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基于ANSYS的单面湿板的瞬态响应分析 被引量:1
作者 宋玉超 于洪亮 《船海工程》 2011年第1期5-8,共4页
为探究弹性板和液体之间的液固耦合问题,采用有限元方法计算液舱模型中单面湿板的受激振动响应,利用约束其他弹性板的全部自由度来模拟刚性及固支边界,保证液固交界面的完整建立。数值计算表明,液高比对单面湿板的受激振动响应影响显著... 为探究弹性板和液体之间的液固耦合问题,采用有限元方法计算液舱模型中单面湿板的受激振动响应,利用约束其他弹性板的全部自由度来模拟刚性及固支边界,保证液固交界面的完整建立。数值计算表明,液高比对单面湿板的受激振动响应影响显著。在载荷作用时振动响应的峰值相同,均为载荷作用区域,且不同充液比时弹性板的受激振动响应的空间分布类似;在载荷消失后的自由衰减振动过程中,振动响应的峰值以及弹性板的受激振动响应的空间分布呈现无规律性。 展开更多
关键词 液固耦合 湿板 固支 瞬态响应 有限元
吸放湿板与防止结露 被引量:1
作者 周贤康 《建筑人造板》 1994年第3期38-40,共3页
吸放湿板与防止结露住宅建筑已由量的时代转变为质的时代,当前,提高居住性,在住宅中未解决的问题是湿气增大。为防止室内结露并使之具有舒适的环境,本文以自然调湿解决湿气问题为目的,介绍开发硅酸盐系建筑材料“吸放湿板”。一、... 吸放湿板与防止结露住宅建筑已由量的时代转变为质的时代,当前,提高居住性,在住宅中未解决的问题是湿气增大。为防止室内结露并使之具有舒适的环境,本文以自然调湿解决湿气问题为目的,介绍开发硅酸盐系建筑材料“吸放湿板”。一、住宅与内装修材料日不用于住宅的墙体... 展开更多
关键词 吸放湿板 结露 防止 装修材料
湿法板式除尘技术在转炉煤气除尘中的应用 被引量:2
作者 高致远 师强 +1 位作者 周家进 陈传道 《冶金动力》 2005年第2期9-10,18,共3页
关键词 湿 煤气含尘量 除尘
PEMFC用板式膜增湿器流道流量分配CFD分析 被引量:1
作者 陈武斌 常国峰 许思传 《佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第5期660-663,共4页
各流道流量分布均匀与否在很大程度上影响板式增湿器增湿性能的好坏.本文通过已设计出一种新型板式膜增湿器结构,建立了六种不同流道尺寸的板式增湿器模型并对其进行了数值模拟.模拟结果表明:随着流道高度增大,流动均匀性变差;对于同一... 各流道流量分布均匀与否在很大程度上影响板式增湿器增湿性能的好坏.本文通过已设计出一种新型板式膜增湿器结构,建立了六种不同流道尺寸的板式增湿器模型并对其进行了数值模拟.模拟结果表明:随着流道高度增大,流动均匀性变差;对于同一种方案,湿空气侧流动均匀性要优于干空气侧.随着流道高度增加,进出口压力损失减小.因此,在进出口压力损失范围内,可以通过适当减小板式增湿器每层流道高度来提高流动均匀性. 展开更多
关键词 式膜增湿 流道结构 流动均匀性
作者 熊小东 《印制电路资讯》 2008年第6期86-87,共2页
一、前言 近期,随着人们环保意识日益增强以及国内、国际相关法律、法规出台,明令禁止有害物质(重金属铅、汞等)的使用,国内众多印制线路板厂家纷纷由传统的镀铅锡工艺转向镀纯锡,以达到国内、国际标准要求(符合WEEE&RoHS指令... 一、前言 近期,随着人们环保意识日益增强以及国内、国际相关法律、法规出台,明令禁止有害物质(重金属铅、汞等)的使用,国内众多印制线路板厂家纷纷由传统的镀铅锡工艺转向镀纯锡,以达到国内、国际标准要求(符合WEEE&RoHS指令)。然而,多数厂家因考虑成本因素仍采用湿膜工艺成像,而纯锡工艺具强酸性及对湿膜攻击。 展开更多
关键词 湿电镀 印制线路 镀铅锡工艺 工艺成像
《中国科技产业》 2004年第5期78-78,共1页
关键词 旋流湿钙法 烟气脱硫 烟气除尘 结构
作者 罗万彬 王晓明 +2 位作者 蔡显志 陆劲 刘典建 《通信电源技术》 2020年第S01期412-416,共5页
通过研究通信机房空调系统现状,分析空调设备高温、高压报警频繁、噪声超标、能耗量大等问题的原因,探索通过空调湿膜板换节能散热系统改造,在不取消空调原有风冷系统的情况下增加冷却水系统,利用风冷+冷却水型组合改造既提升了空调设... 通过研究通信机房空调系统现状,分析空调设备高温、高压报警频繁、噪声超标、能耗量大等问题的原因,探索通过空调湿膜板换节能散热系统改造,在不取消空调原有风冷系统的情况下增加冷却水系统,利用风冷+冷却水型组合改造既提升了空调设备的安全稳定性,又解决噪音扰民问题,同时提升空调设备换热效率,降低系统能耗。 展开更多
关键词 通信机房 空调系统 湿 节能降噪
作者 谢莉 《资源节约与环保》 2016年第5期14-15,共2页
硫氧化物是PM_(2.5)的重要组成部分,是国家和地方政府减排和控制的重要指标。本文以佛山市某炼油厂的炼油废气的旋流板塔湿法脱硫改造为例,从系统设计、工艺流程等方面对旋流板塔湿法脱硫技术进行介绍,为中小型锅炉脱硫工程提供有利的... 硫氧化物是PM_(2.5)的重要组成部分,是国家和地方政府减排和控制的重要指标。本文以佛山市某炼油厂的炼油废气的旋流板塔湿法脱硫改造为例,从系统设计、工艺流程等方面对旋流板塔湿法脱硫技术进行介绍,为中小型锅炉脱硫工程提供有利的借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 硫氧化物 脱硫 旋流湿 炼油废气
作者 张娜 《山西化工》 CAS 2024年第4期86-87,110,共3页
土壤中的重金属污染已成为世界范围内环境保护的重要问题之一。铅和镉是常见的土壤重金属污染物,对人类健康和生态系统造成严重影响。因此,准确测定土壤中的铅和镉含量对于环境监测和土壤污染防治至关重要。本文介绍了一种使用石墨炉原... 土壤中的重金属污染已成为世界范围内环境保护的重要问题之一。铅和镉是常见的土壤重金属污染物,对人类健康和生态系统造成严重影响。因此,准确测定土壤中的铅和镉含量对于环境监测和土壤污染防治至关重要。本文介绍了一种使用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定土壤中铅和镉的方法,铅质量浓度0~600.0μg/L、镉质量浓度0~6.0μg/L范围内有良好的线性关系,相对标准偏差铅、镉分别为3.70%、4.29%,该方法具有高灵敏度、高选择性和较低的检测限,能满足土壤中铅、镉的监测要求。 展开更多
关键词 石墨炉原子吸收法 土壤 电热湿法消解
高寒地区碾压混凝土坝上游面保温方案比选 被引量:5
作者 尚层 《人民长江》 北大核心 2016年第1期79-82,共4页
高寒地区混凝土大坝的裂缝问题一直是诸多学者研究的重点。结合某严寒地区碾压混凝土坝的实测温度资料,考虑在目前坝体温度相对稳定的前提下,采用三维有限元方法对该坝进行温度应力计算和分析,以确定相关保温措施。计算结果表明:不修补... 高寒地区混凝土大坝的裂缝问题一直是诸多学者研究的重点。结合某严寒地区碾压混凝土坝的实测温度资料,考虑在目前坝体温度相对稳定的前提下,采用三维有限元方法对该坝进行温度应力计算和分析,以确定相关保温措施。计算结果表明:不修补已剥落的上游坝面保温板对大坝混凝土会产生不利影响,建议粘贴厚5 cm及以上的保温板,采取该措施后无论是混凝土内部最大应力还是内部应力超标深度,均将符合规范要求。 展开更多
关键词 碾压混凝土 严寒地区 混凝土保温 湿板
梅季装璜 有利有弊
《广东建材》 1999年第5期35-35,共1页
时下正值梅季,相对来说,阴雨天气的出现较为频繁,地面受潮,空气中的湿度相对高于其他季节,但是,在梅季装璜,有利有弊,只要在选材和施工过程中多加注意,也可避免弊端的产生。 许多建材,特别是目前市场上流行的木板材质,如果受潮,会产生膨... 时下正值梅季,相对来说,阴雨天气的出现较为频繁,地面受潮,空气中的湿度相对高于其他季节,但是,在梅季装璜,有利有弊,只要在选材和施工过程中多加注意,也可避免弊端的产生。 许多建材,特别是目前市场上流行的木板材质,如果受潮,会产生膨胀,待干透后则会产生收缩,变形由此而来,甚至屈曲翘起。也有办法防止这种现象产生。因此,在选购木材的过程中。 展开更多
关键词 装璜 阴雨天气 油漆 选材 空气中 湿板 施工过程 木材 长油
旋流板塔湿法烟气脱硫除尘一体化技术在烧结机头烟气脱硫除尘中的应用 被引量:1
作者 程常杰 梅永平 +1 位作者 吴忠标 张伟基 《冶金环境保护》 2003年第5期12-16,共5页
介绍了旋流板塔温法脱硫除尘技术的工艺原理、主要设备工作原理及技术特点,并列举了该技术在广钢集团烧结机厂烧结机头烟气脱硫中的应用实例。通过实例说明该技术具有“双高双低”的特点,印:脱硫除尘效率高、运行稳定性高、投资费用... 介绍了旋流板塔温法脱硫除尘技术的工艺原理、主要设备工作原理及技术特点,并列举了该技术在广钢集团烧结机厂烧结机头烟气脱硫中的应用实例。通过实例说明该技术具有“双高双低”的特点,印:脱硫除尘效率高、运行稳定性高、投资费用低、运行费用低。并指出,由于具有很好的除尘功能,在烧结机头烟气脱硫除尘中应用旋流板塔温法烟气脱硫除尘一体化技术,不仅可以达到脱硫的目的,还可以同时解决目前国内很多烧结机头粉尘排放不达标的问题。 展开更多
关键词 旋流湿 废气处理 脱硫 除尘 钢铁行业 烧结机
ICP-MS测量土壤中重金属元素的方法研究 被引量:3
作者 朱晓贤 王攀峰 +3 位作者 邰文亮 师重阳 张娜娜 薛志伟 《地下水》 2020年第2期97-100,169,共5页
采用改进后的电热板湿法消解,混合酸(硝酸+氢氟酸+高氯酸+硫酸)分解土壤试样,使土壤中重金属元素以离子形式进入溶液,用ICP-MS测其含量。试验结果表明方法的检出限和定量限均低于规范要求的检出限和定量限,工作曲线相关系数为0.999,加... 采用改进后的电热板湿法消解,混合酸(硝酸+氢氟酸+高氯酸+硫酸)分解土壤试样,使土壤中重金属元素以离子形式进入溶液,用ICP-MS测其含量。试验结果表明方法的检出限和定量限均低于规范要求的检出限和定量限,工作曲线相关系数为0.999,加标回收率为87.8%~111.0%。测量结果经土壤标准物质验证精密度、准确度均满足全国土壤污染状况详查技术规范的要求,方法适合于大批量土壤样品中重金属元素的同时测定,快速、高效。 展开更多
关键词 电热湿法消解 ICP-MS 土壤重金属
Process simulation and optimization of flow field in wet electrostatic precipitator 被引量:6
作者 YE Xing-lian WANG Shuai +3 位作者 ZHANG Hao AN Xi-zhong GUO Bao-yu LI Li-feng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第1期132-143,共12页
To improve the dust removal performance of the wet electrostatic precipitator(WESP), a flow field optimization scheme was proposed via CFD simulation in different scales. The simplified models of perforated and collec... To improve the dust removal performance of the wet electrostatic precipitator(WESP), a flow field optimization scheme was proposed via CFD simulation in different scales. The simplified models of perforated and collection plates were determined firstly. Then the model parameters for the resistance of perforated and collection plates, obtained by small-scale flow simulation, were validated by medium-scale experiments. Through the comparison of the resistance and velocity distribution between simulation results and experimental data, the simplified model is proved to present the resistance characteristics of perforated and collection plates accurately. Numerical results show that after optimization, both the flow rate and the pressure drop in the upper room of electric field regions are basically equivalent to those of the lower room, and the velocity distribution in flue inlet of WESP becomes more uniform. Through the application in practice, the effectiveness and reliability of the optimization scheme are proved, which can provide valuable reference for further optimization of WESP. 展开更多
关键词 process simulation OPTIMIZATION flow field wet electrostatic precipitator perforated plate collection plate
Wet Gas Meter Development Based on Slotted Orifice Couple and Neural Network Techniques 被引量:4
作者 耿艳峰 郑金吾 +1 位作者 石天明 石岗 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第2期281-285,共5页
A slotted orifice has many superiorities over a standard orifice. For single-phase flow measurement, its flow coefficient is insensitive to the upstream velocity profile. For two phase flow measurement, various charac... A slotted orifice has many superiorities over a standard orifice. For single-phase flow measurement, its flow coefficient is insensitive to the upstream velocity profile. For two phase flow measurement, various characteristics of its differential pressure (DP) are stable and closely correlated with the mass flow rate of gas and liquid. The complex relationships between the signal features and the two-phase flow rate are established through the use of a back propagation (BP) neural network. Experiments were carried out in the horizontal tubes with 50ram inner diameter, ooerated with water flow rate in the range of 0.2m^3·h^-1 to 4m3·h^-1, gas flow rate in the range of 100m^3·h^-1 to 1000m^3·h^-1, and pressure at 400kPa and 850kPa respectively, where the temperature is ambient temperature. This article includes the principle of wet gas meter development, the experimental matrix, the signal processing techniques and the achieved results. On the basis of the results it is suggested that the slotted orifice couple with a trained neural network may provide a simple but efficient solution to the wet gas meter development. 展开更多
关键词 wet gas meter two-phase flow slotted orifice neural network wavelet analysis principal component analysis
Effect of direct electric current on wetting behavior of molten Bi on Cu substrate
作者 徐前刚 刘锡贝 张海峰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第8期1452-1457,共6页
The effect of direct electric current on the wetting behavior of molten Bi on Cu substrate at 370℃ was investigated by the sessile drop method. The wettability of molten Bi on Cu without an applied current is poor an... The effect of direct electric current on the wetting behavior of molten Bi on Cu substrate at 370℃ was investigated by the sessile drop method. The wettability of molten Bi on Cu without an applied current is poor and the spreading time required to form the steady-state contact angle (about 102°) is approximately 30 min. With the increase of the applied electric current, the spreading of molten Bi on Cu is accelerated significantly and the steady-state contact angle decreases considerably. The cross-section SEM micrographs of the solidified Bi droplet on Cu substrate show that the electric current has a marked effect on the convection of melt. Correspondingly, the application of an electric current obviously enhances the dissolution of Cu into Bi melt, which may change the wetting triple line configuration. The improvement of wettability induced by electric current is also related to the additional driving force for wetting provided by the electromagnetic pressure gradient force. 展开更多
关键词 WETTING DISSOLUTION surface and interface SPREADING
Changes of Circulating Platelet-Derived Growth Factor and Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor in Patients with Condyloma Acuminatum 被引量:1
作者 许冰 胡中荣 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2002年第4期25-28,共4页
Objective: To study the expression levels of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and granulocyte colony-stimulatingfactor (G-CSF) in peripheral blood and their role in thepathogenesis of Condyloma acuminatum (CA). M... Objective: To study the expression levels of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and granulocyte colony-stimulatingfactor (G-CSF) in peripheral blood and their role in thepathogenesis of Condyloma acuminatum (CA). Methods: Sera were taken from 70 patients with Condylomaacuminatum and compared with 35 healthy controls. PDGFand G-CSF in serum were quantitated using a dual antibodysandwich enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA). Results: Serum concentrations of PDGF and G-CSF weresignificantly increased in patients with Condylomaacuminatum (CA) compared to controls (P<0.001 and P<0.005respectively). Serum levels of PDGF and G-CSF correlatedwith clinical severity of CA, but no significant difference wasobserved between different duration of disease groups. Asignificant positive correlation was noticed between neutrophilcount and G-CSF levels (γ=0.38, P<0.001), and the neutrophilcount showed no significant correlation with PDGE Conclusion: The results indicated that increased expressionof PDGF an -CSF in peripheral blood might be involved in pathogenesis of CA. 展开更多
关键词 Condyloma acuminatum Platelet-derived growth factor Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
Laminar Forced Convection Heat and Mass Transfer of Humid Air across a Vertical Plate with Condensation 被引量:3
作者 李成 李俊明 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期944-954,共11页
Condensation of humid air along a vertical plate was numerically investigated, with the mathematical model built on the full boundary layer equations and the film-wise condensation assumption. The velocity, heat and m... Condensation of humid air along a vertical plate was numerically investigated, with the mathematical model built on the full boundary layer equations and the film-wise condensation assumption. The velocity, heat and mass transfer characteristics at the gas-liquid interface were numerical analyzed and the results indicated that it was not reasonable to neglect the condensate film from the point of its thickness only. The condensate film thickness, interface temperature drop and the interface tangential velocity affect the physical fields weakly. However, the subcooling and the interface normal velocity were important factors to be considered before the simplification was made. For higher wall temperature, the advective mass transfer contributed much to the total mass transfer. Therefore, the boundary conditions were the key to judge the rationality of neglecting the condensate film for numerical solutions. The numerical results were checked by comparing with experiments and correlations. 展开更多
关键词 CONDENSATION binary mixture convective heat and mass transfer
作者 李荣平 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》 2019年第18期109-110,共2页
关键词 湿空冷器 装置改造 安装要求 运行注意事项
Size distribution of wet crushed waste printed circuit boards 被引量:4
作者 Tan Zhihai He Yaqun +3 位作者 Xie Weining Duan Chenlong Zhou Enhui Yu Zheng 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第3期359-363,共5页
A wet impact crusher was used to breakdown waste printed circuit boards (PCB's) in a water medium. The relationship between the yield of crushed product and the operating parameters was established. The crushing me... A wet impact crusher was used to breakdown waste printed circuit boards (PCB's) in a water medium. The relationship between the yield of crushed product and the operating parameters was established. The crushing mechanism was analyzed and the effects of hammerhead style, rotation speed, and inlet water volume on particle size distribution were investigated. The results show that the highest yield of -1 + 0.75 mm sized product was obtained with an inlet water volume flow rate of 5.97 m3/h and a smooth hammerhead turning at 1246.15 r/rain. Cumulative undersize-product yield curves were fitted to a nonlinear function: the fitting correlation coefficient was greater than 0.998. These research results provide a theoretical basis for the highly effective wet crushing of PCB's. 展开更多
关键词 Waste printed circuit boardWet impact crushSize distributionNonlinear fitting
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