-liquid two-phase flow during the top-blown gas agitation mixing is one of the difficulties in the testing field, especially in the process of using the model method to study the metallurgical top-blowing process. In order to evaluate the effect of gas-liquid two-phase flow mixing, a gas chromatography simulation based on capacitance tomography was used to visualize the flow pattern and analyze the mixed characteristics. A gas top-blown agitation test rig was set up, the gas phase was air-selected, and the liquid phase was selected from synthetic heat-conducting oil. The top-blown stirring test process was measured and imaged by electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) equipment from ECT Instruments Ltd (UK). The MATLAB program was used to identify the mixing areas of the images to obtain the distribution of gas-liquid two-phase. The flow pattern of the gas-liquid mixing region was obtained. The chaotic detection of the gas-liquid mixing process was performed by the three-state test method;the images were processed by the counting box dimension-corrosion method to obtain the mixing uniformity time of gas-liquid flow. Results show that it is feasible to use the capacitance tomography technique to visualize the gas-liquid two-phase distribution. The uniformity time quantification of the gas-liquid mixing process is also achieved. 展开更多
关键词 TOP-BLOWING electrical capacitance tomography gas-liquid mixing VISUALIZATION three-state test mixing uniformity time
Structure and properties of diffusive titanium nitride layers produced by hybrid method on AZ91D magnesium alloy
作者 Michal TACIKOWSKI Jerzy MORGIEL +2 位作者 Monika BANASZEK Konrad CYMERMAN Tadeusz WIERZCHON 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第9期2767-2775,共9页
A diffusive titanium nitride layers were produced on AZ91 D magnesium alloy by a hybrid method which combines the titanium coating physical vapor deposition(PVD) with subsequent nitriding. The layers are composed of... A diffusive titanium nitride layers were produced on AZ91 D magnesium alloy by a hybrid method which combines the titanium coating physical vapor deposition(PVD) with subsequent nitriding. The layers are composed of a thin surface zone of titanium nitrides and oxides, an intermediate titanium zone and Ti-Al-Mg type diffusive zone. Since the layers improve the corrosion resistance, the best corrosion resistance is obtained when the layers are produced on aluminum base sub-layer by oxynitriding. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloys titanium nitride diffusive layers hybrid method
Decadal variability of chlorophyll α in the South China Sea: a possible mechanism 被引量:1
作者 刘汾汾 陈楚群 詹海刚 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1054-1062,共9页
Four climatologies on a monthly scale (January, April, May and November) of chlorophyll a within the South China Sea (SCS) were calculated using a Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) (1979-1983) and the Sea-viewing Wide... Four climatologies on a monthly scale (January, April, May and November) of chlorophyll a within the South China Sea (SCS) were calculated using a Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) (1979-1983) and the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) (1998-2002). We analyzed decadal variability of chlorophyll a by comparing the products of the two observation periods. The relationships of variability in chlorophyll a with sea surface wind speed (SSW), sea surface temperature (SST), wind stress (WS), and mixed layer depth (MLD) were determined. The results indicate that there is obvious chlorophyll a decadal variability in the SCS. The decadal chlorophyll a presents distinct seasonal variability in characteristics, which may be as a result of various different dynamic processes. The negative chlorophyll a concentration anomaly in January was associated with the warming of SST and a shallower MLD. Generally, there were higher chlorophyll a concentrations in spring during the SeaWiFS period compared with the CZCS period. However, the chlorophyll a concentration exhibits some regional differences during this season, leading to an explanation being difficult. The deepened MLD may have contributed to the positive chlorophyll a concentration anomalies from the northwestern Luzon Island to the northeastern region of Vietnam during April and May. The increases of chlorophyll a concentration in northwestern Borneo during May may be because the stronger SSW and higher WS produce a deeper mixed layer and convective mixing, leading to high levels of nutrient concentrations. The higher chlorophyll a off southeastern Vietnam may be associated with the advective transport of the colder water extending from the Karimata Strait to southeastern Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 South China Sea (SCS) decadal variability chlorophyll a
Study of the Jet-Induced Mixing of Two-Layer Density-Stratified Fluid in a Rectangular Tank
作者 Shogo Shakouchi Shota Fukue Tomomi Uchiyama 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第2期117-127,共11页
The mixing phenomena of a two-layer density-stratified fluid induced by a jet in a tank are experimentally investigated. The upper and lower fluids are water and a NaCl-water solution, respectively, with the lower flu... The mixing phenomena of a two-layer density-stratified fluid induced by a jet in a tank are experimentally investigated. The upper and lower fluids are water and a NaCl-water solution, respectively, with the lower fluid issued vertically upward from a nozzle at the bottom of the tank. The jet Reynolds number Re, defined by the jet velocity and the water kinematic viscosity, ranges from 90 to 4,200. The mass concentration of the NaCl-water solution Co is less than 0.08. The flow visualization makes clear the jet behavior relative to the density interface between the upper and lower fluids. The measurement of the concentration distribution of the water paint issued with the jet highlights the effects of Re and Co on the mixing between the jet and the ambient fluid. The measurement of the fluid velocity distribution with a PIV (particle image velocimetry) system successfully elucidates the relationship between the velocity field and the resultant mixing. 展开更多
关键词 JET density-stratified fluid MIXING INTRUSION CONCENTRATION PIV.
Theoretical Considerations of Laminar Flame Speed as a Function of Initial Conditions and Basic Kinetic Properties with Respect to the Safety Problem
作者 Jorge Yanez Mike Kuznetsov Alexei Kotchourko Alexander Lelyakin Tomas Jordan 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第6期849-857,共9页
The Zeldovich-Frank-Kamenetskii solution for the flame velocity of a planar front with one-step overall chemical reaction was enhanced. The assumption that the consumption rate depends exclusively on a chemical compon... The Zeldovich-Frank-Kamenetskii solution for the flame velocity of a planar front with one-step overall chemical reaction was enhanced. The assumption that the consumption rate depends exclusively on a chemical component was removed. Instead, the reaction rate was considered to be dependent on all reactants of an overall reaction. The new formulation was applied to obtain the activation energy and the pre-exponential factor of a set of hydrogen-air mixtures. 展开更多
关键词 Laminar flame velocity activation energy explosion hydrogen safety.
长江口水域水体结构的季节变化 被引量:4
作者 刘浩 许文珊 《上海海洋大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期260-265,共6页
通过对比不同季节长江口水域温度和盐度的观测数据,深入分析了该水域温、盐跃层的季节分布特征和变化规律后发现:长江口水域的温度(热)层化现象一般形成于春季,并在夏季最为显著,进入秋季后逐渐减弱,而在冬季该水域的温度在垂直方向基... 通过对比不同季节长江口水域温度和盐度的观测数据,深入分析了该水域温、盐跃层的季节分布特征和变化规律后发现:长江口水域的温度(热)层化现象一般形成于春季,并在夏季最为显著,进入秋季后逐渐减弱,而在冬季该水域的温度在垂直方向基本是均匀分布,显示出较强的垂向热混合过程。另一方面,该水域的盐度分布特征主要受长江冲淡水的影响,因此在长江径流量最大的夏秋季节盐度层化现象最为显著,春季较弱,而冬季在东北季风作用下,长江冲淡水的影响主要局限于沿岸一带,长江口外的盐度垂向混合较为充分。在此基础上对引起水体结构季节变化的动力机制进行了探讨,对于进一步了解主要营养盐和污染物在该海域的分布特征和输运规律具有重要的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 长江冲淡水 混合 温度 盐度 长江口水域
Ignition, flame propagation and extinction in the supersonic mixing layer flow 被引量:7
作者 ZHANG YunLong WANG Bing ZHANG HuiQiang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第11期2256-2264,共9页
The supersonic mixing layer flow,consisting of a relatively cold,slow diluted hydrogen stream and a hot,faster air stream,is numerically simulated with detailed transport properties and chemical reaction mechanisms.Th... The supersonic mixing layer flow,consisting of a relatively cold,slow diluted hydrogen stream and a hot,faster air stream,is numerically simulated with detailed transport properties and chemical reaction mechanisms.The evolution of the combustion process in the supersonic reacting mixing layer is observed and unsteady phenomena of ignition,flame propagation and extinction are successfully captured.The ignition usually takes place at the air stream side of braid regions between two vortexes due to much higher temperature of premixed gases.After ignition,the flame propagates towards two vortexes respectively located on the upstream and downstream of the ignition position.The apparent flame speed is 1569.97 m/s,which is much higher than the laminar flame speed,resulting from the effects of expansion,turbulence,vortex stretching and consecutive ignition.After the flame arrives at the former vortex,the flame propagates along the outer region of the vortex in two branches.Then the upper flame branch close to fuel streamside distinguishes gradually due to too fuel-riched premixed mixtures in the front of the flame and the strong cooling effect of the adjacent cool fuel flow,while the lower flame branch continues to propagate in the vortex. 展开更多
关键词 supersonic mixing layer IGNITION flame propagation EXTINCTION
Enhancement in light output power of LEDs with reflective current blocking layer and backside hybrid reflector 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU ShengJun FANG Fang +2 位作者 CAO Bin LIU Sheng DING Han 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第6期1544-1549,共6页
A GaN-based light-emitting diode (LED) with reflective current blocking layer (CBL) underneath p-electrode pad and backside hybrid reflector was fabricated and investigated. With a 20 mA injection current, the LED wit... A GaN-based light-emitting diode (LED) with reflective current blocking layer (CBL) underneath p-electrode pad and backside hybrid reflector was fabricated and investigated. With a 20 mA injection current, the LED with SiO2 /ITO/Al reflective CBL deposited on naturally textured p-InGaN/p-GaN surface exhibited a light output power that was 7.6% and 18.5% higher than those of the textured LEDs with SiO2 CBL and without SiO2 CBL, respectively. The LED with backside hybrid reflector exhibited a light output power that was 30% higher than that of LED without the hybrid reflector. The enhancement in light output power is attributed to the improved current spreading performance via the SiO2 CBL, the Al omnidirectional metal reflector to prevent the light absorption by the opaque p-electrode pad, and the backside hybrid reflector to extract bottom-emitting light. 展开更多
关键词 LEDS reflective CBL hybrid reflector
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