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诠释肿瘤“虚-寒-毒-闭-衰”五期演变中“寒”的因机证治 被引量:2
作者 许博文 张潇潇 +2 位作者 李杰 韩欣璞 朱潇雨 《环球中医药》 CAS 2023年第7期1407-1411,共5页
“虚—寒—毒—闭—衰”五期演变理论体系已明确诠释“寒”在肿瘤论治中的重要地位。本文以内寒为基、外寒为因、气机为引,从内外寒合阐述致瘤病理机制,提出寒聚不散、阳虚阴凝是肿瘤全程发展关键,即阳虚寒凝变毒而促进展、毒窜寒聚挟... “虚—寒—毒—闭—衰”五期演变理论体系已明确诠释“寒”在肿瘤论治中的重要地位。本文以内寒为基、外寒为因、气机为引,从内外寒合阐述致瘤病理机制,提出寒聚不散、阳虚阴凝是肿瘤全程发展关键,即阳虚寒凝变毒而促进展、毒窜寒聚挟风而致复发转移,强调寒毒对肿瘤病机演化与预后转归的核心价值。治当温散,以调阳散寒,还应根据邪寒分源论治,内寒者当温补,脾肾共养改善免疫微环境;外寒者当辛温,散而通肺增强抗肿瘤活性。本文从“寒”论治肿瘤,冀以丰富中医肿瘤病机学说,为构建现代肿瘤中医理论与诊疗体系奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤 演变 调阳散寒 中医药
基于五期演变探讨扶正五法在肿瘤防治中的实践与创新 被引量:8
作者 李杰 许博文 +2 位作者 朱广辉 张英 林洪生 《北京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期321-325,共5页
“扶正培本”是中医药防治肿瘤的基本法则,历经近60年发展,逐步形成“扶正培本-扶正解毒-固本清源”的学术传承脉络。基于对肿瘤全周期核心病机演变规律探索,本团队提出“五期演变”,并凝练“扶正五法”,凸显中医药在分阶段序贯辨治中... “扶正培本”是中医药防治肿瘤的基本法则,历经近60年发展,逐步形成“扶正培本-扶正解毒-固本清源”的学术传承脉络。基于对肿瘤全周期核心病机演变规律探索,本团队提出“五期演变”,并凝练“扶正五法”,凸显中医药在分阶段序贯辨治中的防治优势,分为扶正解郁、扶正举陷、扶正解毒、扶正化毒与扶正活血祛毒。重视癌前负性情绪,关注易感体质,以扶正解郁防治肿瘤发生;优化术后气陷病机,分立三源(宗气、中气及肾气)辨治,以扶正举陷促进术后康复;细化不良反应防治策略,关注药毒阴阳属性,以扶正解毒改善不良反应;锚定余毒未尽,预先化解癌毒,以扶正化毒防治术后复发转移;明确扶正活血祛毒在晚期肿瘤中的临床价值,冀以提高远期生存。“扶正五法”是对“扶正培本”治法的传承与创新,契合当前中医药对肿瘤的认识规律,冀以指导与优化临床辨治,提高中医药防治水准,完善中医肿瘤辨治体系。 展开更多
关键词 扶正五法 扶正培本 演变 中医药 肿瘤
作者 谢德 《滨州学院学报》 2011年第5期60-66,共7页
《孙子兵法》诞生于春秋末期,它是中国古代战争实践的高度凝练与升华,自诞生之日起就被世人高度关注。从上古至清末,其发展演变经历了四大阶段。春秋战国时期:传承,弘扬;两汉时期:应用、整理;魏晋隋唐:注疏、拓展;宋元明清时期:形成两... 《孙子兵法》诞生于春秋末期,它是中国古代战争实践的高度凝练与升华,自诞生之日起就被世人高度关注。从上古至清末,其发展演变经历了四大阶段。春秋战国时期:传承,弘扬;两汉时期:应用、整理;魏晋隋唐:注疏、拓展;宋元明清时期:形成两条主流传承系统——《武经》与《十家注》。《孙子兵法》贯通中国兵学史,并成为中国兵学发展历史上的支柱与轴心。 展开更多
关键词 《孙子兵法》 演变 古代兵学
从“免疫编辑”角度探讨恶性肿瘤的五期演变生物学基础 被引量:2
作者 卢泰成 许博文 +4 位作者 邬金洋 李杰 倪宝毅 于靖文 赵维哲 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第21期172-179,共8页
免疫逃逸是肿瘤的十大特征之一,在肿瘤的发生发展中发挥着至关重要的作用。免疫编辑指肿瘤细胞通过免疫清除-免疫平衡-免疫逃逸的模式,对机体免疫系统进行重塑与编辑,将肿瘤微环境中的免疫细胞“改造”成免疫抑制细胞,实现免疫逃逸。五... 免疫逃逸是肿瘤的十大特征之一,在肿瘤的发生发展中发挥着至关重要的作用。免疫编辑指肿瘤细胞通过免疫清除-免疫平衡-免疫逃逸的模式,对机体免疫系统进行重塑与编辑,将肿瘤微环境中的免疫细胞“改造”成免疫抑制细胞,实现免疫逃逸。五期演变是李杰教授对肿瘤病机发展的总结,认为肿瘤的渐次发展遵循“虚-寒-毒-闭-衰”的核心病机,其中“郁”贯穿始终,癌毒是核心。该文以免疫编辑为切入点,将肿瘤细胞的表型特征与李杰老师的五期演变核心病机相结合,揭示恶性肿瘤五期演变的生物学基础,分析从虚到寒阶段的突出变化是机体免疫监视功能下降,从毒到闭阶段的突出变化是免疫逃逸,而五期演变的最终阶段——衰,是机体免疫衰竭的最终结局,郁是肿瘤免疫编辑的助推剂。以此提出扶正解毒法调控免疫编辑截断肿瘤的五期演变,益气温阳扶正气,恢复机体免疫监视功能;解毒宣闭转毒势,逆转免疫逃逸;以和为法,维持免疫细胞/免疫抑制细胞的动态平衡;解郁之法,截断肿瘤免疫编辑,为中医药的微观辨证施治提供一定的借鉴。在未来的研究中,还需要对益气温阳法、解毒宣闭法、两者联合及解郁法对免疫编辑调控的具体机制进一步地探索,寻找出特异性的中药及作用靶点,为中医药调控肿瘤免疫编辑提供更加充分的证据。 展开更多
关键词 免疫重塑 免疫平衡 肿瘤 演变 免疫编辑
从五期演变探讨胃癌的辨证论治 被引量:1
作者 孙千惠 朱潇雨 +3 位作者 李杰 李婷婷 许博文 马心怡 《现代中医临床》 2023年第2期97-101,共5页
胃癌是全球常见的恶性肿瘤之一,严重威胁人类健康,中医治疗肿瘤具有特色。从根于“中气亏败”、发为“湿热郁积”分析明代新安医家汪机所著《医学原理》中对胃癌病机的阐释。从五期演变探讨胃癌的病机变化:虚——大气虚陷、中轴乏运是... 胃癌是全球常见的恶性肿瘤之一,严重威胁人类健康,中医治疗肿瘤具有特色。从根于“中气亏败”、发为“湿热郁积”分析明代新安医家汪机所著《医学原理》中对胃癌病机的阐释。从五期演变探讨胃癌的病机变化:虚——大气虚陷、中轴乏运是发病之本,寒——脾阳虚衰、寒凝阴结是进展之因,毒——气机逆乱、癌毒流窜是转折之核,闭——升降失司、癌毒郁闭是渐坏之征,衰——水火失济、阴阳衰微是终末之根。基于五期演变规律探讨胃癌的辨证论治:癌前状态、早期,治以温阳益气,进展期、术后,治以解毒化浊,晚期、终末期,治以固本通闭。结合临床验案对胃癌的诊疗思路与治疗用药经验进行介绍。 展开更多
关键词 医学原理 演变 胃癌 病机
Deglacial change of Antarctic Bottom Water in transient simulations
作者 Chenyu Zhu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2023年第6期1-7,共7页
本文利用气候瞬变模拟试验TraCE21k分析了末次冰消期南极底层水(Antarctic Bottom Water,AABW)的演变特征及物理机制.TraCE21k的全强迫试验复现了观测记录里现代大西洋AABW相对于冰期时变薄的特征,其强迫敏感性试验进一步指出冰期-现代A... 本文利用气候瞬变模拟试验TraCE21k分析了末次冰消期南极底层水(Antarctic Bottom Water,AABW)的演变特征及物理机制.TraCE21k的全强迫试验复现了观测记录里现代大西洋AABW相对于冰期时变薄的特征,其强迫敏感性试验进一步指出冰期-现代AABW的差异主要由大气温室气体的升高及大陆冰川的退缩二者共同驱动.冰消期气候强迫下海洋和大气温度升高,南大洋海冰逐渐消融,后者直接调控了AABW强度和形态的演变.本文还从绝热翻转环流的观点出发,认为冰消期南大洋的气候变化潜在影响了北大西洋深层水的演变. 展开更多
关键词 南极底层水 冰消演变 南大洋海冰 瞬变模拟
五期演变——中医药防治恶性肿瘤理论体系构建及创新 被引量:26
作者 李杰 《北京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期223-230,共8页
基于肿瘤发生、发展、转归全周期核心病机,构建中医药防治恶性肿瘤理论体系,是突破治疗瓶颈的重要基础。秉承“扶正培本、固本清源”学术思想,以“阳化气,阴成形”与“气机升降”为理论基础,突破既往单一病机和治法贯穿肿瘤全程的诊疗模... 基于肿瘤发生、发展、转归全周期核心病机,构建中医药防治恶性肿瘤理论体系,是突破治疗瓶颈的重要基础。秉承“扶正培本、固本清源”学术思想,以“阳化气,阴成形”与“气机升降”为理论基础,突破既往单一病机和治法贯穿肿瘤全程的诊疗模式,创新提出“虚-寒-毒-闭-衰五期演变,‘郁’贯穿始终,癌毒是核心”的中医辨证体系。气虚不固是发病之本、阳虚寒凝是进展之因、癌毒壅盛是转折之核、邪聚毒闭是渐坏之征、正气衰败是终末之根。遵循核心病机,以扶正培本为基础,温阳解毒为核心,调畅气机贯穿始终,重在截断病程演变。本体系诠释了肿瘤各阶段的核心病机与转归演变,完善了中医药防治肿瘤诊疗体系,为实现全周期管理与精准辨治提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 演变 恶性肿瘤 中医药 理论体系 诊疗体系
Microstructure evolution of a new directionally solidified Ni-based superalloy after long-term aging at 950 ℃ upto 1 000 h 被引量:3
作者 黄炎 王磊 +3 位作者 刘杨 付顺明 吴剑涛 燕平 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第10期2199-2204,共6页
The microstructure evolution of a new directionally solidified(DS) Ni-based superalloy used for gas turbine blades after long-term aging at 950 ℃ was investigated.The results show that the γ ' phase becomes more ... The microstructure evolution of a new directionally solidified(DS) Ni-based superalloy used for gas turbine blades after long-term aging at 950 ℃ was investigated.The results show that the γ ' phase becomes more regular in dendritic arm and interdendritic area,while both the mass fraction and the size of γ ' phase increase gradually with increasing aging time.During long-term aging,the MC carbide dissolves on the edge to provide the carbon for the formation of M23C6 carbide by the precipitation of Cr at the grain boundary.The rose-shaped γ '/γ eutectic partly dissolves into γ matrix and the aging promotes it transform into raft-shape γ '.The microstructure is generally stable and no needle-like topologically close-packed phase(TCP) can be found after aging for 1 000 h. 展开更多
关键词 Ni-based superalloy long-term aging microstructures evolution carbides γ phase
作者 向雁 《中国出版》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第10期49-49,共1页
新界说带来新视野———略谈《边塞诗论稿》□向雁边塞诗是我国古代诗歌的一个重要组成部分。长期以来,有关边塞诗的论文、著述、选本可谓琳琅满目,举不胜举。但是,所论都仅以唐代边塞诗歌作为主要对象。而1996年8月黄山书社出... 新界说带来新视野———略谈《边塞诗论稿》□向雁边塞诗是我国古代诗歌的一个重要组成部分。长期以来,有关边塞诗的论文、著述、选本可谓琳琅满目,举不胜举。但是,所论都仅以唐代边塞诗歌作为主要对象。而1996年8月黄山书社出版的、黄刚先生的《边塞诗论稿》第一... 展开更多
关键词 边塞诗 新视野 论稿 新界 唐代边塞诗歌 魏晋南北朝 中国古代 复兴 演变期 美学意蕴
作者 纪忠宇 《实用心电学杂志》 2020年第2期141-142,共2页
临床诊断急性心肌梗死心电图,通常是在窦性心律或房性节律及交界性节律下进行的。室性QRS波群很可能起自右室间隔侧上部,前间壁及前壁心肌梗死性Q波(QS波)仍能在梗死性室性异位心律中表现出来。本文报道1例从梗死性室性异位心律中诊断... 临床诊断急性心肌梗死心电图,通常是在窦性心律或房性节律及交界性节律下进行的。室性QRS波群很可能起自右室间隔侧上部,前间壁及前壁心肌梗死性Q波(QS波)仍能在梗死性室性异位心律中表现出来。本文报道1例从梗死性室性异位心律中诊断急性心肌梗死病例。 展开更多
关键词 心电图 梗死性室性异位心律 演变期
作者 刘德明 《地球》 2005年第3期4-5,共2页
1地球的年龄 地球何时形成?至今有多少年?她能“活”多少岁?这是人类最早探索的课题。经过千百万人的不懈努力,他们先后用“生物化石法”、“太阳能散失法”、“温度梯度法”、“盐浓度法”、“元素半衰期放射法”、“陨石年龄法”等... 1地球的年龄 地球何时形成?至今有多少年?她能“活”多少岁?这是人类最早探索的课题。经过千百万人的不懈努力,他们先后用“生物化石法”、“太阳能散失法”、“温度梯度法”、“盐浓度法”、“元素半衰期放射法”、“陨石年龄法”等不同方法终于推断出地球的年龄现在有46亿岁,她可以活到大约100亿岁,目前正处于中年期。 展开更多
关键词 地球 年龄 演变期 地核 自转速度 内部构造
装饰雕塑 欣逢其时──《装饰雕塑艺术》序
《美术之友》 1998年第3期45-46,共2页
装饰雕塑欣逢其时《装饰雕塑艺术》序我于1988年认识许正龙,至今近10年。在他攻读硕士生的头两年,就给我留下了很深的印象,他总是在雕塑架前满身泥巴、石膏,粉尘满面、披头散发,那刻苦钻研的劲儿常打动着许多人。他还在教室... 装饰雕塑欣逢其时《装饰雕塑艺术》序我于1988年认识许正龙,至今近10年。在他攻读硕士生的头两年,就给我留下了很深的印象,他总是在雕塑架前满身泥巴、石膏,粉尘满面、披头散发,那刻苦钻研的劲儿常打动着许多人。他还在教室的一角开辟了一个读书的天地,每天夜... 展开更多
关键词 装饰雕塑 装饰性 艺术特色 模糊理论 演变期 唐代人物画 “朦胧诗” 社会主义 文化观念 环境艺术
恶性肿瘤“五期演变”规律的生物学基础 被引量:4
作者 朱潇雨 葛媛莎 李杰 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第20期209-217,共9页
中国恶性肿瘤发病率、死亡率均居全球首位,中医药在防治恶性肿瘤术后复发、配合放化疗增效减毒、晚期带瘤生存等方面发挥了积极作用。针对肿瘤发生、发展的全过程,结合长期临床实践,本课题组创新提出“虚-寒-毒-闭-衰”五期演变,“郁”... 中国恶性肿瘤发病率、死亡率均居全球首位,中医药在防治恶性肿瘤术后复发、配合放化疗增效减毒、晚期带瘤生存等方面发挥了积极作用。针对肿瘤发生、发展的全过程,结合长期临床实践,本课题组创新提出“虚-寒-毒-闭-衰”五期演变,“郁”贯穿始终,癌毒是核心的中医辨证体系。“五期演变”理论是基于“病证结合”对肿瘤发展不同阶段生理病理状态的总结,该文深入剖析了其生物学基础,提出“虚”重在肿瘤免疫编辑失常,逃避清除;“寒”契合于肿瘤微环境代谢重编程;“毒”表现为肿瘤微环境诱导的癌细胞干性化特征;“闭”与肿瘤新生血管的高渗透长滞留效应(EPR)密切相关;“衰”主因代谢主导权易位所致恶液质;“郁”实质属于激活应激-神经内分泌系统促进肿瘤进展。同时总结提出扶正调衡重塑肿瘤免疫编辑,恢复正向免疫调控“虚”;益气温阳修正肿瘤代谢编程避免“寒”;解毒扶正逆转肿瘤细胞干性抑制“毒”;豁闭清源抑制肿瘤血管生成,调控EPR效应来开“闭”;燮理阴阳从而减缓代谢主导易位,改善无效循环避免“衰”;解郁调气解除神经内分泌应激,防止肿瘤演变疏解“郁”的治疗法则,并佐证以效验方剂,为建立临床防治新体系奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 恶性肿瘤 演变 生物学基础 中医药
Experiments on Channel Evolution Caused by Check-dam Failure 被引量:2
作者 Wen-Hsiao TSENG Hsiao-Wen WANG +2 位作者 Shih-Chieh CHOU Yu-Lin KAO Chjeng-Lun Shieh 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期175-184,共10页
A 10 m long,0.2 m wide flume was employed to simulate the channel bed evolution of check-dam failure.The experiment longitudinal profiles,the gradient of channel bed,head-cutting propagation distance and deposition le... A 10 m long,0.2 m wide flume was employed to simulate the channel bed evolution of check-dam failure.The experiment longitudinal profiles,the gradient of channel bed,head-cutting propagation distance and deposition length were compared with the theoretical solution derived from a sediment transport diffusion equation.In contrast with the theoretical solution,two different gradients were obtained upstream and downstream of the check-dam.The theoretical solution provides a good description of the changes upstream of the check-dam. The ratio of clear water depth to sediment moving layer thickness in the experiment was analyzed and showed that high concentration sediment laden flow was taken in the incipient of check-dam failure,which may be the reason why the experiment result was slightly different from the theoretical solution in the downstream of check-dam. 展开更多
关键词 Check-dam failure Diffusion equation Debris flow
Assemblage characteristics of clay minerals and its implications to evolution of eolian dust input to the Parece Vela Basin since 1.95 Ma 被引量:6
作者 明洁 李安春 +4 位作者 黄杰 万世明 孟庆勇 蒋富清 闫文文 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期174-186,共13页
To understand the provenance and evolution of eolian input in the last 1.95 Ma in the Parece Vela Basin in the eastern Philippine Sea, the clay mineral assemblage of a gravity core PV090510 from the basin was investig... To understand the provenance and evolution of eolian input in the last 1.95 Ma in the Parece Vela Basin in the eastern Philippine Sea, the clay mineral assemblage of a gravity core PV090510 from the basin was investigated using paleogeomagnetic dating and X-ray diffraction. The assemblage of the core mainly consisted of smectite (-46%) and illite (-40%), with some chlorite (-10%) and kaolinite (-4%). Analysis of the provenance of these minerals suggested that smectite was mainly derived from volcanic rocks of the Mariana Arc, while illite, chlorite, and kaolinite were mainly transported as eolian dust by the East Asian monsoon from central Asia. We used the ratio of (illite+chlorite+kaolinite)/smectite as a proxy for Asian eolian input to the Parece Vela Basin since 1.95 Ma. This ratio followed glacial and interglacial cycles and was consistent with the intensity of the East Asian monsoon and aridity of central Asia since 1.95 Ma. The changes of the ratio reflected three different stages of the East Asian monsoon and provenance climate. 展开更多
关键词 eolian dust East Asian winter monsoon clay mineral PROVENANCE Parece Vela Basin
Soil Acidification in Response to Acid Deposition in Three Subtropical Forests of Subtropical China 被引量:40
作者 LIU Ke-Hui FANG Yun-Ting +3 位作者 YU Fang-Ming LIU Qiang LI Fu-Rong PENG Shao-Lin 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期399-408,共10页
Long-term changes in soil pH, the current status of soil acidification, and the response of bulk soil and soil water pH to experimental nitrogen addition under three subtropical forests were investigated in Dinghushan... Long-term changes in soil pH, the current status of soil acidification, and the response of bulk soil and soil water pH to experimental nitrogen addition under three subtropical forests were investigated in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve of subtropical China. The results showed that the mineral soil pH at 0-20 cm depth declined significantly from 4.60-4.75 in 1980s to 3.84-4.02 in 2005. Nitrogen addition resulted in the decrease of pH in both bulk soil and soil water collected at 20-cm depth. The rapid decline of soil pH was attributed to long-term high atmospheric acid deposition (nitrogen and sulphur) therein. The forest at earlier succession stage with originally higher soil pH appeared to be more vulnerable to acid deposition than that at later succession stage with originally low soil pH. 展开更多
关键词 forest succession nitrogen addition soil pH
Changes in the sediment load of the Lancang-Mekong River over the period 1965-2003 被引量:6
作者 LIU Cheng HE Yun +1 位作者 WALLING Des E WANG JianJun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期843-852,共10页
Changes in the sediment load of a river can have important impacts on river channel evolution,nutrient fluxes,aquatic ecology and delta erosion and sedimentation,and the possibility of changes in the sediment load of ... Changes in the sediment load of a river can have important impacts on river channel evolution,nutrient fluxes,aquatic ecology and delta erosion and sedimentation,and the possibility of changes in the sediment load of the Lancang-Mekong River has attracted increasing concern in recent years.Existing studies present conflicting findings regarding the nature and magnitude of recent changes in the sediment load of the Lancang-Meking River and the authors have attempted to assemble the most reliable data on annual sediment loads for the period 1965-2003,to assess recent trends in the sediment load of the river.The changes in annual sediment load at 7 stations on the river are analyzed.Important sediment contributing areas are found in the reaches between Gajiu and Yunjinghong,Chiang Saen and Luang Prabang and downstream of Nong Khai.The sediment load increased at Gajiu,Yunjinghong and Chiang Saen over the period 1985-1992 because of serious soil erosion caused by the expansion of cultivation,the replacement of natural forest by plantations and land disturbance associated with hydropower dam construction.A marked reduction in sediment load occurred at Gajiu after the impoundment of the Manwan Hydropower dam on the Lancang River,but this reduction was not evident downstream at Yunjinghong and the stations further downstream.Significant increases in sediment load appeared at Mukdahan and Khong Chiam.These contrasting patterns of change reflect the influence of sediment contributions from the intervening catchment areas and channel systems as well as storage and remobilization of sediment from the channel system and the impact of hydraulic works such as irrigation systems.The long term mean annual sediment load of the Mekong River at its mouth is estimated to be ca.145×106ta-1,which is lower than previously reported values and it seems likely that this will be reduced in the foreseeable future. 展开更多
关键词 Lancang River Lower Mekong River sediment load RUNOFF TRENDS hydropower dams
Evolution of the vortex structures and turbulent spots at the late-stage of transitional boundary layers 被引量:3
作者 CHEN Lin TANG DengBin +1 位作者 LU Ping LIU ChaoQun 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期986-990,共5页
The nonlinear evolution process of new vortex structures at the late-stage of the transition, including the 3-D spatial structure of barrel-shaped vortex and "dark spots" structure observed by experiment res... The nonlinear evolution process of new vortex structures at the late-stage of the transition, including the 3-D spatial structure of barrel-shaped vortex and "dark spots" structure observed by experiment research, has been confirmed by our computational results. The formation mechanisms of these structures have been explored. It is revealed that the new vortex structures, the ring-like vortex chain and induced disturbance velocities play a dominant role in the generation of turbulent spots. 展开更多
关键词 boundary layers TRANSITION barrel-shaped vortex turbulent spots direct numerical simulation
Exact Temporal Evolution of Two-Species Bose–Einstein Condensates
作者 张聪 张志海 杨师杰 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第11期526-530,共5页
We construct exact stationaxy solutions to the one-dimensional coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations for the two-species Bose-Einstein condensates with equal intraspecies and interspecies interaction constants. Three typ... We construct exact stationaxy solutions to the one-dimensional coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations for the two-species Bose-Einstein condensates with equal intraspecies and interspecies interaction constants. Three types of complex solutions as well as their soliton limits axe derived. By making use of the SU(2) unitary symmetry, we further obtain analytical time-evolving solutions. These solutions exhibit spatiotemporal periodicity. 展开更多
关键词 GP equations decouple
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