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微细气泡吹脱法去除酸性溶气水中CO_(2)实验研究 被引量:1
作者 逯建秋 陈家庆 +3 位作者 郭靖 赵毅 叶帆 王小平 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期117-121,125,共6页
针对碳酸盐岩油田采出水中含有较高的溶解态CO_(2),致使水体pH呈弱酸性,造成管路和设备腐蚀、沿程水质不稳定等问题,结合气液相平衡和经典传质速率理论,在常规吹脱工艺的基础之上,采用气泡吹脱技术在室内去除模拟酸性溶气水中的CO_(2)... 针对碳酸盐岩油田采出水中含有较高的溶解态CO_(2),致使水体pH呈弱酸性,造成管路和设备腐蚀、沿程水质不稳定等问题,结合气液相平衡和经典传质速率理论,在常规吹脱工艺的基础之上,采用气泡吹脱技术在室内去除模拟酸性溶气水中的CO_(2)。结果表明:当气水体积比为0.6:1~1.0:1时,轴向旋流式微气泡发生器所产生气泡的60%以上均为微细气泡,显著高于相同气水比下SV型静态混合器所产生微细气泡的数量;当水的体积流量为1.2 m^(3)/h、气水体积比为0.8:1、注气压力为0.4 MPa、温度为21℃时,酸性溶气水中CO_(2)的脱除效率可达82%以上,能够实现在小气水比下对酸性溶气水中CO_(2)的快速高效脱除。 展开更多
关键词 吹脱法 微细 酸性溶气水 二氧化碳 脱除效率
氮气氧气在溶气水中的溶解过程研究 被引量:4
作者 韩健 《西安文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第4期87-91,共5页
在气浮工艺中,不同气源对溶气水的溶解量及溶解过程都不相同.针对氮气、氧气两种气体在溶气水中溶解量的差异,首先探讨了氮气、氧气分子结构的差异对其溶解的影响;其次,介绍了气体在水中的两种溶解形式:间隙填充和水合作用.提出有效间... 在气浮工艺中,不同气源对溶气水的溶解量及溶解过程都不相同.针对氮气、氧气两种气体在溶气水中溶解量的差异,首先探讨了氮气、氧气分子结构的差异对其溶解的影响;其次,介绍了气体在水中的两种溶解形式:间隙填充和水合作用.提出有效间隙度的概念,利用氧气和氮气各自的有效间隙度,以及氮气、氧气的水合常数,运用Matlab进行一系列拟合计算,得出氮气、氧气在不同温度下以两种形式溶解的量的变化规律.最后,分析了温度变化引起溶气水中间隙填充和水合作用量的变化的原因. 展开更多
关键词 间隙填充 合作用 溶气水
作者 欧宇钧 朱沫 +3 位作者 周艳 符显峰 孙悦 孙涛涛 《中国设备工程》 2024年第8期12-14,共3页
海上油田生产采出水处理指标要求高,紧凑型旋流气浮选器是其代表性设备。由于工况运行条件差、结构设计缺陷等问题造成部分设备处理效果不佳。首选分析了某平台的紧凑型旋流气浮选器,针对其堵塞问题提出了采用射流溶气管式微气泡溶气水... 海上油田生产采出水处理指标要求高,紧凑型旋流气浮选器是其代表性设备。由于工况运行条件差、结构设计缺陷等问题造成部分设备处理效果不佳。首选分析了某平台的紧凑型旋流气浮选器,针对其堵塞问题提出了采用射流溶气管式微气泡溶气水制备工艺,并进行了设备改造及验证;经过技术对比分析,发现其优势明显,工程适用性强;最后针对紧凑型旋流气浮选工艺设计提出了建议。本文研究为紧凑型旋流气浮选器的改进及优化设计提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 海上油田 生产采出 紧凑型旋流浮选器 溶气水
明珠号生产污水系统的微气泡旋流气浮选改造 被引量:1
作者 郑秋生 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期87-88,91,共3页
明珠号FPSO生产污水流程不稳定,加气浮选器效率低,抗波动能力差,难以保证最终出水含油达标。对现有气浮设备进行微气泡旋流气浮选改造,制备出气泡粒径为5~10μm的溶气水。通过调试,当运行流量为110~120 m^3/h,运行压力为50~80 k Pa,溶... 明珠号FPSO生产污水流程不稳定,加气浮选器效率低,抗波动能力差,难以保证最终出水含油达标。对现有气浮设备进行微气泡旋流气浮选改造,制备出气泡粒径为5~10μm的溶气水。通过调试,当运行流量为110~120 m^3/h,运行压力为50~80 k Pa,溶气水注入流量为1#罐体1.3~1.8 m^3/h、2#罐体2.0~2.5 m^3/h、3#罐体2.0~2.5 m^3/h、4#罐体2.3~2.8 m^3/h,溶气水注入压力为400~500 k Pa,浮选剂投加质量浓度为30~40 mg/L,清水剂投加质量浓度为15~20 mg/L时,能够在入口油质量浓度<100 mg/L的条件下使出口油质量浓度<30 mg/L;当入口油质量浓度>100mg/L时,除油率>70%。 展开更多
关键词 泡旋流 溶气水 油田污
作者 王志森 王玉才 傅蕾 《黑龙江造纸》 北大核心 1995年第2期9-10,共2页
目前在我国造纸行业中,白水回收一般有三种方法。一种为重力沉降法,即把白水输送到大塔或池中,利用重力沉降原理使纤维和水分离,为了增加沉降面积,在塔顶端或池上边加斜板;增加沉降面积,使沉降效率得到提高。第二种为真空过滤法,即从国... 目前在我国造纸行业中,白水回收一般有三种方法。一种为重力沉降法,即把白水输送到大塔或池中,利用重力沉降原理使纤维和水分离,为了增加沉降面积,在塔顶端或池上边加斜板;增加沉降面积,使沉降效率得到提高。第二种为真空过滤法,即从国外引进的多圆盘过滤机(目前我国也已生产),利用负压将纤维吸附在套有很多转鼓表面的网子表面上,用水冲下纤维。第三种就是本文所说的气浮法,即人为生产出含有极细密气泡的溶气水,加入到要处理的白水中,白水中的细小纤维粘附于小气泡上,随着这些细密的气泡释放上浮而带到池表面,然后定时把气浮浆刮到浆池里。此项技术是70年代末由日本引进的,首先由上海交大、上海轻工设计院与苏州华盛造纸厂联合试验成功,迅速在全国得到推广。我们工厂从1982年开始,先后有3套气浮法白水回收系统投入使用,取得很大的效果和可观的经济效益。经过10多年使用实践,总结出使用好气浮法白水回收的以下几个关键问题。 展开更多
关键词 浮法 回收 造纸 溶气水质量 处理
纸机白水气浮回收纤维的现状与改进 被引量:1
作者 曾振声 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 1998年第1期12-14,共3页
关键词 溶气水 造纸机 回收纤维 处理
混凝气浮法处理废纸脱墨废水 被引量:1
作者 许达生 《轻工环保》 1996年第1期19-21,共3页
关键词 废纸脱墨废 浮装置 造纸工业 絮凝剂 溶气水
作者 范跃华 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS 1982年第4期495-500,共6页
关键词 溶气水 设计参数 回流比 汽缸 动元件 效率
油田采出水一体化处理工艺在新疆油田的应用 被引量:6
作者 李远朋 曲鹏 +2 位作者 侯丽娜 陈涛 孙涛涛 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期144-147,共4页
关键词 采出 溶气水
南堡油田加气浮选器改造措施研究及应用 被引量:3
作者 马兆峰 李嘉 +2 位作者 李波 周万德 高鹏 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期87-89,共3页
作为污水处理系统的第二级处理设备,加气浮选器设备内外部结构存在不合理现象,处理能力远没有达到设计能力,无法适应上游流量和含油的大幅波动,也影响了下游设备的正常运行和注水水质的达标。南堡油田通过摸清设备问题所在,实施了一系... 作为污水处理系统的第二级处理设备,加气浮选器设备内外部结构存在不合理现象,处理能力远没有达到设计能力,无法适应上游流量和含油的大幅波动,也影响了下游设备的正常运行和注水水质的达标。南堡油田通过摸清设备问题所在,实施了一系列有效的改造,大幅提高了加气浮选器的除油能力,增强了流程抗波动能力,达到了预期的改造目的。 展开更多
关键词 稠油油田 含油污 浮选器 溶气水
作者 何京 《造纸化学品》 CAS 2003年第2期47-48,共2页
关键词 超效浅层浮器 新技术 回收 纸机 技术特点 造纸 溶气水
《中国新技术新产品》 1995年第1期81-81,共1页
该设备采用特别设计的高效喷射器,在密闭条件下进行正压操作,首先使天然气溶于水中,制成含有无数高度分散的微小气泡的溶气水,当溶气水在污水中遇到石油类和悬浮物等杂质时,其中的微小气泡附着在油珠和悬浮物上,使其整体比重小于水的比... 该设备采用特别设计的高效喷射器,在密闭条件下进行正压操作,首先使天然气溶于水中,制成含有无数高度分散的微小气泡的溶气水,当溶气水在污水中遇到石油类和悬浮物等杂质时,其中的微小气泡附着在油珠和悬浮物上,使其整体比重小于水的比重,并随微小气泡的上升托浮到水面,从而达到固液分离的目的。主要应用于油田开采出的高浓度含油污水的回注处理及其他工业污水的净化处理。在建设投资、占地、处理效果、运行费用、环(?) 展开更多
关键词 溶气水 悬浮物 密闭条件 喷射器 天然 固液分离 正压操作 含油污 石油类 油田开采
作者 王潇 代齐加 《化工管理》 2022年第4期141-143,共3页
气浮选器作为海上油田生产污水处理系统的中间设备,对上游来水进一步处理,减轻后续的过滤处理压力,保证终端注水水质,发挥重要作用。某海上油田气浮选器进行水处理后效果不佳,关键原因在于其核心装置微气泡的工艺性能不满足要求,导致气... 气浮选器作为海上油田生产污水处理系统的中间设备,对上游来水进一步处理,减轻后续的过滤处理压力,保证终端注水水质,发挥重要作用。某海上油田气浮选器进行水处理后效果不佳,关键原因在于其核心装置微气泡的工艺性能不满足要求,导致气浮选器出口水质不达标,影响油田地层水回注。通过对微气泡工艺进行全面的优化提升,从原始设计到生产运行的全过程治理,有效提升了生产污水水质处理。 展开更多
关键词 浮选器 溶气水 优化改造
作者 蒋忠道 《造纸信息》 1996年第11期19-19,共1页
据河北省承德县造纸厂介绍,该厂采用上海同济大学科研成果“回收和利用纸机白水的工艺装置——IDAE-Ⅱ型射流加压溶气浮上技术装备”获得成功。 1.JDAE-Ⅱ型原理 该项装备是气浮油处理污水的换代设备。即用溶气水和白水混和。
关键词 溶气水 纸机白 地下资源 经济效益 科研成果 悬浮物 射流加压 承德县 同济大学 封闭循环
Carbon dioxide partial pressure and carbon fluxes of air-water interface in Taihu Lake, China 被引量:2
作者 范成新 胡维平 +3 位作者 Phillip W. Ford 陈宇炜 瞿文川 张路 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期29-38,共10页
To obtain carbon dioxide (CO2) flux between water-air interface of Taihu lake, monthly water samplers at 14 sites and the local meteorological data of the lake were collected and analyzed in 1998. Carbon dioxide par... To obtain carbon dioxide (CO2) flux between water-air interface of Taihu lake, monthly water samplers at 14 sites and the local meteorological data of the lake were collected and analyzed in 1998. Carbon dioxide partial pressures (pCO2) at air-water interface in the lake were calculated using alkalinity, pH, ionic strength, active coefficient, and water temperature. The carbon fluxes at different sublakes and areas were estimated by concentration gradient between water and air in consideration of Schmidt numbers of 600 and daily mean windspeed at 10 m above water surface. The results indicated that the mean values of pCO2 in Wuli Lake,Meiliang Bay, hydrophyte area, west littoral zone, riverine mouths, and the open lake areas were 1 807.8±1 071.4(mean±standard deviation)μatm (latm=1.013 25×10^5pa), 416.3±217.0μatm, 576.5±758.8μatm, 304.2±9.43.5μatm, 1 933.6±1 144.7 μatm, and 448.5±202.6μatm, respectively. Maximum and minimum pCO2 values were found in the hypertrophic (4 053.7μatm) and the eutrophic (3.2 μatm) areas. The riverine mouth areas have the maximum fluxes (82.0±62.8 mmol/m^2a). But there was no significant difference between eutrophic and mesotrophic areas in pCO2 and the flux of CO2. The hydrophyte area, however, has the minimum (--0.58±12.9mmol/m^2a). In respect to CO2 equilibrium, input of the rivers will obviously influence inorganic carbon distribution in the riverine estuary. For example, the annual mean CO2 flux in Zhihugang River estuary was 19 times of that in Meiliang Bay, although the former is only a part of the latter. The sites in the body of the lake show a clear seasonal cycle with pCO2 higher than atmospheric equilibrium in winter, and much lower than atmospheric in summer due to CO2 consumption by photosynthesis. The CO2 amount of the net annual evasion that enters the atmosphere is 28.42×10^4 t/a, of which those from the west littoral zone and the open lake account for 53.8% and 36.7%, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 carbon dioxide partial pressure air-water interface carbon flux trophic area river input Taihu Lake
Response of Mode Water and Subtropical Countercurrent to Greenhouse Gas and Aerosol Forcing in the North Pacific 被引量:3
作者 WANG Liyi LIU Qinyu +1 位作者 XU Lixiao XIE Shang-Ping 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2013年第2期222-229,共8页
The response of the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water and Subtropical Countercurrent (STCC) to changes in greenhouse gas (GHG) and aerosol is investigated based on the 20th-century historical and single-forcing sim... The response of the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water and Subtropical Countercurrent (STCC) to changes in greenhouse gas (GHG) and aerosol is investigated based on the 20th-century historical and single-forcing simulations with the Geo-physical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Climate Model version 3 (GFDL CM3). The aerosol effect causes sea surface temperature (SST) to decrease in the mid-latitude North Pacific, especially in the Kuroshio Extension region, during the past five decades (1950-2005), and this cooling effect exceeds the warming effect by the GHG increase. The STCC response to the GHG and aerosol forcing are opposite. In the GHG (aerosol) forcing run, the STCC decelerates (accelerates) due to the decreased (increased) mode waters in the North Pacific, resulting from a weaker (stronger) front in the mixed layer depth and decreased (increased) subduction in the mode water formation region. The aerosol effect on the SST, mode waters and STCC more than offsets the GHG effect. The response of SST in a zonal band around 40?N and the STCC to the combined forcing in the historical simulation is similar to the response to the aerosol forcing. 展开更多
关键词 North Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent mode water greenhouse gas AEROSOL
Role of Black Carbon-Induced Changes in Snow Albedo in Predictions of Temperature and Precipitation during a Snowstorm 被引量:8
作者 ZHANG Ying LIAO Hong +1 位作者 ZHU Ke-Feng and YIN Yan 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2009年第4期230-236,共7页
In this study the authors apply the chemistry version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF-Chem) to examine the impacts of black carbon (BC)-induced changes in snow albedo on simulated temperature an... In this study the authors apply the chemistry version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF-Chem) to examine the impacts of black carbon (BC)-induced changes in snow albedo on simulated temperature and precipitation during the severe snowstorm that occurred in southern China during 0800 26 January to 0800 29 January 2008 (Note that all times are local time except when otherwise stated). Black carbon aerosol was simulated online within the WRF-Chem. The model resuits showed that surface-albedo, averaged over 27-28 January, can be reduced by up to 10% by the deposition of BC. As a result, relative to a simulation that does not consider deposition of BC on snow/ice, the authors predicted surface air temperatures during 27-28 January can differ by -1.95 to 2.70 K, and the authors predicted accumulated precipitation over 27-28 January can differ by -2.91 to 3.10 mm over Areas A and B with large BC deposition. Different signs of changes are determined by the feedback of clouds and by the availability of water vapor in the atmosphere. 展开更多
关键词 Black carbon snow albedo WEATHER
Effects of Soluble Ions on Hydration of Calcined Flue Gas Desulphurization Gypsum 被引量:3
作者 Fu-xing Lin Yan-chi Zhong +3 位作者 Shu-feng Yan Bi-fan Lin Jian-hua Wang Zhi-zhong Su 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第6期764-768,I0003,共6页
The influence of various water soluble cations(K^+,Na^+,Ca^2+,Mg^2+)on the hydration of calcined flue gas desulphurization gypsum was investigated.The results show that all cations but Ca^2+can accelerate the hydratio... The influence of various water soluble cations(K^+,Na^+,Ca^2+,Mg^2+)on the hydration of calcined flue gas desulphurization gypsum was investigated.The results show that all cations but Ca^2+can accelerate the hydration of bassanite.The final crystal size is not largely influenced by different salts,except for Na^+,where the giant crystal with length of>130μm is observed.Current study clarifies the influence of different ions on the hydration of bassanite,which could provide sufficient guide for the pre-treatment of original flue gas desulphurization gypsum before actual application. 展开更多
关键词 BASSANITE Flue gas desulphurization HYDRATION Soluble ions
Estimating Hydrogeological Parameters in Covered Carbonate Rocks Using a Discrete-State Compartment Model and Environmental Tritium 被引量:1
作者 马志远 周寅康 Matthias Hinderer 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2002年第1期30-34,共5页
Nowadays, isotope environmental technique tends to be used as a reconnaissance tool , both qualitative and quantitative, to calculate the aquifer parameters particularly in carbonate rock aquifers. But, the hetero... Nowadays, isotope environmental technique tends to be used as a reconnaissance tool , both qualitative and quantitative, to calculate the aquifer parameters particularly in carbonate rock aquifers. But, the heterogeneous flow is still problematic when Lumped parameter Models are usually used to calculate the residence times and hydraulic parameters. However, Discrete State Compartment Model can provide a powerful model to heterogeneous medium. One such study was carried on in Dazha valley, where the environmental tritium was used as a tracer for determining hydrogeological parameters based on a discrete state compartment model 展开更多
关键词 discrete state compartment model environmental tritium covered carbonate rocks hydraulic parameters residence time concentration of tritium tracer
Treatment of Dimethoate Aqueous Solution by Using Ultrasonic Airlift Loop Reactor 被引量:8
作者 刘越男 金栋 +1 位作者 吕效平 韩萍芳 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第3期361-364,共4页
Ultrasonic airlift loop reactor (UALR) shows potential and wide application for wastewater treatment. In this paper the performance and efficiency of UALR in dimethoate degradation were presented. The effects of O3 ... Ultrasonic airlift loop reactor (UALR) shows potential and wide application for wastewater treatment. In this paper the performance and efficiency of UALR in dimethoate degradation were presented. The effects of O3 flow rate, ultrasonic intensity and initial concentration of dimethoate on degradation rate were investigated. UALR imposed a synergistic effect combining sonochemical merit with high O3 transfer rate. The results showed that UALR not only increased degradation rate, but also was better than the simole sum of degradation by O3 and ultrasound separately. Under the operation conditions of O3 flow of 0.34 m^3·h^-1, ultrasonic intensity 3.71 W.cm^-2, and initial concentration of dimethoate at 20 mg·L^- 1, the degradation rate of dimethoate increased to 80%. UALR seems an advisable choice for treating organic wastewater and this process may have wide application prospect in industry. 展开更多
关键词 DIMETHOATE ULTRASOUND airlift loop reactor O3 synergistic effect DEGRADATION
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