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醋酸乌利司他乙醇溶剂化合物热分解机理及动力学研究 被引量:2
作者 雷绒绒 朱亮 +2 位作者 沙作良 杨立斌 王彦飞 《中国抗生素杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期451-455,474,共6页
研究醋酸乌利司他乙醇溶剂化合物热分解机理以及动力学,为其储存与运输等过程的热条件的设定提供理论参考。利用非等温热重法对醋酸乌利司他乙醇溶剂化合物热分解过程中溶剂热脱除过程进行了研究。根据醋酸乌利司他乙醇溶剂化合物热重... 研究醋酸乌利司他乙醇溶剂化合物热分解机理以及动力学,为其储存与运输等过程的热条件的设定提供理论参考。利用非等温热重法对醋酸乌利司他乙醇溶剂化合物热分解过程中溶剂热脱除过程进行了研究。根据醋酸乌利司他乙醇溶剂化合物热重数据计算可得:醋酸乌利司他乙醇溶剂化合物晶胞中,1个醋酸乌利司他分子结合大约2.5个乙醇分子。热分解试验结果表明:醋酸乌利司他乙醇溶剂化合物在升温加热过程中,晶胞中所结合的溶剂分两个阶段进行脱离。第一个阶段失去0.4个乙醇分子,第二个阶段失去2.1个乙醇分子。基于不同热分解机理所对应的反应动力学机理函数,结合醋酸乌利司他乙醇溶剂化合物非等温热分解试验数据,分析、推测了醋酸乌利司他乙醇溶剂化合物热分解过程机理:分别为成核和生长,n=3/2;成核和生长,n=2,并计算得到了每一个阶段所对应的热分解动力学方程。 展开更多
关键词 醋酸乌利司他 乙醇溶剂化合物 非等温热重法 热分解动力学 热分解机理
磺胺嘧啶N-甲基吡咯烷酮溶剂化合物脱溶剂动力学 被引量:1
作者 孙佳 李想 +3 位作者 鲍颖 张美景 侯宝红 尹秋响 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期2349-2354,共6页
通过溶液结晶方法制备了磺胺嘧啶N-甲基吡咯烷酮溶剂化合物(SD-NMP),根据热重数据计算可知其中磺胺嘧啶(SD)和N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP)的摩尔比是1:2。采用热重分析、热台显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、粉末X射线衍射和傅里叶红外光谱对SD-NMP溶... 通过溶液结晶方法制备了磺胺嘧啶N-甲基吡咯烷酮溶剂化合物(SD-NMP),根据热重数据计算可知其中磺胺嘧啶(SD)和N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP)的摩尔比是1:2。采用热重分析、热台显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、粉末X射线衍射和傅里叶红外光谱对SD-NMP溶剂化合物脱溶剂过程进行了表征,发现SD-NMP溶剂化合物晶体脱除溶剂后产物与磺胺嘧啶晶体的晶习、晶型相同,磺胺嘧啶溶剂化合物的形成和溶剂的脱除是一个可互相转变的过程。基于不同的反应模型,对70、75、80、85℃下SD-NMP溶剂化合物的脱溶剂过程动力学数据进行拟合,计算得到活化能,结果表明几何收缩模型能很好地描述SD-NMP溶剂化合物的脱溶剂过程,对应的机理为相界面反应,其控制步骤为相界面的推进,与WET3理论一致。 展开更多
关键词 磺胺嘧啶 N-甲基吡咯烷酮溶剂化合物 结晶 化学过程 动力学模型 溶剂动力学机理
作者 李先朝 朱亮 +2 位作者 沙作良 王彦飞 杨立斌 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期456-460,共5页
以炔雌醇为原料,甲醇为结晶溶剂,通过冷却结晶制备炔雌醇甲醇溶剂化合物,用差示量热扫描仪(DSC)、X-射线粉末衍射仪(XRPD)以及热重(TG)对结晶产物进行表征,采用非等温热重法对炔雌醇甲醇溶剂化合物热分解过程中溶剂热脱除过程进行了研究... 以炔雌醇为原料,甲醇为结晶溶剂,通过冷却结晶制备炔雌醇甲醇溶剂化合物,用差示量热扫描仪(DSC)、X-射线粉末衍射仪(XRPD)以及热重(TG)对结晶产物进行表征,采用非等温热重法对炔雌醇甲醇溶剂化合物热分解过程中溶剂热脱除过程进行了研究,通过最小偏差法判定得到炔雌醇甲醇溶剂化合物热分解过程的反应动力学机理函数。结果表明,炔雌醇甲醇溶剂化合物热分解过程分三个阶段,运用KAS模型分析了三个阶段热分解动力学数据,获得了三个阶段的热分解机理函数。 展开更多
关键词 炔雌醇 非等温热重法 最小偏差法 甲醇溶剂化合物
作者 毛磊 王娟 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1999年第3期142-147,共6页
本文研究了丙酸倍氯米松及其醋酸乙酯和三氯-氟甲烷溶剂化物微粉在三氯-氟甲烷中的结晶生长行为,给出了结晶生长曲线并计算了结晶生长动力学参数,结晶生长的趋势及速度为丙酸倍氯米松>丙酸倍氯米松醋酸乙酯溶剂化物>丙酸倍氯米松... 本文研究了丙酸倍氯米松及其醋酸乙酯和三氯-氟甲烷溶剂化物微粉在三氯-氟甲烷中的结晶生长行为,给出了结晶生长曲线并计算了结晶生长动力学参数,结晶生长的趋势及速度为丙酸倍氯米松>丙酸倍氯米松醋酸乙酯溶剂化物>丙酸倍氯米松三氯-氟溶剂化物。15℃时丙酸倍氯米松及40℃丙酸倍氯米松醋酸乙酯溶剂化物的结晶生长动力学参数(K值)分别为0.1637um.min^-1及0.0138um.min^-1,同时观察并计算了最终平衡粒径,双冲程实验结果表明用丙酸倍氯米松,丙酸倍氯米松醋酸乙酯溶剂化物及丙酸倍氯米松三氯-氟甲烷溶剂微粉制备的定量气雾剂在深肺部的沉积为8%,54%及59%,在40%,75%RH条件下贮存两周后,降至2%,40%及57%。 展开更多
关键词 丙酸倍氯米松 溶剂化合物 三氯-氟甲烷 结晶生长动力学 晶体生长 动力学参数 气雾剂行为
酰基取代环戊二烯基镍化合物的合成 被引量:2
作者 娄兆文 《湖北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1992年第3期260-262,共3页
关键词 环戊二烯基镍 溶剂化合物 合成
环保溶剂型真空清洗机 被引量:1
作者 王勇 向建华 《热处理》 CAS 2006年第2期43-46,共4页
VCM系列环保溶剂型真空清洗机由真空清洗槽、真空蒸馏机、气液分离装置、真空泵、缓冲槽、控制柜等部件组成,采用碳氢化合物溶剂作清洗剂,在完全封闭条件下对工件进行清洗,具有安全、环保、清洗质量好、效率高、节能及运行成本低等优点... VCM系列环保溶剂型真空清洗机由真空清洗槽、真空蒸馏机、气液分离装置、真空泵、缓冲槽、控制柜等部件组成,采用碳氢化合物溶剂作清洗剂,在完全封闭条件下对工件进行清洗,具有安全、环保、清洗质量好、效率高、节能及运行成本低等优点,其应用推广具有良好的经济和社会效益。 展开更多
关键词 热处理 碳氢化合物溶剂 真空清洗
Ni(Ⅱ)-CVL/PVA变色膜的制备及性能研究 被引量:1
作者 黎晓杰 付海 +2 位作者 王天浩 成晓琼 龚维 《有色金属工程》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第2期40-49,共10页
利用溶液流延法,基于结晶紫内酯隐色体染料掺杂镍的六次甲基四胺配合物,添加到聚乙烯醇体系中,制备了随温度升高颜色多变的热致变色复合膜。通过SEM、EDS等手段对所得到的样品进行微观形貌和元素分布分析;并利用FT-IR、TG等手段表征配... 利用溶液流延法,基于结晶紫内酯隐色体染料掺杂镍的六次甲基四胺配合物,添加到聚乙烯醇体系中,制备了随温度升高颜色多变的热致变色复合膜。通过SEM、EDS等手段对所得到的样品进行微观形貌和元素分布分析;并利用FT-IR、TG等手段表征配合物与微胶囊结合作用,通过热色性测试表征复合膜颜色多样性和温度变化范围。结果表明,制备蓝色微胶囊的最佳合成条件为:醇溶剂化合物/显色剂/隐色剂的质量比为50∶3∶1;复配物/壁材的最佳质量比为1∶7;制备该复合膜其配合物与微胶囊的质量比为2∶1;复合膜颜色变化范围加宽,从蓝色(室温)、绿色、黄色到蓝紫色四种颜色依次变化;受醇溶剂化合物与配合物之间化学键的影响,复合膜的变色温度比微胶囊膜高;随着醇溶剂化合物熔点的升高,热稳定性升高;揭示了不同配比、不同醇溶剂化合物在热致变色膜中颜色变化的影响,并对变色机理进行了初步探讨。 展开更多
关键词 热致变色 溶剂化合物 微胶囊 配合物 氢键
作者 陶令峰 《武汉工程大学学报》 CAS 2013年第2期48-50,56,共4页
为避免使用醇类溶剂精制双磷酸盐类药物易导致的基因毒性风险和溶剂化合物问题,探讨双磷酸盐类药物的非醇类溶剂精制工艺.采用非醇类溶剂(丙酮和甲基异丁酮)分别对伊班膦酸钠和帕米磷酸钠进行精制,通过滴定法、气相色谱法(GC)等手段测... 为避免使用醇类溶剂精制双磷酸盐类药物易导致的基因毒性风险和溶剂化合物问题,探讨双磷酸盐类药物的非醇类溶剂精制工艺.采用非醇类溶剂(丙酮和甲基异丁酮)分别对伊班膦酸钠和帕米磷酸钠进行精制,通过滴定法、气相色谱法(GC)等手段测定了精制前后亚磷酸盐含量及产物的残留溶剂.结果表明,采用丙酮和甲基异丁酮的精制效果明显,其亚磷酸盐含量明显下降,残留溶剂均小于5 000mg/kg,丙酮和甲基异丁酮作为双磷酸盐类药物的精制溶剂具有较好的开发和应用价值. 展开更多
关键词 双磷酸盐 精制 基因毒性 溶剂化合物
《功能材料信息》 2014年第2期58-58,共1页
据物理学家组织网最近报道,美国俄亥俄州肯特州立大学和伊利诺斯州阿尔贡国家实验室合作,把活细菌和无生命的溶致液晶(LLCs,一种包含溶剂化合物在内的两种或多种化合物形成的液晶)结合在一起,开发出一种新型主动材料活液晶,有望提高... 据物理学家组织网最近报道,美国俄亥俄州肯特州立大学和伊利诺斯州阿尔贡国家实验室合作,把活细菌和无生命的溶致液晶(LLCs,一种包含溶剂化合物在内的两种或多种化合物形成的液晶)结合在一起,开发出一种新型主动材料活液晶,有望提高生物传感器性能,在疾病早期诊断方面很有前景。 展开更多
关键词 溶致液晶 开发 细菌 科学家 溶剂化合物 柔性 利用 国家实验室
基于高速逆流色谱的大极性海参多肽分离方法研究 被引量:2
作者 全凯军 段文达 +3 位作者 王玉 裴栋 黄新异 邸多隆 《天然产物研究与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期311-317,共7页
本文通过对HEMWat溶剂体系中28种常用溶剂系统单相以及整体极性进行系统分析,探讨了无法用常规J型逆流色谱实现对大极性化合物实现有效分离的原因。根据分析结果建立了一种以分离物质理化性质为基础选择潜在改性剂,样品在溶剂系统上相... 本文通过对HEMWat溶剂体系中28种常用溶剂系统单相以及整体极性进行系统分析,探讨了无法用常规J型逆流色谱实现对大极性化合物实现有效分离的原因。根据分析结果建立了一种以分离物质理化性质为基础选择潜在改性剂,样品在溶剂系统上相中的溶解程度为判断指标进行筛选逆流色谱溶剂系统改性剂,进而得到适宜的溶剂系统对大极性海参多肽样品进行系统分段方法。经过两步分离,共得到8个随极性分布的海参多肽片段,为海参多肽最佳活性物质的追踪和筛选提供了技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 高速逆流色谱 HEMWat溶剂体系:大极性化合物:海参多肽 样品前处理
Solvothermal synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline vanadium-chromium composite oxides and catalytic ammoxidation of 2,6-dichlorotoluene 被引量:5
作者 Yeying Huang Tingcheng Li +4 位作者 Qingliang You Xiangqian You Qian Zhang Daohong Zhang Guangyong Xie 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期1814-1820,共7页
Vanadium‐chromium oxides(VCrO)were usually prepared by high‐temperature solid‐state reactions;however,mixed phases were frequently produced and the morphology of the products was not well controlled.In this work,we... Vanadium‐chromium oxides(VCrO)were usually prepared by high‐temperature solid‐state reactions;however,mixed phases were frequently produced and the morphology of the products was not well controlled.In this work,we prepared amorphous VCrO precursors by using V2O5 and CrO3 and alcohols or mixtures of alcohol and water via solvothermal reaction at 180°C.The precursors were then calcined under nitrogen at various temperatures.The products were characterized by powder X‐ray diffraction,transmission electron microscopy,and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy.It was revealed that pure‐phase nanocrystalline orthorhombic CrVO4 was obtained when methanol or methanol/water was used as the solvothermal medium and the precursor was calcined at 700°C.The size of the CrVO4 crystals was around 500 nm when methanol was used,whereas it reduced significantly to less than 50 nm when a mixture of methanol and water was used.The sizes could be effectively tuned from 10 to 50 nm by varying the methanol/water volume ratio.To the best of our knowledge,this is the first report on the synthesis of pure‐phase CrVO4 nanocrystals.The nano‐CrVO4 showed almost the highest catalytic activity for the ammoxidation of 2,6‐dichlorotoluene to 2,6‐dichlorobenzonitrile among the reported bi‐component composite oxides,owing to its smaller particle size,larger specific surface area,and more exposed active centers. 展开更多
关键词 CrVO4 Nanocrystalline material Composite oxide Solvothermal synthesis AMMOXIDATION
Photoelectron Imaging of AgOCH3- and Ag-(CH3OH)x (x=l, 2)
作者 池超贤 谢华 +2 位作者 从然 唐紫超 周鸣飞 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期557-562,I0003,共7页
The AgOCH3- and Ag-(CH3OH)x(x=l, 2) anions are studied by photoelectron imaging as well as ab initio calculations. The adiabatic and vertical detachment energies (ADE and VDE) of AgOCH3- are determined as 1.29(... The AgOCH3- and Ag-(CH3OH)x(x=l, 2) anions are studied by photoelectron imaging as well as ab initio calculations. The adiabatic and vertical detachment energies (ADE and VDE) of AgOCH3- are determined as 1.29(2) and 1.34(2) eV, respectively, from the vibrational resolved photoelectron spectrum. The Ag-(CH3OH)l,2 anionic complexes are characterized as metal atomic anion solvated by the CH3OH molecules with the electron mainly localized on the metal. The photoelectron spectra of Ag-(CH3OH)x (x=O, 1, 2) show a gradual increase in VDE with increasing x, due to the solvent stabilization. Evidence for the methanol-methanol hydrogen bonding interactions appears when the Ag- is solvated by two methanol molecules. 展开更多
关键词 Silver methanol complex SOLVATION Photoelectron imaging Density functionalcalculation
Solubilization of small molecules from coal and the resulting effects on the pore structure distribution 被引量:11
作者 QIN Zhi-hong JIANG Chun +4 位作者 HOU Cui-li LI Xing-shun ZHANG Li-ying CHEN Juan JIANG Bin 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第6期761-768,共8页
The solubilization of small molecules from coal by solvent extraction and the resulting effects on the pore distribution of a low rank coal were studied. Samples were extracted, in succession, with petroleum ether and... The solubilization of small molecules from coal by solvent extraction and the resulting effects on the pore distribution of a low rank coal were studied. Samples were extracted, in succession, with petroleum ether and with CS2. Extract and residue fractions collected during the solubilization process were analyzed by FTIR and by surface area and porosimetry. The results show that an obvious inflection point exists that allows separating the dissolution sequence into stages. Small molecules are first extracted from the free state, then molecules trapped in micropores are extracted and, finally, molecules trapped in the coal-matrix network are extracted. This is indicated from the extraction yield curves. Chain-like carbonyl compounds, -OH (or -NH) containing compounds that are hydrogen bonded and phenolics dominate the petroleum ether extracts. Chain-like carbonyl components and ether compounds (aliphatic ethers and aromatic ethers) dominate the CS2 extracts. A solvent dissolution mechanism and the effect of small molecule extraction on the pore structure are put forward. Diffusion, dissolution, pore opening, pore shrinking or even collapsing caused by swelling, creating of new micropores, pore opening and, finally, colloidallization of some micropores occurs. In the later stages of the extraction the internal structure of the coal is colloidallized due to swelling and the pore number or volume is greatly reduced. 展开更多
关键词 COAL fractional extraction FTIR distribution of pores
ZnxCd1–xS quantum dot with enhanced photocatalytic H2-production performance 被引量:6
作者 Rongrong Gao Bei Cheng +2 位作者 Jiajie Fan Jiaguo Yu Wingkei Ho 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第1期15-24,共10页
H2 is an important energy carrier for replacing fossil fuel in the future due to its high energy density and environmental friendliness.As a sustainable H2-generation method,photocatalytic H2 production by water split... H2 is an important energy carrier for replacing fossil fuel in the future due to its high energy density and environmental friendliness.As a sustainable H2-generation method,photocatalytic H2 production by water splitting has attracted much interest.Here,oil-soluble ZnxCd1-xS quantum dot(ZCS QD)with a uniform particle size distribution were prepared by a hot-injection method.However,no photocatalytic H2-production activity was observed for the oil-soluble ZCS QD due to its hydrophobicity.Thus,the oil-soluble ZCS QD was converted into a water-soluble ZCS QD by a ligand-exchange method.The water-soluble ZCS QD exhibited excellent photocatalytic H2-production performance in the presence of glycerin and Ni^2+,with an apparent quantum efficiency of 15.9%under irradiation of 420 nm light.Further,the photocatalytic H2-generation activity of the ZCS QD was~10.7 times higher than that of the ZnxCd1-xS relative samples prepared by the conventional co-precipitation method.This work will inspire the design and fabrication of other semiconductor QD photocatalysts because QD exhibits excellent separation efficiency for photogenerated electron-hole pairs due to its small crystallite size. 展开更多
关键词 ZnxCd1-xS Solid-solution photocatalyst Photocatalytic H2 production Oil-soluble quantum dot Water-oil soluble quantum dot
Liquid-Phase Catalytic Hydrogenation of Furfural in Variable Solvent Media
作者 夏淑倩 李阳 +2 位作者 商巧燕 张成武 马沛生 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第3期202-210,共9页
Water is the most abundant compound inherently existing in bio-oils. Thus understanding the role of water within bio-oils upgrading process is essential for future engineering scale-up design. In this study, furfural ... Water is the most abundant compound inherently existing in bio-oils. Thus understanding the role of water within bio-oils upgrading process is essential for future engineering scale-up design. In this study, furfural was chosen as bio-oils model compound, and the catalytic hydrogenation of furfural over commercial 5%, Ru/C catalyst was firstly investigated in a series of gradient variable water/ethanol mixture solvents. Water had a significant effect on the distribution of product yields. The dominant reaction pathways varied with the water contents in the water/ethanol mixture solvents. Typically, when ethanol was used as the solvent, the main products were obtained by the hydrogenation of carbonyl group or furan ring. When pure water was used as the solvent, the rearrangement reaction of furfural to cyclopentanone should be selectively promoted theoretically. However, serious polymerization and resinification were observed herein in catalytic hydrogenation system of pure water. The catalyst surface was modified by the water-insoluble polymers, and consequently, a relative low yield of cyclopentanone was obtained. A plausible multiple competitive reaction mechanism between polymerization reaction and the hydrogenation of furfural was suggested in this study. Characterizations(TG,FT-IR,SEM)were employed to analyze and explain our experiments. 展开更多
关键词 water FURFURAL catalytic hydrogenation POLYMERIZATION competitive reaction
Easy removing of phenol from wastewater using vegetable oil-based organic solvent in emulsion liquid membrane process 被引量:4
作者 Norasikin Othman Norul Fatiha Mohamed Noah +4 位作者 Lim Yin Shu Zing-Yi Ooi Norela Jusoh Mariani Idroas Masahiro Goto 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期45-52,共8页
Phenol is considered as pollutant due to its toxicity and carcinogenic effect.Thus,variety of innovative methods for separation and recovery of phenolic compounds is developed in order to remove the unwanted phenol fr... Phenol is considered as pollutant due to its toxicity and carcinogenic effect.Thus,variety of innovative methods for separation and recovery of phenolic compounds is developed in order to remove the unwanted phenol from wastewater and obtain valuable phenolic compound.One of potential method is extraction using green based liquid organic solvent.Therefore,the feasibility of using palm oil was investigated.In this research,palm oil based organic phase was used as diluents to treat a simulated wastewater containing 300×10^(-6) of phenol solution using emulsion liquid membrane process(ELM).The stability of water-in-oil(W/O) emulsion on diluent composition and the parameters affecting the phenol removal efficiency and stability of the emulsion;such as emulsification speed,emulsification time,agitation speed,surfactant concentration,pH of external phase,contact time,stripping agent concentration and treat ratio were carried out.The results of ELM study showed that at ratio7 to 3 of palm oil to kerosene,5 min and 1300 r·min^(-1) of emulsification process the stabile primary emulsion were formed.Also,no carrier is needed to facilitate the phenol extraction.In experimental conditions of500 r·min^(-1) of agitation speed,3%Span 80,pH 8 of external phase,5 min of contact time,0.1 mol·L^(-1) NaOH as stripping agent and 1:10 of treat ratio,the ELM process was very promising for removing the phenol from the wastewater.The extraction performance at about 83%of phenol was removed for simulated wastewater and an enrichment of phenol in recovery phase as phenolate compound was around 11 times. 展开更多
关键词 Vegetable palm oil-based Liquid membrane Phenol removal Wastewater
作者 LI Aimin Zhang Quanxing +3 位作者 Liu Fuqiang Fei Zhenghao Zhang Gencheng Chen Jinlong 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 2001年第2期141-153,共13页
A water-compatible phenolic hydroxyl modified polystyrene adsorbent (AM-1) for adsorbing and removing phenolic compounds from aqueous solutions was prepared by covalent bonding of phenolic hydroxyl groups to the surfa... A water-compatible phenolic hydroxyl modified polystyrene adsorbent (AM-1) for adsorbing and removing phenolic compounds from aqueous solutions was prepared by covalent bonding of phenolic hydroxyl groups to the surface of porous polystyrene-divinylbenzene beads, this resin can be used directly without wetting process. A comparison of the sorption properties of the new resin and Amberlite XAD-4 toward four phenolic compounds, phenol, p-cresol, p-chlorophenol, and p-nitrophenol was made. The capacities of equilibrium adsorption of AM-1 for all four phenolic compounds increased around 20% over that of Amberlite XAD-4, which may be contributed to phenol hydroxyl group on the surface and the unusual pore distribution. At their dilute solution, the equilibrium adsorption capacities of AM-1 for phenol increased about 62% over that of Amberlite XAD-4, while equilibrium adsorption capacities of the other three phenolic compounds increased 4-35%, suggesting an advantage of AM-1 over Amberlite XAD-4 in the collection of phenol. Freundlich isotherm equations and isosteric adsorption enthalpies for the four phenolic compounds indicate a physical adsorption process on the Amberlite XAD-4 and AM-1 resins. Column studies for phenol show that AM-1 resin has excellent adsorption and desorption performance. 展开更多
关键词 Polymeric adsorbent Phenolic compound ADSORPTION SYNTHESIS Adsorption enthalpy.
《中国粉体工业》 2008年第5期48-48,共1页
美国通用汽车研发中心研制出了用声化学法制成钛金属粉末的技术。该技术利用超声波经过碳氢化合物溶剂,在接近室温温度下将碱金属制成悬浮胶体溶液。分散极细的金属胶体在空化作用下将四氯化钛还原成金属钛,工作温度接近室温。生成的... 美国通用汽车研发中心研制出了用声化学法制成钛金属粉末的技术。该技术利用超声波经过碳氢化合物溶剂,在接近室温温度下将碱金属制成悬浮胶体溶液。分散极细的金属胶体在空化作用下将四氯化钛还原成金属钛,工作温度接近室温。生成的亚微米颗粒被压实、烧结,还可借助短扩散距离生成合金。此项工艺仅需5道工序,而阿姆斯特朗工艺则需要10道工序。 展开更多
关键词 声化学法 钛金属粉末 金属钛 碳氢化合物溶剂
作者 Clay Boswell 《化工文摘》 2003年第3期55-55,共1页
在经历了两年的衰退之后,全球半导体行业在2002年年中得到了一定程度的恢复,这也意味着微芯片制造关键部件之一的光阻剂的市场需求将会回升。但具体使用的光阻剂的类型会有所改变,原来占统治地位的I-line和G-line光阻剂将结束它们的辉煌... 在经历了两年的衰退之后,全球半导体行业在2002年年中得到了一定程度的恢复,这也意味着微芯片制造关键部件之一的光阻剂的市场需求将会回升。但具体使用的光阻剂的类型会有所改变,原来占统治地位的I-line和G-line光阻剂将结束它们的辉煌,深紫外激光光阻剂将成为新的市场支撑力量。 展开更多
关键词 世界 光阻剂 市场分析 深紫外激光光阻剂 含光敏化合物溶剂
作者 毛卓寰 《中国科教创新导刊》 1999年第10期25-26,共2页
关键词 总统绿色化学挑战奖 碳氢化合物溶剂 表面活性剂 合成方法 活化剂 乙酸丙酸 SPINOSAD 1999年 造纸工业 废水处理
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