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潮泥田不同氮磷钾配比对水稻冈优188产量的影响 被引量:5
作者 王显权 张国平 鲁廷英 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第1期40-42,共3页
采用"3414"田间肥效试验方案,探索潮泥田氮、磷、钾不同配比对水稻冈优188产量及性状的影响,建立施肥的数学模型y=430.15+19.80 N+9.32 P+5.20 K+0.44 NP+0.49 NK+0.76 PK-1.28 N2-1.24 P2-0.61 K2。得出冈优188在潮泥田的最... 采用"3414"田间肥效试验方案,探索潮泥田氮、磷、钾不同配比对水稻冈优188产量及性状的影响,建立施肥的数学模型y=430.15+19.80 N+9.32 P+5.20 K+0.44 NP+0.49 NK+0.76 PK-1.28 N2-1.24 P2-0.61 K2。得出冈优188在潮泥田的最佳施肥水平与配比是667m2施尿素23.5 kg,过磷酸钙54.4 kg,氯化钾20.6 kg,可获得640.3 kg/667m2的产量。 展开更多
关键词 潮泥 冈优188 产量 最佳施肥量
洞庭湖区潮泥田晚稻施用钾镁硫肥的肥效研究初报 被引量:2
作者 汤春纯 龚新 《湖南农业科学》 2009年第12期57-58,65,共3页
为科学指导K、Mg、S肥的施用,在洞庭湖区潮泥田上,进行了晚稻施用KCl、MgSO4肥的肥效试验。研究结果表明:在地力产量为369.95kg/667m2情况下,施用N、P肥的基础上,单施不同量K肥,稻谷可增产16.5%-24.2%,增产效果明显;单施不单施不同用量... 为科学指导K、Mg、S肥的施用,在洞庭湖区潮泥田上,进行了晚稻施用KCl、MgSO4肥的肥效试验。研究结果表明:在地力产量为369.95kg/667m2情况下,施用N、P肥的基础上,单施不同量K肥,稻谷可增产16.5%-24.2%,增产效果明显;单施不单施不同用量MgSO4肥,稻谷可增产5.8%-6.9%。在施用N、P肥和不同用量K肥的基础上,再增施不同用量MgSO4肥,稻谷可增产7.0%-8.6%和10.2%-10.3%,说明增施K肥有利于提高MgSO4肥的肥效。 展开更多
关键词 洞庭湖 潮泥 K Mg S 晚稻
作者 韩秋珍 赵仁全 《山地农业生物学报》 2012年第6期494-497,共4页
采用L8(4×24)正交试验设计,研究潮泥田中不同种植密度和氮、磷、钾用量对油菜产量的影响。结果表明:单株产量与密度呈直线负相关,单位面积产量与密度呈直线正相关;施用尿素82.8 kg/hm2比施用尿素27.6kg/hm2增产322 kg/hm2,施用磷... 采用L8(4×24)正交试验设计,研究潮泥田中不同种植密度和氮、磷、钾用量对油菜产量的影响。结果表明:单株产量与密度呈直线负相关,单位面积产量与密度呈直线正相关;施用尿素82.8 kg/hm2比施用尿素27.6kg/hm2增产322 kg/hm2,施用磷、钾肥与否对产量基本没有影响。主花序长随密度的增加而缩短,有效分枝高随密度增加而升高,一次分枝数、二次分枝数、单株有效角果数、角粒数和单株理论产量均随密度增加而减少,千粒重的变化不大,高氮肥区比低氮肥区的单株有效角果数和单株理论产量增加较多,株高和有效分枝高也有所增加。 展开更多
关键词 潮泥 施肥量 油菜产量
潜育化水稻土的肥力特性及施肥效应的研究——Ⅰ.潜育化水稻土的某些肥力特性及氮、磷、钾肥效应的研究 被引量:6
作者 王昌燎 何电源 《农业现代化研究》 1983年第1期31-37,共7页
1978年在湖南省桃源县进行综合考察及其后进行的土壤普查中,发现该县共有潜育化和次生潜育化水田42万亩,约占全县水田面积的40%,比1959年土壤普查时增加了27.8万亩。这项数字的报导,引起南方诸省水田地区广大科技工作者的广泛注意。这... 1978年在湖南省桃源县进行综合考察及其后进行的土壤普查中,发现该县共有潜育化和次生潜育化水田42万亩,约占全县水田面积的40%,比1959年土壤普查时增加了27.8万亩。这项数字的报导,引起南方诸省水田地区广大科技工作者的广泛注意。这类土壤的危害是使水稻迟发贪青,僵苗死苗,或有机质分解缓慢,致使土壤中的肥分不能及时供应作物正常生长的需要。 展开更多
关键词 潜育化水稻土 肥力特性 黄泥田 钾肥效应 施肥效应 水稻产量 还原物质 青泥 早稻 潮泥
作者 王昌燎 《农业现代化研究》 1985年第6期26-28,共3页
关键词 潜育性水稻土 土壤水分吸力 犁底层 物理特性 潮泥 青泥 微团聚体 断裂模数 黄泥田 心土层
冬季辣椒追施高钾复合肥料的产量及经济效益 被引量:1
作者 刘扬敏 邱南英 李博赈 《农技服务》 2023年第3期27-29,共3页
为冬季辣椒追肥肥料的选用提供参考依据,采用大区示范对比试验设计,以平衡型挪威复合肥料(15-15-15)为对照,分析翔燕牌高钾复合肥料的追肥效果。结果表明:冬季辣椒追施翔燕牌高钾复合肥料可极显著提高辣椒株高、单株结果数和单果重,分... 为冬季辣椒追肥肥料的选用提供参考依据,采用大区示范对比试验设计,以平衡型挪威复合肥料(15-15-15)为对照,分析翔燕牌高钾复合肥料的追肥效果。结果表明:冬季辣椒追施翔燕牌高钾复合肥料可极显著提高辣椒株高、单株结果数和单果重,分别较对照高8.3 cm、1.9个、1.9 g,其产量、纯收益、产投比分别为2 865.5 kg/667m^(2)、7 834.25元/667m^(2)、3.58,分别比对照高370.2 kg/667m^(2)、1 340.7元/667m^(2)、0.68。因此,翔燕牌高钾复合肥料可在海南省澄迈县中等肥力潴育型水稻土潮泥田种植冬季辣椒时作为追肥施用示范推广,追肥总用量为100 kg/667m^(2),每次追施量为20 kg/667m^(2),追施5次。 展开更多
关键词 高钾复合肥料 辣椒 水稻土 潮泥 产量
潜育性和次生潜育化水稻土的形成及改良途径的研究总结报告 被引量:10
作者 中国科学院长沙农业现代化研究所潜育性水稻土改良课题协作组 《农业现代化研究》 1984年第6期5-25,共21页
一、潜育性和次生潜育化水稻土的形成和类型 (一)问题的提出 (二)潜育性水稻土的形成 (三)潜育性水稻土的类型 二、潜育性水稻土的性质 (一)潜育性水稻土的物理性质 (二)潜育性水稻土的化学性质 (三)潜育性水稻土的养分特性 (四)
关键词 潜育性水稻土 潜育性稻田 潜育化水稻土 黄泥田 还原物质 青泥 改良途径 犁底层 桃源县 潮泥
稻田施用石灰的研究 被引量:3
作者 中国科学院长沙农业现代化研究所石灰试验课题组 《农业现代化研究》 1986年第4期45-48,61,共5页
在我国南方稻区,素有施用石灰的习惯,有些地方甚至大量盲目施用,引起土壤碱化、板结,肥力下降和水稻减产等恶果。为了摸清湖南省稻田施用石灰的条件及其作用,为稻田合理施用石灰提供科学依据,我们自1981~1985年先后在桃源县和长沙县选... 在我国南方稻区,素有施用石灰的习惯,有些地方甚至大量盲目施用,引起土壤碱化、板结,肥力下降和水稻减产等恶果。为了摸清湖南省稻田施用石灰的条件及其作用,为稻田合理施用石灰提供科学依据,我们自1981~1985年先后在桃源县和长沙县选择有代表性的稻田,并结合盆栽和室内模拟试验进行了水稻施用石灰的试验研究,现将主要结果总结如下: 一、试验材料与方法 (一) 展开更多
关键词 施用石灰 施石灰 石灰用量 水稻 稻田 潮泥 红黄泥 盆栽试验 矿化 晚稻
作者 湖南省早稻僵苗研究协作组 《农业现代化研究》 1984年第3期32-38,共7页
水稻僵苗是指水稻移栽后,生育前期植株发根、出叶困难、分蘖迟缓甚至不分蘖、生长停滞的一种生理障碍现象。这种现象早在50年代就有所察觉,但发生面积不大,为害程度较轻,没有引起人们足够的重视。二十多年来,由于湖区长期实行单一的绿... 水稻僵苗是指水稻移栽后,生育前期植株发根、出叶困难、分蘖迟缓甚至不分蘖、生长停滞的一种生理障碍现象。这种现象早在50年代就有所察觉,但发生面积不大,为害程度较轻,没有引起人们足够的重视。二十多年来,由于湖区长期实行单一的绿肥—早稻—晚稻的耕作制度,土壤环境变劣,加上湖区地下水位高,导致早稻僵苗现象日趋严重。 展开更多
关键词 僵苗 早稻 潮泥 正常苗 洞庭湖区 缺锌 毒害物质 紫潮沙泥 酶带 生理类型
Impact of Sediment Supply on Spartina Salt Marshes 被引量:5
作者 SHEN Yong-Ming YANG Jing-Song +3 位作者 WANG Yan-Hong FENG Nian-Hua ZHOU Qin ZENG Hua 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期593-598,共6页
During the past century,natural and human modifications of environmental systems have greatly accelerated coastal salt marsh deterioration and shoreline retreat in many regions worldwide. Field investigation,profile a... During the past century,natural and human modifications of environmental systems have greatly accelerated coastal salt marsh deterioration and shoreline retreat in many regions worldwide. Field investigation,profile analysis,geographical information analysis,and remote sensing were employed in combination to study the effect of sediment on Spartina alterniflora salt marshes of the coast in Jiangsu Province,East China. The results indicated that the propagation of Spartina alterniflora salt marshes was closely related to regional sediment conditions,especially the supply of fine-grained materials. Additionally,because of the dense and high grass in Spartina alterniflora salt marshes,wave energy and tidal currents were baffled and weaker than those of the adjacent,unvegetated mud flats. Fine sediment was hardly resuspended under the low energy conditions in the Spartina alterniflora salt marshes. 展开更多
关键词 COST salt marsh sediment supply Spartina alterniflora tidal mud flat
作者 徐明德 娄安刚 王保栋 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第3期287-292,共6页
The finite element method was used to simulate the currents of Jiaozhou Bay and the nearcoast areas, and then established the model of the transport and diffusion of suspended particulate matter there. The transport a... The finite element method was used to simulate the currents of Jiaozhou Bay and the nearcoast areas, and then established the model of the transport and diffusion of suspended particulate matter there. The transport and diffusion of dredged matter near the discharging field were estimated; and the results were used to analyze the effects of the suspended particulate matter on the marine environment. 展开更多
关键词 Jiaozhou Bay dredged matter suspended particulate matter transport and diffusion
Intensive use of an intertidal mudflat by foraging adult American horseshoe crabs Limulus polyphemus in the Great Bay estuary, New Hampshire 被引量:4
作者 Wan-Jean LEE 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期611-617,共7页
Although concerns about harvesting levels of the American Horseshoe Crab, Limulus polyphemus have prompted increased research into its ecology, current understanding of the species' foraging ecology is mostly limited... Although concerns about harvesting levels of the American Horseshoe Crab, Limulus polyphemus have prompted increased research into its ecology, current understanding of the species' foraging ecology is mostly limited to mid-Atlantic populations. This study elucidates the spatial and temporal pattern of Limulus foraging on an intertidal mudflat of a northern New Eng- land estuary. A novel survey method was used to monitor Limulus foraging activity without disturbing the sediment. A fixed 50 mx2 m transect was monitored with monthly surveys of the number of Limulus feeding pits from June to October 2009, May and June 2010. Snorkelling surveys were also carried out to observe individual behavior and examine the spatial scale of activity of individual animals. Results showed frequent and intensive use of the mudflat by foraging Limulus. Limulus were actively foraging within the survey area during all months surveyed. Foraging patterns exhibited a seasonal pattern with activity levels peaking in August 2009 and increased significantly towards the end of the study in June 2010. It was also shown that Limulus intertidal foraging persisted and peaked after the spring breeding season. Observations of foraging Limulus revealed that individual predators dig multiple pits within a single high tide, with little disturbance to the sediment in between. In addition to altering the perception of Limulus as a subtidal predator outside of the breeding season, findings from this study suggests a segregation of spawning and feeding habitats, thus underscoring the need to consider a wider range of critical habitats in the management of Limulus populations 展开更多
关键词 FORAGING Epibenthic predator INTERTIDAL ESTUARY Disturbance
作者 杨本生 刘文永 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1996年第2期33-38,共6页
High-water material, tailings from goldmine and water are mixed into a new slurry.Testing of rheological properties of stowing slurries A and B is made to determine type and rheological parameters of the slurry. The m... High-water material, tailings from goldmine and water are mixed into a new slurry.Testing of rheological properties of stowing slurries A and B is made to determine type and rheological parameters of the slurry. The main factors influencing rheological properties of the slurry are analyzed and the rational concentration and empirical resistance calculating formula of pipe line transportation are presented. 展开更多
关键词 stowing slurry of high-water material solidifying tailings yielding stress structure viscosity transporting concentration
^(210)Pb Chronology and Trace Metal Geochemistry in the Intertidal Sediment of Qinjiang River Estuary, China 被引量:2
作者 XIA Peng MENG Xianwei +3 位作者 FENG Aiping YIN Ping WANG Xiangqin ZHANG Jun 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第2期165-173,共9页
Historical records of metal inputs were studied by using a sediment core collected from a sand-rich mudflat in the Qinjiang River estuary, China. 210Pb chronology was used to reconstruct the fluxes of Hg, Cu, Pb, Zn, ... Historical records of metal inputs were studied by using a sediment core collected from a sand-rich mudflat in the Qinjiang River estuary, China. 210Pb chronology was used to reconstruct the fluxes of Hg, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr and As to the core site during the last 86 years. Based on the constant initial concentration model, the sedimentation rates are 1.18 cm year-1 in the top 30 cm sandy layer and 0.92 cm year-1 in the muddy bottom layer. To compensate for grain-size and mineralogy effects on metal concentra-tions, aluminum was used as the normalizing element. The enrichment factors (EF) indicate that the natural inputs had prevailed up to the early 1980s. After this period, the intensity of human activities has resulted in continual increasing trend of metals towards the surface. Recent sediment samples from the Qinjiang River estuary are found moderately enriched by Cd (EF>1.5) and slightly enriched by other metals (EF<1.5). Considering that the drainage area of the Qinjiang River is mostly agricultural land, the increased Cd may be due to the usage of fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural activities and the combustion of fossil fuels. 展开更多
关键词 trace metals ^210Pb chronology pollution SEDIMENTS Qinjiang River estuary
作者 刘焕杰 桑树勋 施建 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 1995年第2期11-22,共12页
In this paper, the environment characteristics, micro-environment division and evolution of the mangrove tidal flats, peats and their genetic markers are discussed. It proves that the mangrove tidal flat is a kind of ... In this paper, the environment characteristics, micro-environment division and evolution of the mangrove tidal flats, peats and their genetic markers are discussed. It proves that the mangrove tidal flat is a kind of tidal flats and the peat flats are developed in a specific evolution stage of mangrove tidal flats; the mangrove peats are the products of a specific evolution stage of the mangrove tidal flats. 展开更多
关键词 tidal flat mangrove tidal flat peat flat mangrove peat Hainan Island
Characteristics of modern sedimentation in Qingdao bays
作者 陈正新 Paul Huang +3 位作者 黄海燕 董贺平 李少泉 李春 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期683-696,共14页
With available survey data and 237surface sediment samples,the modern sedimentation in Qingdao bays is studied.The research result shows that the east area is shallower(16.4 m) than that in the west(45.8 m).The geogra... With available survey data and 237surface sediment samples,the modern sedimentation in Qingdao bays is studied.The research result shows that the east area is shallower(16.4 m) than that in the west(45.8 m).The geography was formed by a symmetric wave in a sequence of bank-offshore depression-platform-tidal channel-platform-offshore depression-foreshore from south to north.Flood sedimentary systems were formed from inlet of the Jiaozhou Bay in the west to the barrier bar in the east.Lateral sedimentation includes mainly tidal current ridges in two tidal channels.Gravel sandy sediments formed by wave lie in midland of from seashore to wave base.Dynamic functions are mainly tide and wave.Tidal current moves sediment in vertical and horizontal directions,sorting sediments and providing materials for coastwise beaches.The sources of sediment are mainly from eroded headland rocks.In general,grain sizes in this area from the inlet of the Jiaozhou Bay in the west(120°17') to the barrier bar outside in the east(120°35') are coarse-fine-coarse,forming gravel-gravelly sand(G-S),sand(S),gravel clay silt(G-YT),clay silt(YT),gravelly silty sand(G-TS),silty sand(TS),gravelly sandy silt(G-ST),and sandy silt(ST) in turn. 展开更多
关键词 Qingdao bays surface sediments tidal current ridges sedimentary dynamics
Release of Mercury from Intertidal Sediment to Atmosphere in Summer and Winter
作者 LIU Ruhai Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40806045) +3 位作者 the Program of the State Bureau of Oceanic Administration (No. 908-02-02-03) WANG Yan SHAN Changqing Ling Min SHAN Hongxian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第2期99-105,共7页
The release of mercury from intertidal sediment to atmosphere was studied based on the simulated experiment. The experiment samples were collected from the Haibo Estuary (S1) and the Licun Estuary (S2) of the Jiaozhou... The release of mercury from intertidal sediment to atmosphere was studied based on the simulated experiment. The experiment samples were collected from the Haibo Estuary (S1) and the Licun Estuary (S2) of the Jiaozhou Bay in China,which are seriously polluted with mercury. The results show that the mercury in sediment releases rapidly to atmosphere under solar radiation. After 8 hours of solar radiation,mercury concentrations decrease from 5.62 μg/g and 2.92 μg/g to 2.34 μg/g and 1.39 μg/g in S1 and S2 sediments respectively in summer,and decrease from 5.62 μg/g and 2.92 μg/g to 4.58 μg/g and 2.13 μg/g respectively in winter. The mercury species in the sediment change markedly under solar radiation. The concentrations of mercury bound to organic matter decrease significantly from 2.73 μg/g to 0.31 μg/g in S1 and from 2.07 μg/g to 0.31 μg/g in S2,and the released mercury mainly comes from mercury bound to organic matter. Mercury flux shows distinguishing characteristic of diurnal change,and it increases rapidly in the morning with the rising of solar radiation intensity,but decreases in the afternoon. The mercury flux increases with sediment temperature and solar radiation intensity. The rapid release of mercury in intertidal sediment plays an important role in the regional mercury cycle. 展开更多
关键词 MERCURY intertidal sediment mercury release solar radiation mercury species
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