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滑皮金桔糖度的近红外光谱无损检测技术 被引量:9
作者 黎新荣 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期838-843,共6页
【目的】采用近红外光谱技术对滑皮金桔的糖度开展无损检测技术研究,为今后实现滑皮金桔在线糖度品质分级分选提供参考依据。【方法】以NIR Magic 1100型便携式果品近红外光谱分析仪为主要研究设备,对采集的滑皮金桔光谱分别进行S-G卷... 【目的】采用近红外光谱技术对滑皮金桔的糖度开展无损检测技术研究,为今后实现滑皮金桔在线糖度品质分级分选提供参考依据。【方法】以NIR Magic 1100型便携式果品近红外光谱分析仪为主要研究设备,对采集的滑皮金桔光谱分别进行S-G卷积平滑(SG-smooth)、标准正态变量变换(SNV)和多元散射校正(MSC)处理,结合偏最小二乘法建立滑皮金桔糖度预测模型并进行验证。【结果】建模的最佳光谱波段为720~920 nm;光谱采用SG-smooth处理后建立模型的校正集相关系数为0.9531,校正集均方根误差为0.6436,相对分析误差为3.55,均优于采用SNV和MSC处理建立的模型效果。对预测模型进行验证显示,糖度预测值与实际值的相关系数为0.9582,均方根误差为0.5187,相对分析误差为3.24。【结论】采用近红外光谱快速检测滑皮金桔糖度可行,建立的预测模型稳定性好、精度较高,可为滑皮金桔在线分选及无损检测设备的开发提供技术参考。 展开更多
关键词 滑皮金桔 糖度 近红外光谱 S-G卷积平滑 偏最小二乘法
碧护+噻苯隆在融安滑皮金桔上的应用研究初报 被引量:4
作者 吴伦忠 龙桂光 +1 位作者 莫亿伟 吴玉斌 《中国园艺文摘》 2016年第4期27-28,共2页
广西融安县是中国金桔之乡,其特产滑皮金桔品种在生产中存在1、2次花难以自然正常坐果问题。正常条件下,只有1、2次花所坐果实才能健康发育成为受市场欢迎的较大、较为圆整美观果实,因此,必须采用特殊植物生长调节剂予以调控向成花坐果... 广西融安县是中国金桔之乡,其特产滑皮金桔品种在生产中存在1、2次花难以自然正常坐果问题。正常条件下,只有1、2次花所坐果实才能健康发育成为受市场欢迎的较大、较为圆整美观果实,因此,必须采用特殊植物生长调节剂予以调控向成花坐果方向改善。使用碧护+噻苯隆,对融安滑皮金桔1、2次花生理发育调控进行应用研究,结果表明,对滑皮金桔1、2次花坐果率及果品品质均具有较明显的提高。 展开更多
关键词 滑皮金桔 碧护 噻苯隆 大果率 果品品质
高温处理对采收期滑皮金桔叶片柑橘红蜘蛛虫口数量的影响 被引量:1
作者 吴齐仟 陈文革 +3 位作者 黄祖全 翁新辉 王植馥 蓝群 《黑龙江农业科学》 2019年第8期65-69,共5页
融安滑皮金桔成熟期覆膜留树保鲜条件下易受柑橘红蜘蛛危害,为防治金桔果实成熟期柑橘红蜘蛛危害,对覆膜增温电热器辅助加温方式设置了34,38,42℃三个处理温度,每天处理4h,分别处理1,3,5d,并在处理后第5、第10和第15天调查每10片叶的虫... 融安滑皮金桔成熟期覆膜留树保鲜条件下易受柑橘红蜘蛛危害,为防治金桔果实成熟期柑橘红蜘蛛危害,对覆膜增温电热器辅助加温方式设置了34,38,42℃三个处理温度,每天处理4h,分别处理1,3,5d,并在处理后第5、第10和第15天调查每10片叶的虫口数量,探讨覆膜环境下,不同处理温度和时间对柑橘红蜘蛛(Panonychus citri McGregor)虫口数量的影响。结果表明:在34℃温度下,连续处理5d时,在第15天能降低虫口数量达80%以上;在38和42℃条件下,只需处理1d,在处理后第10天,均能降低虫口数量达90%以上,且虫口数量降低率随着连续处理天数延长而增加。覆膜增温至34℃以上并维持一定时间就能显著降低滑皮金桔成熟期柑橘红蜘蛛数量,减轻柑橘红蜘蛛对融安滑皮金桔的危害,提高果实的外观品质。 展开更多
关键词 滑皮金桔 高温处理 柑橘红蜘蛛 虫口数
水分胁迫对融安滑皮金桔1、2次花发育影响研究初报 被引量:1
作者 吴伦忠 龙桂光 +1 位作者 莫亿伟 吴磊 《中国园艺文摘》 2016年第5期35-35,50,共2页
关键词 滑皮金桔 花发育 坐果影响 融安
融安滑皮金桔果形指数设计研究初报 被引量:3
作者 吴伦忠 韦勋海 +3 位作者 龙鸿鹄 门杏花 覃昔玲 吴磊 《中国园艺文摘》 2017年第2期35-36,共2页
为实现国家地理标志保护产品——融安滑皮金桔生产的规范化、标准化,对其生产按照HACCP质量控制体系标准来考核评价各生产环节,以常规的保花保果及膨果技术管理为对照,以碧护生态健康平衡管理技术为示范研究模型,分别进行管理观察、果... 为实现国家地理标志保护产品——融安滑皮金桔生产的规范化、标准化,对其生产按照HACCP质量控制体系标准来考核评价各生产环节,以常规的保花保果及膨果技术管理为对照,以碧护生态健康平衡管理技术为示范研究模型,分别进行管理观察、果形指数研究设计,以此为标准指标,提供企业标准设计基础数据。结果表明:碧护健康管理技术可以获得果形圆正,具有融安滑皮金桔固有特征的外观形状。 展开更多
关键词 滑皮金桔 果形指数 碧护生态综合技术
滑皮金桔高产栽培技术 被引量:2
作者 覃克难 《乡村科技》 2019年第7期81-83,共3页
滑皮金桔是广西壮族自治区农业科技人员在1981年选取的金桔新品种,从1984年开始广泛推广栽培。在长期栽培过程观察中,品种性状稳定,丰产性好,品质佳,容易进行栽培,但因茎叶均带甜味受虫害比普通金桔要多。基于此,本文详细总结滑皮金桔... 滑皮金桔是广西壮族自治区农业科技人员在1981年选取的金桔新品种,从1984年开始广泛推广栽培。在长期栽培过程观察中,品种性状稳定,丰产性好,品质佳,容易进行栽培,但因茎叶均带甜味受虫害比普通金桔要多。基于此,本文详细总结滑皮金桔高产栽培技术,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 滑皮金桔 高产栽培 管理
作者 黄武强 《现代农业研究》 2019年第11期51-52,共2页
关键词 金桔 常温贮藏 滑皮金桔
作者 石晓华 《南方农业》 2021年第36期52-54,共3页
滑皮金橘高产栽培技术研发日益规范,其核心技术主要应用于果树的种植和管理,通过科学规范的人工干预,实现高产和稳产的丰收目标。在苗木种植前需深耕改土和优选苗木,果树生长和结果全程应做好果园栽培技术普及,科学灌溉合理施肥,对果树... 滑皮金橘高产栽培技术研发日益规范,其核心技术主要应用于果树的种植和管理,通过科学规范的人工干预,实现高产和稳产的丰收目标。在苗木种植前需深耕改土和优选苗木,果树生长和结果全程应做好果园栽培技术普及,科学灌溉合理施肥,对果树要定期整形修剪,促进果树长势良好和高产,避免果树徒长和加剧生理落果。 展开更多
关键词 滑皮金橘 高产栽培技术 病虫害防治 广西融安县
作者 莫毅 刘星圻 +6 位作者 边荣玉 杨培丽 谢燕青 陆文科 李涛 谢广燊 陈柳裕 《中国果菜》 2024年第1期21-25,79,共6页
综合分析融安县主要种植的3个金桔品种,即‘油皮金桔’‘滑皮金桔’和‘脆蜜金桔’,观测各品种纵径、横径、可溶性固性物等8项主要指标,利用主成分降维和口感评价方法综合比较得出,无论主成分分析还是口感评价,这3个品种都有明显不同。... 综合分析融安县主要种植的3个金桔品种,即‘油皮金桔’‘滑皮金桔’和‘脆蜜金桔’,观测各品种纵径、横径、可溶性固性物等8项主要指标,利用主成分降维和口感评价方法综合比较得出,无论主成分分析还是口感评价,这3个品种都有明显不同。经综合对比,‘脆蜜金桔’品质优于‘滑皮金桔’,‘滑皮金桔’优于‘油皮金桔’。选购‘脆蜜金桔’更能满足品质消费需求,金桔产业也将进一步扩大。 展开更多
关键词 ‘油皮金桔’ 滑皮金桔’ ‘脆蜜金桔’ 主成分分析 感官评价
基于栅格GIS滑坡风险评价方法中格网大小选取分析 被引量:116
作者 李军 周成虎 《遥感学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期86-92,T001,共8页
以地理信息系统 (GIS)作为工具和研究手段的滑坡风险评价方法已得到了普遍的认可和使用 ,较为成熟的方法是基于栅格GIS的滑坡风险评价方法 ,即将滑坡风险评价中考虑的各种因子归一化处理后转换成相同空间分辨率的定量数据 ,然后根据特... 以地理信息系统 (GIS)作为工具和研究手段的滑坡风险评价方法已得到了普遍的认可和使用 ,较为成熟的方法是基于栅格GIS的滑坡风险评价方法 ,即将滑坡风险评价中考虑的各种因子归一化处理后转换成相同空间分辨率的定量数据 ,然后根据特定模型进行数据运算 ,最后得到风险评价结果图。但在风险评价过程中存在这样的问题 :对于已经量化的各影响因子 ,采用什么样的空间分辨率来栅格化这些因子数据才比较合适。该文以基于地形的香港大屿山滑坡风险评价为例 ,分析了影响空间分辨率选择的因子 ,并给出了影响因子空间分辨率确定的经验公式。 展开更多
关键词 滑皮风险评价 格网大小 栅格地理信息系统 香港大屿山
3个柑橘品种叶片结构和生化物质与柑橘溃疡病抗性的相关性研究 被引量:7
作者 潘贞珍 黄运鹏 +2 位作者 黄桂香 杨翠红 何新华 《中国果树》 北大核心 2020年第4期31-36,共6页
以‘滑皮’釐柑、‘建阳橘柚’和‘沃柑’3个柑橘品种为试材,观察其叶片结构,测定叶片生化物质含量,并分析其与柑橘溃疡病抗性的相关性。结果表明:‘滑皮’釐柑对柑橘溃疡病免疫,‘建阳橘柚’对柑橘溃疡病有较高的抗性,‘沃柑’表现为... 以‘滑皮’釐柑、‘建阳橘柚’和‘沃柑’3个柑橘品种为试材,观察其叶片结构,测定叶片生化物质含量,并分析其与柑橘溃疡病抗性的相关性。结果表明:‘滑皮’釐柑对柑橘溃疡病免疫,‘建阳橘柚’对柑橘溃疡病有较高的抗性,‘沃柑’表现为高感。3个柑橘品种的叶片气孔密度与柑橘溃疡病抗性呈极显著负相关,气孔面积与柑橘溃疡病抗性呈显著负相关,叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、上表皮厚度、下表皮厚度、蜡质含量等挃标与柑橘溃疡病抗性均呈极显著正相关。3个柑橘品种健康叶片中可溶性蛋白含量差异不显著;丙二醛(MDA)含量‘滑皮’釐柑<‘建阳橘柚’<‘沃柑’,差异达显著水平;过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性大小均为‘滑皮’釐柑>‘建阳橘柚’>‘沃柑’,差异均达显著水平。3个柑橘品种接种溃疡病菌后,叶片中的可溶性蛋白含量与柑橘溃疡病的抗性强弱无显著相关,MDA含量与柑橘溃疡病抗性呈显著负相关,POD、SOD活性与柑橘溃疡病抗性呈极显著正相关,PPO活性与柑橘溃疡病抗性呈显著正相关。 展开更多
关键词 滑皮’釐柑 ‘建阳橘柚’ ‘沃柑’ 柑橘溃疡病 叶片结构 生化物质
Isolation and Identification of the Pathogen Causing Skin Ulcer Disease in Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther and Its Sensitivity to Chinese Herbal Medicine 被引量:2
作者 高桂生 张艳英 +5 位作者 史秋梅 高光平 韩红升 黄晓媛 缴宝丰 常瑶瑶 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第10期2221-2224,2276,共5页
In this study, the pathogen causing skin ulcer disease in Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther was isolated for morphological observation, physiological and bio- chemical identification. According to the result, the isolate... In this study, the pathogen causing skin ulcer disease in Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther was isolated for morphological observation, physiological and bio- chemical identification. According to the result, the isolated pathogen was identified as Vibrio harveyi. The results of recurrent infection of C. semilaevis Gonther showed that the pathogen was strongly pathogenic to C. semilaevis Gunther. In or- der to explore the pathogenesis, outer membrane protein (OMP) gene of C. semi- laevis Gunther was detected by PCR. The results showed that all the three repre- sentative strains harbored OMP gene. According to the results of sensitivity test of the pathogen to Chinese herbal medicine, Galla Chinensis, Fructus Mume, Fructus Hippophae and Lignum Sappan exerted strong antibacterial effects against V. harveyr, Pericarpium Granati exhibited slight antibacterial effect against V. harveyi; Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Rhizoma Acori GramineL Herba Houttuyniae, Herba Portulacae, Herba Andrographis, Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and Herba Menthae Heplocalycis had little effect on V. harveyi. Galla Chinensis, Fructus Mume, Fructus Hippophae and Lignum Sappan were prepared into three prescriptions, among which prescription 1 (Galla Chinensis + Fructus Mume) exhibited the strongest antibacterial effect. 展开更多
关键词 Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther Skin ulcer disease PATHOGEN Outer membrane protein Chinese herbal medicine
综合测井在滑坡勘查中的应用 被引量:1
作者 吴向明 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 1998年第1期53-55,61,共4页
关键词 测井 滑皮 滑面位置 综合测井 滑坡勘查
Histopathological Observation of Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther Infected with Red Abdominal Shell Disease
作者 高光平 高桂生 +7 位作者 张艳英 吉志新 史秋梅 田梦茹 韩红升 宋青春 朱建新 任广莲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第1期127-129,140,共4页
The histopathological changes in various organs of Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther infected with red abdominal shell disease were observed by dissection and HE staining. In the ill C. semilaevis, the body surface ... The histopathological changes in various organs of Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther infected with red abdominal shell disease were observed by dissection and HE staining. In the ill C. semilaevis, the body surface was congestive and bleeding;the skin in the blind side ulcerated with extravasated blood; the gill filaments ulcerated with a lot of mucus; the liver, pancreas and spleen were swelling and bleeding with extravasated blood; the small intestine was congestive and bleeding. Degeneration and necrosis, and submucosal bleeding occurred in the skin of C. semilaevis infected with red abdominal shell disease. There was red blood cell infiltration and deposition in the space among muscle fibers. Epithelial degeneration and necrosis occurred in the parotid gland. The efferent branchial artery was congestive. The myocardial fibers had a loose structure, and a large area of fracture appeared. The liver cells were swelling with degeneration and necrosis and concentrated nucleus. A large area of the renal interstitial was broken down and necrotic. The submucosa of the small intestine had necrosis and hemorrhage. 展开更多
关键词 Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther Red abdominal shell disease HISTOPATHOLOGY
作者 吴再丰 《大自然探索》 2004年第10期36-39,共4页
关键词 动物行为 月亮 生物钟 牡蛎 滑皮银汉鱼 涨潮 鹦鹉螺 珊瑚虫
Tissue-engineered graft constructed by self-derived cells and heterogeneous acellular matrix 被引量:4
作者 HUANG Hui-min WU Shao-feng REN Hong 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5期351-356,共6页
Background: Endothelial and smooth muscle cells were used as seeding cells and heterogeneous acellularized matrix was used as scaffold to construct the tissue-engineered graft. Methods: A 2 weeks piglet was selected... Background: Endothelial and smooth muscle cells were used as seeding cells and heterogeneous acellularized matrix was used as scaffold to construct the tissue-engineered graft. Methods: A 2 weeks piglet was selected as a donor of seeding cells. Two-centimetre length of common carotid artery was dissected. Endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells were harvested by trypsin and collagenase digestion respectively. The isolated cells were cultured and expanded using routine cell culture technique. An adult sheep was used as a donor of acellularized matrix. The thoracic aorta was harvested and processed by a multi-step decellularizing technique to remove the original cells and preserve the elastic and collagen fibers. The cultured smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells were then seeded to the acellularized matrix and incubated in vitro for another 2 weeks. The cell seeded graft was then transplanted to the cell-donated piglet to substitute part of the native pulmonary artery. Results: The cultured cells from piglet were characterized as endothelial cells by the presence of specific antigens vWF and CD31, and smooth muscle cells by the presence of specific antigen a-actin on the cell surface respectively with immunohistochemical technique. After decellularizing processing for the thoracic aorta from sheep, all the cellular components were extracted and elastic and collagen fibers kept their original morphology and structure. The maximal load of acellular matrix was decreased and 20% lower than that of untreated thoracic aorta, but the maximal tensions between them were not different statistically and they had similar load-tension curves. Three months after transplantation, the animal was sacrificed and the graft was removed for observation. The results showed that the inner surfaces of the graft were smooth, without thrombosis and calcification. Under microscopy, a great number of growing cells could be seen and elastic and collagen fibers were abundant. Conclusion: Cultured self-derived endothelial and smooth muscle cells could be used as seeding cells and heterogeneous acellularized matrix could be used as scaffold in constructing tissue-engineered graft. 展开更多
关键词 Tissue engineering Self-derived cells Heterogeneous acellularized matrix Transplantation
作者 冯晓东 蔡英年 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1996年第1期28-31,共4页
Hypoxia and endothelin-1 (ET-1) are associated with constriction of pulmonary vasculature both in vivo and in vitro. However, the role of hypoxia and ET-1 in the vascular remodelling during the development of pulmonar... Hypoxia and endothelin-1 (ET-1) are associated with constriction of pulmonary vasculature both in vivo and in vitro. However, the role of hypoxia and ET-1 in the vascular remodelling during the development of pulmonary hypertension is unclear. This study demonstrated that ET-1(0. 1 nmol/L to 100 nmol/L) increased the [ ̄3H]thymidine uptake in a dose-dependent manner in cultured bovine pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells(PASMC). which was enhanced by exposing PASMC to hypoxia (2%O2, 93%N2,5%CO2 ). BQ123, the specific antagonist of endothelin receptor subtype A,eliminated the ET-1 medicated proliferation of PASMC and the cooperative effect of hypoxia. Some dilatory drugs could inhibite the mitogenic effect of ET-1. We also observed that hypoxia significantly increased [ ̄3H] thymidine uptake in PASMC without ET-1 and BQ123 could inhibite this effect. Radioimmunoassay suggested that there was an autocrine of ET-1 in cultured PASMC which was enhanced by hypoxia significantly. 展开更多
Clinical significance of colposcopy on screening cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in cytological negative and smooth cervices 被引量:1
作者 Dianyun Shi Saiying Chen Yan Sun 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2014年第4期177-180,共4页
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical value of the video colposcopy in screening cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in cytological negative and smooth cervices by optically gynecologica... Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical value of the video colposcopy in screening cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in cytological negative and smooth cervices by optically gynecological examination. Methods: The 1050 women, whose cervices had been shown smooth and cytological negative by optical examine, were examined with electronic colposcopy in gynecological clinic, and biopsy was taken when the double abnormality of aceto-white epithelium and iodine negative, and other abnormal images were shown. A retrospective analysis of these cases was performed. Re. suits: (1) The 514 samples from 458 cases, including 458 samples of abnormal tissues under colposcopy and 56 samples of polyp or polypoid tumors by optically, were examined by biopsy. Among them, 68 samples were found to be CIN, including 11 cases of CINII/CINIII; (2) The 72 of 1050 cases showed the double-abnormality of aceto-white epithelium and iodine nega- tive. Among them, 64 cases were CIN determined by biopsy. And the positive predictive value of the double-abnormality of aceto-white epithelium and iodine negative under colposcopy was 88.9%, with a false negative rate of 3.3%; (3) Among 458 women examined by biopsy, only one of 350 samples from cervical polyp tissue was CIN (0.3%), while 67 of 164 samples from the tissues with abnormal colposcopic images were found to be CIN (40.9%), indicating the close relation between abnormal colposcopic findings and CIN; (4) The results of age-distribution analysis showed that, in the 164 cases with abnormal features under colposcopy, the incidence of double abnormality of aceto-white epithelium and iodine negative was higher in the age of sexual activity, just the same as the age distribution feature of CIN; while single abnormality of iodine negative appeared more in the age of over 50 years. Conclusion: Abnormal features displayed by colposcopy, especially the double abnormality of aceto-white epithelium and iodine negative, has an important significance for the screening of cervical precancerous lesions such as CIN. For this purpose, colposcopy examination is necessary even for the cases of cytological negative and smooth cervices. 展开更多
关键词 precancerous lesion cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) COLPOSCOPY SCREEN
Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors VEGFR-1 and 2 in gastrointestinal stromal tumors,leiomyomas and schwannomas 被引量:9
作者 Toshiyuki Nakayama Yang Cheul Cho +4 位作者 Yuka Mine Ayumi Yoshizaki Shinji Naito Chun Yang Wen Ichiro Sekine 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第38期6182-6187,共6页
AIM: To investigate the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF/and its receptors VEGFR-1 and 2 in the growth and differentiation of gastrointestinal strornal tumors (GISTs). METHODS: Thirty-three GISTs,... AIM: To investigate the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF/and its receptors VEGFR-1 and 2 in the growth and differentiation of gastrointestinal strornal tumors (GISTs). METHODS: Thirty-three GISTs, 15 leiomyomas and 6 schwannomas were examined by immunohistochemistry in this study. RESULTS: VEGF protein was expressed in the cytoplasm of tumor cells, and VEGFRol and 2 were expressed both in the cytoplasm and on the membrane of all tumors. Irnrnunohistochernical staining revealed that 26 GISTs (78.8%), 9 leiornyornas (60.0%) and 3 schwannornas (50.0%/were positive for VEGF; 24 GISTs (72.7%/, 12 leiornyornas (80.0%) and 4 schwannornas (66.7%) were positive for VEGFR-1; 30 GISTs (90.9%/, 5 leiornyornas (33.3%/and 4 schwannornas (66.7%) were positive for VEGFR-2. VEGFR-2 expression was statistically different between GISTs and leiomyomas (P 〈 0.0001). However, there was no correlation between the expression of VEGF pathway componenets and the clinical risk categories. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the VEGF pathway may play an important role in the differentiation of GISTs, leiomyomas and schwannomas. 展开更多
关键词 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor LEIOMYOMA SCHWANNOMA Vascular endothelial growth factor Vascular endothelial growth factor receptors
Urocortin, the neuropeptide, inhibits the viability of ECV304 cells and rat vascular smooth muscle cells
作者 陈洁 汪红仪 +3 位作者 陶金 徐华娥 杨荣 李胜男 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2004年第1期1-3,共3页
Objective: This study aims to investigate the effects of urocortin (Ucn) on the viability of endothelial cells (ECV304) and rat vascular muscle cells (VSMC). Methods: Rat aortic VSMC were isolated from the rats' t... Objective: This study aims to investigate the effects of urocortin (Ucn) on the viability of endothelial cells (ECV304) and rat vascular muscle cells (VSMC). Methods: Rat aortic VSMC were isolated from the rats' thoracic aorta. We studied the effect of Ucn on the viability of ECV304 cells and VSMC by using a tetrazolium (MTT) assay.Results: Ucn (10 -7 mol/L) inhibited the viability of ECV304 cells and VSMC. Inhibition rates are 13% and 15%, respectively(P<0.05, compared with Control). This inhibition was not dependent on the affecting time and was not affected by the addition of ATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP channel) blocker, glybenclamide (Gly, 10 mol/L). Conclusion: Ucn inhibits the viability of ECV304 and VSMC. Our results suggest that Ucn may be a new vasoactive agent and may have a beneficial effect in the process of vascular remodeling (VR). 展开更多
关键词 UROCORTIN ECV304 vascular smooth muscle cells MTT assay ATP-sensitive potassium channels
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