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作者 董兆世 《福建史志》 2018年第4期32-34,41,共4页
西晋太康四年,在东吴建立的温麻船屯地置县,以船屯名温麻县。由于史书没有记载"温麻"名称由来,时过境迁,后人对温麻船屯以及温麻县取名产生疑惑。直至今天,史学界没有明确说法,而在当地出现了许多猜测。本文在笔者查阅大量古... 西晋太康四年,在东吴建立的温麻船屯地置县,以船屯名温麻县。由于史书没有记载"温麻"名称由来,时过境迁,后人对温麻船屯以及温麻县取名产生疑惑。直至今天,史学界没有明确说法,而在当地出现了许多猜测。本文在笔者查阅大量古籍和相关资料基础上,结合当地现实生产生活和实地考察,试着解开"温麻"取名之惑。 展开更多
关键词 沤麻 温麻 温麻 温麻船屯 温麻
作者 高学钦 《宁德师专学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第4期73-77,共5页
关键词 唐代 温麻 长溪县 连江县
作者 郑学华 《福建乡土》 2016年第3期26-27,共2页
闽东古名温麻。"温麻"是什么意思呢?"温"可作"瓯"解,指的是今天的瓯江流域,也就是今天浙东南的温州市;"麻"是"越"字音,"从丝麻品——苎祁发展演化而来"。温麻,实际上可以理解作瓯越。《史记》在记载秦汉时期的"东越"时,... 闽东古名温麻。"温麻"是什么意思呢?"温"可作"瓯"解,指的是今天的瓯江流域,也就是今天浙东南的温州市;"麻"是"越"字音,"从丝麻品——苎祁发展演化而来"。温麻,实际上可以理解作瓯越。《史记》在记载秦汉时期的"东越"时,将之分为"闽越"和"东瓯"两个王国。紧邻东瓯属于闽越的闽东,古老的温麻文化更多地接近浙东南的瓯越文化。 展开更多
关键词 温麻 瓯越 发展演化 东瓯 浙东南 闽越 东越 造船技术 海洋文化 五会
与《福建省行政区划地图集》作者共商几个问题 被引量:1
作者 林汀水 《闽台文化研究》 2009年第2期27-35,共9页
关键词 候官 温麻 东扬州 行中书省 长溪县 都督府 太平兴国 天宝元年 南平县 侯官
作者 林汀水 《闽台文化研究》 2007年第2期6-12,共7页
由徐晓望先生主编的《福建通史》(以下简称《通史》),上及远古,下至清末民初,前后分五卷,凡184.5万字,是截至目前论述福建最详的一部通史巨著。本月初到书店有幸购得,立即用心拜读第一卷(远古至六朝部分),受益良多。但读完后尚存许多疑... 由徐晓望先生主编的《福建通史》(以下简称《通史》),上及远古,下至清末民初,前后分五卷,凡184.5万字,是截至目前论述福建最详的一部通史巨著。本月初到书店有幸购得,立即用心拜读第一卷(远古至六朝部分),受益良多。但读完后尚存许多疑问不得其解,想再恳请作者加以指教。主要如下。 展开更多
关键词 闽越 会稽东部都尉 候官 闽中郡 无诸 冶县 温麻 贺齐 东越列传 百越
作者 林汀水 《闽台文化研究》 2008年第2期6-13,20,共9页
读完徐晓望主编的《福建通史》第一卷《远古至六朝》一书,对一些问题略有不同意见,曾写一篇论文与之商榷,已刊在《闽台文化交流》2007年第2期,并很快得到徐晓望先生的回应(详见该刊2007年第3期《关于〈福建通史〉(第一卷)相关问题的处... 读完徐晓望主编的《福建通史》第一卷《远古至六朝》一书,对一些问题略有不同意见,曾写一篇论文与之商榷,已刊在《闽台文化交流》2007年第2期,并很快得到徐晓望先生的回应(详见该刊2007年第3期《关于〈福建通史〉(第一卷)相关问题的处理与思考》一文)。我对此篇回应首先表示衷心的感谢。 展开更多
关键词 温麻 徐晓 闽越 移民社会 无诸 闽台文化 长溪 唐五代 福建人 淮南道
作者 李仁德 陈强 刘晒发 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 1998年第4期269-276,共8页
Electrocardiograms (ECG) of Eremias multiocellata were studied at 5-35℃ in body temperature. Electrocardiogram wave intervals (R-R,P-R,QRS,T-P,and R-T) shortened while heart rate increased with the increasing of bod... Electrocardiograms (ECG) of Eremias multiocellata were studied at 5-35℃ in body temperature. Electrocardiogram wave intervals (R-R,P-R,QRS,T-P,and R-T) shortened while heart rate increased with the increasing of body temperature. The average heart rate was 14.6/min at 5℃,whereas it was 201/min at 35℃. The duration of wave intervals of ECG and the heart rate were related significantly to the body temperature (P<0.001). Among the components of a cardiac cycle the cardiac rest period (TP intervals) and the atria-ventricular conduction time (PR interval) were affected mostly by body temperature. In the other hand the ventricular depolarization and repolarization (QRS and R-T intervals) were relatively less affected by the body temperature. The increasing of heart rate with body temperature was mainly caused by the shortening of ECG wave intervals,and the T-P interval (the cardiac rest period) was shortened more noticeably than other intervals. 展开更多
关键词 Eremias multiocellata ELECTROCARDIOGRAM Body temperature
福建与“海上丝绸之路” 被引量:4
作者 梅华全 《福建文博》 2012年第1期2-6,共5页
"海上丝绸之路"是我国古代区别于陆上丝绸之路的对外贸易与友好往来的航路。它发端于商周时期,形成于秦汉时期,发展于三国至唐朝,繁荣于宋元,转变于明清时期。是古代我国东南沿海地区与东亚、东南亚、印度洋,以及非洲各国进... "海上丝绸之路"是我国古代区别于陆上丝绸之路的对外贸易与友好往来的航路。它发端于商周时期,形成于秦汉时期,发展于三国至唐朝,繁荣于宋元,转变于明清时期。是古代我国东南沿海地区与东亚、东南亚、印度洋,以及非洲各国进行贸易和友好往来的重要航路。 展开更多
关键词 海上丝绸之路 商周时期 泉州港 于明 怀安窑 东南沿海 温麻 德化窑 大坌坑遗址 磁灶窑
作者 林汀水 《历史地理》 CSSCI 2010年第1期193-199,共7页
关键词 中国历史地图集 政区沿革 温麻 长溪县 今治 建宁府 昭武县 建安县 元和郡县志 黄华山
作者 王凌 《福建论坛(经济社会版)》 1985年第4期48-49,共2页
关键词 三都澳 沙埕港 罗源湾 长溪县 温麻 海运事业 天然良港 东方大港 海水养殖业 盐田港
作者 方志伟 《茶(健康天地)》 2009年第12期56-56,共1页
在福建省霞浦县的空海纪念堂里,记载着一段日本空海法师入唐的故事,这个故事向人们展示了日本茶道和中国茶文化的渊源。公元804年,日本佛教真言宗创始人空海法师等23人乘船入唐,因遇飓风在海上漂流34天。至八月初十始在霞浦赤岸海口登陆... 在福建省霞浦县的空海纪念堂里,记载着一段日本空海法师入唐的故事,这个故事向人们展示了日本茶道和中国茶文化的渊源。公元804年,日本佛教真言宗创始人空海法师等23人乘船入唐,因遇飓风在海上漂流34天。至八月初十始在霞浦赤岸海口登陆,当时船破、无水、缺粮,人员伤病,他们得到了赤岸群众的救援,在赤岸逗留41天,然后乘船往福州,进长安。 展开更多
关键词 中国茶文化 日本佛教 陈椽 植茶 赤岸 炉茶 文化中心 温麻 茶籽 霍童
中国古代著名的海船船型 福船
《西部交通科技》 2015年第4期113-,共1页
福船是福建、浙江一带沿海尖底海船的通称,为中国古代著名海船船型,是中国"四大古船"之一。福船的主要特点为:一是首部尖,尾部宽,两头上翘,首尾高昂。其两舷向外拱,两侧有护板。特别是福船有高昂首部,又有坚强的冲击装置,吃... 福船是福建、浙江一带沿海尖底海船的通称,为中国古代著名海船船型,是中国"四大古船"之一。福船的主要特点为:一是首部尖,尾部宽,两头上翘,首尾高昂。其两舷向外拱,两侧有护板。特别是福船有高昂首部,又有坚强的冲击装置,吃水又深,可达四米,适合于作为战船;二是船体高大,上有宽平的甲板、连续的舱口,船首两侧有一对船眼。 展开更多
关键词 福船 船眼 上翘 造船技术 八槽舰 温麻 护板 东南沿海 木帆船 福州船政局
Three-Dimensional Structure of Optimal Nonlinear Excitation for Decadal Variability of the Thermohaline Circulation 被引量:2
作者 ZU Zi-Qing MU Mu Henk A.DIJKSTRA 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第6期410-416,共7页
The decadal variability of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation(THC) is investigated within a three-dimensional ocean circulation model using the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation method. The results s... The decadal variability of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation(THC) is investigated within a three-dimensional ocean circulation model using the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation method. The results show that the optimal initial perturbations of temperature and salinity exciting the strongest decadal THC variations have similar structures: the perturbations are mainly in the northwestern basin at a depth ranging from 1500 to 3000 m. These temperature and salinity perturbations act as the optimal precursors for future modifications of the THC, highlighting the importance of observations in the northwestern basin to monitor the variations of temperature and salinity at depth. The decadal THC variation in the nonlinear model initialized by the optimal salinity perturbations is much stronger than that caused by the optimal temperature perturbations, indicating that salinity variations might play a relatively important role in exciting the decadal THC variability. Moreover, the decadal THC variations in the tangent linear and nonlinear models show remarkably different characteristics, suggesting the importance of nonlinear processes in the decadal variability of the THC. 展开更多
关键词 thermohaline circulation decadal variability conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation optimal precursor nonlinear processes
Effects of pH management during deep hypothermic bypass on cerebral oxygenation: alpha-stat versus pH-stat 被引量:9
作者 郦志军 尹小妹 叶箭 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2004年第10期1290-1297,共8页
Objective: There is a remarkable lack of scientific evidence to support the option to use alpha-stat or pH-stat management, as to which is more beneficial to brain protection during deep hypothermic CPB. This study ex... Objective: There is a remarkable lack of scientific evidence to support the option to use alpha-stat or pH-stat management, as to which is more beneficial to brain protection during deep hypothermic CPB. This study examined cortical blood flow (CBF), cerebral oxygenation, and brain oxygen consumption in relation to deep hypothermic CPB with alpha-stat or pH-stat management. Methods: Twenty-two pigs were cooled with alpha-stat or pH-stat during CPB to 15℃ esophageal temperature. CBF and cerebral oxygenation were measured continuously with a laser flowmeter and near-infrared spec-troscopy, respectively. Brain oxygen consumption was measured with standard laboratory techniques. Results: During CPB cooling, CBF was significantly decreased, about 52,2%±6.3% (P<0.01 vs 92.6%±6.5% of pH-stat) at 15℃ in alpha-stat, whereas there were no significant changes in CBF in pH-stat. While cooling down, brain oxygen extraction (OER) progressively decreased, about 9.5%±0.9% and 10.9%±1.5% at 15℃ in alpha-stat and pH-stat, respectively. At 31℃ the decreased value in pH-stat was lower than in alpha-stat (29.9%±2.7% vs 22.5%±1.9%; P<0.05). The ratio of CBF/OER were 2.0±0.3 in alpha-stat and pH-stat, respectively; it was kept in constant level in alpha-stat, and significantly increased by 19 ℃ to 15℃ in pH-stat (4.9±0.9 vs 2.3±0.4; P<0.01). In mild hypothermia, cerebral oxyhemoglobin and oxygen saturation in alpha-stat were greater than that in pH-stat (102.5%±1.4% vs 99.1%±0.7%; P<0.05). In deep hypothermia, brain oxygen saturation in pH-stat was greater than that in alpha-stat (99.2%±1.0% vs 93.8%±1.0%; P<0.01), and deoxyhemoglobin in pH-stat decreased more greatly than that in alpha-stat (28.7%±6.8% vs 54.1%±4.7%; P<0.05). Conclusions: In mild hypothermic CPB, brain tissue oxygen saturation was greater in alpha-stat than in pH-stat. However, cerebral oxygenation and brain tissue oxygen saturation were better in pH-stat than in alpha-stat during profound hypothermia. PH-stat strategy provided much more oxygen to brain tissue before deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. 展开更多
关键词 PH management Cerebral oxygenation Deep hypothermia Cardiopulmonary bypass
Moderate hypothermia prevents neural cell apoptosis following spinal cord ischemia in rabbits 被引量:12
作者 LeiMingWANG YeYAN +2 位作者 LiangJianZOU NaiHeJING ZhiYunXU 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5期387-393,共7页
Paraplegia is a disastrous complication after operations of descending and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. Re- gional hypothermia protects against spinal cord ischemia although the protective mechanism is not well k... Paraplegia is a disastrous complication after operations of descending and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. Re- gional hypothermia protects against spinal cord ischemia although the protective mechanism is not well know. The objective of this study is to examine whether hypothermia protects the spinal cord by preventing apoptosis of nerve cell and also investigate a possible mechanism involved in hypothermia neuroprotection. Cell apoptosis with necrosis was evident in the spinal cord 24 h after 30 min of ischemia. Moderate hypothermia decreased the incidence of apoptotic nerve cells. Both cell apoptosis and necrosis were attenuated by hypothermia. p53 expression increased and bcl-2 expression declined after ischemia, while hypothermia mitigated these changes. This study suggests that apoptosis contributes to cell death after spinal cord ischemia, and that moderate hypothermia can prevent nerve cell apoptosis by a mechanism associated with bcl-2 and p53 genes. 展开更多
关键词 spinal cord ISCHEMIA APOPTOSIS hypothermia.
Effect of Temperature Variation on the Separation of Sesamin and Sesamolin by Simulated Moving Bed 被引量:1
作者 Ming-Tsai Llang Ru-Chien Liang +2 位作者 Ling-Ya Wang Hung-En Yen Kuo-Tong Lee 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第6期479-486,共8页
In this work, sesamin and sesamolin is separated and purified by SMB (simulated moving bed) chromatography. Purity of sesamin and sesamolin can reach 99.2% and 99.9 %, and they can be recovered by 99.9% and 99.4%, r... In this work, sesamin and sesamolin is separated and purified by SMB (simulated moving bed) chromatography. Purity of sesamin and sesamolin can reach 99.2% and 99.9 %, and they can be recovered by 99.9% and 99.4%, respectively. Concentrations of the extract and raffinate was monitored and periodical change of the concentration was observed on experiment. Effects of non-linear adsorption, dead volume, and temperature on the separation are reviewed by the triangle theory to explain the periodical change of concentration. It is found that dead volume has little effect, and temperature fluctuation significantly affects thc separation by SMB. The temperature seriously affects the robust operation of SMB due to the change of Henry's constant, which will change the selectivity and restrain the productivity. Although the productivity in this study is only 0.0416 g/L-hr, the cost of the stationary phase used in this study is much lower than that of packed in analytical column. By using this stationary phase, the authors are still able to separate the mixture of sesamin and sesmolin. This will economically attract attention for the application of SMB to purify bioactive compounds on developing botanical drugs. 展开更多
关键词 Simulated moving bed SESAMIN SESAMOLIN chromatography.
Warm needling moxibustion at Xià guān(下关 ST 7) plus shallow Puncture for Bell's palsy in pregnancy 被引量:4
作者 陈姗 宣丽华 刘姗 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2017年第2期57-61,共5页
Objective To observe the effects of a protocol consisting of warm needling with moxibustion at Xiàguān(下关 ST 7) plus shallow puncture on Bell's palsy(BP) in pregnancy.Methods Thirteen patients with BP rec... Objective To observe the effects of a protocol consisting of warm needling with moxibustion at Xiàguān(下关 ST 7) plus shallow puncture on Bell's palsy(BP) in pregnancy.Methods Thirteen patients with BP received an intervention of warm needling moxibustion at ST 7 plus shallow puncture,and were evaluated using the House–Brackmann facial nerve grading system(HB) before and after intervention.Result After intervention,the HB grade improved significantly(P0.05).Conclusion Warm needling moxibustion plus shallow puncture is a safe and effective therapy for pregnant BP patients.BP in pregnancy appears to be more frequent in the last trimester.The severity of nerve injury and the timing for the first visit to the doctor after the onset of facial paralysis are essential factors for the recovery and prognosis of pregnant with BP. 展开更多
关键词 Bell's palsy PREGNANCY Warm needling MOXIBUSTION shallow puncture
作者 陈永迁 《福建乡土》 2016年第3期28-30,共3页
壁立东南第一峰,问名知道葛仙翁。丹砂灶逼云头近,玉井泉流海眼通。六字籀文天篆刻,数间洞屋石饼幪。我来整履层巅上,无数群山立下风。这是南宋时期,福州长溪县(今霞浦县)南乡梅洋村人、进士出身的韩伯修,咏诵葛洪山的一首诗。葛洪山... 壁立东南第一峰,问名知道葛仙翁。丹砂灶逼云头近,玉井泉流海眼通。六字籀文天篆刻,数间洞屋石饼幪。我来整履层巅上,无数群山立下风。这是南宋时期,福州长溪县(今霞浦县)南乡梅洋村人、进士出身的韩伯修,咏诵葛洪山的一首诗。葛洪山,古名高平山,盖因主峰高耸,山顶平缓而得名。至迟在宋代即已改称洪岭或洪山。而在明代人的游记中,已称作葛洪山了。葛洪山位于闽东霞浦县东冲半岛北端,地处沙江镇和长春镇境内,东北面濒临福宁湾,南面濒临东吾洋,站在山脊上,两侧海洋尽收眼底。 展开更多
关键词 道教名山 沙江镇 长溪县 长春镇 福宁湾 南宋时期 进士出身 山立 韩伯 温麻
Combining acupuncture and copper-tube moxibustion for 39 cases of recurrent peripheral facial paralysis 被引量:1
作者 陈宁 闵婕 韩丑萍 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2015年第5期285-289,共5页
To observe the clinical effect of acupuncture combined with copper-tube moxibustion on peripheral facial paralysis. Methods: A total of 39 recurrent Bell's palsy patients were treated with acupuncture plus self-made... To observe the clinical effect of acupuncture combined with copper-tube moxibustion on peripheral facial paralysis. Methods: A total of 39 recurrent Bell's palsy patients were treated with acupuncture plus self-made copper-tube moxibustion, once a day. Ten days made up a course of treatment. The patients were treated for 4 courses of treatment. There was a 3-day interval between two courses. The therapeutic efficacies were statistically analyzed after 4 courses of treatment. Results: Of the 39 cases, 18 cases obtained recovery, 15 cases got improvement and 6 cases failed. The total effective rate was 84.6%. Conclusion: Acupuncture combined with copper-tube moxibustion is effective for recurrent peripheral facial paralysis. 展开更多
关键词 Moxibustion Therapy Acupuncture-moxibustion Therapy Facial Paralysis Thermal Box Moxibustion
Clinical Observation on Treatment of Facial Paralysis by Mild Moxibustion 被引量:3
作者 周立武 黄国琪 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2009年第4期218-220,共3页
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of mild moxibustion for facial paralysis. Methods: One hundred cases of facial paralysis were divided randomly into two groups: 50 cases in the treatment group were treated... Objective: To observe the clinical effect of mild moxibustion for facial paralysis. Methods: One hundred cases of facial paralysis were divided randomly into two groups: 50 cases in the treatment group were treated by mild moxibustion, and 50 cases in the control group were treated by oral administration of Cobamamide Tablets. With ten days as one course of the treatments, two courses of the treatments were given. The therapeutic effects were assessed four weeks after treatments. Results: The total effective rate was 96.0% in the treatment group and 88.0% in the control group, and there was statistical difference in the therapeutic effects between the two groups (P〈0.05). Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of mild moxibustion for facial paralysis is better than oral administration of Cobamamide Tablets. 展开更多
关键词 Facial Paralysis MOXIBUSTION Mild Moxibustion Moxa-stick Moxibustion
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