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制造业与物流业联动发展的自组织演化动力模型 被引量:4
作者 王珍珍 《统计与决策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第17期36-39,共4页
文章构建了制造业与物流业联动发展的自组织演化动力学模型,从而得出制造业总产值的变化是这一系统的序参量,制造业的发展支配着物流业的发展,系统对初始条件的变化非常敏感,初始条件稍有不同,系统中的状态变量和控制变量稍有变化,系统... 文章构建了制造业与物流业联动发展的自组织演化动力学模型,从而得出制造业总产值的变化是这一系统的序参量,制造业的发展支配着物流业的发展,系统对初始条件的变化非常敏感,初始条件稍有不同,系统中的状态变量和控制变量稍有变化,系统的结果就会向完全不同的方向演化。 展开更多
关键词 制造业与物流业 联动发展 自组织演化 演化动力模型
作者 张巍 《天津大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第4期370-374,共5页
集体意图的本体论研究是关于集体行动的形而上学的核心论题之一,而对于集体意图的本体论地位的界定是集体意图的本体论研究的关键。长期以来,集体意图在本体论层面上到底是一种原初性的意图模式,还是应该被还原为个体意图与个体信念的叠... 集体意图的本体论研究是关于集体行动的形而上学的核心论题之一,而对于集体意图的本体论地位的界定是集体意图的本体论研究的关键。长期以来,集体意图在本体论层面上到底是一种原初性的意图模式,还是应该被还原为个体意图与个体信念的叠加,这一问题成为了学界争论的焦点。文章试图从社会认知与文化进化的交叉视角入手,为集体意图的产生和演化刻画一个较为完整的演化动力模型,从而在本体论层面上对集体意图的原初性做出一种较为温和的辩护,并通过该论证指出在协同进化框架中行动哲学研究的一些发展思路。 展开更多
关键词 集体意图 集体行动 社会认知 文化进化 演化动力模型
城市生态系统的动力学演化模型研究进展 被引量:25
作者 郁亚娟 郭怀成 +2 位作者 刘永 黄凯 王真 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期2603-2614,共12页
从系统分析出发,对城市生态系统的动力学演化模型的发展历程、建模的方法和步骤过程、软件开发方法和目前的模型软件等进行了总结。归纳了城市生态系统的动力学演化建模的方法,主要包括模型定义、模拟、实现、验证、分析和应用等六大步... 从系统分析出发,对城市生态系统的动力学演化模型的发展历程、建模的方法和步骤过程、软件开发方法和目前的模型软件等进行了总结。归纳了城市生态系统的动力学演化建模的方法,主要包括模型定义、模拟、实现、验证、分析和应用等六大步骤。目前国内外用于城市生态系统动力学演化模型的主要方法有:基于数理模型的方法、生态控制论和灵敏度模型、系统动力学模型、多目标规划法等。已经开发的用于城市生态系统的动力学模拟的软件可以划分为两类:基于土地利用和交通规划的专业模型和基于系统动力学和灵敏度模型的一般软件。总结了常用的城市演化模型软件,讨论了模型的研究对象和应用范围。分析了城市生态系统的动力学演化模型建模的不确定性的来源,并指出:向宏观和微观两极化发展是城市生态系统动力学演化模型的发展趋势之一,而与人工智能和地理信息系统等新方法的集成是发展的另一趋势。城市生态系统动力学演化模型的开发前景在于对不确定性问题的定性、定量分析,而多模型的耦合和集成是发展的必然趋势。 展开更多
关键词 动力演化模型 城市生态系统 不确定性
中国大陆地壳铅同位素演化的动力学模型 被引量:109
作者 李龙 郑永飞 周建波 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期61-68,共8页
根据中国大陆中、新生代花岗岩长石铅同位素数据库 ,沿用“铅构造模型”的基本思想并作部分改进 ,建立了中国大陆地壳铅同位素的动力学演化模型。与全球平均的铅同位素演化曲线相比 ,中国大陆地壳的原始物质相对较贫铀富钍 ,并且中国大... 根据中国大陆中、新生代花岗岩长石铅同位素数据库 ,沿用“铅构造模型”的基本思想并作部分改进 ,建立了中国大陆地壳铅同位素的动力学演化模型。与全球平均的铅同位素演化曲线相比 ,中国大陆地壳的原始物质相对较贫铀富钍 ,并且中国大陆的上地壳和下地壳在演化过程中分异得更加彻底。将本模型应用于大别地区中生代花岗岩长石铅同位素数据 ,结果发现它们具有壳幔铅混合的特征 ,并且以上下地壳物质混合产生的类地幔铅为主 ,花岗岩源岩中含有较高的富 展开更多
关键词 铅同位素 动力演化模型 中国大陆 上地壳 下地壳 地幔 花岗石
民爆物品生产安全事故致因及动力学演化模型 被引量:10
作者 刘治兵 段赟 吴洁红 《煤矿爆破》 2010年第4期5-9,共5页
本文统计分析了近年国内民爆物品生产燃烧爆炸安全事故致因,据此建立了基于人失误的民爆物品生产安全事故致因模型,推导了民爆物品生产班组人失误诱导生产安全事故的概率方程,提出了以事故直接致因、管理缺陷和时间为基本变量的民爆物... 本文统计分析了近年国内民爆物品生产燃烧爆炸安全事故致因,据此建立了基于人失误的民爆物品生产安全事故致因模型,推导了民爆物品生产班组人失误诱导生产安全事故的概率方程,提出了以事故直接致因、管理缺陷和时间为基本变量的民爆物品生产安全事故动力学演化模型及计算方法。 展开更多
关键词 民爆物品 生产安全事故 事故致因模型 动力演化模型
分形供应链的自组织模型研究 被引量:14
作者 范小军 陈宏民 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI 2008年第6期61-66,共6页
自组织机制能激发并引导供应链的重构过程,并对供应链重构后迅速度过磨合期提供运作机制上的补偿作用。本文探讨了分形供应链的自组织性及其对可重构性的影响,并根据分形供应链特点建立了自组织演化动力学模型,该模型可依据分形供应链... 自组织机制能激发并引导供应链的重构过程,并对供应链重构后迅速度过磨合期提供运作机制上的补偿作用。本文探讨了分形供应链的自组织性及其对可重构性的影响,并根据分形供应链特点建立了自组织演化动力学模型,该模型可依据分形供应链系统模型的序参量对分形供应链自组织演进方向及形式进行预测。 展开更多
关键词 分形供应链 自组织 演化动力模型
航路扇区容量需求的交通流动力学推演与预测 被引量:2
作者 陈丹 尹嘉男 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期206-211,共6页
为科学应对交通需求的持续增长,合理进行空域规划,从介观层面刻画交通流动态演化过程,提出航路网络交通流演化模型.以此为基础,将预测得到的城市对间年度交通总需求量推演到整个航路网络中,实现未来交通需求时空分布的中长期预测;构建... 为科学应对交通需求的持续增长,合理进行空域规划,从介观层面刻画交通流动态演化过程,提出航路网络交通流演化模型.以此为基础,将预测得到的城市对间年度交通总需求量推演到整个航路网络中,实现未来交通需求时空分布的中长期预测;构建航路扇区容量需求预测模型,选取华东地区两个相邻航路扇区为研究对象,进行实例验证.结果表明,所提方法能对航路扇区容量需求进行有效预测,未来5年内两个航路扇区容量需求将分别由50架次/h、39架次/h上升为70架次/h、45架次/h. 展开更多
关键词 航空运输 容量需求预测 交通流动力演化模型 航路扇区容量 空域规划
作者 王怀波 陈丽 《中国远程教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第11期41-51,共11页
互联网时代,伴随着知识的生产主体、生产方式以及传播流程的改变,知识的演化机理和演化特征也发生了质的变化。然而,对于此类知识演化规律认识的不足制约了新时期教育改革的深化。从遗传变异的生物进化理论视角出发,可构建遗传变异视角... 互联网时代,伴随着知识的生产主体、生产方式以及传播流程的改变,知识的演化机理和演化特征也发生了质的变化。然而,对于此类知识演化规律认识的不足制约了新时期教育改革的深化。从遗传变异的生物进化理论视角出发,可构建遗传变异视角下的网络化知识演化动力模型,进而依托互联网社区型课程c MOOC的数据,探索互联网中知识演化的特征。网络化知识演化动力模型是描述知识演化过程、阐释知识演化内在作用机理的理论框架,它是以网络化知识实体为演化功能单元,包含一个“选择”的过滤机制和“遗传”与“变异”两种动力机制。在过滤机制中,用户的“认可”充当自然条件下的“选择”,决定了知识能否进入后续演化环节。在遗传动力机制下,用户通过参考和引用等方式,实现对原有内容的继承和复用。在变异动力机制下,用户通过借鉴和补充等方式,在原有实体基础上进行创新和发展。在此动力模型基础上,本研究以国内首门联通主义课程为案例,分析了网络化知识演化特征。研究发现:遗传和变异知识演化动力模型能够有效地描述和阐释网络化知识演化过程;作为一门新开设的互联网社区型课程,由于缺乏可以直接继承的知识内容,变异机制主导着网络化知识的演化。 展开更多
关键词 网络化知识演化 遗传变异动力机制 过滤机制 知识演化动力模型 cMOOC
Modeling Evolution of Weighted Clique Networks
作者 杨旭华 蒋峰岭 +1 位作者 陈胜勇 王万良 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期952-956,共5页
We propose a weighted clique network evolution model, which expands continuously by the addition of a new clique (maximal complete sub-graph) at. each time step. And the cliques in the network overlap with each othe... We propose a weighted clique network evolution model, which expands continuously by the addition of a new clique (maximal complete sub-graph) at. each time step. And the cliques in the network overlap with each other. The structural expansion of the weighted clique network is combined with the edges' weight and vertices' strengths dynamical evolution. The model is based on a weight-driven dynamics and a weights' enhancement mechanism combining with the network growth. We study the network properties, which include the distribution of vertices' strength and the distribution o~ edges' weight, and find that both the distributions follow the scale-free distribution. At the same time, we also find that the relationship between strength and degree of a vertex are linear correlation during the growth of the network. On the basis of mean-field theory, we study the weighted network model and prove that both vertices' strength and edges' weight of this model follow the scale-free distribution. And we exploit an algorithm to forecast the network dynamics, which can be used to reckon the distributions and the corresponding scaling exponents. Furthermore, we observe that mean-field based theoretic results are consistent with the statistical data of the model, which denotes the theoretical result in this paper is effective. 展开更多
关键词 weighted clique networks SCALE-FREE mean-field theory
A novel multi-sensor multiple model particle filter with correlated noises for maneuvering target tracking 被引量:3
作者 胡振涛 Fu Chunling 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第4期355-362,共8页
Aiming at the effective realization of particle filter for maneuvering target tracking in multi-sensor measurements,a novel multi-sensor multiple model particle filtering algorithm with correlated noises is proposed.C... Aiming at the effective realization of particle filter for maneuvering target tracking in multi-sensor measurements,a novel multi-sensor multiple model particle filtering algorithm with correlated noises is proposed.Combined with the kinetic evolution equation of target state,a multi-sensor multiple model particle filter is firstly constructed,which is also used as the basic framework of a new algorithm.In the new algorithm,in order to weaken the adverse influence from random measurement noises in the measuring process of particle weight,a weight optimization strategy is introduced to improve the reliability and stability of particle weight.In addition,considering the correlated noise existing in the practical engineering,a decoupling method of correlated noise is given by the rearrangement and transformation of the state transition equation and measurement equation.Since the weight optimization strategy and noise decoupling method adopt respectively the center fusion structure and the off-line way,it improves the adverse effect effectively on computational complexity for increasing state dimension and sensor number.Finally,the theoretical analysis and experimental results show the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 multi-sensor information fusion weight optimization correlated noises maneuvering target tracking
A high-order multidimensional gas-kinetic scheme for hydrodynamic equations 被引量:4
作者 LUO Jun XU Kun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第10期2370-2384,共15页
This paper concerns the development of high-order multidimensional gas kinetic schemes for the Navier-Stokes solutions.In the current approach,the state-of-the-art WENO-type initial reconstruction and the gas-kinetic ... This paper concerns the development of high-order multidimensional gas kinetic schemes for the Navier-Stokes solutions.In the current approach,the state-of-the-art WENO-type initial reconstruction and the gas-kinetic evolution model are used in the construction of the scheme.In order to distinguish the physical and numerical requirements to recover a physical solution in a discretized space,two particle collision times will be used in the current high-order gas-kinetic scheme(GKS).Different from the low order gas dynamic model of the Riemann solution in the Godunov type schemes,the current method is based on a high-order multidimensional gas evolution model,where the space and time variation of a gas distribution function along a cell interface from an initial piecewise discontinuous polynomial is fully used in the flux evaluation.The high-order flux function becomes a unification of the upwind and central difference schemes.The current study demonstrates that both the high-order initial reconstruction and high-order gas evolution model are important in the design of a high-order numerical scheme.Especially,for a compact method,the use of a high-order local evolution solution in both space and time may become even more important,because a short stencil and local low order dynamic evolution model,i.e.,the Riemann solution,are contradictory,where valid mechanism for the update of additional degrees of freedom becomes limited. 展开更多
关键词 WENO reconstruction gas-kinetic schemes EULER NAVIER-STOKES high-order methods
Toward a unified model of Altaids geodynamics:Insight from the Palaeozoic polycyclic evolution of West Junggar(NW China) 被引量:9
作者 Flavien CHOULET Michel FAURE +4 位作者 Dominique CLUZEL CHEN Yan LIN Wei WANG Bo XU Bei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期25-57,共33页
The Altaid tectonic collage extends over Central Asia, exposing numerous accretionary orogens that can account for the Palaeozoic continental crust growth. A pluridisciplinary approach, using geochronological, geochem... The Altaid tectonic collage extends over Central Asia, exposing numerous accretionary orogens that can account for the Palaeozoic continental crust growth. A pluridisciplinary approach, using geochronological, geochemical, structural and palaeomagnetic tools was carried out to unravel the architecture and the evolution of West Junggar (Northwestern China), a segment of the Altaid Collage. A polycyclic geodynamic evolution is inferred and includes: (1) an Early Palaeozoic cycle, characterized by the closure of two oceanic basins bounded by island-arc systems; (2) an Early Devonian subduction jamming resulting in a minor-scale collision documented by thrusting, syntectonic sedimentation and subsequent crutal thinning associ- ated with alkaline magmatism; (3) a Late Palaeozoic cycle, driven by the evolution of two opposite subduction zones devel- oped upon the Early Palaeozoic basement. Detailed structural analysis and paleomagnetic data provide constraints for the late evolution of Junggar in the frame of the development of the Late Palaeozoic Kazakh orocline, which led to oblique subduction and transpression in the West Junggar accretionary complex. Progressive buckling of the Kazakh orocline further resulted in Late Carboniferous to Permian wrench tectonics, and lateral displacement of lithotectonic units. Block rotations that continued after the Late Triassic are due to diachronous intraplate reactivation. This scenario mirrors the Palaeozoic geodynamics of the Altaid Collage. Multiple Early Palaeozoic collisions of intra-oceanic arcs and micro continents have contributed to the formarion of the Kazakhstan Microconrinent. Since the Late Palaeozoic, subductions formed around this microcontinent and the final oblique closure of oceanic domains resulted in the transcurrent collage of Tarim and Siberia cratons. Palaeozoic strike-slip faults were later reactivated during Mesozoic intracontinental tectonics. 展开更多
Diagnosing ΛHDE model with statefinder hierarchy and fractional growth parameter
作者 LanJun Zhou Shuang Wang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期14-19,共6页
Recently, a new dark energy model called AHDE was proposed. In this model, dark energy consists of two parts: cosmological constant A and holographic dark energy (HDE). Two key parameters of this model are the frac... Recently, a new dark energy model called AHDE was proposed. In this model, dark energy consists of two parts: cosmological constant A and holographic dark energy (HDE). Two key parameters of this model are the fractional density of cosmological constant Ω2A0, and the dimensionless HDE parameter c. Since these two parameters determine the dynamical properties of DE and the destiny of universe, it is important to study the impacts of different values of ΩA0 and c on the AHDE model. In this paper, we apply various DE diagnostic tools to diagnose AHDE models with different values of ΩA0 and c; these tools include statefinder hierarchy {S3^(1) ,S4(1)fractional growth parameter E, and composite null diagnostic (CND), which is a combination of{S3(1),S4(1)} and E. We find that: (1) adopting different values of ΩA0 only has quantitative impacts on the evolution of the AHDE model, while adopting different c has qualitative impacts; (2) compared with S(1), S(41) can give larger differences among the cosmic evolutions of the AHDE model associated with different ΩA0 or different c; (3) compared with the case of using a single diagnostic, adopting a CND pair has much stronger ability to diagnose the AHDE model. 展开更多
关键词 dark energy COSMOLOGY cosmological constant
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