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复合材料泡沫夹层结构界面的温度-应变分布 被引量:6
作者 陈浩 王璐 +3 位作者 刘伟庆 马亚利 霍瑞丽 方园 《材料科学与工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期750-754,共5页
复合材料泡沫夹层结构由于其比强度高、比刚度高、耐腐蚀等特点已广泛在土木工程领域中获得应用。然而,由于复合材料面板与夹芯材料在温度荷载作用下热膨胀系数显著不同,因此在面板与芯材之间的粘结层会产生温度应力,因此会降低界面的... 复合材料泡沫夹层结构由于其比强度高、比刚度高、耐腐蚀等特点已广泛在土木工程领域中获得应用。然而,由于复合材料面板与夹芯材料在温度荷载作用下热膨胀系数显著不同,因此在面板与芯材之间的粘结层会产生温度应力,因此会降低界面的粘结性能。本文通过试验研究,系统地给出了复合材料泡沫夹层结构界面温度-应变分布规律,并通过理论建模,提出了界面温度-应变分布规律的计算模型,通过对比实验值与理论值,验证了理论分析模型的精确性。 展开更多
关键词 夹层结构 界面温度-应变 热膨胀系数 微元法
一种基于实时温度-应变采集的沥青混合料温缩特性测试方法 被引量:3
作者 杨光 王旭东 张晨晨 《中外公路》 北大核心 2015年第1期259-262,共4页
通过组建一套新型实时温度-应变采集系统,对沥青混合料小梁试件随温度变化产生的伸缩量数据进行观测采集。该系统通过将位移、应变及温度等传感器采集到的数据以相同范围内的电压信号输入,并转换为数字信号进行同步采集,解决了以往试验... 通过组建一套新型实时温度-应变采集系统,对沥青混合料小梁试件随温度变化产生的伸缩量数据进行观测采集。该系统通过将位移、应变及温度等传感器采集到的数据以相同范围内的电压信号输入,并转换为数字信号进行同步采集,解决了以往试验中通过人工定时读数,以及每次分别测量各参数所引起的测量误差和不同步误差等问题。同时该系统可以进行持续稳定的数据采集,使试验数据具有更强的完整性和连续性。 展开更多
关键词 沥青混合料 温缩特性 温度-应变采集
作者 王娟 《新型建筑材料》 北大核心 2019年第6期79-82,90,共5页
薄抹灰聚苯板外保温系统发生表面开裂甚至脱落的质量事故时有发生,为揭示该保温系统的劣化机制,从保温板类型、密度、尺寸、温度和时间等多因素研究聚苯保温板的温度-应变关系。结果表明:聚苯板随温度升高产生膨胀应变,一定时间内应变... 薄抹灰聚苯板外保温系统发生表面开裂甚至脱落的质量事故时有发生,为揭示该保温系统的劣化机制,从保温板类型、密度、尺寸、温度和时间等多因素研究聚苯保温板的温度-应变关系。结果表明:聚苯板随温度升高产生膨胀应变,一定时间内应变随着温度的升高而增大,超过平衡时间后会出现应力松弛现象,膨胀应变逐渐变小甚至可能转变为收缩应变;聚苯板尺寸增大,应变随之增大,也更易发生不可逆变形;大尺寸膨胀聚苯板密度减小,温度应变会相应增大;聚苯板在受到瞬时降温时,保温板会发生较大收缩。 展开更多
关键词 挤塑板 模塑板 温度-应变 密度 尺寸 瞬时温差
基于迁移学习和Bi-LSTM神经网络的桥梁温度-应变映射建模方法 被引量:3
作者 方佳畅 黄天立 +1 位作者 李苗 王亚飞 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期126-134,186,共10页
为快速构建并准确预测温度作用引起的斜拉桥主梁应变用于结构状态评估,基于某大跨度斜拉桥主梁超过1年的温度和应变监测数据,提出了一种基于迁移学习和双向长短时记忆(bi-directional long short-term memory,Bi-LSTM)神经网络的斜拉桥... 为快速构建并准确预测温度作用引起的斜拉桥主梁应变用于结构状态评估,基于某大跨度斜拉桥主梁超过1年的温度和应变监测数据,提出了一种基于迁移学习和双向长短时记忆(bi-directional long short-term memory,Bi-LSTM)神经网络的斜拉桥温度-应变映射模型建立方法。首先,利用解析模态分解(analytical mode decomposition,AMD)去噪应变数据,得到仅由温度引起的应变响应;其次,选择温度和某一测点应变数据构成数据集,采用Bi-LSTM神经网络训练该数据集,并通过网络结构和超参数优化建立温度-应变Bi-LSTM基准模型;最后,利用迁移学习方法,将已训练好的基准模型中部分参数迁移到其他温度-应变数据集,建立相应的温度-应变映射被迁移模型,并与未采用迁移学习的神经网络训练方法进行对比。研究结果表明,相比直接建立的温度-应变Bi-LSTM神经网络映射模型,采用迁移学习方法建立的被迁移模型,其拟合精度均高于所用的基准模型,且训练时间短,预测误差小。 展开更多
关键词 结构健康监测 大跨度斜拉桥 温度-应变映射模型 迁移学习 双向长短时记忆(Bi-LSTM)神经网络
国产钢结构用Q345(16Mn)钢在恒载升温条件下的应变-温度-应力材料模型 被引量:14
作者 屈立军 李焕群 +2 位作者 王跃琴 张辉 保彦晴 《土木工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期41-47,共7页
为了对我国钢结构耐火设计与评估提供基础数据,利用微机控制电液伺服试验机及加温装置和特别设计的变形测量装置,采用恒载升温试验方法,对国产10个钢厂生产的钢结构用Q345(16Mn)钢进行424次试验研究。把钢材总应变分离成初始应变、自由... 为了对我国钢结构耐火设计与评估提供基础数据,利用微机控制电液伺服试验机及加温装置和特别设计的变形测量装置,采用恒载升温试验方法,对国产10个钢厂生产的钢结构用Q345(16Mn)钢进行424次试验研究。把钢材总应变分离成初始应变、自由膨胀应变和耦合应变,构造出钢材的应变-温度-应力材料模型。当结构的应力水平确定后,应变-温度-应力模型给出材料应变随温度上升的变化规律,为钢结构的高温变形计算提供支持;如果规定了结构的破坏应变,则可确定结构在给定应力水平下的临界温度用以钢结构保护层厚度计算;如果已确定结构的最高温度和破坏应变,可用该模型计算钢材的设计强度进行钢结构高温承载力复核。所建立的ε-T-k模型可直接应用于任何静定钢构件,也可近似直接应用于约束作用较小或初应力较大的超静定钢构件;当与恒温加载模型联合使用,可应用于火灾中任意力-热途径作用下钢结构的全时程分析。 展开更多
关键词 16MN钢 恒载升温 应变-温度-应力材料模型
TiNi合金动态力学行为应变率-温度效应实验测试 被引量:1
作者 李云飞 曾祥国 陈成 《有色金属工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期44-48,共5页
为准确掌握NiTi形状记忆合金在不同应变率、温度下的动态力学行为中的应变率-温度,采用MTS809材料试验机与分离式霍普金森压杆实验装置开展了NiTi合金在不同初始温度下的准静态单轴拉伸与不同应变率下的动态压缩实验。结果表明,NiTi合... 为准确掌握NiTi形状记忆合金在不同应变率、温度下的动态力学行为中的应变率-温度,采用MTS809材料试验机与分离式霍普金森压杆实验装置开展了NiTi合金在不同初始温度下的准静态单轴拉伸与不同应变率下的动态压缩实验。结果表明,NiTi合金表现出应变率强化效应,其应力-应变曲线包含双弹性阶段与双非线性变形阶段。相变起始应力、结束应力以及位错屈服应力均随着应变率增加而明显增大,母相弹性模量与马氏体弹性模量变化不明显。在准静态拉伸中其屈服应力与弹性模量随温度升高先线性增长继而线性减小,而两个温度阶段内的相变硬化率水平存在明显差异。 展开更多
关键词 NITI形状记忆合金 动态力学行为 应变-温度效应 霍普金森压杆装置
东北地区机场混凝土道面温度翘曲试验研究 被引量:5
作者 张万志 徐帮树 +2 位作者 李兵 杨来华 连艳武 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期2308-2315,共8页
为了研究我国东北地区机场水泥混凝土道面板板角温度分布规律及温度-应力/应变关系,依托新建松原查干湖机场道面工程开展道面温度翘曲试验,应用智能温度、应变传感器监测板角不同深度处的温度与应变、应力日间变化和季节性变化差异。研... 为了研究我国东北地区机场水泥混凝土道面板板角温度分布规律及温度-应力/应变关系,依托新建松原查干湖机场道面工程开展道面温度翘曲试验,应用智能温度、应变传感器监测板角不同深度处的温度与应变、应力日间变化和季节性变化差异。研究结果表明:板内温度-应变增量日间变化规律具有明显的滞回特性,且板顶同一点横向温度-应变增量滞回圈面积比纵向的大;板内应力的日间变化具有近似周期性波动特征,波动峰值滞后温度波动峰值约1h,且任一时间板内同一点纵、横向应力相差不大。板内温度及应变、应力受季节性环境温度影响显著,随环境温度的降低,板内正、负温度梯度的日间交替持续时间有明显变化;板内温度-应变增量滞回圈面积逐渐减小;板顶最大压应力逐渐减小,最大拉应力几乎不受影响。 展开更多
关键词 机场水泥混凝土道面 温度翘曲试验 温度梯度 温度-应力/应变关系
Effect of small tensile deformation on damping capacities of Mg-1%Al alloy 被引量:2
作者 胡小石 赫晓东 +1 位作者 郑明毅 吴昆 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第B07期444-447,共4页
Tensile tests with small deformation amounts of 0.5%,1%,3%and 5%were performed at room temperature on as cast Mg-1%Al alloy.Microstructures of the Mg-1%Al alloys before and after deformation were observed by optical m... Tensile tests with small deformation amounts of 0.5%,1%,3%and 5%were performed at room temperature on as cast Mg-1%Al alloy.Microstructures of the Mg-1%Al alloys before and after deformation were observed by optical microscopy(OM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The strain amplitude dependent and temperature dependent damping capacities of the as-cast and deformed Mg-1%Al alloys were investigated by dynamic mechanical analysis(DMA).The mechanism of deformation on damping capacity of Mg-1%Al alloy was discussed.The results show that the as-cast Mg-1%Al alloy has high damping value at high strain.When the tensile elongation is higher than 3%,the damping values of this alloy in high strain region are significantly decreased at room temperature.But the large amount of dislocations produced by tensile deformation are activated by heat,and then increase the damping value at high temperature. 展开更多
关键词 Mg-1%Al alloy tensile deformation damping capacity dislocations TEMPERATURE
Influence of temperature and strain rate on flow stress behavior of twin-roll cast, rolled and heat-treated AZ31 magnesium alloys 被引量:11
作者 F.BERGE L.KRüGER +1 位作者 H.OUAZIZ C.ULLRICH 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期1-13,共13页
The effects of temperature and strain rate on the flow stress behavior of twin-roll cast, rolled and heat-treated AZ31 magnesium alloys were investigated under uniaxial tension. At high temperatures, dynamic recovery,... The effects of temperature and strain rate on the flow stress behavior of twin-roll cast, rolled and heat-treated AZ31 magnesium alloys were investigated under uniaxial tension. At high temperatures, dynamic recovery, continuous dynamic recrystallization, grain boundary sliding and the activation of additional slip systems lead to an improvement of the ductility of the alloys. The elongation to failure is nearly independent of the strain rate between 473 and 523 K at 10-2 s-1 and 10-1 s-1, which is related to the strain rate dependence of the critical resolved shear stress(CRSS) for nonbasal slip. Despite the high temperature, twins are even observed at 573 K and 10-3 s-1 because they have a low CRSS. 展开更多
关键词 AZ31 magnesium alloy twin-roll casting strain rate TEMPERATURE dynamic recrystallization flow stress
Behavior of concrete and concrete-filled circular steel tubular stub columns at constant high temperatures 被引量:8
作者 丁发兴 余志武 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第6期726-732,共7页
Based on reanalyzing test results of uniaxial compressive behavior of concrete at constant high temperatures in China, with the compressive cube strength of concrete from 20 to 80 MPa, unified formulas for uniaxial co... Based on reanalyzing test results of uniaxial compressive behavior of concrete at constant high temperatures in China, with the compressive cube strength of concrete from 20 to 80 MPa, unified formulas for uniaxial compressive strength, elastic modulus, strain at peak uniaxial compression and mathematical expression for unaxial compressive stress-strain relations for the concrete at constant high temperatures were studied. Furthermore, the axial stress-axial strain relations between laterally confined concrete under axial compression and multiaxial stress-strain relations for steel at constant high temperatures were studied. Finally, based on continuum mechanics, the mechanics model for concentric cylinders of circular steel tube with concrete core of entire section loaded at constant high temperatures was established. Applying elasto-plastic analysis method, a FORTRAN program was developed, and the concrete-filled circular steel tubular (CFST) stub colunms at constant high temperatures were analyzed. The analysis results are in agreement with the experiment ones from references. 展开更多
关键词 CONCRETE concrete-filled steel tubular colunm BEHAVIOR high temperature
Residual stress and welding distortion of Al/steel butt joint by arc-assisted laser welding-brazing 被引量:11
作者 Chun-ling LI Ding FAN +1 位作者 Xiao-quan YU Jian-kang HUANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第4期692-700,共9页
The thermo-elastic.plastic finite element method(FEM)is used to simulate the thermo-mechanical behavior of Al/steel tungsten inert gas(TIG)arc-assisted laser welding-brazing(A-LWB)butt joint.The influence of material ... The thermo-elastic.plastic finite element method(FEM)is used to simulate the thermo-mechanical behavior of Al/steel tungsten inert gas(TIG)arc-assisted laser welding-brazing(A-LWB)butt joint.The influence of material nonlinearity,geometrical nonlinearity and work hardening on the welding process is studied,and the differences in the welding temperature field,residual stress and welding distortion by A-LWB and by single laser welding-brazing(SLWB)are analyzed.The results show that the thermal cycle,residual stress distribution and welding distortion by the numerical simulation are in good agreement with the measured data by experiments,which verifies the effectiveness of FEM.Compared with the SLWB,A-LWB can make the high-temperature distribution zone of weld in width direction wider,decrease the transverse tensile stress in the weld and reduce the distribution range of longitudinal tensile stress.And the welding deformation also decreases to some extent. 展开更多
关键词 arc-assisted laser welding-brazing(A-LWB) Al/steel finite element method(FEM) temperature field residual stress welding distortion
Compressive deformation behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy under quasi-static and dynamic loading
作者 赵峰 李玉龙 +2 位作者 索涛 黄卫东 刘建睿 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第7期1316-1320,共5页
Compressive properties of AZ31 alloy were investigated at temperatures from room temperature to 543 K and at strain rates from 10-3to 2×10 4s-1.The results show that the compressive behavior and deformation mecha... Compressive properties of AZ31 alloy were investigated at temperatures from room temperature to 543 K and at strain rates from 10-3to 2×10 4s-1.The results show that the compressive behavior and deformation mechanism of AZ31 depend largely on the temperature and strain rate.The flow stress increases with the increase of strain rate at fixed temperature,while decreases with the increase of deformation temperature at fixed strain rate.At low temperature and quasi-static condition,the true stress-true strain curve of AZ31 alloy can be divided into three stages(strain hardening,softening and stabilization) after yielding.However,at high temperature and high strain rate,the AZ31 alloy shows ideal elastic-plastic properties.It is therefore suggested that the change in loading conditions(temperature and strain rate) plays an important role in deformation mechanisms of AZ31 alloy. 展开更多
关键词 AZ3 lmagnesium alloy compressive properties dynamic deformation strain hardening strain rate sensitivity
Experimental and theoretical study on thermal and moisture characteristics of new-type bamboo structure wall
作者 李念平 龙激波 +2 位作者 苏林 王厉 钟珊 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期600-608,共9页
Thermal and moisture characteristics of the bamboo structure wall were tested in natural climate and three representative variation processes of heat and moisture: heating from solar radiation in summer at normal tem... Thermal and moisture characteristics of the bamboo structure wall were tested in natural climate and three representative variation processes of heat and moisture: heating from solar radiation in summer at normal temperature and humidity, heating from solar radiation in summer at normal temperature and high humidity after rain, humidifying from brash in summer at high temperature and normal humidity. The results show that, in summer, the largest temperature difference between external and internal surface of the 28 mm-thick bamboo plywood wall is 11.73℃ (at 15:40) and the largest strain difference is 136 μm/m (at 18:50), both in ambient and indoor conditioned environment. In heating process, lengthways of the wall surface are in contracting strain while transverse ways are in expanding strain at initial stage and in contracting strain during later period. When the high temperature wall is humidified by rain, the surface temperature drops, moisture content increases and the expanding strain is presented on the surface during the whole process. Temperature and moisture content are two important factors which affect thermal and moisture stress (TMS) of the bamboo structure wall. The TMS is not only related to temperature and moisture content, but also greatly affected by temperature gradient, moisture content gradient and rates of changing. 展开更多
关键词 porous media bamboo structure thermal expansion moisture expansion thermal and moisture stress
Method of correlation function for analyzing cross-sensitivity of strain and temperature in fiber grating sensors
作者 HAN Gui-hua ZHANG Wei-gang 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2007年第3期195-198,共4页
A novel method of correlation function for analyzing cross-sensitivity between strain and temperature is reported for the first time in this paper. Using the new method,the correlative characteristics between strain a... A novel method of correlation function for analyzing cross-sensitivity between strain and temperature is reported for the first time in this paper. Using the new method,the correlative characteristics between strain and temperature of fiber Bragg grating sensors are studied both theoretically and experimentally The experimental results accord with the theoretical calculations. 展开更多
关键词 纤维光栅传感器 应变 温度 交叉敏感问题 相关函数法
Tensile properties of as-deformed 2A50 aluminum alloy in semi-solid state 被引量:8
作者 杜之明 陈刚 +1 位作者 柳君 谢水生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第9期1597-1602,共6页
Tensile properties of as-deformed 2A50 aluminum alloy were investigated in the high temperature solid and semi-solid states. The results show that temperature has almost no effect on the maximum tensile stress between... Tensile properties of as-deformed 2A50 aluminum alloy were investigated in the high temperature solid and semi-solid states. The results show that temperature has almost no effect on the maximum tensile stress between 500 ℃ and 530 ℃, and the maximum tensile stress decreases rapidly when the temperature is above 532 ℃. The ductility decreases with increasing temperature and has an obvious fall when the temperature is above solidus temperature. This alloy almost has no ductility above 537 ℃, and cannot sustain tensile stress above 550℃. A brittle temperature range in which this alloy is prone to form microcracks was derived. The relation between microstructure, fraction solid and tensile properties were also investigated by examining the metallograph and fracture surface morphology of tested specimens, which could provide reference for forecasting the microcracks in this alloy occurring in semi-solid processing. 展开更多
关键词 tensile properties aluminum alloy SEMI-SOLID MICROCRACKS FORECAST
Hot-compression behavior of Al alloy 5182
作者 唐建国 黄星星 张新明 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期2073-2080,共8页
Hot-compression of aluminum alloy 5182 was carried out on a Gleeble- 1500 thermo-simulator at deformation temperature ranging from 350 ℃ to 500 ℃ and at strain rate from 0.01 s^-1 to 10 s^-1 with strain range from 0... Hot-compression of aluminum alloy 5182 was carried out on a Gleeble- 1500 thermo-simulator at deformation temperature ranging from 350 ℃ to 500 ℃ and at strain rate from 0.01 s^-1 to 10 s^-1 with strain range from 0.7 to 1.9. The microstructures and macro-textures evolution under different conditions were investigated by polarized optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis, respectively. The basic trend is that the hot-compression stress increases with the decrease of temperature and increase of strain rate, which is revealed and elucidated in terms of Zener-Hollomon parameter in the hyperbolic sine equation with the hot-deformation activation energy of 143.5 kJ/mol. An empirical constitutive equation is proposed to predict the hot-deformation behavior under different conditions. As deformation temperature increases up to 400 ℃, at strain rate over 1 s^-1, dynamic recrystallization (DRX) occurs. Cube orientation { 100} (001) is detected in the recrystallized sample after hot-compression. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy 5182 hot-compression TEXTURE MICROSTRUCTURE
Influence of hexagonal to orthorhombic phase transformation on diffusion-controlled dendrite evolution in directionally solidified Sn−Ni peritectic alloy
作者 Peng PENG Bi-zhou ZHAO +4 位作者 Jia-tai WANG Xing PEI Zi-jie LIU Lu GAN Sheng-yuan LI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第5期1728-1740,共13页
The hexagonal to orthorhombic(HO)transformation fromβ-Ni_(3)Sn_(2)(hexagonal)phase toα'-Ni_(3)Sn_(2)(orthorhombic)phase was confirmed in directionally solidified Sn−Ni peritectic alloys.It is shown that the reme... The hexagonal to orthorhombic(HO)transformation fromβ-Ni_(3)Sn_(2)(hexagonal)phase toα'-Ni_(3)Sn_(2)(orthorhombic)phase was confirmed in directionally solidified Sn−Ni peritectic alloys.It is shown that the remelting/resolidification process which is caused by both the temperature gradient zone melting(TGZM)and Gibbs−Thomson(G−T)effects can take place on secondary dendrites.Besides,the intersection angle between the primary dendrite stem and secondary branch(θ)is found to increase fromπ/3 toπ/2 as the solidification proceeds.This is the morphological feature of the HO transformation,which can change the diffusion distance of the remelting/resolidification process.Thus,a diffusion-based analytical model is established to describe this process through the specific surface area(S_(V))of dendrites.The theoretical prediction demonstrates that the remelting/resolidification process is restricted when the HO transformation occurs during peritectic solidification.In addition,the slope of the prediction curves is changed,indicating the variation of the local remelting/resolidification rates. 展开更多
关键词 directional solidification dendritic solidification peritectic microstructures Gibbs−Thomson effect temperature gradient zone melting HO transformation
Design and control of a p-xylene oxidation process
作者 陶莉莉 胡志华 钱锋 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第12期1935-1944,共10页
The p-xylene(PX) oxidation process is of great industrial importance because of the strong demand of the global polyester fiber.A steady-state model of the PX oxidation has been studied by many researchers.In our prev... The p-xylene(PX) oxidation process is of great industrial importance because of the strong demand of the global polyester fiber.A steady-state model of the PX oxidation has been studied by many researchers.In our previous work,a novel industrial p-xylene oxidation reactor model using the free radical mechanism based kinetics has been developed.However,the disturbances such as production rate change,feed composition variability and reactor temperature changes widely exist in the industry process.In this paper,dynamic simulation of the PX oxidation reactor was designed by Aspen Dynamics and used to develop an effective plantwide control structure,which was capable of effectively handling the disturbances in the load and the temperature of the reactor.Step responses of the control structure to the disturbances were shown and served as the foundation of the smooth operation and advanced control strategy of this process in our future work. 展开更多
关键词 p-Xylene oxidation Dynamic simulation Aspen Dynamics Process design and control
GH4169高温合金端面车削表面变质层的形成机理 被引量:10
作者 姚倡锋 沈雪红 张定华 《航空材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期50-58,共9页
利用实验和DEFORM-3D有限元分析相结合的方法,通过分析不同加工参数下切削力、温度和应变场,以及残余应力、显微硬度、微观组织的变化,研究GH4169端面车削表面变质层的形成机理。结果表明:表面变质层的形成是热力耦合作用于材料微观组... 利用实验和DEFORM-3D有限元分析相结合的方法,通过分析不同加工参数下切削力、温度和应变场,以及残余应力、显微硬度、微观组织的变化,研究GH4169端面车削表面变质层的形成机理。结果表明:表面变质层的形成是热力耦合作用于材料微观组织的结果;加工强度增大,切削力和切削热增大,表层金属等效应变增大,塑性变形更加显著,金相组织改变越明显,晶粒变形程度越大;在加工参数范围内,温度影响层深度为130~200μm,等效应变层深度为100~220μm,残余应力层为80~110μm,硬化层深度为50~80μm,表面变质层深度为2.5~5μm。 展开更多
关键词 切削力 温度-应变分布 残余应力 加工硬化 微观组织
EFPI-FBG复合光纤传感器高温大应变试验研究 被引量:1
作者 陈珊 李政颖 +1 位作者 孙景国 温志勋 《热能动力工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期179-186,共8页
由于缺乏航空发动机/燃气轮机服役环境下叶片温度、应变有效性检测的技术与装置,所以工作叶片的温度环境、载荷环境和应变分布等关键数据的缺失是故障检修工作中的最大困难之一。采用非本征型法布里-珀罗(Extrinsic Farby-Perot Interfe... 由于缺乏航空发动机/燃气轮机服役环境下叶片温度、应变有效性检测的技术与装置,所以工作叶片的温度环境、载荷环境和应变分布等关键数据的缺失是故障检修工作中的最大困难之一。采用非本征型法布里-珀罗(Extrinsic Farby-Perot Interferometric, EFPI)与光纤光栅(Fiber Bragg Grating, FBG)传感技术,研制了一种基于单模光纤的EFPI-FBG复合光纤传感器及其解调设备。通过搭建高温拉伸试验平台,开展了基于DZ125材料试件的复合光纤传感器高温、大应变测量的性能测试。试验结果表明:复合光纤传感器的工作温度范围为26℃~1 100℃,温度测量精度不超过全量程的5%,分辨率为0.066℃;F-P传感器的应变测量范围为0~19 468με,在1 100℃下的相对误差为1.96%,分辨率为0.053με。 展开更多
关键词 非本征型法布里-珀罗 光纤光栅 复合光纤传感器 温度-应变测量
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