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北京湿地分析与监测 被引量:14
作者 张志锋 赵文吉 +1 位作者 贾萍 谢志茹 《地球信息科学》 CSCD 2004年第1期53-57,共5页
在“3S”技术支持下,结合野外调查与室内综合分析,全面调查监测了北京地区湿地的类型、面积。其类型较多、分布较广、湿地环境差异显著,生物多样性丰富。湿地的主要类型包括湖泊湿地、河流湿地、水库、池塘、稻田等自然湿地和人工湿地,... 在“3S”技术支持下,结合野外调查与室内综合分析,全面调查监测了北京地区湿地的类型、面积。其类型较多、分布较广、湿地环境差异显著,生物多样性丰富。湿地的主要类型包括湖泊湿地、河流湿地、水库、池塘、稻田等自然湿地和人工湿地,其中人工湿地面积为323541.822km2,自然湿地面积为138214.740km2,约占全市面积的0.3%。另外,选择重点水库湿地和典型湿地做了动态变化研究,结果表明:水库湿地中的密云水库、官厅水库和怀柔水库与1998年相比,面积分别减少了42.0%,23.9%和4.9%,典型湿地的景观格局也发生了相应的改变。由此可以看出,北京湿地面积逐年减少、生态环境质量逐年下降。最后,根据北京湿地现状和暴露出来的问题,提出了一些建设性的结论和建议。本项目的实施为进一步研究湿地变化与周边气候、地形地貌、土地利用、植被变化以及社会经济发展情况的关系,分析湿地受威胁因素,评价湿地生态环境现状,提出湿地保护的措施,奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 湿地分析 “3S”技术 遥感融合 监测 北京
鄱阳湖水位空间差异及其对湿地水文分析的影响 被引量:6
作者 蔡晓斌 陈晓玲 +1 位作者 王学雷 甘文霞 《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期139-144,共6页
大型湖泊受支流人流及湖底特性、风浪变化等因素的综合影响,其内部不同区域的水位存住空间差异.水利工程设计、湿地水文调控分析中常以单个水文站点的水位代表整个湖泊的水位状况.受五河及长江水量变化规律的综合影响,其枯水水位空间差... 大型湖泊受支流人流及湖底特性、风浪变化等因素的综合影响,其内部不同区域的水位存住空间差异.水利工程设计、湿地水文调控分析中常以单个水文站点的水位代表整个湖泊的水位状况.受五河及长江水量变化规律的综合影响,其枯水水位空间差异较大.在洲滩湿地水文调控分析中,代表水文站的选择尤为重要.目前湿地水文分析中常采用湖口、星子两站作为鄱阳湖的代表站,但站点选择却均缺乏科学的数据分析.本文结合56年来鄱阳湖湖区7个水位站点的监测数据及站点的空间位置信息,分析了湖区各水文站点间的水位差异及水位比降.结果显示棠荫站作为鄱阳湖湿地水文分析的代表站较合适.结合鄱阳湖湖底地形数据探讨了相对于棠荫水位,以湖口或星子水位来模拟鄱阳湖洲滩湿地面积的差异,以及可能产生的潜在影响. 展开更多
关键词 鄱阳湖 水位 空间差异 湿地水文分析
2001-2008年我国湿地公园研究的文献学分析 被引量:41
作者 吴后建 但新球 +1 位作者 王隆富 舒勇 《湿地科学与管理》 2009年第4期40-43,共4页
通过对2001-2008年我国国内出版发行的有关湿地公园的著作、学位论文和期刊论文的统计分析,揭示我国湿地公园研究的主题和内容、研究者的分布地区、部门分布状况,确定我国湿地公园研究的合作度、合著率、核心作者和活跃作者群,并确定我... 通过对2001-2008年我国国内出版发行的有关湿地公园的著作、学位论文和期刊论文的统计分析,揭示我国湿地公园研究的主题和内容、研究者的分布地区、部门分布状况,确定我国湿地公园研究的合作度、合著率、核心作者和活跃作者群,并确定我国湿地公园研究的热点区域,希望为我国湿地公园研究者和建设者了解和把握中国湿地公园研究现状和发展趋势提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 关键词湿地公园研究现状文献学分析统计
基于网络文本分析的城市湿地公园公众景观体验研究——以长沙洋湖国家湿地公园为例 被引量:2
作者 夏鸿玲 唐晖 《现代园艺》 2023年第19期42-45,48,共5页
在互联网时代,人们越来越多地使用自媒体来表达自己的观点和意见,且这种趋势正不断增长[1]。公众可通过携程、马蜂窝、去哪儿等互联网社交平台分享对公园的景观体验或评价,能够客观、详实地表达对公园的景观形象认知和情绪体验。以长沙... 在互联网时代,人们越来越多地使用自媒体来表达自己的观点和意见,且这种趋势正不断增长[1]。公众可通过携程、马蜂窝、去哪儿等互联网社交平台分享对公园的景观体验或评价,能够客观、详实地表达对公园的景观形象认知和情绪体验。以长沙洋湖湿地公园为例,以UGC网络社交平台(携程、马蜂窝、去哪儿、美团)网站文本数据作为样本,运用内容分析法,从公众行为动机、公园环境、情感倾向3个方面分析了长沙洋湖湿地公园公众景观体验现状,并在此基础上,为优化洋湖湿地公园建设与管理提出了4点建议。 展开更多
关键词 湿地公园 景观体验 内容分析 长沙洋湖湿地公园
艾丁湖生态水位监测及湿地水域变化分析 被引量:2
作者 崔师胜 周和平 《水资源开发与管理》 2023年第10期39-43,共5页
为进一步认识艾丁湖流域吐鲁番盆地水生态环境现状及发展变化情况,本文以艾丁湖湿地植被生境区域为研究对象,采用地下水埋深定位监测井及湿地水域变化评估方法进行分析。结果表明,艾丁湖地下水埋深2021年为3.57~5.37m,2022年为4.48~6.3... 为进一步认识艾丁湖流域吐鲁番盆地水生态环境现状及发展变化情况,本文以艾丁湖湿地植被生境区域为研究对象,采用地下水埋深定位监测井及湿地水域变化评估方法进行分析。结果表明,艾丁湖地下水埋深2021年为3.57~5.37m,2022年为4.48~6.36m,年内各月地下水埋深大小变化趋势基本相同;艾丁湖水域面积经历了减小—增加—再减小的过程,2016—2021年湿地生境趋好,水域面积增加,2022年流域遭遇罕见高温干旱,艾丁湖水域面积略有收缩。研究成果可为流域生态治理提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 艾丁湖 生态水位监测 湿地水域分析
曹妃甸湿地自然保护区植物多样性研究 被引量:4
作者 胡爱双 郭文静 +4 位作者 邢春强 马旺 孙宇 丁冯洁 张薇 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期1121-1132,共12页
为了探究曹妃甸湿地和鸟类省级自然保护区植物多样性以及土壤理化性质空间分布规律,采用生态学样地调查方法对研究区内植被群落结构及其相应土壤理化性质进行调查与测定,通过相关性分析探讨植物多样性与土壤盐分和养分指标的关系。研究... 为了探究曹妃甸湿地和鸟类省级自然保护区植物多样性以及土壤理化性质空间分布规律,采用生态学样地调查方法对研究区内植被群落结构及其相应土壤理化性质进行调查与测定,通过相关性分析探讨植物多样性与土壤盐分和养分指标的关系。研究结果表明:1)研究区种子植物共有23科47属54种,被子植物占绝对优势,植物种绝大部分是中生草本植物。2)研究区植物区系数量结构分析显示研究区内优势科有4科,分别是菊科、禾本科、藜科和豆科;优势属有5属,分别是藜属、莴苣属、碱蓬属、蒿属和补血草属;数量结构特征表现出科级和属级水平上的多样性,区系地理成分特征相对复杂,以温带分布为主,但也出现了热带分布。3)研究区植物群落主要以草本植物为主,可分为9种类型,其中茵陈蒿、葎草群落更为稳定,芦苇群落的多样性最差。4)土壤盐分和速效钾高值区主要分布在研究区西南部地区,土壤速效磷高值区主要分布在西北部地区,速效氮和有机质含量高值区空间分布较为分散。5)湿地植物多样性指数整体上与土壤盐分呈负相关关系,与土壤养分尤其速效氮呈现正相关关系。该研究结果明确了该区植物的分布及多样性情况,并对其影响因素进行了初步分析,可为曹妃甸湿地植物多样性保护和管理提供一定科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 曹妃甸湿地 植物多样性 湿地植物分析 土壤盐分 土壤养分
作者 郭玲 张义文 +2 位作者 焦明 徐艳菲 申海鹏 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2012年第23期5324-5327,共4页
为了研究黄骅湿地2001-2009年的变化情况及变化原因,运用ERDAS和ENVI对2001、2005、2009年美国Landsat卫星影像进行影像判读和数据处理,利用Change Detection方法得到相关数据,探讨其动态变化状况及转化情况。结果表明,黄骅湿地不断减少... 为了研究黄骅湿地2001-2009年的变化情况及变化原因,运用ERDAS和ENVI对2001、2005、2009年美国Landsat卫星影像进行影像判读和数据处理,利用Change Detection方法得到相关数据,探讨其动态变化状况及转化情况。结果表明,黄骅湿地不断减少,其中自然湿地面积大量减少,并部分转为人工湿地。依据这一现象提出了一些保护措施。 展开更多
关键词 黄骅湿地 湿地遥感影像分析 动态变化 保护对策
河北省沿海湿地现状评价与保护对策 被引量:13
作者 王春泽 乔光建 《南水北调与水利科技》 CAS CSCD 2009年第4期46-49,共4页
通过对河北省沿海湿地功能评价和演变过程分析,河北省沿海湿地面积在逐渐减少,上游来水量逐渐减少,而且来水水质也受到不同程度的污染,对沿海湿地功能的发挥以及对湿地生物多样性造成一定的影响。为保证沿海湿地水源供给,河北省各部门... 通过对河北省沿海湿地功能评价和演变过程分析,河北省沿海湿地面积在逐渐减少,上游来水量逐渐减少,而且来水水质也受到不同程度的污染,对沿海湿地功能的发挥以及对湿地生物多样性造成一定的影响。为保证沿海湿地水源供给,河北省各部门开展流域间生态应急补水的措施,并制定沿海湿地保护规划等措施,为保护沿海湿地发挥了重要作用。根据湿地现状和存在的问题,探讨北方地区沿海湿地保护的目标和措施,为今后滨海湿地保护提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 滨海湿地 沿海湿地功能 湿地演变过程分析 湿地保护措施 河北省
Diagnostic Analysis of Soil Moisture in Northeast China 被引量:2
作者 李琛 沈新勇 李伟平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第2期159-163,168,共6页
The horizontal distribution and vertical distribution characteristics of monthly average soil moisture(10-100 cm)of northeastern region of China in 22 years(1981-2002)were analyzed.The spatial and temporal variations ... The horizontal distribution and vertical distribution characteristics of monthly average soil moisture(10-100 cm)of northeastern region of China in 22 years(1981-2002)were analyzed.The spatial and temporal variations also were analyzed.The results showed that from 1981 to 2002,the northeast region surface(10-60 cm)of soil moisture show a downward trend,while the deep(60 cm)following an upward trend.The vertical structure of soil moisture of different years was different.Rainfall was one possible reason for ... 展开更多
关键词 Northeast China Soil moisture EOF
Functional Assessment of Typical Wetlands in Shangri-La
作者 席武俊 王金亮 +3 位作者 陈华芳 王平 毕艳 蒋连芳 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第2期74-78,共5页
The development and protection of Shangri-La wetlands in southwestern Yunnan Province is of great significance for the protection of regional biodiversity, ecotourism and regional development. To specify the functions... The development and protection of Shangri-La wetlands in southwestern Yunnan Province is of great significance for the protection of regional biodiversity, ecotourism and regional development. To specify the functions of Shangri-La wetlands, with the help of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), 7 typical wetlands in Shangri-La (Bita Lake Wetland, Napa Lake Wetland, Shudu Lake Wetland, Dazhongdian Wetland, Xiaozhongdian Wetland, Dahei Lake Wetland, Jinsha River Wetland) were selected for the quantitative analysis of 20 indexes in 3 comprehensive assessment layers (service functions, protective functions and production functions). The results showed that Shangri-La wetlands followed the below sequence in function: Bita Lake Wetland (0.811 4), Shudu Lake Wetland (0.739 3), Napa Lake Wetland (0.695 3), Dahei Lake Wetland (0.659 5), Jinsha River Wetland (0.614 3), Dazhongdian Wetland (0.520 4) and Xiaozhongdian Wetland (0.505 2). As single indexes of those wetlands were compared, it was found that values of certain indexes varied greatly, and value differences among 5 of 20 indexes even reached more than 100%, among which that of water supply capacity and tourism recreational value (164.60%) remained the highest, then water supplementation capacity (121.17%) and habitat stability (109.05%), and others varied between 5.58%-91.10%. The assessment results were similar to actual conditions, thus such a method was proved scientific and practical. 展开更多
关键词 Functional assessment WETLANDS Analytic Hierarchy Process Shangri-La
Multiple Time-scale Characteristics of Runoff Variations in Middle Reaches of Huolin River and Their Effects 被引量:2
作者 LU Xiaoning DENG Wei ZHANG Shuqing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第2期143-150,共8页
The Huolin River is one of the most important water sources for Xianghai wetland, Horqin wetland, and Chaganhu wetland in the western Songnen Plain of Northeast China. The annual runoff series of 46 years at Baiyunhus... The Huolin River is one of the most important water sources for Xianghai wetland, Horqin wetland, and Chaganhu wetland in the western Songnen Plain of Northeast China. The annual runoff series of 46 years at Baiyunhushuo Hydrologic Station, which is located in the middle reaches of the Huolin River, were analyzed by using wavelet analysis. Main objective was to discuss the periodic characteristics of the runoff, and examine the temporal patterns of the Huolin River recharging to the floodplain wetlands in the lower reaches of the river, and the corresponding effects of recharging variation on the environmental evolution of the wetlands. The results show that the annual runoff varied mainly at three time scales. The intensities of periodical signals at different time scales were strongly characterized by local distribution in its time frequency domain. The interdecadal variation at a scale of more than 30yr played a leading role in the temporal pattern ofrnnoffvariation, and at this scale, the runoffat Baiyunhushuo Hydrologic Station varied in turn of flood, draught and flood. Accordingly, the landscape of the floodplain wetlands presented periodic features, especially prominent before the 1990s. Compared with intense human activities, the runoff periodic pattern at middle (10-20yr) and small (1-10yr) scales, which has relatively low energy, exerted unobvious effects on the environmental evolution of the floodplain wetlands, especially after the 1990s. 展开更多
关键词 floodplain wetland RUNOFF multiple time-scale wavelet analysis Huolin River
作者 WANG Xue-lei, NING Long-mei, HU Wang-bin(Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430077, P. R. China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第3期272-276,共5页
Wetlands in the Jianghan Plain are important components of wetland types in lake area in the middle and lower reaches the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and they fulfill many uses and functions related to hydrology, waste... Wetlands in the Jianghan Plain are important components of wetland types in lake area in the middle and lower reaches the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and they fulfill many uses and functions related to hydrology, waste assimilation, ecosystem productivity and biodiversity. Owing to natural factors and human activities, especially excessive reclamation from lakes, the shrinking process of the lakes has been accelerated. Wetland ecosystem has shown the characteristics of vulnerability. According to the analysis of wetland ecological function in the Jianghan Plain, this paper presented an index system related to productivity, stability and environmental capacity. By using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process, we computed the values of the relative weights of the indexes, and evaluated the vulnerability level of the wetland ecosystem by the method of multi-indexes. The case study showed that the fragile extent of wetland ecosystem in the Jianghan Plain is 5.6. This means that the wetland ecosystem in the Jianghan Plain is laid to the state of middle vulnerability. Therefore, the wetland conservation and eco-rehabilitation in the Jianghan Plain should be paid attention to. 展开更多
关键词 WETLAND ecological vulnerability AHP the jianghan plain
Random Vibration Analysis of Urban Underground Tunnels Under Vertical Earthquake Excitations Based on Mass–Damper–Spring Model 被引量:1
作者 Haitao Zhu Tianjiao Tang +1 位作者 Puyang Zhang Jianqiao Sun 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2018年第3期290-300,共11页
In this paper, the verticalseismic effects on tunnels are studied based on a classic mass–damper–spring model. An analyticaldiscrete modelof urban underground tunnels subjected to verticalearthquake excitations is p... In this paper, the verticalseismic effects on tunnels are studied based on a classic mass–damper–spring model. An analyticaldiscrete modelof urban underground tunnels subjected to verticalearthquake excitations is proposed by considering the first verticalvibration mode. Taking a light railproject in Tianjin as an example, this study uses the proposed discrete modelto analyze the displacements of tunneland soilunder verticalearthquake excitations. The soildisplacement responses at different tunnellocations are analyzed with linear random vibration theory.The computationalcost is greatly reduced using the proposed model. It can be seen that different from the case of horizontalearthquakes, the displacement responses under verticalearthquake excitations keep growing after seismic acceleration reaches its peak for a short duration, and then,they begin to decay. The soils at different positions around the tunnels have large relative displacement under verticalearthquake excitations. Moreover, a finite-element modelis also established for displacement responses using ABAQUS.The comparison with the results of the finite-element modelshows that the results of the proposed discrete modelare available. 展开更多
关键词 Underground tunnel Vertical seismic action Mass-damper-spring model Random vibration
A Geospatial Analysis of Wetland Cultivated Areas in Ile-lfe, Osun State, Nigeria 被引量:1
作者 Nathamiel Olugbade Adeoye A. Dami 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第2期97-104,共8页
Wetlands are among the world's most productive environment. They are cradles of bio-diversity, providing the water and primary productivity upon which large numbers of plant and animal species depend for survival. Un... Wetlands are among the world's most productive environment. They are cradles of bio-diversity, providing the water and primary productivity upon which large numbers of plant and animal species depend for survival. Unfortunately, they are also among the world's most threatened ecosystems, owing mainly to continued drainage, urbanization, pollution, over-exploitation or other unsustainable uses of their resources. The lack of baseline wetland inventory and limited accessibility to the available ones have been identified as major limitations for sustainable use and management of wetland resources. This study therefore utilized multispectral remote sensing data and global positioning system (GPS) for mapping and assessing the spatial pattern of wetlands, particularly the cultivated ones. The images were processed using ILWIS 3.2 Academic. The combined digital image processing and visual image interpretation were used to identify and segment wetlands in the image data. The coordinates of all identified wetlands and various anthropogenic activities on them were taken using GPS. Questionnaire forms were designed and randomly administered on the households residing around the wetland areas to enable the study to assess the anthropogenic factors, which are capable of destroying the ecosystem. The result indicated that the original size of wetlands in the study area has been modified as there has been reduction in their area extent. Various anthropogenic factors such as, the conversion of wetlands to agricultural, residential and commercial land uses were majorly responsible for the modification. In conclusion, remote sensing data and GIS technology were found useful in mapping and assessing wetlands for sustainable use. 展开更多
关键词 WETLANDS multispectral images geospatial technology anthropogenic factors southwestern Nigeria.
Relationship between the Water Body Chlorophylla and Water Quality Factors of Wetlands Baiguishan Reservoir 被引量:1
作者 SHE Qiu-sheng TIAN Xun WANG Guo-zhen JI Xiao-cun LI Jiu-xuan ZHAO Zhen 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第4期581-583,591,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the relationship between water body Chlorophyll-a and water quality factors of wetlands Baiguishan reservoir.[Method] Chlorophyll-a and water quality factors of water quality of Wetl... [Objective] The aim was to explore the relationship between water body Chlorophyll-a and water quality factors of wetlands Baiguishan reservoir.[Method] Chlorophyll-a and water quality factors of water quality of Wetlands BaiGuishan Reservoir was studied,the analysis of the relationship on water quality of Wetlands Baiguishan Reservoir was made by use of trophic status indices and SPSS17.0 statistical analysis.[Result] Total phosphorus was an important factor of influence Chlorophyll-a in reservoir,water body had slight eutrophication phenomenon in reservoir of July to October in 2010.[Conclusion] Comprehensive management should be strengthened so as to improve the water quality of Baiguishan wetland. 展开更多
关键词 Wetlands Baiguishan Reservoir CHLOROPHYLL-A Water quality factors RELATIONSHIP
Analysis of Dynamics and Driving Factors of Wetland Landscape in Zoige,Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 被引量:19
作者 QIU Pengfei WU Ning +2 位作者 LUO Peng WANG Zuyuan LI Maihe 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期42-55,共14页
Zoige Wetland is one of the largest plateau wetlands in the world. This paper provides a dynamic analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of the wetland in Zoige, Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, supported by ERDAS8.... Zoige Wetland is one of the largest plateau wetlands in the world. This paper provides a dynamic analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of the wetland in Zoige, Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, supported by ERDAS8.7 and ArcGIS9.0. It is the first comparative analysis of a system of rapidly changing wetland with landscape patterns in Zoige, using 3 classified landsat Thematic Mapper images of 1977, 1994 and 2001. The classified images were used to generate wetland distributing maps, and shape index (S), diversity index (H), dominance index (D), evenness index (E), fragmentation index (F) and fractal dimension (Fd) were calculated and analyzed spatiotemporally across pure grazing area in Zoige for each landscape type and in different periods (before 1977, during 1977-1994 and 1994-2001), as well as the driving forces of natural and anthropogenic. The study shows that for a comprehensive understanding of the shapes and trajectories of the shrinking and desertificated land expansion of the wetland, a spatiotemporal landscape metrics analysis in different periods is an improvement than only with landscape changing rates. This type of analysis can also be used to infer underlying social, economic, and political processes that drive the observed wetland forms. The results indicate that wetland patterns can be changed over relatively short periods of time. The total area of lake reduced by 164.86 km^2, grassland extended by 141.74 km^2, semi-marsh extended by 105.94 km^2, marsh reduced by 86.00 km^2 the number of landscape patches reduced by 56, and their average area decreased by 2.68 km^2, the successions within lake, marsh, semi-marsh and grassland were found obviously. S decreased stepwise: D and F increased but H decreased: The changing rate after 1994 was 2.3 to 2.9 times greater than that before. The change of the wetland landscape patterns resulted in the interaction between socio-ceenomic and natural forces of positive and negative aspects; and natural factors affected as assistant aspect. Some important human activities in this period led to the change of the landscape patterns in this region directly. Some measurements made by government and NGO delayed the converting process partly. 展开更多
关键词 Landscape pattern driving force FRAGMENTATION MARSH PASTURE metrics Zoige Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Optimization Analysis on Comprehensive Evaluation Index of Wetland Parks
作者 Yanyan ZHANG Fanlong KONG +1 位作者 Min XI Yue LI 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期721-723,736,共4页
Wetland park is an important mode of wetland protection, meanwhile, construction of comprehensive index system has become the hotspot and keystone of the researches on Wetland Parks. Basing on different development st... Wetland park is an important mode of wetland protection, meanwhile, construction of comprehensive index system has become the hotspot and keystone of the researches on Wetland Parks. Basing on different development stages, this paper firstly divided the Wetland Parks into three categories, including the start-up stage, the development stage and the refinement stage. And then screened and identified the direction and keypoints of comprehensive evaluation for wetland parks in different development stages using expert scoring, questionnaire and analytic hierarchy process(AHP). 展开更多
关键词 Wetland Parks Comprehensive evaluation index Optimization analysis
Changing Wetland Environment Based on Water and Soil Quality Analysis of Selected Wetlands, Assam, India
作者 Dharma Ram Deka Pradip Sharma 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第2期228-235,共8页
Wetland environment of Assam is fast changing due to encroachments, dumping of solid and liquid wastes, excessive use of wetland water, over exploitation of wetland resources, overgrazing, over fishing, hunting, poach... Wetland environment of Assam is fast changing due to encroachments, dumping of solid and liquid wastes, excessive use of wetland water, over exploitation of wetland resources, overgrazing, over fishing, hunting, poaching, unscientific construction of engineering structures across and along the wetlands, unscientific land use in surrounding areas and various human interferences. On the other hand wetlands play an important role in charging ground water table, sinking of carbon, providing livelihood to thousands of people through fishing, collecting edible plants, agriculture, irrigation and commercial fisheries, besides enrich biodiversity and maintaining environmental quality of a region. The life of wetlands depends on the quantity and quality of water. Any change in water quality and quantity affect the biotic regime of the wetlands. Fish and other aquatic animals and plants found in all levels (floating, rooted, submergent and emergent etc.) are affected by the changes, which are taking place in wetland water. The present study concerns in understanding the environmental quality of the wetlands in Dimoria region of Kamrup (Metro) district, Assam based primarily on the water and soil quality of selected wetlands viz. Jiong, Parkhali, Bomani and Duani. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIVERSITY water quality soil quality.
Forecast of Changes Concerning the Water Budget in a Wetland of Danube Floodplain
作者 I. Matrai G. Lakatos +1 位作者 A. Czudar L. Szlfivik 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第5期523-532,共10页
The water budget of the examined wetland was extremely variable in the past six years. Principally, it was affected by the water regime of the River Danube and the climatic factors. In order to investigate the changes... The water budget of the examined wetland was extremely variable in the past six years. Principally, it was affected by the water regime of the River Danube and the climatic factors. In order to investigate the changes of these elements, and to succeed to forecast, statistical methods by using SPSS program were performed. The time series of the evaporation, of the precipitation and of the river's water-level were analysed by linear regression, by exponential smoothing, by deterministic models. In consequence of the river regulation, the low-water and the mean stage of Danube were decreasing during the last hundred years, because the riverbed was permanently deepening. Since the river has overflowed its bed and has inundated to the wide floodplain, the decrease of high-water did not appear. The decline of the flooded days signed the quicker passage of flood. These processes have prevented that the examined wetland is going to fill up from the floods. The difference in summer semester between the evaporation and the precipitation was increasing during the last fifty years. Therefore, the drying out of the wetland is going to be more frequent in the future. In the interests of the survival of this wetland, it is necessary to construct the restoring-system in the floodplain. 展开更多
关键词 WETLANDS climatic factors nature conservation treatment water regime.
Multi-scale analysis to uncover habitat use of red-crowned cranes: Implications for conservation 被引量:12
作者 Chunyue LIU Hongxing JIANG +3 位作者 Shuqing ZHANG Chunrong LI Yunqiu HOU Fawen QIAN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期604-617,共14页
A multi-scale approach is essential to assess the factors that limit avian habitat use. Numerous studies have examined habitat use by the red-crowned crane, but integrated multi-scale habitat use information is lackin... A multi-scale approach is essential to assess the factors that limit avian habitat use. Numerous studies have examined habitat use by the red-crowned crane, but integrated multi-scale habitat use information is lacking. We evaluated the effects of several habitat variables quantified across many spatial scales on crane use and abundance in two periods (2000 and 2009) at Yancheng National Nature Reserve, China. The natural wetlands decreased in area by 30,601 ha (-6.9%) from 2000 to 2009, pre- dominantly as a result of conversion to aquaculture ponds and farmland, and the remaining was under degradation due to expan- sion of the exotic smooth cordgrass. The cranes are focusing in on either larger patches or those that are in close proximity to each other in both years, but occupied patches had smaller size, less proximity and more regular boundaries in 2009. At landscape scales, the area percentage of common seepweed, reed ponds and paddy fields had a greater positive impact on crane presence than the area percentage of aquaculture ponds. The cranes were more abundant in patches that had a greater percent area of common seepweed and reed ponds, while the percent area of paddy fields was inversely related to crane abundance in 2009 due to changing agricultural practices. In 2009, cranes tended to use less fragmented plots in natural wetlands and more fragmented plots in anthropogenic paddy fields, which were largely associated with the huge loss and degradation of natural habitats between the two years. Management should focus on restoration of large patches of natural wetlands, and formation of a relatively stable area of large paddy field and reed pond to mitigate the loss of natural wetlands [Current Zoology 59 (5): 604-617, 2013]. 展开更多
关键词 Red-crowned crane Habitat Selection Remote sensing Scale PATCH LANDSCAPE
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