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国土卫星图象在灌溉面积调查、灌溉环境及水利条件分析评价中的应用 被引量:4
作者 杜文才 王建军 郑小红 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1992年第2期72-75,共4页
本文利用我国国土普查卫星的假彩色红外遥感图象,结合假彩色红外航片,在宁夏河套卫—宁灌区的中宁县进行了灌溉面积调查、灌溉环境及水利条件分析评价试验研究。基于我国国土普查卫星假彩色图象的特点及研究区的状况,进行了图象几何纠... 本文利用我国国土普查卫星的假彩色红外遥感图象,结合假彩色红外航片,在宁夏河套卫—宁灌区的中宁县进行了灌溉面积调查、灌溉环境及水利条件分析评价试验研究。基于我国国土普查卫星假彩色图象的特点及研究区的状况,进行了图象几何纠正处理,水浇地的解译分析及其面积量算、以及灌溉环境、水利条件分析评价,提出了改善灌溉环境、防止和治理盐碱化的措施,编绘了1∶10万中宁县水浇地分布图,灌溉排水设施分布田和盐渍化土地分布图。 展开更多
关键词 灌溉面积 国土卫星 灌溉环境 红外遥感图象 盐碱化
作者 高超 高永明 +2 位作者 冮宏军 王程佳 王磊 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期154-158,163,共6页
国土资源是人们赖以生存和发展的物质基础,土地灌溉环境作为国土资源调查的重要内容,其关键基础设施机井的空间配置对于农业生产具有重要的现实意义。本文以北京市通州区永乐店镇为研究区,基于国土资源调查的多源空间数据,提出了一种对... 国土资源是人们赖以生存和发展的物质基础,土地灌溉环境作为国土资源调查的重要内容,其关键基础设施机井的空间配置对于农业生产具有重要的现实意义。本文以北京市通州区永乐店镇为研究区,基于国土资源调查的多源空间数据,提出了一种对现有土地灌溉环境进行定量评价和优化决策的方法。结果表明,研究区既有机井配置有待进一步改进,优化方案给出的183口新增机井合理分配在优化单元内,能够满足当地农民的土地灌溉需求,同时为土地灌溉环境中机井的更新配置提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 土地灌溉环境 机井 模拟退火算法 决策分析 国土资源
北京昌平苹果基地土壤和灌溉水环境质量评价 被引量:2
作者 段改莲 张茜 +3 位作者 徐明岗 王立府 陈卫文 田炜玮 《农业环境与发展》 2008年第5期121-124,共4页
对北京市昌平区流村镇、南口镇、昌平镇、兴寿镇、崔村镇和南邵镇6个苹果基地的土壤环境质量和灌溉水环境质量进行了调查分析,并根据《土壤环境质量标准GB 15618—1999》、《农田灌溉水质标准GB 5084—92》、《食用农产品产地环境质量... 对北京市昌平区流村镇、南口镇、昌平镇、兴寿镇、崔村镇和南邵镇6个苹果基地的土壤环境质量和灌溉水环境质量进行了调查分析,并根据《土壤环境质量标准GB 15618—1999》、《农田灌溉水质标准GB 5084—92》、《食用农产品产地环境质量评价标准HJ 332—2006》、《农产品安全质量无公害蔬菜产地环境要求GB/T 18407.1—2001》评价其单项和综合污染指数。结果表明,6个基地的土壤污染物含量水平差异较大,变异系数在2%~61%之间;土壤环境质量都能够满足标准的要求,单项评价指数最大为0.593,综合评价指数范围在0.22~0.46;灌溉水环境质量单项评价指数最大为0.3;综合评价指数范围在0.11~0.22之间。表明所监测的6个苹果基地中土壤和灌溉水均未受到污染,处于清洁水平。 展开更多
关键词 昌平 土壤环境质量 灌溉环境质量 评价
作者 袁大伟 雷萍 +1 位作者 孙锡娟 何七勇 《上海蔬菜》 2001年第1期30-32,共3页
关键词 上海 市效设施蔬菜园艺场 土壤环境质量 灌溉环境质量 环境质量评价 污染程度
一种模拟农场环境监测与灌溉控制的教育物联网系统实现 被引量:8
作者 陶林 瞿少成 +2 位作者 易宇凡 杨军文 郝超 《电子测量技术》 2019年第24期81-85,共5页
目前环境监测和植物自动灌溉技术已经开始应用于现代农业,但较少引入到基础教育。针对基础教育中"情景教育"的实际需求,设计了一种模拟农场环境监测与灌溉控制的教育物联网系统。首先,利用土壤多合一传感器与风力风向传感器... 目前环境监测和植物自动灌溉技术已经开始应用于现代农业,但较少引入到基础教育。针对基础教育中"情景教育"的实际需求,设计了一种模拟农场环境监测与灌溉控制的教育物联网系统。首先,利用土壤多合一传感器与风力风向传感器等构建了环境数据采集系统;其次,基于STM32单片机、GPRS无线传感器与水泵阀门设计了环境监测与灌溉控制物联网系统;同时,利用JavaWeb和Mina通信框架开发了网页端和手机App控制页面,用于环境数据的实时展示和灌溉控制。经系统测试与实际使用表明,该系统运作稳定,能有效检测农场环境与实时灌溉控制,取到了较好地科普作用,具有一定推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 环境监测与灌溉控制物联网系统 STM32 GPRS JavaWeb
作者 陈卫国 张井义 《江淮水利科技》 2012年第1期32-34,共3页
关键词 灌溉环境 水土流失 富营养 治理措施 环境评价
草珊瑚GAP基地生态环境质量评价 被引量:9
作者 李伟 郭青 +2 位作者 张寿文 胡波 黎小平 《现代中药研究与实践》 CAS 2005年第4期13-14,17,共3页
目的对江西新干黎山林场草珊瑚种植基地生态环境质量进行评价。方法采用相关的文献方法对江西新干黎山林场草珊瑚GAP种植基地规划区环境空气、土壤环境和水资源进行评价。结果江西新干黎山林场草珊瑚GAP基地规划区大气质量标准达到GB309... 目的对江西新干黎山林场草珊瑚种植基地生态环境质量进行评价。方法采用相关的文献方法对江西新干黎山林场草珊瑚GAP种植基地规划区环境空气、土壤环境和水资源进行评价。结果江西新干黎山林场草珊瑚GAP基地规划区大气质量标准达到GB30951996(环境空气标准)一级标准,土壤环境达GB156181995(土壤环境标准)一级标准,水资源达GB/T1484893(农田灌溉水质标准)一级标准,结论江西新干黎山林场草珊瑚GAP种植区环境质量良好,符合绿色药材栽培的环境质量要求。 展开更多
关键词 江西新干 空气环境 土壤环境 灌溉水质环境 环境质量评价 GAP
Analysis and Evaluation of Heavy Metal Environmental Quality of Irrigation Water in Vegetable Farmlands of Shandong Province 被引量:7
作者 刘苹 魏建林 +3 位作者 于淑芳 杨力 Jian-lin Shu-fang 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期165-167,186,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to evaluate heavy metal environmental quality of irrigation water in vegetable farmlands of Shandong Province. [Method] Heavy metal contents including Hg,Cd,As,Cr (+6),Pb,Cu and Zn in irrigatio... [Objective] The aim was to evaluate heavy metal environmental quality of irrigation water in vegetable farmlands of Shandong Province. [Method] Heavy metal contents including Hg,Cd,As,Cr (+6),Pb,Cu and Zn in irrigation water of main vegetable farmlands of Shandong Province were investigated by randomly sampling,and the environmental quality conditions of these heavy metals were evaluated by methods of single quality index and complex quality index. [Result] The results showed that the average contents of heavy metals in irrigation water of Shouguang,Laiyang,Jinxiang and Zhangqiu were all far lower than the limit values prescribed by 'Farmland Environmental Quality Evaluation Standards for Edible Agricultural Products' (HJ332-2006),and no heavy metal was found beyond the limit value in every sample. The single quality indices of the 7 elements in the studied 4 places were all lower than 0.5. The comprehensive quality index of the seven elements was 0.317 8 in Shouguang,0.320 4 in Laiyang,0.232 6 in Jinxiang,and 0.260 7 in Zhangqiu. The environmental quality of irrigation water in the studied four places were all set at the first class. [Conclusion] The environmental quality of irrigation water in the 4 places belonged to clean level and were fit for the plantation of no pollution vegetables. 展开更多
关键词 Vegetable irrigation water Heavy metal Environmental quality
农业“两区”土地质量地球化学综合研究与评价——以金华市孝顺、澧浦镇为例 被引量:2
作者 何钰 王利斌 +1 位作者 钱俊锋 何浩磊 《科技通报》 2021年第5期13-21,共9页
通过对金华市孝顺、澧浦两镇农业"两区"土地质量地球化学综合调查研究,发现该区土壤养分单指标含量丰度不一,差异较大,特别是大量元素N、P存在不同程度的缺乏,尤其N元素缺乏明显;区内土壤环境质量较好,无中度污染和重度污染土... 通过对金华市孝顺、澧浦两镇农业"两区"土地质量地球化学综合调查研究,发现该区土壤养分单指标含量丰度不一,差异较大,特别是大量元素N、P存在不同程度的缺乏,尤其N元素缺乏明显;区内土壤环境质量较好,无中度污染和重度污染土地,建议后期对Cd元素轻微污染和轻度污染的土地进一步开展周围环境、农产品等跟踪调查,查明原因;土壤质量地球化学综合等级以二等(良好)、三等(中等)为主,极少分布四等(差等)土地;灌溉水环境地球化学等级为一等;大气干湿沉降物环境地球化学等级为一等;今后,建议加强土地保护,科学规划,安全利用好土地资源。 展开更多
关键词 土地质量 土壤养分评价 土壤环境评价 灌溉环境地球化学等级 大气干湿沉降物环境地球化学等级 孝顺、澧浦镇
The Role of Traditional Irrigation Canals in a Long Term Environmental Perspective A Case Study in Southern France: The Durance Basin
作者 Aspe Chantal Gilles Andre Jacque Marie 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第1期1-12,共12页
The agricultural sector is often considered to be the largest water consumer and the policy aimed at saving irrigation water exists across Europe. The flip-side of such policy, however, is the disappearance of traditi... The agricultural sector is often considered to be the largest water consumer and the policy aimed at saving irrigation water exists across Europe. The flip-side of such policy, however, is the disappearance of traditional irrigation canals since farmers are encouraged to turn to drip irrigation and overhead irrigation gradually. Given this, we would like to argue that traditional irrigation canals need to be reexamined. Such canals are not only built aquatic infrastructure, they are also the product of a culture and social relationship with water in the Mediterranean region. Canals form a complex system which is driven by environmental, economic and social factors. Our sociological and environmental research in Provence (and around the Durance basin more specifically) points up how the very dense territorial network of gravity-fed canals is useful in water management, as well as in other shared uses over the long-term. The findings underscore the positive environmental role played by these historical and anthropogenic constructions. They contribute to refilling the aquifer and also act as a valuable environmental good and service (e.g., run-off regulation, biodiversity, landscape, recreation, etc.). Further, several local actors have underscored their role as part of an intangible cultural heritage and as important for the area's economic and social development. Such canals play a central role in sustainable development since beyond their productive role in agriculture, they play a social role (new uses) and an ecological role (as reservoirs for biodiversity and ecological corridors). 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural canals irrigation water new uses leisure activities biodiversity.
Remote Sensing for Assessing Water Management and Irrigation Performance in the Arid Environment of the Gezira Scheme, Sudan
作者 M.A. Bashir H. Tanakamaru +1 位作者 A. Tada A.E.Khalid 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第3期344-356,共13页
The effective and efficient management of agricultural water use is crucial to enhance agricultural production to meet the demand of a rapidly growing population. The performance assessment studies are successfully us... The effective and efficient management of agricultural water use is crucial to enhance agricultural production to meet the demand of a rapidly growing population. The performance assessment studies are successfully used to describe the irrigation problems and provide remedial measures. In this study, the performance assessment of the twin main canals of the Gezira Scheme were examined and evaluated using a set of performance indicators. The analysis was made using 3 Landsat and 8 Modis data of 2001-2002, and results showed that the seasonal average values of water productivity, relative water supply, overall consumed ratio, depleted fraction and relative evapotranspiration were respectively 0.47, 0.72, 1.41, 0.75 and 0.57 kg·m^-3 for Gezira main canal, whereas the values for Managil main canal were 0.43, 0.54, 1.68, 0.71 and 0.50 kg·m^-3, respectively. The monthly average values of crop water deficit for Gezira and Managil were respectively 71 and 78 mm-month^-1. Considering the spatial variation in some indicators, the irrigation uniformity is deemed as poor according to Molden and Gates (1990). The analysis also showed that the gap between water demand and supply during winter season was glaringly high (46%). 展开更多
关键词 Gezira Scheme EVAPOTRANSPIRATION remote sensing irrigation performance indicators.
Nitrogen Derivatives of Irrigation in Chihuahua's Parks with Wastewater Treatment Residuals
作者 C.J. Navarro-Gemez E. Herrera-Peraza +2 位作者 V. Collins-Martinez M.S. Espino-Valdes C. Barraza-Bolivar 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第4期392-399,共8页
Since 2000 Chihuahua City has distribution system Waste Water Treatment (WTR), watering city's green areas. The need to cover the growing demand for drinking water has encouraged the use of non-potable water where ... Since 2000 Chihuahua City has distribution system Waste Water Treatment (WTR), watering city's green areas. The need to cover the growing demand for drinking water has encouraged the use of non-potable water where water quality is not an issue despite being used by 10 years ago, it is not known whether nitrogen compounds derived from WTR pose risks to the environment and public health. Therefore, in order to minimize health and environmental risks, this is needed to assess the impact and policy support for water use. The aim of this study is to determine the constitution and the concentration of nitrogen compounds through selection and characterization of park's representative. It's divided into physical properties and main parameters that affect nitrogen transformations. It was determined that sand was material that allowed more favorable oxidation and reduction of nitrate in soil and atmosphere, opposite of the clay, When used WTR, nitrates, nitrites and ammonia nitrogen were identified in the subsurface and NOx and N20 were identified in the atmosphere. When drinking water was used, none of these compounds was found. However, it was determined that despite having high concentrations of nitrates, the WTR was within the limits allowed by the Mexican standard for the use of WTR in public places. 展开更多
关键词 Wastewater treatment oxide nitrous NITRATE unsaturated zone.
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