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作者 徐聪 薛晓晓 +2 位作者 祁星荣 葛畅 贾博 《建设科技》 2024年第6期62-64,共3页
自然资源部要求:探索陆海统筹地区详细规划编制管理方法,而国土空间下的港口控制性详细规划编制尚处起步阶段。本文立足构建优势互补的国土空间体系背景,从语言体例、规划体系、管控指标、技术软件四个方面进行差异分析,提出“一平台两... 自然资源部要求:探索陆海统筹地区详细规划编制管理方法,而国土空间下的港口控制性详细规划编制尚处起步阶段。本文立足构建优势互补的国土空间体系背景,从语言体例、规划体系、管控指标、技术软件四个方面进行差异分析,提出“一平台两统筹三支撑多成果全入库”国空港口控规编制要点体系,并应用于洋浦港小铲滩北片区港口控规项目。结论表明:新时代港口控规的编制方法不能照搬既有单一规划,本文提出的国空港口控规编制要点体系,为探讨国空港口控规编制方法提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 国土空间规划 港口控制详细规划 编制要点
作者 祁星荣 徐聪 +2 位作者 薛晓晓 葛畅 贾博 《建设科技》 2024年第3期102-104,共3页
在国土空间规划体系中,港口作为重要的区域交通和经济枢纽,在区域发展中发挥着重要作用。2022年10月,中国共产党二十大报告提出“高质量发展的国土空间体系”新要求,强调不同规划之间实现“优势互补”。本文结合江苏盐城市滨海港、海南... 在国土空间规划体系中,港口作为重要的区域交通和经济枢纽,在区域发展中发挥着重要作用。2022年10月,中国共产党二十大报告提出“高质量发展的国土空间体系”新要求,强调不同规划之间实现“优势互补”。本文结合江苏盐城市滨海港、海南临高县金牌港等多个项目经验,从交通、用地、指标三大融合路径进行论述,研究国土空间下的港口控制性详细规划融合路径,以期为港口规划编制提供有益尝试。 展开更多
关键词 国土空间规划 港口控制详细规划 规划路径
基于GIS的港口岸线资源适宜性评价方法研究——以武汉新港为例 被引量:4
作者 史晓雪 徐碧华 +2 位作者 郑志华 寇英卫 曹德友 《上海船舶运输科学研究所学报》 2012年第2期87-92,共6页
综合当前港口岸线资源适宜性评价的研究进展,侧重于岸线的生态、生活服务功能,将岸线资源分为生态岸线、生活岸线、宜港岸线、其他岸线四类。本着合理利用岸线资源、减少岸线恶性竞争的原则,基于GIS,以武汉新港为例,探索图形叠置法在港... 综合当前港口岸线资源适宜性评价的研究进展,侧重于岸线的生态、生活服务功能,将岸线资源分为生态岸线、生活岸线、宜港岸线、其他岸线四类。本着合理利用岸线资源、减少岸线恶性竞争的原则,基于GIS,以武汉新港为例,探索图形叠置法在港口规划环评中岸线资源适宜性评价的定量化研究。从区域宏观层面分析岸线资源的特征,对港口规划岸线的合理性和适宜性进行评价,对港口规划的下一步岸线利用和港区建设提出建议和对策。 展开更多
关键词 地理信息系统 港口岸线资源适宜评价 港口规划 武汉新港
关于地方性小型港口规划理念的探讨 被引量:2
作者 祝世华 《港工技术》 2012年第6期9-10,14,共3页
当前我国正处于经济增长方式全面转型的新时期,在沿海、沿江地区涌现出许多主要由地方政府主导、以引领和带动当地经济发展为目标的地方性小型港口。本研究在大量工程实践的基础上,探讨和系统性分析了该类小型港口的规划特点、规划理念... 当前我国正处于经济增长方式全面转型的新时期,在沿海、沿江地区涌现出许多主要由地方政府主导、以引领和带动当地经济发展为目标的地方性小型港口。本研究在大量工程实践的基础上,探讨和系统性分析了该类小型港口的规划特点、规划理念和指导原则,以期增强小型港口规划的针对性、灵活性和适应性,使港口总体规划工作更上新水平。 展开更多
关键词 地方小型港口 规划理念 陆域面积 土方平衡 起步工程
岸线资源港口开发适宜性的模糊综合评价 被引量:3
作者 张航飞 吴多誉 +3 位作者 符广卷 张东强 钟强生 何洪任 《水道港口》 2022年第2期273-280,共8页
采用专家-层次分析法和模糊综合评价法,开展海南澄迈湾5个岸段的岸线资源港口开发适宜性评价,以便于岸线资源利用的合理性和岸线港口经济与自然环境协调发展。根据岸线的自然条件、社会经济条件和生态保护需求条件,选取岸前水深、岸线... 采用专家-层次分析法和模糊综合评价法,开展海南澄迈湾5个岸段的岸线资源港口开发适宜性评价,以便于岸线资源利用的合理性和岸线港口经济与自然环境协调发展。根据岸线的自然条件、社会经济条件和生态保护需求条件,选取岸前水深、岸线稳定性、工程地质条件、后方陆域条件、城市依托条件、交通便捷度和生态环境保护条件作为岸线资源港口开发适宜性评价因子。研究结果显示,马村港—东水港岸段为优质港口岸线,可作为优先布局港口的岸线。信作港—林诗港、南港—后海等岸段为良好港口岸线,适宜作为港口预留岸段。才芳港—马村港、盈滨半岛岸段为中等岸线,近期适宜作为海滨旅游或生态保护岸线。模糊综合评价方法应用于岸线资源港口开发适宜性评价结果与实际相符,评价方法具有一定的可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 岸线资源 港口开发适宜 模糊综合评价 海南澄迈湾
作者 王洪洲 《水运管理》 北大核心 1997年第1期25-27,共3页
改革开放以来,特别是部分沿海港口下放地方后,港口的投资、运行机制发生了深刻的变化。市场机制的作用越来越明显,迫切要求制定港口法律、法规或规章来维护港口生产、经营和建设秩序,规范市场行为,提高港口资源的利用率,最大限度地发挥... 改革开放以来,特别是部分沿海港口下放地方后,港口的投资、运行机制发生了深刻的变化。市场机制的作用越来越明显,迫切要求制定港口法律、法规或规章来维护港口生产、经营和建设秩序,规范市场行为,提高港口资源的利用率,最大限度地发挥港口的交通枢纽作用。但是,目前由于国家尚未出台港口基本法,不仅使地方制定港口规定、规章等规范性文件无法律依据,而且使港口管理的各项任务难以落实,制约了港口及港口腹地国民经济的健康发展。本文结合威海市港口发展的实际情况,就制定地方性港口管理规定谈几点看法。 展开更多
关键词 港口 地方港口 管理规定 制定
中国沿海集装箱港口航线竞争力评价 被引量:1
作者 李丹 栾维新 片峰 《上海海事大学学报》 北大核心 2015年第3期13-19,共7页
为更加准确地评价港口竞争力,把握港口在集装箱运输体系中的等级地位,利用改进的航线竞争力指数模型对中国沿海22个集装箱港口2005—2012年的航线竞争力指数进行测度.通过分析发现,中国沿海集装箱港口的航线竞争力指数持续上升,说明中... 为更加准确地评价港口竞争力,把握港口在集装箱运输体系中的等级地位,利用改进的航线竞争力指数模型对中国沿海22个集装箱港口2005—2012年的航线竞争力指数进行测度.通过分析发现,中国沿海集装箱港口的航线竞争力指数持续上升,说明中国沿海集装箱港口的航线数量、航班密度以及通达性都得到了良好的发展.中国沿海集装箱港口已经形成特有的等级体系,第1等级为通达性高、各航线发展均衡的枢纽港,第2等级为通达性较高、各航线发展不均衡的支线港,第3等级为通达性低、国内航线发展较快的喂给港. 展开更多
关键词 沿海集装箱港口 航线竞争力 港口等级 航班密度 港口通达
某4×2港口运输牵引车搭载LNG发动机传动系匹配分析 被引量:1
作者 邹琳 周福庚 陈刚 《专用汽车》 2013年第1期92-95,共4页
介绍了在满足港口运输的条件下,通过传动系进行优化匹配,保证了搭载LNG发动机的4×2港口运输牵引车常用转速区间符合经济性转速区间,改善了整车的动力性和经济性,并运用CAE软件、转毂试验台及道路试验分别模拟实际使用条件和要求,... 介绍了在满足港口运输的条件下,通过传动系进行优化匹配,保证了搭载LNG发动机的4×2港口运输牵引车常用转速区间符合经济性转速区间,改善了整车的动力性和经济性,并运用CAE软件、转毂试验台及道路试验分别模拟实际使用条件和要求,最终验证了匹配的合理性。 展开更多
关键词 LNG发动机港口运输传动系动力经济
作者 贾鹏 段京铭 +1 位作者 赵雪婷 吴寄石 《中国航海》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期70-77,共8页
随着“21世纪海上丝绸之路”倡议的提出,我国港口企业迎来了新的发展和机遇,对境外港口进行投资区位选择是其发展的关键问题。在此背景下,文章基于栅格法选出港口投资备选区域,在自然条件、腹地经济环境、投资环境、合作基础、港航交通... 随着“21世纪海上丝绸之路”倡议的提出,我国港口企业迎来了新的发展和机遇,对境外港口进行投资区位选择是其发展的关键问题。在此背景下,文章基于栅格法选出港口投资备选区域,在自然条件、腹地经济环境、投资环境、合作基础、港航交通区位等方面基础上,引入可达性模型测度评价对象的陆向区位价值和海向区位价值,构建港口投资指数评价体系,最后利用优劣解距离法(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution, TOPSIS)计算备选区域的投资指数。研究表明,位于马六甲海峡东入口附近区域和位于印度洋的斯里兰卡区域最具投资价值。 展开更多
关键词 21世纪海上丝绸之路 港口可达 港口投资指数 优劣解距离法
作者 吴莎莎 梁木新 +1 位作者 郭建科 熊子尧 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期824-842,共19页
港口基础设施的高效可达是国际运输成本的决定因素与区域互联互通和相互作用的前提。因此,如何测定港口海向可达性并从中揭示港口间交互作用的模式是研究航运网络的一个难点和热点。本文以中国与“海上丝路”沿线主要港口航运网络为研... 港口基础设施的高效可达是国际运输成本的决定因素与区域互联互通和相互作用的前提。因此,如何测定港口海向可达性并从中揭示港口间交互作用的模式是研究航运网络的一个难点和热点。本文以中国与“海上丝路”沿线主要港口航运网络为研究对象,在考虑班轮服务频率及地理因素的影响下,基于陆路可达性理论提出融入加权路径的港口海向可达性模型,并改进复杂网络中心性指标,针对不同年份的样本统一处理,使相关指标更具可比性,验证其有效性和适用性。结果表明:(1)整体看,班轮服务频率能更深层次揭示各指标所反映港口的实际功能差异;从核密度分析看,航运网络的航线运行效率(WCC)、港口调控能力(WBC)均存在较明显的绝对差异和分化程度。(2)通过复合中心性(WC)的统计特征表明,港口单个优势功能在体现港口的影响力时存在偏差,结合WC能够有针对性地提出港口嵌入“航运网络”中亟待优化的功能。(3)以加权平均路径为模型测度的港口海向可达性呈现微弱的离散化,“马太效应”也更为明显。仅少数港口的可达性提升明显,但可达性较低的港口仍将长期存在,且绝对差异增大。 展开更多
关键词 航运网络 中心 港口海向可达 海上丝路
作者 杨华雄 《水运管理》 北大核心 1998年第12期30-31,共2页
改革开放以来,我国引航事业有了长足的发展,截至1997年底,全国引航量已达20万多艘次。由于我国学术界对引航行为研究较少,到现在为止,还没有一套比较成熟、且适合我国国情的理论可以满足水运市场的需要。本文试图结合我国引航实际,对引... 改革开放以来,我国引航事业有了长足的发展,截至1997年底,全国引航量已达20万多艘次。由于我国学术界对引航行为研究较少,到现在为止,还没有一套比较成熟、且适合我国国情的理论可以满足水运市场的需要。本文试图结合我国引航实际,对引航行为及管理体系作一些肤浅探讨。 展开更多
关键词 引航 管理体系 服务 连接 港口性
海岛港口开发利用与保护适宜性分区评价——以大亚湾岛群为例 被引量:5
作者 陈鹏 顾海峰 +1 位作者 吴剑 廖连招 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期614-618,共5页
在综合考虑大亚湾海域及岛群的自然生态属性、资源条件和社会生态属性的基础上,结合有关研究成果,从约束型与引导型两个要素类别筛选指标作为海岛港口开发与保护适宜性分区评价的指标。借助地理信息系统的空间分析功能,采用单因子评价... 在综合考虑大亚湾海域及岛群的自然生态属性、资源条件和社会生态属性的基础上,结合有关研究成果,从约束型与引导型两个要素类别筛选指标作为海岛港口开发与保护适宜性分区评价的指标。借助地理信息系统的空间分析功能,采用单因子评价与多因子加权综合评价方法,定量分析了研究区的海岛港口开发适宜性程度及其空间分布特征,并将大亚湾海岛港口开发利用与保护适宜性划分为4级:鼓励开发、适度开发、适度保护与优先保护。结果表明:大亚湾海岛港口开发利用与保护适宜性在空间分布上差异显著。优先保护区域占4.02%,适度保护区域占12.1%,而适度开发区域占到45.47%,鼓励开发区域占38.41%。评价成果对于大亚湾海岛资源可持续利用和港口开发空间秩序的确定具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 大亚湾 岛群 港口开发利用与保护适宜 分区评价
宁波在长江三角洲中经济功能与发展研究 被引量:3
作者 郑魁浩 乔观民 刘键初 《当代经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第2期29-35,共7页
本文运用区域分析法分别从长江三角洲、长江三角洲南翼层次对宁波市发展进行定位 ,指出宁波市城市特色是港城 ,城市建设目标是多功能综合性港口城市 。
关键词 宁波市 长江三角洲 城市功能 经济功能 城市定位 多功能综口港口城市
Gallbladder emptying in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis 被引量:9
作者 Karouk Said Nick Edsborg +1 位作者 Nils Albiin Annika Bergquist 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第28期3498-3503,共6页
AIM: To assess gallbladder emptying and its association with cholecystitis and abdominal pain in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). METHODS: Twenty patients with PSC and ten healthy subjects were ... AIM: To assess gallbladder emptying and its association with cholecystitis and abdominal pain in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). METHODS: Twenty patients with PSC and ten healthy subjects were investigated. Gallbladder fasting volume, ejection fraction and residual volume after ingestion of a test meal were compared in patients with PSC and healthy controls using magnetic resonance imaging. Symptoms, thickness and contrast enhancement of the gallbladder wall and the presence of cystic duct strictures were also assessed. RESULTS: Median fasting gallbladder volume in patients with PSC [67 (19-348) mL] was twice that in healthy controls [32 (16-55) mL] (P 〈 0.05). The median postprandial gallbladder volume in patients with PSC was significantly larger than that in healthy controls (P 〈 0.05). There was no difference in ejection fraction, gallbladder emptying volume or mean thickness of the gallbladder wall between PSC patients and controls. Contrast enhancement of the gallbladder wall in PSC patients was higher than that in controls; (69% ± 32%) and (42% ± 21%) (P 〈 0.05). No significant association was found between the gallbladder volumes and occurrence of abdominal pain in patients and controls.CONCLUSION: Patients with PSC have increased fasting gallbladder volume. Gallbladder Mucosal dysfunction secondary to chronic cholecystitis, may be a possible mechanism for increased gallbladder. 展开更多
关键词 CHOLECYSTITIS Ejection fraction Gallbladdervolume Magnetic resonance imaging
Analysis of the Competition of Ports in the Middle East Container Ports Using HHI
作者 Capt.Osama.F.Elbayoumi Capt. Ahmed Dawood 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第6期339-347,共9页
The market concentration of selected 24 container port/terminal in the Middle East region was evaluated. Data collected for 6 years (2009-2014), HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman index technique) was used to analyse the m... The market concentration of selected 24 container port/terminal in the Middle East region was evaluated. Data collected for 6 years (2009-2014), HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman index technique) was used to analyse the market behaviour and the movement of the market towards monopoly or to lead to PPC (pure and perfect competition). Based on the above, by analyzing the defined market data, it was found to be a promising market and tends to competition. Of course, this serves the interest of the client, which is the efficiency and speed of cargo handling safely and at the lowest cost. 展开更多
Strategic Planning as a Competitive Advantage by Using the BSC as a Management Tool: A Case Study in Application of Radioisotope Technology at IPEN
作者 Imario Vieira Fernando Codelo Nascimento Wilson Aparecido Parejo Calvo 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2016年第3期1-10,共10页
Strategic planning is one of the most important management tools for organizational decision making. The nuclear area represents a segment of energy production used by many countries in America, Europe and Asia. It is... Strategic planning is one of the most important management tools for organizational decision making. The nuclear area represents a segment of energy production used by many countries in America, Europe and Asia. It is known that in the future nuclear energy can be a major exit to the global energy crisis. The aim of this research was to use the BSC (Balanced Scorecard) as a strategic tool for decision making in a teaching and research institution of the nuclear area--IPEN (Nuclear and Energy Research Institute), located in the city of Sao Paulo, which belongs to the CNEN (National Nuclear Energy Commission) in Brazil. The methodology used in this academic doctoral study was a case study, which considered the period of research from December 2012 to December 2015. The main results expected from this case study are: the improvement of information flow, the view, the increased visibility of an organization providing education and especially research in relation to published works, increased interaction among IPEN and the main global research institutes and centers, increasing academic production of technical articles, indicator improvement, improving the monitoring of management actions, among others. Given the expected results one can conclude that this study will be of great value to the IPEN and also for the Brazilian energy sector, as it will allow and contribute to the dissemination and demystification of nuclear power as an energy source of mankind, its peaceful applications and for the management activity of knowledge and innovation production in the nuclear area of IPEN. 展开更多
关键词 BSC strategic planning nuclear energy radioisotope technology IPEN.
The Historical Development of the Port of Livorno (Italy) and Its New Port Plan 2010 in Advanced Stage of Elaboration
作者 P. De Girolamo A. Noli +2 位作者 C. Vanni A. Del Corona M. Tartaglini 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2011年第2期77-100,共24页
The geographical location makes the port of Livorno one of the most important in Italy. The port, in fact, benefits of an extended network of roads and rails connecting it with the rest of Italy, and central and south... The geographical location makes the port of Livorno one of the most important in Italy. The port, in fact, benefits of an extended network of roads and rails connecting it with the rest of Italy, and central and southern Europe as well. The history of Livorno and its port is inextricably linked to that of Pisa and Florence, and to the complexity of events that determined the political set-up of the region along several centuries. Looking at the new port plan of Livorno has made it necessary an extensive overview of the history of both the port, and of its planning. This analysis has allowed: to understand the reason for the different choices made in the past for the development of the port, highlighting, when necessary, the errors made; to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing port infrastructure; to identify the works needed to boost the port in the European context. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the analysis performed for the implementation of the new Livorno port plan 2010 and show how the port planning in Italy is often conditioned by hundreds of centuries of history. 展开更多
关键词 HISTORY port of Livomo new port plan.
Seismic Fragility of Approach Bridge for the Large Port Terminals
作者 LIU Xinyue 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期48-50,共3页
In order to study the seismic performance of typical approach bridge for port project, the seismic vulnerability model was created. 100 of the earthquake motion records are selected from the database of Pacific Earthq... In order to study the seismic performance of typical approach bridge for port project, the seismic vulnerability model was created. 100 of the earthquake motion records are selected from the database of Pacific Earthquake Research Centre, In order to obtain the maximum responses of structure dynamic response, the model was calculated by using non-linear time history analysis. Then reliability analysis method was used to generate the fragility curves of bridge components. And compared two kinds of bearing made differences to structure' s vulnerability. Researches show that bearing is easy to breakdown with earthquake action. Isolation bearing has good effect, and significantly reduces failure probability, fmaUy the fragility curves obtained can be used to evaluate the seismic performance of continuous beam bridge for port project, and provide the basis for seismic design of bridges for port project. 展开更多
关键词 Port project Approach bridge Seismic vulnerability Isolation bearing
Modelling the Resonance of Infragravity Waves in Port Areas
作者 Victor Shakhin Tatiana Shakhina 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2014年第5期111-116,共6页
This paper deals with linear refraction-difractional and nonlinear dispersion mathematical models for simulation of low-frequency waves in port areas of various configurations. The phenomenon of resonance can be obser... This paper deals with linear refraction-difractional and nonlinear dispersion mathematical models for simulation of low-frequency waves in port areas of various configurations. The phenomenon of resonance can be observed in multiple places and pose a significant danger for ships and constructions. Generally, if the bottom relief is non-uniform and if inner/outer boundaries of protected areas are configurated in a complex way, the problem can be solved only by numerical methods. It presents the calculation results for the amplitude of infragravity waves at resonance frequencies. The paper highlights the solutions for diminishing the amplitude of resonance water fluctuations in port areas. In particular, it is noted that if a number of certain conditions is provided outside the protected area, it is possible to diminish substantially the height of infragravity waves inside the area. The validity of such an assumption is confirmed by calculations. 展开更多
关键词 Infragravitaty waves linear model nonlinear model port areas resonance.
Public and Private Investment in the Port Sector in Mexico, 2000-2010: A Study Through Data Envelopment Analysis
作者 Odette V. Delfin-Ortega César L. Navarro-Chàvez 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第1期34-41,共8页
Knowing the level of efficiency of investment applied in ports of Mexico is relevant information for the design of port policies that contribute to its development and thus to greater freight movement. The objective o... Knowing the level of efficiency of investment applied in ports of Mexico is relevant information for the design of port policies that contribute to its development and thus to greater freight movement. The objective of this paper is to analyze the technical efficiency obtained from International Mexican Ports, through the use of the technique of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). It uses data regarding public and private investment in ports applied during the period 2000-2010 and its influence on the number of Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU). Because it has been applied the DEA-CCR (the linear programming model) model input oriented, thus not only the efficiency is calculated in ports, but benchmarking is also obtained to determine the efficient ports that serve as reference to those who were found to be inefficient. The results obtained showed that Manzanillo and Progreso were the most efficient ports. On the other hand, the ports that were not efficient for any of the years reviewed were Mazatlan and Lazaro Cardenas. Generally, public investment has been increasing over the period, and public policies are not designed to allow the ports to have an international projection. 展开更多
关键词 ports INVESTMENT Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technical efficiency
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