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从“艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线”到“滚动性作业”——小学六年级数学“滚动性作业”的实践研究 被引量:1
作者 尤伟清 《小学教学研究》 2020年第6期48-51,共4页
“滚动性作业”是作业的一种形式,以遵循“艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线”为原则,注重数学知识点的滚动性,还突出数学知识的覆盖性等,而且会根据学生的学习情况作动态调整或者优化;只是它不同于以往的作业类型,它合理把握了时间、记忆、思维之间的... “滚动性作业”是作业的一种形式,以遵循“艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线”为原则,注重数学知识点的滚动性,还突出数学知识的覆盖性等,而且会根据学生的学习情况作动态调整或者优化;只是它不同于以往的作业类型,它合理把握了时间、记忆、思维之间的联系,能有效激发学生的学习兴趣,减轻学生负担,提高学习实效;同时丰厚教师内涵,提升科研素养;还能形成校本教材,辐射数学教学。 展开更多
关键词 “艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线” 滚动性作业” 学习负担 教学效率
作者 尹健生 石华 《世界采矿快报》 1992年第1期17-19,共3页
在采用汽车运输采下物料的采石场,大多数情况中运输效率对作业成本影响极大。过去,设备选择和道路设计主要是根据采石场设计人员就类似条件下的经验而决定。而今,由于设备基本投资和运行成本提高,有必要最大限度地提高运输效率。在竟争... 在采用汽车运输采下物料的采石场,大多数情况中运输效率对作业成本影响极大。过去,设备选择和道路设计主要是根据采石场设计人员就类似条件下的经验而决定。而今,由于设备基本投资和运行成本提高,有必要最大限度地提高运输效率。在竟争激烈的采石市场中,也有必要优化现有设备性能以减少运营费,可能的话,也减少维修费用。现就已有道路条件下对给定运输设备. 展开更多
关键词 采石场 矿石 运输 路面 滚动性
作者 张莉 《高考》 2023年第27期156-158,共3页
滚动训练所强调的重点是在特定时间段内,多次训练相近或是完全相同的内容,将滚动训练融入数学课堂,可以使学生数学核心素养得到有效提升。文章以滚动训练为落脚点,首先介绍了滚动训练、数学核心素养的内涵;其次结合新人教版教材内容,围... 滚动训练所强调的重点是在特定时间段内,多次训练相近或是完全相同的内容,将滚动训练融入数学课堂,可以使学生数学核心素养得到有效提升。文章以滚动训练为落脚点,首先介绍了滚动训练、数学核心素养的内涵;其次结合新人教版教材内容,围绕如何将滚动训练用于数学核心素养的培养展开了讨论,指出要想使相关训练的价值得到最大化实现,教师应当做到科学设计题目、重视温故知新、强调难度递进、培养反思习惯;最后对开展训练的注意事项进行了总结,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 高中教学 滚动性训练 数学核心素养
作者 尤文 许君 《中国化工贸易》 2012年第6期173-174,共2页
研究了聚丙烯(PP)、聚乙烯(PE)、聚酰胺6(PA6)常用钢丝绳涂塑材料的耐刮擦性和耐磨性。通过对比几种材料在1mm厚度下耐刮擦性和耐滚动摩擦性,由于PA6的洛氏硬度较大,刚度较强,结晶度高,分子密度大,PA6的耐刮擦性能最好,3种P... 研究了聚丙烯(PP)、聚乙烯(PE)、聚酰胺6(PA6)常用钢丝绳涂塑材料的耐刮擦性和耐磨性。通过对比几种材料在1mm厚度下耐刮擦性和耐滚动摩擦性,由于PA6的洛氏硬度较大,刚度较强,结晶度高,分子密度大,PA6的耐刮擦性能最好,3种PP的次之,LDPE、HDOE最差;由于PA6、EPS30K、HDPE的表面粗糙度小,结晶度高,耐滚动摩擦性较好,并且比较接近,而T30S、LDPE、Z30S较差。 展开更多
关键词 聚丙烯 聚乙烯 聚酰胺 耐刮擦 滚动摩擦
作者 邵乾虔 李冲 +1 位作者 代广徽 林鑫 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期140-155,共16页
外卖配取过程中实时订单的不断插入具有强烈的不确定性,需持续进行滚动优化以动态更新配取路径。动态条件下,有效地合并取餐与配送作业(dynamic order combination,DOC)可显著减少冗余路径。本文将动态配取路径规划问题转化为变长开放... 外卖配取过程中实时订单的不断插入具有强烈的不确定性,需持续进行滚动优化以动态更新配取路径。动态条件下,有效地合并取餐与配送作业(dynamic order combination,DOC)可显著减少冗余路径。本文将动态配取路径规划问题转化为变长开放链滚动优化问题,并构建多目标滚动配取路径规划模型对DOC与节点排序进行集成决策。考虑滚动优化框架下紧前决策对紧后决策的调度影响,模型在兼顾配取效率和客户满意度的同时,考虑了基于look-forward的滚动调度后效性。针对该模型,本文基于NSGA-Ⅲ框架开发了多目标元启发式算法进行求解,并设计了基于插入限制规则的元胞数组解编码和混合PMX&SBX交叉方式以适应模型的复杂可行域结构。通过一系列的仿真实验,本文验证了所提出的模型和算法的有效性与优越性。 展开更多
关键词 配取路径 开放链 订单合并 滚动调度后效 NSGA-Ⅲ
作者 牛胜利 刘杰 +3 位作者 易浩 黄鑫 陈玲玲 黄鹏亮 《石化技术》 CAS 2022年第8期180-182,共3页
不同于其它成熟区增储挖潜方法,珠江口盆地惠西南成熟区探索出油田内部由原有小构造油层升级为大岩性油层的岩性圈闭滚动勘探新思路和新方法。惠西南成熟区岩性圈闭滚动勘探新思路就是以油田或井解剖为抓手,立足“三级选砂---重点关注+... 不同于其它成熟区增储挖潜方法,珠江口盆地惠西南成熟区探索出油田内部由原有小构造油层升级为大岩性油层的岩性圈闭滚动勘探新思路和新方法。惠西南成熟区岩性圈闭滚动勘探新思路就是以油田或井解剖为抓手,立足“三级选砂---重点关注+逐级筛选+区域拓展”,指导优选潜在岩性目的层和目标。重点关注四种类型有可能从构造圈闭成为岩性圈闭的油层、油干层或油水同层,逐级筛选就是剔除构造、含油范围和储层物性的影响,考虑尖灭线区域拓展可能。近五年钻探发现商业+潜在商业成功率约八成,新增探明地质储量约四千万方,过半储量已投入开发,对于相似地质条件的成熟区有很好借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 圈闭滚动勘探 三级选砂 薄砂体描述 增储挖潜
作者 庄继德 魏东 +1 位作者 洪涛 裘熙定 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第3期57-60,共4页
关键词 汽车 越野行驶 轮胎滚动失效 沙地试验
作者 王颖(译者) 《冶金设备管理与维修》 2013年第4期47-50,53,共5页
IFE制钢公司开发了高性能珠光体钢轨(sv3),这种钢轨应用在重载铁路上具有良好的耐磨性和抗滚动接触疲劳性(RCF)特点。为了能够获得良好的抗磨和滚动接触抗疲劳性(RCF),SP3钢轨需要采用适当的合金设计以及最佳的生产条件,包括... IFE制钢公司开发了高性能珠光体钢轨(sv3),这种钢轨应用在重载铁路上具有良好的耐磨性和抗滚动接触疲劳性(RCF)特点。为了能够获得良好的抗磨和滚动接触抗疲劳性(RCF),SP3钢轨需要采用适当的合金设计以及最佳的生产条件,包括热机械控轧工艺(TMCP)。在钢轨表面,SP3的层间隙极其细小,可达0.07μm,表面布氏硬度≥420(HB420)。另外,SP3钢轨从轨头表面算起至25.4毫米的硬度超过HB370。SP3钢轨良好的耐磨性和抗滚动接触疲劳性的特点已经在北美重载铁路的实际性能测试中得到了验证。在实验中,SP3与传统的HB390热处理钢轨相比,耐磨性要高出10%,轨头上没有任何诸如脱皮和掉皮等疲劳损伤的痕迹。 展开更多
关键词 JFE制钢公司 珠光体钢轨 耐磨 滚动接触疲劳
试论电视新闻频道的兴起和特色 被引量:2
作者 潘青山 《声屏世界》 2003年第7期10-12,共3页
关键词 电视新闻频道 经营模式 新闻资源 新闻资讯 即时 滚动性 新闻事件 现场直播 新闻理念 媒介公信力
网络新闻专题的创新之道 被引量:2
作者 王婕琛 《新闻世界》 2012年第9期118-119,共2页
网络新闻专题是网络新闻媒体具有核心竞争优势的拳头产品。本文从强化网络新闻专题新闻性、滚动性、互动性和新颖性等角度,探讨了如何适应网络受众不断变化的信息需求,进一步创新网络新闻专题的策划制作,扩大网络新闻传播的覆盖面和影... 网络新闻专题是网络新闻媒体具有核心竞争优势的拳头产品。本文从强化网络新闻专题新闻性、滚动性、互动性和新颖性等角度,探讨了如何适应网络受众不断变化的信息需求,进一步创新网络新闻专题的策划制作,扩大网络新闻传播的覆盖面和影响力。 展开更多
关键词 网络专题 网络受众 滚动性 互动
小城镇建设规划若干问题思考——以西天尾镇区建设规划为例 被引量:1
作者 张祖柱 《福建建筑高等专科学校学报》 2002年第1期29-33,共5页
通过对西天尾镇区建设规划剖析 ,引出小城镇建设规划中的“小城镇定位、规模确定、特色与风貌挖掘和滚动性近期规划”等若干问题的思考。
关键词 小城镇建设 西天尾镇区 建设规划 小城镇定位 规模确定 特色 风貌 滚动性近期规划
《弹性体》 CAS 2003年第3期71-71,共1页
关键词 橡胶组合物 制造 轮胎 硫化产品 耐湿滑 滚动性 耐磨蚀
Rolling horizon scheduling algorithm for dynamic vehicle scheduling system 被引量:1
作者 贾永基 谷寒雨 席裕庚 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期92-96,共5页
Dynamic exclusive pickup and delivery problem with time windows (DE-PDPTW), aspecial dynamic vehicle scheduling problem, is proposed. Its mathematical description is given andits static properties are analyzed, and th... Dynamic exclusive pickup and delivery problem with time windows (DE-PDPTW), aspecial dynamic vehicle scheduling problem, is proposed. Its mathematical description is given andits static properties are analyzed, and then the problem is simplified asthe asymmetrical travelingsalesman problem with time windows. The rolling horizon scheduling algorithm (RHSA) to solve thisdynamic problem is proposed. By the rolling of time horizon, the RHSA can adapt to the problem'sdynamic change and reduce the computation time by dealing with only part of the customers in eachrolling time horizon. Then, its three factors, the current customer window, the scheduling of thecurrent customer window and the rolling strategy, are analyzed. The test results demonstrate theeffectiveness of the RHSA to solve the dynamic vehicle scheduling problem. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic vehicle scheduling rolling horizon scheduling algorithm EXCLUSIVE pickup and delivery problem with time windows (PDPTW)
Electroplated super-hydrophobic Zn−Fe coating for corrosion protection on magnesium alloy 被引量:6
作者 Xue MENG Jin-lei WANG +3 位作者 Jie ZHANG Bao-long NIU Xiang-hua GAO Hong YAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第10期3250-3258,共9页
A superhydrophobic Zn−Fe alloy coating was prepared on the surface of a reactive magnesium alloy using a simple,low-cost,eco-friendly method.Firstly,the Zn−Fe coating was obtained in a neutral glycerol Zn−Fe plating s... A superhydrophobic Zn−Fe alloy coating was prepared on the surface of a reactive magnesium alloy using a simple,low-cost,eco-friendly method.Firstly,the Zn−Fe coating was obtained in a neutral glycerol Zn−Fe plating solution,which is green,compositionally stable,and non-corrosive to the equipment.And then the superhydrophobic surface with a flower-like microstructure was obtained by grafting myristic acid onto the Zn−Fe coating via a chelation reaction.The water contact angle was>150°and the rolling angle was 3°−4°.The corrosion rate of the two groups of superhydrophobic magnesium alloy samples with electrodeposition time of 30 and 50 min,respectively,was reduced by about 87%compared to that of the bare magnesium alloy.The prepared superhydrophobic coatings exhibit high performance in self-cleaning,abrasion resistance,and corrosion resistance. 展开更多
关键词 Zn−Fe coating Mg alloy contact angle sliding angle SELF-CLEANING abrasion resistance
Friction Characteristics of Space Lubricating Oil No.4129 in Rolling and Sliding Contact 被引量:1
作者 Wang Yanshuang Cao Jiawei +2 位作者 Li Hang Li Pu Yuan Qianqian 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第2期79-83,共5页
The friction coefficients between the surfaces of a ball and a disc lubricated by a space lubricating oil No.4129 were measured at various operating conditions on a ball-disc friction test rig. Friction characteristic... The friction coefficients between the surfaces of a ball and a disc lubricated by a space lubricating oil No.4129 were measured at various operating conditions on a ball-disc friction test rig. Friction characteristic curves were obtained under sliding and rolling movements at point contact. A new model for calculation of the friction coefficient was presented. The results show that the bigger the load is, the larger the friction coefficient becomes. The rolling speed ranging from 1 m/s to10 m/s has an important effect on the friction coefficient. The friction coefficient increases with the increase in sliding speed and the decrease in rolling speed. The linear variation region of the friction coefficient versus the sliding speed at high rolling speed is wider than that at low rolling speed. The model for calculation of the friction coefficient is accurate for engineering use. 展开更多
关键词 lubricating oil friction coefficient rolling and sliding contact friction characteristic
Some advances on investigating friction characteristics of rolling guide ways 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Wei Zhou Yuan Mao Junhong 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2013年第1期83-88,共6页
A review of research on hyste-resis and stick-slip is presented in this paper. Devices for investigating friction hysteresis and stick-slip of linear rolling guide ways are introduced,as well as some experiment result... A review of research on hyste-resis and stick-slip is presented in this paper. Devices for investigating friction hysteresis and stick-slip of linear rolling guide ways are introduced,as well as some experiment results and conclusions,and some factors impacting on stick-slip are also exhibited. 展开更多
关键词 rolling guide way HYSTERESIS stick-slip phenomenon
Effect of car-body lower-center rolling on aerodynamic performance of a high-speed train 被引量:1
作者 LIU Dong-run LIANG Xi-feng +4 位作者 WANG Jia-qiang ZHONG Mu LU Zhai-jun DING Hu LI Xiao-bai 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2820-2836,共17页
The interaction between the car-body vibration and aerodynamic performance of the train becomes more prominent motivated by the vehicle’s light-weighting design.To address this topic,this study firstly analyzes the p... The interaction between the car-body vibration and aerodynamic performance of the train becomes more prominent motivated by the vehicle’s light-weighting design.To address this topic,this study firstly analyzes the posture characteristics of the car-body based on the previous full-scale test results.And then the aerodynamic performance under different vibration cases(different car-body roll angles)is studied with an improved delayed detached eddy simulation(IDDES).The results revealed that car-body rolling had a significant impact on the aerodynamic behavior of bogies,which significantly increased the lateral force and yaw moment of a bogie and further may have aggravated the operational instability of the train.The unbalanced distribution of the longitudinal pressure on both sides of the bogie caused by the car-body rolling motion was the primary cause for the bogie yaw moment increase.The tail vortex of the train was also affected by the car-body rolling,resulting in vertical jitter. 展开更多
关键词 lower-center rolling car-body vibration aerodynamic performance improved delayed detached eddy simulation(IDDES) high-speed train
Influence of rolling ways on microstructure and anisotropy of AZ31 alloy sheet
作者 陈兴品 尚都 +2 位作者 肖睿 黄光杰 刘庆 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第B07期589-593,共5页
Two rolling ways,unidirectional rolling and cross rolling,were carried out on twin roll cast AZ31 alloy sheet to study the influence of strain path change on the evolution of the rolling microstructure and texture as ... Two rolling ways,unidirectional rolling and cross rolling,were carried out on twin roll cast AZ31 alloy sheet to study the influence of strain path change on the evolution of the rolling microstructure and texture as well as the anisotropic properties of AZ31 alloy sheet with microscopy,X-ray diffraction technique and tensile tests.It is found that cross rolling gives rise to more uniform microstructure and stronger texture intensities compared with unidirectional rolling.The differences in the microstructure and texture intensities are reflected in the anisotropy characterized by the difference in the yield stress and the fracture elongation that were measured along directions in the rolling plane at angles of 0■,45■and 90■from the rolling direction. 展开更多
关键词 AZ31 alloy sheet cross rolling MICROSTRUCTURE TEXTURE ANISOTROPY
Effects of thickness and elastic modulus on stress condition of fatigue-resistant coating under rolling contact 被引量:4
作者 朴钟宇 徐滨士 +1 位作者 王海斗 濮春欢 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第5期899-905,共7页
The distribution and magnitude of surface substrates were investigated by finite element method and subsurface stresses of the (FEM). The models of coating single-layer sprayed-coatings on monolithic configurations ... The distribution and magnitude of surface substrates were investigated by finite element method and subsurface stresses of the (FEM). The models of coating single-layer sprayed-coatings on monolithic configurations with different thicknesses and elastic modulus ratios of coating to substrate were introduced, and the effects of thickness and elastic modulus ratio on the stresses were addressed. The calculation results show that the coating/substrate interface shear stress obviously decreases with increasing coating thickness, due to the location of the maximum shear stress moving away from the coating/substrate interface. At the same time, the magnitude of von Mises stress also declines in the case of thicker coatings. However, the high elastic modulus ratio results in extremely high maximum shear stress and the severe discontinuity of the von Mises stress curves, which leads to the intensive stress concentration on the coating/substrate interface. So the coating configurations with the larger coating thickness and lower difference of elastic modulus between coating and substrate exhibit excellent resistant performance of rolling contact fatigue (RCF). 展开更多
关键词 sprayed-coating thickness elastic modulus maximum stress von Mises stress finite element method
Optimization of Grease Properties to Prolong the Life of Lubricating Greases
作者 Fumihiko Yokoyama 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2014年第4期236-247,共12页
Grease life refers to the time it takes for the grease to lose its ability to keep the lubrication due to grease degradation. As grease life is generally shorter than fatigue life of bearing, the service life of greas... Grease life refers to the time it takes for the grease to lose its ability to keep the lubrication due to grease degradation. As grease life is generally shorter than fatigue life of bearing, the service life of grease-lubricated rolling bearings is often dominated by grease life. When designing a bearing systemolecular weightith grease lubrication, it is necessary to define the operating conditions limits of the bearing, for which grease life becomes a determining factor. Prolongation of grease life becomes an especially important challenge when the bearing is to be operated trader high-speed, high-temperature, and other severe conditions. Selecting a number of commercially sold greases composed of varying base oils, the author evaluated their properties and analyzed how each property affected the grease life by performing a multiple regression analysis. The optimum grease composition to best exploit each property was also examined. The results revealed among others that one would need to first determine the base oil type and then maximize ultimate bleeding while minimizing the evaporation rate. 展开更多
关键词 GREASE grease life PROPERTY bearing.
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