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踏古寻洋 惨遭捧杀的侏罗纪海怪:滑齿龙
作者 江氏小盗龙 《百科探秘(海底世界)》 2024年第6期26-29,共4页
滑齿龙真的体形巨大?1999年,古生物纪录片《与恐龙同行》的上映,让滑齿龙进入大众视野。纪录片中,滑齿龙被描绘成体长25米、体重超过150吨的超级海洋杀手。但实际上,滑齿龙的体形被严重夸大了。1985年,古生物学家在墨西哥的阿兰伯利发... 滑齿龙真的体形巨大?1999年,古生物纪录片《与恐龙同行》的上映,让滑齿龙进入大众视野。纪录片中,滑齿龙被描绘成体长25米、体重超过150吨的超级海洋杀手。但实际上,滑齿龙的体形被严重夸大了。1985年,古生物学家在墨西哥的阿兰伯利发现了一块巨大的化石,外号“阿兰伯利怪兽”。 展开更多
关键词 纪录片 古生物学家 阿兰 滑齿 大众视野 体形 墨西哥
作者 张光沛 《四川兵工学报》 CAS 2008年第4期91-92,共2页
关键词 立方氮化硼磨削 手枪枪机 滑齿
《橡塑技术与装备》 CAS 2002年第3期65-65,共1页
关键词 轮胎 滑齿板链装置 特制轮胎
作者 刘文桥 杨瑞先 +1 位作者 雷应标 蒋全明 《内燃机车》 1998年第1期41-43,共3页
关键词 内燃机车 东风4型 柴油机 传动轴 滑齿
海南省陀兴水库浆砌石重力坝改扩建方案研究 被引量:3
作者 姜福基 刘乃飞 +2 位作者 叶知晖 冉统军 俞宏 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期93-97,共5页
陀兴水库建于20世纪六七十年代,由于当时设计和施工条件有限,经过多年运行后年久失修,需将浆砌石重力坝加高培厚。根据坝址区地质勘探资料及坝体钻孔揭露情况,拟定了三种改扩建方案。为了确保工程扩建后的正常运行,从渗透稳定性、结构... 陀兴水库建于20世纪六七十年代,由于当时设计和施工条件有限,经过多年运行后年久失修,需将浆砌石重力坝加高培厚。根据坝址区地质勘探资料及坝体钻孔揭露情况,拟定了三种改扩建方案。为了确保工程扩建后的正常运行,从渗透稳定性、结构安全性、抗滑稳定性和工程投资等多个方面进行了对比论证,以便为工程的顺利实施提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 陀兴水库 浆砌石重力坝 改扩建方案 滑齿 灌浆廊道
基于改进型压力管道镇墩的理论分析 被引量:7
作者 吉乔伟 刘伟荣 +1 位作者 唐颖栋 陈烨 《水利规划与设计》 2013年第4期44-46,共3页
为提高压力管道镇墩的抗滑稳定性,在常规镇墩底部加设一至两组抗滑齿坎,充分利用齿坎前的被动土压力。本文分析了齿坎高度,地基土的内摩擦角,土的粘聚集力与齿坎抗滑力的相关性。以云南某水电工程压力输水管为例,对管道镇墩进行求解,对... 为提高压力管道镇墩的抗滑稳定性,在常规镇墩底部加设一至两组抗滑齿坎,充分利用齿坎前的被动土压力。本文分析了齿坎高度,地基土的内摩擦角,土的粘聚集力与齿坎抗滑力的相关性。以云南某水电工程压力输水管为例,对管道镇墩进行求解,对比齿坎镇墩和常规平底镇墩的抗滑安全系数,为今后此种结构设计理论的发展做出了有益的探讨。 展开更多
关键词 镇墩 抗滑安全系数 滑齿
作者 张华 冉贤兵 沈义勤 《人民长江》 北大核心 2007年第11期43-45,共3页
刘家道口节制闸工程是我国设计流量最大的平原水闸,因其坐落在中等风化砂质泥岩上,岸墙抗滑稳定不满足规范要求,需采取工程措施。通过多方案比较,选用土工格栅加筋土作为岸墙后填土,以降低回填土对岸墙的水平推力,同时在岸墙底部临水侧... 刘家道口节制闸工程是我国设计流量最大的平原水闸,因其坐落在中等风化砂质泥岩上,岸墙抗滑稳定不满足规范要求,需采取工程措施。通过多方案比较,选用土工格栅加筋土作为岸墙后填土,以降低回填土对岸墙的水平推力,同时在岸墙底部临水侧设置钢筋混凝土防滑齿墙,以增大岸墙的抗滑能力,经计算岸墙抗滑稳定满足规范要求,达到了施工简便、工期短、造价低的效果。 展开更多
关键词 节制闸 岸墙抗滑稳定 土工格栅加筋土 滑齿
作者 宗民 关宏 崔国玉 《黑龙江水利科技》 2001年第4期103-103,共1页
桃花水发生后 ,干砌石护坡无法施工 ,利用防滑齿墙 ,解决了这一矛盾 ,保证了工期 。
关键词 桃花水 干砌石护坡 滑齿 施工 大坝 水库 水情变化
作者 杨志华 《地球》 2015年第1期78-80,共3页
在脊椎动物漫长的演化历史中,从水中向陆地进军花费了近两亿年,而从陆地返回水中却只花了几百万年的时间。在2.7亿年前的中二叠世,当爬行动物彻底征服陆地后,它们中的某些成员抱着对"故乡"的思念,踏上了重返大海的旅程,探寻曾经属于... 在脊椎动物漫长的演化历史中,从水中向陆地进军花费了近两亿年,而从陆地返回水中却只花了几百万年的时间。在2.7亿年前的中二叠世,当爬行动物彻底征服陆地后,它们中的某些成员抱着对"故乡"的思念,踏上了重返大海的旅程,探寻曾经属于自己先祖的那一片天地。由于在身体结构上的天然优势,使得它们迅速在海洋中取得了领导地位。 展开更多
关键词 鱼龙类 演化历史 身体结构 天然优势 古生物学家 杯椎鱼龙 滑齿 鱼龙目 混鱼龙 蛇颈龙
作者 薛擎宇 《设备管理与维修》 2003年第3期38-38,共1页
关键词 拉马 改进 拉爪 结构 滑齿
作者 石笑 《小学教学研究》 1991年第12期17-17,15,共2页
贵刊1991年第四期刊登的《从“谢公屐”想到【游园不值】》一文,不当之处颇多。木屐适用于我国长江中下游地区,其产生的年代无法考证,但其产生与当地的梅雨气候密切相关。由于梅雨季节阴雨连绵,布底鞋容易霉烂,木屐应运而生,这是古代劳... 贵刊1991年第四期刊登的《从“谢公屐”想到【游园不值】》一文,不当之处颇多。木屐适用于我国长江中下游地区,其产生的年代无法考证,但其产生与当地的梅雨气候密切相关。由于梅雨季节阴雨连绵,布底鞋容易霉烂,木屐应运而生,这是古代劳动人民智慧的结晶。 展开更多
关键词 游园不值 谢公屐 现代汉语词 山水诗 屐齿 叶绍翁 园主 滑齿 心理活动 三用
作者 湘北 《国家人文历史》 2017年第21期132-133,共2页
币章是国家主权符号和文化载体,体现了钱币行业精益求精的工匠精神。在那方寸载体上,设计师们以浮雕艺术语言的手法和丰富的艺术表现空间展现各类主题,如重要事件、人文景观、环境保护、民俗风情、动物植物等。体量虽小,却浓缩了史诗般... 币章是国家主权符号和文化载体,体现了钱币行业精益求精的工匠精神。在那方寸载体上,设计师们以浮雕艺术语言的手法和丰富的艺术表现空间展现各类主题,如重要事件、人文景观、环境保护、民俗风情、动物植物等。体量虽小,却浓缩了史诗般的艺术形式,给人以独特的审美体验。 展开更多
关键词 纪念币 熊猫金币 中国金币总公司 熊猫币 滑齿 设计师 金银币
作者 申超男 郑雄胜 《新技术新工艺》 2019年第6期75-77,共3页
油气资源的输送技术一直是困扰着世界各国发展的问题,管道检漏技术的重要性不言而喻。设计提出一种用于荒漠区深埋输油管道检漏的"千足虫"仿生爬行设备和管道检漏的方法,旨在提供一种精确高效、适合荒漠无人区深埋输油管道的... 油气资源的输送技术一直是困扰着世界各国发展的问题,管道检漏技术的重要性不言而喻。设计提出一种用于荒漠区深埋输油管道检漏的"千足虫"仿生爬行设备和管道检漏的方法,旨在提供一种精确高效、适合荒漠无人区深埋输油管道的检漏设备与实施方式,实现无人检漏设备自动检测以及数据的远程实时传输。 展开更多
关键词 仿生爬行设备 输油管道 检漏技术 滑齿 自动检测 远程传输
作者 邱长安 《农业装备技术》 1996年第3期25-26,共2页
水田作业话防滑轮拖拉机下水田作业项目逐年增多,如带水犁耕翻、水田平整(田)、玉米秸杆带水直耕还田等。为了减少拖拉机下水田作业时打滑与下陷,应恰当选择防滑轮。常用的防滑轮类型有:1.高花纹轮胎又叫水田型轮胎,花纹的凸筋... 水田作业话防滑轮拖拉机下水田作业项目逐年增多,如带水犁耕翻、水田平整(田)、玉米秸杆带水直耕还田等。为了减少拖拉机下水田作业时打滑与下陷,应恰当选择防滑轮。常用的防滑轮类型有:1.高花纹轮胎又叫水田型轮胎,花纹的凸筋块特别高大(约为普通拖拉机驱动轮胎... 展开更多
关键词 水田作业 水田拖拉机 防滑轮 防滑链条 硬底层 牵引附着性能 拖拉机驱动轮胎 旋耕作业 “一”字 滑齿
Theoretical and experimental investigation on internal gear pair with small sliding ratio 被引量:2
作者 PENG Shuai MA Zhi-fei +2 位作者 CHEN Bing-kui QIN Si-ling WANG Shu-yan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期831-842,共12页
Aiming at the issue of sliding ratio,an internal gear pair is proposed which consists of an involute internal gear and a pinion with quadratic curve teeth.Particularly,the contact pattern is point contact and the pini... Aiming at the issue of sliding ratio,an internal gear pair is proposed which consists of an involute internal gear and a pinion with quadratic curve teeth.Particularly,the contact pattern is point contact and the pinion is generated based on an involute gear.The generation method and mathematical models of the gear pair are presented.The sliding ratio is calculated and the general calculation formulas of sliding ratios are developed.Also,the comparison between the involute gear and proposed gear is made.The adaptability of center distance and contact stress are also discussed.In addition,the gear pair was manufactured and inspected according to the exactitude solid model of the gear pair.In order to confirm this model to be effective,the efficiency experiment and the contrast experiment with the involute gear pair were performed.Furthermore,these two types of pinions were analyzed by scanning electron microscope and wear depths were measured by measuring center.The experiment results show that the efficiency of the internal gear pair is stable at a range about 97.1%to 98.6%and wear depth is less than 50%of the involute gear pair.The internal gear pair is expected to have excellent transmission performance. 展开更多
关键词 internal gear sliding ratio quadratic curve WEAR
Calculation method of sliding ratios for conjugate-curve gear pair and its application 被引量:3
作者 梁栋 陈兵奎 高艳娥 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期946-955,共10页
The calculation method of sliding ratios for conjugate-curve gear pair, generated based on the theory of conjugate curves,is proposed. The theoretical model of conjugate-curve gear drive is briefly introduced. The gen... The calculation method of sliding ratios for conjugate-curve gear pair, generated based on the theory of conjugate curves,is proposed. The theoretical model of conjugate-curve gear drive is briefly introduced. The general calculation formulas of sliding ratios are developed according to the conjugate curves. The applications to the circular arc gears based on conjugate curves and the novel involute-helix gears are studied. A comparison on the sliding coefficient with the conventional corresponding gear drive is also carried out. The influences of gear parameters such as spiral parameter, gear ratio and modulus on the sliding ratios of gear drive are discussed. Brief description of manufacturing method for conjugate-curve gear pair is given. The research results show that the sliding ratios of gear pair become smaller with the increase of spiral parameter and gear ratio, respectively. And it will be greater with the increase of modulus for the tooth profiles. The meshing characteristics of conjugate-curve gears are further reflected and the optimization design of tooth profiles with high performance may be obtained. 展开更多
关键词 conjugate-curve gear conjugate curve sliding ratio manufacturing method
Lubrication characteristics of cycloid pin wheel transmission of RV reducer 被引量:1
作者 HAN Ju LI Wei QIAO Ze-long 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第2期398-417,共20页
In order to analyze the lubricating characteristics at different meshing points in the cycloid pin wheel transmission process,the cycloid gear teeth were discretized,combined with the kinematic analysis of the cycloid... In order to analyze the lubricating characteristics at different meshing points in the cycloid pin wheel transmission process,the cycloid gear teeth were discretized,combined with the kinematic analysis of the cycloid pin gear transmission and the contact analysis of the gear teeth.The progressive mesh densification method(PMD)was used to numerically solve the film thickness.The influence of the design parameters and process parameters on the lubrication characteristics was analyzed.The elastohydrodynamic lubrication and mixed lubrication characteristics at different contact points were obtained.The optimal meshing area of the cycloid gear tooth was determined,and the film thickness ratio,contact load ratio,maximum contact pressure at different points,average film thickness and roughness after contact deformation were analyzed.The conclusion of this study provides effective guidance for the research on the modification of cycloid gear teeth. 展开更多
关键词 cycloid pin wheel transmission tooth modification lubrication characteristics
Excitation Prediction by Dynamic Transmission Error under Sliding Friction in Helical Gear System 被引量:1
作者 李文良 王黎钦 常山 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第6期448-453,共6页
Monte Carlo method was adopted to calculate the meshing error considering the manufacture error and assembly error of the meshing point along the time-varying contact line for helical gear pair. The flexural-torsion-a... Monte Carlo method was adopted to calculate the meshing error considering the manufacture error and assembly error of the meshing point along the time-varying contact line for helical gear pair. The flexural-torsion-axis dynamic model coupled was established under the tooth friction force and solved by the perturbation method to compute real dynamic tooth load. The change laws of the friction force and friction torque were obtained in a meshing period. The transmission error formulation was analyzed to introduce meshing excitations. The maximum dynamic transmission error, the maximum meshing force and the maximum dynamic factor were calculated under different speeds, external loads and damping factors. The conclusions can provide theoretical basis for the gear design especially in tooth profile correction. 展开更多
关键词 helical gear time-varying contact line transmission error dynamic factor
Super-harmonic resonance of gear transmission system under stick-slip vibration in high-speed train 被引量:4
作者 HUANG Guan-hua XU Si-si +1 位作者 ZHANG Wei-hua YANG Cai-jin 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期726-735,共10页
This work deals with super-harmonic responses and the stabilities of a gear transmission system of a high-speed train under the stick-slip oscillation of the wheel-set.The dynamic model of the system is developed with... This work deals with super-harmonic responses and the stabilities of a gear transmission system of a high-speed train under the stick-slip oscillation of the wheel-set.The dynamic model of the system is developed with consideration on the factors including the time-varying system stiffness,the transmission error,the tooth backlash and the self-excited excitation of the wheel-set.The frequency-response equation of the system at super-harmonic resonance is obtained by the multiple scales method,and the stabilities of the system are analyzed using the perturbation theory.Complex nonlinear behaviors of the system including multi-valued solutions,jump phenomenon,hardening stiffness are found.The effects of the equivalent damping and the loads of the system under the stick-slip oscillation are analyzed.It shows that the change of the load can obviously influence the resonance frequency of the system and have little effect on the steady-state response amplitude of the system.The damping of the system has a negative effect,opposite to the load.The synthetic damping of the system composed of meshing damping and equivalent damping may be less than zero when the wheel-set has a large slippage,and the system loses its stability owing to the Hopf bifurcation.Analytical results are validated by numerical simulations. 展开更多
关键词 stick-slip vibration super-harmonic resonance Hopf bifurcation gear transmission system high-speed train
Application of response surface method for contact fatigue reliability analysis of spur gear with consideration of EHL 被引量:2
作者 胡贇 刘少军 +1 位作者 丁晟 廖雅诗 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2549-2556,共8页
In order to consider the effects of elastohydrodynamic lubrication(EHL) on contact fatigue reliability of spur gear, an accurate and efficient method that combines with response surface method(RSM) and first order sec... In order to consider the effects of elastohydrodynamic lubrication(EHL) on contact fatigue reliability of spur gear, an accurate and efficient method that combines with response surface method(RSM) and first order second moment method(FOSM) was developed for estimating the contact fatigue reliability of spur gear under EHL. The mechanical model of contact stress analysis of spur gear under EHL was established, in which the oil film pressure was mapped into hertz contact zone. Considering the randomness of EHL, material properties and fatigue strength correction factors, the proposed method was used to analyze the contact fatigue reliability of spur gear under EHL. Compared with the results of 1.5×105 by traditional Monte-Carlo, the difference between the two failure probability results calculated by the above mentioned methods is 2.2×10-4, the relative error of the failure probability results is 26.8%, and time-consuming only accounts for 0.14% of the traditional Monte-Carlo method(MCM). Sensitivity analysis results are in very good agreement with practical cognition. Analysis results show that the proposed method is precise and efficient, and could correctly reflect the influence of EHL on contact fatigue reliability of spur gear. 展开更多
关键词 response surface contact fatigue reliability spur gear elastohydrodynamic lubrication
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