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清早期皇子体育教育实例考录及特征研究 被引量:1
作者 常媛媛 尚玢 《山西档案》 北大核心 2015年第1期158-161,共4页
清代早期皇子的体育教育内容丰富形式多样,如射箭、摔跤、冰嬉、赛马和体育游戏等。皇子的体育教育体现了制度要求严格、皇帝率先垂范、实践活动培养体育精神等特征。研究清代皇子体育教育可以了解清朝体育教育的发展,借鉴有利的经验为... 清代早期皇子的体育教育内容丰富形式多样,如射箭、摔跤、冰嬉、赛马和体育游戏等。皇子的体育教育体现了制度要求严格、皇帝率先垂范、实践活动培养体育精神等特征。研究清代皇子体育教育可以了解清朝体育教育的发展,借鉴有利的经验为现代体育教育所用。 展开更多
关键词 体育史 清早期 皇子 体育教育
作者 石烈娟 《图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期56-57,共2页
长期以来,晚清图书馆学术史研究一直是中国图书馆学研究的薄弱环节。其中,西方近代图书馆文明在我国传播研究更是明显不足。笔者提出拓展研究视野,以晚清早期使臣群体输入西方图书馆文明为研究视角,加强、深化西方近代图书馆文明在我国... 长期以来,晚清图书馆学术史研究一直是中国图书馆学研究的薄弱环节。其中,西方近代图书馆文明在我国传播研究更是明显不足。笔者提出拓展研究视野,以晚清早期使臣群体输入西方图书馆文明为研究视角,加强、深化西方近代图书馆文明在我国传播研究。 展开更多
关键词 西方 近代图书馆文明 清早期使臣 传播
清早期扎尔固齐官号探究——从满蒙关系谈起 被引量:2
作者 哈斯巴根 《满语研究》 2011年第1期67-73,共7页
扎尔固齐是从蒙元时期流传下来的官号,至十六七世纪在蒙古各部落中仍普遍使用。清早期的扎尔固齐是在此背景下从蒙古借用的一种官号。从满蒙关系的角度考察扎尔固齐这一官号,可以帮助我们了解满洲崛起过程中的"蒙古因素",进... 扎尔固齐是从蒙元时期流传下来的官号,至十六七世纪在蒙古各部落中仍普遍使用。清早期的扎尔固齐是在此背景下从蒙古借用的一种官号。从满蒙关系的角度考察扎尔固齐这一官号,可以帮助我们了解满洲崛起过程中的"蒙古因素",进一步理解满蒙民族之间的历史渊源。 展开更多
关键词 满蒙关系 清早期 扎尔固齐
作者 刘晓莉 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期114-118,共5页
在晚清政府实施外交公使制度的初期,对代表国家与政府履行外交职责的驻外公使的任用条件,并没有明确的章程形式进行规定,主要是由君主饬任。而晚清早期的驻英公使在出使之前却具一些共性的特征因素,主要表现在三个大的方面:其一是对鸦... 在晚清政府实施外交公使制度的初期,对代表国家与政府履行外交职责的驻外公使的任用条件,并没有明确的章程形式进行规定,主要是由君主饬任。而晚清早期的驻英公使在出使之前却具一些共性的特征因素,主要表现在三个大的方面:其一是对鸦片战争后社会变局的清醒认识;其二是对洋务运动不同程度的支持;其三是对西方世界情形的理性认识。从这个群体中可以看出,他们身上所具有的共性特征与清政府驻外公使的任用条件具有一定的吻合性,而这些共性特征则构成了他们被举荐为驻英公使的重要条件和因素。 展开更多
关键词 清早期 驻英公使 郭嵩焘 曾纪泽 刘瑞芬 出使任用条件
作者 许敏 刘常青 《科教文汇》 2013年第4期84-86,共3页
遴选机制是晚清驻外公使制度的基本内容之一,对于中国近代外交体系的发展具有重要影响。本文通过对这一机制的考察,认为作为公使选拔方式的荐举制蕴含了复杂的政治派系斗争,而以"体用悉备"作为公使选拔的必要条件则满足了中... 遴选机制是晚清驻外公使制度的基本内容之一,对于中国近代外交体系的发展具有重要影响。本文通过对这一机制的考察,认为作为公使选拔方式的荐举制蕴含了复杂的政治派系斗争,而以"体用悉备"作为公使选拔的必要条件则满足了中国社会对外交"通才"的需求,这些都体现了中国近代外交初期非计划性和非职业化的特征。 展开更多
关键词 清早期 驻外公使 遴选机制 荐举制 “体用悉备”
作者 曾超 黄星月 《陶瓷研究》 2013年第A02期47-49,共3页
摘要:粉彩瓷真正成熟于清雍正,至乾隆达到高度繁荣的程度,粉彩代替五彩在彩瓷装饰中逐渐占据主导地位。本文将粉彩花鸟装饰进行剖析,阐述粉彩花鸟装饰的背景、风格及影响来论述其发展历程,分析粉彩花鸟装饰如何在借鉴其他工艺和绘... 摘要:粉彩瓷真正成熟于清雍正,至乾隆达到高度繁荣的程度,粉彩代替五彩在彩瓷装饰中逐渐占据主导地位。本文将粉彩花鸟装饰进行剖析,阐述粉彩花鸟装饰的背景、风格及影响来论述其发展历程,分析粉彩花鸟装饰如何在借鉴其他工艺和绘画特征来为其自身发展所用,使之附有新的艺术生命,在众多釉上彩瓷中占有举足轻重的地位,其装饰技法和风格特征作为传统文化对后世产生深远的影响。 展开更多
关键词 清早期粉彩 花鸟画 装饰 影响
作者 王鑫 《海外文摘》 2021年第17期18-20,共3页
清朝统治者入主中原后,以少数民族之君身份治理中国,成为华夏民族共主。与此同时,清帝对近身内侍问题也愈加关心,侍卫群体便应运而生。侍卫群体作为清朝一种独特的政治团体,发端于太祖努尔哈赤时期,后历经太宗、世祖、圣祖三代,至世宗... 清朝统治者入主中原后,以少数民族之君身份治理中国,成为华夏民族共主。与此同时,清帝对近身内侍问题也愈加关心,侍卫群体便应运而生。侍卫群体作为清朝一种独特的政治团体,发端于太祖努尔哈赤时期,后历经太宗、世祖、圣祖三代,至世宗雍正时期基本成型。通过相关史料来探索清早期的侍卫群体,对于理清其在清朝中枢结构里充当的角色以及其在政治框架中产生的作用均大有裨益。 展开更多
关键词 清史 清早期 侍卫群体
作者 郭钰豪 《西安翻译学院学报》 2018年第3期12-15,共4页
晚清是中国近代以来,激剧变化的肇始。而传教士群体在这个激荡的时代有重要的地位。本文通过李提摩太这一中国近代最为著名的传教士为契点,结合学界近年来的最新研究成果,来分析以李提摩太为代表的传教士在晚清中国社会以及晚清早期... 晚清是中国近代以来,激剧变化的肇始。而传教士群体在这个激荡的时代有重要的地位。本文通过李提摩太这一中国近代最为著名的传教士为契点,结合学界近年来的最新研究成果,来分析以李提摩太为代表的传教士在晚清中国社会以及晚清早期近代化过程中他们所起到的作用,并对其行为作出评价。用一种现代化的研究范式辅以新革命史观的角度来进行讨论。从而让大众对这一特殊的群体在特殊的时代的痕迹有一个客观的、理性的认识和评价。 展开更多
关键词 李提摩太 清早期现代化 评价
作者 鹿珈漩 《西泠艺丛》 2024年第8期68-74,共7页
姚际恒作为清早期客居杭州的徽商子弟,既是文学家,也是绘画鉴藏家,著有《好古堂家藏书画记》《诗经通论》等。但目前美术史学界对姚际恒的绘画鉴藏方面尚未进行系统研究。本文通过对姚际恒生平资料和《好古堂家藏书画记》的爬梳,初步厘... 姚际恒作为清早期客居杭州的徽商子弟,既是文学家,也是绘画鉴藏家,著有《好古堂家藏书画记》《诗经通论》等。但目前美术史学界对姚际恒的绘画鉴藏方面尚未进行系统研究。本文通过对姚际恒生平资料和《好古堂家藏书画记》的爬梳,初步厘清他的绘画鉴藏活动面貌,并整理存世的绘画作品及流传情况,试图探讨姚际恒的鉴藏审美取向和对书画的鉴赏能力,进一步明确他在中国美术鉴藏史上的重要地位。 展开更多
关键词 姚际恒 《好古堂家藏书画记》 绘画鉴藏 清早期
从方志、宗谱管窥明晚期至清早期龙泉窑 被引量:2
作者 刘净贤 《华夏考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期113-123,共11页
本文通过梳理方志、宗谱以及口碑等材料,结合窑址采集标本和博物馆藏品,并参考重要传世品,初步探讨了明代晚期至清代早期龙泉窑青瓷的面貌。研究表明,明代中期以来庆元县竹口窑场逐渐成为龙泉窑的一处生产中心,并在明代晚期至清代... 本文通过梳理方志、宗谱以及口碑等材料,结合窑址采集标本和博物馆藏品,并参考重要传世品,初步探讨了明代晚期至清代早期龙泉窑青瓷的面貌。研究表明,明代中期以来庆元县竹口窑场逐渐成为龙泉窑的一处生产中心,并在明代晚期至清代早期这一时段生产出一类胎体厚重、釉水青透、多以折枝花卉纹装饰的青瓷器,其中的精品可能还曾进入宫廷。这一时期的竹口窑场极有可能由许氏窑户经营生产。 展开更多
关键词 方志 许氏宗谱 明晚清早期 龙泉窑 竹口窑场
作者 王远明 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2006年第11期137-139,共3页
在新文学运动中,朱自清以其独特的散文成为白话散文的模范。他之所以取得如此成就,除了语言的创新外,更关乎他的艺术审美趣味:一方面,他接受了“为人生”的文学观念,但又有自己独特的理解;另一方面,他接受了白话文的理念,但又借鉴了传... 在新文学运动中,朱自清以其独特的散文成为白话散文的模范。他之所以取得如此成就,除了语言的创新外,更关乎他的艺术审美趣味:一方面,他接受了“为人生”的文学观念,但又有自己独特的理解;另一方面,他接受了白话文的理念,但又借鉴了传统文学的语言观。由此,他早期的艺术趣味包含着极其复杂的内涵——以语言哲学而不仅仅以文学革命的理论作为唯一的标准来评价朱自清早期的散文,就会重新领略朱自清早期散文艺术的另一方面的真实趣味。 展开更多
关键词 新文学运动 朱自清早期散文 艺术审美趣味 散文艺术
作者 刘晓莉 《郑州师范教育》 2021年第1期80-85,共6页
晚清早期驻英公使对英国的教育进行了考察,了解了英国教育中关于学校教育制度、内容及普及的相关情形。同时对当时中国教育制度的落后、教育内容的务虚及教育的普及度低等方面进行了反思,并针对性提出了有利于中国教育发展的理性建议。... 晚清早期驻英公使对英国的教育进行了考察,了解了英国教育中关于学校教育制度、内容及普及的相关情形。同时对当时中国教育制度的落后、教育内容的务虚及教育的普及度低等方面进行了反思,并针对性提出了有利于中国教育发展的理性建议。他们的考察和反思为国人了解以英国为中心的西方教育开启了一扇窗口,一定程度上促进了中国近代教育的进步和教育的近代化。 展开更多
关键词 清早期 驻英公使 英国教育
作者 赵淑霞 《文物鉴定与鉴赏》 2020年第17期30-31,共2页
荟福寺是内蒙古赤峰市巴林右旗清早期的藏传佛教寺庙,是赤峰境内保存较好的清代早期的著名建筑,是康熙帝的女儿荣宪公主主持修建的。荟福寺是清政府满蒙联姻政策的产物,是清王朝边疆安定、团结的象征,具有重要的历史、文物、艺术、科学... 荟福寺是内蒙古赤峰市巴林右旗清早期的藏传佛教寺庙,是赤峰境内保存较好的清代早期的著名建筑,是康熙帝的女儿荣宪公主主持修建的。荟福寺是清政府满蒙联姻政策的产物,是清王朝边疆安定、团结的象征,具有重要的历史、文物、艺术、科学、宗教等研究价值。 展开更多
关键词 清早期 内蒙古巴林右旗 藏传佛教寺庙
HBV cccDNA in patients' sera as an indicator for HBV reactivation and an early signal of liver damage 被引量:108
作者 Johnny Sze 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期82-85,共4页
AIM:To evaluate the covalently closed circle DNA (cccDNA) level of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in patients' liver and sera. METHODS:HBV DNA was isolated from patients' liver biopsies and sera.A sensitive real-time... AIM:To evaluate the covalently closed circle DNA (cccDNA) level of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in patients' liver and sera. METHODS:HBV DNA was isolated from patients' liver biopsies and sera.A sensitive real-time PCR method,which is capable of differentiation of HBV viral genomic DNA and cccDNA,was used to quantify the total HBV cccDNA.The total HBV viral DNA was quantitated by real-time PCR using a HBV diagnostic kit (PG Biotech,LTD,Shenzhen,China) described previously. RESULTS:For the first time,we measured the level of HBV DNA and cccDNA isolated from ten HBV patients' liver biopsies and sera.In the liver biopsies,cccDNA was detected from all the biopsy samples.The copy number of cccDNA ranged from from 0.03 to 173.1 per cell,the copy number of total HBV DNA ranged from 0.08 to 3 717 per cell.The ratio of total HBV DNA to cccDNA ranged from 1 to 3 406.In the sera, cccDNA was only detected from six samples whereas HBV viral DNA was detected from all ten samples.The ratio of cccDNA to total HBV DNA ranged from 0 to 1.77%.To further investigate the reason why cccDNA could only be detected in some patients' sera,we performed longitudinal studies.The cccDNA was detected from the patients' sera with HBV reactivation but not from the patients' sera without HBV reactivation.The level of cccDNA in the sera was correlated with ALT and viral load in the HBV reactivation patients. CONCLUSION:HBV cccDNA is actively transcribed and replicated in some patients' hepatoo/tes,which is reflected by a high ratio of HBV total DNA vs cccDNA.Detection of cccDNA in the liver biopsy will provide an end-point for the anti-HBV therapy.The occurrence of cccDNA in the sera is an early signal of liver damage,which may be another important clinical parameter. 展开更多
关键词 Alanine Transaminase Biopsy DNA Circular DNA Viral Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis B Chronic HEPATOCYTES Humans Kinetics Liver Research Support Non-U.S. Gov't Viral Load
Anemia after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer:Long-term follow-up observational study 被引量:19
作者 Chul-Hyun Lim Sang Woo Kim +8 位作者 Won Chul Kim Jin Soo Kim Yu Kyung Cho Jae Myung Park In Seok Lee Myung-Gyu Choi Kyo-Young Song Hae Myung Jeon Cho-Hyun Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第42期6114-6119,共6页
AIM:To identify the incidence and etiology of anemia after gastrectomy in patients with long-term follow-up after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer.METHODS:The medical records of those patients with early gastric a... AIM:To identify the incidence and etiology of anemia after gastrectomy in patients with long-term follow-up after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer.METHODS:The medical records of those patients with early gastric adenocarcinoma who underwent curative gastrectomy between January 2006 and October 2007 were reviewed.Patients with anemia in the preoperative workup,cancer recurrence,undergoing systemic chemotherapy,with other medical conditions that can cause anemia,or treated during follow up with red cell transfusions or supplements for anemia were excluded.Anemia was defined by World Health Organization criteria(Hb < 12 g/dL in women and < 13 g/dL in men).Iron deficiency was defined as serum ferritin < 20 g/dL.Vitamin B12 deficiency was defined as serum vitamin B 12 < 200 pg/mL.Iron deficiency anemia was defined as anemia with concomitant iron deficiency.Anemia from vitamin B 12 deficiency was defined as megaloblastic anemia(mean cell volume > 100 fL) with vitamin B 12 deficiency.The profile of anemia over 48 mo of follow-up was analyzed.RESULTS:One hundred sixty-one patients with gastrectomy for early gastric cancer were analyzed.The incidence of anemia was 24.5% at 3 mo after surgery and increased up to 37.1% at 48 mo after surgery.The incidence of iron deficiency anemia increased during the follow up and became the major cause of anemia at 48 mo after surgery.Anemia of chronic disease and megaloblastic anemia were uncommon.The incidence of anemia in female patients was significantly higher than in male patients at 12(40.0% vs 22.0%,P = 0.033),24(45.0% vs 25.0%,P = 0.023),36(55.0% vs 28.0%,P = 0.004),and 48 mo(52.0% vs 31.0%,P = 0.022) after surgery.Patients with total gastrectomy showed significantly higher incidence of anemia than patients with subtotal gastrectomy at 48 mo after surgery(60.7% vs 31.3%,P = 0.008).The incidence of iron deficiency was significantly higher in female patients than in male patients at 6(35.4% vs 13.3%,P = 0.002),12(45.8% vs 16.8%,P < 0.001),18(52.1% vs 22.3%,P < 0.001),24(60.4% vs 20.9%,P < 0.001),36(62.5% vs 29.2%,P < 0.001),and 48 mo(66.7% vs 34.7%,P = 0.001) after surgery.CONCLUSION:Anemia was frequent after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer,with iron deficiency being the major cause.Evaluation for anemia including iron status should be performed after gastrectomy and appropriate iron replacement should be considered. 展开更多
关键词 GASTRECTOMY Stomach neoplasms ANEMIA Iron deficiency Vitamin B 12 deficiency
Diagnostic application of serum proteomic patterns in early gastric cancer patients by SELDI-TOF-MS
作者 Chunwei Li Dianliang Zhang Jian Zhang Fengbo Sun Lei Mi 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2011年第5期261-265,共5页
Objective:Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry(SELDI-TOF-MS) is one of the currently used techniques to identify biomarkers for cancers.This study was planned to make a proteom... Objective:Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry(SELDI-TOF-MS) is one of the currently used techniques to identify biomarkers for cancers.This study was planned to make a proteomic analysis on the serum of stage I gastric cancer patients and establish a early diagnostic model for identifying stage I gastric cancer preliminarily.Methods:A total of 229 serum samples including 169 pathologically confirmed gastric cancer patients(stage I:n = 47;stage II:n = 39;stage III:n = 46;stage IV:n = 37) and 60 gastritis patients were analyzed by SELDI-TOF-MS Protein Chip array technology.The resulting SELDI-TOF-MS spectral data were analyzed using the Biomarker WizardTM and Biomarker Patterns software to find differential proteins and develop a classification tree for early gastric cancer.Results:Twelve proteins were significantly over expressed(P<0.05,Student t-test) in patients with gastric cancer compared to patients with gastritis.Among them,three protein masses with 2873,6121 and 7778 m/z was found to be differentially expressed solely in patients suffering from stage I gastric cancer.The three protein masses construct the decision tree which could effectively distinguish stage I gastric cancer samples from control samples,achieving a sensitivity and specificity of 89.36(42/47) and 97.32%(182/187),respectively.Conclusion:Serum Proteomic Patterns can be used for the quick diagnosis of stage I gastric cancer.SELDI-TOF-MS is a useful tool for the detection and identification of new protein markers in serum. 展开更多
关键词 gastric cancer biomarkers SELDI-TOF-MS serum proteomic patterns
Serum inter-cellular adhesion molecule 1 is an early marker of diagnosis and prediction of severe acute pancreatitis 被引量:8
作者 Hai-Hang Zhu Lin-Lin Jiang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第20期2554-2560,共7页
AIM:To determine if serum inter-cellular adhesion molecule 1(ICAM-1)is an early marker of the diagnosis and prediction of severe acute pancreatitis(SAP) within 24 h of onset of pain,and to compare the sensitivity,spec... AIM:To determine if serum inter-cellular adhesion molecule 1(ICAM-1)is an early marker of the diagnosis and prediction of severe acute pancreatitis(SAP) within 24 h of onset of pain,and to compare the sensitivity,specificity and prognostic value of this test with those of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation(APACHE)Ⅱscore and interleukin-6(IL-6). METHODS:Patients with acute pancreatitis(AP)were divided into two groups according to the Ranson's criteria:mild acute pancreatitis(MAP)group and SAP group.Serum ICAM-1,APACHEⅡand IL-6 levels were detected in all the patients.The sensitivity,specificity and prognostic value of the ICAM-1,APACHEⅡscore and IL-6 were evaluated. RESULTS:The ICAM-1 level in 36 patients with SAP within 24 h of onset of pain was increased and was significantly higher than that in the 50 patients with MAP and the 15 healthy volunteers(P<0.01).The ICAM-1 level(25 ng/mL)was chosen as the optimum cutoff to distinguish SAP from MAP,and the sensitivity,specificity,positive predictive value,negative predictive value(NPV),positive likelihood ratio and negative likelihood ratio were 61.11%,71.42%,0.6111,0.7142, 2.1382 and 0.5445,respectively.The area under the curve demonstrated that the prognostic accuracy of ICAM-1(0.712)was similar to the APACHE-Ⅱscoring system(0.770)and superior to IL-6(0.508)in distinguishing SAP from MAP. CONCLUSION:ICAM-1 test is a simple,rapid and reliable method in clinical practice.It is an early marker of diagnosis and prediction of SAP within the first 24 h after onset of pain or on admission.As it has a relatively low NPV and does not allow it to be a stand-alone test for the diagnosis of AP,other conventional diagnostic tests are required. 展开更多
关键词 Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 Severe acute pancreatitis Early prediction
Crucial steps in the natural history of inflammatory bowel disease 被引量:7
作者 Giovanni Latella Claudio Papi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第29期3790-3799,共10页
Inflammatory bowel diseases(IBD),including ulcerative colitis(UC) and Crohn's disease(CD),are chronic,progressive and disabling disorders.Over the last few decades,new therapeutic approaches have been introduced w... Inflammatory bowel diseases(IBD),including ulcerative colitis(UC) and Crohn's disease(CD),are chronic,progressive and disabling disorders.Over the last few decades,new therapeutic approaches have been introduced which have led not only to a reduction in the mortality rate but also offered the possibility of a favorable modification in the natural history of IBD.The identification of clinical,genetic and serological prognostic factors has permitted a better stratification of the disease,thus allowing the opportunity to indicate the most appropriate therapy.Early treatment with immunosuppressive drugs and biologics has offered the opportunity to change,at least in the short term,the course of the disease by reducing,in a subset of patients with IBD,hospitalization and the need for surgery.In this review,the crucial steps in the natural history of both UC and CD will be discussed,as well as the factors that may change their clinical course.The methodological requirements for high quality studies on the course and prognosis of IBD,the true impact of environmental and dietary factors on the clinical course of IBD,the clinical,serological and genetic predictors of the IBD course(in particular,which of these are rel-evant and appropriate for use in clinical practice),the impact of the various forms of medical treatment on the IBD complication rate,the role of surgery for IBD in the biologic era,the true magnitude of risk of colorectal cancer associated with IBD,as well as the mortality rate related to IBD will be stressed;all topics that are extensively discussed in separate reviews included in this issue of World Journal of Gastroenterology. 展开更多
关键词 Inflammatory bowel disease Ulcerative colitis Crohn's disease Natural history Clinical course Complications Therapy Surgery Mortality
Proteome Analysis in the Discovery of Serological Pregnancy Biomarkers in Damascus Goats
作者 Ibrahim Noor Syaheera Taib Mohamad Aziz Shuib Adawiyah Suriza 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第6期465-474,共10页
Early detection of pregnancy is advantageous to breeders. However, tools that were used in the early pregnancy detection are expensive, laboratory-based and not efficient and applicable enough in the field to farmers.... Early detection of pregnancy is advantageous to breeders. However, tools that were used in the early pregnancy detection are expensive, laboratory-based and not efficient and applicable enough in the field to farmers. Thus, there is a need to find a biomarker which not only can detect pregnancy but also could be applied to the livestock on the field. Proteomic approach was used in this study as to search for early pregnancy biomarker. When goat sera at day 14 of gestation were resolved by using two dimensional gel electrophoresis, five differentially expressed proteins were detected. Four of the proteins were identified as albumin precursors, immunoglobulin lambda light chain and zinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein. Pregnancy associated glycoprotein-1 was detected by using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry and the protein was validated by immunoblotting. These proteins have potential to be used as a biomarker for early pregnancy detection, however, more extensive analysis are needed to validate its possibility. 展开更多
关键词 Damascus serum PAG pregnancy biomarker PROTEOMIC Maldi-Tof/Tof LC-MS/MS.
作者 加洋措 《中国文物科学研究》 2014年第3期88-92,共5页
受北京艺术博物馆的委托,对两件香色地四合如意云寸蟒纹织金妆花缎进行保护修复。两件妆花织物质地柔软、组织结构紧凑、纹样细腻、设色庄重。但经长期自然和人为因素的影响,织物多处破损、开裂、脱丝、破洞、污渍等,圆金和片金纹纬上... 受北京艺术博物馆的委托,对两件香色地四合如意云寸蟒纹织金妆花缎进行保护修复。两件妆花织物质地柔软、组织结构紧凑、纹样细腻、设色庄重。但经长期自然和人为因素的影响,织物多处破损、开裂、脱丝、破洞、污渍等,圆金和片金纹纬上的金片大量脱落,整体污染较为严重,质地脆弱,无法研究和展出。本文通过研究妆花所承载的历史文化信息、综合织物的质地、组织结构、纹样形态、设色特征等诸多因素,将其定为清早期织物。应用三维视频显微镜和电子丝绸尺软件对织物组织结构、破损程度进行了分析。在此基础上,制定了保护修复工作目标和方案。修复后的两件织物基本恢复了原貌,效果较好,可以作为研究中国丝织品的实物根据。 展开更多
关键词 织金 妆花缎 清早期织物
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