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低水分澳煤燃尽特性较差关键因素研究 被引量:4
作者 宋玉彩 《洁净煤技术》 CAS 2019年第5期101-105,共5页
近年来我国燃煤电厂大量进口澳煤,根据煤质特性,澳煤可分为高水分澳煤和低水分澳煤,其中高水分澳煤的煤质指标和燃烧特性与我国神混类煤基本相似,低水分澳煤的煤质指标与我国优混类煤基本相似,但电厂燃用低水分澳煤时存在飞灰含碳量高... 近年来我国燃煤电厂大量进口澳煤,根据煤质特性,澳煤可分为高水分澳煤和低水分澳煤,其中高水分澳煤的煤质指标和燃烧特性与我国神混类煤基本相似,低水分澳煤的煤质指标与我国优混类煤基本相似,但电厂燃用低水分澳煤时存在飞灰含碳量高、锅炉效率下降等问题。为探求低水分澳煤燃尽特性差的关键原因及其判别方法,为低水分澳煤的合理利用或燃煤锅炉优化调整提供指导依据,选取2个典型的澳煤煤样和典型的优混煤煤样,采用煤质指标分析、可磨性分析、热分析、孔隙率分析和马尔文粒径分析等方法,对比研究澳煤与优混煤的煤质指标、燃烧特性、孔隙率和粒径分布等差异。研究结果表明,澳煤的基本煤质指标与国内同类优混差异不大,但氧含量低,说明澳煤的煤化程度高于优混煤;澳煤可磨性系数随氧含量的降低而减小,即随澳煤煤化程度的加深,可磨性变差,因此可通过可磨性系数或氧含量来初步判断澳煤的燃尽特性。采用热分析的燃尽指数C 700判断煤的燃尽特性更符合实际应用情况。相同制粉条件下,澳煤的煤粉细度大,粗颗粒煤粉更多,是其难燃尽的根本原因。 展开更多
关键词 低水分澳煤 燃尽特性 哈氏可磨指数 孔隙率 粒径分布
澳煤的燃烧特性及其在600MW机组上的应用研究 被引量:3
作者 章勤 《热力发电》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第10期65-68,76,共5页
澳大利亚煤(澳煤)是具有高挥发分、高热值、低灰分等特点的优质动力煤。实验室分析及实际掺烧试验结果表明,澳煤的煤质参数、燃烧特性等与神混类煤接近,具有较好的综合经济性,在600 MW机组掺烧折算到供电煤耗下降了0.72 g/(kW.h),是神... 澳大利亚煤(澳煤)是具有高挥发分、高热值、低灰分等特点的优质动力煤。实验室分析及实际掺烧试验结果表明,澳煤的煤质参数、燃烧特性等与神混类煤接近,具有较好的综合经济性,在600 MW机组掺烧折算到供电煤耗下降了0.72 g/(kW.h),是神混煤较理想的替代煤种。但是,澳煤的结渣倾向性较神混煤稍强,在实际燃用过程中需要采取一些消解措施。 展开更多
关键词 澳煤 燃烧特性 掺烧试验 安全性 经济性
低水澳煤燃烧特性及其分磨掺烧试验研究 被引量:2
作者 张海丹 杨威 +3 位作者 黄华俊 王准 邱波 郎宁 《锅炉技术》 北大核心 2020年第4期43-48,共6页
利用热重-红外联用(TGA-FTIR)技术,与蒙混煤、富动24煤对比,分析低水澳煤的燃烧特性,根据其着火温度、燃尽温度以及CO和CO2的析出规律分析其燃尽特性差的原因。由于其氧含量较低,煤化程度较高,因此可磨特性相对较差。低水分和较高灰分... 利用热重-红外联用(TGA-FTIR)技术,与蒙混煤、富动24煤对比,分析低水澳煤的燃烧特性,根据其着火温度、燃尽温度以及CO和CO2的析出规律分析其燃尽特性差的原因。由于其氧含量较低,煤化程度较高,因此可磨特性相对较差。低水分和较高灰分的特点导致低水澳煤燃尽时间延长,燃尽温度较高。在1030 MW机组上进行低水澳煤掺烧试验,试验期间磨煤机电流上升,随着澳煤掺烧量的增加,减温水量、飞灰含碳量和CO浓度逐渐升高,因此采用降低一次风速度和煤粉细度的手段促进其燃烧完全。 展开更多
关键词 低水澳煤 热重 红外光谱 燃烧特性 掺烧
1 030 MW机组锅炉超温与低水澳煤相关性研究
作者 朱青国 郭文广 +4 位作者 徐书德 谢增孝 俞建楠 郑水明 杨建国 《浙江电力》 2022年第9期95-100,共6页
针对某1 030 MW超超临界机组掺烧低水澳煤时常出现锅炉受热面超温问题,通过锅炉掺烧对比试验,得出锅炉受热面超温与掺烧低水澳煤没有明确相关性的结论。进一步对多批次煤样进行了对比实验分析,得出低水澳煤的着火温度与优混煤相近,燃尽... 针对某1 030 MW超超临界机组掺烧低水澳煤时常出现锅炉受热面超温问题,通过锅炉掺烧对比试验,得出锅炉受热面超温与掺烧低水澳煤没有明确相关性的结论。进一步对多批次煤样进行了对比实验分析,得出低水澳煤的着火温度与优混煤相近,燃尽温度较高,但总体燃烧过程基本一致。锅炉试验和实验室实验均得出,低水澳煤与优混煤的磨煤特性基本相近,低水澳煤反而略易磨。多批次煤样的分析结果排除了锅炉试验煤种的偶然性,由此得出,燃用低水澳煤可能会使受热面超温略趋于严重,但不是发生超温问题的关键因素。 展开更多
关键词 超超临界锅炉 低水澳煤 热重分析 燃烧特性 可磨性 受热面超温
作者 谭晓涛 江小明 杨威 《锅炉制造》 2021年第5期1-5,共5页
针对某电厂两台660MW对冲旋流燃烧锅炉掺烧低水澳煤期间锅炉频繁掉焦导致炉膛负压波动较大的情况,通过对掺烧煤种进行煤灰成分分析、热重分析、飞灰粒径分析等实验分析,并结合SCR入口烟气成分分布情况和掉焦期间水冷壁壁温变化情况等参... 针对某电厂两台660MW对冲旋流燃烧锅炉掺烧低水澳煤期间锅炉频繁掉焦导致炉膛负压波动较大的情况,通过对掺烧煤种进行煤灰成分分析、热重分析、飞灰粒径分析等实验分析,并结合SCR入口烟气成分分布情况和掉焦期间水冷壁壁温变化情况等参数,得出低水澳煤较高的着火和燃尽温度,以及相对难磨的特性导致实际运行时煤粉粗颗粒较多易贴壁,炉内还原性气氛强,为炉膛水冷壁易结焦的主要原因。实践证明:在制粉系统风粉调平基础上适当减少两侧粉管粉量、降低磨煤机一次风风速和煤粉细度、加深燃烧器碗形配风深度以及调整燃烧器旋流强度、中心风门开度,改变炉膛高度方向温度场等关键措施有效改善对冲锅炉掺烧低水澳煤时两侧墙区域结焦问题。 展开更多
关键词 对冲锅炉 低氮改造 低水澳煤 掉焦 负压波动 燃烧调整
600MW机组锅炉掺烧澳煤飞灰含碳量高分析与调整 被引量:10
作者 李沙 葛伟 《电站系统工程》 2016年第6期73-74,共2页
针对600 MW机组锅炉掺烧澳煤后飞灰含碳量升高的问题,通过对燃煤煤种特性及制粉系统进行分析,探索飞灰含碳量高的原因,提出补焊磨损严重的磨煤机分离器挡板及优化掺烧方式等调整措施。结果表明:补焊分离器挡板及补上脱落的回粉挡板后煤... 针对600 MW机组锅炉掺烧澳煤后飞灰含碳量升高的问题,通过对燃煤煤种特性及制粉系统进行分析,探索飞灰含碳量高的原因,提出补焊磨损严重的磨煤机分离器挡板及优化掺烧方式等调整措施。结果表明:补焊分离器挡板及补上脱落的回粉挡板后煤粉细度降低,煤粉燃尽性提高,飞灰含碳量有所降低;进一步优化掺烧方式后,飞灰含碳量降低到1.22%,提高了锅炉运行经济性。 展开更多
关键词 掺烧澳煤 飞灰含碳量 机分离器挡板 机回粉挡板 粉细度
作者 胡卿 杨扬 +2 位作者 张海丹 吴剑波 宋玉彩 《节能》 2022年第7期63-66,共4页
分别采用炉外预混和分磨掺烧方式,在1000 MW超临界对冲锅炉上开展了高水高挥发分特点印尼煤掺烧试验,分析了两种掺烧方式的特点并比较了经济性,炉外预混工况中将低水澳煤与印尼煤按质量比1∶1掺配。试验结果表明:预混掺烧方式可提高磨... 分别采用炉外预混和分磨掺烧方式,在1000 MW超临界对冲锅炉上开展了高水高挥发分特点印尼煤掺烧试验,分析了两种掺烧方式的特点并比较了经济性,炉外预混工况中将低水澳煤与印尼煤按质量比1∶1掺配。试验结果表明:预混掺烧方式可提高磨煤机出力,有效降低制粉系统内爆及粉管积粉自燃风险,但供电煤耗相比分磨掺烧方式增加了约1 g/kWh,主要原因为预混掺烧方式放大了澳煤难磨、难燃尽的特点,锅炉效率下降,厂用电率上升。 展开更多
关键词 印尼 澳煤 分磨 预混 掺烧 经济性
A review of the geomechanics aspects of a double fatality coal burst at Austar Colliery in NSW,Australia in April 2014 被引量:12
作者 Hebblewhite Bruce Calvin Jim 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第1期3-7,共5页
A coal burst occurred on 15 April, 2014 at the Austar Coal Mine, located west of Newcastle, NSW,Australia. The burst resulted in fatal injuries to two men working as part of the mining crew at the development face. At... A coal burst occurred on 15 April, 2014 at the Austar Coal Mine, located west of Newcastle, NSW,Australia. The burst resulted in fatal injuries to two men working as part of the mining crew at the development face. At the time, a continuous miner was being used to mine a longwall development gate road through heavily structured coal, at a depth of approximately 550 m. A number of pre-cursor bumps had occurred on previous shifts, emanating from the coal ribs of the roadway, in proximity to the coal face.This paper reviews the geological, geotechnical and mining conditions and circumstances leading up to the coal burst event; and presents and discusses the available evidence and possible interpretations relating to the geomechanical behaviour mechanisms that may have been critical factors in this incident. The paper also discusses some key technical and operational considerations of ground support systems and mining practices and strategies needed for operating in such conditions in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Underground coal mining Roadway development Strata controlCoal burst Coal geology Mine safety
A comparative study of dust control practices in Chinese and Australian longwall coal mines 被引量:9
作者 Ji Yinlin Ren Ting +3 位作者 Wynne Peter Wan Zhijun Ma Zhaoyang Wang Zhimin 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第2期199-208,共10页
Mine dust is one of the main hazards in underground longwall mines worldwide.In order to solve the mine dust problem,a significant number of studies have been carried out regarding longwall mine dust control,both in C... Mine dust is one of the main hazards in underground longwall mines worldwide.In order to solve the mine dust problem,a significant number of studies have been carried out regarding longwall mine dust control,both in China and Australia.This paper presents a comparative study of dust control practices in Chinese and Australian longwall mines,with particular references to statutory limits,dust monitoring methods and dust management practices,followed by a brief discussion on the research status of longwall mine dust control in both countries.The study shows that water infusion,face ventilation controls,water sprays,and deep and wet cutting in longwall shearer operations are commonly practiced in almost all underground longwall mines and that both Chinese and Australian longwall mine dust control practices have their own advantages and disadvantages.It is concluded that there is a need for further development and innovative design of more effective dust mitigation products or systems despite the development of various dust control technologies.Based on the examinations and discussions,the authors have made some recommendations for further research and development in dust control in longwall mines.It is hoped that this comparative study will provide beneficial guidance for scholars and engineers who are engaging in longwall mine dust control research and practice. 展开更多
关键词 Dust control Longwall coal mine Dust monitoring Ventilation Water spray Foam technology for dust control(FTDC)
Investigations into the corrosive environments contributing to premature failure of Australian coal mine rock bolts 被引量:16
作者 Craig P. Serkan S. +4 位作者 Hagan P. Hebblewhite B. Vandermaat D. Crosky A. Elias E. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期59-64,共6页
University of New South Wales(UNSW Australia) had been involved in the study of premature failure of rock bolts in Australia coal mines from the initial identification of the problem in 1999. Rock bolt steel changes o... University of New South Wales(UNSW Australia) had been involved in the study of premature failure of rock bolts in Australia coal mines from the initial identification of the problem in 1999. Rock bolt steel changes over the last decade appear to have not reduced the incidence of failures. A broadened UNSW research project funded by the Australian Research Council(ARC) and Industry has targeted finding the environmental causes through extensive field and laboratory experiments. This paper describes the field studies conducted in underground coal mines,in particular attempts to measure the contribution to corrosion from groundwater,mineralogy and microbial activity. Various underground survey techniques were used to determine the extent of broken bolts,with the presence of both stress corrosion cracking(SCC) and localized deep pitting making no single technique suitable on their own.Groundwater found dripping from bolts across various coalfields in Australia were found to be not aggressive and known groundwater corrosivity classification systems did not correlate to where broken bolts were found. In-hole coupon bolts placed in roof strata containing claystone bands confirmed the clay as being a major contributor to corrosion. Microbes capable of contributing to steel corrosion were found to be present in groundwater,and culturing of the microbes taken from in-situ coupon bolts proved that the bacteria was present on the bolt surface. An ‘in-hole bolt corrosion coupon' development by the project may have multiple benefits of (1) helping quantify newly developed corrosivity classification systems,(2) providing an in-situ ground support corrosion monitoring tool,and (3) for testing possible corrosion protection solutions. 展开更多
关键词 RockboltStress corrosion crackingCorrosionCoal miningUltrasonic testing
A comparative investigation of the properties of coal-water slurries prepared from Australia and Shenhua coals 被引量:3
作者 Yun Zengjie Wu Guoguang +4 位作者 Meng Xianliang Zhang Yuliang Shi Frank He Yaqun Luo Xiaoqiang 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第3期343-347,共5页
Two coal samples of similar rank were chosen from Australia and China to investigate the differences in Coal-Water Slurry (CWS) made from them. The effect of ash content and particle size gradation on these properti... Two coal samples of similar rank were chosen from Australia and China to investigate the differences in Coal-Water Slurry (CWS) made from them. The effect of ash content and particle size gradation on these properties was also studied. Different grinding times were used when grinding the two coals and particle size analysis of these ground coals was used to select samples with a "double-peak" particle size distri- bution. All the "double-peak" samples were used to prepare a CWS. The concentration, viscosity, fluidity, and stability of each CWS were measured. The results show that the properties ofa CWS prepared from a coal sample with a "double-peak" size distribution are better than those CWS prepared from samples with a mono-modal particle distribution. The ash content of Australian coal is 21.72g higher than the ash content of Shenhua coal. The highest coal concentration in slurry from the Australia coal is 11.01% higher than in CWS from the Shenhua coat. The fluidity and stability of the CWS prepared from the Australian coal are both better than the fluidity and stability of slurry prepared from Shenhua coal. High ash content in the Australian coal imnroves the nulning results of a CWS made from it. 展开更多
关键词 Coal-Water Slurry"Double-peak" gradationSlurry ability Rheological property Stability
Application of coal mine roof rating in Chinese coal mines 被引量:4
作者 Wang Yongyin Taheri Abbas Xu Xianbi 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 EI CSCD 2018年第3期491-497,共7页
The coal mine roof rating(CMRR) is a measure of roof quality or structure competency for bedded roof types typically of underground coal mines. The CMRR has been used widely in the US, South Africa,Canada and Australi... The coal mine roof rating(CMRR) is a measure of roof quality or structure competency for bedded roof types typically of underground coal mines. The CMRR has been used widely in the US, South Africa,Canada and Australia. In order to investigate the application of the CMRR system in Chinese coal mines,two coal mines in China located in Panjiang Coal Field in Guizhou Province were investigated. Field data were collected which is required to calculate the CMRR value based on underground exposure. The CMRR values of 11 locations in two coal mines were calculated. The investigations demonstrated that the chance of mine roof failure is very low if the CMRR value is more than 50, given adequate support is installed in mine. It was found that the CMRR guideline are useful to preliminarily investigate stability in Panjiang Coal Field mines. 展开更多
关键词 Coal mine roof rating Underground mine Roof stability Panjiang coal field
Development and implementation of spin to stall resin at Anglo Americans Australian underground coal operations
作者 Emery J. Canbulat I. +2 位作者 Craig P. Naylor J. Sykes A. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期161-168,共8页
Longwall mining is by far the most common method of underground coal extraction in Australia. The industry trends and expectations are placing increasing emphasis on the reliability and productivity of these operation... Longwall mining is by far the most common method of underground coal extraction in Australia. The industry trends and expectations are placing increasing emphasis on the reliability and productivity of these operations. The longwalls are becoming wider and longer while retreat rates are continuously increasing due to significant improvements achieved in longwall equipment reliability and automation.This increased longwall productivity is placing significant emphasis on the reliability of longwall panel development. Although there have been significant improvements in the reliability of continuous miners and hydraulic drill rigs,the traditional resin encapsulated bolt installation is still the principal method used in all major coal-producing countries around the world. Anglo American realised an opportunity existed to introduce an alternative roof bolt installation technique called ‘‘spin to stall" in Australia.Spin to stall was first introduced in Anglo American Coal in South Africa where it has been successfully used for over a decade,though implementation of South African spin to stall resin in Australia has proven to be near impossible due to a significant difference in geotechnical conditions,mining method,and,subsequently,roof bolting equipment. Therefore,a new spin to stall development project was initiated between Anglo American Coal and Jennmar Australia(SPIN2STALLò). This paper summarises the journey of this project,the results,and the successful implementation of spin to stall achieved at Grasstree Mine. 展开更多
关键词 Roof boltingRoof bolt installationSpin to stallGeotechnical engineeringStrata control
Development of a spontaneous combustion TARPs system based on BP neural network 被引量:7
作者 Wang Longkang Ren Tingxiang +4 位作者 Nie Baisheng Chen Yang Lv Changqing Tang Haoyang Zhang Jufeng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第5期803-810,共8页
Spontaneous combustion of coal is a major cause of coal mine fires.It not only poses a severe hazard to the safe extraction of coal resources,but also jeopardizes the safety of mine workers.The development of a scient... Spontaneous combustion of coal is a major cause of coal mine fires.It not only poses a severe hazard to the safe extraction of coal resources,but also jeopardizes the safety of mine workers.The development of a scientific management system of coal spontaneous combustion is of vital importance to the safe production of coal mine.This paper provides a comparative analysis of a range of worldwide prediction techniques and methods for coal spontaneous combustion,and systematically introduces the trigger action response plans(TARPs)system used in Australian coal mines for managing the spontaneous heating of coal.An artificial neural network model has been established on the basis of real coal mine operational conditions.Through studying and training the neural network model,prediction errors can be controlled within the allowable range.The trained model is then applied to the conditions of Nos.1 and 3 coal seams located in Weijiadi Coal Mine to demonstrate its feasibility for spontaneous combustion assessment.Based upon the TARPs system which is commonly used in Australian longwall mines,a TARPs system has been developed for Weijiadi Coal Mine to assist the management of spontaneous combustion hazard and ensure the safe operation of its mining activities. 展开更多
关键词 Neural network Coal spontaneous combustion TARPs Safety management
作者 朱书全 LeoJ.Lynch WesleyA.Borton 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 1992年第1期66-73,共8页
The varying temperature pulse proton NMR method was adopted to determine the e-quilibrium moisture content of several Chinese and Australian coals. The pulse proton NMR spec-trometry is sensible to the hydrogen at dif... The varying temperature pulse proton NMR method was adopted to determine the e-quilibrium moisture content of several Chinese and Australian coals. The pulse proton NMR spec-trometry is sensible to the hydrogen at different physical state which occurs for water when temperature changes through 273 K. The equilibrium water,with some interactions to the coal surface, will not transform from one phase to another while the free water does. The measured results are reasonable comparing to the conventional gravimetric method. 展开更多
关键词 Pulse proton NMR Equilibrium moisture
作者 王加山 凌志宏 龚健方 《炼铁技术通讯》 2009年第4期30-32,共3页
关键词 高炉 澳煤 熟料率
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