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温室小气候温度和湿度动态模型预测及验证 被引量:5
作者 韦玉翡 赵建贵 +2 位作者 高安琪 白云飞 李志伟 《湖北农业科学》 2021年第9期32-38,共7页
以番茄(Solanum lycopersicum Solyc)欧美佳为试验材料,采用温室基质栽培方式,利用番茄连续3个月生长发育的内外部环境数据、改进的热量传递理论及质能平衡方程建立并验证温室内温度和湿度的动态预测模型。以山西农业大学工学院玻璃温... 以番茄(Solanum lycopersicum Solyc)欧美佳为试验材料,采用温室基质栽培方式,利用番茄连续3个月生长发育的内外部环境数据、改进的热量传递理论及质能平衡方程建立并验证温室内温度和湿度的动态预测模型。以山西农业大学工学院玻璃温室为例,考虑室内外太阳辐射量、室内外温度、风速、通风率、围护结构等因素建立动态模型,并利用该模型对番茄各生育期的温度和相对湿度进行分析。结果表明,室内温度的主要影响因素是室外温度及太阳辐射量(冬季尤其要考虑加热设施的介入),室内相对湿度变化主要受植物蒸腾速率、室内温度以及通风换气的影响。该模型在各个生育期(幼苗期、开花期、结果期)温度的相对误差分别为7.70%、7.90%、6.80%;绝对误差分别为1.42℃、1.26℃、1.05℃;标准误差均方根分别为1.32℃、1.39℃、1.25℃;相对湿度的相对误差分别为6.10%、3.20%、1.41%;绝对误差分别为4.08、2.11、1.35个百分点;标准误差均方根分别为3.73%、2.16%、1.11%,验证该模型可靠有效,可为后续的环境控制与决策管理提供模型支持。 展开更多
关键词 温室 番茄(Solanum lycopersicum Solyc) 小气候系统 温度模型 湿度模型
膨胀岩土体湿度本构模型的探讨 被引量:7
作者 詹志雄 文江泉 +1 位作者 吴光 廖云 《地质灾害与环境保护》 1998年第2期49-54,共6页
水在膨胀性岩土中发挥着至关重要的作用,而膨胀岩土体中的水分分布随空间和时间而改变。文中引入折减吸力,通过分析提出膨胀屈服面的概念,并给出相应函数表达形式及硬化规律。从非饱和渗流出发,推导体积可变时的吸力分布控制方程,... 水在膨胀性岩土中发挥着至关重要的作用,而膨胀岩土体中的水分分布随空间和时间而改变。文中引入折减吸力,通过分析提出膨胀屈服面的概念,并给出相应函数表达形式及硬化规律。从非饱和渗流出发,推导体积可变时的吸力分布控制方程,并建立膨胀岩土体湿度应力场理论的耦合方程。 展开更多
关键词 膨胀岩土 湿度本构模型 膨胀屈服面 水分分布
大兴安岭林区10小时时滞可燃物湿度的模拟 被引量:1
作者 胡天宇 周广胜 贾丙瑞 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第22期6984-6990,共7页
随着森林防火预报精细化的需求,小时尺度可燃物湿度的准确模拟成为火险预报的关键。利用2010年8月连续无降雨天气条件下我国大兴安岭林区10h时滞可燃物湿度和相应气象因子的半小时动态观测资料,从可燃物的失水和吸水过程对目前广泛使用... 随着森林防火预报精细化的需求,小时尺度可燃物湿度的准确模拟成为火险预报的关键。利用2010年8月连续无降雨天气条件下我国大兴安岭林区10h时滞可燃物湿度和相应气象因子的半小时动态观测资料,从可燃物的失水和吸水过程对目前广泛使用的Fosberg模型和Van Wagner模型进行评估,进而发展了准确模拟10h时滞可燃物失水和吸水过程的可燃物湿度模型。结果表明:Fosberg模型对10h时滞可燃物的失水过程模拟较好(R2=0.96,P<0.01),而Van Wagner模型对10h时滞可燃物的吸水过程模拟较好(R2=0.83,P<0.01),但均不能独立地准确模拟10h时滞可燃物的湿度变化。通过分析可燃物失水与吸水过程,考虑可燃物在静风条件下的水汽交换,优化了Van Wagner模型参数,建立了综合反映可燃物失水与吸水过程的10h时滞可燃物湿度模型。据比较,该模型可准确地模拟10h时滞可燃物的湿度变化(R2=0.88,P<0.01),可为精细化火险预报提供技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 10h时滞可燃物湿度 平衡含水率 可燃物湿度模型
模拟隧道衬砌混凝土湿度演化规律 被引量:1
作者 巴明芳 钱春香 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期588-593,共6页
为了准确分析地下隧道衬砌混凝土内部湿度的演化特征,建立了用以计算江底隧道衬砌混凝土湿度时变规律的湿度模型,并对模拟隧道衬砌混凝土的试件进行了温湿度试验.数值计算与试验结果表明:所建立的考虑胶凝材料水化影响的湿度演化模型可... 为了准确分析地下隧道衬砌混凝土内部湿度的演化特征,建立了用以计算江底隧道衬砌混凝土湿度时变规律的湿度模型,并对模拟隧道衬砌混凝土的试件进行了温湿度试验.数值计算与试验结果表明:所建立的考虑胶凝材料水化影响的湿度演化模型可以很好地对地下隧道衬砌混凝土的湿度分布特征进行预测和分析;在距离蒸发面较近的100 mm位置处,衬砌混凝土内部湿含量变化受扩散过程影响较大,在距离蒸发面较远的位置处湿含量时变主要是胶凝材料水化耗水所致;模型还预测了隧道衬砌服役10年时,距离蒸发面为100 mm以内的部分湿度均与环境湿度达到平衡;随着地下衬砌混凝土服役年限的延长,其内部湿度梯度逐渐向饱水面推进. 展开更多
关键词 隧道衬砌 混凝土 湿度模型 湿度演化
基于Peck模型的可靠性试验方案应用研究 被引量:1
作者 张浩 《电子产品可靠性与环境试验》 2023年第4期45-48,共4页
为了进行新研制的某型船用逆变器的可靠性定型验证,获取该型号产品的可靠性数据,结合该型逆变器产品的实际应用环境以及分析环境对该型产品失效的影响机理,基于Peck (温度-湿度)模型,提出了一种结合实际工程应用的可靠性鉴定试验方案,... 为了进行新研制的某型船用逆变器的可靠性定型验证,获取该型号产品的可靠性数据,结合该型逆变器产品的实际应用环境以及分析环境对该型产品失效的影响机理,基于Peck (温度-湿度)模型,提出了一种结合实际工程应用的可靠性鉴定试验方案,并设计出了可实施的温度-湿度双应力加速试验剖面。根据该加速试验方案完成了该型逆变器的可靠性鉴定试验,通过对试验数据进行统计、计算处理,完成对该型逆变器的可靠性鉴定评估,评估结果表明鉴定方案实际可行、寿命参数超出指标要求。 展开更多
关键词 可靠性 温度-湿度模型 加速寿命试验
湿度对建筑混凝土材料耐久性影响仿真分析 被引量:1
作者 张继超 王仁义 《计算机仿真》 北大核心 2023年第10期336-340,共5页
建筑混凝土的养护条件、材料组成以及工作环境等因素对其使用寿命的影响较为显著。针对现代混凝土抗碳化性能差,耐久寿命短的问题,提出湿度对建筑混凝土材料耐久性影响分析方法。构建非耦合湿热传输模型、耦合湿热传输模型以及混凝土构... 建筑混凝土的养护条件、材料组成以及工作环境等因素对其使用寿命的影响较为显著。针对现代混凝土抗碳化性能差,耐久寿命短的问题,提出湿度对建筑混凝土材料耐久性影响分析方法。构建非耦合湿热传输模型、耦合湿热传输模型以及混凝土构件的力学平衡方程。结合混凝土材料的松弛和蠕变两种力学行为,获取潮湿环境下混凝土耗能。构建湿度场数学模型,研究潮湿环境中建筑混凝土材料的耐久性受湿度的影响。仿真测试结果表明,建筑混凝土的变形受湿胀作用的影响较大。随着水分在混凝土梁上的扩散,混凝土的压应变和拉应变不断增大。只考虑弹性模量变化时,混凝土的应变受环境湿度的影响较小。 展开更多
关键词 潮湿环境 建筑混凝土材料 耐久性 力学行为 湿度场数学模型
高湿度环境下围岩松动圈形成机理探讨 被引量:1
作者 于超云 唐春安 唐世斌 《中国科技论文》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第9期1019-1022,共4页
为研究围岩松动圈形成和扩展机理,从环境因素入手,通过引入湿度扩散方程,以及湿度与围岩力学性质的弱化关系,建立了湿度-应力-损伤理论模型,采用数值模拟的方法再现了围岩松动圈的形成扩展过程,得到了围岩时效性变形和破坏规律及其相应... 为研究围岩松动圈形成和扩展机理,从环境因素入手,通过引入湿度扩散方程,以及湿度与围岩力学性质的弱化关系,建立了湿度-应力-损伤理论模型,采用数值模拟的方法再现了围岩松动圈的形成扩展过程,得到了围岩时效性变形和破坏规律及其相应的应力演化结果。结果表明:数值模拟结果与现场试验结果具有很好的一致性;湿度是影响松动圈形成的一个重要因素,这一观点不仅可以有效解释目前松动圈理论存在的问题,而且可以为完善松动圈理论提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 采矿工程 松动圈 湿度-应力-损伤模型 数值模拟 湿度扩散
作者 刘静瑞 潘东阳 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2020年第11期35-39,共5页
为了实现黄瓜种植肥水自动控制,基于虹吸原理,设计了负压供水与肥水耦合系统。系统负压与土壤湿度成线性关系,负压与吸水管下端到混肥池指定液位之间的高度差h为正比例关系,因此高度差h与土壤湿度成线性关系。肥水耦合对于黄瓜叶片生长... 为了实现黄瓜种植肥水自动控制,基于虹吸原理,设计了负压供水与肥水耦合系统。系统负压与土壤湿度成线性关系,负压与吸水管下端到混肥池指定液位之间的高度差h为正比例关系,因此高度差h与土壤湿度成线性关系。肥水耦合对于黄瓜叶片生长影响中,水分含量为关键因素,在相同水分情况下,提高化肥用量有助于叶片发育;肥水耦合对于黄瓜光合速率和根系发育规律为土壤中水中肥料浓度由低到高,呈先促进后抑制的趋势。测试结果表明:系统土壤湿度保持性能,最大相对误差为4.5%,肥水耦合对于黄瓜产量的影响为水中肥料浓度由低到高,呈先促进后抑制;对于黄瓜商品率的影响为随土壤湿度升高而升高,对于肥料浓度不敏感。因此,在保证充足水分的情况下,适当提高化肥用量可以有效提高黄瓜生长,促进稳产增产。 展开更多
关键词 负压控制 肥水耦合 土壤湿度保持 土壤湿度模型
基于模糊规则的温室微喷控制系统研究 被引量:3
作者 付聪 郑世健 +1 位作者 陈果 刘知贵 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2021年第4期28-34,共7页
针对温室微喷系统控制算法不稳定、适应能力差等问题,利用模糊规则设计了一种平滑切换控制算法;利用阶跃建模方法搭建微喷量与空气湿度的数学模型,简化了温室空气湿度模型;最后将WiFi和ZigBee传输技术结合来搭建温室远程控制系统。Matla... 针对温室微喷系统控制算法不稳定、适应能力差等问题,利用模糊规则设计了一种平滑切换控制算法;利用阶跃建模方法搭建微喷量与空气湿度的数学模型,简化了温室空气湿度模型;最后将WiFi和ZigBee传输技术结合来搭建温室远程控制系统。Matlab/Simulink仿真实验结果表明,模糊切换控制策略比传统模糊PID控制拥有更小的超调量、较高的稳定性,能够达到较好的控制效果。同时,实际运行结果表明,温室微喷控制系统丢包率小于15%,温室空气湿度能控制在89%左右,运行稳定且符合温室空气湿度控制要求,实现了温室空气湿度的精确控制,为发展设施化农业精细化控制提供一种解决思路。 展开更多
关键词 温室微喷控制 温室空气湿度模型 模糊PID控制 PID 模糊控制 智能控制
Modeling of temperature-humidity for wood drying based on time-delay neural network 被引量:5
作者 张冬妍 孙丽萍 曹军 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期141-144,共4页
The temperature-humidity models of wood drying were developed based on Time-delay neural network and the identification structures of Time-delay neural network were given. The controlling model and the schedule model,... The temperature-humidity models of wood drying were developed based on Time-delay neural network and the identification structures of Time-delay neural network were given. The controlling model and the schedule model, which revealed the relation between controlling signal and temperature-humidity and the relation between wood moisture content and temperature-humidity of wood drying, were separately presented. The models were simulated by using the measured data of the experimental drying kiln. The numerical simulation results showed that the modeling method was feasible, and the models were effective. 展开更多
关键词 Wood drying Temperature-humidity model System identification Time-Delay neural network
基于单片机技术的大棚远程温控系统应用 被引量:6
作者 吕爱华 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2023年第6期208-212,共5页
为了实现大棚远程温度控制,同时抑制温度和湿度的耦合作用,基于单片机技术设计了控制系统。温度控制通过PID模糊控制方法实现,以温度偏差及其变化率作为系统输入,建立模糊规则,推导模糊控制量,并采用重心法进行去模糊,通过PID温度控制... 为了实现大棚远程温度控制,同时抑制温度和湿度的耦合作用,基于单片机技术设计了控制系统。温度控制通过PID模糊控制方法实现,以温度偏差及其变化率作为系统输入,建立模糊规则,推导模糊控制量,并采用重心法进行去模糊,通过PID温度控制器控制加热装置,实现对于温度控制。建立湿度模型,通过控制喷淋系统开启时间,实现大棚湿度调节。结果表明:系统进行测试,结果表明:系统响应时间及超调量均小于传统PID控制方法,温控误差区间为0.456%~1.75%,湿度误差分布于1.02%~5.6%之间。 展开更多
关键词 大棚 湿度控制模型 模糊PID控制 模糊规则
作者 王洪明 杨勤科 姚志宏 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S2期57-59,共3页
借助数字地形分析和GIS方法,将野外采样和空间分析相结合,研究了利用区域土壤水分空间统计模型和地形湿度指数模型模拟土壤水分的方法。并在此基础上,以陕北黄土高原为实验样区,利用实测的土壤水分数据分别构建两种模型对土壤水分进行模... 借助数字地形分析和GIS方法,将野外采样和空间分析相结合,研究了利用区域土壤水分空间统计模型和地形湿度指数模型模拟土壤水分的方法。并在此基础上,以陕北黄土高原为实验样区,利用实测的土壤水分数据分别构建两种模型对土壤水分进行模拟,分析了不同模型模拟土壤水分的精度,对两种方法模拟土壤水分的效果进行了评价。 展开更多
关键词 地形湿度指数模型 区域土壤水分 空间统计模型
作者 陆建康 《汽车零部件》 2022年第2期63-66,共4页
分析了高温存储试验、温湿度存储试验和温度循环试验的试验机制,分别应用阿伦尼斯模型、劳森-温湿度模型和科芬-曼森模型,同时结合产品的设计要求,计算出各试验的试验条件。利用各环境试验对应的寿命模型,可以完成试验时间计算,且能在... 分析了高温存储试验、温湿度存储试验和温度循环试验的试验机制,分别应用阿伦尼斯模型、劳森-温湿度模型和科芬-曼森模型,同时结合产品的设计要求,计算出各试验的试验条件。利用各环境试验对应的寿命模型,可以完成试验时间计算,且能在不改变失效机制的前提下根据时间要求计算出所需的试验温度,从而实现产品可靠性的精准验证,缩短研发时间。通过对常用环境试验条件计算过程的揭示,为研发工程师制定相关环境试验条件和试验标准提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 可靠性 环境试验 阿伦尼斯模型 劳森温-湿度模型 科芬-曼森模型
Study on Rational Irrigation for Wheat Production in Fengqiu Region:Ⅱ. A Model of Rational Irrigation forWheat and Its Evaluation 被引量:1
作者 ZHOULINGYUN CHENZHIXIONG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第4期311-316,共6页
A 5-year experiment on water balance was conducted in a flat rainfed wheat field with an area of 66 m×100 m in Fengqiu, Henan Province, China. Based on the results of the 5-consecutive-year experiments,a reasonab... A 5-year experiment on water balance was conducted in a flat rainfed wheat field with an area of 66 m×100 m in Fengqiu, Henan Province, China. Based on the results of the 5-consecutive-year experiments,a reasonable irrigation model for wheat cultivation is suggested according to the principle of maintaining balance of the water resources. The irrigation program was designed by simulating the ideal soil moisture regimes during a wheat season. As far as the actual soil moisture was concerned, its deyiation from the ideal soil moisture was kept within 150 mm. If this model was put into practice, a grain yield of 5 250 kg ha-1 could be expected under optimal fertilization. Compared with the traditional irrigstion scheme, the suggested model saved irrigation water by 18%. 展开更多
关键词 Fengqiu region model of rational irrigation WHEAT
The pain-related behavior changes correlate with the bone damage in a rat model of rheumatoid arthritis 被引量:3
作者 ZHENG Shicheng WANG Kunzheng +3 位作者 FAN Lihong SHI Zhibin CHEN Junchang BAO Hongxiang 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2013年第3期160-173,共14页
In view of the extensive bone damage in rheumatoid arthritis, we used a commonly utilized animal model to detect behavioral changes in pain-related and the bone damage during the early disease, and to explore the corr... In view of the extensive bone damage in rheumatoid arthritis, we used a commonly utilized animal model to detect behavioral changes in pain-related and the bone damage during the early disease, and to explore the correlation between bone damage and pain-related behavioral changes. Methods: Arthritis were induced in Sprague-Dawley (SD) male rats by injecting complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) into the tails. Pain-related behavior changes were studied using the Hargreaves, VonFrey, and acetone tests on the 0, 7, 14, day and 28 day after CFA injection. The rats were sacrificed according the same schedule. The bone damage of the right proximal tibia was studied by microCT scan and bone histological slices. Results: Animals developed soft tissue inflammation and polyarthritis on 7 days after CFA injection, and arthritic score proved obvious arthritis were established within the study period. Mechanical hyperalgesia and cold allodynia were present in the affected hind paw from the 7 day through the 28 day, but the heat hyperalgesia and the mechanical allodynia lasted a short time after CFA injection. Trabecular bone number (Tb.N), Tissue Mineral Content (TMC) and Bone Volume to Tissue Volume (BV/TV) in the proximal tibia by microCT scan were also reduced after induction, especial 14 days after CFA injection. The bone histologicalslices showed the trabecular bone and proteoglycan diminished, the bone damage severity scores became more severely on the 7 day after CFA injection. Using analysis of covariance, these changes had statistical significance compared with baseline. By linear regression analysis demonstrated mechanical hyperalgesia and cold allodynia correlated well with arthritic score, bone damage parameters and bone damage severity scores. Conclusion: Adjuvant-induced arthritis (AA) were observed after CFA injection and lasted within the later experimental period. Pain-related behavioral changes were observed in the early time of AA. Bone damage was also occurred with arthritis development. Pain-related behavioral change correlated well with arthritic score and bone damage parameters 展开更多
关键词 Rheumatoid arthritis Adjuvant-induced arthritis Behavioral studies Bone damage
Gas–liquid two-phase flow in serpentine microchannel with different wall wettability 被引量:9
作者 Yunlong Zhou He Chang Tianyu Qi 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期874-881,共8页
Gas–liquid flow in serpentine microchannel with different surface properties exhibits drastically different flow behavior. With water and air as working fluids, the method of numerical simulation was adopted in this ... Gas–liquid flow in serpentine microchannel with different surface properties exhibits drastically different flow behavior. With water and air as working fluids, the method of numerical simulation was adopted in this paper based on CLSVOF(coupled level set and volume of fluid method) multiphase model. After verifying the reasonability of the model through experiment, by changing wall properties and Re number(Re<1500), the influences of contact angle and surface roughness on flow regime and Po number were discussed. Moreover, the difference of pressure drop between curve and straight microchannel was also calculated. Beyond that, the combined effect of curve channel and wall properties on flow resistance was analyzed. This paper finds that wall properties have great influence on gas–liquid flow in microchannels not only on flow regime but also flow characteristics. Meanwhile, the pressure drop in curve microchannels is larger than straight. It is more beneficial for fluid flowing when the straight part of microchannel is hydrophilic smooth wall and curve part is hydrophobic with large roughness. 展开更多
关键词 Serpentine microchannel Computational fluid dynamics Gas-liquid flow MICROFLUIDICS
Modeling and numerical analysis of evaporative condensing regenerator
作者 牛润萍 由世俊 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期824-828,共5页
A two-dimensional steady state model was developed and solved numerically to predict the performance of evaporative condensing regenerator.Two-dimensional parameter distributions of air,solution and refrigerant were c... A two-dimensional steady state model was developed and solved numerically to predict the performance of evaporative condensing regenerator.Two-dimensional parameter distributions of air,solution and refrigerant were calculated by the mathematical model.The solution content first increases and then decreases along the solution flow direction.At y/Hr=0.98(where Hr is the height of regenerator),air humidity increases from 1.99% to 2.348% firstly and then decreases.The experimental results were used to validate mathematical model.It is indicated that the simulation results agree with experimental data well.The results not only show that the mathematical model can be used to predict the performance of regenerator,but also has great value in the design and improvement of evaporative condensing regenerator. 展开更多
关键词 heat and mass transfer mathematical model heat of condensation evaporative condensing regenerator
Performance Prediction of a Multi-Stage Wind Tower for Indoor Cooling
作者 Roy J. Issa Byungik Chang 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期327-335,共9页
A theoretical model is developed to establish an indepth understanding of the performance of a three-stage wind tower with a bypass system for indoor cooling in rural dry and hot climates. Model simulations are presen... A theoretical model is developed to establish an indepth understanding of the performance of a three-stage wind tower with a bypass system for indoor cooling in rural dry and hot climates. Model simulations are presented for a wide range of ambient conditions that include inlet wind speed, inlet temperature and relative humidity. Simulation results provide an insight into the desirable water flow rates and air-to-water loadings for comfort zone tem-peratures and relative humidity levels at the exit of the wind tower. Simulations show wind towers with variable cross-sections provide an increase in the cooling power for the same inlet wind speed, inlet air temperature and relative humidity when compared to wind towers with a constant cross-section. The study shall lead to a better understanding to designing wind towers that are both environmentally friendly and energy efficient. 展开更多
关键词 Wind tower Cooling power Cooling effectiveness Relative humidity
Modeling of mechanical behaviors for natural fiber reinforced composites under hygrothermal ageing
作者 Zheng Zhong Fang Tian 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第12期80-82,共3页
In recent years,natural fiber reinforced composites have been widely applied to various industrial products for their excellent environmental-friendly performance.It is essential to understand the mechanical propertie... In recent years,natural fiber reinforced composites have been widely applied to various industrial products for their excellent environmental-friendly performance.It is essential to understand the mechanical properties of natural fiber reinforced composites under their in-service environment.Compared with synthetic fibers,the hydrophilicity of natural fibers could result in a much larger quantity of water absorption from the moisture atmosphere,which would have adverse consequences for the durability of natural fiber reinforced composites[1].The environmental temperature would affect the 展开更多
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