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温度测量法在水压层压机维修中的应用 被引量:1
作者 张文朋 吴海 +1 位作者 赵英伟 金黎雷 《电子工业专用设备》 2020年第5期42-45,共4页
水压层压机压力系统故障为易发故障,由于系统压力高,压力管道系统多采用硬管连接,发生故障后拆解检查具有一定困难,有时还会造成部分连接件的损坏,为了达到简化操作,无损判断故障点的目的,提出了温度测量法,通过对不同位置管道壁温度的... 水压层压机压力系统故障为易发故障,由于系统压力高,压力管道系统多采用硬管连接,发生故障后拆解检查具有一定困难,有时还会造成部分连接件的损坏,为了达到简化操作,无损判断故障点的目的,提出了温度测量法,通过对不同位置管道壁温度的测量来判断水压层压机压力系统故障点,能够在不拆解或少拆解的情况下,对压力系统复杂故障进行快速无损定位。能在半导体设备维修行业中的水压层压机的维修中起到一定的指导作用,提高维修效率,减少误操作和拆解检查对设备造成的损伤,提高维修中维修人员的人身和设备本身的安全系数。 展开更多
关键词 设备维修 故障快速定位 温度测量法 水压层压机 设备故障
温度测量法在眼科的应用 被引量:2
作者 孙立滨 张旭辉 曲若 《眼科新进展》 CAS 北大核心 1992年第4期12-13,共2页
温度测量法用于眼部疾病的诊断愈来愈引起各国学者的关注,因为该方法简单、光损伤、易操作、不要求特殊条件。除诊断眼部疾病外,尚可动态观察疾病过程和治疗效果。现就有关文献作一简要综述。一、温度测量法发展概况 1956年加拿大医生Re... 温度测量法用于眼部疾病的诊断愈来愈引起各国学者的关注,因为该方法简单、光损伤、易操作、不要求特殊条件。除诊断眼部疾病外,尚可动态观察疾病过程和治疗效果。现就有关文献作一简要综述。一、温度测量法发展概况 1956年加拿大医生Reylawson首先将局部表面温度测量方法用于诊断乳腺癌,并证实癌区表皮温度高于周围健康及对称区表皮温度,从此温度测量方法在肿瘤诊断上广泛使用,并取得了显著成果。在眼科领域,从60年代末开始使用温度测量方法,主要是眼肿瘤的研究,但由于测量仪器落后,温度测量的研究还很少,且结论不一。随着科学技术的发展,温度测量仪器也不断更新,仪器由大型笨重、测量繁锁、费时等向小型、测量简便、省时发展,精确度也不断提高。A.Chyuko(1974) 展开更多
关键词 温度测量法 眼病 诊断
作者 孙立滨 洪杉 《苏联科学与技术》 1992年第4期57-58,共2页
关键词 温度测量法 眼疾病 诊断
作者 陈宏锦 《四川标准化与计量》 1989年第1期37-40,共4页
关键词 温度测量法 辐射温度 测温
直接测量法确定受试产品温度稳定时间的研究 被引量:4
作者 李宝晗 祝耀昌 仇振安 《航天器环境工程》 2011年第3期255-263,共9页
文章阐述了温度试验中受试产品温度稳定的重要性,介绍了国内外典型环境试验标准中温度稳定的定义和确定方法;自行建立了用直接测量法确定受试产品温度稳定时间的测试方案、测试设备,进行了有关测试,并与用重量法估计的结果进行了比较分... 文章阐述了温度试验中受试产品温度稳定的重要性,介绍了国内外典型环境试验标准中温度稳定的定义和确定方法;自行建立了用直接测量法确定受试产品温度稳定时间的测试方案、测试设备,进行了有关测试,并与用重量法估计的结果进行了比较分析,同时指明影响受试产品温度稳定的各种因素;最后总结出应用直接测量法确定受试产品温度稳定时间的必要性、优越性、适用条件和注意事项。 展开更多
关键词 直接温度测量法 温度稳定时间 温度试验 试验标准
燃烧火焰的温度场测量方法概述 被引量:1
作者 林婷 《中国高新技术企业》 2009年第8期31-32,共2页
关键词 燃烧火焰温度测量 火焰温度测量法 接触式测温 非接触式测温
快捷及准确的汽车电子控制单元电路板温度测量与分析法 被引量:1
作者 杨文士 《汽车零部件》 2017年第9期77-79,共3页
关键词 热电偶 热成像仪 混合温度测量法
作者 毛伟 何伟男 +3 位作者 杨升 韩樾夏 李艳 顾宁 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第15期1874-1885,共12页
最近10年里,科研人员研发了多种微纳尺度测温传感器,希望能够借此来精确测量细胞内的温度或温度分布,但由于单个细胞的诸多限制,这些细胞测温传感器也在不断发展完善.本文将综述近年来基于微纳材料与器件测量细胞温度的研究进展,重点介... 最近10年里,科研人员研发了多种微纳尺度测温传感器,希望能够借此来精确测量细胞内的温度或温度分布,但由于单个细胞的诸多限制,这些细胞测温传感器也在不断发展完善.本文将综述近年来基于微纳材料与器件测量细胞温度的研究进展,重点介绍微纳热电偶的实时细胞测温技术,最后介绍此类传感器在药物筛选、疾病诊疗等领域中的应用,并对细胞测温技术的后续发展进行了展望.具体而言,本文指出微纳尺度的细胞测温传感器一般可以分为荧光式细胞温度测量法和探极式细胞温度测量法:荧光式细胞温度测量法主要有作为温度计的有机化合物、量子点、聚合物和生物分子;探极式细胞温度测量法主要有作为热探针的热电偶、铂电阻和碳纳米管. 展开更多
关键词 细胞测温 荧光式细胞温度测量法 探极式细胞温度测量法 药物筛选 疾病诊疗
低温绝热管道漏热量测试方法研究 被引量:6
作者 夏莉 黄钧 +1 位作者 谭粤 李杰 《制冷与空调(四川)》 2014年第1期68-71,共4页
低温绝热管道的漏热量是衡量其性能的重要参数,准确有效测试低温绝热管道的漏热量至关重要。依照GB/T 18443.6-2010《真空绝热深冷设备性能试验方法第6部分:漏热量测量》的要求,通过借鉴和改进设计,搭建了基于流量计测量法和表面温度测... 低温绝热管道的漏热量是衡量其性能的重要参数,准确有效测试低温绝热管道的漏热量至关重要。依照GB/T 18443.6-2010《真空绝热深冷设备性能试验方法第6部分:漏热量测量》的要求,通过借鉴和改进设计,搭建了基于流量计测量法和表面温度测量法进行低温绝热管道漏热量测量的试验平台。通过试验分析发现:流量计测量法是一种准确度比较高的漏热量测量方法,基于该法的漏热量测试系统对大管径的低温绝热管道能够提供较为理想的测试结果。但当低温绝热管道的管径较小时,测试系统就很难达到标准中所要求的测试条件了。利用表面温度测量法测量漏热率的准确度不高,原因在于测温元件的精度很难满足要求,另外,还在于数据处理方法还不完善。 展开更多
关键词 低温绝热管道 漏热量 流量计测量法 表面温度测量法
低温绝热管道漏热量测试方法 被引量:1
作者 夏莉 黄钧 +1 位作者 谭粤 李杰 《中国特种设备安全》 2013年第5期18-20,共3页
通过对比分析发现:若采用流量计测量法,对于低温绝热管道(特别是管径较小的低温管道),试验很难达到标准中所要求的测试条件;表面温度测量法则相对来说更适宜低温绝热管道漏热量测量,但对照标准,在数据处理过程中除考虑自然对流换热因素... 通过对比分析发现:若采用流量计测量法,对于低温绝热管道(特别是管径较小的低温管道),试验很难达到标准中所要求的测试条件;表面温度测量法则相对来说更适宜低温绝热管道漏热量测量,但对照标准,在数据处理过程中除考虑自然对流换热因素,还应充分考虑辐射换热的影响,否则结果偏差加大。 展开更多
关键词 低温绝热管道 漏热量 流量计测量法 表面温度测量法
作者 黄龙文 《国际生物医学工程杂志》 CAS 北大核心 1990年第5期301-301,共1页
辐射温度测量法是进行非直接接触式皮肤温度测量的一种快速方便的方法。为了应用这种方法,需要知道皮肤表面的发射率。为了测量皮肤表面的发射率,我们在以逐步方式改变环境辐射温度前后,对皮肤反射率进行了测量。这种逐步改变是在处于... 辐射温度测量法是进行非直接接触式皮肤温度测量的一种快速方便的方法。为了应用这种方法,需要知道皮肤表面的发射率。为了测量皮肤表面的发射率,我们在以逐步方式改变环境辐射温度前后,对皮肤反射率进行了测量。这种逐步改变是在处于不同温度的两个遮光物之间使用机械开关进行的。我们使用了一个灵敏度在8~14μm范围内的分辨率高、响应快的辐射计进行通过遮光物孔的反射率的测量。我们对十位男性和十位女性的前额、前臂、 展开更多
关键词 辐射温度 温度测量法 机械开关 测最
作者 韩霖 《电动自行车》 2008年第4期49-50,共2页
铅酸蓄电池的性能状态最终体现在电池的容量与落后状态上,通过电池的电压、内阻可以在一定程度上反映出电池的好坏,当电池放电到一定程度后,其电压值便开始明显降低。因此,在早期的电池维护中,由于测试仪器的匮乏,工程师普遍采用... 铅酸蓄电池的性能状态最终体现在电池的容量与落后状态上,通过电池的电压、内阻可以在一定程度上反映出电池的好坏,当电池放电到一定程度后,其电压值便开始明显降低。因此,在早期的电池维护中,由于测试仪器的匮乏,工程师普遍采用万用表对电池电压进行测量,通过电压高低来定性电池性能的好坏。 展开更多
关键词 铅酸蓄电池 电池测试技术 容量放电法 在线快速容量测试法 电池温度测量法 电导测量法
Development of a Three-Dimensional Measuring System for Neonates' Head and Facial Morphology 被引量:1
作者 邓咏梅 易洁伦 +2 位作者 郭绮莲 黄小珍 吴新培 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期309-312,共4页
A web camera based multi-camera convergent close-range photogrammetric system is developed to obtain the neonates' head and facial morphology. The data will then be used to develop a secure and good-fitting eye-patch... A web camera based multi-camera convergent close-range photogrammetric system is developed to obtain the neonates' head and facial morphology. The data will then be used to develop a secure and good-fitting eye-patch protector for neonates, particularly whoa they are exposed to bright lights such as phototherapy light. Measurements obtained by the system are evaluated and validated against data obtained from optical scanning. Results show that the photogrammetric system meets the requirements of measuring accuracy and safety for neonate in the neonatal units. 展开更多
关键词 close-range photogrammetry (CRP) three-dimensional measurement NEONATES head and facialmorphology
Development of 2D Temperature and Concentration Measurement Method Using Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy 被引量:7
作者 Yoshihiro Deguchi Daisuke Yasui Akira Adachi 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第9期543-549,共7页
Exhaust gas temperature is an important factor in NOx, THC and PM emissions of engines. Especially 2D temperature and concentration distribution plays an important role for the engine efficiency. A thermocouple is int... Exhaust gas temperature is an important factor in NOx, THC and PM emissions of engines. Especially 2D temperature and concentration distribution plays an important role for the engine efficiency. A thermocouple is intrinsically a point temperature measurement method and noncontact 2D temperature distribution cannot be attained by thermocouples. Recently, as a measurement technique with high sensitivity and high response, laser diagnostics has been developed and applied to the actual engine combustions. With these engineering developments, transient phenomena such as start-ups and load changes in engines have been gradually elucidated in various conditions. In this study, the theoretical and experimental research has been conducted in order to develop the noncontact and fast response 2D temperature and concentration distribution measurement method. The method is based on a Computed Tomography (CT) method using absorption spectra of water vapor at 1388 nm. It has been demonstrated that the method has been successfully applied to engine exhausts to measure 2D temperature distributions. 展开更多
关键词 2D temperature measurement tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy CT (computed tomography) engine exhausts.
Measurement of a Three-dimensional Gas Temperature Field with Holographic Interferometry 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Shaohua(Yibin Teacher’s College, Yibin 644007, CHN)ZHAO Xuxin HUANG Suyi SHI Dufang(Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1996年第1期72-78,共7页
It is well known that optical tomography can accurately and quantitatively reconstruct the refractive index field of a transparent medium and display the three dimensional image of other physical quantities relevant t... It is well known that optical tomography can accurately and quantitatively reconstruct the refractive index field of a transparent medium and display the three dimensional image of other physical quantities relevant to temperature or density. In this paper, a new multidirectional holographic interferometric system is built, and two kinds of image reconstruction algorithms are introduced and an automatic image processing system of interferogram is designed. A three dimentsional asymmetric gas flow field above a combustor is expertmentally investigated with holographic interferometry. The reconstructed temperatures are similar to those measured with a thermocouple. 展开更多
关键词 Optical Tomography Orthographic Holography Reconstruction Algorithm Image Processing Temperature Measurement
In Situ Measurement of the Undisturbed Ground Temperature for Ground Source Heat Pump System 被引量:1
作者 周亚素 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期73-77,共5页
The undisturbed ground temperatures are important for design of the ground heat exchangers in ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems. In this paper, the undisturbed ground temperatures measured in two different me... The undisturbed ground temperatures are important for design of the ground heat exchangers in ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems. In this paper, the undisturbed ground temperatures measured in two different methods are presented. The investigation was carried out in two cases. The temperature measured with the direct method is assumed to give the correct undisturbed ground temperature profile. The temperature measured with indirect method overestimates the undisturbed ground temperature by 2.1℃ and 1.7~C. This difference is mainly caused by the circulation pump and ambient air to the fluid. Therefore, the results that are decreased about 2℃ as compared with the indirect measured are recommended to estimate the undisturbed ground temperature in situ measuring. A smaller pump or deeper borehole or mild weather would result in a more correct temperature. Because the undisturbed ground temperature is affected by many factors. Whether or not these conclusions are correct to other areas, this would need further investigation. 展开更多
关键词 in situ measurement the undisturbed ground temperature indirect measurement method
Methods of data processing in multi-wavelength thermometry
作者 孙晓刚 赵巍 +1 位作者 原桂彬 戴景民 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第4期421-426,共6页
Three kinds of methods for processing the data of the multi-wavelength pyrometer are presented in this paper and are named curve auto-search method, curve auto-regression method and neural network method. Tbe experime... Three kinds of methods for processing the data of the multi-wavelength pyrometer are presented in this paper and are named curve auto-search method, curve auto-regression method and neural network method. Tbe experimental results indicate that the calculated temperature and the spectral emissivity compared with the true target temperature and spectral emissivity have significant deviation using the curve auto-search and the curve auto-regression methods. However, the calculated temperature and the spectral emissivity with higher accuracy can be obtained using the neural network method. 展开更多
关键词 multi-wavelengtb thermometry curve auto-search method curve auto-regression method neural network
A device for fluorescence temperature measurement based on fast fourier transform
作者 WANG Dong-sheng WANG Gui-mei +1 位作者 PAN Wei-wei WANG Yu-tian 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2008年第2期147-149,共3页
A sapphire fiber thermal probe with Cr^3+ ion-doped end was grown using the laser heated pedestal method. The fluorescence thermal probe offers advantages of compact structure, high performance and the ability to sus... A sapphire fiber thermal probe with Cr^3+ ion-doped end was grown using the laser heated pedestal method. The fluorescence thermal probe offers advantages of compact structure, high performance and the ability to sustain high temperature from the room temperature to 450℃. Based on the fast fourier transform (FFT), the fluorescence lifetime is obtained from the tangent function of the phase angle of the first non-zeroth item of FFT result. Compared with other traditional fitting methods, our method has advantages such as fast speed, high accuracy and being free from the influence of the base signal. The standard deviation of FFT method is about half of that method. In addition, since the FFT method is immunity to analysis can be skipped. of the Prony method and close to the one of the Marquardt the background noise of the signal, the background noise 展开更多
关键词 傅立叶转移 器件 荧光温度 测量方法
Reconstruction of 3-D Temperature Field in Holographic Interferometry
作者 PENG Jin-song, HUANG Su-yi (Dept. of Power Eng., Huazhong University of Sci. and Tech., Wuhan 430074, CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2001年第1期45-49,55,共6页
The tomography technique is commonly used for the reconstruction of holographic interferometry. However, the current reconstruction method doesn’t consider the measurement errors which are non-avoidable in the measur... The tomography technique is commonly used for the reconstruction of holographic interferometry. However, the current reconstruction method doesn’t consider the measurement errors which are non-avoidable in the measurement and will degrade the reconstruction quality. The factors affecting the reconstruction quality are analyzed and the distribution law of the reconstruction error with experimental errors is discussed. Finally, a method to improve the reconstruction quality—the Kalman filter method is presented. 展开更多
关键词 Holographic interferometry Temperature measurement Kalman filter
Oxidative heat release intensity in coal at low temperatures measured by the hot-wire method 被引量:1
作者 YANG Yong-liang LI Zeng-hua PAN Shang-kun GAO Si-yuan WANG Ya-li 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第3期326-330,共5页
Directly measuring the oxidative heat release intensity at low temperatures is difficult at present.We developed a new method based on heat conduction theory that directly measures heat release intensity of loose coal... Directly measuring the oxidative heat release intensity at low temperatures is difficult at present.We developed a new method based on heat conduction theory that directly measures heat release intensity of loose coal at low temperatures.Using this method, we calculated the oxidative heat release intensity of differently sized loose coals by comparing the temperature rise of the coal in nitrogen or an air environment.The results show that oxidation heat release intensity of Shenhua coal sized 0~15 mm is 0.001~0.03 W/m3 at 30~90 °C and increases with increasing temperature.The heat release intensity at a given temperature is larger for smaller sized coal.The temperature effect on heat release intensity is muted as the coal size increases.At lower temperature the change in heat release intensity as a function of size becomes smaller.These results show that the test system is usable for practical applications and is easy to operate and is capable of measuring mass samples. 展开更多
关键词 coal spontaneous combustion oxidation heat release intensity of coal test system DIAMETER
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