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小麦/玉米间作畦沟分灌土壤盐分迁移特征 被引量:2
作者 苗庆丰 倪东宁 +2 位作者 李瑞平 范雷雷 史海滨 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期108-113,共6页
针对内蒙古河套灌区小麦/玉米间作常规灌溉模式下农田灌溉水浪费严重、土壤盐碱化日益加剧等农业生产现状,结合垄作沟灌技术,在灌区开展小麦/玉米间作畦沟分灌,并对畦灌和畦沟分灌两种灌水模式下间作群体作物根系区土壤垂向剖面内盐分... 针对内蒙古河套灌区小麦/玉米间作常规灌溉模式下农田灌溉水浪费严重、土壤盐碱化日益加剧等农业生产现状,结合垄作沟灌技术,在灌区开展小麦/玉米间作畦沟分灌,并对畦灌和畦沟分灌两种灌水模式下间作群体作物根系区土壤垂向剖面内盐分的动态平衡进行了对比分析。结果表明:间作群体整个生育期,经历多次灌溉后,并未将土壤盐分有效排除农田,反而在灌溉及矿质化地下水补给作用下表现为积盐态势,将灌溉水及矿质化地下水携带的盐分聚集在根区土壤中,畦灌和沟灌玉米田单位面积土体储盐量平均增加211.08 g/m^2,300.34 g/m^2,差异显著。常规畦灌小麦田和畦沟分灌小麦田储盐量分别增加202.91 g/m^2,200.43 g/m^2,差异性不显著。畦灌和沟灌玉米土壤储盐量变化分别以0—60 cm和20—60 cm最大,且沟灌玉米整个生育期耕层0—20 cm土壤处于积盐状态,小麦各土层储盐量变化则以0—40 cm最大。研究结果可为畦沟分灌技术在河套灌区的推广应用提供技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 小麦/玉米间作 土壤盐分 河套
作者 梁耿 宁艳民 +3 位作者 郑纯 李董 张振贤 高丽红 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第S1期282-288,共7页
为了探讨温室黄瓜高畦双行栽培模式下,膜下沟灌适宜的灌水沟沟深,以冬丽519号黄瓜(砧木为高优亮南瓜)为试材,以常规畦沟灌溉(每次灌水量450 m3/hm2)为对照,设计了灌水沟沟深15,11,8 cm 3个处理,对应每次灌溉量300,225,150 m3/hm2,研究... 为了探讨温室黄瓜高畦双行栽培模式下,膜下沟灌适宜的灌水沟沟深,以冬丽519号黄瓜(砧木为高优亮南瓜)为试材,以常规畦沟灌溉(每次灌水量450 m3/hm2)为对照,设计了灌水沟沟深15,11,8 cm 3个处理,对应每次灌溉量300,225,150 m3/hm2,研究灌水沟规格对黄瓜产量、品质、土壤速效养分含量及灌溉水生产效率的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,3种规格灌水沟的灌水量均能满足黄瓜正常生长需求,黄瓜产量和品质与对照没有显著差异,对土壤速效养分含量也没有显著影响,但所有处理均显著地提高了灌溉水生产效率,其中秋冬茬节水率分别为27.03%,40.54%,54.05%,冬春茬节水率分别为30.20%,45.30%,60.40%。综合考虑产量与灌溉水生产效率,建议高畦双行栽培黄瓜的膜下灌水沟沟深为8 cm、单次灌水量150 m3/hm2能够满足嫁接黄瓜生产对水分的需求。 展开更多
关键词 黄瓜 产量 水分利用效率
作者 王迪轩 《湖南农业》 2016年第2期16-,共1页
根据露地蔬菜规模种植的情况,笔者提出以下几点技术建议。1.搞好种植区小农水建设南方春夏雨水多,秋冬干旱严重,蔬菜规模种植基地要搞好小农水建设。一是搞好土地平整,尽量减少高低落差,便于灌溉排水。二是开好排灌沟,有条件的基地可申... 根据露地蔬菜规模种植的情况,笔者提出以下几点技术建议。1.搞好种植区小农水建设南方春夏雨水多,秋冬干旱严重,蔬菜规模种植基地要搞好小农水建设。一是搞好土地平整,尽量减少高低落差,便于灌溉排水。二是开好排灌沟,有条件的基地可申报国家小农水建设项目,硬化排灌沟或修筑成生态沟,排灌沟要根据蔬菜基地的要求,比一般的农田要深、宽。 展开更多
关键词 灌沟 蔬菜基地 露地蔬菜 溉排水 土地平整 技术建议 建设项目 紫菜薹 翻耕机械 气候环境条件
河套灌区畦-沟分灌水分利用效率及节水效果试验研究 被引量:5
作者 苗庆丰 史海滨 +2 位作者 李瑞平 倪东宁 José Manuel Gonalves 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期135-139,共5页
针对目前河套灌区小麦/玉米间作同畦栽培情况下灌溉水浪费的突出问题,文中以当地常规的平畦灌溉方式作为对照,对小麦/玉米间作系统设计了小麦采用平畦灌溉,玉米采用垄沟灌溉的畦-沟分灌法,通过对比田间灌溉参数,灌水指标和水分利用效率... 针对目前河套灌区小麦/玉米间作同畦栽培情况下灌溉水浪费的突出问题,文中以当地常规的平畦灌溉方式作为对照,对小麦/玉米间作系统设计了小麦采用平畦灌溉,玉米采用垄沟灌溉的畦-沟分灌法,通过对比田间灌溉参数,灌水指标和水分利用效率来评价其灌溉节水效果。结果表明:畦-沟分灌优化了畦田灌溉参数,同平畦灌溉相比,小麦条带和玉米条带的单宽(沟)流量增大2-4倍,明显提高水流推进速率;水流推进曲线和水流消退曲线更加平行,优化了灌溉参数;小麦条带和玉米条带的灌水效率、灌溉均匀度分别提高30%、16%和26%、12%,水分利用效率从目前水平1.18kg/m3提高到1.66kg/m3,建议河套灌区在小麦/玉米间作的不同种植带打起地埂,根据不同作物对水分的需求进行合理的畦-沟分灌。 展开更多
关键词 地面 小麦间作玉米 畦- 溉质量 水分利用效率 河套
作者 袁正心 《农村经济》 北大核心 1993年第1期36-36,共1页
江北县前冬去春,以农田水利建设、改造中低产田、坡瘠地为重点的农业综合开发工作,取得了显著成绩。全县完成水利建设工程3655处。改造山坪塘4411口,完成两岔水库配套工程、治理水土流失面积77平方公里,治理病害水库5座,整修和新建渠道... 江北县前冬去春,以农田水利建设、改造中低产田、坡瘠地为重点的农业综合开发工作,取得了显著成绩。全县完成水利建设工程3655处。改造山坪塘4411口,完成两岔水库配套工程、治理水土流失面积77平方公里,治理病害水库5座,整修和新建渠道2.8公里,建电力提灌站1处,改造维修提灌站6处,提灌机具547台,5888瓦,渠道清淤509.43公里。改造中低产田2.66万亩,土3.234万亩,改造坡瘠地2546亩,开发中低产田30109亩,新建排灌沟33条17130米。加上其他与农田水利有关的工程,总计投劳965.41万多个,劳平23.44个。 展开更多
关键词 农业综合开发 水利建设工程 瘠地 中低产田 渠道清淤 灌沟 改造维修 集中成片 重视质量
作者 叶祖炎 《老区建设》 1994年第3期47-47,共1页
整好秧田育壮秧要夺取早稻增产,培育壮秧是头等大事,而选好秧田整好地又是培育壮秧的关键环节,具体应抓好以下四项技术措施:一、选好田块。田块应选择背北向南、光照足、排灌方便、病虫害发生少的沙质土壤,且在越冬时翻过的冬闲田... 整好秧田育壮秧要夺取早稻增产,培育壮秧是头等大事,而选好秧田整好地又是培育壮秧的关键环节,具体应抓好以下四项技术措施:一、选好田块。田块应选择背北向南、光照足、排灌方便、病虫害发生少的沙质土壤,且在越冬时翻过的冬闲田。二、改良土质。整地的每亩秧田排好... 展开更多
关键词 壮秧 沙质土壤 技术措施 冬闲田 常规稻 整地作畦 烂秧 稀播 灌沟 播种量
作者 白来福 《福建农业》 1994年第10期6-6,共1页
关键词 粮食产量 土地资源 种麦 低洼田 每亩播种量 灌沟 视田 掺水 盖种
作者 罗斯恩 王以汉 《农家科技》 1994年第5期7-7,共1页
达川地区农村实行家庭联产承包责任制以来,由于种种原因,村社集体经济由统一支配的收入,曾一度处于停滞状态,造成大量有集体无经济的“空白村”的存在,严重地影响着双层经营体制的完善提高。1991年以来,根据省委、省政府提出的“三年打... 达川地区农村实行家庭联产承包责任制以来,由于种种原因,村社集体经济由统一支配的收入,曾一度处于停滞状态,造成大量有集体无经济的“空白村”的存在,严重地影响着双层经营体制的完善提高。1991年以来,根据省委、省政府提出的“三年打基础,五年见成效,逐步发展壮大村社集体经济”的部署。 展开更多
关键词 达川 双层经营体制 村级经济发展 社平 开特 达一 用化 灌沟 片药 座果
作者 苑笑聪 《农村科学实验》 2015年第7期25-25,共1页
肥水的管理定植缓苗后施一次促苗肥,可用腐熟粪稀或饼肥适量。第一瓜坐瓜后要追复合肥,每亩用25—30公斤,施肥后浇水,以后看生长势恰当追肥。坐果期要经常维持泥土湿润,尤其在高温干旱天要早晚浇水。中耕除草搭架前在行间进行一次深中耕... 肥水的管理定植缓苗后施一次促苗肥,可用腐熟粪稀或饼肥适量。第一瓜坐瓜后要追复合肥,每亩用25—30公斤,施肥后浇水,以后看生长势恰当追肥。坐果期要经常维持泥土湿润,尤其在高温干旱天要早晚浇水。中耕除草搭架前在行间进行一次深中耕,消除杂草,疏通排灌沟,搭架后视泥土及杂草发生情况进行中耕除草,中耕后培土,免得根群外露。 展开更多
关键词 深中耕 五要点 缓苗 灌沟 高温干旱 坐果期 根群 生长势 引蔓 侧蔓
作者 马云芬 《致富天地》 2014年第6期53-53,共1页
一、整地选用抗病品种,选择两年以上未种植过豆科作物的田块,合理轮作,忌连作。清除田间杂草集中烧毁,放水泡田1周,或每亩用3%辛硫磷颗粒剂2~3公斤和"多菌灵"1公斤进行土壤灭虫杀菌处理。高畦栽培,开好排灌沟,防止渍水烂根,增施有机... 一、整地选用抗病品种,选择两年以上未种植过豆科作物的田块,合理轮作,忌连作。清除田间杂草集中烧毁,放水泡田1周,或每亩用3%辛硫磷颗粒剂2~3公斤和"多菌灵"1公斤进行土壤灭虫杀菌处理。高畦栽培,开好排灌沟,防止渍水烂根,增施有机肥,合理追肥,氮磷钾配合施用。 展开更多
关键词 合理追肥 高畦栽培 豆科作物 泡田 灌沟 杀菌处理 灭虫 合理轮作 磷钾 病虫害防治技术
作者 麦提喀斯木.麦提塞伊迪 尼扎米丁.麦合木提 《农村科技》 2015年第11期57-57,共1页
一、试验目的 通过实施番茄抗病新品种引进试验,筛选出适合民丰县种植的高产、优质、抗黄化曲叶病毒病的番茄品种,为大面积推广提供依据。
关键词 曲叶病毒 新品种引进 民丰县 随机区组 奈特 节间长度 酸二铵 田间试验设计 灌沟 方式划分
Simulation and Optimization of Furrow Irrigation by the Model SASlS: Sensibility to the Spatial and Temporal Weighted Factors
作者 Roberto Vieira Pordeus Carlos Alberto Vieira de Azevedo +3 位作者 Valeria Ingrith Almeida Lima Silvanete Severinoda Silva Vera Ltlcia Antunes de Lima Marcia Rejane de Queiroz Almeida Azevedo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第4期491-498,共8页
The surface irrigation systems are the most used not just in Brazil, but in the whole world mainly due to the economy of energy and its operation easiness; however, these systems present low levels of performance, usu... The surface irrigation systems are the most used not just in Brazil, but in the whole world mainly due to the economy of energy and its operation easiness; however, these systems present low levels of performance, usually, as a consequence of inadequate design and management. Thus, the objective of this research was to develop a tool capable to make possible the simulation and optimization of the continuous flow furrow irrigation performance, making successive simulations of the advance phase and respective prognostics of the performance parameters of the irrigation system. The proposed model is denominated SASIS, "Software Applied to Simulation of the Surface Irrigation", and had its validation tested for different field conditions. In this paper, the simulation and the optimization of the furrow irrigation by the model SASIS are evaluated regarding to the spatial (4) and temporal (0) weighted factors, which account for the nonlinear variation in the surface and subsurface flow profiles. The analysis of the sensitivity of simulation of the advance phase in the irrigation identified ranges of combinations between spatial and temporal weighted factors of the surface and subsurface flow profiles, resulted in acceptable discrepancies between simulated and measured advance time. Also it was verified that conjugated effect of these weighted factors on the simulation of the advance phase was greater than the effect of the temporal weighted factor. The model presents effective mechanisms in the accomplishment of countless simulations, in a discharge strip understood between the minimum and the maximum allowable values, aiming to determine the relationship between discharge and water application efficiency, deep percolation and runoff rates, and consequently to optimize the performance of the furrow irrigation systems with continuous flow. 展开更多
关键词 Furrow irrigation SIMULATION optimization.
作者 何其芳 《初中生之友(快乐号)(上)》 2005年第13期22-23,共2页
关键词 鹅黄色 初中生之友 画梦录 现代诗人 何其芳 鸣声 子后 灌沟 自然景物 黑睛
Soil Erosion as Affected by Polyacrylamide Application Under Simulated Furrow Irrigation with Saline Water 被引量:6
作者 DOU Chao-Yin LI Fa-Hu L.S.WU 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期681-688,共8页
The reduction of soil and water losses under furrow irrigation with saline water is important to environmental protection and agricultural production. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of polyacr... The reduction of soil and water losses under furrow irrigation with saline water is important to environmental protection and agricultural production. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of polyacrylamide (PAM) application on soil infiltration and erosion under simulated furrow irrigation with saline water. Polyacrylamide was applied by dissolving it in irrigation water at the rates of 1.5, 7.5, and 15.0 mg L-1 or spreading it as a powder on soil surface at the rates of 0.3, 1.5, 3.0, and 6.0 g m-2, respectively. The electrolyte concentration of tested irrigation water was 10 and 30 mmolc L-1 and its sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) was 0.5, 10.0, and 20.0 (mmolc L-1)0.5. Distilled water was used as a control for irrigation water quality. Results indicated that the electrolyte concentration and SAR generally did not significantly affect soil and water losses after PAM application. Infiltration rate and total infiltration volume decreased with the increase of PAM application rate. Polyacrylamide application in both methods significantly reduced soil erosion, but PAM application rate did not significantly affect it. The solution PAM application was more effective in controlling soil erosion than the powdered PAM application, but the former exerted a greater adverse influence on soil infiltration than the latter. Under the same total amounts, the powdered PAM application resulted in a 38.2%-139.6% greater infiltration volume but a soil mass loss of 1.3-3.4 times greater than the solution PAM application. 展开更多
关键词 electrolyte concentration sodium adsorption ratio soil infiltration soil loss water loss
Soil Wetting Patterns and Water Distribution as Affected by Irrigation for Uncropped Ridges and Furrows 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Yong-Yong ZHAO Xi-Ning WU Pu-Te 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期468-477,共10页
The ridge-furrow tillage combined with furrow irrigation is being more widely applied and has been shown to be effective in the Loess Plateau of China. Accurate characterization of water infiltration behavior under ri... The ridge-furrow tillage combined with furrow irrigation is being more widely applied and has been shown to be effective in the Loess Plateau of China. Accurate characterization of water infiltration behavior under ridge-furrow irrigation could provide guidelines and criteria for future irrigation system design and operation. Our objective was to investigate soil water behavior during ponding infiltration in a cross-sectional ridge-furrow configuration. Soil water movement within three different soil textures was tested by tracking the spatial and temporal soil water content(SWC) variations in a soil chamber. The two-dimensional transient flow initially transferred rapidly, but gradually decreased with elapsed infiltration time, approaching a stable flow after 90 min. A technical parameter equation incorporating the Philip equation was developed using the water balance method to accurately predict total applied water volume(TAWV). The wetting patterns moved outward in an elliptical shape. The wetted lateral and downward distances fitted using equations accounted for capillary and gravitational driving forces in variably wetted soil media. Increasing initial SWC resulted in an increase in wetted soil volume, which can also be caused by decreasing bulk density in a homogeneous soil. Higher water level produced greater wetted lateral distance and more irrigation uniformity. The wetted lateral distance was almost identical to the wetted depth in silty clay loam soil; hence ridge-furrow irrigation should be implemented in such finer-textured soils. The wetted soil volume differed markedly among different soil textures(hydraulic properties), demonstrating that these properties can largely determine soil water spreading patterns and distribution. 展开更多
关键词 INFILTRATION ridge-furrow tillage soil texture soil water content technical parameter equation wetted soil volume
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