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TJ-M1模拟火壤承载特性的研究 被引量:5
作者 蒋明镜 吕雷 +1 位作者 李立青 黄伟 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1783-1789,共7页
火星土壤(火壤)的研究是火星表面探测活动迈出的第一步,也是火星表面探测活动的主要研究对象之一。模拟火壤的平板荷载试验可用于了解真实火壤的工程性质,为火星探测器的安全着陆提供参考。采用自行研制的TJ-M1模拟火壤作为试验基材,通... 火星土壤(火壤)的研究是火星表面探测活动迈出的第一步,也是火星表面探测活动的主要研究对象之一。模拟火壤的平板荷载试验可用于了解真实火壤的工程性质,为火星探测器的安全着陆提供参考。采用自行研制的TJ-M1模拟火壤作为试验基材,通过静力触探和静载荷原位试验的分析对比,结合已有的静力触探与静载荷试验的经验公式,研究探讨适合火壤静承载力的经验公式。首先,搭建尺寸为6 m×6 m×1.25 m(长×宽×高)着陆试验床,分5层铺设至设计标高,而后在其表面对称布置8个静力触探试验测点和2个静载荷试验测点进行测试,最后基于太沙基提出的承载力修正公式及已有的11种适用于中密实砂土的经验公式对模拟火壤承载特性的预测进行研究探讨。结果表明:太沙基提出的修正地基承载力公式的计算结果明显偏小,而经验公式(唐贤强)[R]=80Ps+31.8可近似计算TJ-M1模拟火壤的地基承载力。 展开更多
关键词 星土 TJ-M1模拟火壤 静力触探 地基承载力 着陆试验床
作者 党兆龙 邹猛 +3 位作者 宋家锋 陈百超 申彦 齐迎春 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期2393-2400,共8页
火星表面除松散火壤外,还有一类特别的火壤类型——硬壳类火星地面,该火壤表层为脆性,底层为松软沙粒,对巡视器移动具有迷惑性。研究以Mars-1和Mars-3模拟火壤为对象,通过喷洒蒸馏水、MgSO_(4)和NaCl溶液,自然风干形成硬质土壳结构。对... 火星表面除松散火壤外,还有一类特别的火壤类型——硬壳类火星地面,该火壤表层为脆性,底层为松软沙粒,对巡视器移动具有迷惑性。研究以Mars-1和Mars-3模拟火壤为对象,通过喷洒蒸馏水、MgSO_(4)和NaCl溶液,自然风干形成硬质土壳结构。对所得土壳进行承压、贯入阻力和火星车通过性试验研究,结果表明:细颗粒Mars-1采用饱和NaCl溶液时结壳效果最好,面积最大且整体性强;粗颗粒的Mars-3采用10%MgSO_(4)溶液时结壳效果最好,面积较小,土壳厚度较厚但易碎。Mars-1结壳速度较Mars-3快。承压特性分析中,Mars-1土壳破坏点峰值载荷随NaCl浓度的提高而降低,随MgSO_(4)浓度的提高而升高。两种土样均采用10%NaCl溶液结壳时,贯入阻力最大。对于Mars-1,贯入阻力随NaCl浓度的增加而增加,随着MgSO_(4)浓度的增加而降低。所制备薄壳地形,满足火星车通过性试验需求。以上研究可为星球车行走机构优化设计和通过性能评估提供参考和依据。 展开更多
关键词 模拟火壤 土壳结构 承载特性 车辆通过性
火星着陆发动机羽流与火壤的相互作用 被引量:2
作者 叶青 饶炜 +8 位作者 刘锋 孙泽洲 刘国强 王闯 董捷 韩泉东 缪远明 谭志云 陆慧林 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期39-46,共8页
火星探测器着陆过程中的发动机羽流与火壤发生复杂的相互作用,一方面探测器底部的火壤表面成分及分布形式被破坏,影响探测器的着陆过程;另一方面受发动机羽流作用而扬起和悬浮的颗粒,会影响探测装置的可靠工作。针对此问题,利用数值模拟... 火星探测器着陆过程中的发动机羽流与火壤发生复杂的相互作用,一方面探测器底部的火壤表面成分及分布形式被破坏,影响探测器的着陆过程;另一方面受发动机羽流作用而扬起和悬浮的颗粒,会影响探测装置的可靠工作。针对此问题,利用数值模拟,对火星探测器着陆过程中的发动机羽流和火壤相互作用进行了研究,获得了不同发动机高度和推力下火壤颗粒的激扬高度、火坑深度和火坑宽度,通过在轨飞行数据反演对仿真算法进行了验证和评价,为火星着陆策略的制定提供了支撑。 展开更多
关键词 星着陆 羽流 火壤 两相流分析 飞行数据
火星土壤物理力学特性分析 被引量:7
作者 党兆龙 陈百超 《深空探测学报》 2016年第2期129-133,144,共6页
火星土壤既是火星表面探测活动的主要探测对象,也是表面探测器设计中需考虑的重要因素之一。火壤的物理力学特性将直接影响着陆器着陆缓冲系统、火星车移动系统等的设计。此外,在着陆器和火星车等表面探测器的地面研制过程中,需要研制... 火星土壤既是火星表面探测活动的主要探测对象,也是表面探测器设计中需考虑的重要因素之一。火壤的物理力学特性将直接影响着陆器着陆缓冲系统、火星车移动系统等的设计。此外,在着陆器和火星车等表面探测器的地面研制过程中,需要研制模拟火壤,形成模拟的火星表面环境,开展相关的着陆器着陆缓冲性能、火星车移动性能等验证试验。迄今为止,人类已经有多个探测器登陆火星,获取了大量的有关火壤的信息,也研制了多种模拟火壤。通过对已有火壤和模拟火壤的物理力学特性分析,梳理出火壤物理力学特性的参数范围,可为我国火星探测器的研制提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 星土 物理特性 力学特性 模拟火壤
典型模拟火星土壤研究进展 被引量:4
作者 刘汉生 王江 +4 位作者 赵健楠 舒文祥 赵佳伟 杨振 肖龙 《载人航天》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期389-402,共14页
火星土壤(简称火壤)是广泛分布在火星表面的细粒风化物质,其物理力学性质是火星着陆及巡视探测需要考虑的重要因素之一。回顾了火壤的探测历史,根据研制需求的不同,对国内外不同类型模拟火壤的物质组成、物理性质、力学特征等进行了对... 火星土壤(简称火壤)是广泛分布在火星表面的细粒风化物质,其物理力学性质是火星着陆及巡视探测需要考虑的重要因素之一。回顾了火壤的探测历史,根据研制需求的不同,对国内外不同类型模拟火壤的物质组成、物理性质、力学特征等进行了对比分析。在此基础上,认为在模拟火壤研制方面面临以下困难和问题:缺少可供参考的火壤深层剖面数据;模拟火壤种类不全面;模拟火壤制备技术有待进一步改善。因此,未来模拟火壤的研制工作需要在以下几方面加强:①利用地表风化玄武岩剖面,进行模拟火壤剖面类比研究;②开展(含盐)冻土型、极端工况型等多种类型模拟火壤研制工作;③积极探索模拟火壤研制新方法。 展开更多
关键词 模拟火壤 玄武岩 原位资源利用
面向火星着陆器缓冲试验的模拟火星壤力学特性分析 被引量:4
作者 薛龙 党兆龙 +2 位作者 陈百超 李建桥 邹猛 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期176-186,共11页
综述了现有火星着陆点火壤的物理力学参数和岩石大小及分布,介绍了着陆试验的过程、方法和所用模拟火壤,其中包括海盗号着陆器着陆试验数据分析和着陆试验场表面形貌。最后,汇总现有着陆点火星壤的物理力学参数和海盗号着陆试验用壤的参... 综述了现有火星着陆点火壤的物理力学参数和岩石大小及分布,介绍了着陆试验的过程、方法和所用模拟火壤,其中包括海盗号着陆器着陆试验数据分析和着陆试验场表面形貌。最后,汇总现有着陆点火星壤的物理力学参数和海盗号着陆试验用壤的参数,给出了我国着陆试验用模拟火壤的建议值及范围。 展开更多
关键词 工程仿生学 模拟火壤 地面力学
行星地质工程原位测试方法 被引量:3
作者 陈薪硕 李守定 +6 位作者 张晓静 魏勇 李娟 杨蔚 李晓 隋旺华 宋玉环 《工程地质学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期1525-1544,共20页
作为行星地质学与行星工程学的交叉学科,行星地质工程学科直接支撑行星探测、行星科研站与基地建设、行星资源开发与未来人类移居,相关研究已迫在眉睫。与地球相比,行星地质体在物质、结构与环境3个方面存在较大差异,决定着行星地质体... 作为行星地质学与行星工程学的交叉学科,行星地质工程学科直接支撑行星探测、行星科研站与基地建设、行星资源开发与未来人类移居,相关研究已迫在眉睫。与地球相比,行星地质体在物质、结构与环境3个方面存在较大差异,决定着行星地质体工程特性与地球具有很大的差别,开展行星地质工程原位测试是准确获取行星地质体工程特性的最直接方式。文章把月球探测和火星探测任务中地质工程原位测试方法分为5类:触探试验、铲斗试验、钻探试验、地球物理探测和摄影测量,分别分析了各类原位测试方法的原理与科学载荷,对比各种方法中不同测试仪器的差异;利用月球工程特性原位测试结果梳理总结了月壤工程特性,包括粒度分布、密度、孔隙比、抗剪性、压缩性和承载力,分析了月壤和火壤工程特性的变化规律,并指出了与地球土壤物理力学特性的差异;未来应以行星探测任务为载体,结合地面低重力模拟测试平台和物理力学本构理论研究,研制小型轻量、自动智能的工程特性原位测试科学载荷,获取更加准确的行星土壤和岩石的工程特性参数,支撑月球科研站、基地建设和火星取样返回等深空探测任务。 展开更多
关键词 行星地质工程 原位测试 火壤 物理力学特性
Determination of Chromium and Zinc in Soil by Microwave Digestion and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 被引量:4
作者 王天顺 牙禹 +4 位作者 何洁 莫磊兴 林波 李松 朱俊杰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第9期1962-1964,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to develop a rapid, simple method for determination of chromium and zinc in soil samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.[Method] The method for determination of Cr and Zn in soil by co... [Objective] The aim was to develop a rapid, simple method for determination of chromium and zinc in soil samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.[Method] The method for determination of Cr and Zn in soil by combined flame atomic absorption spectrometry and microwave digestion was used. [Result] The concentration curve was linear within the range of 0-0.8 mg/L for Cr and 0-0.8 mg/L for Zn, the detection limits of Cr and Zn was 0.0025 mg/L and 0.002 3 mg/L, respectively. Recoveries of 102.4%-103.2% for Cr and 97.7%-98.3% for Zn were obtained for there soil samples. [Conclusion] The proposed method has the advantages of simple operation, high sensitivity, and high efficiency; it was successfully used for determination of Cr and Zn in soil samples. 展开更多
关键词 Microwave digestion Flame Atomic absorption spectrometry CHROMIUM ZINC SOIL
Preparation and characterization of Martian soil simulant NEU Mars-1 被引量:1
作者 Jin-zhao GUAN Ai-min LIU +2 位作者 Kai-yu XIE Zhong-ning SHI Blanka KUBIKOVA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第1期212-222,共11页
To develop Martian soil simulant,basalts of the Chahar volcanic group in Wulanchabu,Inner Mongolia,China were selected as the simulant initial materials,which were ground and sorted to a predetermined particle size ra... To develop Martian soil simulant,basalts of the Chahar volcanic group in Wulanchabu,Inner Mongolia,China were selected as the simulant initial materials,which were ground and sorted to a predetermined particle size ratio,and small amounts of magnetite and hematite were added.The main phases of NEU Mars-1 simulant were plagioclase,augite and olivine.The glass transition and crystallization temperatures of NEU Mars-1 were 547.8 and 795.7°C,respectively.The complex dielectric constant,magnetic conductivity(0.99-1.045),and dielectric loss tangent angles(0.0025-0.030)of NEU Mars-1 were all stable in the frequency range of 2-18 GHz.Mossbauer spectroscopy results showed that the mass ratio of Fe2+to Fe3+in the simulant was 77.6:22.4.The NEU Mars-1 Martian soil simulant demonstrated particle size ratio,chemical composition,phase composition,thermal stability,and dielectric property similar to Martian soil,and can be used as the substitute material to extract oxygen and metals with in-situ resource utilization technologies. 展开更多
关键词 Martian soil STIMULANT volcanic rock BASALT in-situ resource utilization
Effects of fire disturbance on forest hydrology 被引量:2
作者 姚树仁 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期331-334,共4页
Fire is quite a common natural phenomenon closely related to forest hydrology in forest ecosystem. The influence of fire on water is indirectly manifested in that the post fire changes of vegetation, ground cover, soi... Fire is quite a common natural phenomenon closely related to forest hydrology in forest ecosystem. The influence of fire on water is indirectly manifested in that the post fire changes of vegetation, ground cover, soil and environment affect water cycle, water quality and aquatic lives. The effect varies depending upon fire severity and frequency. Light wildland fires or prescribed burnings do not affect hydrology regime significantly but frequent burnings or intense fires can cause changes in hydrology regime similar to that caused clear cutting. 展开更多
关键词 Forest fire Forest hydrology Water cycle FLOW Water quality
Nitrogen Mineralization in Soils Along a Vegetation Chronosequence in Hong Kong 被引量:5
作者 L.M.MARAFA K.C.CHAU 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期181-188,共8页
This research examined nitrogen mineralization in the top 10 cm of soils along a vegetation gradient in Hong Kong at sites where fire has been absent for 0, 1, 3, 6 and 17 years (at the time of the study), and the rel... This research examined nitrogen mineralization in the top 10 cm of soils along a vegetation gradient in Hong Kong at sites where fire has been absent for 0, 1, 3, 6 and 17 years (at the time of the study), and the relationships between N mineralization and successional development of vegetation in the absence of fire. The sites including a newly burnt area (S1), short grassland (S2), tall grassland (S3), mixed tall grassland and shrubland (S4), and woodland (S5) were selected,and the in situ core incubation method was used to estimate nitrogen mineralization. Throughout the 60-day incubation in four periods, more nitrogen was mineralized at the S3 and S4 sites, the predominantly grassland sites, which contained the highest levels of soil organic matter (SOM) and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), than the S1 site, while immobilization occurred at the S2 and S5 sites. Leaching loss decreased with successional development of the vegetation, in the order of S1 > S2 > S3 > S4 > S5. The pattern of nitrogen uptake with ecological succession was less conspicuous, being complicated by the immediate effect of fire and possibly the ability of the woodland species to extract nitrogen from the deeper ground.In the absence of fire for 3 to 6 years, the build-up of SOM and TKN was accompanied by active mineralization, thus paving the way for the invasion of shrub and tree species. A close relationship existed between nitrogen mineralization and ecological succession with this vegetation gradient. Inherent mechanisms to preserve nitrogen in a fire-prone environment including immobilization and uptake and the practical relevance of nitrogen mineralization to reforestation are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 fire impact IMMOBILIZATION nitrogen mineralization successional development vegetation chronosequence
Changing of Properties of Unsaturated Compacted Bentonite due to Hydration Effort
作者 Tomoyoshi Nishimura Junichi Koseki 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2018年第3期92-102,共11页
Radioactive waste disposal is important facility for human and environment in the world. Compacted bentonite in radioactive disposal engineer barrier design really experience hydration effort as decreasing of suction ... Radioactive waste disposal is important facility for human and environment in the world. Compacted bentonite in radioactive disposal engineer barrier design really experience hydration effort as decreasing of suction during long-time. Hydration effort develop macro-micro void structure in bentonite under deeply geological environment. The bentonite occurred uncertainly problems or translation in various experimental interaction boundary conditions such as thermal-hydration-chemical condition. To detect accumulation of deformation or changing of bentonite behaviour due to these processes is important that the modified experimental methods are required. In addition, to interpret laboratory experimental results combine to establish mathematical modelling in possible. The overall investigation or performance of the bentonite have contributed to represent the intrinsic properties of engineer barrier systems. This study focused on changing of properties of unsaturated compacted bentonite related to hydration effort due to increasing of relative humidity. Changing of some properties revealed to become instability or uncertainly problems in practice. Soil-water characteristic curve was measured with considering of various temperatures using vapor pressure technique. Swelling pressure and creep behaviour such as mechanical components were described with hydration effort. 展开更多
关键词 BENTONITE SUCTION soil-water characteristic curve swelling pressure creep deformation
Effects of Chinese Fir,Loblolly Pine and Deciduous Oak Forests on Nutrient States of Soils in Northern Subtro-pics of China 被引量:10
作者 LUO RU-YING and GAO ZHI-QIN(Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210057 (China)) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期1-10,共10页
This paper deals with a study on the effects of Chinese fir, loblolly pine and deciduous oak forests on thenutrient status of soils in northern subtropics of China, adopting the principle of forest ecology in the case... This paper deals with a study on the effects of Chinese fir, loblolly pine and deciduous oak forests on thenutrient status of soils in northern subtropics of China, adopting the principle of forest ecology in the caseof similar climate and soil type. The experimental area was situated in the Xiashu Experimental Centre ofForest, where the soil is yellow-brown soil derived from siliceous slope wash. Sample plots of these 3 standswere established to study the nutrient status in litter, the amount of nutrient uptake by roots, the quantityof nutrient output by percolating water outside the deep layer of soil, and the seasonal dynamics of availablenutrient in surface soil. It was shown that the intensity of nutrient cycling in soil under deciduous oak wasthe highest, and the effect of oak in improving soil fertility was the best. The result of improving soil fertilityby Chinese fir was the most inferior, though the intensity of nutrient cycling under that stand was higherthan that under loblolly pine stand. The influence of loblolly pine on the improvement of soil fertility wasbetter than that of Chinese fir, in spite of its lowest intensity of nutrient cycling. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese fir deciduous oak LITTER loblolly pine nutrient status
Large-area Analysis of Soil Erosion and Landslides Induced by Rainfall: A Case of Unsaturated Shallow Deposits 被引量:1
作者 CUOMO Sabatino DELLA SALA Maria 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期783-796,共14页
Unsaturated shallow soil deposits may be affected by either superficial soil erosion or shallow landslides in adjacent or overlapping source areas and in different seasons when a different soil suction exists.The trig... Unsaturated shallow soil deposits may be affected by either superficial soil erosion or shallow landslides in adjacent or overlapping source areas and in different seasons when a different soil suction exists.The triggering analysis of both these processes is a relevant issue for the hazard analysis while the literature mostly provides specific approaches for erosion or for landslides.The paper proposes a largearea analysis for a case study of Southern Italy,consisting of unsaturated shallow deposits of loose pyroclastic(air-fall) volcanic soils that have been repeatedly affected by erosion and landslides in special seasons.For a past catastrophic event, the simulated source areas of shallow landslides are smaller than those observed in the field while the simulated eroded areas with thickness greater than 5cm are comparable with the in-situ evidences, if the analysis takes into account high rainfall intensity and a spatially variable soil cover use.More in general, the results of the paper are consistent with the previous literature and also provide a methodological contribution about the application of distinct tools over large area.The added value is that the paper shows how the combination of distinct large-area analyses may help with understanding the dominant slope instability mechanisms.Only once this goal is fully achieved, can specific physically-based analyses be confidently performed at detailed scales and for smaller specific areas. 展开更多
关键词 Soil Erosion LANDSLIDE Soil Suction Slope instability mechanism Modelling
Micromorphological Aspects of Two Forest Soils Development Derived from Igneous Rocks in Lahijan, Iran 被引量:1
作者 Hasan RAMEZANPOUR Masoumeh POURMASOUMI 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期646-655,共10页
In order to characterize various micromorphologic properties of two forest soils derived from different parent rocks in Lahijan, and use the data collected from micromorphological analysis to interpret dominant pedoge... In order to characterize various micromorphologic properties of two forest soils derived from different parent rocks in Lahijan, and use the data collected from micromorphological analysis to interpret dominant pedogenic processes. Two representative soil pedons, granite (P1) and andesitic basalt (P2) were selected in a mountain landform with northwest aspect. Samples for thin section preparation were taken from each horizon by Kubiena boxes or clods. Micromorphological analysis of soils derived from these two soil pedons in eastern part of Lahijan (northern Iran) were conducted based on the physicochemical and mineralogical data. Micromorphological properties were characterized using a polarized light microscope under plain and cross light. Thin section study indicated that the nature of the parent material clearly affected the content of clay formation. It also showed that clay accumulation in the Bt horizons was not only due to clay illuviation (argillan), but that strong in situ weathering of primary minerals also contributed to the enrichment of clay in soils derived from andesitic basalt. Comparing the results of clay mineralogy obtained from X-ray diffraction (XRD) with microscopic studies revealed that birefringence fabric (b-fabric) of the groundmass was partly striated due to smectitic minerals in soil of andesitic basalt (Hapludalf), whereas speckled birefringence fabric was dominant in soil of granite (Udorthent) because of the absence of these minerals. We speculate that pores of skeletal fragments or microcracks in P1 were a place for illuvial clay protection. However, the main factor for flluvial clay film disruption (striation anddeformation) was biological activity (faunal turbation and root pressure) in P1 and expandable minerals and faunal turbation in P2. 展开更多
关键词 Igneous rocks Illuviation Lahijan Soilmicromorphology GRANITE Andesitic basalt
Sources of dissolved inorganic carbon in rivers from the Changbaishan area, an active volcanic zone in North Eastern China 被引量:2
作者 Xue Bai Benjamin Chetelat Yilong Song 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期410-415,共6页
Major elements and carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)have been measured in the waters of Changbaishan mountain,a volcanic area in northeastern China,between June and September 2016 to decipher the orig... Major elements and carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)have been measured in the waters of Changbaishan mountain,a volcanic area in northeastern China,between June and September 2016 to decipher the origin of the CO_2 involved in chemical weathering reactions.Spatial variations of major elements ratios measured in water samples can be explained by a change of the chemical composition of the volcanic rocks between the volcanic cone(trachytes)and the basaltic shield as evidenced by the variations in the composition of these rocks.Hence,DIC results from the neutralization of CO_2 by silicate rocks.DIC concentrations vary from 0.3 to 2.5 mmol/L and carbon isotopic compositions of DIC measured in rivers vary from-14.2‰to 3.5‰.At a first order,the DIC transported by rivers is derived from the chemical weathering’s consumption of CO_2 with a magmatic origin,enriched in^(13)C(-5%)and biogenic soil CO_2 with lower isotopic compositions.The highest δ^(13)C values likely result from C isotopes fractionation during CO_2 degassing in rivers.A mass balance based on carbon isotopes suggest that the contribution of magmatic CO_2 varied from less than 20%to more than 70%.Uncertainties in this calculation associated with CO_2 degassing in rivers are difficult to quantify,and the consequence of CO_2 degassing would be an overestimation of the contribution of DIC derived from the neutralization of magmatic CO_2 by silicate rocks. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon isotopes Dissolved inorganic carbon RIVERS Chemical weathering CHANGBAISHAN Active volcanic zone
Characterization of Glycerol-Extractable Organic Matter from Etna Soils of Different Ages
作者 A. BAGLIERI A. IOPPOLO +2 位作者 M. NGRE C. ABBATE M. GENNARI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期120-128,共9页
We characterized humic acids (HAs) and glycerol-extractable organic fractions (GEOFs) extracted from four Andisols, taken from comparable soil-climate conditions on the east side of Mount Etna. The soils were form... We characterized humic acids (HAs) and glycerol-extractable organic fractions (GEOFs) extracted from four Andisols, taken from comparable soil-climate conditions on the east side of Mount Etna. The soils were formed on old lava (about 9000 years ago), old tephra (about 8 700 years ago), recent lava (about 2 600 years ago) and recent tephra (about 3600 years ago). A part of the organic matter of the soils, deprived of HAs and fulvic acids (FAs), was isolated by glycerol extraction. The GEOF can not be extracted with alkaline solutions, probably because it is closely bound to the mineral component of the soil. The characterization of the extracted organic fraction was carried out using elementary and functional group analysis and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. About 20 extractions were necessary to extract the HA and FA from the older soils and about 10 extractions to extract them from the younger soils. Data showed that the CEOFs had a greater ash content and a smaller N content, as well as a greater presence of aliphatic compounds and carboxylic groups as compared to the HA extracted from the same soil. The GEOFs extracted from younger soils also had a lower yield, ash and COOH-group content, and were more aliphatic than the GEOF extracted from older soils. Finally, the GEOFs were more closely bound to the amorphous component of the soil ('short-range' minerals) and consequently less subject to biodegradation. 展开更多
关键词 ANDISOL Fourier transform infrared spectra humic substances
Refining Soil Organic Matter Determination by Loss-on-Ignition 被引量:15
Wet oxidation procedure,i.e.,Walkley-Black (WB) method,is a routine,relatively accurate,and popular method for the determination of soil organic matter (SOM) but it is time-consuming,costly and also has a high potenti... Wet oxidation procedure,i.e.,Walkley-Black (WB) method,is a routine,relatively accurate,and popular method for the determination of soil organic matter (SOM) but it is time-consuming,costly and also has a high potential to cause environmental pollution because of disposal of chromium and strong acids used in this analysis.Therefore,loss-on-ignition (LOI) procedure,a simple and cheap method for SOM estimation,which also avoids chromic acid wastes,deserves more attention.The aims of this research were to study the statistical relationships between SOM determined with the LOI (SOMLOI) and WB (SOMWB) methods to compare the spatial variability of SOM in two major plains,Shahrekord and Koohrang plains,of Chaharmahal-va-Bakhtiari Province,Iran.Fifty surface soil samples (0-25 cm) were randomly collected in each plain to determine SOM using the WB method and the LOI procedure at 300,360,400,500 and 550 ℃ for 2 h.The samples covered wide ranges of soil texture and calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE).The general linear form of the regression equation was calculated to estimate SOM LOI from SOM obtained by the WB method for both overall samples and individual plains.Forty soil samples were also randomly selected to compare the SOM and CCE before and after ignition at each temperature.Overall accuracy of the continuous maps generated for the LOI and WB methods was considered to determine the accordance of two procedures.Results showed a significant positive linear relationship between SOM LOI and SOM WB.Coefficients of determination (R2) of the equations for individual plains were higher than that of the overall equation.Coefficients of determination and line slopes decreased and root mean square error (RMSE) increased with increasing ignition temperature,which may be due to the mineral structural water loss and destruction of carbonates at higher temperatures.A temperature around 360 ℃ was identified as optimum as it burnt most organic carbon,destroyed less inorganic carbon,caused less clay structural water loss,and used less electrical energy.Although the trends of SOM in the kriged maps by the two procedures accorded well,low overall accuracy was observed for the maps obtained by the two methods.While not suitable for determination where high accuracy is required,determination of organic carbon through LOI is likely suitable for exploratory soil surveys where rough estimation of organic matter is required. 展开更多
关键词 calcium carbonate equivalent ignition temperature kriged maps spatial variability wet oxidation
Experimental and Modeling Study of Forest Fire Effect on Soil Thermal Conductivity 被引量:5
作者 Kathleen M.SMITS Elizabeth KIRBY +1 位作者 William J.MASSMAN Larry Scott BAGGETT 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期462-473,共12页
An understanding of soil thermal conductivity after a wildfire or controlled burn is important to land management and post-fire recovery efforts. Although soil thermal conductivity has been well studied for non-fire h... An understanding of soil thermal conductivity after a wildfire or controlled burn is important to land management and post-fire recovery efforts. Although soil thermal conductivity has been well studied for non-fire heated soils, comprehensive data that evaluate the long-term effect of extreme heating from a fire on the soil thermal conductivity are limited. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term impact of fire on the effective thermal conductivity of soils by directly comparing fire-heated and no-fire control soils through a series of laboratory studies. The thermal conductivity was measured for ten soil samples from two sites within the Manitou Experimental Forest, Colorado, USA, for a range of water contents from saturation to the residual degree of saturation. The thermal conductivity measured was compared with independent estimates made using three empirical models from literature, including the Campbell et al. (1994), CSt~ and Konrad (2005), and Massman et al. (2008) models. Results demonstrate that for the test soils studied, the thermal conductivity of the fire-heated soils was slightly lower than that of the control soils for all observed water contents. Modeling results show that the Campbell et al. (1994) model gave the best agreement over the full range of water contents when proper fitting parameters were employed. Further studies are needed to evaluate the significance of including the influence of fire burn on the thermal properties of soils in modeling studies. 展开更多
关键词 controlled burn degree of saturation empirical model water content WILDFIRE
Selective Extraction Methods for Aluminium,Iron and Organic Carbon from Montane Volcanic Ash Soils 被引量:3
作者 B.JANSEN F.H.TONNEIJCK J.M.VERSTRATEN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期549-565,共17页
Montane volcanic ash soils contain disproportionate amounts of soil organic carbon and thereby play an often underestimated role in the global carbon cycle.Given the central role of Al and Fe in stabilizing organic ma... Montane volcanic ash soils contain disproportionate amounts of soil organic carbon and thereby play an often underestimated role in the global carbon cycle.Given the central role of Al and Fe in stabilizing organic matter in volcanic ash soils,we assessed various extraction methods of Al,Fe,and C fractions from montane volcanic ash soils in northern Ecuador,aiming at elucidating the role of Al and Fe in stabilizing soil organic matter(SOM).We found extractions with cold sodium hydroxide,ammonium oxalate/oxalic acid,sodium pyrophosphate,and sodium tetraborate to be particularly useful.Combination of these methods yielded information about the role of the mineral phase in stabilizing organic matter and the differences in type and degree of complexation of organic matter with Al and Fe in the various horizons and soil profiles.Sodium tetraborate extraction proved the only soft extraction method that yielded simultaneous information about the Al,Fe,and C fractions extracted.It also appeared to differentiate between SOM fractions of different stability.The fractions of copper chloride-and potassium chloride-extractable Al were useful in assessing the total reactive and toxic Al fractions,respectively.The classical subdivision of organic matter into humic acids,fulvic acids,and humin added little useful information.The use of fulvic acids as a proxy for mobile organic matter as done in several model-based approaches seems invalid in the soils studied. 展开更多
关键词 COMPLEXATION global carbon cycle soft extraction method soil organic matter
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