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作者 李丹 马晓栋 文文 《新疆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第2期55-58,共4页
文章基于标度理论研究了两分量玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的集体激发模。首先从耦合流体力学方程组出发,对两分量玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的粒子数密度和速度场分别采用相应的标度假设,为了满足在不同分量相互作用下的标度假设,需在全空间做平均,最后... 文章基于标度理论研究了两分量玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的集体激发模。首先从耦合流体力学方程组出发,对两分量玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的粒子数密度和速度场分别采用相应的标度假设,为了满足在不同分量相互作用下的标度假设,需在全空间做平均,最后得到柱对称下两分量玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚集体激发模的色散关系。 展开更多
关键词 两分量玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚 集体激发模 标度理论
激发双模压缩真空态的非经典特性 被引量:14
作者 江俊勤 黄纯青 路洪 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第11期989-992,共4页
通过数值计算研究了激发双模压缩真空态 a+ mb+ m|ξ〉的非经典特性 .结果表明 :对于a+ mb+ m | ξ〉,Cauchy-Schwartz不等式受到破坏 ;当取适当的压缩参量 r(例如 0 .4~ 0 .7)时 ,a+ mb+ m| ξ〉呈现出正交分量的压缩和光子的亚泊松分... 通过数值计算研究了激发双模压缩真空态 a+ mb+ m|ξ〉的非经典特性 .结果表明 :对于a+ mb+ m | ξ〉,Cauchy-Schwartz不等式受到破坏 ;当取适当的压缩参量 r(例如 0 .4~ 0 .7)时 ,a+ mb+ m| ξ〉呈现出正交分量的压缩和光子的亚泊松分布 ,而且压缩程度和亚泊松特性都随 m的增大而有所增强 . 展开更多
关键词 激发压缩真空态 非经典特性 量子光学
叠加激发双模压缩真空态的量子统计特性(英文) 被引量:5
作者 黄纯青 江俊勤 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期523-526,共4页
从激发双模压缩真空态 a mb m| ξ〉出发构造了叠加态 | Ψ〉,研究了 | Ψ〉的量子统计特性 .结果表明 :在一定的条件下 ,随着相位差的变化 ,叠加态 | Ψ〉的平均光子数出现类似于Rabi振荡的崩塌与复原现象 ,而且与单个激发双模压缩真空... 从激发双模压缩真空态 a mb m| ξ〉出发构造了叠加态 | Ψ〉,研究了 | Ψ〉的量子统计特性 .结果表明 :在一定的条件下 ,随着相位差的变化 ,叠加态 | Ψ〉的平均光子数出现类似于Rabi振荡的崩塌与复原现象 ,而且与单个激发双模压缩真空态 a mb m|ξ〉相比 ,在叠加态 展开更多
关键词 叠加激发压缩真空态 光子数振荡 相位压缩 亚泊松光子统计特性 量子统计特性 相位差
作者 黄纯青 韩定安 +2 位作者 万广仁 路洪 汤俊杰 《量子光学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期110-115,共6页
构造了叠加激发双模SU(2)相干态|ψ>=Cm(|M,;ξm>+ei|M,ξ*;m>),用数值方法研究它的量子统计特性。结果表明:叠加激发双模SU(2)相干态两场模的光子统计分布保持反关联特征,而且呈现奇特的光放大特性;b模光场的亚泊松分布得... 构造了叠加激发双模SU(2)相干态|ψ>=Cm(|M,;ξm>+ei|M,ξ*;m>),用数值方法研究它的量子统计特性。结果表明:叠加激发双模SU(2)相干态两场模的光子统计分布保持反关联特征,而且呈现奇特的光放大特性;b模光场的亚泊松分布得到比较大的加强,而a模光场的亚泊松分布特性则有轻微减弱;两场模的反聚束性均得到增强;随激发量子数m的增大,两场模间的反关联性减弱。 展开更多
关键词 叠加激发SU(2)相干态 数值方法 量子统计特性
作者 穆轶 《乐山师范学院学报》 2006年第5期31-35,共5页
通过数值计算方法,研究了激发双模S(U 2)相干态M,!;m〉=AM!ma+mb+m M,!〉的非线性高阶差压缩——N次方X压缩效应。结果表明:对于激发双模SU(2)相干态,光场存在着非线性高阶差压缩(即(N=1,2,3,4,5…)次方X压缩)效应,且随着光场总光子数M... 通过数值计算方法,研究了激发双模S(U 2)相干态M,!;m〉=AM!ma+mb+m M,!〉的非线性高阶差压缩——N次方X压缩效应。结果表明:对于激发双模SU(2)相干态,光场存在着非线性高阶差压缩(即(N=1,2,3,4,5…)次方X压缩)效应,且随着光场总光子数M的增加,N次方X压缩效应增强,但增大场模光子增加数m或增大N次方X压缩的压缩阶数N,N次方X压缩效应减弱。 展开更多
关键词 SU(2)相干态 激发SU(2)相干态 非线性高阶差压缩 N次方X压缩效应 N次方X压缩度
激发双模压缩真空态的等阶Y压缩效应 被引量:11
作者 张敏 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期561-565,共5页
关键词 光场 激发压缩真空态 等阶K次方Y压缩效应 等阶Y压缩度 量子光学
OCS^+经由A^2П←X^2П激发的光解离光谱 被引量:1
作者 周丹娜 陈琳 +1 位作者 吴丹 张立敏 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期963-970,共8页
在超声分子束条件下,由423、420、412.2和408.4nm的电离激光使OCS分子通过[3+1]共振增强多光子电离(REMPI)制备出OCS+(X2Π)离子后,在260-325nm范围内扫描解离激光获得了OCS+离子经由A2Π3/2←X2Π3/2(000)和A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2(000,001)... 在超声分子束条件下,由423、420、412.2和408.4nm的电离激光使OCS分子通过[3+1]共振增强多光子电离(REMPI)制备出OCS+(X2Π)离子后,在260-325nm范围内扫描解离激光获得了OCS+离子经由A2Π3/2←X2Π3/2(000)和A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2(000,001)跃迁的分质量光解离谱(母体离子OCS+的凹陷谱和碎片离子S+的增强谱).其中A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2(001)跃迁的光解离谱是首次观察到.由A2Π3/2←X2Π3/2(000)光解离谱得到了A2Π3/2电子态的光谱常数T0=31411.3cm-1,ν1=814.3cm-1;由A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2(000)光解离谱得到了A2Π1/2电子态的光谱常数ν1=816cm-1,ν2=(380.4±2.8)cm-1,ν3=(2052.7±5.1)cm-1,而从A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2(001)光解离谱拟合出的A2Π1/2电子态的ν1(786.4cm-1)稍有不同,表明在A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2(001)跃迁中X2П1/2电子态的C-O键振动(ν3)激发影响了A2Π1/2电子态C-S键的振动(ν1).实验结果表明:在A2Π1/2←X2Π1/2(000,001)跃迁的光解离谱中能够显著观察到属于A2Π电子态的ν2弯曲振动模激发的谱峰,例如A2Π1/2(020,120,021,…),而在A2П3/2(υ1υ2υ3)←X2Π3/2(000)跃迁的光解离谱中几乎没有观察到属于ν2弯曲振动模激发的谱峰.这种弯曲振动激发和A2П电子态的旋轨分裂分量(Ω)的相关性可以通过A2Π电子态的Fermi共振和Renner-Teller效应来解释. 展开更多
关键词 OCS+ 光解离 弯曲振动激发 光碎片激发
Optically Activated Charge Domain Model for High-Gain GaAs Photoconductive Switches 被引量:3
作者 施卫 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第12期1481-1485,共5页
A model for theoretical analysis of nonlinear (or high gain) mode of photoconductive semiconductor switches (PCSS's) is proposed.The switching transition of high gain PCSS's can be described with an optically... A model for theoretical analysis of nonlinear (or high gain) mode of photoconductive semiconductor switches (PCSS's) is proposed.The switching transition of high gain PCSS's can be described with an optically activated charge domain. The switching characteristics including rise time,delay and their relationship to electric field strength,optical trigger energies are discussed.The formation and radiation transit,accumulation of the charge domain are related with the triggering and sustaining phases of PCSS's,respectively.The results of the mathematical model on this mechanism agree with experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 photoconductive switches high gain mode optically activated charge domain
The analysis on IP signals in TEM response based on SVD 被引量:4
作者 余传涛 刘鸿福 +2 位作者 张新军 杨德义 李自红 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期79-87,119,共10页
During transient electromagnetic method (TEM) exploration of a copper mine, we detected the late-channel TEM signal reversal phenomenon (a voltage change from positive to negative) caused by the influence of the i... During transient electromagnetic method (TEM) exploration of a copper mine, we detected the late-channel TEM signal reversal phenomenon (a voltage change from positive to negative) caused by the influence of the induced polarization (IP) effect, which affects the depth and precision of the TEM detection. The conventional inversion method is inefficient because it is difficult to process the data. In this paper, the Cole-Cole model is adopted to analyze the effect of Dc resistivity, chargeability, time constant, and frequency exponent on the TEM response in an homogeneous half space model. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is used to invert the measured TEM data, and the Dc resistivity, chargeability, time constant and frequency exponent were extracted from the measured TEM data in the mine area. The extracted parameters are used for interpreting the detection result as a supplement. This reveals why the TEM data acquired in the area has a low resolution. It was found that the DC resistivity and time constant do not significantly change the results, however, the chargeability and frequency exponent have a significant effect. Because of these influences, the SVD method is more accurate than the conventional method in the apparent resistivity profile. The area of the copper mine is confined accurately based on the SVD inverted data. The conclusion has been verified by drill and is identical to the practical geological situation. 展开更多
关键词 SVD method TEM response IP effects Cole-Cole models
作者 万志龙 范洪义 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第19期31-36,共6页
有限温度下的光场理论的核心是引入热真空态,它也是利用量子统计手段全面研究电磁场的基础.本文在Takahashi和Umezawa的热场动力学理论基础上,首次采用有序算符内的积分方法对负二项式光场ρs=∞∑n=0(n+s n)γs+1(1-γ)n|n><n|,... 有限温度下的光场理论的核心是引入热真空态,它也是利用量子统计手段全面研究电磁场的基础.本文在Takahashi和Umezawa的热场动力学理论基础上,首次采用有序算符内的积分方法对负二项式光场ρs=∞∑n=0(n+s n)γs+1(1-γ)n|n><n|,寻找相应的热真空态.发现该热真空态是基于在混沌光场所对应的热真空态上的虚模激发,或取负二项式纯态的形式∞∑n=0(n+s n)γs+1(1-γ)n|n,s+>,其中"s"代表虚模自由度.对此热真空态求纯态平均可方便地得到负二项式光场的Wigner函数和光子数涨落. 展开更多
关键词 负二项式光场 热真空态 有序算符内的积分方法 激发
Functional Integrals and Collective Excitations in Boson-Fermion Model 被引量:5
作者 YAN Jun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5X期769-772,共4页
In this paper, collective excitations in the boson-fermion model are investigated by means of functional integration method. The equations of energy gap and excitation spectrum are derived. Moreover, the Bose energy s... In this paper, collective excitations in the boson-fermion model are investigated by means of functional integration method. The equations of energy gap and excitation spectrum are derived. Moreover, the Bose energy spectrum of zero wave vector Fermi fields is also calculated. 展开更多
关键词 functional integrals excitation spectrum boson-fermion model
Cellular Automaton Simulations for Target Waves in Excitable Media 被引量:1
作者 张立升 邓敏艺 +2 位作者 孔令江 刘慕仁 唐国宁 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期171-174,共4页
Using the Greenberg-Hasting cellular automata model, we study the properties of target waves in excitable media under the no-flux boundary conditions. For the system has only one excited state, the computer simulation... Using the Greenberg-Hasting cellular automata model, we study the properties of target waves in excitable media under the no-flux boundary conditions. For the system has only one excited state, the computer simulation and analysis lead to the conclusions that, the number of refractory states does not influence the wave-front speed; the wave- front speed decreases as the excitation threshold increases and increases as the neighbor radius increases; the period of target waves is equal to the number of cell states; the excitation condition for target waves is that the wave-front speed must be bigger than half of the neighbor radius. 展开更多
关键词 cellular automata excitable media target wave
Impact of substrate on opto-thermal response of thin metallic targets under irradiation with femtosecond laser pulses
作者 TSIBIDIS G D STRATAKIS E 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第10期3410-3421,共12页
Femtosecond pulsed lasers have been widely used over the past decades due to their capability to fabricate precise patterns at the micro-and nano-lengths scales. A key issue for efficient material processing is the de... Femtosecond pulsed lasers have been widely used over the past decades due to their capability to fabricate precise patterns at the micro-and nano-lengths scales. A key issue for efficient material processing is the determination of the laser parameters used in the experimental set ups. Despite a systematic investigation that has been performed to highlight the impact of every parameter independently, little attention has been drawn on the role of the substrate material on which the irradiated solid is placed. In this work, the influence of the substrate is emphasised for films of various thicknesses, which demonstrates that both the optical and thermophysical properties of the substrate affect the thermal fingerprint on the irradiated film while the impact is manifested to be higher at smaller film sizes. Two representative materials, silicon and fused silica, have been selected as typical substrates for thin films(gold and nickel) of different optical and thermophysical behaviour and the thermal response and damage thresholds are evaluated for the irradiated solids. The pronounced influence of the substrate is aimed to pave the way for new and more optimised designs of laserbased fabrication set ups and processing schemes. 展开更多
关键词 femtosecond laser pulse ultrafast dynamics optical excitation two-temperature model
Nucleon—Pair Shell Model:Magnetic Excitations for Ba Isotopes 被引量:1
作者 LUOYan-An NINGPing-Zhi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期331-334,共4页
Magnetic excitations for Ba isotopes are discussed within the nucleon-pair shell model truncated in the SD subspace. With the SD pair determined by a surface- interaction, M1 transitions for are well fitted. The M1 a... Magnetic excitations for Ba isotopes are discussed within the nucleon-pair shell model truncated in the SD subspace. With the SD pair determined by a surface- interaction, M1 transitions for are well fitted. The M1 and M3 transitions for and are also predicted. It is shown that the statement, the collective magnetic properties are due to the orbital motion of nucleons, is approximately valid. 展开更多
关键词 the nucleon-pair shell model magnetic excitation Ba isotopes
Test study on rupture process and permeability properties of coal-rock in simulating mining stress effect 被引量:2
作者 GAO Bao-bin LI Hua-min +2 位作者 QIAO Chun-sheng SU Cheng-dong WANG Wen 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第1期55-60,共6页
A test system was designed by using a set of self-made experimental devicesof coupled coal-gas in simulating mining stress effect, combining the equipment withRMT-150B rock mechanical experimental system, monitoring t... A test system was designed by using a set of self-made experimental devicesof coupled coal-gas in simulating mining stress effect, combining the equipment withRMT-150B rock mechanical experimental system, monitoring the rupture process ofcoal-rock with an acoustic emission (AE) device and collecting gas-flow rate andgas-stress data in real-time automatically with a gas flow-meter and gas pressure sensor.The fracture process and permeability properties test of the coal-rock in mining stress effect was carried out. Test results indicate that AE events and variation of stresses have thesame variance tendency and the rupture process of coal-rock can be monitored by AE.The relation curves among stresses, parameters of AE and permeability properties demonstrate that the permeability of coal-rock decreases gradually at quasi-elastic stage, increases gradually at plastic damage micro-fracture stage, rises suddenly near the peakpoint and has multi-variation at post-peak slip stage. From the results, such conclusioncan be drawn that the variation of permeability can be monitored by AE parameters orstress change. 展开更多
关键词 mining stress rupture of coal-rock PERMEABILITY acoustic emission
Understanding Rotational Mode Specificity in the O(3P)+CHD3→OH+CD3 Reaction by Simple Reactant Alignment Pictures
作者 Rui Liu Hong-wei Song Ming-hui Yang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期46-52,I0001,共8页
The mode specificity plays an important role in understanding the fundamental reaction dynamics. This work reports a theoretical study of the rotational mode specificity of the reactant CHD3(JK) in the prototypical hy... The mode specificity plays an important role in understanding the fundamental reaction dynamics. This work reports a theoretical study of the rotational mode specificity of the reactant CHD3(JK) in the prototypical hydrocarbon oxidation reaction O(3P)+CHD3→OH+CD3. The time-dependent quantum wave packet method combined with a seven-dimensional reduced model is employed to calculate the reaction probability on an accurate potential energy surface. The obtained reaction probability depends on the values of both K and Ktot with PKtot=K=0>PKtot=K=J>PKtot=J,K=0=PKtot=0,K=J. This observation can be well rationalized by the reactant alignment pictures. Rotational excitations of CHD3 up to the angular momentum quantum number J=4 have a very weak enhancement effect on the reaction except for the state (J=4, K=0). In addition, the rotationally excited states of CHD3 with K=0 promote the reaction more than those with K=J. The quantum dynamics calculations indicate that the K=0 enhancements are mainly caused by the contributions from the components with K=Ktot=0. The components correspond to the tumbling rotation of CHD3, which enlarges the range of the reactive initial attack angles. 展开更多
关键词 Polyatomic reaction Rotational excitation Time-dependent wave packet
Nonclassical Effects of a Four-Level Excited-Doublet Atom Model
作者 ZHANG Jian-Song XU Jing-Bo 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第6X期1069-1073,共5页
We adopt a dynamical algebraic method to study a four-level excited-doublet atom model and obtain the explicit expressions of the time-evolution operator and the density operator for the system. The nonclassical effec... We adopt a dynamical algebraic method to study a four-level excited-doublet atom model and obtain the explicit expressions of the time-evolution operator and the density operator for the system. The nonclassical effects of the system, such as collapses and revivals of the atomic inversion and squeezing of the radiation field, are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 atom-field interaction nonclassical effects
Dynamic failure mode and energy-based identification method for a counter-bedding rock slope with weak intercalated layers 被引量:9
作者 FAN Gang ZHANG Jian-jing +1 位作者 FU Xiao ZHOU Li-rong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第12期2111-2123,共13页
The dynamic failure mode and energybased identification method for a counter-bedding rock slope with weak intercalated layers are discussed in this paper using large scale shaking table test and the Hilbert-Huang Tran... The dynamic failure mode and energybased identification method for a counter-bedding rock slope with weak intercalated layers are discussed in this paper using large scale shaking table test and the Hilbert-Huang Transform(HHT) marginal spectrum.The results show that variations in the peak values of marginal spectra can clearly indicate the process of dynamic damage development inside the model slope.The identification results of marginal spectra closely coincide with the monitoring results of slope face displacement in the test.When subjected to the earthquake excitation with 0.1 g and 0.2 g amplitudes,no seismic damage is observed in the model slope,while the peak values of marginal spectra increase linearly with increasing slope height.In the case of 0.3 g seismic excitation,dynamic damage occurs near the slope crest and some rock blocks fall off the slope crest.When the seismic excitation reaches 0.4 g,the dynamic damage inside the model slope extends to the part with relative height of 0.295-0.6,and minor horizontal cracks occur in the middle part of the model slope.When the seismic excitation reaches 0.6 g,the damage further extends to the slope toe,and the damage inside the model slope extends to the part with relative height below 0.295,and the upper part(near the relative height of 0.8) slides outwards.Longitudinal fissures appear in the slope face,which connect with horizontal cracks,the weak intercalated layers at middle slope height are extruded out and the slope crest breaks up.The marginal spectrum identification results demonstrate that the dynamic damage near the slope face is minor as compared with that inside the model slope.The dynamic failure mode of counter-bedding rock slope with weak intercalated layers is extrusion and sliding at the middle rock strata.The research results of this paper are meaningful for the further understanding of the dynamic failure mode of counter-bedding rock slope with weak intercalated layers. 展开更多
关键词 Marginal spectrum Dynamic damage Counter-bedding slope Failure mode Shaking table test
Calculation of Surface Excitation Parameters by a Monte Carlo Method
作者 Zhe Zheng Bo Da +1 位作者 Shi-feng Mao Ze-jun Ding 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期83-89,I0002,共8页
Electron inelastic mean free path (IMFP) is an important parameter for surface chemical quantification by surface electron spectroscopy techniques. It can be obtained from analysis of elastic peak electron spectrosc... Electron inelastic mean free path (IMFP) is an important parameter for surface chemical quantification by surface electron spectroscopy techniques. It can be obtained from analysis of elastic peak electron spectroscopy (EPES) spectra measured on samples and a Monte Carlo simulation method. To obtain IMFP parameters with high accuracy, the surface excitation effect on the measured EPES spectra has to be quantified as a surface excitation parameter (SEP), which can be calculated via a dielectric response theory. However, such calculated SEP does not include influence of elastic scattering of electrons inside samples during their incidence and emission processes, which should not be neglected simply in determining IMFP by an EPES method. In this work a Monte Carlo simulation method is employed to determine surface excitation parameter by taking account of the elastic scattering effect. The simulated SEPs for different primary energies are found to be in good agreement with the experiments particularly for larger incident or emission angles above 60° where the elastic scattering effect plays a more important role than those in smaller incident or emission angles. Based on these new SEPs, the IMFP measurement by EPES technique can provide more accurate data. 展开更多
关键词 Eelastic peak electron spectroscopy Surface excitation parameter Monte Carlo simulation
Evolution Property of Multisoliton Excitations for a Higher-Dimensional CoupledBurgers System
作者 ZHENGChun-Long FANGJian-Ping CHENLi-Qun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第6期903-906,共4页
By means of the standard truncated Painlevé expansion and a special B?cklund transformation, the higher-dimensional coupled Burgers system (HDCB) is reduced to a linear equation, and an exact multisoliton excitat... By means of the standard truncated Painlevé expansion and a special B?cklund transformation, the higher-dimensional coupled Burgers system (HDCB) is reduced to a linear equation, and an exact multisoliton excitation is derived. The evolution properties of the multisoliton excitation are investigated and some novel features or interesting behaviors are revealed. The results show that after interactions for dromion-dromion, solitoff-solitoff, and solitoff-dromion, they are combined with some new types of localized structures, which are similar to classic particles with completely nonelastic behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 higher-dimensional coupled Burgers system multisoliton excitation DROMION
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