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作者 刘传磊 陈宇翔 +4 位作者 郭冠初 赵起越 姜豪 孙辉 沈本贤 《化工进展》 北大核心 2025年第1期184-191,共8页
硫醇类化合物是酸性天然气中普遍存在的有害组分,相较于硫化氢和二氧化碳,硫醇类化合物的酸性和反应活性较低,难以通过传统的胺洗脱硫工艺实现深度脱除。本研究采用基于COSMO-RS理论的溶解度预测方法筛选了对甲硫醇具有理想溶解性能的溶... 硫醇类化合物是酸性天然气中普遍存在的有害组分,相较于硫化氢和二氧化碳,硫醇类化合物的酸性和反应活性较低,难以通过传统的胺洗脱硫工艺实现深度脱除。本研究采用基于COSMO-RS理论的溶解度预测方法筛选了对甲硫醇具有理想溶解性能的溶剂,然后在小试吸收实验装置上评价了其对甲硫醇的脱除效率,进一步借助量化计算揭示了其高效吸收溶解甲硫醇的机制。结果表明,烷氧基丙胺化合物对甲硫醇具有较好的溶解性能;在气液比不高于250的吸收条件下,使用质量分数不低于20%的烷氧基丙胺溶液可将原料气中5%的硫化氢和933mg S/m^(3)(标准状况)的有机硫分别脱除至0和20mg S/m^(3)(标准状况)以下,净化气硫含量满足《天然气》(GB17820—2018)一类气指标要求;溶剂-溶质间弱相互作用分析表明,烷氧基丙胺通过较强的氢键作用和大面积范德华作用可高效捕获甲硫醇分子。 展开更多
关键词 天然气净化 甲硫醇 脱硫溶剂设计 烷氧基丙胺 相互作用
萃取溶剂分子设计的官能团预选 被引量:3
作者 杨晓光 宋海华 《化学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期10-12,23,共4页
提出一种萃取溶剂分子设计中预选官能团的新方法,可以有效地缩小分子设计问题的规模。这种方法首先将分子体系中分子相互作用能的概念推广到官能团溶液,再联系UNIFAC法的相互作用参数,得到官能团预选的分子判据;然后结合Gan i的官能团... 提出一种萃取溶剂分子设计中预选官能团的新方法,可以有效地缩小分子设计问题的规模。这种方法首先将分子体系中分子相互作用能的概念推广到官能团溶液,再联系UNIFAC法的相互作用参数,得到官能团预选的分子判据;然后结合Gan i的官能团预选经验规则,最终使萃取溶剂分子设计的官能团预选问题得到较好的解决。 展开更多
关键词 萃取溶剂分子设计 官能团预选 UNIFAC法
无水条件下的生物催化剂 被引量:1
作者 王凡业 薛文漪 《现代化工》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期67-68,73,共3页
关键词 生物催化剂 无水条件 催化剂设计 溶剂设计
酰胺功能化咪唑型离子液体的合成、性能及应用 被引量:9
作者 杨文龙 许丹倩 +3 位作者 刘宝友 罗书平 王炳涛 徐振元 《精细化工》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期737-742,共6页
合成了一系列含有酰胺片断结构的咪唑型离子液体,总收率达到51.8%~74.0%.用1HNMR、FTIR、元素分析、DSC、TG、黏度、溶解性和电化学等表征手段,对其结构组成和物理性质进行了全面的表征.结果表明:这些酰胺功能化咪唑型离子液体具有热... 合成了一系列含有酰胺片断结构的咪唑型离子液体,总收率达到51.8%~74.0%.用1HNMR、FTIR、元素分析、DSC、TG、黏度、溶解性和电化学等表征手段,对其结构组成和物理性质进行了全面的表征.结果表明:这些酰胺功能化咪唑型离子液体具有热稳定性高(在295.2 ℃以下不分解)、电化学窗口宽(4.0~ 4.2 V)、凝固点低(最低可达-76.5 ℃)等特点,并在极性溶剂中具有良好的溶解性.探讨了3-(N,N-二乙基氨甲酰基甲基)-1-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐(3a)离子液体在缩醛(酮)化反应中的应用,获得了比传统离子液体1-正己基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐(HeMImBF4)更优的反应结果,转化率相对提高2%~17%. 展开更多
关键词 功能化离子液体 '可设计'溶剂 酰胺 功能材料
环孢素A固体脂质纳米粒制备工艺优化 被引量:1
作者 严义 薛伟明 +3 位作者 任含玉 吕青 付运录 林雨 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期878-883,共6页
为了制备单分散性优良、形态规整且具有较高包封率的环孢素A固体脂质纳米粒,采用溶剂扩散法制备环孢素A固体脂质纳米粒。在水相中加入海藻酸钠以改善纳米粒形态和单分散性,利用Ca2+与载药纳米粒胶体溶液中海藻酸钠发生配位反应形成海藻... 为了制备单分散性优良、形态规整且具有较高包封率的环孢素A固体脂质纳米粒,采用溶剂扩散法制备环孢素A固体脂质纳米粒。在水相中加入海藻酸钠以改善纳米粒形态和单分散性,利用Ca2+与载药纳米粒胶体溶液中海藻酸钠发生配位反应形成海藻酸钙凝胶,在低离心转速下分离纳米粒并简便准确测定药物包封率。在单因素实验基础上,采用响应面设计优化载药纳米粒的制备工艺条件。结果表明,影响包封率显著因素为水含量和制备温度,在海藻酸钠用量0.1132 g、用水量52.77 mL、制备温度34.55℃优化条件下,纳米粒形态呈规整棒状,单分散性好,平均粒径为181.3 nm,平均包封率达82.45%。 展开更多
关键词 固体脂质纳米粒 环孢素A 甘油三硬脂酸酯 溶剂扩散法 响应面设计
Measurement and Correlation for Solubility of 2-Chloro-5-chloromethylpyridine in Different Solvents 被引量:2
作者 石晓华 李明 周彩荣 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第4期654-658,共5页
2-Chloro-5-chloromethylpyridine is a crucial intermediate of pesticides.Its solid-liquid equilibrium data will provide essential support for industrial design and further theoretical studies.The solubilities of 2-chlo... 2-Chloro-5-chloromethylpyridine is a crucial intermediate of pesticides.Its solid-liquid equilibrium data will provide essential support for industrial design and further theoretical studies.The solubilities of 2-chloro-5-chloromethylpyridine in water,methanol,ethanol,ethyl acetate,acetone,trichloromethane and toluene at different temperatures were measured using the synthetic method by a laser monitoring observation technique. The solubility data were correlated with the modified Apelblat equation and Wilson equation.The calculated values were in good agreement with the experimental values. 展开更多
Design and Operation of Batch Extractive Distillation with Two Reboilers 被引量:3
作者 华超 李鑫钢 +1 位作者 徐世民 白鹏 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第2期286-290,共5页
This paper proposes a modified operation mode of batch extractive distillation with two reboilers. The seoaration of ethanol and water using as ethylene glycol is well done to validate the feasibility, of this mode. T... This paper proposes a modified operation mode of batch extractive distillation with two reboilers. The seoaration of ethanol and water using as ethylene glycol is well done to validate the feasibility, of this mode. The pilot-plant experimental data under the identical operational conditions between the regular mode and the modified mode are in particular discussed. The studied results prove more practical advantages of tile.modified mode over the regular mode such as easier operation control, more flexibility and higher separation efficiency etc. So it suppues certain guidance for the industrial application of batch extractive distillation process. 展开更多
关键词 batch distillation extractive distillation two reboilers solvent recovery
Measurement and Correlation of Solubilities of Adipic Acid in Different Solvents 被引量:3
作者 毛治博 孙晓波 +2 位作者 栾向海 王钰 刘国际 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第3期473-477,共5页
Using a simple and reliable apparatus, the solubilities of adipic acid in water, ethanol, chloroform, n-butanol and acetone are determined by the analytic method. The results are correlated with λh equation, Apelblat... Using a simple and reliable apparatus, the solubilities of adipic acid in water, ethanol, chloroform, n-butanol and acetone are determined by the analytic method. The results are correlated with λh equation, Apelblat equation, and UNIFAC equation. The solubilities calculated by these models are in good agreement with experi-mental data, so that the models can meet the requirements of engineering design. 展开更多
作者 孟黎 《医药化工》 2005年第8期33-38,共6页
离子液体是指在室温或附近温度下成液态的,完全由阳离子和阴离子构成的盐,也称低温熔融盐。由于构成离子液体的这两种成分选择余地很大,因此可以按照使用者的需要,通过简单地变换离子构成的方法来控制它的熔点、粘度、密度、溶解性... 离子液体是指在室温或附近温度下成液态的,完全由阳离子和阴离子构成的盐,也称低温熔融盐。由于构成离子液体的这两种成分选择余地很大,因此可以按照使用者的需要,通过简单地变换离子构成的方法来控制它的熔点、粘度、密度、溶解性等,所以又被称为”设计者溶剂”。一般说来,离子液体具有良好的热稳定性、不可燃性、不挥发、不爆炸及低毒性, 展开更多
关键词 离子液体 设计溶剂 合成方法 热稳定性 不可燃性 低毒性 催化加氧反应 Heek反应 生物催化
PEO基锂硫二次聚合物电池 被引量:2
作者 李亚娟 詹晖 +1 位作者 黄可龙 周运鸿 《化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第18期1850-1854,共5页
分别对单质硫和PABTH(polyanthra[1',9',8'-b,c,d,e][4',10',5'-b',c',d',e']bis-[1,6,6a(6a-SⅣ)trithia]pentalene)在PEO(polye thylene oxide)基聚合物电解质中的电化学性能进行了研究.研... 分别对单质硫和PABTH(polyanthra[1',9',8'-b,c,d,e][4',10',5'-b',c',d',e']bis-[1,6,6a(6a-SⅣ)trithia]pentalene)在PEO(polye thylene oxide)基聚合物电解质中的电化学性能进行了研究.研究发现单质硫和PABTH在PEO基聚合物电解质中都存在放电产物溶解现象,说明醚基电解液即使以聚合物形式存在(如PEO基聚合物电解质)也不能有效抑制硫电极放电产物的溶解损失.因此,必须设计合成具有特定结构的电解质溶剂,以抑制硫电极放电产物的溶解.另外,硫及有机硫化物在PEO基聚合物电解质中的利用率较低,这主要是由于硫及有机硫化物不是离子导体,Li+在硫及有机硫化物中的扩散系数较低,同时,传输Li+的PEO分子量较大,Li+不能被有效传输至材料颗粒的内部.因此,全固态聚合物电解质不适合锂硫二次电池,液态小分子电解质溶剂更有利于锂硫二次电池发挥其高比容量. 展开更多
关键词 锂硫二次电池 容量衰减 聚合物电解质 PEO 溶剂分子设计
Formation of wavy-ring crack in drying droplet of protein solutions 被引量:3
作者 GAO MengNi HUANG XianFu ZHAO YaPu 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第7期949-958,共10页
The formations of desiccation cracks and their pattems in drying droplets of protein solutions are studied experimentally. The solvent evaporation causes the dehydration self-organization phenomenon in colloidal dropl... The formations of desiccation cracks and their pattems in drying droplets of protein solutions are studied experimentally. The solvent evaporation causes the dehydration self-organization phenomenon in colloidal droplets, followed by the formations of desiccation cracks. Two categories of highly ordered crack patterns, which we name "daisy" and "wavy-ring", are identified in the drying droplets. We explore the shifting of crack patterns from the "daisy" to the "wavy-ring" by varying the concentration of protein droplets. The results show that the concentration correlates with the pattern of deposition film directly, and modulates the periodicity of the crack pattern. We investigate the formations and periodicities of these two kinds of crack patterns, and obtain the scaling law of periodicity of the "wavy-ring" crack pattern. The relationship between the deposition pattern and the highly ordered crack patterns is also examined. This study will help in understanding the formation mechanisms of crack patterns in drying droplets of protein solutions and assist the future design of crack patterns in practical applications. 展开更多
关键词 coffee-ring effect spiral crack SELF-ORGANIZATION crack pattern DESICCATION
Energy decomposition analysis for intramolecular non-covalent interaction in solvated environment 被引量:1
作者 Peifeng Su Hongjiang Chen Wei Wu 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期1025-1032,共8页
In this work, the intra-EDA method, which is a recently developed energy decomposition analysis scheme for intramolecular non-covalent interaction is extended from gas phase to solvated environment. It is the first an... In this work, the intra-EDA method, which is a recently developed energy decomposition analysis scheme for intramolecular non-covalent interaction is extended from gas phase to solvated environment. It is the first analysis scheme that performs analysis for intramolecular interaction in solution. By fragmentation scheme, a molecule is divided into intramolecular interacting fragments and environmental fragments via single bond homolysis breaking. The solvent effect is taken into account by implicit solvation model. Intramolecular interaction free energy is estimated as the separated treatment of inter-fragment interactions in dielectric environment. The analysis results highlight the importance of solvent effects to intramolecular non-covalent interaction. 展开更多
关键词 intramolecular interaction solvent effects energy decomposition analysis
Improvement of electrocatalytic alcohol oxidation by tuning the phase structure of atomically ordered intermetallic Pd-Sn nanowire networks 被引量:1
作者 Zhengshuai Cao Xianzhuo Lao +6 位作者 Fahui Gao Min Yang Jing Sun Xuehua Liu Rui Su Jianyu Chen Peizhi Guo 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第10期2694-2703,共10页
Atomically ordered intermetallic compounds(OICs)have aroused remarkable interests for wide applications and are considered as very promising materials for electrocatalysis owing to the strict stoichiometry,well-define... Atomically ordered intermetallic compounds(OICs)have aroused remarkable interests for wide applications and are considered as very promising materials for electrocatalysis owing to the strict stoichiometry,well-defined atom binding environment,and the specific crystalline phase.However,the tunable synthesis of the intermetallics remains a giant challenge.Herein,this study reports the preparation of the Pd-Sn OICs composed of an interconnected nanowire network structure with adjustable molar ratios of elements Pd and Sn.The co-reduction of Pd(acac)_(2) and SnCl_(2)·2H_(2)O in ethylene glycol(EG)in the presence of sodium hypophosphite(NaH_(2)PO_(2))as the reducing agent affords OICs of three phases:hexagonal Pd_(3)Sn_(2-)P6_(3)/mmc,orthorhombic PdSn-Pnmb,and orthorhombic PdSn_(2)-Aba_(2).Also,the pure phase can convert to two mixed phases(Pd_(3)Sn_(2)/PdSn and PdSn/PdSn_(2))by just altering the feed ratio.It is found that orthorhombic PdSn-Pnmb OIC has a large electrochemically active surface area(ECSA),excellent electrocatalytic performance(4857 mA mg_(Pd)^(−1)),and outstanding stability toward ethanol oxidation reaction(EOR),which could be attributed to its optimal electronic structure.These results demonstrate that the phase engineering of OICs with desired components is an excellent way for catalysts design. 展开更多
关键词 PDSN intermetallic compounds alloy ELECTROCATALYSIS fuel cell
Regulation of excitation transit ons by molecular design endowing full-color-tunable emissions with unexpected high quantum yields for bioimaging application
作者 Feng Liu Shengliang Li +4 位作者 Ruihong Duan Shuhai Qiu Yuanping Yi Shu Wang Xiaozhang Zhu 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期418-426,共9页
Organic fluorophores are indispensible in chemical/biological imaging. The conjugated fluorescent molecules simultaneously possessing highly tunable emission, high quantum yield in solvents of different polarities, an... Organic fluorophores are indispensible in chemical/biological imaging. The conjugated fluorescent molecules simultaneously possessing highly tunable emission, high quantum yield in solvents of different polarities, and large Stokes shift are quite rare. Herein, we report a new category of fluorophores based on diarylated thieno[3,4-b]thiophenes efficiently synthesized by direct C-H arylation reaction. TbT-Fluors showed full-color-tunable emissions with large Stokes shifts. Intriguingly,the fluorescence quantum yields of TbT-Fluors are barely sensitive to solvent polarities, approaching 100%. Based on photophysical and theoretical investigations, we found that the enhanced oscillator strength of the S_1-S_0 transition and increased T2-S1 energy difference can sufficiently compensate the negative effect from the decreased energy gap and increased reorganization energy in dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO). Bioimaging applications revealed that some TbT-Fluors can penetrate the cell membrane and are superior for imaging in terms of high photochemical stability and low cytotoxicity. Furthermore, TbT-PhF exhibits specific colocalization with mitochondria in living cells. 展开更多
关键词 donor-aeceptors systems DYES thieno[3 4-b]thiophene fluorescence BIOIMAGING
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