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Development and Application of Laser Peening in Japan
作者 Yuji Sano 《航空制造技术》 2006年第1期73-77,共5页
This paper reviews the current status of research and development on laser peening without protective coating(LPPC) in Japan. LPPC is an innovative process since it does not require any surface coating that is formed ... This paper reviews the current status of research and development on laser peening without protective coating(LPPC) in Japan. LPPC is an innovative process since it does not require any surface coating that is formed prior to laser irradiation in conventional laser peening for preventing the surface from melting. Surface residual stress of various metal materials was converted from tensile to compressive by LPPC. High cycle fatigue property was remarkably improved for steels, aluminum alloys and titanium alloys. Accelerating stress corrosion cracking (SCC) tests showed that LPPC completely prevents SCC of sensitized austenitic stainless steels, nickel-based alloys and their weld metals. LPPC has been utilized to combat against SCC in Japanese nuclear power reactors since 1999. 展开更多
关键词 激光敲击 应力疲劳 腐蚀裂化 金属处理 结构力学
作者 窦光宇 《金属世界》 2005年第1期45-45,共1页
1995年12月,日本福井县敦贺市一台运转中的高速核反应堆,由于二次冷却系统热电偶装置的不锈钢板在高温下发生金属疲劳,导致作为核反应堆冷却剂的钠泄漏,并引发火灾.日本新干线山阳段的一处隧道,也发生因结构材料中钢材"金属疲劳&qu... 1995年12月,日本福井县敦贺市一台运转中的高速核反应堆,由于二次冷却系统热电偶装置的不锈钢板在高温下发生金属疲劳,导致作为核反应堆冷却剂的钠泄漏,并引发火灾.日本新干线山阳段的一处隧道,也发生因结构材料中钢材"金属疲劳",造成隧道崩塌.在现实中,这样的情况是时有发生的.为此,已经引起了科学家的高度重视. 展开更多
关键词 金属疲劳 循环应力 激光敲击系统 表面光洁度
《现代材料动态》 2004年第4期25-25,共1页
关键词 金属材料 激光敲击系统 激光 高能脉冲 疲劳强度
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