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溶剂介质法制备碱式氯化镁晶须的工艺研究 被引量:1
作者 朱平华 王静文 《盐业与化工》 CAS 2014年第12期25-27,共3页
以氯化镁为原料,研究了溶剂介质法制备碱式氯化镁晶须的影响因素。详细考察了有机溶剂的种类、陈化时间和搅拌速度对氯化镁晶须复合材料制备的影响。根据SEM的测试图片结果显示,提出了制备氯化镁晶须复合材料的最佳工艺条件是:以乙醇为... 以氯化镁为原料,研究了溶剂介质法制备碱式氯化镁晶须的影响因素。详细考察了有机溶剂的种类、陈化时间和搅拌速度对氯化镁晶须复合材料制备的影响。根据SEM的测试图片结果显示,提出了制备氯化镁晶须复合材料的最佳工艺条件是:以乙醇为溶剂介质,搅拌速度120 r/min,陈化时间24 h。 展开更多
关键词 溶剂介质 碱式氯化镁 晶须
作者 关玮伟 黄旻 +5 位作者 张欢 游龙泰 冯利萍 杨敏 梅冬 王晓玲 《药学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期3198-3203,共6页
制备可用于临时调配的果味溶剂和混悬溶剂介质,考察两种介质载药前后的稳定性,并使用电子舌技术对临时调配后的混悬液进行口感评价。两种介质在影响因素试验、加速试验和长期试验条件下保持稳定。两种介质的外观性状均未发生改变。果味... 制备可用于临时调配的果味溶剂和混悬溶剂介质,考察两种介质载药前后的稳定性,并使用电子舌技术对临时调配后的混悬液进行口感评价。两种介质在影响因素试验、加速试验和长期试验条件下保持稳定。两种介质的外观性状均未发生改变。果味溶剂相对密度维持在1.053~1.075,pH稳定在4.2~4.5。混悬溶剂相对密度维持在0.999~1.022,pH稳定在4.0~4.5。将华法林钠片、螺内酯片等7种药品与这两种口服溶剂介质混合,分别进行含量均匀性和稳定性检测,结果显示加药后临时调配制剂能够均匀分散,理化性质稳定。口感评价结果显示在卡托普利组和水合氯醛组中,果味溶剂矫味效果最佳。在华法林钠组、利福平组、螺内酯组、维生素B1组和维生素B2组中均是复合溶剂矫味效果最好。 展开更多
关键词 临时调配 口服溶剂介质 稳定性 口感评价 儿童
作者 张颂培 刘英俊 《再生资源与循环经济》 2010年第2期35-37,共3页
关键词 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料 消泡减容 溶剂型热介质
增稠剂在弱溶剂型喷墨介质中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 张丽惠 陈月霞 盖树人 《信息记录材料》 2016年第1期44-47,共4页
关键词 溶剂喷墨介质 增稠剂
耐有机溶剂蛋白酶生产菌的筛选 被引量:5
作者 欧阳华勇 李冰峰 +4 位作者 权静 夏凡 沈建华 张光东 李晓规 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第28期13606-13609,共4页
由南京紫光精细化工厂污水中筛得一株耐苯微生物,且能大量分泌蛋白酶,经菌种鉴定,确认其为盐芽孢杆菌。该菌所产生的蛋白酶对脱脂奶粉蛋白质有较强的水解能力,产生的菌落透明圈与菌落直径比(R)为2.3,该菌能耐受苯、甲苯等多种有机溶剂... 由南京紫光精细化工厂污水中筛得一株耐苯微生物,且能大量分泌蛋白酶,经菌种鉴定,确认其为盐芽孢杆菌。该菌所产生的蛋白酶对脱脂奶粉蛋白质有较强的水解能力,产生的菌落透明圈与菌落直径比(R)为2.3,该菌能耐受苯、甲苯等多种有机溶剂。该菌所产蛋白酶粗酶的最适反应温度为50℃,最适pH值10.0,亚铁离子能有效提高其活性,且对含有50%(V/V)的苯、甲苯等多种有机溶剂具有良好的耐受性,可望将该酶应用于有机溶剂介质酶催化反应的生产工艺中。 展开更多
关键词 蛋白酶 盐芽孢杆菌 有机溶剂 有机溶剂介质酶催化反应
表面活性剂在制革准备和染色中的研究进展 被引量:3
作者 龚英 陈武勇 成康 《中国工程科学》 2009年第4期31-35,共5页
关键词 表面活性剂 皮革 准备工序 染色 溶剂介质
复合酶法制备乌桕梓油生物柴油工艺优化 被引量:7
作者 邹晓霞 杨江科 +3 位作者 刘云 徐莉 汪小锋 闫云君 《中国油脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期33-37,共5页
采用响应面法对复合酶Novozym435和Lipozyme TLIM催化乌桕梓油制备生物柴油的工艺条件进行了优化。通过SAS 9.0软件分析,获得最优工艺参数为:复合酶加入量Novozym 4352.52%、Lipozyme TLIM1.68%(基于油质量),反应温度40℃,叔丁醇加入量4... 采用响应面法对复合酶Novozym435和Lipozyme TLIM催化乌桕梓油制备生物柴油的工艺条件进行了优化。通过SAS 9.0软件分析,获得最优工艺参数为:复合酶加入量Novozym 4352.52%、Lipozyme TLIM1.68%(基于油质量),反应温度40℃,叔丁醇加入量41%(基于油体积),分子筛加入量5.5%(基于油质量),醇油摩尔比5.05∶1。在此条件下,生物柴油的转化率高达98.72%,与回归模型预测的最优条件下生物柴油转化率97.69%非常接近。 展开更多
关键词 乌桕梓油 生物柴油 有机溶剂介质 复合脂肪酶 协同效应
二氧化氯漂白技术的新发展 被引量:9
作者 马永生 安显慧 钱学仁 《中华纸业》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第8期11-14,共4页
关键词 二氧化氯漂白 高温 气相 快速 催化 有机溶剂介质
作者 曲大伟 《化工中间体》 2007年第10期5-6,14,共3页
关键词 对氨基苯甲酰胺 催化加氢 催化剂 溶剂 溶剂介质 催化剂负荷
固液界面双电层的理论计算模拟 被引量:1
作者 方亚辉 刘智攀 《电化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期32-40,共9页
固液界面双电层在电化学中处于核心地位.如何发展一个理论方法,在该方法的框架下计算双电层的平衡性质和动力学性质一直以来都是理论研究的难点和热点.本文总结了最近十几年第一性原理计算方法在计算双电层平衡性质和电催化反应的进展,... 固液界面双电层在电化学中处于核心地位.如何发展一个理论方法,在该方法的框架下计算双电层的平衡性质和动力学性质一直以来都是理论研究的难点和热点.本文总结了最近十几年第一性原理计算方法在计算双电层平衡性质和电催化反应的进展,如热力学方法、反应中心模型以及双参考方法.并进一步详细地阐述了基于周期性均匀介质溶剂化模型(DFT/CM-MPB)对于固液界面双电层的研究,该方法能够计算双电层的平衡性质(零电荷电势和微分电容)和表面相图,在此基础上能深入研究基元反应的电荷转移系数,并结合微观动力学推导出宏观的Tafel(电流-电势)曲线.并列举了该方法对于重要电化学反应(如氢电极反应)的应用实例. 展开更多
关键词 固液界面双电层 周期性均匀介质溶剂化模型 第一性原理 微分电容 电荷转移系数 Tafel动力学
电化学理论模拟方法的发展及其在铂基燃料电池中的应用 被引量:1
作者 李吉利 李晔飞 刘智攀 《电化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期59-73,共15页
电化学中的理论计算模拟对于从原子水平理解电化学过程中的机制至关重要,它可以弥补许多实验上无法解释的现象,如果能在原子尺度上确定理解反应的活性中心,得到电极或电催化剂结构的演变过程,建立反应的微观机理,从根本上解决电极氧化... 电化学中的理论计算模拟对于从原子水平理解电化学过程中的机制至关重要,它可以弥补许多实验上无法解释的现象,如果能在原子尺度上确定理解反应的活性中心,得到电极或电催化剂结构的演变过程,建立反应的微观机理,从根本上解决电极氧化和腐蚀的问题,提高电化学催化剂的活性和稳定性,从而设计更高效的电催化剂。然而,电化学的理论计算模拟中仍然存在诸多问题,例如,溶剂化效应的实现、电极/电解质(金属/溶液)界面之间合适的模拟模型和方法、电化学过程中的结构演化以及如何降低结构计算的计算代价等。在这里,我们回顾了电化学建模方法的最新进展以及我们小组通过使用修正的泊松-玻尔兹曼连续介质溶剂化模型模拟溶剂化效应对溶剂化效应和模型进行改进。同时为了减少计算代价,我们更关注机器学习在电化学模拟中的应用,主要分为两个部分,即通过快速对多种不同组分的能量进行计算并筛选出合适组分,但是无法得到实际的结构演变情况。另一个是通过快速结构取样得到不同组分不同的结构变化能够更为直观的获得结构的演变过程,从而揭示反应的机理。我们以本课题组开发的SSW-NN的方法为例,总结了基于机器学习的原子模拟在电化学方面的应用,介绍了SSW-NN,模拟电化学反应条件下电极和电催化剂的氧化和腐蚀,并阐明了催化剂结构的活性和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 连续介质溶剂模型 机器学习 SSW-NN LASP
Recovery of Copper(II) and Nickel(II) from Plating Wastewater by Solvent Extraction 被引量:17
作者 李立清 钟宏 +1 位作者 曹占芳 袁露 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期926-930,共5页
The solvent extraction technology, was applied to recover Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ from plating wastewater.Lix984N was chosen as the extractant due to-its gooff extraction performance. The influence parame-ters were examlned... The solvent extraction technology, was applied to recover Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ from plating wastewater.Lix984N was chosen as the extractant due to-its gooff extraction performance. The influence parame-ters were examlned. The results show that the separation of Cu^2+ and Ni" from sulphate medium can be realized by adjusting pH value with the help of Lix984N. For extracting Cu^2+ and Ni^2+, the optimal pH values are 4 and 10.5, and the maximal extraction percentages are 92.9% and 93.0%, respectively .With recovered Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ stripped in 170g.L^ -1 and 200 g.L^-1 H2SO4 medium, the stripping percentages of Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ are 92.9% and 93.0%, respectively. This method is simple and can be used to recover Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ from plating wastewater. And a flow sheet for separation of Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ is presented. 展开更多
关键词 RECOVERY COPPER NICKEL solvent extraction plating wastewater
Solvent Reorganization Energy and Electronic Coupling for Intramolecular Electron Transfer in BiphenyI-Acceptor Anion Radicals
作者 Jing-bo Wang Jian-yi Ma +2 位作者 Xiang-yuan Li Fu-cheng He Ke-xiang Fu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期45-54,共10页
A novel algorithm was designed and implemented to realize the numerical calculation of the solvent reorganization energy for electron transfer reactions, on the basis of nonequilibrium solvation theory and the dielect... A novel algorithm was designed and implemented to realize the numerical calculation of the solvent reorganization energy for electron transfer reactions, on the basis of nonequilibrium solvation theory and the dielectric polarizable continuum model. Applying the procedure to the well-investigated intramoleeular electron transfer in biphenyl-androstane-naphthyl and biphenyl-androstane-phenanthryl systems, the numerical results of solvent reorganization energy were determined to be around 60 k J/mol, in good agreement with experimental data. Koopman's theorem was adopted for the calculation of the electron transfer coupling element, associated with the linear reaction coordinate approximation. The values for this quantity obtained are acceptable when compared with experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 Nonequilibrium salvation Electron transfer Solvent reorganization energy Continuum model
Effect of Environment on Photo-detachment Dynamics of Halide Ions: A Model Approach
作者 Bikram Nath Chandan Kumar Mondal 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期30-38,I0001,共10页
A two dimensional model approach for the photodetachment dynamics of closed shell an-ionic systems in presence of external light field have been proposed in the context of polar environmental media. The effects of str... A two dimensional model approach for the photodetachment dynamics of closed shell an-ionic systems in presence of external light field have been proposed in the context of polar environmental media. The effects of strong coupling between the solvent polarization and the extra charge in the system were studied by a simple model. The electronic states of con-cerned halide ions are represented by a two dimensional model Hamiltonian with a potential V(x,y)=-V0e^-σ(x^2+y^2). The time dependent Fourier grid Hamiltonian method have been used to follow the detachment process with fairly high intensities of light. The environmental effects on the dynamics are sought to be modeled by two different ways. The first one was the presence of polar solvents which perturb the energy levels of anionic systems by changing the effective potential surface and the second one was allowing the fluctuation of the well depth randomly to mimic the system in a more realistic view point. The average detachment rate constant is calculated as a function of important parameters of the used light field to explain the effects of solvent field on the dynamical behavior of dipole bound anionic system at least in a qualitative way. 展开更多
关键词 Photodetachment dynamics Environmental effect Time-dependent Fourier grid Hamiltonian Stochastic deactivation
作者 郭馨梅 王嘉彦 《科技开发动态》 2004年第9期25-25,共1页
关键词 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料 溶剂型热介质 体积缩小 消泡技术
Predicting Solvent Concentration Profile in the Porous Media Using Various Numerical Solutions to Convection-Dispersion Equation
作者 Ali Abedini Farshid Torabi Nader Mosavat 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第7期409-419,共11页
Convection-dispersion of fluids flowing through porous media is an important phenomenon in immiscible and miscible displacement in hydrocarbon reservoirs. Exact calculation of this problem leads to perform more robust... Convection-dispersion of fluids flowing through porous media is an important phenomenon in immiscible and miscible displacement in hydrocarbon reservoirs. Exact calculation of this problem leads to perform more robust reservoir simulation and reliable prediction. There are various techniques that have been proposed to solve convection-dispersion equation. To check the validity of these techniques, the convection-dispersion equation was solved numerically using a series of well known numerical techniques. Such techniques that employed in this study include method of line, explicit, implicit, Crank-Nicolson and Barakat-Clark. Several cases were considered as input, and convection-dispersion equation was solved using the aforementioned techniques. Moreover the error analysis was also carried out based on the comparison of numerical and analytical results. Finally it was observed that method of line and explicit methods are not capable of simulating the convection-dispersion equation for wide range of input parameters. The Barakat-Clark method was also failed to predict accurate results and in some cases it had large deviation from analytical solution. On the other hand, the simulation results of implicit and Crank-Nicolson have more qualitative and quantitative agreement with those obtained by the analytical solutions. 展开更多
关键词 Convection-dispersion method of line EXPLICIT IMPLICIT Crank-Nicolson.
Liquid-Phase Catalytic Hydrogenation of Furfural in Variable Solvent Media
作者 夏淑倩 李阳 +2 位作者 商巧燕 张成武 马沛生 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第3期202-210,共9页
Water is the most abundant compound inherently existing in bio-oils. Thus understanding the role of water within bio-oils upgrading process is essential for future engineering scale-up design. In this study, furfural ... Water is the most abundant compound inherently existing in bio-oils. Thus understanding the role of water within bio-oils upgrading process is essential for future engineering scale-up design. In this study, furfural was chosen as bio-oils model compound, and the catalytic hydrogenation of furfural over commercial 5%, Ru/C catalyst was firstly investigated in a series of gradient variable water/ethanol mixture solvents. Water had a significant effect on the distribution of product yields. The dominant reaction pathways varied with the water contents in the water/ethanol mixture solvents. Typically, when ethanol was used as the solvent, the main products were obtained by the hydrogenation of carbonyl group or furan ring. When pure water was used as the solvent, the rearrangement reaction of furfural to cyclopentanone should be selectively promoted theoretically. However, serious polymerization and resinification were observed herein in catalytic hydrogenation system of pure water. The catalyst surface was modified by the water-insoluble polymers, and consequently, a relative low yield of cyclopentanone was obtained. A plausible multiple competitive reaction mechanism between polymerization reaction and the hydrogenation of furfural was suggested in this study. Characterizations(TG,FT-IR,SEM)were employed to analyze and explain our experiments. 展开更多
关键词 water FURFURAL catalytic hydrogenation POLYMERIZATION competitive reaction
红细胞分散对奥沙利铂体外溶血试验的影响研究 被引量:2
作者 张升 陈云祥 +5 位作者 陈颖 吴友苹 陈浩 顾利强 张城达 徐潘生 《中国医院药学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第20期2061-2065,共5页
目的:通过分散红细胞改良体外溶血试验方法,探索奥沙利铂临床与非临床相一致的溶血性结果。方法:在标准的体外溶血试验方案基础上,通过改变反应介质考察奥沙利铂的溶血结果;显微镜观察各试验方法中的红细胞分布,探索不同介质下体外溶血... 目的:通过分散红细胞改良体外溶血试验方法,探索奥沙利铂临床与非临床相一致的溶血性结果。方法:在标准的体外溶血试验方案基础上,通过改变反应介质考察奥沙利铂的溶血结果;显微镜观察各试验方法中的红细胞分布,探索不同介质下体外溶血试验机制;酶标仪检测溶血试验试管中上清液吸光度计算溶血率;通过温和摇晃方式改变奥沙利铂对红细胞的药物暴露。结果:以葡萄糖作为体外溶血试验介质时多类溶血制剂药物产生假阴性结果,在体外溶血试验中葡萄糖介质内红细胞发生细胞间黏附、聚集成团现象;通过持续温和摇晃方法,以葡萄糖为介质的奥沙利铂体外溶血试验产生阳性结果。结论:体外溶血试验使用葡萄糖为实验介质时,可以通过温和分散红细胞的方式充分暴露奥沙利铂与红细胞的接触,展示更为客观的溶血实验结果。 展开更多
关键词 奥沙利铂 体外溶血试验 红细胞分散 溶剂介质
新型室温熔盐电化学提取稀土金属Sm及其过程机制 被引量:4
作者 王立 张保国 +3 位作者 张维民 刘风国 张丽鹏 石忠宁 《稀有金属》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期594-600,共7页
针对传统室温熔盐价格昂贵、粘度大、电化学稳定性差等缺点,将Li NO_(3)引入高沸点有机溶剂1,3-二甲基-2-咪唑啉(DMI)中制备了一种新型阳离子溶剂化型室温熔盐([Li(DMI)_(n)]^(+)[NO_(3)]^(-))体系,具有电化学稳定性高、价格低廉等优点... 针对传统室温熔盐价格昂贵、粘度大、电化学稳定性差等缺点,将Li NO_(3)引入高沸点有机溶剂1,3-二甲基-2-咪唑啉(DMI)中制备了一种新型阳离子溶剂化型室温熔盐([Li(DMI)_(n)]^(+)[NO_(3)]^(-))体系,具有电化学稳定性高、价格低廉等优点。研究了以上游廉价Sm Cl3为原料从该新型溶剂化介质电沉积稀土金属钐(Sm)过程的若干物理化学问题。^(7)Li核磁共振(NMR)技术证实Li+是以溶剂化阳离子([Li(DMI)n]+)形式存在,二元DMI-Li NO_(3)体系可视作溶剂化介质。采用循环伏安(CV)技术研究了电沉积金属钐过程的电极反应机制,金属Sm的沉积是两步得电子还原过程;通过恒电位法制备了稀土金属Sm并通过扫描电镜-能谱(SEM-EDS)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)技术对沉积镀层进行了形貌和元素分析。提出一种溶剂冶金新技术路线,可为低碳、低成本常温电化学提取大块稀土金属及其中间合金提供科学依据和应用基础。 展开更多
关键词 金属钐(Sm) 熔盐电解 稀土金属 溶剂介质 溶剂冶金
Recyclable nanocellulose-confined palladium nanoparticles with enhanced room-temperature catalytic activity and chemoselectivity 被引量:1
作者 Juan Meng Yongzhuang Liu +3 位作者 Xiaochao Shi Wenshuai Chen Xianquan Zhang Haipeng Yu 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第3期621-630,共10页
We describe the synthesis of even-dispersed palladium nanoparticles(Pd NPs)confined within a cellulose nanofiber(CNF)matrix for developing a high-performance and recyclable catalyst.The CNF matrix was composed of CNF-... We describe the synthesis of even-dispersed palladium nanoparticles(Pd NPs)confined within a cellulose nanofiber(CNF)matrix for developing a high-performance and recyclable catalyst.The CNF matrix was composed of CNF-assembled mesoporous nanosheets and appeared as soft and hydrophilic foam.Ultrafine Pd NPs(∼6 nm)with high-loading(9.6 wt%)were in situ grown on these mesoporous nanosheets,and their dense spatial distributions were likely to generate nano-confinement catalytic effects on the reactants.Consequently,the CNF-confined Pd NPs(CNF-Pd)exhibited an enhanced room-temperature catalytic activity on the model reaction of 4-nitrophenol hydrogenation with a highest rate constant of 8.8×10^−3 s^−1 and turnover frequency of 2640 h The CNF Pd catalyst possessed good chemical stability and recyclability in aqueous media which could be reused for at least six cycles without losing activity.Moreover,chemoselective reduction of 3 nitrostyrene was achieved with high yield(80%–98%)of 3-aminostyrene in alcohol/water cosolvent.Overall,this work demonstrates a positive nanoconfinement effect of CNFs for developing stable and recyclable metal NP catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 NANOCELLULOSE deep eutectic solvents palladium nanoparticles catalysts nano-confinement
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