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满面式螺旋叶片下料法的改进 被引量:1
作者 张建国 《中国油脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第5期58-58,共1页
满面式螺旋叶片下料法的改进河南省焦作市粮食局工业公司张建国在粮油加工生产过程中,原料、半成品以及成品的水平、垂直、倾斜输送,一般使用螺旋输送机作为主要输送工具。这是因为它结构简单,动力小,运行稳定,密闭性好,造价低廉... 满面式螺旋叶片下料法的改进河南省焦作市粮食局工业公司张建国在粮油加工生产过程中,原料、半成品以及成品的水平、垂直、倾斜输送,一般使用螺旋输送机作为主要输送工具。这是因为它结构简单,动力小,运行稳定,密闭性好,造价低廉。螺旋叶片种类很多,我们经常采用的... 展开更多
关键词 满面 螺旋叶片 下料 螺旋输送机
作者 张磊 李冲 《语文知识》 2006年第10期33-33,共1页
曾经在从维熙的《读己》中发现这样一句话: 反复阅读自己.满面汗颜之后,答案则从朦胧变得清晰。
关键词 满面汗颜” 汉语 词语 词汇
教师要做文本和学生的知音 被引量:1
作者 孙双金 《福建论坛(社科教育版)》 2009年第1期10-11,共2页
观点一:"一字未宜忽,语语悟其神"———品语言品味语言是语文教师备课的一项十分重要的工作,也是语文教师的教学基本功,在咬文嚼字中揣摩作者,在品词析句中走近作者,在推敲把玩中感悟作者。王安石的《泊船瓜洲》千古闻名,特... 观点一:"一字未宜忽,语语悟其神"———品语言品味语言是语文教师备课的一项十分重要的工作,也是语文教师的教学基本功,在咬文嚼字中揣摩作者,在品词析句中走近作者,在推敲把玩中感悟作者。王安石的《泊船瓜洲》千古闻名,特别是对其中"春风又绿江南岸"中"绿"的选用更为后人津津乐道。于是乎读《泊船瓜洲》想到的就是"绿" 展开更多
关键词 教学基本功 泊船瓜洲 林冲 诗眼 柴进 武艺高强 写景诗 满面羞惭 备教法 首坐
重锤夯实在含砂低液限黄土路基压实中的应用 被引量:1
作者 朱晓斌 张陈晨 《山西建筑》 2013年第17期129-130,共2页
关键词 含砂低液限黄土 满面夯实 试验 工后沉降 压实度
作者 汪伟信 《体育师友》 1992年第3期18-18,共1页
“声、神、行”是组织数学,提高教学效果的重要因素,有人把教师比作导演,学生喻为演员,把组织教学看作是在导演一幕科学的“活剧”,此话确有一定的道理。要在那长方形、椭园形的有限空间和有限的时间内导演好这幕“话剧”教师必须重视... “声、神、行”是组织数学,提高教学效果的重要因素,有人把教师比作导演,学生喻为演员,把组织教学看作是在导演一幕科学的“活剧”,此话确有一定的道理。要在那长方形、椭园形的有限空间和有限的时间内导演好这幕“话剧”教师必须重视自己的“声、神、行”。 展开更多
关键词 教学效果 诙谐幽默 学习效果 满面含春 威而不猛 体育教学 学习行为 言行举止 信息传递 有度
必须讲究课堂教学的节奏美 被引量:1
作者 姚迪生 《成人教育》 北大核心 1989年第10期26-28,共2页
在课堂教学中,过快的节奏,容易使学员紧张疲劳,人困马乏。过慢的节奏,又会使学员精神松懈,分散精力。即使是比较适中的节奏,也存在一个快慢交错、变化有序的问题。如果老是单一不变,再好的教学内容也会因此使学员感到单调无味,影响学习... 在课堂教学中,过快的节奏,容易使学员紧张疲劳,人困马乏。过慢的节奏,又会使学员精神松懈,分散精力。即使是比较适中的节奏,也存在一个快慢交错、变化有序的问题。如果老是单一不变,再好的教学内容也会因此使学员感到单调无味,影响学习兴趣,收不到应有的教学效果。可见,把握好课堂教学的节奏变化规律,讲究课堂教学的节奏美,对教师来说确是一项不可缺少的基本功。笔者认为。 展开更多
关键词 课堂教学 教学效果 节奏美 堂课 教育家叶圣陶 张弛 满面含春 设疑 详略得当 三尺讲台
“诸葛亮舌战群儒”的论辩语言艺术 被引量:1
作者 于全有 《十堰职业技术学院学报》 1994年第1期18-21,共4页
“诸葛亮舌战群儒”,这是被后世人们所津津乐道的《三国演义》中最精彩的片断之一。在强敌压境、吴中主降派甚嚣尘上的形势下,诸葛亮以其超群的智慧、雄辩的才能,一一击垮了江东主降派的群体发难,为孙刘联合、共同抗曹的战略思想的最终... “诸葛亮舌战群儒”,这是被后世人们所津津乐道的《三国演义》中最精彩的片断之一。在强敌压境、吴中主降派甚嚣尘上的形势下,诸葛亮以其超群的智慧、雄辩的才能,一一击垮了江东主降派的群体发难,为孙刘联合、共同抗曹的战略思想的最终实现,奠定了坚实的基础。认真探讨一下“诸葛亮舌战群儒”的沦辩语言艺术,无论对于我门更好地掌握运用逻辑学、还是论辩学的基本技能与技巧,指导语言实践,都是不无益处的。 展开更多
关键词 舌战群儒 语言艺术 三国演义 语言实践 夸辩之徒 虚誉欺人 满面羞惭 薛综 博望烧屯 立谈
作者 尹冬燕 《成才之路》 2008年第28期16-16,共1页
场景一:新学期开始了,今天是初一年级第一堂音乐课,我满面阳光地走进教室,亲切随和地做完自我介绍,然后请学生也学着老师的样子做自我介绍。这时,大部分学生都低下了头,很少有学生敢直视老师的眼睛,说话声轻如蚊音,或垂下眼睑,看着地面... 场景一:新学期开始了,今天是初一年级第一堂音乐课,我满面阳光地走进教室,亲切随和地做完自我介绍,然后请学生也学着老师的样子做自我介绍。这时,大部分学生都低下了头,很少有学生敢直视老师的眼睛,说话声轻如蚊音,或垂下眼睑,看着地面,像做检讨。只有少数几个同学落落大方地介绍自己。 展开更多
关键词 音乐课 蚊音 下眼睑 自我介绍 学生 老师 满面
作者 吕雪萱 《中学语文》 2019年第33期F0003-F0003,共1页
宋朝大文豪苏轼(东坡),有一天,在书房里写了一首五言诗,诗曰:"稽首天中天,豪光照大千;八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲。"苏轼愈看愈得意,便喜滋滋地遣人将之送往好友佛印处,并请佛印赏评。佛印有意捉弄苏轼,便在该首诗的旁边写了一个&... 宋朝大文豪苏轼(东坡),有一天,在书房里写了一首五言诗,诗曰:"稽首天中天,豪光照大千;八风吹不动,端坐紫金莲。"苏轼愈看愈得意,便喜滋滋地遣人将之送往好友佛印处,并请佛印赏评。佛印有意捉弄苏轼,便在该首诗的旁边写了一个"屁"字,并着来人带回。苏轼一看,不禁勃然变色,马上气冲冲地过江找佛印理论。佛印笑对苏轼说:"不是说八风吹不动,怎么一‘屁’就过江来了?"苏轼顿时满面羞惭,转身而去。(注:八风系指:利、衰、毁、誉、称、讥、苦、乐。) 展开更多
关键词 佛印 苏轼 五言诗 紫金莲 满面羞惭 天中天
功夫本在课文外 于无声处见风云
作者 李金和 《小学科学》 2016年第2期14-14,共1页
《林冲棒打洪教头》是苏教版小学语文第九册课文,主要写林冲遭刺配来到"小旋风"柴进庄上,被洪教头所逼与之比武,几招之内打败洪教头,使之羞惭而去的故事。在教学中,教师常聚焦主要人物,抓住动作、语言,把握人物形象。在赞同之余,有一... 《林冲棒打洪教头》是苏教版小学语文第九册课文,主要写林冲遭刺配来到"小旋风"柴进庄上,被洪教头所逼与之比武,几招之内打败洪教头,使之羞惭而去的故事。在教学中,教师常聚焦主要人物,抓住动作、语言,把握人物形象。在赞同之余,有一些建议,如鲠在喉,不吐不快。 展开更多
关键词 林冲 柴进 如鲠在喉 人物形象 苏教版 学语文 主要人物 于无声处 次要人物 满面羞惭
Effects of electrolysis process parameters on alumina dissolution and their optimization 被引量:9
作者 Wen-yuan HOU He-song LI +2 位作者 Mao LI Ben-jun CHENG Yuan FENG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第12期3390-3403,共14页
The Box–Behnken design and desirability approach were used to investigate and optimize the process parameters for aluminum reduction cells related to alumina dissolution. The bath temperature, alumina content, curren... The Box–Behnken design and desirability approach were used to investigate and optimize the process parameters for aluminum reduction cells related to alumina dissolution. The bath temperature, alumina content, current and alumina temperature were chosen as the design parameters. The content of cumulative dissolved alumina(CCDA) and the relative deviation from the target content(RDTC) were adopted as the responses. The interactive influence results show that increasing the bath temperature and alumina temperature, as well as decreasing the alumina content, can increase CCDA. Increasing the bath temperature and lowering the current are beneficial for obtaining a more uniform alumina distribution. The optimal operating parameters were determined to be as follows: bath temperature of 958.8 ℃, alumina content of 2.679 wt.%, current of 300 kA and alumina temperature of 200 ℃. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum reduction cell alumina dissolution response surface methodology desirability approach heat and mass transfer
Autonomous planning system based on temporal constraint satisfaction
作者 徐瑞 崔平远 +2 位作者 徐晓飞 吴伟仁 田玉龙 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2003年第3期304-307,共4页
In order to realize spacecraft autonomy activity duration and complex temporal relations must be taken into consideration. In the space mission planning system, the traditional planners are unable to describe this kno... In order to realize spacecraft autonomy activity duration and complex temporal relations must be taken into consideration. In the space mission planning system, the traditional planners are unable to describe this knowledge, so an object-oriented temporal knowledge representation method is proposed to model every activity as an object to describe the activity's duration, start-time, end-time and the temporal relations with other activities. The layered planning agent architecture is then designed for spacecraft autonomous operation, and the functions of every component are given. A planning algorithm based on the temporal constraint satisfaction is built in detail using this knowledge representation and system architecture. The prototype of Deep Space Mission Autonomous Planning System is implemented. The results show that with the object-oriented temporal knowledge description method, the space mission planning system can be used to describe simultaneous activities, resource and temporal constraints, and produce a complete plan for exploration mission quickly under complex constraints. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous planning system object-oriented knowledge representation SPACECRAFT temporal constraint satisfaction
Functional lipidomics in patients on home parenteral nutrition: Effect of lipid emulsions 被引量:1
作者 Loris Pironi Mariacristina Guidetti +6 位作者 Ornella Verrastro Claudia Iacona Federica Agostini Caterina Pazzeschi Anna Simona Sasdelli Michele Melchiorre Carla Ferreri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第25期4604-4614,共11页
To investigate the fatty acid-based functional lipidomics of patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition receiving different intravenous lipid emulsions. METHODSA cross-sectional comparative study was carried out ... To investigate the fatty acid-based functional lipidomics of patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition receiving different intravenous lipid emulsions. METHODSA cross-sectional comparative study was carried out on 3 groups of adults on home parenteral nutrition (HPN), receiving an HPN admixture containing an olive-soybean oil-based intravenous lipid emulsion (IVLE) (OO-IVLE; n = 15), a soybean- medium-chain triacylglycerol-olive-fish oil-based IVLE (SMOF-IVLE; n = 8) or HPN without IVLE (No-IVLE; n = 8) and 42 healthy controls (HCs). The inclusion criteria were: duration of HPN ≥ 3 mo, current HPN admixtures ≥ 2 mo and HPN infusions ≥ 2/wk. Blood samples were drawn 4-6 h after the discontinuation of the overnight HPN infusion. The functional lipidomics panel included: the red blood cell (RBC) fatty acid (FA) profile, molecular biomarkers [membrane fluidity: saturated/monounsaturated FA ratio = saturated fatty acid (SFA)/monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) index; inflammatory risk: n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratio = n-6/n-3 index; cardiovascular risk: sum of n-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) = n-3 index; free radical stress: sum of FA trans isomers = %trans index] and FA pathway enzyme activity estimate (delta-9-desaturase = D9D; delta-6-desaturase = D6D; delta-5-desaturase = D5D; elongase = ELO). Statistics were carried out using nonparametric tests. The amount of each FA was calculated as a percentage of the total FA content (relative%). RESULTSIn the OO-IVLE group, the percentage of oleic acid in the RBCs was positively correlated with the weekly load of OO-IVLE (r = 0.540, P = 0.043). In the SMOF-IVLE cohort, the RBC membrane EPA and DHA were positively correlated with the daily amount of SMOF-IVLE (r = 0.751, P = 0.044) and the number of HPN infusions per week (r = 0.753; P = 0.046), respectively. The SMOF-IVLE group showed the highest EPA and DHA and the lowest arachidonic acid percentages (P < 0.001). The RBC membrane linoleic acid content was lower, and oleic and vaccenic acids were higher in all the HPN groups in comparison to the HCs. Vaccenic acid was positively correlated with the weekly HPN load of glucose in both the OO-IVLE (r = 0.716; P = 0.007) and the SMOF-IVLE (r = 0.732; P = 0.053) groups. The estimated activity of D9D was higher in all the HPN groups than in the HCs (P < 0.001). The estimated activity of D5D was lower in the SMOF-IVLE group than in the HCs (P = 0.013). The SFA/MUFA ratio was lower in all the HPN groups than in the HCs (P < 0.001). The n-6/n-3 index was lower and the n-3 index was higher in the SMOF-IVLE group in comparison to the HCs and to the other HPN groups (P < 0.001). The %trans index did not differ among the four groups. CONCLUSIONThe FA profile of IVLEs significantly influenced the cell membrane functional lipidomics. The amount of glucose in the HPN may play a relevant role, mediated by the insulin regulation of the FA pathway enzyme activities. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic intestinal failure Home parenteral nutrition Intravenous lipid emulsion Cell membrane fatty acid profile Cell membrane lipidome Functional lipidomics
Multiple-response optimization for melting process of aluminum melting furnace based on response surface methodology with desirability function 被引量:3
作者 周孑民 王计敏 +2 位作者 闫红杰 李世轩 贵广臣 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2875-2885,共11页
To reduce the fuel consumption and emissions and also enhance the molten aluminum quality, a mathematical model with user-developed melting model and burning capacity model, were established according to the features ... To reduce the fuel consumption and emissions and also enhance the molten aluminum quality, a mathematical model with user-developed melting model and burning capacity model, were established according to the features of melting process of regenerative aluminum melting furnaces. Based on validating results by heat balance test for an aluminum melting furnace, CFD (computational fluid dynamics) technique, in association with statistical experimental design were used to optimize the melting process of the aluminum melting furnace. Four important factors influencing the melting time, such as horizontal angle between burners, height-to-radius ratio, natural gas mass flow and air preheated temperature, were identified by PLACKETT-BURMAN design. A steepest descent method was undertaken to determine the optimal regions of these factors. Response surface methodology with BOX-BEHNKEN design was adopted to further investigate the mutual interactions between these variables on RSD (relative standard deviation) of aluminum temperature, RSD of furnace temperature and melting time. Multiple-response optimization by desirability function approach was used to determine the optimum melting process parameters. The results indicate that the interaction between the height-to-radius ratio and horizontal angle between burners affects the response variables significantly. The predicted results show that the minimum RSD of aluminum temperature (12.13%), RSD of furnace temperature (18.50%) and melting time (3.9 h) could be obtained under the optimum conditions of horizontal angle between burners as 64°, height-to-radius ratio as 0.3, natural gas mass flow as 599 m3/h, and air preheated temperature as 639 ℃. These predicted values were further verified by validation experiments. The excellent correlation between the predicted and experimental values confirms the validity and practicability of this statistical optimum strategy. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum melting furnace melting process response surface methodology desirability function multiple response parameter optimization numerical simulation PLACKETT-BURMAN design BOX-BEHNKEN design
作者 刘章春 《当代电视》 北大核心 1993年第6期32-33,共2页
人临晚境,为寻个退身之地,总不免要积攒些财富,以度残年。业已63岁的朱旭,也为自己的晚年积攒下了一大笔数目可观的财富。你瞧,无论是在话剧舞台上或是在影、视屏幕中,他为观众留下的众多人物形象,不正是最为可观的艺术财富吗?朱旭演话... 人临晚境,为寻个退身之地,总不免要积攒些财富,以度残年。业已63岁的朱旭,也为自己的晚年积攒下了一大笔数目可观的财富。你瞧,无论是在话剧舞台上或是在影、视屏幕中,他为观众留下的众多人物形象,不正是最为可观的艺术财富吗?朱旭演话剧堪称一代名角,可惜,剧场这个天地毕竟小了点。 展开更多
关键词 朱旭 话剧舞台 于庄 人物形象 大独裁者 无本 雪山飞狐 闲暇之时 事使 满面含春
作者 张连运 《父母必读》 北大核心 1990年第9期47-47,共1页
自从一位音乐大师,在百乐晚会上,用笛子吹奏一支名曲,博得听众阵阵掌声之后,笛管便昏昏然,飘飘然,居功自满起来了。它尤其瞧不起笛膜,常常对笛膜说:"我有笔直的腰杆,坚硬的身躯,能奏美妙动听的乐曲:而你轻如烟缕,薄如纸灰,你太渺小... 自从一位音乐大师,在百乐晚会上,用笛子吹奏一支名曲,博得听众阵阵掌声之后,笛管便昏昏然,飘飘然,居功自满起来了。它尤其瞧不起笛膜,常常对笛膜说:"我有笔直的腰杆,坚硬的身躯,能奏美妙动听的乐曲:而你轻如烟缕,薄如纸灰,你太渺小啦!"笛管说完颇为得意。笛膜缄口沉默,不加辩解,虚心谦让,有功不居,为了事业尽心尽力。 展开更多
关键词 音乐大师 居功自 昏昏然 百乐 满面羞惭
作者 《中华活页文选(初二)》 2019年第2期71-73,共3页
关键词 两鬓 卖炭 炭车 满面 卖炭翁 烟火 南山 尘灰
作者 景琦 《老同志之友(上半月)》 2019年第4期23-23,共1页
关键词 老友 风光 新居 话题 满面
作者 沈淦 《山西老年》 2015年第4期18-19,共2页
1903年3月1日至7月1日,日本政府在大阪市的天王寺举办"第五次国内劝业博览会",又称大阪博览会,分列农业、园艺、矿冶、化学、工业制作、教育学术、卫生、经济各门,一门之中又各分类,共有8处展馆;另外还设有参考馆,展出各国物品。由于... 1903年3月1日至7月1日,日本政府在大阪市的天王寺举办"第五次国内劝业博览会",又称大阪博览会,分列农业、园艺、矿冶、化学、工业制作、教育学术、卫生、经济各门,一门之中又各分类,共有8处展馆;另外还设有参考馆,展出各国物品。由于日本方面遍邀中国各省官商赴会,清政府便组织了湖南、湖北、山东、四川、福建等省参加展出。然而,博览会期间发生了一些侮辱中国人的事件。 展开更多
关键词 大阪市 考馆 秦平 日至 天王寺 教育学术 冯自由 宝像 北馆 满面羞惭
作者 彭瑞高 《作文世界(高中版)》 2004年第6期62-67,共6页
关键词 彭瑞高 开云 磨子潭 给你 半个城 遮雨棚 收成本费 吴开 黑眼圈 满面羞惭
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