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基于“哲学核心书目”的馆藏漏采分析研究 被引量:7
作者 穆卫国 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期52-55,共4页
为优化馆藏结构,选择覆盖率高且有国家性质的《全国总书目》为数据来源,对2003-2005年的哲学类图书出版状况进行调查分析,同时基于Google Scholar的引文统计,形成"哲学核心书目"。然后将"哲学核心书目"分别与5家大... 为优化馆藏结构,选择覆盖率高且有国家性质的《全国总书目》为数据来源,对2003-2005年的哲学类图书出版状况进行调查分析,同时基于Google Scholar的引文统计,形成"哲学核心书目"。然后将"哲学核心书目"分别与5家大学图书馆哲学类馆藏进行比对,分析馆藏漏采的原因,包括专业设置方面的原因、出版方面的原因、发行方面的原因等,以期调整采购策略,降低漏采率,改进馆藏资源建设。 展开更多
关键词 哲学 全国总书目 全率 准率 漏采
作者 王建新 杨鸿忠 +1 位作者 易胜利 杨志 《中国井矿盐》 CAS 2008年第2期19-25,共7页
钻井水溶开采是二十世纪六、七十年代发展起来的新兴采矿工艺,矿床勘查时对矿区区域地质构造、矿区水文地质特征、矿床地质特征等研究不够,对开采中后期出现的问题无法预料。随着岩盐水溶开采时间的延续,有的采区出现严重的漏失,给矿区... 钻井水溶开采是二十世纪六、七十年代发展起来的新兴采矿工艺,矿床勘查时对矿区区域地质构造、矿区水文地质特征、矿床地质特征等研究不够,对开采中后期出现的问题无法预料。随着岩盐水溶开采时间的延续,有的采区出现严重的漏失,给矿区生产组织带来困难,使采卤成本大幅增高。本文通过对威西岩盐体长山矿区来牟采区严重漏失卤井的漏失成因分析及恢复生产的总结,提出了钻井水溶开采严重漏失采区卤井恢复生产的可行性、必要性及方法。 展开更多
关键词 钻井水溶开 矿区地质构造 水文地质 严重
溶洞处理采芯率和泥浆漏失的施工技术应用 被引量:1
作者 李星 《广东土木与建筑》 2017年第3期54-55,共2页
本文结合工程实例,根据勘察钻探资料、设计原则和现场实际钻孔资料,通过对溶洞采芯率达不到要求和钻孔泥浆漏失的主要原因进行分析及针对性的处理,有效地保证了溶洞处理的完整性,确保质量控制和经济效益,为同类岩溶区域基坑溶洞处理施... 本文结合工程实例,根据勘察钻探资料、设计原则和现场实际钻孔资料,通过对溶洞采芯率达不到要求和钻孔泥浆漏失的主要原因进行分析及针对性的处理,有效地保证了溶洞处理的完整性,确保质量控制和经济效益,为同类岩溶区域基坑溶洞处理施工提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 溶洞处理 芯率和泥浆 施工技术应用
一种高精度自主导航定位的葡萄采摘机器人设计 被引量:12
作者 郭素娜 张丽 刘志刚 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2016年第7期20-24,共5页
为了提高葡萄采摘机器人自主导航能力,增强对葡萄成熟度的准确识别功能,降低漏采率和误采率,设计了一种新式的基于RSSI自主导航和颜色特征提取的葡萄采摘机器人。该机器人使用RSSI定位技术,首先对装有无线传感器的葡萄树进行定位,然后... 为了提高葡萄采摘机器人自主导航能力,增强对葡萄成熟度的准确识别功能,降低漏采率和误采率,设计了一种新式的基于RSSI自主导航和颜色特征提取的葡萄采摘机器人。该机器人使用RSSI定位技术,首先对装有无线传感器的葡萄树进行定位,然后利用机器视觉系统对葡萄的成熟度进行判断,并对满足采摘条件的葡萄使用机械手进行采摘。对葡萄采摘机器人的性能进行了测试,通过测试发现:机器人对装有传感器的葡萄树的准确识别率达到了95%以上,对葡萄成熟度的判断达到了98%以上,是一种相对高效的葡萄采摘机器人。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄 自主导航 颜色识别 漏采 机器人
全自动油菜薹采收机方案设计及实验对比研究 被引量:1
作者 孙聪 张甜 +1 位作者 曹亮 牟顺海 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2022年第5期97-100,共4页
我国地域辽阔,各地区油菜薹特性、种植环境存在较大差异,国外成熟的油菜薹采收机难以满足油菜薹采收的实际需求。为此,从国内油菜薹生产实际情况出发,为提高油菜薹采收灵活性,降低漏采率和损伤率,设计了一套油菜薹采收机构。采收机的动... 我国地域辽阔,各地区油菜薹特性、种植环境存在较大差异,国外成熟的油菜薹采收机难以满足油菜薹采收的实际需求。为此,从国内油菜薹生产实际情况出发,为提高油菜薹采收灵活性,降低漏采率和损伤率,设计了一套油菜薹采收机构。采收机的动力和传送机构方面,基于地面特征和土壤特性,采用三轮结构式双拱桥机架,开芯无反应转向系统,液压马达和液压缸动力机构,紧缩回路控制系统;为降低油菜薹采收损伤率,设计了一种塑胶柔性的波形采收刀,通过调整采收的施力方式来提升采收率,降低损伤率。最后,比较分析了样机、6360型油菜薹采收机和传统人工采收方式下的各项采收性能指标,试验结果表明:设计的采收机在保证采收效率的同时,相较于6360型油菜薹采收机具备了更低的油菜薹损伤率、漏采率,满足实际使用需求。 展开更多
关键词 油菜薹收机 传动机构 波形收刀 漏采
基于足球机器人控制系统的采摘结构运动系统构建分析 被引量:1
作者 史磊 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2020年第3期208-213,共6页
为进一步提升农业采摘机器人运动控制系统的准确性与平稳性,引入足球机器人控制系统的控制原理,结合农业机械采摘的结构运动控制要求,针对采摘结构的运动系统进行了构建分析。在深入理解采摘结构的运动系统原理和主要采摘部件构成的基础... 为进一步提升农业采摘机器人运动控制系统的准确性与平稳性,引入足球机器人控制系统的控制原理,结合农业机械采摘的结构运动控制要求,针对采摘结构的运动系统进行了构建分析。在深入理解采摘结构的运动系统原理和主要采摘部件构成的基础上,建立了基于足球机器人控制系统下的采摘运动理论模型,并对其硬件结构系统进行搭建、软件控制系统进行优化,从而进行采摘试验。试验结果表明:采摘试验时间控制在1.50~2.50min范围时,综合漏采率可控制在1.20%以下,且最小的综合漏采率可以降低至0.95%,采摘成功率可达到93%以上,验证了将足球机器人控制系统机理应用于采摘结构运动系统的可行性与平稳性。 展开更多
关键词 农业 足球机器人控制系统 理论模型 综合漏采 平稳性
持续质量改进提高肠道门诊大便采样率 被引量:5
作者 王剑萍 张弘 《解放军护理杂志》 2011年第23期52-53,共2页
目的通过参与持续质量改进,提高肠道门诊大便采样率。方法通过观察和访谈,分析肠道门诊患者大便采样率低的原因,制定持续质量改进目标及实施方法。结果持续质量改进实施后6个月,肠道门诊患者大便采样率从90.1%上升至100%,患者对护士服... 目的通过参与持续质量改进,提高肠道门诊大便采样率。方法通过观察和访谈,分析肠道门诊患者大便采样率低的原因,制定持续质量改进目标及实施方法。结果持续质量改进实施后6个月,肠道门诊患者大便采样率从90.1%上升至100%,患者对护士服务态度满意度由92.6%上升至98.6%,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论遵循护理持续质量改进原则能提高肠道门诊患者的大便采样率和护士的服务意识,有助于预防肠道传染病的传播。 展开更多
关键词 持续质量改进 肠道门诊 大便 漏采
《现代农机》 2016年第2期45-45,共1页
该机由嵊州市嵊慈茶机有限公司生产制造,产品体积小,操作简单,使用方便,一人操作,采剪效率是手工采摘的5倍,解决了手工采茶难、采摘费用大等问题。主要技术参数:外形尺寸(长×宽×高):465 mm×160 mm×125 mm总质量... 该机由嵊州市嵊慈茶机有限公司生产制造,产品体积小,操作简单,使用方便,一人操作,采剪效率是手工采摘的5倍,解决了手工采茶难、采摘费用大等问题。主要技术参数:外形尺寸(长×宽×高):465 mm×160 mm×125 mm总质量:1.2 kg(另蓄电池4 kg背负)工作幅宽:150 mm切割形式:往复式, 展开更多
关键词 茶机 DW-150 往复式 产品体积 技术参数 外形尺寸 漏采 刀齿 额定转速 切割器
Suppressing Leakage Currents and Improving Performance of Indoor Organic Photovoltaic Devices
作者 WANG Xiang GAO Jiaxin +2 位作者 LI Zheng WANG Ming TANG Zheng 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 CAS 2024年第4期388-397,共10页
Organic photovoltaic(OPV) devices hold great promise for indoor light harvesting,offering a theoretical upper limit of power conversion efficiency that surpasses that of other photovoltaic technologies.However,the pre... Organic photovoltaic(OPV) devices hold great promise for indoor light harvesting,offering a theoretical upper limit of power conversion efficiency that surpasses that of other photovoltaic technologies.However,the presence of high leakage currents in OPV devices commonly constrains their effective performance under indoor conditions.In this study,we identified that the origin of the high leakage currents in OPV devices lay in pinhole defects present within the active layer(AL).By integrating an automated spin-coating strategy with sequential deposition processes,we achieved the compactness of the AL and minimized the occurrence of pinhole defects therein.Experimental findings demonstrated that with an increase in the number of deposition cycles,the density of pinhole defects in the AL underwent a marked reduction.Consequently,the leakage current experienced a substantial decrease by several orders of magnitude which achieved through well-calibrated AL deposition procedures.This enabled a twofold enhancement in the power conversion efficiency(PCE) of the OPV devices under conditions of indoor illumination. 展开更多
关键词 organic photovoltaic(OPV) indoor light harvesting pinhole defect leakage current shunt resistance
公安数据质量监测的实践研究 被引量:1
作者 佟冶 颜坤星 《辽宁警察学院学报》 2021年第3期15-19,共5页
不断增多的警务数据已经成为公安机关的新型核心资源,对数据质量的实时有效监测直接影响着公安大数据实战效能的发挥。在对我省公安数据资源现状充分调研基础上,从数据质量监测工作的内涵入手,探索公安实践中数据质量监测的具体内容和... 不断增多的警务数据已经成为公安机关的新型核心资源,对数据质量的实时有效监测直接影响着公安大数据实战效能的发挥。在对我省公安数据资源现状充分调研基础上,从数据质量监测工作的内涵入手,探索公安实践中数据质量监测的具体内容和监测工作的机制要求,并对公安数据质量监测工作未来进行展望,以期通过模型探索和机制固化为公安大数据深度应用提供源头上的质量监测。 展开更多
关键词 数据质量监测 完整性 漏采
A Blackman-Harris windowed triple-spectrum-line interpolation method for measuring SNR of ADCs 被引量:2
作者 YU Zhi-guo SUN Yi-zhou +2 位作者 HUANG Pu HE Qin GU Xiao-feng 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2017年第4期321-327,共7页
In the practical measurement of signal to noise ratio(SNR)of analog-to-digital converters(ADCs)by using fast Fourier transformation(FFT)method,the non-coherent sampling is inevitable,leading to spectral leakage which ... In the practical measurement of signal to noise ratio(SNR)of analog-to-digital converters(ADCs)by using fast Fourier transformation(FFT)method,the non-coherent sampling is inevitable,leading to spectral leakage which in turn affects the calculation accuracy and final measurement results.In this paper,a new method based on the Blackman-Harris windowed triple-spectrum-line interpolation is presented for the measurement of ADCs SNR by FFT.The simulation platform is built based on MATLAB and the behavioral dynamic models of the high-speed ADC products of Analog Devices Inc.(ADI)are simulated.The simulation results show that,even in the case of the maximum non-coherent degree,the SNR error is less than0.23dB and reaches the testing standards provided by ADI,confirming that the proposed method is effective for suppressing the spectral leakage effects and improving the SNR test accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 Blackman-Harris windowed signal to noise ratio (SNR) triple-spectrum-line interpolation spectral leakage non-coherent sampling
Bulking factor of the strata overlying the gob and a three-dimensional numerical simulation of the air leakage flow field 被引量:17
作者 Shao Hao Jiang Shuguang +1 位作者 Wang Lanyun Wu Zhengyan 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第2期261-266,共6页
The present study examines the results of the researches related to the gob bulking factor carried out at home and abroad.A mathematical function of a three-dimensional gob bulking factor is described based on a three... The present study examines the results of the researches related to the gob bulking factor carried out at home and abroad.A mathematical function of a three-dimensional gob bulking factor is described based on a three-dimensional gob model.The method of taking value for interstice and permeability ratios is also proposed.The law of air leakage of fully mechanized top coal is researched in this study.The results show that the speed of air flow near the upper and lower crossheadings is higher than that in the central section of the gob at the same distance from the working face.When the amount of air at the working face exceeds a critical amount,the width of the spontaneous combustion zone in the upper and lower crossheadings is also larger than that in the central section.In this situation,the key is preventing the coal left in the upper and lower crossheadings from self-igniting.Reducing the amount of air at the working face can decrease the width of the spontaneous combustion zone,especially the width near the upper and lower crossheadings.This also moves the spontaneous combustion zone in the direction of the working face.It can prevent the coal in the gob from self-igniting by making the coal left in the crossheadings to be inert and by effectively controlling the amount of air at the working face. 展开更多
关键词 Gob Bulking factor Flow field Numerical simulation Spontaneous combustion of coal
Numerical simulation study of gob air leakage field and gas migration regularity in downlink ventilation 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Jian-rang WANG Chun-qiao DONG Ding-wen 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第3期316-320,共5页
Aiming at the issue that mass of gas emission from mining gob and the gas exceeded in working face, gob air leakage field and gas migration regularity in downlink ventilation was studied. In consideration of the influ... Aiming at the issue that mass of gas emission from mining gob and the gas exceeded in working face, gob air leakage field and gas migration regularity in downlink ventilation was studied. In consideration of the influence of natural wind pressure to analyze the stope face differential pressure, gob air leakage field distribution and gas migration regularity theoretically. Established a two-dimensional physical model with one source and one doab, and applied computational fluid dynamics analysis software Fluent to do numerical simulation, analyzed and contrasted to the areas of gob air leakage on size and gas emission from gob to working face on strength when using the downlink ventilation and uplink ventilation. When applied downward ventilation in stope face, the air leakage field of gob nearly working face, and the air leakage intensity were smaller than uplink, this can effectively reduce the gas emission from gob to working face; when used downlink ventilation, the air leakage airflow carry the lower amount of gas to doab than uplink ventilation, and more easily to mix the gas, reduced the possibility of gas accumulation in upper comer and the stratified flows, it can provide protection to mine with safe and effective production. 展开更多
关键词 downlink ventilation natural wind pressure air leakage field gas migration numerical simulation
Gas effusion of full-mechanized top coal caving in Jiaoping Mine Area
作者 许满贵 王国旗 闵龙 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2008年第3期464-468,共5页
According to the gas observational data,the gas spatiotemporal distributions were analyzed in full-mechanized top coal caving in thick,hard and high-gas seams.The factors influencing gas effusion were researched and t... According to the gas observational data,the gas spatiotemporal distributions were analyzed in full-mechanized top coal caving in thick,hard and high-gas seams.The factors influencing gas effusion were researched and the rules of gas effusion under the special conditions were educed,for example,the underground pressure,the output inten- sity,the working surface advancement,and the amount of ventilation in the working face on gas effusion,and so on.The research results can be the base of forecasting gas effu- sion and controlling gas in these special conditions,which can guarantee the safety of highly efficient full-mechanized top coal caving. 展开更多
关键词 gas effusion full-mechanized top coal caving high-gas spontaneous and hard coal seams gas distribution
Analysis on air-leakage law of goal in condition of ascending mining for top-coal caving
作者 MA Li WEN Hu +3 位作者 XIAO Yang WANG Qiu-hong WANG Zhen-ping ZHANG Guang-wen 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第1期81-84,共4页
Using the Jisan Coalmine's top-coal caving for the 3down coal seam with ascending mining as the project background, the air-leakage characteristics of the goaf wasanalyzed. Through data fitting of the in situ obse... Using the Jisan Coalmine's top-coal caving for the 3down coal seam with ascending mining as the project background, the air-leakage characteristics of the goaf wasanalyzed. Through data fitting of the in situ observation, the models of gas seepage, diffusion and air-leakage in the goaf were established in ascending mining. The ComputationFluid Dynamics software Fluent was used to simulate the air-leakage law of the goaf. Theresults of the numerical simulation provide a basis for the use of the technology of ventilation and fire prevention in the working face of an ascending mining, which ensures thesafety in production in the working face of the top-coal caving for 3_down coal seam in theJisan Coalmine. 展开更多
关键词 top-coal caving ascending mining GOAF air-leakage law
《河南税务》 2002年第19期48-49,共2页
关键词 国税局 税源管理 金税工程 市国家税务局 行业税负 个体工商业户 偷税案 税务检查 李朝阳 漏采
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