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直线加速器MLC漏射剂量对放疗计划的影响 被引量:1
作者 卜羽 常志敏 《现代仪器与医疗》 CAS 2023年第1期43-49,共7页
目的通过消除多叶准直器(Multi-Leaf Collimator,MLC)叶片弧形端面和叶片间的漏射剂量从而降低漏射线对危及器官的影响,达到保护正常组织优化患者治疗计划的目的。方法(1)MLC的角度,或者设置多中心,消除多叶光栅叶片间间隙。(2)运用统... 目的通过消除多叶准直器(Multi-Leaf Collimator,MLC)叶片弧形端面和叶片间的漏射剂量从而降低漏射线对危及器官的影响,达到保护正常组织优化患者治疗计划的目的。方法(1)MLC的角度,或者设置多中心,消除多叶光栅叶片间间隙。(2)运用统计学中相关性、t检验等分析方法,分析多叶光栅叶片间隙漏射剂量对危及器官的影响。结果直线加速器二级准直器的角度改变10°、15°、30°、45°或者设置多中心,可以消除多叶光栅叶片的间隙。危及器官吸收剂量减少。结论多叶光栅完全闭合,可以在放射治疗中减小危及器官受到的辐射剂量,有效的保护正常组织少受辐射的伤害,达到优化治疗计划得目的,提高了放射治疗的质量。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤放疗 治疗计划系统 漏射剂量 医用直线加速器
作者 郑景嵩 李金亮 +1 位作者 万开方 潘明 《电子信息对抗技术》 北大核心 2023年第6期23-29,共7页
针对现阶段难以从空空制导武器打击全链路对电子干扰效能进行有效评估的难题,提出了一种干扰影响下空空制导武器的火控能力分析方法。对电子干扰影响下的空战对抗全流程进行了梳理,分析了不同对抗阶段的干扰效应,并选择干扰对抗下的误... 针对现阶段难以从空空制导武器打击全链路对电子干扰效能进行有效评估的难题,提出了一种干扰影响下空空制导武器的火控能力分析方法。对电子干扰影响下的空战对抗全流程进行了梳理,分析了不同对抗阶段的干扰效应,并选择干扰对抗下的误射概率和漏射概率作为评估指标,设计了两类概率指标的计算方法,最后利用仿真结果验证了本文所提出干扰效能评估方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 火控攻击区 概率 漏射概率 在线插值 火控对抗
医用动态多叶光栅技术的发展概述 被引量:3
作者 陈刘利 吕军 +3 位作者 朱志强 尚雷明 龙鹏程 胡丽琴 《医疗装备》 2023年第1期156-161,共6页
动态多叶光栅具有光束适形功能,通过阻挡放射线形成各种形状的照射野,以满足放射治疗需求,是实施多种放射治疗技术的关键设备,对提高放射治疗精度和效率具有重要作用。该研究概述了动态多叶光栅的技术发展现状与趋势,对典型单层与双层... 动态多叶光栅具有光束适形功能,通过阻挡放射线形成各种形状的照射野,以满足放射治疗需求,是实施多种放射治疗技术的关键设备,对提高放射治疗精度和效率具有重要作用。该研究概述了动态多叶光栅的技术发展现状与趋势,对典型单层与双层光栅的性能参数进行了对比。 展开更多
关键词 治疗 多叶光栅 治疗精度 漏射
作者 吕军 陈刘利 +3 位作者 温瑞军 龙鹏程 尚雷明 胡丽琴 《中国医疗器械杂志》 2023年第4期377-382,共6页
动态多叶光栅具有放射线束整形的作用,是实施肿瘤精准放射治疗的关键执行部件,在提高放射治疗的精度、效率和质量方面起着核心作用。该文对一种圆弧面和平面组合的新型光栅叶片端面结构进行研究,发展了一种解析表达式和图形分析法结合... 动态多叶光栅具有放射线束整形的作用,是实施肿瘤精准放射治疗的关键执行部件,在提高放射治疗的精度、效率和质量方面起着核心作用。该文对一种圆弧面和平面组合的新型光栅叶片端面结构进行研究,发展了一种解析表达式和图形分析法结合的光栅叶片半影性能分析模型,量化分析了叶片端面结构对半影的影响关系,完成了一套动态多叶光栅的三维结构设计,并通过实验测量验证了结构设计和分析模型的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 多叶光栅 治疗 漏射 半影
水稻灌浆期群体光能截获与利用分析 被引量:11
作者 谢立勇 徐正进 +2 位作者 林而达 张文忠 刘宏光 《中国农业气象》 CSCD 2005年第4期207-209,共3页
对直立穗型和弯曲穗型水稻品种灌浆期群体光能截获与利用情况测定分析的结果表明:不同穗型水稻群体的光截获在南北行向上存在明显差异,东西行向差异不显著;直立穗型南北行向群体光垂直递减率明显小于弯曲穗型,但漏光损失较多;各群体的... 对直立穗型和弯曲穗型水稻品种灌浆期群体光能截获与利用情况测定分析的结果表明:不同穗型水稻群体的光截获在南北行向上存在明显差异,东西行向差异不显著;直立穗型南北行向群体光垂直递减率明显小于弯曲穗型,但漏光损失较多;各群体的冠层光反射均随水稻生育期的发展而增大,品种之间差异明显;各群体的地表漏射在行向间差异明显,品种间差异不大。 展开更多
关键词 光能截获与利用 直立穗型 弯曲穗型 光反 漏射
医科达Synergy-S加速器多叶准直器剂量学研究 被引量:3
作者 李军 张西志 +3 位作者 张先稳 桂龙刚 孙新臣 李金凯 《中国医学装备》 2018年第4期39-42,共4页
目的:测量Synergy-S医用直线加速器新型多叶准直器(MLC)的漏射和透射剂量,分析漏射和透射剂量产生的原因。方法:应用PTW UNIDOS剂量仪和MP3三维水箱,分别在水中、空气中以及RW3固体水模中测量Synergy-S加速器内置的Beam Modulator型MLC... 目的:测量Synergy-S医用直线加速器新型多叶准直器(MLC)的漏射和透射剂量,分析漏射和透射剂量产生的原因。方法:应用PTW UNIDOS剂量仪和MP3三维水箱,分别在水中、空气中以及RW3固体水模中测量Synergy-S加速器内置的Beam Modulator型MLC叶片间和叶片端面的X射线漏射,以及漏射随射线能量和机架角度的变化。结果:能量对叶片间漏射稍有影响,对叶片端面透射剂量影响较小,重力和MLC的运动对叶片间透射影响较小,偏轴方向两测量点漏射率很低,且有随离轴距离越远漏射呈降低趋势。结论:随着调强放射治疗以及旋转弧形调强放射治疗技术的应用,由于使用子野或野中野调强放射治疗技术,单次照射的机器输出跳数很高,对MLC的透射要求越来越高。因其叶片间透射线的存在,在优化放射治疗计划时还应根据情况转动机头,利用铅门再次遮挡重要危及器官和正常组织,以降低辐照风险。 展开更多
关键词 多叶准直器 漏射 剂量 治疗 医用直线加速器
国产外置式自动多叶准直器控制设计及其临床性能测试分析 被引量:4
作者 陈婷婷 钟睿 +1 位作者 孙官清 柏森 《中国医学物理学杂志》 CSCD 2014年第2期4776-4781,4819,共7页
目的:设计一款高位移精度的国产外置式医学用自动多叶准直器(Multi Leaf Collimator,简称MLC),同时验证和测试该MLC在放射治疗临床使用中的辐射野精度、半影、漏射率、适形度等重要指标数据。方法:控制设计方面,采用直流电机模糊控制算... 目的:设计一款高位移精度的国产外置式医学用自动多叶准直器(Multi Leaf Collimator,简称MLC),同时验证和测试该MLC在放射治疗临床使用中的辐射野精度、半影、漏射率、适形度等重要指标数据。方法:控制设计方面,采用直流电机模糊控制算法、位移精度控制、漏射优化等关键方案实现MLC的核心功能。测试方面采用60Co治疗机作为放射源,国产MLC形成射野,使用三维水箱系统和二维剂量探测器对剂量分布进行测量,并根据测量结果计算MLC性能指标数据。结果:射野数字指示与辐射野精度误差测试中,在叶片运动方向上位移误差在0.2 mm^1.6 mm之间;漏射率测试中,最大漏射率小于2%;半影测试中,半影随射野增大而增大,在10 cm×10 cm射野时,叶片运动方向半影为8.6 mm;适形度测试中,MLC形成射野和TPS定制适形度值在99.7%以上。结论:国产外置式MLC各项指标符合食药总局检验标准,完全满足临床治疗需求。 展开更多
关键词 多叶光栅 模糊控制 剂量 漏射
动态多叶光栅准直器的技术现状及发展趋势 被引量:7
作者 郭召 《中国医疗设备》 2021年第1期154-158,共5页
动态多叶光栅准直器是直线加速器开展精准放射治疗,实施适形及调强治疗,提高治疗效果的关键核心器件。本文系统介绍了国内外多叶光栅准直器的发展历程及技术现状,对国内外典型多叶光栅产品的技术性能进行了介绍,对比了国产多叶光栅与进... 动态多叶光栅准直器是直线加速器开展精准放射治疗,实施适形及调强治疗,提高治疗效果的关键核心器件。本文系统介绍了国内外多叶光栅准直器的发展历程及技术现状,对国内外典型多叶光栅产品的技术性能进行了介绍,对比了国产多叶光栅与进口产品的技术性能差异。对研制高性能多叶光栅准直器需要掌握的关键技术进行了总结分析,最后对动态多叶光栅准直器的发展趋势进行了探讨与展望。 展开更多
关键词 多叶光栅系统 治疗 适形治疗 调强治疗 漏射
Performance of FCC Catalyst Improved with Vanadium Trapping Components 被引量:6
作者 Ren Fei Liu Qianqian Zhu Yuxia 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第2期8-11,共4页
The vanadium species were contaminated on FCC catalysts by using the Mitchell method. After the hydrothermal deactivation of the FCC catalysts, the cracking reaction was performed on these catalyst samples. The test r... The vanadium species were contaminated on FCC catalysts by using the Mitchell method. After the hydrothermal deactivation of the FCC catalysts, the cracking reaction was performed on these catalyst samples. The test results revealed that the conversion of feedstock and the gasoline yield obtained over the FCC catalysts with vanadium trapping components were obviously higher than those without addition of vanadium trapping components. The results also showed that the dry gas and coke selectivity on the FCC catalysts containing vanadium trapping components was improved. The X-Ray diffraction results proved that the zeolite crystal structure was well protected by the vanadium trapping components during its hydrothermal deactivation step. The results of SEM-EDX mapping disclosed that the vanadium was enriched on the vanadium trapping components which verified the positive function of vanadium trapping components. 展开更多
关键词 catalytic cracking vanadium trapping components DISTRIBUTION vanadium poisoning
Comparison of two methods for assessing leakage radiation dose around the head of the medical linear accelerators 被引量:1
作者 Ehab M. Attalla 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2013年第9期435-438,共4页
Objective:The aim of this study was to measure the leakage by two methods with ion chamber and ready packs film,and to investigate the feasibility and the advantages of using two dosimetry methods for assessing leakag... Objective:The aim of this study was to measure the leakage by two methods with ion chamber and ready packs film,and to investigate the feasibility and the advantages of using two dosimetry methods for assessing leakage radiation around the head of the linear accelerators.Methods:Measurements were performed using a 30 cm3ion chamber;the gantry at 0°,the X-ray head at 0°,the field size at between the central axis and a plane surface at a FSD of 100 as a reference,a series of concentric circles having radii of 50,75,and 100 cm with their common centre at the reference point.The absorbed dose was measured at the reference point,and this would be used as the reference dose.With the diaphragm closed,the measurements were taken along the circumference of the three circles and at 45°intervals.Results:Leakage radiations while the treatment head was in the vertical position varied between 0.016%–0.04%.With the head lying horizontally,leakage radiation was the same order magnitude and varied between 0.02%–0.07%.In the second method,the verification was accomplished by closing the collimator jaws and covering the head of the treatment unit with the ready pack films.The films were marked to permit the determination of their positions on the machine after exposed and processed.With the diaphragm closed,and the ready packs films around the linear accelerator the beam turned on for 2500 cGy(2500 MU).The optical density of these films was measured and compared with this of the reference dose.Leakage radiation varied according to the film positions and the magnitude of leakage was between 0.005%–0.075%.Conclusion:The differences between the values of the leakage radiation levels observed at different measurement points do not only reflect differences in the effective shielding thickness of the head wall,but are also related to differences in the distances between the target and the measurement points.The experimental errors involved in dosimetric measurement also contribute to such differences. 展开更多
关键词 leakage radiation acceptance testing linear accelerator ion chamber ready packs film
作者 陈建生 杜国平 +1 位作者 郑正 孙菁 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第4期230-237,共8页
Infiltration and localization of preferential infiltration zones at the dam abutment are measured using radioactive tracer tests of flow in boreholes, meanwhile interconnection between boreholes and the energing water... Infiltration and localization of preferential infiltration zones at the dam abutment are measured using radioactive tracer tests of flow in boreholes, meanwhile interconnection between boreholes and the energing water points is analysed. The theory and practice of radioactive tracer synthetic detective method are described to give methods and calculation formulae used under the condition of stable flow in single well to measure permeability coefficient and hydrostatic heads. Major single hole techniques including measurement for seepage line, velocity, rate of seepage flow and relationship of recharge of groundwater in aquifers are introduced briefly.The possibilities offered by natural tracers are analysed, including electric-conduct,pH-value and temperature of water as well as stable isotopes (D, 18O) and tritium.Furthermore, the sensibilities of this theory and methods were confirmed by detecting seepage flow field of Xinanjiang Dam. 展开更多
关键词 Isotope tracers Natural tracers Single hole techniques Seepage flow field Hydrostatic heads
Rate-equation-based VCSEL thermal model and simulation
作者 LIU Jie CHEN Wen-lu LI Yu-quan 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第12期1968-1972,共5页
In this paper, we present a simple thermal model of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL) light-current (L1) characteristics based on the rate-equation. The model can be implemented in conventional SPICE-... In this paper, we present a simple thermal model of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL) light-current (L1) characteristics based on the rate-equation. The model can be implemented in conventional SPICE-like circuit simulators, including HSPICE, and be used to simulate the key features of VCSEL. The results compare favorably with experimental data from a device reported in the literature. The simple empirical model is especially suitable for Computer Aided Design (CAD), and greatly simplifies the design of optical communication systems. 展开更多
关键词 Carrier leakage Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) Rate-equation Thermal model SPICE simulation
Study of the Positioning Influence in the Water Activity Measurement during Leak Test of Iodine-125 Seeds
作者 Joao A. Moura Anselmo Feher +6 位作者 Carlos A. Zeituni Maria E. C. M. Rostelato Wilson A. P. Calvo Oswaldo L.Costa Carla D. Souza Dib K. Junior Anderson R. Camargo 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2015年第5期345-348,共4页
In the prostate cancer treatment, brachytherapy with iodine-125 seeds has been used. lodine-125 seeds are sealed radioactive sources, made by a titanium capsule containing the radioisotope inside. In the final phase o... In the prostate cancer treatment, brachytherapy with iodine-125 seeds has been used. lodine-125 seeds are sealed radioactive sources, made by a titanium capsule containing the radioisotope inside. In the final phase of the seeds production, it is necessary to ensure that there is no leakage of the radioactive material. A leakage test is performed, immersing the seeds in water during 24 h and measuring the resulting activity in the water. This measurement is made in a sodium iodide detector. The immersion water is transferred to a plastic tube with a cap. The tube is placed by an automated positioning system, in the detector chamber. This study aims to determine the best positioning of the tube for the detection. It is also important to determine the influence of the positioning variation intrinsic of the automated positioning system during the iodine-125 seeds production. The results obtained will be used as a reference to adjust the equipment and process control system, in the production of the iodine-125 seeds. 展开更多
关键词 Iodine-125 seeds BRACHYTHERAPY prostate cancer treatment leakage immersion test automated positioning system.
An Innovative Passive Tip-Leakage Control Method for Axial Turbines:Basic Concept and Performance Potential 被引量:13
作者 Markus Hamik Reinhard Willinger 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第3期215-222,共8页
The present paper introduces a new concept for passive turbine tip-leakage control. The basic idea of the method is the connection of the blade leading edge and the blade tip by an internal channel. Due to the differe... The present paper introduces a new concept for passive turbine tip-leakage control. The basic idea of the method is the connection of the blade leading edge and the blade tip by an internal channel. Due to the difference between the stagnation pressure at the leading edge and the low pressure at the blade tip, a small amount of the working fluid is extracted from the blade passage. At the blade tip, a jet is injected roughly perpendicular to the tip gap flow driven by the blade pressure difference. It is proposed that the jet blocks at least a part of the tip gap flow. Since the tip-leakage losses are proportional to the tip gap mass flow rate, the tip injection results in a reduction of the associated losses. After the introduction of the concept, an analytical model is presented which describes the reduction of the tip gap discharge coefficient due to the tip injection. Furthermore, the analytical model is supported by the results of a preliminary CFD analysis. Finally, the potential of the efficiency improvement by the passive blade tip injection method is reported. 展开更多
关键词 axial turbine tip-leakage flow blade tip injection efficiency
Turbine Endwall Film Cooling With Combustor-Turbine Interface Gap Leak- age Flow: Effect of Incidence Angle 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Yang YUAN Xin 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第2期135-144,共10页
This paper is focused on the film cooling performance of combustor-turbine leakage flow at off-design condition. The influence of incidence angle on film cooling effectiveness on first-stage vane endwall with combusto... This paper is focused on the film cooling performance of combustor-turbine leakage flow at off-design condition. The influence of incidence angle on film cooling effectiveness on first-stage vane endwall with combustor-turbine interface slot is studied. A baseline slot configuration is tested in a low speed four-blade cascade comprising a large-scale model of the GE-E 3 Nozzle Guide Vane (NGV). The slot has a forward expansion angle of 30 deg. to the endwall surface. The Reynolds number based on the axial chord and inlet velocity of the free-stream flow is 3.5 × 10 5 and the testing is done in a four-blade cascade with low Mach number condition (0.1 at the inlet). The blowing ratio of the coolant through the interface gap varies from M = 0.1 to M = 0.3, while the blowing ratio varies from M = 0.7 to M = 1.3 for the endwall film cooling holes. The film-cooling effectiveness distributions are obtained using the pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique. The results show that with an increasing blowing ratio the film-cooling effectiveness increases on the endwall. As the incidence angle varies from i = +10 deg. to i = 10 deg., at low blowing ratio, the averaged film-cooling effectiveness changes slightly near the leading edge suction side area. The case of i = +10 deg. has better film-cooling performance at the downstream part of this region where the axial chord is between 0.15 and 0.25. However, the disadvantage of positive incidence appears when the blowing ratio increases, especially at the upstream part of near suction side region where the axial chord is between 0 and 0.15. On the main passage endwall surface, as the incidence angle changes from i = +10 deg. to i = 10 deg., the averaged film-cooling effectiveness changes slightly and the negative incidence appears to be more effective for the downstream part film cooling of the endwall surface where the axial chord is between 0.6 and 0.8. 展开更多
关键词 Film Cooling ENDWALL Pressure Sensitive Paint Leakage Flow
Aero-Thermal Performances of Leakage Flows Injection from the Endwall Slot in Linear Cascade of High-Pressure Turbine
作者 Wan Aizon W Ghopa Zambri Harun +1 位作者 Ken-ichi Funazaki Takemitsu Miura 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期49-57,共9页
The existence of a gap between combustor and turbine endwall in the real gas turbine induces to the leakages phenomenon. However, the leakages could be used as a coolant to protect the endwaU surfaces from the hot gas... The existence of a gap between combustor and turbine endwall in the real gas turbine induces to the leakages phenomenon. However, the leakages could be used as a coolant to protect the endwaU surfaces from the hot gas since it could not be completely prevented. Thus, present study investigated the potential of leakage flows as a function of film cooling. In present study, the flow field at the downstream of high-pressure turbine blade has been investigated by 5-holes pitot tube. This is to reveal the aerodynamic performances under the influenced of leakage flows while the temperature measurement was conducted by thermoehromic liquid crystal (TLC). Expe- rimental has significantly captured theaerodynamics effect of leakage flows near the blade downstream. Further- more, TLC measurement illustrated that the film cooling effectiveness contours were strongly influenced by the secondary flows behavior on the endwall region. Aero-thermal results were validated by the numerical simulation adopted by commercial sottware, ANSYS CFX 13. Both experimental and numerical simulation indicated almost similar trendinaero and also thermal behavior as the amount of leakage flows increases. 展开更多
关键词 endwall fllmcooling leakage flows secondary flows aerodynamic loss film cooling effectiveness
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