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黄泥埠水库灌片骨干工程供水价格核算探讨 被引量:1
作者 孙海华 周娟娟 《陕西水利》 2020年第11期206-207,210,共3页
基于国家相关要求对黄泥埠水库灌片骨干工程供水价格进行科学核算,结果表明,黄泥埠水库灌片现状综合水价为87.06元/亩,而通过本文核算的运行成本水价为96.55元/亩,并未达到运行管护所要求的水价水平。黄泥埠灌区农业用水规模较大,如何... 基于国家相关要求对黄泥埠水库灌片骨干工程供水价格进行科学核算,结果表明,黄泥埠水库灌片现状综合水价为87.06元/亩,而通过本文核算的运行成本水价为96.55元/亩,并未达到运行管护所要求的水价水平。黄泥埠灌区农业用水规模较大,如何进行农业灌溉供水成本价格的精确核定,逐步实现成本水价收费,并基于此形成水资源开发利用良性循环,对于发展节水高效农业刻不容缓。 展开更多
关键词 黄泥埠水库灌片骨干工程 供水价格 核算
作者 杜艳珍 覃大庞 《广西水利水电》 2015年第4期19-21,共3页
三利灌片工程设计方案根据现有地形、地质、水源条件、作物种植等自然条件,在连片面积2.01万亩的甘蔗种植区范围内,设计采用滴灌灌溉方式,结合输水管网可实现水肥一体化,达到节水、省肥、增产的效果。介绍了该灌区的供水方式、灌溉制度... 三利灌片工程设计方案根据现有地形、地质、水源条件、作物种植等自然条件,在连片面积2.01万亩的甘蔗种植区范围内,设计采用滴灌灌溉方式,结合输水管网可实现水肥一体化,达到节水、省肥、增产的效果。介绍了该灌区的供水方式、灌溉制度、首部枢纽、管网布置的设计成果和特点。 展开更多
关键词 节水 太阳能 设计 三利灌片
作者 潘为山 《企业科技与发展》 2011年第9期83-85,共3页
文章以4个灌片为例,探讨了灌片节水配套改造工程的必要性和可行性。通过对项目区渠系水利用系数极低、实灌面积严重缩减以及水资源供需平衡进行分析,得出灌片节水配套改造工程的必要性;通过对典型工程的实际设计,得出灌片节水配套改造... 文章以4个灌片为例,探讨了灌片节水配套改造工程的必要性和可行性。通过对项目区渠系水利用系数极低、实灌面积严重缩减以及水资源供需平衡进行分析,得出灌片节水配套改造工程的必要性;通过对典型工程的实际设计,得出灌片节水配套改造工程的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 灌片 节水配套改造 水利用系数 面积 水资源 供需平衡
作者 赛九玛 王乐 +3 位作者 魏京京 杨艳 杨丽萌 牟溥 《环境生态学》 2021年第6期30-35,共6页
野生东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)和东北豹(Panthera pardus orientalis)是中国东北和俄罗斯远东地区森林生态系统食物链的顶级物种,是森林生态系统健康、生态系统良好结构的指示物种。林下灌草层片是东北虎、东北豹所食猎物的主要... 野生东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)和东北豹(Panthera pardus orientalis)是中国东北和俄罗斯远东地区森林生态系统食物链的顶级物种,是森林生态系统健康、生态系统良好结构的指示物种。林下灌草层片是东北虎、东北豹所食猎物的主要生境和食物来源。因此调查中国吉林珲春地区次生林、林下灌草层生物量,对蒙古栎重要值大于50%的162条样线和646个1 m 2样方进行分析。野外调查将样方的放牧强度分为对照组、轻度放牧组和放牧组,样方内的植物分为灌木/树叶、禾草/莎草、其他禾草和蕨类4个类别。以放牧强度为自变量,以4种植物类别的生物量为响应变量,进行嵌套多元方差分析。结果表明,森林放牧显著减少林下灌木层植物的生物量。从食物链的角度出发,为维持生态系统结构平衡和野生动植物种群健康,建议科学放牧,降低放牧强度和密度。 展开更多
关键词 森林放牧 蒙古栎林 草层 生物量
作者 王徽 李洁 +4 位作者 孙英蕾 隋长平 郑丽茹 袁庆海 孙晓燕 《白求恩医科大学学报》 CSCD 1996年第6期566-566,共1页
食管动脉灌注化疗治疗中晚期食管癌的临床应用及其评价吉林省肿瘤医院放射科王徽李洁孙英蕾隋长平白求恩医科大学第一临床学院放射科郑丽茹袁庆海孙晓燕关于食管动脉灌注化疗(Esophagealarterialinfusion,... 食管动脉灌注化疗治疗中晚期食管癌的临床应用及其评价吉林省肿瘤医院放射科王徽李洁孙英蕾隋长平白求恩医科大学第一临床学院放射科郑丽茹袁庆海孙晓燕关于食管动脉灌注化疗(Esophagealarterialinfusion,简称EAI)治疗中晚期食管癌国内外... 展开更多
关键词 食管肿瘤 中晚期 药物疗法 动脉灌片
作者 陈锁成 宗白鹭 +2 位作者 戎国祥 陈梅珍 倪锁娣 《江苏医药》 CAS CSCD 1997年第3期218-218,共1页
关键词 主动脉瘤 低温 上腔静脉灌片 主动脉弓 外科手术
活性炭血液灌注法急救莽草实中毒1例 被引量:1
作者 周一萍 叶家薇 +1 位作者 徐亦南 张虹 《山西护理杂志》 1997年第1期13-13,共1页
活性炭血液灌注法急救莽草实中毒1例周一萍叶家薇徐亦南张虹①EmergencyTreatmentofMangcaoshiPoisoningwithActivatedCharcoalBloodPerfusionZhouY... 活性炭血液灌注法急救莽草实中毒1例周一萍叶家薇徐亦南张虹①EmergencyTreatmentofMangcaoshiPoisoningwithActivatedCharcoalBloodPerfusionZhouYiping,YeJiawei,Xu... 展开更多
关键词 莽草实 中草药中毒 活性炭 血液灌片
作者 张弛 张彩霞 《中华核医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期290-290,共1页
关键词 肺动脉高压 灌片断层显像 诊断
作者 刘纯 杨志忠 +3 位作者 何津祥 陈大安 王宏 宋少莉 《兰州医学院学报》 1998年第2期58-58,共1页
关键词 糖尿病 99mTC 心肌灌片 心肌缺血
从欧洲DI钢罐的应用看在中国的发展前景 被引量:1
作者 张世云 吴军 曹清 《饮料工业》 2003年第1期10-14,共5页
简述了欧洲两片钢罐的镀锡DI材的发展现状及特点 ,其中着重介绍了欧洲两片钢罐的减重技术进展。分析总结了两片钢罐在欧洲成功的原因是欧洲钢材供应商不断提高镀锡DI材质量 ,持续深入开展两片钢罐用户技术研究 ,和制罐商紧密结合研究减... 简述了欧洲两片钢罐的镀锡DI材的发展现状及特点 ,其中着重介绍了欧洲两片钢罐的减重技术进展。分析总结了两片钢罐在欧洲成功的原因是欧洲钢材供应商不断提高镀锡DI材质量 ,持续深入开展两片钢罐用户技术研究 ,和制罐商紧密结合研究减重技术降低空罐成本等。对比介绍了国内两片罐的现状 ,指出了国内钢材供应商要想取得在国内推广两片钢罐的成功必须借鉴欧洲两片钢罐成功的经验 ,不断提高镀锡DI材的质量 ,与制罐商和饮料商紧密合作开展两片钢罐用户技术研究。同时 ,探讨了二片钢罐在中国的发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 钢罐 镀锡DI材 减重
作者 李鹏 李选民 +1 位作者 魏旭博 董梦轩 《路基工程》 2022年第5期204-208,共5页
分析太焦线东坡车站某段在极端暴雨天气下,路基严重水毁坍塌、局部轨道悬空、行车中断应急抢险工程的特点及难点,抢险工程设计中采用河槽导流先行,河床反压固脚,先保路基稳定通车,后坡脚铺砌护岸的抢险设计理念;采用“浆灌片石”快速恢... 分析太焦线东坡车站某段在极端暴雨天气下,路基严重水毁坍塌、局部轨道悬空、行车中断应急抢险工程的特点及难点,抢险工程设计中采用河槽导流先行,河床反压固脚,先保路基稳定通车,后坡脚铺砌护岸的抢险设计理念;采用“浆灌片石”快速恢复边坡;卵石河床铺砌加固、水下防冲刷垂裙钢筋骨架水泥复合毯片石模板浇筑等措施,极大地缩短了工期。 展开更多
关键词 水害抢险 灌片 钢筋骨架水泥复合毯模板 滨河路基 河道凹岸
Influence of hepatic arterial blockage on blood perfusion and VEGF,MMP-1 expression of implanted lver cancer in rats 被引量:13
作者 Wei-Jian Guo Jie Li Wan-Long Ling Wen-Hua Gu Jun-Yan Zhuang,Department of Oncology,Xinhua Hospital of Shanghai Second Medical University,Shanghai 200092,China Yong-Rui Bai,Department of Radiotherapy,Xinhua Hospital of Shanghai Second Medical University,Shanghai 200092,China Wen-Zhu Zhang Yu-Fan Cheng,Department of Pathology,Xinhua Hospital of Shanghai Second Medical University,Shanghai 200092,China 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期476-479,共4页
AIM: To investigate the influence of hepatic arterial blockage on blood perfusion of transplanted cancer in rat liver and the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP... AIM: To investigate the influence of hepatic arterial blockage on blood perfusion of transplanted cancer in rat liver and the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), and to explore the mechanisms involved in transarterial embolization (TAE)-induced metastasis of liver cancer preliminarily. METHODS: Walker 256 carcinosarcoma was transplanted into rat liver to establish the liver cancer model. Hepatic arterial ligation (HAL) was used to block the hepatic arterial blood supply and simulate TAE. Blood perfusion of tumor in control, laparotomy control, and HAL group was analyzed by Hoechst 33342 labeling assay, the serum VEGF level was assayed by ELISA, the expression of VEGF and MMP-1 mRNA was detected by in situ hybridization. RESULTS: Two days after HAL, the number of Hoechst 33342 labeled cells which represent the blood perfusion of tumor directly and hypoxia of tumor indirectly in HAL group decreased significantly compared with that in control group (329+/-29 vs 384+/-19, P【0.01). The serum VEGF level in the HAL group increased significantly as against that of the control group (93 ng.L(-1)+/-44 ng.L(-1) vs 55 ng.L(-1)+/-19 ng.L(-1), P【0.05). The expression of VEGF and MMP-1 mRNA in the tumor tissue of the HAL group increased significantly compared with that of the control and the laparotomy control groups (P【0.05). The blood perfusion data of the tumor, represented by the number of Hoechst 33342 labeled cells, showed a good linear inverse correlation with the serum VEGF level (r=-0.606, P【0.05) and the expression of VEGF mRNA in the tumor tissue ( r =-0.338, P【0.01). CONCLUSION: Blockage of hepatic arterial blood supply results in decreased blood perfusion and increased expression of metastasis-associated genes VEGF and MMP-1 of transplanted liver cancer in rats. Decreased blood perfusion and hypoxia may be the major cause of up-regulated expression of VEGF. 展开更多
关键词 Animals Carcinoma 256 Walker Embolization Therapeutic Endothelial Growth Factors Gene Expression Hepatic Artery Interstitial Collagenase LIGATION Liver Neoplasms Experimental LYMPHOKINES Male RNA Messenger RNA Neoplasm RATS Rats Wistar Research Support Non-U.S. Gov't Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors
洪雅方言同音字汇 被引量:2
作者 张耕 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2019年第1期104-112,共9页
洪雅县位于四川盆地西南边缘,洪雅方言属于西南官话灌赤片岷江小片,其音系包括声母20个、韵母33个、声调5个(入声独立)。洪雅方言在四川西南官话中有其特殊性,但从研究现状看,语料丰富度较为不足。文章基于田野调查材料,描写了洪雅方言... 洪雅县位于四川盆地西南边缘,洪雅方言属于西南官话灌赤片岷江小片,其音系包括声母20个、韵母33个、声调5个(入声独立)。洪雅方言在四川西南官话中有其特殊性,但从研究现状看,语料丰富度较为不足。文章基于田野调查材料,描写了洪雅方言的声韵调系统,并结合词汇调查情况,记录了详细的同音字汇,可全面展示洪雅方言的语音特点。 展开更多
关键词 西南官话 洪雅方言 音系 同音字汇
Analysis on the Phenophase Characteristics of Zhengdan958 and Xianyu335 in North of Huanghuaihai Region
作者 陈淑萍 卜俊周 +5 位作者 岳海旺 彭海成 宋聪敏 茜晓哲 张玉兰 谢俊良 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第4期585-588,708,共5页
[Objective] The study is aimed to timely grasp the growth and develop- ment process of summer maize and comprehensively evaluate the impact of envi- ronmental factors on the growth and development of maize in north Hu... [Objective] The study is aimed to timely grasp the growth and develop- ment process of summer maize and comprehensively evaluate the impact of envi- ronmental factors on the growth and development of maize in north Huanguaihai re- gion. [Method] The phenophase, leaf unfolding rate, grain filling rate and yield char- acteristics of Zhengdan 958 and Xianyu 335 were analyzed at N 37°53′, E115°42′. [Result] The summer corn Zhengdan 958 and Xianyu335 emerged in 6 days after sowing with the growing period of 111 d, grain-filling stage lasting 66 days, and the leaf unfolding rate and grain filling rate were accelerated with the increase of tem- perature. In the last 6 d before harvest (October 5-11), Zhengdan 958 and Xi- anyu335 contributed to the yield by 6.61% and 4.20%, respectively. The two crops a year cropping system made it hard for the summer maize to achieve maturing harvest in north Huanghuaihai region. [Conclusion] The maize production could be significantly improved through selecting early maturing varieties, early sowing, timely late harvest, ensuring maize effective accumulated temperature and sufficient grout- ing time after pollination. 展开更多
关键词 Zhengdan958 Xianyu335 PHENOPHASE Leaf unfolding rate Filling rate
Clinical Studies of Postoperative Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy in Patients with Pathologic T_3 Esophageal Squamous Carcinoma
作者 Baodong Liu Zongjun Dong Xiuyi Zhi Qingsheng Xu 《Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CSCD 2006年第3期176-180,共5页
OBJECTIVE To evaluate how arterial infusion chemotherapy after radical surgery influences long-term surviva if patients with pathologic T3 (pT3) esophageal squamous carcinoma. METHODS We divided 190 patients with pa... OBJECTIVE To evaluate how arterial infusion chemotherapy after radical surgery influences long-term surviva if patients with pathologic T3 (pT3) esophageal squamous carcinoma. METHODS We divided 190 patients with pathologic PT3 esophageal squamous carcinoma, confirmed by consecutive radical surgery, into an experimental group (surgery + intra-arterial infusion, 56 T3N0M0 and 52 T3N1M0 cases), and the remaining patients into a control group (surgery alone, 48 T3N0M0 and 34 T3N1M0 cases). The experimental group was sub-grouped into 56 cases (26 T3N0M0 and 30 T3N1M0 cases) receiving 1 or 2 periods of chemotherapy, while 52 cases (30 T3N0M0 and 22 T3N0M0 cases) underwent 3 or more than 3 periods of chemotherapy. We used one to seven courses of selected arterial infusion chemotherapy of cisplatin (80 mg/m2 of body-surface area) and fluorouracil (800 mg/m2) with or without epirubicin at 3-4 weeks post operation. The interval between each period was 3-4 weeks. All cases were followed-up for more than 5 years. Survival rates were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier methods and survival differences between patients with and without selected arterial infusion chemotherapy were compared with the Log-rank test. Prognostic variables were entered into a Cox regression analysis model controlling for age, site, lymph node status, and treatment received. RESULTS The overall survival rates were not significantly different between the experimental group and the control group, but there was better survival for patients who received 3 or more than 3 courses of chemotherapy. Lymph node status (N) was an important factor in the prognosis. CONCLUSION Trans-catheter arterial infusion chemotherapy is a safe and effective method of therapy. Postoperative selective arterial infusion chemotherapy can improve the survival rate in patients with esophageal squamous carcinoma who were previously treated by radical surgery. However, this modality of therapy needs further investigation. 展开更多
关键词 esophageal squamous carcinoma arterial infusion chemotherapy.
Stoichiometry of leaf carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus along a geographic, climatic, and soil gradients in temperate desert of Hexi Corridor, northwest China 被引量:3
作者 Ke Zhang Mengmeng Li +1 位作者 Yongzhong Su Rong Yang 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第1期114-121,共8页
Aims Understanding the regional pattern of leaf stoichiometry and its contributing variables are of importance for predicting plant responses to global change and modelling the productivity and nutrient fluxes of ecos... Aims Understanding the regional pattern of leaf stoichiometry and its contributing variables are of importance for predicting plant responses to global change and modelling the productivity and nutrient fluxes of ecosystems.In this study,we investigated leaf stoichiometry of plants that sampled from Hexi Corridor,a typical arid region in China,and tried to explore the contribution variables on leaf stoichiometry along the geographic,climatic,and soil gradients.Methods In August 2012,70 sites in Hexi Corridor were investigated.Plant leaves and soils from five equivalent plots within each site were sampled.C,N,and P contents of leaf and soil were measured.Important findings Compared with leaf N and P contents in regional and global scales,leaf N content in Hexi Corridor was close to them with the value of 20.19 mg g^(-1),while leaf P content was lower than them with the value of 1.34 mg g^(-1).Overall,leaf N:P value in Hexi Corridor was 15.70.Individually,leaf N:P values of shrubs and herbs were 16.81 and 14.80,respectively.Scaling exponents for leaf N vs.P of overall and shrubs in Hexi Corridor were 1.29,higher than the scaling exponent of herbs(1.08).Leaf stoichiometry of shrubs and herbs did not show significant latitudinal and longitudinal patterns,meanwhile,it has no significant correlation with mean annual precipitation(MAP),mean annual temperature(MAT),and soil elements.However,only leaf stoichiometry of herbs has significant correlation with altitude and aridity degree.These results indicate that plants in Hexi Corridor are possibly co-limited by N and P,while shrubs are mainly limited by soil P and herbs are limited by soil N.Scaling relationship reveals that leaf N vs.P of herbs is isometric.With increasing altitude,the quadratic regression for leaf C and N contents and the linear regression for leaf P content of herbs reflect the difference responses of the three elements on the variation of MAT along the altitude and it could be explained by plant physiology hypothesis and biogeochemical hypotheses.With decreasing aridity,leaf N and N:P of herbs increased significantly,inferring that herbs growth would be limited by P increasingly and strengthening the increasing nitrogen availability with increasing precipitation.In conclusion,different altitude and aridity patterns for leaf stoichiometry of herbs and shrubs reveal the plastic survive strategies of different xerophytes in Hexi Corridor.Moreover,leaf stoichiometry of herbs in Hexi Corridor could be as indicator of the changing environment that caused by aridity. 展开更多
关键词 leaf stoichiometry SHRUBS HERBS ARIDITY Hexi Corridor
Effect of electroacupuncture preconditioning at “Nèiguān” (内关 PC 6) on gene expression of myocardial opioid receptors in rats with ischemia-reperfusion 被引量:2
作者 李万山 钟敏 +1 位作者 杨进辉 招伟贤 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2012年第1期43-48,共6页
Objective To explore protective effects of electroacupuncture at "Nèiguān" (内关 PC 6) for preconditioning on myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury (MIRI) and the mechanisms involved. Methods Forty-eight ... Objective To explore protective effects of electroacupuncture at "Nèiguān" (内关 PC 6) for preconditioning on myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury (MIRI) and the mechanisms involved. Methods Forty-eight male Wistar rats were randomly divided into a sham operation group (Group N), a MIRI group (Group M) and an electroacupuncture (EA) group (Group E). The MIRI model was established by ligating the left anterior descending artery (LAD) for 30 min followed by reperfusion for 120 min. Partition sutures were passed under LAD without ligation for rats in Group N. Rats in Group E were pretreated with electroacupuncture (EA) applied at bilateral "Nèiguān" (内关 PC 6) for 20 min once a day for 3 consecutive days before ischemia. The infarct size plus the area at risk was evaluated by 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining, and serum isoenzyme of creatine kinase (CK-MB) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels were measured by biochemical methods. Myocardium morphological changes were observed under light microscopy. The mRNA expressions of myocardial δ and κ opioid receptors (DOR and KOR) were tested by real-time RT-PCR measurements. Results The myocardial infarct size in Group E was more significantly decreased than that in Group M (P0.05). The levels of CK-MB [(980?±?92) U/L] and LDH [(2743?±?124) U/L] in Group M were significantly higher than those in Group N [(312?±?41) U/L] and [(530?±?56) U/L], respectively (both P0.01). The levels of CK-MB [(572?±?70) U/L] and LDH [(1819?±?97) U/L] in Group E were significantly lower than those in Group M (both P0.01). There were no significant differences in mRNA expressions of DOR and KOR between Group M and Group N (both P0.05), but DOR expression in Group E was significantly higher than that either in Group M or in Group N (both P0.01 ). No significant differences were found in KOR expression among the three groups (all P0.05). Conclusion Up-regulation of expression of δ opioid receptors may be involved in protective effects of EA at Nèiguān (内关 PC 6) for preconditioning on MIRI. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROACUPUNCTURE point PC 6 (Nèiguān) ischemia reperfusion injury MYOCARDIUM receptor OPIOID
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