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四川冬小麦水分亏缺状况及其灌溉效益分析 被引量:1
作者 罗文兵 林玉福 《高原山地气象研究》 1992年第2期33-35,32,共4页
一、引言冬小麦是旱地作物,它既需要水分,又怕水分过多。影响我国冬小麦生产的气象因子是水分。文献[1]研究认为:四川盆地冬小麦全生育期需水较少,仅约200毫米,除川西平原稍感不足外,大多水分有余,需水关键期内亦感水分不足,西部亏缺程... 一、引言冬小麦是旱地作物,它既需要水分,又怕水分过多。影响我国冬小麦生产的气象因子是水分。文献[1]研究认为:四川盆地冬小麦全生育期需水较少,仅约200毫米,除川西平原稍感不足外,大多水分有余,需水关键期内亦感水分不足,西部亏缺程度尤甚。我省部分学者对此问题的研究,多侧重于定性描述,并未考虑水分(包括灌溉)与小麦产量的定量关系,其研究成果难于指导生产实践。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦生产 水分亏缺 灌溉效益分析 川西平原 作物系数 缺水量 增产效益 旱地作物 冬麦区 田间持水量
农田水利工程规划设计与灌溉技术分析 被引量:8
作者 任文豪 《南方农业》 2019年第20期175-176,共2页
农田水利建设是农业生产发展的基础,通过建设水利工程可以保证水源稳定充足,改变土地性质,提高土壤肥力,从而可以维持农作物持续高产,提高农业产值。基于此,对我国的水利灌溉情况进行分析,并指出当前水利灌溉中存在的具体问题,希望为农... 农田水利建设是农业生产发展的基础,通过建设水利工程可以保证水源稳定充足,改变土地性质,提高土壤肥力,从而可以维持农作物持续高产,提高农业产值。基于此,对我国的水利灌溉情况进行分析,并指出当前水利灌溉中存在的具体问题,希望为农田水利的设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 农田水利 工程规划设计 灌溉技术分析
欧阳海工程灌溉效益分析与计算 被引量:1
作者 黄年丰 《水利经济》 1987年第1期36-40,共5页
一、欧阳海灌区基本情况欧阳海工程属大型水利工程。其灌溉工程包括左干渠及右干渠。左干渠经过常宁县到超英水库止,全长57公里。右干渠经过耒阳、衡南两县及衡阳市郊,全长225.1公里,左右干渠共有渡槽46座,倒虹吸管1处,隧洞32座。欧阳... 一、欧阳海灌区基本情况欧阳海工程属大型水利工程。其灌溉工程包括左干渠及右干渠。左干渠经过常宁县到超英水库止,全长57公里。右干渠经过耒阳、衡南两县及衡阳市郊,全长225.1公里,左右干渠共有渡槽46座,倒虹吸管1处,隧洞32座。欧阳海灌区属湖南大型灌区之一。包括耒阳、衡南、常宁三县及衡阳市郊。设计灌溉面积为72.74万亩。灌区属湖南商品粮生产基地,除生产粮食外,还盛产油菜、棉花、油茶、 展开更多
关键词 灌溉效益分析 灌区基本情况 灌溉工程 灌区工程 设计灌溉面积 大型灌区 常宁县 分摊系数 经济效益费用比 商品粮生产基地
作者 刘金娥 田霞 《新疆农垦经济》 2001年第S1期43-,共1页
节水灌溉是发展新疆农业的出路 ,笔者就农五师中央财政预算内专项资金节水灌溉示范项目进行经济分析 ,用科学方法和具体计算 。
关键词 节水 灌溉经济分析
作者 邓建华 《水利水电快报》 1998年第9期26-28,共3页
关键词 灌溉面积 灌溉经济分析 长江流域 农田水利
作者 徐喜娟 《中国高新技术企业》 2013年第10期117-117,114,共2页
关键词 宝鸡峡灌区 小麦冬春灌 灌溉效果调查分析 小麦增产高效
三峡工程和南水北调关系及三峡的灌溉效益 被引量:1
作者 俞澄生 《人民长江》 北大核心 2008年第5期1-2,36,共3页
在对三峡工程经济效益的分析论证中,对三峡工程的防洪、发电、航运效益进行了大量的研究,而三峡工程对长江中下游地区的灌溉效益和对南水北调的作用与效益却似乎被忽略了。实际上,三峡工程的灌溉效益和对南水北调的作用是巨大的。对三... 在对三峡工程经济效益的分析论证中,对三峡工程的防洪、发电、航运效益进行了大量的研究,而三峡工程对长江中下游地区的灌溉效益和对南水北调的作用与效益却似乎被忽略了。实际上,三峡工程的灌溉效益和对南水北调的作用是巨大的。对三峡工程的灌溉效益和对南水北调的作用进行了概念性论述。对灌溉效益的定量分析尚需大量的工作。目前,有关部门正在进行长江流域规划的修编工作,这正好是分析论证并全面评价三峡工程的功能和综合效益的绝好时机。 展开更多
关键词 三峡工程 南水北调工程 经济效益分析 灌溉效益分析
作者 赵世敏 《水科学与工程技术》 2017年第1期23-26,共4页
关键词 灌溉水有效利用系数 首尾分析 特点 应用
作者 张敏轩 《电脑乐园》 2021年第6期0393-0393,共1页
在城市化建设的进程中,涉及到很多工程的建设和应用。其中,水利工程关系到当地的农业发展,农田水利灌溉渠道工程的运行和维护更是确保农业顺利开展的前提。我国属于农业大国,有限的土地养活了 14 亿国人。农业的发展离不开农民的辛勤劳... 在城市化建设的进程中,涉及到很多工程的建设和应用。其中,水利工程关系到当地的农业发展,农田水利灌溉渠道工程的运行和维护更是确保农业顺利开展的前提。我国属于农业大国,有限的土地养活了 14 亿国人。农业的发展离不开农民的辛勤劳作,更需要水利灌溉工程的有效支持。在科学技术的有效支持下,水利灌溉工程建设涉及到了很多新技术与新工艺的使用,在实践中会出现更多的问题,不利于农业的顺利发展,为改善现状,本文主要针对农田水利灌溉渠道工程特点、运行维护管理存在的问题以及管理对策进行分析与论述,文章仅供参考。 展开更多
关键词 农田水利灌溉渠道工程、运行维护、措施分析
A Study on the Effects of Oxygenation Irrigation on Some Growth Agronomic Traits of Super Rice Shenyou 9516
作者 张立成 姚帮松 +2 位作者 肖卫华 黄晓波 廖龙标 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2632-2636,共5页
In the growing process of rice, roots need aerobic respiration. Oxygenation irrigation means oxygenation in accordance with the demand of crops for oxygen for their growth. This experiment designed three treatments: ... In the growing process of rice, roots need aerobic respiration. Oxygenation irrigation means oxygenation in accordance with the demand of crops for oxygen for their growth. This experiment designed three treatments: mechanical oxygenation, chemical oxygenation and conventional irrigation. The mechanical oxygenation group A was divided into 6 small treatment groups and the chemical oxygenation group B was divided into 3 small treatment groups. Each treatment group had 3 replications and the average was used for analysis. Some agronomic traits of the roots and the plants of super rice were examined. The result showed that the two oxygenation treatments significantly promoted the growth of the roots and the plants. In the me- chanical oxygenation group A4, the number of filled grain per panicle was 37.6% higher than that of the conventional treatment group, and the kilo-grain weight was 7.4% higher than that of the conventional treatment group. The study results provide a theoretical basis for the application of oxygenation irrigation to super rice. 展开更多
关键词 Oxygenation irrigation Super rice Mechanical oxygenation Chemical oxygenation Growth agronomic traits
作者 程原生 程万琮 《山西水利科技》 1997年第1期26-31,共6页
目前井片灌区还没有统一的供水生产成本、费用核算的办法,仅收运行管理费用,造成水井设施老化失修严重,年均报废配套井3200多眼,因此,改革水费制度和办法刻不客缓。为规范井片工程供水生产成本、费用核算的方法与步骤,促进井... 目前井片灌区还没有统一的供水生产成本、费用核算的办法,仅收运行管理费用,造成水井设施老化失修严重,年均报废配套井3200多眼,因此,改革水费制度和办法刻不客缓。为规范井片工程供水生产成本、费用核算的方法与步骤,促进井片工程加强水费制度的管理,具体的做法是:(1)对固定资产原值采用“物价指数”进行价值重估;(2)供水生产成本、费用各项目的计算标准;(3)年供水量和单方水耗电的确定方法;(4)正常经营的合理利润的计算;(5)营业税和所得税的计算办法。只有掌握以上五个步骤,便可得出井片工程供水价格的成果,即供水生产成本、费用、利润。 展开更多
关键词 灌区 井灌 灌溉水费 灌溉经济分析 山西
作者 孔军丽 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2022年第4期63-66,共4页
我国是农业大国,所以农业作为国家的基础,政府以及大众都需要关注农业发展。目前兴建农业水利工程是重中之重,因为农业生产无法离开水源的支持,所以为了确保农民能够获得较高的经济利益,在农村地区要适当的开展经济开发。对于现代新农村... 我国是农业大国,所以农业作为国家的基础,政府以及大众都需要关注农业发展。目前兴建农业水利工程是重中之重,因为农业生产无法离开水源的支持,所以为了确保农民能够获得较高的经济利益,在农村地区要适当的开展经济开发。对于现代新农村,在建设中,首先要使用科学的方式来进行建设。水利部门针对于水利工程展开了整治规划,同时设计出高效节能的灌溉方式,这对于农民的收益来讲,给予了有力的支持,尤其是可提升水利工程的工作效率,促使农田获得充足的水源。本文主要针对小型农田水利工程规划设计的问题及注意事项展开分析,希望国内的小型农田水利工程能够健康持续的发展。 展开更多
关键词 小型农田水利工程 规划设计 灌溉分析
Comprehensive Evaluation on the Irrigation Water Quality in Turpan City Based on Matter Element Analysis Method 被引量:1
作者 阿不都沙拉木.加拉力丁 王欣 师芸宏 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第1期239-244,共6页
Matter-element analysis method was used to construct the comprehensive matter-element model for the evaluation of the quality of various kinds of irrigation water in Turpan City to evaluate the quality of irrigation w... Matter-element analysis method was used to construct the comprehensive matter-element model for the evaluation of the quality of various kinds of irrigation water in Turpan City to evaluate the quality of irrigation water(such as river water,spring water, Karez well water, pumped well water) in Turpan City, Xinjiang. The results showed that the quality of the irrigation water was the best in October,which was in Grade I or Grade 2; in May, the quality of some of the irrigation water became poorer to Grade II, which was easy to soil salinization; in March, the detected qualities of the water samples water from the Meiyaogou basin were all in Grade IV, which was not suitable for farmland irrigation. The comparison on the evaluation results of matter-element analysis and fuzzy evaluation method showed that the results of the 2 methods were almost consistent with each other, and showed good uniformity. 展开更多
关键词 Matter element analysis Irrigation water Water quality evaluation Turpan City
Analysis and Evaluation of Heavy Metal Environmental Quality of Irrigation Water in Vegetable Farmlands of Shandong Province 被引量:7
作者 刘苹 魏建林 +3 位作者 于淑芳 杨力 Jian-lin Shu-fang 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期165-167,186,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to evaluate heavy metal environmental quality of irrigation water in vegetable farmlands of Shandong Province. [Method] Heavy metal contents including Hg,Cd,As,Cr (+6),Pb,Cu and Zn in irrigatio... [Objective] The aim was to evaluate heavy metal environmental quality of irrigation water in vegetable farmlands of Shandong Province. [Method] Heavy metal contents including Hg,Cd,As,Cr (+6),Pb,Cu and Zn in irrigation water of main vegetable farmlands of Shandong Province were investigated by randomly sampling,and the environmental quality conditions of these heavy metals were evaluated by methods of single quality index and complex quality index. [Result] The results showed that the average contents of heavy metals in irrigation water of Shouguang,Laiyang,Jinxiang and Zhangqiu were all far lower than the limit values prescribed by 'Farmland Environmental Quality Evaluation Standards for Edible Agricultural Products' (HJ332-2006),and no heavy metal was found beyond the limit value in every sample. The single quality indices of the 7 elements in the studied 4 places were all lower than 0.5. The comprehensive quality index of the seven elements was 0.317 8 in Shouguang,0.320 4 in Laiyang,0.232 6 in Jinxiang,and 0.260 7 in Zhangqiu. The environmental quality of irrigation water in the studied four places were all set at the first class. [Conclusion] The environmental quality of irrigation water in the 4 places belonged to clean level and were fit for the plantation of no pollution vegetables. 展开更多
关键词 Vegetable irrigation water Heavy metal Environmental quality
作者 张建民 樊贵盛 《山西水利科技》 1994年第4期20-23,共4页
1987年在U型防渗渠道的基础上,推广低压管道输水灌溉,已发展管灌工程930处,铺设管道1150km,灌溉面积19.5万亩,占全县井灌面积的59%。管网布设是每个出水口控制面积不大于10亩,亩均管长不小于5m,每亩划... 1987年在U型防渗渠道的基础上,推广低压管道输水灌溉,已发展管灌工程930处,铺设管道1150km,灌溉面积19.5万亩,占全县井灌面积的59%。管网布设是每个出水口控制面积不大于10亩,亩均管长不小于5m,每亩划畦4~6块以上,亩次用水量应小于50m ̄3、单管长800~1000m、单井出水量在20~30t/h时,管径采用φ90,30~50t/h时,管径采用φ110,单根管长以800~1000m为宜。在运行中要注意防护水锤和铁件的生锈。管灌与U型防渗渠灌溉相比,每km输水工程减少占地小约2.5亩;输水时间缩短20min;灌水周期缩1/2左右;灌溉水有效利用系数提高25%~30%。全县井灌区可全面推广实施。 展开更多
关键词 管道灌溉 灌溉管理 灌溉方法 节水措施 施工技术 灌溉经济分析 灌溉效益 工程实例 临猗县 低压输水管道灌溉
作者 齐莉 《吉林水利》 2006年第6期44-45,共2页
关键词 电灌 工程效益 灌溉经济分析 评价
Economic Analysis of Maize Production Among Irrigation Farmers in Orire Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria
作者 Ayinde Aiani Ezekiel 《Sociology Study》 2016年第3期186-195,共10页
This study analyzed economic value of maize production among irrigation farmers in Orire Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria. The objectives of this study are to: identify the most important resources used by the fa... This study analyzed economic value of maize production among irrigation farmers in Orire Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria. The objectives of this study are to: identify the most important resources used by the farmers in maize production; estimate the production function in order to determine the economic efficiency of different resource used in maize production. The data were obtained through a survey of 80 farmers, comparing farmers using pump and those using shadoof methods of irrigation for maize cultivation. Simple descriptive statistics and Cobb-Douglas production function used revealed that fertilizer was underutilized. The marginal productivity of labour was positive but lower than the average acquisition cost for both techniques of irrigation. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. Well structured questionnaire and interview schedule were used as approaches to collect data from respondents. The results showed that irrigation users were small-scale farmers, cultivating small hectare of land using simple farm tools, practicing pump irrigation or calabash system. Regression analysis revealed that land, labour purchase inputs had a positive relationship with the output of the enterprises, the linear programming analysis revealed that opportunities existed for increasing profit through resources re-organization, budgetary analysis was used to show that irrigation was profitable. 展开更多
关键词 Economic analysis IRRIGATION MAIZE production
Effect of Deficit Irrigation at Different Growth Stages on Wheat Growth and Yield 被引量:1
作者 Seyed Abdolreza Kazemeini Mohsen Edalat 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第1期35-38,共4页
In order to evaluate the effect of deficit irrigation at various growth stages on wheat growth and yield, a field experiment was conducted in the 2008-2009 growing season based on the completely randomized block with ... In order to evaluate the effect of deficit irrigation at various growth stages on wheat growth and yield, a field experiment was conducted in the 2008-2009 growing season based on the completely randomized block with four replications at the experimental farm of the College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, located at Badjgah. Treatments involved 13 irrigation regimes which applied in stem elongation, heading and grain filling growth stages. The highest seed yield (4,333 kg-ha-1) and the lowest ones (1,377 kg'hal) were obtained from T1 (100% field capacity (FC) in all growth stages) and T13 (50% FC in all growth stages), respectively. With limitation in water amount seed yield was diminished, but this trend was not significant at T4 (100%, 100% and 50% FC) and TI 1 (100%, 100% and 75~/0 FC). Stepwise regression results revealed that, seed number per spike had the largest contribution (partial R2 = 0.72) in seed yield variation. Also at TI, T4, and TI 1 treatments (well water treatments) as well as TI3 (sever stress) head number m2 contribute most in seed yield determination (partial R2 = 0.96). It can be concluded that water shortage during the grain filling period and its allocation to the other consecutive crop, can increase crop production in southern regions of Iran. 展开更多
关键词 Deficit irrigation yield components WHEAT stepwise regression.
作者 娜仁图雅 李曙光 张景凡 《内蒙古水利》 2014年第3期60-61,共2页
关键词 科左中旗 大型喷灌 灌水质量指标 测试 灌溉制度分析
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