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作者 张贵明 《长春金融高等专科学校学报》 1998年第3期27-30,共4页
利率作为调节资金配置的杠杆和最灵敏的经济信号,其市场化的发育程度,是金融改革深化的重要环节。1996年,全国金融工作会议明确提出:“要按照利率市场化要求,逐步改革利率管理体制”。近几年,在治理通货膨胀的宏观调控过程中,我们充分... 利率作为调节资金配置的杠杆和最灵敏的经济信号,其市场化的发育程度,是金融改革深化的重要环节。1996年,全国金融工作会议明确提出:“要按照利率市场化要求,逐步改革利率管理体制”。近几年,在治理通货膨胀的宏观调控过程中,我们充分地利用利率这一手段,成功地实现了我国经济的软着陆。尽管如此,我们在利率问题上,还是没有跳出“政府决定、直接调控、集权指令”的框架,始终没有触及利率供求决定、间接调控。 展开更多
关键词 利率市场化进程 中央银行 市场模式 利率改革 商业银行 渐进化 利率管理体制 利率弹性 市场利率 金融资产
从计划金融到市场金融的渐进化改革——十一届三中全会以来的中国金融改革 被引量:6
作者 蔺子荣 胡金焱 《财经科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第2期23-27,共5页
中国金融体制改革始于党的十一届三中全会以后,是与我国经济体制改革的整体进程相同步。20年来我国的金融改革,遵循了一个以市场为取向的、渐进化的改革逻辑,改革的巨大成就体现在从整体上突破了传统的计划金融体制模式,基本建立... 中国金融体制改革始于党的十一届三中全会以后,是与我国经济体制改革的整体进程相同步。20年来我国的金融改革,遵循了一个以市场为取向的、渐进化的改革逻辑,改革的巨大成就体现在从整体上突破了传统的计划金融体制模式,基本建立起了一个符合现代市场经济要求的市场... 展开更多
关键词 计划金融 市场金融 渐进化改革 金融体制改革
连续进化金融模型与全局渐进化稳定策略 被引量:13
作者 杨招军 秦国文 《经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期41-49,61,共10页
本文运用达尔文生物进化论思想研究连续交易金融市场选择的动态变化及一般均衡规律。本文发现并证明了:金融资产“赢利”的充要条件是该资产相对股息大于相对股价;投资比例等于股息分发比例的简单混合策略是全局渐近进化稳定策略;在均... 本文运用达尔文生物进化论思想研究连续交易金融市场选择的动态变化及一般均衡规律。本文发现并证明了:金融资产“赢利”的充要条件是该资产相对股息大于相对股价;投资比例等于股息分发比例的简单混合策略是全局渐近进化稳定策略;在均衡条件下,对应的金融资产价格等于该资产股息占总股息的比例的数学期望;市场变异或金融创新是有效市场形成的动力;全局渐近进化稳定策略业绩可能在某些时候不是最好的,但只要其初始财富大于零,最终将控制市场上的所有财富,而简单混合策略,可能在某个时候业绩优良,然而,在市场存在全局渐近进化稳定策略的条件下,只要其初始财富份额小于1,最终控制的财富趋向于零,从而被市场所淘汰。 展开更多
关键词 进化金融 市场选择 全局进化稳定策略 金融创新 资产定价
作者 陈娟 《华夏教师》 2024年第10期118-119,共2页
本文探讨了初中英语教学中实施“双减”政策的有效策略,差异化作业设计注重满足学生个性化学习需求,渐进化作业设计帮助学生稳步提升学术水平,而趣味性作业设计则旨在提高学生的学习动机和参与度。这些策略共同作用,以期达到“双减”政... 本文探讨了初中英语教学中实施“双减”政策的有效策略,差异化作业设计注重满足学生个性化学习需求,渐进化作业设计帮助学生稳步提升学术水平,而趣味性作业设计则旨在提高学生的学习动机和参与度。这些策略共同作用,以期达到“双减”政策的教育目标。 展开更多
关键词 “双减”政策 初中英语教学 差异化理念 渐进化理念
制造企业核心竞争力识别研究 被引量:1
作者 邹浩 吕希琛 张高成 《学习与探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期104-107,共4页
核心竞争力是企业保持竞争优势的根源,是企业利润增值的原始动力,制造企业核心竞争力的识别过程必须关注价值标准、功能标准和属性标准。根据以上识别标准提出的基于资源—能力—竞争优势—核心竞争力的渐进式识别方法,要求从企业所能... 核心竞争力是企业保持竞争优势的根源,是企业利润增值的原始动力,制造企业核心竞争力的识别过程必须关注价值标准、功能标准和属性标准。根据以上识别标准提出的基于资源—能力—竞争优势—核心竞争力的渐进式识别方法,要求从企业所能支配和掌控的资源入手,结合企业运行过程中的主要业务来识别出企业关键能力,并通过关键能力的交叉识别出企业的竞争优势,而竞争优势是否具有"柔性化"则是识别和培育核心竞争力的关键,也是企业管理者所必须考虑的问题。 展开更多
关键词 制造企业 核心竞争力 渐进化识别
作者 吴大兵 马兵 《农业考古》 北大核心 2005年第5期39-41,共3页
自改革开放以来,农村基层民主建设取得了巨大进步,同时也赋予了中国农村基层民主建设鲜明的实践导向性:民主化、制度化、法制化、渐进化.本文拟从农村基层民主建设实践必然的角度,理性地思考这种导向性的归因,以此明晰农村基层民主发展... 自改革开放以来,农村基层民主建设取得了巨大进步,同时也赋予了中国农村基层民主建设鲜明的实践导向性:民主化、制度化、法制化、渐进化.本文拟从农村基层民主建设实践必然的角度,理性地思考这种导向性的归因,以此明晰农村基层民主发展的方向. 展开更多
关键词 基层民主 民主化 制度化 法制化 渐进化
作者 李国安 《西南师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期54-57,共4页
邓小平对我国社会主义民主政治建设作了许多精辟论述,提出了许多重要思想,其中最具导向性的是:强调我国民主政治要中国化、制度化、法律化、渐进化、科学化。这些思想包括了我国民主政治建设的基本原则、根本任务、重要保证、基本途径... 邓小平对我国社会主义民主政治建设作了许多精辟论述,提出了许多重要思想,其中最具导向性的是:强调我国民主政治要中国化、制度化、法律化、渐进化、科学化。这些思想包括了我国民主政治建设的基本原则、根本任务、重要保证、基本途径和发展方向。它们相互联系,构成一个科学的体系,指导着我国新时期的民主政治建设健康持续协调地发展,对新世纪新阶段发展我国社会主义民主政治,建设社会主义法治国家,建设社会主义政治文明具有重要的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 民主政治 中国化 制度化 法律化 渐进化 科学化
作者 施仲谋 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2009年第2期13-17,共5页
文章探讨了中华文化教学的目标和背景,以及教学大纲如何制订,核心教材怎样编写,实验教学如何实施,研究成效如何评估,配套活动如何配合等问题,探讨了小学、中学、大学的文化教学怎样渐进化和系统化进行,如何因应不同学习阶段和不... 文章探讨了中华文化教学的目标和背景,以及教学大纲如何制订,核心教材怎样编写,实验教学如何实施,研究成效如何评估,配套活动如何配合等问题,探讨了小学、中学、大学的文化教学怎样渐进化和系统化进行,如何因应不同学习阶段和不同学生的认知能力而有所侧重等问题。 展开更多
关键词 中华文化 教学大纲 实验教材 渐进化 系统化
作者 纪宣明 《南京财经大学学报》 1994年第3期1-3,共3页
一、银行风险管理机制的建立与完善是一个渐进化的过程我国社会主义市场经济运行机制尚不健全,尚未完成从资源约束型经济向需求约束型经济过渡,非公平竞争依然存在。从这种"准市场经济"向真正的市场经济的发展将在各种摩擦之... 一、银行风险管理机制的建立与完善是一个渐进化的过程我国社会主义市场经济运行机制尚不健全,尚未完成从资源约束型经济向需求约束型经济过渡,非公平竞争依然存在。从这种"准市场经济"向真正的市场经济的发展将在各种摩擦之中逐步完成;而对产权归属、公有制主体地位实现问题的理论研究与具体操作不可能在短期内完成,特别是政治体制改革的滞后也严重制约经济体制改革,因此经济体制改革必将走渐进化之路,由此决定了金融体制政策不可能一蹴而就。从金融改革自身来看,既存在着上述类似问题也存在着政策上、技术上的诸多问题,健全发达的金融体系。 展开更多
关键词 风险管理机制 专业银行 经济体制改革 商业银行 金融体系 公有制主体地位 准市场经济 贷款风险 建立与完善 渐进化
作者 李如来 《科技与企业》 2002年第11期24-26,共3页
关键词 现代企业管理 归纳法 田娜 管理思想 差异点 管理量化 管理细化 渐进化发展模式
Failure precursor of surrounding rock mass around cross tunnel in high-steep rock slope 被引量:8
作者 马克 唐春安 +2 位作者 徐奴文 刘峰 徐敬武 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期207-217,共11页
The stability of the surrounding rock mass around cross tunnel in the right bank slope of Dagangshan hydropower station, in the southwestern China, was analyzed by microseismic monitoring as well as numerical simulati... The stability of the surrounding rock mass around cross tunnel in the right bank slope of Dagangshan hydropower station, in the southwestern China, was analyzed by microseismic monitoring as well as numerical simulations. The realistic failure process analysis code (abbreviated as RFPA3D) was employed to reproduce the initiation, propagation, coalescence and interactions of micro-fractures, the evolution of associated stress fields and acoustic emission (AE) activities during the whole failure processes of the surrounding rock mass around cross tunnel. Combined with microseismic activities by microseismic monitoring on the fight bank slope, the spatial-temporal evolution and the micro-fracture precursor characteristics during the complete process of progressive failure of the surrounding rock mass around cross tunnel were discussed and the energy release law of the surrounding rock mass around the cross tunnel was obtained. The result shows that the precursor characteristic of microfractures occurring in rock mass is an effective approach to early warn catastrophic damage of rock mass around cross tunnel. Moreover, the heterogeneity of rock mass is the source and internal cause of the failure precursor of rock mass. 展开更多
关键词 rock slope cross tunnel microseismic monitoring precursory characteristics HETEROGENEITY
Progressive Modelling of the Gravity-induced Landslide Using the Local Dynamic Strength Reduction Method 被引量:10
作者 CHEN Guo-qing HUANG Run-qiu +2 位作者 XU Qiang LI Tian-bin ZHU Ming-lei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期532-540,共9页
The failure of slope is a progressive process, and the whole sliding surface is caused by the gradual softening of soil strength of the potential sliding surface. From this viewpoint, a local dynamic strength reductio... The failure of slope is a progressive process, and the whole sliding surface is caused by the gradual softening of soil strength of the potential sliding surface. From this viewpoint, a local dynamic strength reduction method is proposed to capture the progressive failure of slope. This method can calculate the warning deformation of landslide in this study. Only strength parameters of the yielded zone of landslide will be reduced by using the method. Through continuous local reduction of the strength parameters of the yielded zone, the potential sliding surface developed gradually and evolved to breakthrough finally. The result shows that the proposed method can simulate the progressive failure of slope truly. The yielded zone and deformation of landslide obtained by the method are smaller than those of overall strength reduction method. The warning deformation of landslide can be obtained by using the local dynamic strength reduction method which is based on the softening characteristics of the sliding surface. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE Local dynamic reduction Warning deformation Strength softening Progressive failure
Analysis and optimization of variable depth increments in sheet metal incremental forming 被引量:1
作者 李军超 王宾 周同贵 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2553-2559,共7页
A method utilizing variable depth increments during incremental forming was proposed and then optimized based on numerical simulation and intelligent algorithm.Initially,a finite element method(FEM) model was set up a... A method utilizing variable depth increments during incremental forming was proposed and then optimized based on numerical simulation and intelligent algorithm.Initially,a finite element method(FEM) model was set up and then experimentally verified.And the relation between depth increment and the minimum thickness tmin as well as its location was analyzed through the FEM model.Afterwards,the variation of depth increments was defined.The designed part was divided into three areas according to the main deformation mechanism,with Di(i=1,2) representing the two dividing locations.And three different values of depth increment,Δzi(i=1,2,3) were utilized for the three areas,respectively.Additionally,an orthogonal test was established to research the relation between the five process parameters(D and Δz) and tmin as well as its location.The result shows that Δz2 has the most significant influence on the thickness distribution for the corresponding area is the largest one.Finally,a single evaluating indicator,taking into account of both tmin and its location,was formatted with a linear weighted model.And the process parameters were optimized through a genetic algorithm integrated with an artificial neural network based on the evaluating index.The result shows that the proposed algorithm is satisfactory for the optimization of variable depth increment. 展开更多
关键词 incremental forming numerical simulation variable depth increment genetic algorithm OPTIMIZATION
Efficient and reliable road modeling for digital maps based on cardinal spline
作者 Xia Liang Li Xu Li Honghai 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2018年第1期48-53,共6页
In order to realize an optimal balance between the efficiency and reliability requirements ofroad models,a road modeling method for digital maps based on cardinal spline is studied.First,the cardinal spline is chosen ... In order to realize an optimal balance between the efficiency and reliability requirements ofroad models,a road modeling method for digital maps based on cardinal spline is studied.First,the cardinal spline is chosen to establish an initial road model,which is specified by a series of control points and tension parameters.Then,in view of the initial road model,a gradual optimization algorithm,which can determine the reasonable control points and optimal tension parameters according to the degree of the change of road curvature,is proposed to determine the final road model.Finally,the proposed road modeling method is verified a d evaluated through experiments,and it is compared with the conventional method for digital maps based on the B-spline.The results show that the proposed method can resize a neaoptimal balance between the efficiency and reliability requirements.Compared with the conventional method based on the B-spline,this method occupies less data storage and achieves higher accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 cardinal spline digital map road modeling gradual optimization optimal balance
Asymptotically Optimal and Admissible Empirical Bayes Estimation of Normal Parameter
作者 LIU Huan-xiang SHI Yi-min +1 位作者 ZHANG Su-mei ZHOU Bing-chang 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期1-6,共6页
Under square loss, this paper constructs the empirical Bayes(EB) estimation for the parameter of normal distribution which has both asymptotic optimality and admissibility. Moreover, the convergence rate of the EB e... Under square loss, this paper constructs the empirical Bayes(EB) estimation for the parameter of normal distribution which has both asymptotic optimality and admissibility. Moreover, the convergence rate of the EB estimation obtained is proved to be O(n^-1). 展开更多
关键词 empirical Bayes estimation asymptotic optimality ADMISSIBILITY
A Class of Strongly Nonlinear Singular Perturbed Boundary Value Problems 被引量:15
作者 TANG Rong-rong(Department of Mathematics, Huzhou Teacher’ s College, Huzhou 313000, China) 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2003年第2期117-120,共4页
In this paper, a class of strongly nonlinear singular perturbed boundary value problems are coasidered by the theory of differential inequalities and the correction of boundary layer, under which the existence of solu... In this paper, a class of strongly nonlinear singular perturbed boundary value problems are coasidered by the theory of differential inequalities and the correction of boundary layer, under which the existence of solution is proved and the uniformly valid asymptotic expansions is obtained as well. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear equation singular perturbation boundary value problem differential inequality
Delay retirement international comparison and reference
作者 WANG Shu HUANO Tingting 《International English Education Research》 2017年第2期75-77,共3页
Delayed retirement is the current policy trend, but how to reduce the resistance of policy implementation, to ensure the smooth implementation of the policy, the government needs to consider the next issue. A few year... Delayed retirement is the current policy trend, but how to reduce the resistance of policy implementation, to ensure the smooth implementation of the policy, the government needs to consider the next issue. A few years or even ten years ago, some western countries are also facing the problem of aging population .In this paper, by referring to the experience of other countries, taking into account the situation of our country, the paper puts forward the following countermeasures and suggestions in the context of progressive retirement policy:. First, strengthen the incentive mechanism, so that workers gradually tend to work for a period of time; two, strengthen the pension insurance to pay more than the incentive oriented, which can delay the retirement pension in the appropriate level to be compensated, the development of the three pillar of the social endowment insurance system; three, standard retirement re employment policy. 展开更多
关键词 aging population Delay retirement Incentive mechanism
Role of progressive muscle relaxation in preventing and alleviating of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy among cancer patients: A protocol of systematic review
作者 Xu Tian Ling-Li Xu +3 位作者 Rong-Ying Tang Hui Chen Wei Xie Wei-Qing Chen 《TMR Integrative Nursing》 2019年第6期226-230,共5页
Background and aim:Progressive muscle relaxation(PMR)is one of the most common complementary and alternative therapies.Published systematic review unfolded that PMR has a positive impact on chemotherapy-induced nausea... Background and aim:Progressive muscle relaxation(PMR)is one of the most common complementary and alternative therapies.Published systematic review unfolded that PMR has a positive impact on chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting among adult cancer patients.However,the pooled findings were not reliable and valid because included trials have poor quality.It must be noted is that additional studies with good quality have been published recently.So,we design this updated systematic review to comprehensively establish the efficacy of PMR for the of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting among cancer patients.Methods:We will search PubMed,Cochrane Controlled Register of Trial(CENTRAL),Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature(CINAHL),China Biomedical Literature database(CBM),China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),and Wanfang data to capture all potential items.Data extraction sheet will be used to extract all essential information,the Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool will be utilized to appraise the risk of bias of eligible studies.Finally,a quantitative analysis will be performed if sufficient data were obtained.In contrast,a qualitative analysis will be used to summarize the results of all included studies.Ethics and dissemination:Ethics approval and patient written informed consent will not be required because all of the analyses in the present study will be performed based on data from published studies.We will submit our systematic review and network meta-analysis to a peer reviewed scientific journal for publication. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer CHEMOTHERAPY NAUSEA VOMITING Progressive muscle relaxation
Numerical modeling of permeability evolution based on degradation approach during progressive failure of brittle rocks 被引量:4
作者 Zhang Chunhui Yue Hongliang +1 位作者 Zhao Quansheng Wang Laigui 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第4期535-542,共8页
The permeability evolution of rock during the progressive failure process is described. In combination with the strength degradation index, the degradation formulas of s and a, which are dependent on the plastic confi... The permeability evolution of rock during the progressive failure process is described. In combination with the strength degradation index, the degradation formulas of s and a, which are dependent on the plastic confining strain component, the material constants of Hock-Brown failure criterion are presented, and a modified elemental scale elastic-brittle-plastic constitutive model of rock is established. The rela- tionship between volumetric strain and permeability through tri-axial compression is investigated. Based on the above, a permeability evolution model is established. The model incorporates confining pressure- dependent degradation of strength, dilatancy and corresponding permeability evolution. The model is implemented in FLAC by the FISH function method. The permeability evolution behavior of rock is inves-tigated during the progressive failure process in a numerical case. The results show that the model is cap- able of reproducing, and allowing visualization of a range of hydro-mechanical responses of rock. The effects of confining pressure on degradation of strength, dilatancy and permeability evolution are also reflected. 展开更多
关键词 Hoek-Brown failure criterion Dilatancy Permeability evolution Confining pressure Degradation of strength
Schwannoma of the sino-nasal tract:a rare clinico-pathological entity revisited
作者 Nadia Shirazi Saurabh Varshney +1 位作者 Meena Harsh S.S Bisht 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2012年第5期304-306,共3页
Schwannomas are benign neoplasms arising from Schwann cells of the peripheral,cranial and autonomic nerves.We report a case of schwannoma in the sino-nasal tract,a very rare site of tumour origin with unusual pseudoan... Schwannomas are benign neoplasms arising from Schwann cells of the peripheral,cranial and autonomic nerves.We report a case of schwannoma in the sino-nasal tract,a very rare site of tumour origin with unusual pseudoangiomatous histopathological changes,which we came across in a 22 years male with progressive nasal obstruction. 展开更多
关键词 SCHWANNOMA sino-nasal tract neuraltumour
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