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作者 谢娜 王征 +5 位作者 何佳秀 王婧 陈思柔 赵丹娜 张佑祥 吴涛 《湖南林业科技》 2024年第5期33-38,共6页
为全面了解湖南洞口平溪江国家湿地公园内鸟类多样性现状,于2021年2月—2022年10月,采用样线调查法对该湿地公园的鸟类进行了深入研究。结果显示:共记录鸟类114种,隶属13目44科;鸟类以雀形目为主,共29科74种(占总物种数量的64.91%);鸟... 为全面了解湖南洞口平溪江国家湿地公园内鸟类多样性现状,于2021年2月—2022年10月,采用样线调查法对该湿地公园的鸟类进行了深入研究。结果显示:共记录鸟类114种,隶属13目44科;鸟类以雀形目为主,共29科74种(占总物种数量的64.91%);鸟类区系以广布种和东洋界种为主,分别占总物种数量的51.75%和38.60%;居留型以留鸟为主,占总物种数量的50.00%;有国家一级重点保护鸟类1种,国家二级重点保护鸟类8种;样线所在生境的复杂程度与鸟类多样性指数呈正相关;春季的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(4.90)和Pielou均匀度指数(1.16)均最高,秋季的Margalef丰富度指数(9.76)最高;不同生境类型,鸟类Shannon-Wiener多样性指数由高到低依次是乔木林(5.02)、湿地(4.04)、灌草丛(4.03)、农耕区(3.82)、居民区(2.72)。本次调查不仅丰富了该湿地公园内鸟类资源的基础数据,而且为生物多样性的编目与监测提供了重要资料,也为今后该湿地公园的科学管理和成效评估提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 鸟类 多样性 生境 湖南洞口平溪江国家湿地公园
作者 张蓓 《中国高新技术企业》 2008年第22期201-201,203,共2页
关键词 精细管理 绿溪江3号桥 项目 应用
作者 李建波 张海涛 刘欢颜 《医学研究与教育》 CAS 2023年第1期40-45,共6页
刘亚娴教授十分强调中医学术研究要注意方法,要“善思”“脱框”(从原著的“框”架中脱出来创新),近期指导笔者以《脾胃论》为主,学习李东垣学术时又提出“开渠”,汇“溪”成“江”。本文例举李东垣所谈的“从权”、王好古所论及“派之... 刘亚娴教授十分强调中医学术研究要注意方法,要“善思”“脱框”(从原著的“框”架中脱出来创新),近期指导笔者以《脾胃论》为主,学习李东垣学术时又提出“开渠”,汇“溪”成“江”。本文例举李东垣所谈的“从权”、王好古所论及“派之”,《吴医汇讲》读书十则中之“读书须看反面”“读书须悟对面”“读书必须汇参”数则,例举东垣治验,并展示刘亚娴教授所谈读书要思考是什么、为什么、怎么样、怎么办,以之为学术研究之一法。 展开更多
关键词 刘亚娴教授 易水学派学术研究 “开渠” 汇“”成“ “从权” “派之” 医案
岷江叠溪古堰塞湖的发现 被引量:55
作者 王兰生 杨立铮 +1 位作者 王小群 段丽萍 《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期1-11,共11页
1933年8月25日,四川岷江上游叠溪发生了一次7.5级地震。在叠溪地震引发的较场大滑坡上覆盖有较古老的厚土层,国内学者对其成因有不同解释。作者在开展叠溪地震滑坡调研中,发现并确认这是一套古堰塞湖相沉积物,当时的堰塞坝处在原叠溪古... 1933年8月25日,四川岷江上游叠溪发生了一次7.5级地震。在叠溪地震引发的较场大滑坡上覆盖有较古老的厚土层,国内学者对其成因有不同解释。作者在开展叠溪地震滑坡调研中,发现并确认这是一套古堰塞湖相沉积物,当时的堰塞坝处在原叠溪古镇至下游马老顶乡一带长达数千米的河段,因此定名为叠溪古堰塞湖。古堰塞湖相沉积物厚度最大可达200余米,为一套层理清晰的粉土-黏土层。由叠溪向上游约30km河段,沿江断续可见这套沉积物,且有明显的相变。14C测年,湖相沉积物底部形成时代距今22ka,顶部距今约10ka,据此判断叠溪古堰塞湖维持了12ka。此外作者在较场一带还发现了以湖相沉积物为"基座"的五级"阶地",这些"阶地"上保存完好的二元结构河流相沉积物。该文较系统地介绍了叠溪古堰塞湖的基本特征,初步论述了其中包含的地质环境信息。 展开更多
关键词 古堰塞湖 湖相沉积物 地震滑坡
岷江蕨溪段环境水力学研究——横向扩散 被引量:1
作者 龙炳清 赵仕林 +1 位作者 周后珍 余江 《四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2001年第4期372-374,共3页
对岷江蕨溪段的横向扩散问题进行了研究 ,测出了各断面的等效横向扩散系数 。
关键词 环境水力学 横向扩散 等效横向扩散系数 污染带 等效稳定扩散模型
作者 刘亚娴 《医学研究与教育》 CAS 2022年第6期35-43,共9页
易水学派学术研究可以说有二个层面:一为学术的传承,优者可“流芳”;一为学术溯源、扩容、创新,可喻之为“开渠”,汇“溪”成“江”。第二个层应为当前研究之重点。本文以《脾胃论》为主例举枳术丸系列方的形成,生脉散、补中益气汤之扩... 易水学派学术研究可以说有二个层面:一为学术的传承,优者可“流芳”;一为学术溯源、扩容、创新,可喻之为“开渠”,汇“溪”成“江”。第二个层应为当前研究之重点。本文以《脾胃论》为主例举枳术丸系列方的形成,生脉散、补中益气汤之扩容,清暑益气汤、半夏白术天麻汤的补充,“脾胃虚则九窍不通论”及风类药的应用,某些药物的应用启发。结合笔者临床体验以示如何“开渠”汇“溪”成“江”,意在展示一种研究方法。 展开更多
关键词 易水学派 汇“”成“ 《脾胃论》 方药扩展应用 枳术丸
作者 王继怀 《广州文艺》 2019年第12期131-133,共3页
初夏的一个清晨,我又一次回到梦魂萦绕的故乡。这个地方是我无论走到哪里也忘不了的地方。故乡因为资江的一条小支流善溪江而得名。这个名字到底存在了多长时间,县志上或许有记载,或许没有, 因为它太小,在世人眼里也微不足道,至于名字... 初夏的一个清晨,我又一次回到梦魂萦绕的故乡。这个地方是我无论走到哪里也忘不了的地方。故乡因为资江的一条小支流善溪江而得名。这个名字到底存在了多长时间,县志上或许有记载,或许没有, 因为它太小,在世人眼里也微不足道,至于名字的来源,我不清楚,村里的老人也说不太清楚。 展开更多
关键词 溪江 来源
作者 钟明 刘伟 +3 位作者 杨晴 赵伟 谭大伟 刘涵希 《中国水利》 2020年第2期36-38,共3页
以流域尺度为单元,基于闽北水生态环境现状条件,以问题为导向,目标为引领,整体谋划南平市"一江八溪"水美廊道发展战略目标和重点任务,以期构建空间均衡、功能完备的水生态系统安全格局,为南平市"绿水青山"转化为&qu... 以流域尺度为单元,基于闽北水生态环境现状条件,以问题为导向,目标为引领,整体谋划南平市"一江八溪"水美廊道发展战略目标和重点任务,以期构建空间均衡、功能完备的水生态系统安全格局,为南平市"绿水青山"转化为"金山银山"的新动能创造条件,也为相关地市水美廊道规划提供借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 南平市 水美廊道 综合治理
作者 李任超 周琰 +1 位作者 郑琳 史娟娟 《广东化工》 CAS 2021年第24期137-139,共3页
九龙江是福建第二大河流,其中北溪(龙岩段)的水环境质量对龙岩地区的经济和民生起着至关重要的作用。本文着重应用熵权法计算了化学指标pH、DO、COD_(Mn)、BOD_(5)、NH_(3)^(-)N、TP的权重,采用《地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002)》结合... 九龙江是福建第二大河流,其中北溪(龙岩段)的水环境质量对龙岩地区的经济和民生起着至关重要的作用。本文着重应用熵权法计算了化学指标pH、DO、COD_(Mn)、BOD_(5)、NH_(3)^(-)N、TP的权重,采用《地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002)》结合TOPSIS模型法对2018年九龙江北溪(龙岩段)8个监测断面的地表水环境质量进行评价。结果表明:2018年九龙江北溪龙岩境内各断面水质均在Ⅲ类以上,评价为优良(梧地桥>渡头>涵口村>Ⅰ类>九鹏溪口>溪南溪口>泽源电站>进庄大桥>Ⅱ类>雁石桥>Ⅲ类>Ⅳ类>Ⅴ类)。 展开更多
关键词 熵权 TOPSIS法 九龙(北龙岩段) 水质评价 环境数学模型 环境保护
作者 徐鹏飞 《宁波农业科技》 1990年第3期28-29,共2页
关键词 香鱼 溪江
作者 杨凌崴 余斌 +3 位作者 何元勋 刘峰焰 马啸宇 李阳春 《工程地质学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期884-895,共12页
1933年发生在青藏高原东缘岷江上游叠溪地区的7.5级地震,致岷江干流两岸岩体崩滑堵江,形成叠溪小海子堰塞湖。堰塞湖形成后,水流携带松坪沟流域内的泥砂进入堰塞湖不断沉积,形成具有顶积层、前积层和底积层3层结构的吉尔伯特型扇三角洲... 1933年发生在青藏高原东缘岷江上游叠溪地区的7.5级地震,致岷江干流两岸岩体崩滑堵江,形成叠溪小海子堰塞湖。堰塞湖形成后,水流携带松坪沟流域内的泥砂进入堰塞湖不断沉积,形成具有顶积层、前积层和底积层3层结构的吉尔伯特型扇三角洲。基于野外调查,本文对叠溪堰塞湖三角洲沉积物的沉积特征进行研究,依据沉积物的地貌和沉积特征推断松坪沟流域至少发生过两次大型洪水事件。采用水力学中的水流能量法反演计算,结果表明这两次洪水的最大洪峰流量分别为405.4 m^(3)·s^(-1)和365.4 m^(3)·s^(-1)。叠溪堰塞湖沉积特征与历史洪峰流量的重建,对于了解震后堰塞湖地质环境及演化规律等方面具有重要意义,可为地质灾害等事件的发生频率、危害程度在工程建设方面提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 三角洲沉积 演化机制 历史洪水 堰塞湖
温州光唇鱼形态学研究 被引量:2
作者 伍锦姑 周志明 +2 位作者 刘晨叶 陈志俭 艾为明 《科教文汇》 2012年第6期63-66,共4页
项目组将形态度量学和框架结构度量学结合起来,从多维空间去观察温州光唇鱼的外部形态,进行多变量分析。对楠溪江鲤溪段、渠口段、小楠溪段的3个江段的温州光唇鱼形态特征进行了比较研究,发现小楠溪段鱼体体长和体重都明显小于其他2个... 项目组将形态度量学和框架结构度量学结合起来,从多维空间去观察温州光唇鱼的外部形态,进行多变量分析。对楠溪江鲤溪段、渠口段、小楠溪段的3个江段的温州光唇鱼形态特征进行了比较研究,发现小楠溪段鱼体体长和体重都明显小于其他2个江段的鱼体,存在显著差异,且鱼体呈异速增长。鲤溪段鱼类尾部更为细长,更适应流水方向迅速的变化,渠口段鱼类最为肥硕。 展开更多
关键词 溪江 温州光唇鱼 框架结构 形态度量学
作者 赵志英 施全华 《城市道桥与防洪》 2006年第6期133-136,共4页
关键词 精细管理 绿溪江3号桥 零缺陷 项目管理
The impact of geomorphology of marsh creeks on fish assemblage in Changjiang River estuary 被引量:1
作者 金斌松 许旺 +2 位作者 郭立 陈家宽 傅萃长 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期469-479,共11页
Tidal marshes are an important habitat and nursery area for fi sh.In the past few decades,rapid economic development in the coastal areas of China has led to the interruption and destruction of an increasing number of... Tidal marshes are an important habitat and nursery area for fi sh.In the past few decades,rapid economic development in the coastal areas of China has led to the interruption and destruction of an increasing number of tidal marshes.The growing interest in tidal marsh restoration has increased the need to understand the relationship between geomorphological features and fi sh assemblages in the design of marsh restoration projects.We studied temporal variations in,and the effects of creek geomorphological features on,the estuarine tidal creek fi sh community.Using modifi ed channel nets,we sampled fi sh monthly from March 2007 to February 2008 from seven tidal creeks along an intertidal channel system in Chongming Dongtan National Nature Reserve.Fourteen creek geomorphological variables were measured or derived to characterize intertidal creek geomorphological features.The Gobiidae,with 10 species,was the most speciesrich family.The most abundant fi sh species were Liza affi nis,Chelon haematocheilus,and Lateolabrax maculatus.The fi sh community was dominated by juvenile marine transients,which comprised about 80% of the total catch.The highest abundance of fi sh occurred in June and July,and the highest biomass occurred in December.Canonical redundancy analyses demonstrated that depth,steepness,cross-sectional area,and volume signifi cantly affected the fi sh species assemblage.L.affi nis favored small creeks with high elevations.Synechogobius ommaturus,Acanthogobius luridus,and Carassius auratus preferred deep,steep creeks with a large cross-sectional area and volume.These fi ndings indicate that the geomorphological features of tidal creeks should be considered in the conservation and sustainable management of fi sh species and in the restoration of salt marshes. 展开更多
关键词 intertidal environment habitat selection GEOMORPHOLOGY RESTORATION salt marshes Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary
An extra embryonic phase in the true freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense Bott,1967(Decapoda,Potamidae) 被引量:1
作者 吴惠仙 薛俊增 CUMBERLIDGE Neil 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期725-730,共6页
The true freshwater crabs(Crustacea,Decapoda,Brachyura) are highly adapted to life in freshwater and complete their life cycle entirely independently of sea water.All true freshwater crabs exhibit direct development a... The true freshwater crabs(Crustacea,Decapoda,Brachyura) are highly adapted to life in freshwater and complete their life cycle entirely independently of sea water.All true freshwater crabs exhibit direct development and lack the free-living larval forms(zoea and megalopa) typical of most other brachyurans.After a prolonged embryonic period(during which they pass through the typical brachyuran larval forms embryologically) the eggs of true freshwater crabs hatch to produce juvenile(hatchling) crabs.We provide here the first report and description of the continuous record of embryonic development from egg-laying up to hatching in the Chinese true freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense Bott,1967(Potamoidea,Potamidae).Direct development(complete secondary embryonization) in S.yangtsekiense was observed to take 77 days and to include an additional embryonic phase(termed here the egg-juvenile-crab) that occurs in the embryo between the imprisoned megalopa and the newly-emerged juvenile(hatchling) crab.This is significant because the only other freshwater crab whose embryonic development has been studied in detail is Potamon fluviatilis(Potamidae) which takes 45-47 days and involves only nine embryonic stages. 展开更多
关键词 true freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense embryonic development egg larvae
Key technologies for the construction of the Xiluodu high arch dam on the Jinsha River in the development of hydropower in western China 被引量:3
作者 Lu Youmei Fan Qixiang Zhou Shaowu Li Bingfeng Li Wenwei 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第2期16-28,共13页
Hydropower development in China is concentrated in the country's western regions.Among all the rivers in China,the lower course of the Jinsha River contains the richest hydro-energy resource,and therefore,4 mammot... Hydropower development in China is concentrated in the country's western regions.Among all the rivers in China,the lower course of the Jinsha River contains the richest hydro-energy resource,and therefore,4 mammoth hydropower plants are under construction on this particular section of the river at Wudongde,Baihetan,Xiluodu,and Xiangjiaba.The water-blocking structures of the hydropower facilities at Wudongde,Baihetan and Xiluodu are all arch dams of around 300 m high.In view of changes in the geological conditions at the foundation of the Xiluodu dam on the riverbed after excavation started,the designs of expanding foundation surface excavation and dovetailing the dam body and foundation rock on both upstream and downstream sides were introduced,allowing the arch dam and foundation to fit each other and improving the stress conditions of the dam body and foundation.By dividing the dam body into various concrete sections,the dynamic properties of concrete were adequately adjusted to the distribution of stress in the dam body.In addition,the use of the most optimal concrete material and mixture ratio allowed thermodynamics of concrete to satisfy the requirements of the strength,durability,temperature control and crack prevention of the concrete.Moreover,rigorous temperature control measures were introduced to prevent harmful cracking,thus enhancing the integrity of the arch dam.Furthermore,sophisticated construction machinery,scientific testing methods,and sound construction techniques were employed to ensure the uniformity and reliability of concrete placement.The "Digital Dam" for the Xiluodu project,which is based on the theory of total life cycle,has supplied strong support for construction process control and decision-making. 展开更多
关键词 high arch dam key technologies Xiluodu hydropower development
Changes during late-stage embryonic development from egg-juvenile to free-living hatchling in Chinese freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense (Decapoda, Brachyura, Potamidae)
作者 薛俊增 刘艳 +1 位作者 Neil CUMBERLIDGE 吴惠仙 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期542-551,共10页
This study expands on recent reports that direct development in the Chinese potamid freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense involves the completion of all brachyuran larval stages (nauplius, zoea, and megalopa) insi... This study expands on recent reports that direct development in the Chinese potamid freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense involves the completion of all brachyuran larval stages (nauplius, zoea, and megalopa) inside the egg case during embryonic development. Detailed studies of embryonic development in this species revealed the presence of an additional larval stage (the egg-juvenile) between the megalopa and the free-living hatchling crab. We described and compared the appendages of the head, thorax, and abdomen of the egg-juvenile with those of the hatchling crab in S. yangtsekiense. Significant differences were found between most of the appendages of these two stages with a soft exoskeleton in the egg-juvenile, no joint articulation, a slimmer appearance, and a lack of setae when compared with the newly emerged free-living hatchling crab. These modifications of the appendages are related to the confinement within the egg case of the egg-megalopa and egg-juvenile during direct development, and the need for the free-living hatchling freshwater crab to move, feed, and respire. In marine crabs, the megalopa gives rise to the first crab stage whereas in freshwater crabs the egg-juvenile follows the megalopa and immediately precedes the free-living first crab stage. 展开更多
关键词 Sinopotamon yangtsekiense freshwater crab embryonic development egg-juvenile hatchlingcrab appendage
Denitrification Rates and Their Controlling Factors in Streams of the Han River Basin with Different Land-Use Patterns 被引量:1
作者 S.P.JUNG Y.J.KIM H.KANG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期516-528,共13页
Land-use patterns can affect various nutrient cycles in stream ecosystems, but little information is available about the effects of urban development on denitrification processes at the watershed scale. In the present... Land-use patterns can affect various nutrient cycles in stream ecosystems, but little information is available about the effects of urban development on denitrification processes at the watershed scale. In the presented study, we investigated the controlling factors of denitrification rates within the streams of the Han River Basin, Korea, with different land-use patterns, in order to enhance the effectiveness of water resource management strategies. Ten watersheds were classified into three land-use patterns (forest, agriculture and urban) using satellite images and geographic information system techniques, and in-situ denitrification rates were determined using an acetylene blocking method. Additionally, sediment samples were collected from each stream to analyze denitrifier communities and abundance using molecular approaches. In-situ denitrification rates were found to be in the order of agricultural streams (289.6 mg N20-N m-2 d-1) 〉 urban streams (157.0 mg N20-N m-2 d-1) 〉 forested streams (41.9 mg N20-N m-2 d-l). In contrast, the average quantity of denitrifying genes was the lowest in the urban streams. Genetic diversity of denitrifying genes was not affected by watershed land-use pattern, but exhibited stream-dependent pattern. More significance factors were involved in denitrification in the sites with higher denitrification rates. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that clay, dissolved organic carbon and water contents were the main factors controlling denitrification rate in the agricultural streams, while dissolved organic carbon was the main controlling factor in the urban streams. In contrast, temperature appeared to be the main controlling factor in the forested streams. 展开更多
关键词 denitrifier communities denitrifying genes nutrient cycle stream ecosystem
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