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作者 秦嘉海 《农村科技开发》 2002年第10期25-25,共1页
我国2000年生活垃圾总量为18000万吨。生活垃圾直接施入农田,存在的问题是有效养分低,重金属含量高,大量的细菌类病原菌、病毒和寄生虫卵带入农田土壤,易造成农田污染。据化验分析,生活垃圾含有较丰富的有机质和氮、磷、钾以及微量元素... 我国2000年生活垃圾总量为18000万吨。生活垃圾直接施入农田,存在的问题是有效养分低,重金属含量高,大量的细菌类病原菌、病毒和寄生虫卵带入农田土壤,易造成农田污染。据化验分析,生活垃圾含有较丰富的有机质和氮、磷、钾以及微量元素。将生活垃圾加入部分生物有机肥料(羊、鸡、猪粪)经高温发酵处理后。 展开更多
关键词 生活垃圾复 农业 应用
对“混”这一社会现象的不同看法 被引量:1
作者 赵平则 《中共山西省委党校学报》 1990年第5期55-57,共3页
“混”是这几年日趋严重的社会现象,最近,理论界对“混”这一现象展开讨论,现摘要综述如下:一、“混”的特征林玖一认为“混”的最大表现是对任何事物都提不起兴趣,终日无所事事,没精打彩,什么事也不干,什么事都不想干。对人生、对事业... “混”是这几年日趋严重的社会现象,最近,理论界对“混”这一现象展开讨论,现摘要综述如下:一、“混”的特征林玖一认为“混”的最大表现是对任何事物都提不起兴趣,终日无所事事,没精打彩,什么事也不干,什么事都不想干。对人生、对事业无所追求,进取心丧失殆尽。朱枫认为“混”得好须有四个特征:一是日子过得舒舒服服;二是能尽量少干活;三是什么好处都能播一手、挨一脚;四是人际关系好,周围无压力。 展开更多
关键词 没精打彩 价值取向 朱枫 风不正 混生活 宣传舆论 行为规范 思想教育 尊心 选择社会
作者 王春鸣 《社会观察》 2014年第7期74-75,共2页
和许多城市一样,南通,这个最早被称为静海的城市,它的古典美正一缕缕飘散。载歌载舞的日常劳作、舞乐灯彩以及各种民风民俗,在满城楼盘、商场和种种现代文明之间,只留一丝余烟。然而,如果你足够有心,仍可以在这座小城里寻觅到些许古朴... 和许多城市一样,南通,这个最早被称为静海的城市,它的古典美正一缕缕飘散。载歌载舞的日常劳作、舞乐灯彩以及各种民风民俗,在满城楼盘、商场和种种现代文明之间,只留一丝余烟。然而,如果你足够有心,仍可以在这座小城里寻觅到些许古朴光阴里的"声"与"色"。 展开更多
关键词 南通人 蓝印花布 童子戏 现代文明 混生活 堂戏 毫不介怀 坊里 民间戏剧 古典美
作者 姚紫 《华文文学》 1986年第4期31-35,3,共6页
关键词 混生活 告诉我 摇摇头 唐诗说 薄纱 姚紫 你喜欢 地滚 小亨 元文
Control Effects of Bacillus subtilis DJ-6 and Pyraclostrobin Alone and in Combination Against Fusarium oxysporum 被引量:9
作者 吉沐祥 姚克兵 +3 位作者 李国平 吴祥 陈宏洲 庄义庆 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第11期2020-2025,共6页
[Objective] This study was conducted to screen a synergistic biological fungicide complex to control Fusarium wilt, reducing the use of chemical pesticides. [Method] The inhibitory effects of Bacil us subtilis DJ-6 an... [Objective] This study was conducted to screen a synergistic biological fungicide complex to control Fusarium wilt, reducing the use of chemical pesticides. [Method] The inhibitory effects of Bacil us subtilis DJ-6 and pyraclostrobin alone or in combination at five ratios against Fusarium oxysporum were detected by mea-suring mycelium growth rate in laboratory tests. The growth promotion and disease control effect of combined or single use of 20% pyraclostrobin and 2 ×1011 cfu/g B. subtilis DJ-6 WP at 1∶1 000, 1∶2 000 and 1∶3 000 dilutions were detected in field trials. [Result] The EC50 values of combined use of B. subtilis DJ-6 and pyra-clostrobin at ratios of 1∶1, 1∶2, 1∶3, 1∶4 and 1∶5 against F. oxysporum were 5.311 5, 4.008 6, 3.570 6, 3.350 9 and 3.218 9 μg/ml, with the synergistic ratios (SR) of 2.28, 1.77, 1.53, 1.64, 1.11, among which the synergetic effect at 1∶1 was the best. The fungicidal activity of pyraclostrobin was greater than that of B. subtilis DJ-6 in laboratory tests. Field trials revealed that al the 1∶1 000, 1∶2 000 and 1∶3 000 dilu-tions of 20% pyraclostrobin·2×1011 cfu/g B. subtilis DJ-6 WP in combination, 1∶1 000 dilution of 1 ×1012 cfu/g B. subtilis DJ-6 WP and 1∶2 000 dilution of 250 g/L pyra-clostrobin EC promoted the growth of strawberry by increasing plant height, leaf petiole, leaf blade area and stem diameter. Among them, the treatments with 1∶1 000 and 1∶2 000 of 20% pyraclostrobin · 2×1011 cfu/g B. subtilis DJ-6 WP in combina-tion had better effects than other treatments. The control effects of al the treat-ments were measured 30 and 80 d after fungicide application. The control effects of 1∶1 000 dilution of 20% pyraclostrobin and 2×1011 cfu/g B. subtilis DJ-6 in combina-tion were up to 100% and 93.11%, which were higher than those in al other treat-ments. The second highest control effects were found in the treatment with 1∶ 2 000 dilution of 20% pyraclostrobin and 2×1011 cfu/g B. subtilis DJ-6 in combination, they were 92.49% and 86.49%, higher than those in other treatments except the 1∶1 000 dilution of 20% pyraclostrobin and 2 ×1011 cfu/g B. subtilis DJ-6 in combination. The control effects of 1∶3 000 dilution of 20% pyraclostrobin and 2×1011 cfu/g B. subtilis DJ-6 in combination were 82.61% and 72.42%, higher than those in treatment with 1∶1 000 dilution of 1×1012 cfu/g B. subtilis DJ-6 WP, but lower than those in treat-ment with 1∶2 000 dilution of 25% pyraclostrobin EC. [Conclusion] Al the results re-vealed that the combination use of 20% pyraclostrobin and 2 ×1011 cfu/g B. subtilis DJ-6 WP at 1∶1 000 to 1∶2 000 dilution had better control effect against strawberry Fusarium wilt. 展开更多
关键词 Strawberry Fusarium wilt Bacil us subtilis DJ-6 Pyraclostrobin Use in combination Antibacterial activity Plant growth traits Field control effects
作者 湟滨 《天津社会保险》 2013年第1期58-59,共2页
大年初一,我早早地起了床,煮好汤圆,等待妻子和儿子一起吃新年早餐。"嘀铃铃—"电话骤响。我拿起话筒,那头传来一位老年妇女的声音:"孩子,新年好……"是妈妈打来的电话?我在想。但声音又不太像,我疑惑地想查看一下... 大年初一,我早早地起了床,煮好汤圆,等待妻子和儿子一起吃新年早餐。"嘀铃铃—"电话骤响。我拿起话筒,那头传来一位老年妇女的声音:"孩子,新年好……"是妈妈打来的电话?我在想。但声音又不太像,我疑惑地想查看一下来电显示屏,可是电话那头却开始说个不停:"你说年三十回来的,怎么又不回来啦?害得你爸昨天整个下午都心神不宁,打了几次电话给你,不知为啥就是打不通。他去了好几趟村口接你们,直到天黑透了,人家吃过团圆晚饭看春节晚会时,还没有见到你们的影子,他才失望地从村口回来。为了你们回家过年,我和你爸忙碌好几天。 展开更多
关键词 春节晚会 给你 混生活 唏嘘不已 对我说 别人家 告诉我 她说 就这样 孤独寂寞
作者 罗刚淮 《辽宁教育》 2012年第10X期44-45,共2页
一次与某校老师作教科研方面的研讨,临了,有一位教师说:"您说得很好,可是,我们真的没时间。我给你看一张纸条,上面是我最近一个星期做的事,个人家事除外。"我看了一下,洋洋洒洒一片,默数一下大约有几十件事,折合时间足足超过... 一次与某校老师作教科研方面的研讨,临了,有一位教师说:"您说得很好,可是,我们真的没时间。我给你看一张纸条,上面是我最近一个星期做的事,个人家事除外。"我看了一下,洋洋洒洒一片,默数一下大约有几十件事,折合时间足足超过一个星期所有的工作时间。"您看,我还有时间写论文吗?"我说;"你还真没时间写。" 展开更多
关键词 励志教育 混生活 工作时间 成长需要 现代社会工作 极则 师生冲突 意志消沉 师爱 霍懋征
作者 朱万义 《党史博采(上)》 2002年第5期37-38,共2页
1954年仲夏时节,北戴河中直疗养院落成了。中央领导同志来这里集体办公。毛泽东主席住进了一号平房。当时中央正在进行第一次全国人民代表大会的筹备工作。毛主席除主持筹备工作外,主要是审阅有关文件,特别是《中华人民共和国宪法》草... 1954年仲夏时节,北戴河中直疗养院落成了。中央领导同志来这里集体办公。毛泽东主席住进了一号平房。当时中央正在进行第一次全国人民代表大会的筹备工作。毛主席除主持筹备工作外,主要是审阅有关文件,特别是《中华人民共和国宪法》草案。他多是在夜间和上午工作,下午休息或活动,而他最喜欢的运动就是到大海中去游泳。 展开更多
关键词 中央领导 集体办公 翻身不忘共产党 混生活 学友会 陪同人员 秋风萧瑟 如水 这一天 人从
Tiny Tme: An Inquiry after 80s' Dilemma of Value and Individual Highlights
作者 Dou Xingbin 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第1期106-108,共3页
The film Tiny Tme tries to disassemble the generation after 1980s. After the city occupation cluster sign, the new group has gradually become the mainstream of modem urban life, a time to give mixed characteristics.
关键词 tiny time dilemma of value individual highlights occupation cluster sign
Building a Community for the Senior Citizens Using the Idea of Vertical Farms
作者 Shu-Ying Tsai Yi-Shan Tsai 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第6期727-733,共7页
Global population growth and urbanization have posed increasing threats to the ecological environment. In an aging society, high-density living spaces have resulted in intensifying housing concerns for urban senior ci... Global population growth and urbanization have posed increasing threats to the ecological environment. In an aging society, high-density living spaces have resulted in intensifying housing concerns for urban senior citizens. Among the rapid urban development, addressing the demands of senior citizens for suitable living environments and enabling senior city dwellers to engage in diversified social interactions are concerns that necessitate public attention. This study introduced the idea of the “vertical farm” to the living environments of senior citizens. By integrating vegetation appreciation and physical labor, vertical farming allows senior citizens to experience joy and a sense of accomplishment. In addition, these farms can change the monotonous and gloomy exteriors of concrete buildings. By conducting in-depth interviews with 12 senior citizens residing in the Happiness Community in Taipei City, by building vertical farms, senior citizens can experience joy and a sense of achievement at the psychological level and communicate with families, friends and neighbors in the community at a social level. At the environmental level, comprehensive ecological communities can be achieved. We explored how promoting vertical farms in a living environment can affect senior citizens at the psychological, social and environmental levels. The results can be used to build vertical farms that accommodate the needs of senior citizen living environments. 展开更多
关键词 Vertical farm senior citizens URBANIZATION
Effect of Different Potting Mixtures on Growth and Yield of Soybean (Glycine max L.) and Soil Microbial Activity
作者 Nilanthi Dahanayake Kankanam Pathiranage Iroshini Inoka Lanka Aloka Lanka Ranawake 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第3期176-179,共4页
Soybean (Glycine max: Fabaceae) is a mycotrophic (mycorrhizal) crop grown commercially for human consumption. Seven different fertilizer mixtures, namely cow dung, coir dust, mush room medium waste, saw dust, com... Soybean (Glycine max: Fabaceae) is a mycotrophic (mycorrhizal) crop grown commercially for human consumption. Seven different fertilizer mixtures, namely cow dung, coir dust, mush room medium waste, saw dust, compost, decaying leaves and field soil with standard dose of NPK (control) were used for this experiment. The variety used was PM 25. Soil microbial activity was measured using CO2 evolution method. The experiment was carried out as a complete randomized block design with five replicates at the rate of eight plants per replicate. Average number of leaves on 25-day and 45-day old plants, shoot-length, root-length, number of pods per plant, wet weight of pod per plant, dry weight of pod per plant, plant wet weight, plant dry weight and seed dry weight per pod were measured. All management practices were conducted according to recommendations of the Department of Agriculture from seed germination to harvesting. Data were analyzed using SAS program (9.1.3). Highest number of pods/plant (100, 124, 102, 106) and dry-seed-weight in g/plant (12, 14.8, 12, 12) were recorded in those grown in cow dung, compost, decaying leaves and inorganic mixture (control) whereas the lowest pod production (8.7 pods/plant) and seed dry weight (1.0 g/plant) was recorded in saw dust. Instead of inorganic fertilizer there is possibility to use organic potting mixtures like compost and decaying leaves which gave a significant difference in crop productivity as compared to other treatments. Significantly highest mean microbial activity was observed in potting media filled with coir dust. 展开更多
关键词 Soybean (Glycine max L.) fertilizer mixtures microbial activity.
Total Synthesis of Marine Cyclic Enol-Phosphotriester Salinipostin Compounds
作者 ZHAO Mingliang WEI Xianfeng +4 位作者 LIU Xuemeng DONG Xueyang YU Rilei WAN Shengbiao JIANG Tao 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期683-689,共7页
Due to their structural diversity and variety of biological activities, marine natural products have been the subject of extensive study. These compounds, especially phospholipid polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, have... Due to their structural diversity and variety of biological activities, marine natural products have been the subject of extensive study. These compounds, especially phospholipid polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, have a wide range of pharmacological applications, including embedded DNA and central nervous system, anti-tumor, anti-virus, anti-parasite, anti-bacterial, and antithrombotic effects. Unfortunately, the insufficient drug sources have limited the development of these compounds. In this study, we isolated salinpostin compounds from a fermentation solution of marine-derived Salinospora sp., which has a common bicyclic enol-phosphotriester core framework, as well as potent and selective antimalarial activities against P. falciparum with EC_(50)=50 nmolL^(-1). The chemical synthesis of these compounds in greater quantities is necessary for their use in bioactivity studies. Thus we explored a short route with high yields and mild reaction conditions, which can generate combinatorial libraries for drug discovery and lead optimization. We developed a new total synthesis method for six cyclic enol-phosphotriester salinipotin compounds and their diastereomers. For the total synthesis of cyclipostin P, we prepared cyclic enol-phosphotriester salinipostin compounds in 10 steps from a readily accessible starting material, 1,3-dihydroxyacetone, and obtained an overall yield of 1.29%. We fully characterized these compounds by proton nuclear magnetic resonance(~1H-NMR), carbon-13 NMR(^(13)C-NMR), and high-resolution mass spectrometry(HRMS) analyses, and found they coincide absolutely with the same compounds reported previously. 展开更多
关键词 total synthesis Salinipostin enolphosphate trimester
作者 陈云 《浙江画报》 2012年第7期46-49,共4页
关键词 理想生活 台湾宜兰 针灸师 活着 医患关系 职业经理人 混生活 必胜客 不知道 MANAGER
作者 安宁 《草原》 2013年第5期42-50,共9页
一老沈与阿鱼喜欢上同一个女人。这在他们合作拍摄电视纪录片长达十余年的历史上,还是第一次。老沈生得老成持重,颇有成熟男人的风度。不过五年前他还是一副纨绔子弟的模样,当然,那时他瘦,也有味道,所以颇得女人们喜欢。但发了福以后,... 一老沈与阿鱼喜欢上同一个女人。这在他们合作拍摄电视纪录片长达十余年的历史上,还是第一次。老沈生得老成持重,颇有成熟男人的风度。不过五年前他还是一副纨绔子弟的模样,当然,那时他瘦,也有味道,所以颇得女人们喜欢。但发了福以后,他在女人们面前,就稍稍有些收敛。 展开更多
关键词 混生活 青开 沈心 辗转难眠 合作拍摄 不知道 活着 世俗生活 三十岁 人到中年
诗人,你为什么不愤怒? 被引量:2
《诗刊》 北大核心 1994年第9期61-61,57,共2页
关键词 张承志 文化状况 《文汇报》 人文精神 心灵史 批评界 后庭花 混生活 活着 就这样
沉思录——生命长存(二) 被引量:1
作者 张炜 《瞭望》 北大核心 1994年第39期41-41,共1页
我看过郑板桥晚年给他弟弟的一封信,上面说:象我们这种能写几句诗、画几笔画的人太多了,这就算当代“名士”?实际上我们算不得“名士”,我们不过是舞文弄墨的酸臭文人罢了,因为从我们的作品里一点看不到人民的痛苦和时代的声音……他说... 我看过郑板桥晚年给他弟弟的一封信,上面说:象我们这种能写几句诗、画几笔画的人太多了,这就算当代“名士”?实际上我们算不得“名士”,我们不过是舞文弄墨的酸臭文人罢了,因为从我们的作品里一点看不到人民的痛苦和时代的声音……他说他如果为了混生活,完全可以干点别的事情,可以种地,何必捏着一支笔杆在纸上涂来画去?世界上有多少种方法混生活,如果用笔墨混生活,可就算最寒酸、最可怜的一种了.郑板桥的觉悟令我心动.我从此明白了一个用笔人怎样才能不寒酸、不可怜. 展开更多
关键词 混生活 沉思录 一封信 郑板桥 酸腐 坚持真理
作者 杨继平 《滇池》 2006年第3期4-22,共19页
烤烟辅导员张庆虎在喇叭里通知,要求各家各户把今年计划种植的烤烟数目报上来。当时赵仁贵正在吃早饭。桌上是一盘腌菜炒土豆片外加一小砣腌卤腐,即便是就着这样简单的菜肴,他还是喝了近二两老白干。他每喝一口都要嘬一下嘴,伴着咝咝的... 烤烟辅导员张庆虎在喇叭里通知,要求各家各户把今年计划种植的烤烟数目报上来。当时赵仁贵正在吃早饭。桌上是一盘腌菜炒土豆片外加一小砣腌卤腐,即便是就着这样简单的菜肴,他还是喝了近二两老白干。他每喝一口都要嘬一下嘴,伴着咝咝的吸气声,仿佛日子已经过得分外滋润。赵仁贵的脸色是真正健康的色泽,跟腌卤腐一模一样的酱红。他又嘬了一口。说:" 展开更多
关键词 赵仁贵 庆虎 烟苗 金城武 就这样 混生活 月朗星稀 烤房 不知道 给你
作者 庄严 《戏剧文学》 北大核心 1993年第Z1期70-80,1,共12页
关键词 郑文彬 陈振华 门派 电动玩具 玩具业 拱手让人 大城市 服务水准 混生活 王女
作者 黄永玉 《当代学生(探秘)》 2004年第Z2期25-27,共3页
钟书先生活了八十八岁。他生于一九一○年,大我十四岁。我荣幸地和他一起在一九四七年的上海挨一本只办了一期、名叫《同路人》杂志的骂。骂得很凶,很要命,说我们两个人在文化上做的事对人民有害,迟早是末路一条……钟书先生是有学问的... 钟书先生活了八十八岁。他生于一九一○年,大我十四岁。我荣幸地和他一起在一九四七年的上海挨一本只办了一期、名叫《同路人》杂志的骂。骂得很凶,很要命,说我们两个人在文化上做的事对人民有害,迟早是末路一条……钟书先生是有学问的人,底子厚,他有恃无恐;我不行,我出道才几年,受不了这种惊吓,觉得在上海混生活很不容易了。 展开更多
关键词 混生活 钱先生 钱钟书先生 事对 一本 周扬 一九 季康 壮游 杨绛先生
作者 徐岩 《太湖》 2007年第1期13-18,共6页
关键词 凝香 学校门口 使人 混生活 小霞 一只手 就是你 她说 真白 二舅
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