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作者 李圣华 《文献》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期171-179,共9页
阎若璩《潜丘札记》眷西堂刻本中所收《跋素问》、《跋家礼》二文,未见于此前的王闻远家抄本。此二文应为汪琬所作。阎学林编刻眷西堂本时,保存了一些"古人旧说",以明其祖的"疑而未订之义",《跋素问》、《跋家礼》... 阎若璩《潜丘札记》眷西堂刻本中所收《跋素问》、《跋家礼》二文,未见于此前的王闻远家抄本。此二文应为汪琬所作。阎学林编刻眷西堂本时,保存了一些"古人旧说",以明其祖的"疑而未订之义",《跋素问》、《跋家礼》即属此例。吴玉缙删定本去取未一,仍存二文。《四库全书总目》虽批评眷西堂刻本"漫无体例",四库本却据吴玉缙删定本收录二文,遂致造成学界普遍误解。今考阎若璩"疑而未订之义",可知其手录《跋家礼》缘于与汪琬礼学论争,节录《跋素问》盖与其自身多病有关。 展开更多
关键词 阎若璩 潜丘札记》 《跋家礼》 《跋素问》 汪琬
作者 裴成发 《晋图学刊》 1988年第2期77-78,共2页
阎若璩(1636——1704),字百诗,号潜丘。清太原人,后迁居江苏淮安。其父修龄,明季诸生,以撰述词章名,好客喜士。若璩出生后,祖父世科极爱之,曾说:“若璩疏眉秀目,酷似郑康成画像,可为一代儒者,‘以光吾祖’。”阎若璩研究经史,长于考据,... 阎若璩(1636——1704),字百诗,号潜丘。清太原人,后迁居江苏淮安。其父修龄,明季诸生,以撰述词章名,好客喜士。若璩出生后,祖父世科极爱之,曾说:“若璩疏眉秀目,酷似郑康成画像,可为一代儒者,‘以光吾祖’。”阎若璩研究经史,长于考据,深造自得,成就显赫。他一生不仅自己著述立说,且还帮助他人修改作品,如为顾炎武改《日知录》,并跟随尚书徐乾学修《大清一统志》等。徐乾学卒后,他遂归江南,闭门著述。清世宗时,曾被召见,他每进所著书,世宗无不称善。 展开更多
关键词 阎若璩 徐乾学 吾祖 百诗 大清一统志 郑康成 《日知录》 潜丘 生卒 世宗
Structural Characteristics of Paleozoic and Geological Significance of Oil and Gas of Dongpu Depression 被引量:2
作者 杨世刚 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2003年第1期97-102,共6页
The Dongpu depression has experienced a complicated evolution of structure since Mesozoic. The Paleozoic carbonate rock has been strongly reformed and the buried hills with different characteristics of structure are d... The Dongpu depression has experienced a complicated evolution of structure since Mesozoic. The Paleozoic carbonate rock has been strongly reformed and the buried hills with different characteristics of structure are developed in the depression. There exist lots of groups of fault structures with strikes of NNE(or NE),NW, near NS and EW etc., of which the faults with strikes of NNE and NW play an important controlling role on present-day structural framework of the depression. The faults with near NS-striking and EW-striking deeply affect the establishment of structural framework of basement of the depression. Although most of the fractures are filled by calcite and other minerals, under the action of later structural stress, the earlier fractures could change their features into tensional ones. Therefore, much attention should be paid to the exploration and exploitation of Paleozoic oil and gas in Dongpu depression. 展开更多
关键词 古生代 地质结构 石油 天然气 洼地 断层 潜丘 碳酸盐岩油储
The fracture network model of Shen 229 block buried hill:A case study from Liaohe Basin,China
作者 XING Yu-zhong FAN Tai-liang ZHENG Li-hui 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第11期1904-1910,共7页
High oil production from the Proterozoic formation of Shen 229 block in Damingtun Depression, Liaohe Basin, China, indicates the presence of natural fractured reservoir whose production potential is dominated by the s... High oil production from the Proterozoic formation of Shen 229 block in Damingtun Depression, Liaohe Basin, China, indicates the presence of natural fractured reservoir whose production potential is dominated by the structural fracture. A con- sistent structural model and good knowledge of the fracture systems are therefore of key importance in reducing risk in the de- velopment strategies. So data from cores and image logs have been collected to account for the basic characteristics of fracture, and then the analyzed results were integrated with the structural model in order to restrict the fracture network development during the structural evolvement. The structural evolution of the Proterozoic reservoir with time forms the basis for understanding the de- velopment of the 3D fracture system. Seismic interpretation and formation correlation were used to build a 3D geological model. The fault blocks that compose the Proterozoic formation reservoir were subsequently restored to their pre-deformation. From here, the structures were kinematically modeled to simulate the structural evolution of the reservoirs. At each time step, the dilatational and cumulative strain was calculated throughout the modelling history. The total strain which records the total spatial variation in the reservoir due to its structural history, together with core data, well data and the lithology distribution, was used to simulate geologically realistic discrete fracture networks. The benefit of this technique over traditional curvature analysis is that the structural evolution is taken into account, a factor that mostly dominates fracture formation. 展开更多
关键词 潜丘 裂缝网络 内压 构造裂缝
Seismic Acquisition on the Buried-Hill Faulted Zone of the Jiyang Sag
作者 TanShaoquan DiZhixin XuJinxi 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第1期8-13,共6页
The pattern of the subtle traps, in which oil and gas accumulated, in the buried-hill faulted zone in the Jiyang sag is very complicated, and very hard to prospect. The paper analyses the main difficulties in explorin... The pattern of the subtle traps, in which oil and gas accumulated, in the buried-hill faulted zone in the Jiyang sag is very complicated, and very hard to prospect. The paper analyses the main difficulties in exploring the complicated buried-hill faulted zone of the area from a point of geology.The typical pattern of the buried-hill zone in the Jiyang sag is studied using the forward modeling.Target-orient layout design and full 3-D seismic technology, which are useful for oil and gas exploration on the zone, are put forward. Taking the exploration for oil and gas traps on the zone as an example, certain technologies and the effect of their applications about the design for target acquisition,acquisition on a wide-azimuth, point sources and point receivers are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 地震勘探 潜丘 油气聚集 地质调查
Study of Controll over Karstification of Buried Carbonate Hill Reservoir in Renqiu Oilfield
作者 于俊吉 韩宝平 罗承建 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2004年第1期73-76,共4页
Based on boreholes and dynamic development data, the control over karstification of buried carbonate hill reservoir in Renqiu oil field was studied. The result shows that 1) Karstific caves, fissures, and pores in dol... Based on boreholes and dynamic development data, the control over karstification of buried carbonate hill reservoir in Renqiu oil field was studied. The result shows that 1) Karstific caves, fissures, and pores in dolomite of Wumishan Formation are the most important reservoir voids, 2) the barrier of argillaceous dolomite can result in the existence of residual oil areas under oil-water interface, and 3) the mosores located on the surface of buried hill are also potential areas of residual oil. 展开更多
关键词 油气田 地质构造 喀斯特 潜丘
作者 吴通福 《文献》 1997年第1期134-134,共1页
《清史列传》卷六八《姚际恒传》:"时太原阎若璩力辨晚出古文之伪,际恒持论不谋而合。萧山毛奇龄作《冤词》攻若璩之说。奇龄固善际恒,因数与争论,际恒守所见,迄不为下。奇龄尝作《山阴何氏记》,毛际可见之,曰:‘何氏藏书有几,不... 《清史列传》卷六八《姚际恒传》:"时太原阎若璩力辨晚出古文之伪,际恒持论不谋而合。萧山毛奇龄作《冤词》攻若璩之说。奇龄固善际恒,因数与争论,际恒守所见,迄不为下。奇龄尝作《山阴何氏记》,毛际可见之,曰:‘何氏藏书有几,不及立方腹笥耳。’其为时所推如此。最早载姚氏生平的当推《武林道古录》,张穆《阎潜丘先生年谱》及《清儒学案·潜丘学案》叙潜丘交游皆本之,乾隆《杭州府志》复益以与奇龄论"小学"名义一节,然皆不载毛际可赞际恒事,可支伟成《清代朴学大师列传》及蔡冠洛《清代七百名人传》却沿袭了《列传》此节。 展开更多
关键词 列传 清史 潜丘 姚际恒 毛奇龄 朴学大师 藏书 学案 清代 山阴
作者 熊天涵 《荣宝斋》 2016年第10期212-213,共2页
明末清初以来,金石考据逐渐为人所重,这是学术思潮上对明代空疏学风的反思回拨。梁启超指出:“金石学之在清代又彪然成为一学科也,自顾炎武作《金石文字》始,实为斯学滥觞。”傅山在金石学上极为用功,他曾考订《石鼓文》,批注《隶释》... 明末清初以来,金石考据逐渐为人所重,这是学术思潮上对明代空疏学风的反思回拨。梁启超指出:“金石学之在清代又彪然成为一学科也,自顾炎武作《金石文字》始,实为斯学滥觞。”傅山在金石学上极为用功,他曾考订《石鼓文》,批注《隶释》。他所交往的江南文人也大都对金石学有研究,也曾与傅山共同访碑拓碑, 展开更多
关键词 阎若璩 隶释 潜丘 斯学 学之 学术思潮 回拨 书事 风人 文彪
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