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济阳坳陷火成岩岩相分布模式研究 被引量:1
作者 陈利 《新疆石油学院学报》 2004年第3期13-15,共3页
火成岩岩相决定了火成岩体中原生孔隙的发育规律,影响着后期的构造形变、断裂破碎对火成岩储层的改善程度,是影响储层性质的基本因素之一。通过研究明确了济阳坳陷火成岩不同岩相的识别特征,建立了岩相分布模式,包括侵入相及相关变质相... 火成岩岩相决定了火成岩体中原生孔隙的发育规律,影响着后期的构造形变、断裂破碎对火成岩储层的改善程度,是影响储层性质的基本因素之一。通过研究明确了济阳坳陷火成岩不同岩相的识别特征,建立了岩相分布模式,包括侵入相及相关变质相模式、火山碎屑锥相模式及溢流玄武岩火山相相模式三种类型,为火成岩储层的综合评价奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 济阳坳陷 火成岩岩相 侵入相 火山碎屑锥相 溢流玄武岩火山相
黄骅坳陷新生界火成岩岩相与储集性能分析 被引量:2
作者 宋双 王龙 +3 位作者 郭佳 王一博 唐武 王龙颖 《地质学刊》 CAS 2019年第1期25-31,共7页
通过取芯段火成岩岩芯观察、测井以及地震相分析,将黄骅坳陷新生界火山岩划分为爆发相、溢流相、火山通道相和火山沉积相4种,并根据储集空间特征进一步划分为10种亚相,将侵入岩划分为3个相带。在此基础上建立黄骅坳陷火成岩岩相模式,并... 通过取芯段火成岩岩芯观察、测井以及地震相分析,将黄骅坳陷新生界火山岩划分为爆发相、溢流相、火山通道相和火山沉积相4种,并根据储集空间特征进一步划分为10种亚相,将侵入岩划分为3个相带。在此基础上建立黄骅坳陷火成岩岩相模式,并分析不同岩相火成岩的储集性能。研究认为:研究区溢流相上下区亚相和爆发相储集物性优越,构造裂缝和原生气孔发育,气孔、溶蚀孔缝、构造缝为主要储集空间;侵入相和次火山岩相火成岩由于热液作用造成围岩发生变质,原岩结构构造发生变化,使原来孔渗条件极差的泥岩变质为具有一定储集性能的储集岩;主要储集空间为收缩裂隙和构造裂隙。 展开更多
关键词 火成岩岩相 地震相 测井 储集性能 新生界 黄骅坳陷
歧口凹陷火成岩岩相与储集空间特征研究 被引量:13
作者 张绍辉 王振升 +5 位作者 刘玉梅 周育文 李玖勇 张莉华 马玉荣 董洪闯 《天然气地球科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期572-577,共6页
对歧口凹陷火山口相、爆发相、溢流相、浅成侵入相、次火山岩相、火山通道相及火山沉积相等多种火成岩岩相的测井、地震反射特征进行了归纳总结,并对不同岩相火成岩的储集空间类型及储集性能的影响因素进行了综合分析,结果表明:岩相是... 对歧口凹陷火山口相、爆发相、溢流相、浅成侵入相、次火山岩相、火山通道相及火山沉积相等多种火成岩岩相的测井、地震反射特征进行了归纳总结,并对不同岩相火成岩的储集空间类型及储集性能的影响因素进行了综合分析,结果表明:岩相是影响储集性能的主要控制因素,随火成岩相带不同,其储集物性也不相同。其中,溢流相、爆发相含有大量的气孔、砾间孔缝,储集性能好,而次火山岩相、溢流相中部的致密带与侵入岩相似,原生孔缝不发育,储集性能较差;一些外部作用因素也会对火成岩的储集性能产生较大的影响。 展开更多
关键词 歧口凹陷 火成岩岩相 储集空间特征 地震反射特征 储集性能 影响因素
辽河东部凹陷火成岩储层识别技术研究 被引量:4
作者 陈星州 童亨茂 +1 位作者 李冰 杨烁 《岩性油气藏》 CSCD 2014年第5期40-46,共7页
辽河东部凹陷火成岩油气藏具有地下地质条件复杂、岩性和岩相变化快、储层物性变化大及地震反射特征复杂等特点。对辽河东部凹陷火成岩储层构造特征系统研究后认为,火成岩主要受控于中部驾掌寺—界西走滑断裂系,并沿大断裂形成南北对称... 辽河东部凹陷火成岩油气藏具有地下地质条件复杂、岩性和岩相变化快、储层物性变化大及地震反射特征复杂等特点。对辽河东部凹陷火成岩储层构造特征系统研究后认为,火成岩主要受控于中部驾掌寺—界西走滑断裂系,并沿大断裂形成南北对称分布,主要发育多旋回喷出型火成岩和层状侵入型火成岩。针对这些特点,充分应用火成岩地震反射特征识别、波阻抗反演以及时间切片等技术发现和落实了红星喷出型和于楼侵入型等多个火成岩体,并采用火成岩旋回划分、波形聚类属性以及优势储层地震反演等技术对火成岩体相带和有利储层分布进行了划分和预测,形成了一套火成岩识别评价技术系列。该技术系列指导了辽河东部凹陷及外围陆家堡凹陷火成岩的勘探,并可为其他油区火成岩油气藏勘探提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 火成岩储层 多旋回喷出型 层状侵入型 喷发旋回划分 火成岩岩相 地震反演 辽河东部凹陷
作者 李因兰 回春 牛树然 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2010年第2期141-142,共2页
商741井区沙三中火成岩形成于沙三段沉积晚期,此时中央隆起带的主控断层—临邑断裂活动强度加剧,导致了深部岩浆沿断层从该地区的构造应力集中地区上涌,侵入到沙三段中期所形成的暗色泥岩中,形成超浅层侵入相火成岩。由于岩浆的温度极高... 商741井区沙三中火成岩形成于沙三段沉积晚期,此时中央隆起带的主控断层—临邑断裂活动强度加剧,导致了深部岩浆沿断层从该地区的构造应力集中地区上涌,侵入到沙三段中期所形成的暗色泥岩中,形成超浅层侵入相火成岩。由于岩浆的温度极高,而围岩的温度低,火成岩内发育原生气孔、裂缝、次生构造缝裂、溶孔溶洞等,烃源岩生成的油气运移到这些孔隙中,形成了沙三中火成岩油藏。 展开更多
关键词 火成岩 火成岩岩相 裂缝发育特征 成藏模式 油气分布规律
Controlling the effect of a distant extremely thick igneous rock in overlying strata on coal mine disasters 被引量:8
作者 WANG Liang 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第4期510-515,共6页
Based on theoretical analysis, similarity simulation tests, numerical simulation analysis and field observations, we analyzed rock collapse and rules of fraction evolution of overlying rocks and studied the rules in c... Based on theoretical analysis, similarity simulation tests, numerical simulation analysis and field observations, we analyzed rock collapse and rules of fraction evolution of overlying rocks and studied the rules in controlling the effect of an extremely thick igneous rock, found above a main mining coal seam in an area prone to coal mine disasters in the Haizi Coal Mine. The results show that this igneous rock, called a "main key stratum", will not subside nor break for a long time, causing lower fractures and bed separations not to close. The presence of igneous rock plays an important role in rock bursts, mine floods, gas outburst and surface subsidence in coal mines. By analyzing the rules in controlling the effect of this igneous rock, we provide useful references for safety and high efficiency mining in coal mines under special geological conditions. 展开更多
关键词 extremely thick igneous rock SEPARATION rock burst mine flood gas outburst surface subsidence
Application of seismic facies and attributes analysis on the identification of Permian igneous rock 被引量:6
作者 Xu Yongzhong Yang Haijun +4 位作者 Liu Yongfu Wang Shuangshuangx Wang Shuangshuang Yang Peng Zhao Jixiang 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第4期471-475,共5页
Seismic facies and attributes analysis techniques are introduced.The geological characteristics of some oil fields in western China are used in conjunction with drilling results and logging data to identify the lithol... Seismic facies and attributes analysis techniques are introduced.The geological characteristics of some oil fields in western China are used in conjunction with drilling results and logging data to identify the lithology,intrusion periods,and distribution range of the Permian igneous rocks in this area.The lithologic classification,the vertical and horizontal distribution,and the intrusion periods of igneous rock were deduced through this study.Combining seismic facies and attributes analysis based on optimization can describe the igneous rock in detail.This is an efficient way to identify lithology and intrusion periods.Using geological data and GR-DT logging cross-plots the Permian igneous rock from TP to TT was divided into three periods.The lithology of the first period is tuff and clasolite with a thickness ranging from 18 to 80 ms.The second is basalt with a thickness ranging from 0 to 20 ms.The third is tuff and clasolite and dacite whose thickness ranges from 60 to 80 ms.These results can help understand the clasolite trap with low amplitude and the lithologic trap of the Carboniferous and Silurian.They can also guide further oil and/or gas exploration. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic faciesAttributes analysisLogging cross-plot lgneous rock
Geochemistry and tectonic significance of volcanic rocks from Qushenla Formation in Gerze area of northern Tibetan Plateau
作者 ZHANG Rui CHI Xiaoguo +6 位作者 LIU Jianfeng ZHAO Yuandong SUN Wei PAN Shiyu QUAN Jingyu FAN Lefu WANG Limin 《Global Geology》 2015年第1期16-25,共10页
By using petrological,isotope chronological,and geochemical methods,the authors studied the volcanic rocks in the studied area,mainly including dacites and trachytes. The results show that they formed during the late ... By using petrological,isotope chronological,and geochemical methods,the authors studied the volcanic rocks in the studied area,mainly including dacites and trachytes. The results show that they formed during the late Early Cretaceous. Geochemically,the volcanic rocks are relatively enriched in large-ion lithophile elements( Rb,K,and Th) and depleted in high field strength elements( Nb,Ta,and Ti),and rich in light rare earth elements,and depleted in heavy rare earth elements. The fact indicates that the main body of the volcanic rocks in the Qushenla Formation was derived from the partial melting of lower crust. The lithological assemblages are characterized by continental high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic series,suggesting that the southward-subducting oceanic slab in southern Bangong Lake had break off and that the Bangong Lake-Nujiang Ocean had closed before 107 Ma. The main dynamic mechanisms for the genesis of this set of intermediate-acidic volcanic rocks were upwelling of the asthenosphere and partial melting of the lower crust caused by slab break-off. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau Gaize volcanic rock GEOCHEMISTRY tectonic significance Qushenla Formation
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