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作者 张春兰 马笑云 《宋史研究论丛》 2021年第1期330-340,共11页
北宋源崇、源护父子墓志,虽《全宋文》等收有志文,但前人未做详细考释,且录文存在错漏之处。将志文详细考释并与正史对比,不仅能够呈现北宋初期一个家族的发展历程,还可以补充史所不载的细节或纠正史书记载的谬误:源护中进士后,一直担... 北宋源崇、源护父子墓志,虽《全宋文》等收有志文,但前人未做详细考释,且录文存在错漏之处。将志文详细考释并与正史对比,不仅能够呈现北宋初期一个家族的发展历程,还可以补充史所不载的细节或纠正史书记载的谬误:源护中进士后,一直担任罗彦瑰的属官,直到罗彦瑰去世,志文显示罗彦瑰最后一任官职是镇国节度使,但《宋史》中却记载为“镇华州”;通过源护座主扈蒙担任科举考官的史料,可以推断出源护考中进士的时间为建隆元年;志文表明源氏家族曾进行过迁徙,迁徙方向是从邢州到洛阳。 展开更多
关键词 源护 家族 仕宦经历 迁徙
作者 韩伟 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)医药卫生》 2024年第2期0065-0068,共4页
分析重组Ⅲ型人源化胶原蛋白修护凝胶敷料在激光术后创面修复中的疗效。方法 选取我院在2022年6月~2023年8月期间实施激光术治疗的78例患者,随机分为两组,即对照组和实验组。对照组仅接受激光术治疗、实验组在激光术治疗后外用重组Ⅲ型... 分析重组Ⅲ型人源化胶原蛋白修护凝胶敷料在激光术后创面修复中的疗效。方法 选取我院在2022年6月~2023年8月期间实施激光术治疗的78例患者,随机分为两组,即对照组和实验组。对照组仅接受激光术治疗、实验组在激光术治疗后外用重组Ⅲ型人源化胶原蛋白修护凝胶敷料,对其应用情况进行比较分析。结果 实验组治疗总有效率和对照组相比较高(P <0.05);干预后的面部症状评分低于对照组(P <0.05);创面愈合时间短于对照组(P <0.05)。结论 重组Ⅲ型人源化胶原蛋白修护凝胶敷料对激光术后创面修复的效果较好,能减轻患者的不适症状,促进其创面更快愈合,患者的认可度较高,所以值得应用。 展开更多
关键词 重组Ⅲ型人化胶原蛋白修凝胶敷料 激光术 创面修复
作者 张亚丽 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)医药卫生》 2023年第6期49-52,共4页
评价重组III型人源化胶原蛋白修护贴敷料在光子嫩肤术后缓解不适症状以及对肤质改善的作用。方法 选择2022年7月—2023年2月于本医院门诊接受光子嫩肤治疗的120例患者,根据1:1简单随机分配原则把患者分为联合组与对照组各60例采用光子... 评价重组III型人源化胶原蛋白修护贴敷料在光子嫩肤术后缓解不适症状以及对肤质改善的作用。方法 选择2022年7月—2023年2月于本医院门诊接受光子嫩肤治疗的120例患者,根据1:1简单随机分配原则把患者分为联合组与对照组各60例采用光子嫩肤治疗。联合组给予重组III型人源化胶原蛋白修护贴敷料联合光子嫩肤治疗,对照组用保湿贴敷料代替重组III型人源化胶原蛋白修护贴敷料,同样联合光子嫩肤治疗,两组都治疗观察4周。结果 1、联合组和对照组在术后第2、6、10天的不适症状评分均呈逐渐下降趋势,其中联合组改善程度更为明显。对光子术后即刻与术后第8天评分差值对比,联合组相较对照组具有统计学差异。2、首次进行光子术前,第二次光子术前,第三次光子术前,第12周结束对肤质情况信息录取。联合组和对照组,肤质均有所改善。第12周较光子术前改善对比,联合组改善更为明显,且P<0.05,差异有统计学意义。结论 1、重组III型人源化胶原蛋白修护贴敷料可明显缓解光子术后面部皮肤产生的不适症状,有良好的辅助治疗作用。2、重组III型人源化胶原蛋白修护贴敷料联合光子嫩肤能更好的改善肤质,起到肤质改善的作用。 展开更多
关键词 重组III型人化胶原蛋白修贴敷料 光子嫩肤 不适症状 肤质改善
植物源调节剂碧护组合技术对提升茶叶产量的效果研究 被引量:10
作者 陈德西 何忠全 +4 位作者 刘欢 黄腾飞 王红 向运佳 朱美东 《资源开发与市场》 CAS CSSCI 2017年第3期360-363,共4页
以福鼎大白茶树品种为实验对象,研究了在茶园清园后15天、翌年萌芽前和第一次采收后茶叶三个生长阶段采用植物源调节剂碧护组合技术对茶叶生长的影响。结果表明:不同阶段施用不同碧护组合的效果不同,其中以在茶园清园后15天用碧护15000... 以福鼎大白茶树品种为实验对象,研究了在茶园清园后15天、翌年萌芽前和第一次采收后茶叶三个生长阶段采用植物源调节剂碧护组合技术对茶叶生长的影响。结果表明:不同阶段施用不同碧护组合的效果不同,其中以在茶园清园后15天用碧护15000倍液+叶面肥健效1000倍液+助剂安融乐5000倍灌根,翌年萌芽前(采收前40天左右)667m2用碧护4g+安融乐12m L组合进行萌芽前喷雾,春茶第一次采摘后667m2用碧护4g+安融乐12m L+健效58g进行喷雾的三次组合使用效果最好。处理后明前茶提早5天采摘上市,单位面积茶芽数明显增加,外观品质显著提高,明茶平均增产46.83%。研究结论为提升茶叶产量、促进茶叶安全生产提供了理论依据与参考。 展开更多
关键词 茶叶 植物调节剂碧 组合技术 增产效果
实习护生压力源问卷的编制及结构分析 被引量:22
作者 张桂霞 高姗 黄海燕 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 2014年第12期60-62,共3页
目的编制具有良好信效度且适合中国实习护生的压力源调查问卷。方法采用文献分析和开放式问卷调查的方法编制实习护生压力源初始问卷,并对5个省市7所大学的991名实习护生进行调查,测量问卷的信度、效度。结果实习护生压力源问卷为9个维... 目的编制具有良好信效度且适合中国实习护生的压力源调查问卷。方法采用文献分析和开放式问卷调查的方法编制实习护生压力源初始问卷,并对5个省市7所大学的991名实习护生进行调查,测量问卷的信度、效度。结果实习护生压力源问卷为9个维度34个条目,9个因子累积方差贡献率达75.680%;验证性因素分析显示,其拟合指数NNFI、CFI、IFI和GFI均大于0.80。问卷的总体信度系数为0.820,重测信度为0.823;内容效度为0.961。结论实习护生压力源问卷具有良好的信效度,适用于中国护生压力源的测量。 展开更多
关键词 本科 专科 实习生压力问卷 问卷编制 结构分析
自拟护源汤治疗心悸40例 被引量:8
作者 李崇义 王静兰 李亚锋 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2010年第10期22-22,共1页
目的心悸包括惊悸、怔忡。是指病人自觉心中悸动,惊惕不安甚则不能自主的一种病症。是中老年人的常见病。现代医学各种心脏病均属于心悸范畴。方法笔者自拟护源汤加减治疗40例心悸患者获得较好疗效。结果两组治疗后心电图检查比较,P〈0.... 目的心悸包括惊悸、怔忡。是指病人自觉心中悸动,惊惕不安甚则不能自主的一种病症。是中老年人的常见病。现代医学各种心脏病均属于心悸范畴。方法笔者自拟护源汤加减治疗40例心悸患者获得较好疗效。结果两组治疗后心电图检查比较,P〈0.05;治疗组中医证候疗效比较,P〈0.05;治疗组总有效率86%,对照组有效率为70%,治疗组总有效率明显优于对照组(P〈0.05)。 展开更多
关键词 心悸 中医药疗法
作者 王霞 《中国科技期刊数据库 医药》 2022年第7期11-13,共3页
分析重组Ⅲ型类人源胶原蛋白妇科修护凝胶(妇科修复凝胶)在宫颈炎治疗期间对患者症状体征消失与炎症因子的影响。方法 选用2022年4月-2022年7月接受治疗的160例宫颈炎患者研究,以药用方式差异分为两组,对照组实施保妇康栓,观察组在对照... 分析重组Ⅲ型类人源胶原蛋白妇科修护凝胶(妇科修复凝胶)在宫颈炎治疗期间对患者症状体征消失与炎症因子的影响。方法 选用2022年4月-2022年7月接受治疗的160例宫颈炎患者研究,以药用方式差异分为两组,对照组实施保妇康栓,观察组在对照组基础上联合妇科修护凝胶,比较症状体征消失时间与炎症因子指标。结果 治疗前炎症因子无差异(P>0.05),治疗后观察组炎症因子指标与症状体征消失时间均优于对照组(P<0.05);观察组不良反应发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 妇科修护凝胶可以改善宫颈炎临床症状,将其与保妇康栓联合应用能够促使患者更好的恢复,从而提升临床用药安全性。 展开更多
关键词 重组Ⅲ型类人胶原蛋白妇科修凝胶 宫颈炎 临床效果 安全性
Characteristics and Measurements of Ecological Compensation in Ecosystem 被引量:33
作者 王让会 张慧芝 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第6期10-13,共4页
This research was to introduce the characteristics of and countermeasures for ecological compensation. From the analysis of the current situation of ecological compensation, a series of characteristics of ecological c... This research was to introduce the characteristics of and countermeasures for ecological compensation. From the analysis of the current situation of ecological compensation, a series of characteristics of ecological compensation in resource exploitation and economic development were elaborated. The principles and practical issues are complex in ecological compensation, and the corresponding object, entity, financial system of ecological compensation are the keys to set up compensation mechanism, and studying of ecosystem service function and ecological footprint calculation are important ways to quantitatively assess ecological compensation, and are also important foundations for establishing calculation system of green GDP. Advocating the benefit compensation mechanism of ecological economy and enclosing ecological compensation principle are important ways for establishing the new environmental management pattern and manifesting social justice and the ecological civilization ideas. This research proposed some views of and approaches to ecological compensation mechanism for constructing natural resource development and utilization.The establishment of ecological compensation is an important approach to prevent the imbalance of resource allocation, the system guarantee for sustainable development, and the important basis of saving resources. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological compensation ECOSYSTEM Ecological footprint Resource exploitation Environmental protection
Present status and conservation strategies of mangrove resource in Guangdong, P. R. China 被引量:2
作者 韩维栋 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期151-154,共4页
According to the survey of Guangdong mangrove resource in 2001 and authors field investigations in the past 5 years, the total mature mangrove land area of Guangdong Province was estimated at 9084 hm2, accounting for ... According to the survey of Guangdong mangrove resource in 2001 and authors field investigations in the past 5 years, the total mature mangrove land area of Guangdong Province was estimated at 9084 hm2, accounting for 41.4% of total mangrove land area of China. These mangrove forests totally consisted of 50 species belonging to 28 families, distributed at more than 100 locations along the coastlines of Guangdong and most of them present a high dense and dwarf appearance. The Ass. Avicennia marina is the most dominant mangrove association. The investigation results showed that the mangrove forests with coverage rates above 0.7 accounted for 68.0% of the total mangrove land area of the province and 77.8% of mangrove forests was less than 2 m in tree height. Since 1950, 54.6% of mangrove forests have disappeared due to paddy rice reclaim, aquaculture and city constructions. Derivational conservation efforts are still weakly empowered and should be strengthened intensively. The author suggested that mangrove laws and regulations should be enforced, mangrove scientific research should be strengthened; and mangrove conservation awareness of local community should be raised on conservation of mangroves. 展开更多
关键词 GUANGDONG MANGROVE Present status of resource Conservation.
Development and Conservation of Glacier Tourist Resources——A Case Study of Bogda Glacier Park 被引量:10
作者 LIU Xuling YANG Zhaoping XIE Ting 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第4期365-370,共6页
Glacier is one kind of the most beautiful geological sightseeing in the world as well as a special kind of tourism resources.The characters of glacier tourism include scarcity,frangibility,localization of tourist acti... Glacier is one kind of the most beautiful geological sightseeing in the world as well as a special kind of tourism resources.The characters of glacier tourism include scarcity,frangibility,localization of tourist activity,scien-tific connotation,and integrated function and value.The paper summarizes the latest researches in developing glacier tourism resources.Regarding the Bogda Glacier Park as an example,the authors analyze the characteristics of glacier tourism resources in detail and the conditions and potential threats of glacier tourism development.Suggestions on glacier tourism development and protection are given as follows:1) to plan function subarea scientifically and rea-sonably;2) to combine tourism,scientific research with ecological education;3) to take countermeasures of environ-mental protection;4) to integrate tourism resources and strengthening regional cooperation.Finally,emphases are put forward on resources conformity along the tourism line and cooperation of tourism management.The paper aims to seek after the coordination path in exploitation and protection of glacier tourism resources to guide the exploitation of other glacier tourism destinations. 展开更多
关键词 glacier park tourism development Bogda glacier tourism mountain glacier
作者 ZHAIJin-liang FENGRen-guo XIAJun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第4期310-316,共7页
This paper discusses the constraining factors to sustainable utilization ofwater resources in China, and the countermeasures to realize sustainable water utilization. Theresult of comprehensive analysis shows that con... This paper discusses the constraining factors to sustainable utilization ofwater resources in China, and the countermeasures to realize sustainable water utilization. Theresult of comprehensive analysis shows that constraining factors to sustainable utilization of waterresources in China are complicated, including physical geographical factors and socio-economicfactors, such as uneven distribution of water resources at temporal and spatial scales,inappropriate institutional arrangement and non-water-saving and non-wter-conservation productionand life mode. The countermeasures against constraining factors to water resources sustainabledevelopment are put forward as follows: 1) using wetlands and forests, and through spatialconversion to realize temporally sustainable supply of water resources; 2) transferring waterbetween basins and areas and developing various water resources in water shortage area; 3)establishing water-saving society; 4) strengthening water pollution control and water resourcesprotection; and 5) establishing unified water resources management mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 water resources sustainable utilization China
Recreational potential as an indicator of accessibility control in protected mountain forest areas 被引量:4
作者 Tomasz DUDEK 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第7期1419-1427,共9页
The article presents research findings related to recreational use of forests located in protected mountainous areas with forestage of over 80%. The study was designed to identify recreational potential of the Carpath... The article presents research findings related to recreational use of forests located in protected mountainous areas with forestage of over 80%. The study was designed to identify recreational potential of the Carpathian national parks (Bieszczady National Park, Bahia G6ra National Park, Goree National Park and Magura National Park; southern Poland) and to compare these findings with the actual number of visitors. The information received on the recreational potential of parks is important from the point of view of protection of natural resources and the financial situation of the parks. The calculated ratio may be an effective tool of management for park administration, that allows to reconcile statutory social and protective functions of national parks. The study determined the recreational potential of the forests with the use of recreational valorisation method designed for areas with varied terrain, and the evaluated factors included the stands of trees with their habitat and land relief. The permissible number of national park visitors, expressed as man- hour/ha/year ranges from 19.31 in Bieszczady National Park (BG: 19~ 35' E, 49~ 35' N) to 32.06 in in Bieszczady National Park (B: 22~ 40' E, 49~ lo' N). In 3 out of 4 investigated parks, Magura National Park (M: 21025' E, 49~ 30' N), Gorce National Park (G: 20~ lo' E, 49~ 35' N), B) recreation carrying capacity was not exceeded, whether or not the strictly protected area is taken into account. Only in BG was the recreation carrying capacity exceeded by nearly 24%, or by 85% if the strictly protected area isexcluded from tourism-related exploitation. The presented procedure for monitoring access to mountain forests in national parks, from the viewpoint of natural resources conservation, can be applied in other mountainous areas covered with forests and exposed to tourist and recreational traffic, and in forests facing particular risk of recreational damage, e.g. in urban and suburban forests growing in areas with varied orography. 展开更多
关键词 Forest recreation Recreational capacity Protected areas Mountain forests the Carpathians
Surfactant-Enhanced Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants:Potential and Assessment 被引量:11
作者 GAO Yan-Zheng LING Wan-Ting +2 位作者 ZHU Li-Zhong ZHAO Bao-Wei ZHENG Qing-Song 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期409-418,共10页
Phytoremediation is becoming a cost-effective technology for the in-situ clean up of sites polluted with hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs). The major factors limiting phytoremediation are the mass transfer, ra... Phytoremediation is becoming a cost-effective technology for the in-situ clean up of sites polluted with hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs). The major factors limiting phytoremediation are the mass transfer, rate of plant uptake, and microbial biodegradation of HOCs. This article discusses the potential of surfactants to enhance desorption, plant uptake, and biodegradation of HOCs in the contaminated sites. Positive effects of surfactants on phytoremediation have been recently observed in greenhouse studies. The presence of some nonionic surfactants including polyoxyethylene sorbltan monooleate (Tween 80) and polyoxyethylene(23)dodecanol (Brij35) at relatively low concentrations resulted in significant positive effects on phytoremediation for pyrene-contaminated soil. However, the anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS) and the cationic surfactant (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTMAB) were not useful because of their phytotoxicity or low efficiency for surfactant-enhanced phytoremediation (SEPR). The mechanisms of SEPR for HOC-contaminated sites were evaluated by considering experimental observations. In view of concerns about the cost effectiveness and toxicity of surfactants to plants, more research is needed to enhance the use of SEPR technology. 展开更多
关键词 hydrophobic organic contaminant REMEDIATION SEPR SOIL surfaztant
Evaluation of water resources conserved by forests in the Hani rice terraces system of Honghe County,Yunnan,China:an application of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model 被引量:10
作者 LI Jing MIN Qingwen +3 位作者 LI Wenhua BAI Yanying YANG Lun Dhruba Bijaya G C 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期744-753,共10页
The Hani Rice Terraces System, based on gravity-flow irrigation, is one of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) pilot sites selected by FAO in 2010. The water resource plays an important role in... The Hani Rice Terraces System, based on gravity-flow irrigation, is one of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) pilot sites selected by FAO in 2010. The water resource plays an important role in the sustainable development of this system. The value of water conserved by the forest is influenced by natural, economic and social factors. In this paper, the water quality, per capita water resources, per capita GDP and population density are chosen as indices to construct an index system for a comprehensive evaluation of water resources value. The weights of these indices are 0.443, 0.31, 0.141 and 0.106 respectively, which are determined by the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method. The water resources value has been assessed by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model. The results show that the water resources value in the Hani Rice Terraces System is 4.25 RMB/m^3. Evaluating the value of water resources in the Hani Rice Terraces System can provide a reference for ecological compensation, for raising public awareness of the importance of protecting the system, and ultimately achieving its sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model Water resources Hani Rice Terrace Water value Globally Important Heritage Systems(GIAHS)
Wild Soybean Germplasm Resources Conservation and Use in Shandong Province 被引量:2
作者 王栋 丁汉凤 +6 位作者 王效睦 李润芳 杨永义 李湛 田茜 刘世华 张晓冬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期691-695,699,共6页
Glycine soja or wild soybean is the wild ancestor of the soybean, being an important source for property improvement and variety breeding. With abundant wild soybeans, their habitat is undermining, and wild soybeans a... Glycine soja or wild soybean is the wild ancestor of the soybean, being an important source for property improvement and variety breeding. With abundant wild soybeans, their habitat is undermining, and wild soybeans are facing increasing- ly threatened in Shandong if measures are not taken yet. Besides, wild soybean germplasm is far from further exploiting or using. The research analyzed status quo and problems of wild soybean germplasm posed countermeasures or suggestions in crop germplasm conservation and use. resources conservation and use and pro- order to provide references for agricultural crop germplasm conservation and use. 展开更多
关键词 Shandong Province Wild Soybean Germplasm Resources Protection Utilization
Relationship Between Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Soil Conditions in Low Mountain and Hilly Region of Northeast China 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Yubin CAO Ning +4 位作者 XU Xiaohong ZHANG Feng YAN Fei ZHANG Xinsheng TANG Xinlong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期147-162,共16页
The soil and water conservation practices of ecological restoration(ER),fish scale pit(FP),furrow and ridge tillage across the slope(FR),shrub strips(SS),and vegetation-covered ridge(VR)are characteristic of the Jixin... The soil and water conservation practices of ecological restoration(ER),fish scale pit(FP),furrow and ridge tillage across the slope(FR),shrub strips(SS),and vegetation-covered ridge(VR)are characteristic of the Jixing small watershed of the low mountain and hilly region of Jilin Province,Northeast China.This study aims to elucidate the effects of soil and water conservation practices on soil conditions after the short-term implementation of practices.Soil samples were collected from five soil and water conservation sites(ER,FP,FR,SS,and VR)and two controls(BL and CT)to investigate their properties.To evaluate the influence of soil and water conservation practices on soil quality,an integrated quantitative index,soil quality index(QI),was developed to compare the soil quality under the different soil and water conservation practices.The results show that not all soil and water conservation practices can improve the soil conditions and not all soil properties,especially soil organic carbon(SOC),can be recovered under soil and water conservation practice in short-term.Moreover,the QI in the five soil and water conservation practices and two controls was in the following order:ER>VR>BL>FR>CT>SS>FP.ER exhibited a higher soil quality value on a slope scale.In the low mountain and hilly region of Northeast China,ER is a better choice than the conversion of farmlands to planted grasslands and woodlands early in the soil and water conservation program. 展开更多
关键词 soil and water conservation practices soil property soil organic carbon low mountain and hilly region Northeast China
The Effects of Natural Capital Protection on Pastoralist's Livelihood and Management Implication in the Source Region of the Yellow River, China 被引量:2
作者 Fang Yi-ping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期885-897,共13页
The interaction among different livelihood capitals is a key to generate a deeper understanding of the livelihood sustainability.In this paper,we use net income per capita(economic capital),meat and milk production pe... The interaction among different livelihood capitals is a key to generate a deeper understanding of the livelihood sustainability.In this paper,we use net income per capita(economic capital),meat and milk production per capita(physical capital),and areas of fenced pasture,livestock shelter,grassland rodent control and planted grassland(physical capital) as proxy indicators of livelihood promotion,livelihood provision,and livelihood protection respectively.By developing a correlation model between pastoralists' livelihood protection and improvement,we found that(1) there is a statistically significant correlation between the pastoralists' livelihood protection and promotion;(2) based on the maximum effect of pastoralists' livelihood promotion and provision,there is a benchmark in the effect of the intervention intensity of livelihood capital(grassland resource protection) on livelihood improvement;(3) on basis of two indicators,i.e.net income per capita and meat production per capita,the reasonable scales of fenced pasture,livestock shelter and planted grassland are less than 843,860 and 46 thousand hectares(hm2) per year respectively.With the marginal effect of livelihood protection,moderately decreased areas of fenced pasture and planted grassland,and increased area of livestock shelter is a critical to ensure pastoralist's livelihood sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 Regional sustainability Natural capitalprotection Pastoralist's livelihood Source Region ofthe Yellow River
作者 WANGXi-qin LIUChang-ming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第1期35-43,共9页
A regional multiple objective water resource and economic optimization model was developed using a quantitative method of systematic analysis. Input to the model includes indexes of economic structure and development,... A regional multiple objective water resource and economic optimization model was developed using a quantitative method of systematic analysis. Input to the model includes indexes of economic structure and development, water resource utilization, wastewater and pollutant discharge, and investment in wastewater treatment. The model, which consists of production structure and industrial structure optimization modules, was applied to the Guanzhong region in the middle reaches of the Huanghe (Yellow) River basin in China. By evaluating several alternative production and industrialization schemes, the modal indicate that water pollution will get worsen though wastewater treatment improves if the economy continues to develop at the planned speed without structural adjustment. However, the results also show that not only economic goals but also water resource protection and pollution control targets can be achieved under an alternative, recommended production and industrial structure. This example illustrates that economic development and environmental protection can be improved coordinately by the regional multiple objective water resource and economic optimization model. It provides an operable approach to the simultaneous sustained development of water resources and economic growth. 展开更多
关键词 water resource PROTECTION economic structure adjustment
Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Disturbance of Land Use Change on Major Ecosystem Function Zones in China 被引量:8
作者 NING Jia LIU Jiyuan ZHAO Guosong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期523-536,共14页
In recent years, because of increasing human activities, ecosystems have been substantially disturbed and their service functions have been greatly compromised. Based on the effect of land use changes on the major eco... In recent years, because of increasing human activities, ecosystems have been substantially disturbed and their service functions have been greatly compromised. Based on the effect of land use changes on the major ecosystem services, we estimated the ecosystem comprehensive anthropogenic disturbance index(ECADI) and analyzed the spatio-temporal characteristics of changes in the ECADI in China from 1990 to 2010. The average ECADI of the major ecosystem function zones in China in 2010 is approximately 0.382. The ECADI of Northeast China and North China is slightly higher than that of Northwest China and Southwest China. Most zones have slight changes in the ECADI. The average increases of ECADI in the major ecosystem function zones in China from 1990 to 2000 and from 2000 to 2010 are 0.0024 and 0.0002, respectively. The increase is mainly due to reclamation and urbanization, whereas the decrease is due to the implementation of ecosystem protection policies. During the last 20 years, the ECADI of water resources conservation zones increased first, and then stopped. The ECADI of soil conservation zones increased first, and then declined. The ECADI of sandstorm prevention zones, biodiversity conservation zones and flooding mitigation zones increased continuously. Our results may provide proposals to the government regarding land use planning and ecosystem protection plans in the major ecosystem zones. The major ecosystem function zones in the western part of China have been protected effectively. However, the major ecosystem function zones in the eastern part of China require more protection in the future. 展开更多
关键词 land use change major ecosystems services DISTURBANCE spatiotemporal patterns China
Water protection in the western semiarid coal mining regions of China: A case study 被引量:5
作者 Huang Hanfu Wang Changshen +1 位作者 Bai Haibo Wang Zihe 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第5期719-723,共5页
The coal industry in China has been moving from the semiarid eastern to the drier western regions since the beginning of this century.Water protection is of the utmost concern for coal mining in these regions.Lu'a... The coal industry in China has been moving from the semiarid eastern to the drier western regions since the beginning of this century.Water protection is of the utmost concern for coal mining in these regions.Lu'an,as one of the state coal mining bases in China,has been seeing increasingly heavier pressure for the protection of water resources.This article considers Lu'an as an example and describes the ways these concerns may be alleviated.High mine-water utilization rates have effectively reduced wasting of water and,consequently,have reduced water demand.Using the top layers of the Ordavician as aquifuge barriers can prevent floor karst water inrush into the longwall face and can protect the regional Ordovician karst water resources at the same time.The strength of the overlying Quaternary clay can protect against roof collapse and has successfully preserved the Quaternary porous water resource. 展开更多
关键词 Water-protection Coal mining Mine water utilization rate Aquifuge barrier Arid region
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