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清前期平民领照渡台的范围探析——兼议限制渡台政策的转变及其原因 被引量:1
作者 陈忠纯 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期76-84,共9页
清前期的领照渡台制度,初期仅以防止"奸民"渡台为目的,家眷渡台可能还未被严厉禁止。康熙五十年前后,由于担心渡台人口增长过快,提出限制"无产业无家室"的单身民人渡台,清廷对于领照开始有更明确要求。雍正二年前... 清前期的领照渡台制度,初期仅以防止"奸民"渡台为目的,家眷渡台可能还未被严厉禁止。康熙五十年前后,由于担心渡台人口增长过快,提出限制"无产业无家室"的单身民人渡台,清廷对于领照开始有更明确要求。雍正二年前后开始严格禁止偷渡,领照内容更加细化。此后直到乾隆五十三年几乎禁止新的民人渡台。清廷严禁民人渡台的原因,一是担心台湾人口超过其所能承受的限度;二是怀疑冒险渡台的闽粤穷苦民人品行非良,人数过多将致"无穷之害"。朱一贵起义更加重这一判断。林爽文起义被镇压后,福康安等人的实地调查让清廷比较客观地认识台湾与民人渡台问题,重新允许单身无业民人渡台,并允许搬眷。至此,领照渡台制度的内容基本稳定下来,直到牡丹社事件后被放弃。 展开更多
关键词 领照渡台制度 搬眷渡台 湾人口
福建汀州客家移民台湾之缘由及渡台路线 被引量:1
作者 蓝泰华 《黄冈师范学院学报》 2012年第2期71-73,共3页
历史上从福建汀州直接移民台湾的客家人有70余万,从广东去台的客家人,其祖籍基本也在闽西汀州。在台湾的闽南人也有30余万人的祖先曾经是汀州的主人。大量的汀州客家族谱是真实反映客家民系不断播迁发展的珍贵家族史料,揭示了汀州客家... 历史上从福建汀州直接移民台湾的客家人有70余万,从广东去台的客家人,其祖籍基本也在闽西汀州。在台湾的闽南人也有30余万人的祖先曾经是汀州的主人。大量的汀州客家族谱是真实反映客家民系不断播迁发展的珍贵家族史料,揭示了汀州客家裔孙东移台湾,开发建设台湾的历史进程。福建汀州的地理环境发展有限,人多地少等因素是造成明末清初汀州客家人纷纷向台湾移民垦耕的原因。闽台两地客家同宗同源,一脉相传,共同造就和传承了闽台客家文化。 展开更多
关键词 汀州客家 移民 缘由 渡台路线
作者 麻健敏 《满族研究》 北大核心 2007年第4期98-104,共7页
元末,女真皇族完颜氏后裔——粘博温察儿自山西避居福建泉郡。清初,部分粘氏族人浮海渡台,成为闽南地区规模性移民的一部分。粘氏在台湾扎根发展,繁衍至今,台湾的粘氏在人口数量上竟远超福建粘氏。探究其原因,除了经济因素外,婚姻因素... 元末,女真皇族完颜氏后裔——粘博温察儿自山西避居福建泉郡。清初,部分粘氏族人浮海渡台,成为闽南地区规模性移民的一部分。粘氏在台湾扎根发展,繁衍至今,台湾的粘氏在人口数量上竟远超福建粘氏。探究其原因,除了经济因素外,婚姻因素在台湾粘氏的族群发展中甚为重要。以渡台粘氏的主要扎根区域彰化福兴粘氏为例,粘氏婚姻的多样性包括了正常的婚娶、养子养女的婚姻、养女转换为儿媳、童养媳以及招赘、招婿等多种形式,尤其是他们大量采用收养养子养女的方式延续香火、增加劳动力。这些构成福兴粘氏宗族迅速繁衍的重要因素。 展开更多
关键词 渡台 粘氏 宗族 婚姻
作者 杨永智 《年画研究》 2016年第1期90-97,共8页
余生也晚,早于20世纪初期,海内外有识之士已经从事中国木版年画及纸马的征集、保护、抢救及推广工作,见齐如山、于鹤年、杜伯秋、卫聚贤、孙家骥诸辈,或立论商讨,或串联交流,或策展鼓吹,孜孜矻矻,图谋力挽颓势而劳心忘疲。战后相继渡台... 余生也晚,早于20世纪初期,海内外有识之士已经从事中国木版年画及纸马的征集、保护、抢救及推广工作,见齐如山、于鹤年、杜伯秋、卫聚贤、孙家骥诸辈,或立论商讨,或串联交流,或策展鼓吹,孜孜矻矻,图谋力挽颓势而劳心忘疲。战后相继渡台的学友如台静农、唐鲁孙、夏元瑜、郭立诚、刘枋、陆珍年、刘长民,砥砺有加,互勉不息,遗留丰富杂文笔记、学术论述甚夥。近岁。 展开更多
关键词 纸马 年画 渡台 笔记 群贤 串联 学友 颓势
清代大陆渡台官员笔下的台湾名胜与风俗(四) 阿里山形胜与风情(上)
作者 罗小平 《朱子文化》 2019年第4期20-25,共6页
阿里山是台湾八大著名景点之一,这里群山逶迤、林木森秀,是大陆同胞到台湾旅游的重要景点。不过,相当一段时间,阿里山藏在深山人未识。直到日据时期,阿里山的景观才进入台湾民众的视野。但是,阿里山之名早在清代就在渡台官员笔下记录下... 阿里山是台湾八大著名景点之一,这里群山逶迤、林木森秀,是大陆同胞到台湾旅游的重要景点。不过,相当一段时间,阿里山藏在深山人未识。直到日据时期,阿里山的景观才进入台湾民众的视野。但是,阿里山之名早在清代就在渡台官员笔下记录下来。这些记录既来自官方的志书,也来自个人的笔记、游记等等。 展开更多
关键词 笔下 著名景点 阿里山 官员 渡台
作者 潘善助 《书法》 2016年第6期46-53,共8页
本文先对渡台书家的概念作一概括,通过分析渡台书家渡台时的年龄结构和工作状况,进而指出渡台书家全面主导台湾的书法创作、书法研究、书法教育和书法对外交流等事关书法工作的方方面面。由于渡台书家的书法水平高,书法修养全面,带动了... 本文先对渡台书家的概念作一概括,通过分析渡台书家渡台时的年龄结构和工作状况,进而指出渡台书家全面主导台湾的书法创作、书法研究、书法教育和书法对外交流等事关书法工作的方方面面。由于渡台书家的书法水平高,书法修养全面,带动了台湾多元书风的形成和一人兼擅多体的风潮。渡台书家的学术论著活跃了台湾的书法艺术氛围,他们的许多论点富有创意。渡台书家在教育传承上贡献良多,他们指导博硕士书法论文、尽心授徒,应邀讲学,广泛传播书法艺术。渡台书家热心书法结社,首开雅集书会之风,大力推进师门型书法社团的建设,被当代台湾书坛广泛效法。渡台书家积极对外交流,拓展台湾书法的国际影响,厥功至伟。 展开更多
关键词 渡台书家 湾地区 书法 贡献
作者 李豫闽 《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》 北大核心 2007年第4期65-68,共4页
明清两代,福建漳州、泉州百姓大规模跨海移居台湾,以同乡同祖为主体的移民聚落的形成,是台湾汉人社会的雏形。由于祭祖需要而建宗祠、庙宇,设公业,及清中后期的私宅府邸的营建,令来自漳泉的唐山师傅得以施展才华,从而将民间工艺美术传... 明清两代,福建漳州、泉州百姓大规模跨海移居台湾,以同乡同祖为主体的移民聚落的形成,是台湾汉人社会的雏形。由于祭祖需要而建宗祠、庙宇,设公业,及清中后期的私宅府邸的营建,令来自漳泉的唐山师傅得以施展才华,从而将民间工艺美术传播到台湾。 展开更多
关键词 明清时期 漳泉移民 海来 祭祀公业 唐山师傅 民间美术
Design and verification of an improved experimental platform for stray current in urban rail transit
作者 LI Yaning KANG Hong +3 位作者 WANG Ye LI Wenfei JIAO Meng ZHANG Wencai 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2024年第3期379-386,共8页
With the rapid development of urban rail transit,there have been an urgent problem of excessive stray current.Because the stray current distribution is random and difficult to verify in the field,we designed an improv... With the rapid development of urban rail transit,there have been an urgent problem of excessive stray current.Because the stray current distribution is random and difficult to verify in the field,we designed an improved stray current experimental platform by replacing the simulated aqueous solution with a real soil environment and by calculating the transition resistance by measuring the soil resistivity,which makes up for the defects in the previous references.Firstly,the mathematical models of rail-drainage net and rail-drainage netground were established,and the analytical expressions of current and voltage of rail,drainage net and other structures were derived.In addition,the simulation model was built,and the mathematical analysis results were compared with the simulation results.Secondly,the accuracy of the improved stray current experimental platform was verified by comparing the measured and simulation results.Finally,based on the experimental results,the influence factors of stray current were analyzed.The relevant conclusions provide experimental data and theoretical reference for the study of stray current in urban rail transit. 展开更多
关键词 urban rail transit stray current experimental platform transition resistance soil resistivity
Settlement characteristics of bridge approach embankment based on scale model test 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Jiu-peng LIU Tao +3 位作者 PEI Jian-zhong LI Rui ZOU Dao-guang ZHANG Yu-qing 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第7期1956-1964,共9页
In order to analyze the effects of backfill materials, geometries and slab setting on the settlement of bridge approach embankment, scale model was built based on the structural characteristics of bridge approach emba... In order to analyze the effects of backfill materials, geometries and slab setting on the settlement of bridge approach embankment, scale model was built based on the structural characteristics of bridge approach embankment, and scale model tests were carried out under different conditions. The results show that when graded gravels were selected as the backfill materials, the effect of setting approach slab to reduce the differential settlement is more prominent. When lime soils were selected as the backfill material, approach slab can moderate the longitudinal settlement slope. When using different backfill materials, the ultimate settlement of the positive trapezoidal backfill geometries is less than that of the inverted trapezoid, and the backfill geometries have little effect on the settlement slope. 展开更多
关键词 bridge approach EMBANKMENT scale model SETTLEMENT BACKFILL
作者 郭宝秀 《规划师》 1997年第3期54-58,共5页
阴霾灰暗的天色肆无忌惮地覆笼着大地,致使原本寒意浓厚的台北凭添几许萧瑟冷漠.笔者满怀“朝圣”的心情来到芦洲中原村,热切的期待心情,暖暖的,竟不觉寒冷的凛冽…….浮水莲花悠然展现斑驳的“田野美托儿所”牌子寂然地挺立在路口,循... 阴霾灰暗的天色肆无忌惮地覆笼着大地,致使原本寒意浓厚的台北凭添几许萧瑟冷漠.笔者满怀“朝圣”的心情来到芦洲中原村,热切的期待心情,暖暖的,竟不觉寒冷的凛冽…….浮水莲花悠然展现斑驳的“田野美托儿所”牌子寂然地挺立在路口,循着指示转入小径,不远处,一座老旧朴拙的暗红古厝陡地映入眼帘,恬静而闲适,宛若远离红尘俗事的隐逸居士.虽然不惹红尘俗事。 展开更多
关键词 芦洲 野美 社会变迁 古董收藏家 海来 莲花池 祭祖大典 步入后尘 文化资产 传统风格
On the Setup of a Test Bench for Predicting Laminar-to-Turbulent Transition on a Flat Plate
作者 Pascal Bader Wolfgang Sanz 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第7期411-424,共14页
At turbomachinery relevant flow conditions the boundary layers are often transitional with laminar-to-turbulent transition occurring. The characteristics of the main flow can depend highly on the state of the boundary... At turbomachinery relevant flow conditions the boundary layers are often transitional with laminar-to-turbulent transition occurring. The characteristics of the main flow can depend highly on the state of the boundary layer. Therefore it can be vitally important for the designer to understand the process of laminar-to-turbulent transition and to determine the position and length of the transitional region. In this paper the flow over a flat plate is experimentally studied in order to investigate and better understand transitional flow. Preston tube measurements as well as a thermographic camera system were performed for two different inlet velocities in order to determine the position of the transitional zone. The results of the experiment are compared to numerical flow solutions using a common transition model to determine its capability. The simulation has been performed with the two commercial codes CFX and Fluent by Ansys and an in-house code called LINARS. As a result of this study, a better understanding of the experimental and numerical methods for determining transition shall be given. 展开更多
关键词 Boundary layer transition computational fluid dynamics Preston tube thermographic camera flat plate boundary layers.
作者 劳升 《民国春秋》 1999年第5期61-62,共2页
关键词 陈其南 文化变迁 泉州 提线木偶戏 傀儡戏 海来 兴衰史 动力操纵 宛然
Prevalent thickening and local thinning of the mantle transition zone beneath the Baikal rift zone and its dynamic implications 被引量:6
作者 SI ShaoKun TIAN XiaoBo +1 位作者 ZHANG HongShuang TENG JiWen 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期31-42,共12页
The Baikal rift is the most seismically active continental rift in the world and is significant for studying the dynamics of continental rifts, although its precise dynamic mechanisms remain controversial. We calculat... The Baikal rift is the most seismically active continental rift in the world and is significant for studying the dynamics of continental rifts, although its precise dynamic mechanisms remain controversial. We calculated receiver functions (1748) from Global Seismographic Network seismic stations TLY and ULN and stacked receiver functions in different bins. Here we present discontinuities at depths of 410km and 660km and thickness of the mantle transition zone (MTZ) beneath the study area. The MTZ structure shows an obvious thickening (292km) in the Baikal rift zone except for an area of limited thinning (230km), whereas it is basically normal (250km) beneath the Mongolian area, to the southeast of the Baikal rift. Combining these results with previous findings, we propose that the large-scale thickening beneath the Baikal rift zone is likely to be caused by the Mesozoic collision between the Siberian Platform and the Mongolia-North China Block or magmatic intrusion into the lower crust, which would result in crust and lithosphere thickening. Thus, the lower crust becomes eclogitized and consequently detached into the deep mantle because of negative buoyancy. The detachment not only induces asthenosphere upwelling but also accelerates mantle convection of water detached from the subducted slab, which would increase mantle melting, while both processes promote the development of the rift. Our preliminary results indicate that the detachment and the consequent hot upwelling have an important influence on the development of the Baikal rift, and a small-scale mantle upwelling indicated by the located thinning may have destroyed the lithosphere and promoted this development. 展开更多
关键词 Baikal rift zone mantle transition zone P wave receiver function
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