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作者 周威剑 张兆林 +2 位作者 覃培 田彪 张小飞 《江西水利科技》 2023年第1期50-56,共7页
火甲水库一副坝是一座双重拱坝,1980年建成投入运行,运行不久,第一重拱坝下游面出现了3条竖向裂缝。为了分析裂缝的成因,采用限元分析方法分析不同荷载组合下拱坝的位移及应力,揭示拱坝裂缝的成因。研究表明:坝体过于单薄,坝体的拱圈和... 火甲水库一副坝是一座双重拱坝,1980年建成投入运行,运行不久,第一重拱坝下游面出现了3条竖向裂缝。为了分析裂缝的成因,采用限元分析方法分析不同荷载组合下拱坝的位移及应力,揭示拱坝裂缝的成因。研究表明:坝体过于单薄,坝体的拱圈和拱梁的刚度不足,温升和温降时坝体出现径向的往复变形,两者是一重拱坝出现裂缝的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 双重拱坝 裂缝成因 火甲水库 有限元法
作者 朱诗鳌 《湖北水力发电》 2009年第5期28-31,共4页
上世纪20年代,国外有人提出了一种别开生面的坝型——组合坝。之后,一些坝工专家对这种坝型进行了卓有成效的研究。遗憾地是,迄今80多年过去了,在国外始终未建过这种类型的坝。堪称奇迹的是,在70年代,我国却"默默地"建成了1... 上世纪20年代,国外有人提出了一种别开生面的坝型——组合坝。之后,一些坝工专家对这种坝型进行了卓有成效的研究。遗憾地是,迄今80多年过去了,在国外始终未建过这种类型的坝。堪称奇迹的是,在70年代,我国却"默默地"建成了1座组合坝,这就是广西的火甲拱坝。它的建成是坝工历史上前无古人的功绩。 展开更多
关键词 组合坝 火甲拱坝 坝体加高
火甲水库主坝高压喷射灌浆防渗堵漏设计与施工 被引量:2
作者 张宗媛 郭祯荣 梁志坚 《广西水利水电》 2004年第1期49-51,共3页
关键词 火甲水库 主坝 高压喷射灌浆 堵漏 混凝土防渗墙 设计 工程施工
火甲水库双层拱坝裂缝封堵灌浆设计与施工 被引量:1
作者 李剑锋 《广西水利水电》 2004年第1期46-48,共3页
关键词 火甲水库 双层拱坝 裂缝 化学灌浆 设计 工程施工
明代的保甲与火甲 被引量:4
作者 陈宝良 《明史研究》 1993年第1期59-66,134,共8页
明初立国。明太祖朱元璋创设了一整套的乡村管理体制,即里甲制度。里甲制与耆老制并行,是朱元璋乡治思想的最大特点。在这套乡村制度中,教化处于先行的位置,控制户籍则是维持乡村社会安定的保证。老人里甲。除了管理词讼、户婚、田土、... 明初立国。明太祖朱元璋创设了一整套的乡村管理体制,即里甲制度。里甲制与耆老制并行,是朱元璋乡治思想的最大特点。在这套乡村制度中,教化处于先行的位置,控制户籍则是维持乡村社会安定的保证。老人里甲。除了管理词讼、户婚、田土、斗殴、争占、失火、骂詈、钱债、赌博、擅食田园瓜果等民事外。还兼管有关盗窃之事的乡村防御。 展开更多
关键词 明太祖朱元璋 明初 火甲 屯寨 乡兵 都保正 户婚 北直隶 钱债
作者 胡海峰 《中国社会经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期12-17,共6页
明初政府建立了五城兵马司、巡城御史、锦衣卫等衙门共同维护京城治安。宣德时朝廷开始在京城原有的坊厢体制下增设巡警铺,其下的火夫、总甲(火甲)是城市居民承担的徭役,至此北京城形成了主要由兵马司等督率火甲来负责城市管理职能。成... 明初政府建立了五城兵马司、巡城御史、锦衣卫等衙门共同维护京城治安。宣德时朝廷开始在京城原有的坊厢体制下增设巡警铺,其下的火夫、总甲(火甲)是城市居民承担的徭役,至此北京城形成了主要由兵马司等督率火甲来负责城市管理职能。成化、弘治间,火甲不堪重负,坊铺制遭遇重大危机,城市治安恶化,明末保甲制终在北京城推行,但带有军事色彩的保甲制也无法阻止城市治安的颓败之势。 展开更多
关键词 明代 北京 火甲
作者 李奕涛 《社科与经济信息》 1994年第12期24-26,47,共4页
地处博白南大门的英桥镇,气候宜人土地肥沃,山岭重叠连绵不断。尤其是低山坡、火甲塘一带的山脉,更是逶迤多姿气势不凡。一座座郁郁葱葱的奇峰,构成了一条条奔腾飞跃的龙;一个个千姿百态的峻岭,恰似一只只造型典雅的凤凰。而一丛丛清葱... 地处博白南大门的英桥镇,气候宜人土地肥沃,山岭重叠连绵不断。尤其是低山坡、火甲塘一带的山脉,更是逶迤多姿气势不凡。一座座郁郁葱葱的奇峰,构成了一条条奔腾飞跃的龙;一个个千姿百态的峻岭,恰似一只只造型典雅的凤凰。而一丛丛清葱翠绿的龙眼果树,就像龙身上的闪光绿甲,就似凤身上绿铮铮的羽毛,欲使龙腾飞、凤起舞……这就是博白经济能人冯学坤、冯学全兄弟俩办起来的桂圆发展公司英坤水果场所在地。当你看到这浩瀚的山岭、壮观的景象和迷人的风采时,必定会赏心悦目击掌称妙,真正领略了'龙飞凤舞'这词的深刻含义。 展开更多
关键词 冯学 气势不凡 火甲 一丛丛 南大门 座座 绿 凤起 树坑 朱先生
作者 胡锡成 《新闻记者》 北大核心 1993年第12期48-48,共1页
一位采写范围很有局限的企业报记者,他的新闻作品居然为10家新闻单位所采用,并获得4个奖,有什么经验呢? 他的体会或许对企业界的新闻同行有所启发。
关键词 企业报 新闻同行 第一职业 新闻由头 工人日报 工人报 文说 岗位技能工资 中层干部 火甲
作者 高靖文 《电脑采购》 2003年第9期32-32,共1页
魔法师是神秘艺术的召唤者,拥有力量呼叫所有东西——从一条面包到火元素——来帮他们作战。不像巫师那样熟练攻击咒语,但在这方面魔法师还是拥有不少的力量。因为被认为是神秘艺术的招唤者,有些人觉得魔法师是纯咒语者中最神秘的。他... 魔法师是神秘艺术的召唤者,拥有力量呼叫所有东西——从一条面包到火元素——来帮他们作战。不像巫师那样熟练攻击咒语,但在这方面魔法师还是拥有不少的力量。因为被认为是神秘艺术的招唤者,有些人觉得魔法师是纯咒语者中最神秘的。他们有特殊能力召唤食物、武器与元素在战场上使用。这些优势足够使魔法师在《EverQuest》中成为最强大,但却被低估的职业。 展开更多
关键词 秘文 魔法师 EverQuest 微力 战场上 阿泽 洛塞 羽毛笔 火甲
《浙江检验医学》 2012年第4期26-26,共1页
各市、县(市)临检中心、各质控单位:根据2012年工作计划,浙江省临床检验中心定于2012年12月3日~5日在杭州召开"2 012年浙江省临床检验管理工作会议",会议将总结2012年全省临检质控工作以及检验科实地考核情况等内容,并邀请... 各市、县(市)临检中心、各质控单位:根据2012年工作计划,浙江省临床检验中心定于2012年12月3日~5日在杭州召开"2 012年浙江省临床检验管理工作会议",会议将总结2012年全省临检质控工作以及检验科实地考核情况等内容,并邀请省内外专家授课。具体事宜通知如下:一、会议时间:2012年12月3日报到(8:00~18:00),4日~5日上午会议,5日下午撤离。 展开更多
关键词 检验管理 临床检验中心 临检中心 工作计划 火甲 检验科 浙江省人民医院 元名 杭州市萧山区 马瑛
《中国证券监督管理委员会公告》 2011年第9期139-139,共1页
关键词 火甲 史辉 习心
Effect of Hydrogen Addition on Methane HCCI Engine Ignition Timing and Emissions Using a Multi-zone Model 被引量:1
作者 汪子涵 汪春梅 +2 位作者 唐华欣 左承基 徐宏明 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期290-296,340,共8页
Ignition timing control is of great importance in homogeneous charge compression ignition engines. The effect of hydrogen addition on methane combustion was investigated using a CHEMKIN multi-zone model. Results show ... Ignition timing control is of great importance in homogeneous charge compression ignition engines. The effect of hydrogen addition on methane combustion was investigated using a CHEMKIN multi-zone model. Results show that hydrogen addition advances ignition tim- ing and enhances peak pressure and temperature. A brief analysis of chemical kinetics of methane blending hydrogen is also performed in order to investigate the scope of its appli- cation, and the analysis suggests that OH radical plays an important role in the oxidation. Hydrogen addition increases NOx while decreasing HC and CO emissions. Exhaust gas recir- culation (EGR) also advances ignition timing; however, its effects on emissions are generally the opposite. By adjusting the hydrogen addition and EGR rate, the ignition timing can be regulated with a low emission level. Investigation into zones suggests that NOx is mostly formed in core zones while HC and CO mostly originate in the crevice and the quench layer. 展开更多
关键词 Homogeneous charge compression ignition Multi-zone model METHANE Hy- drogen Ignition timing EMISSION
The experimental of methane-air flame propagation in the tube with quadrate cross section 被引量:4
作者 郭子如 沈兆武 +1 位作者 陆守香 周宁 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2005年第2期60-63,共4页
The flame propagation of methane-air mixture with various methane concen-trations was experimentally investigated at venting flame acceleration tube with quad-rate cross section under different obstacles presented. Th... The flame propagation of methane-air mixture with various methane concen-trations was experimentally investigated at venting flame acceleration tube with quad-rate cross section under different obstacles presented. The flame shape and propaga-tion speed was observed by high-speed color video camera. The explosion pressure was determined by piezoelectricity pressure transducers. The results are: The flame propagates in the shape of a hemisphere before the flame reaches the first baffle and flame propagation speed is not more than 15 m/s. When the flame propagates across the baffle, the flame begins to accelerate due to turbulence induced by obstacle. Blockage ratio has relatively greater effect on the flame propagation speed than re-peated baffle number does. The flame propagation speed and the pressure at different location along the tube are maximum when methane-air mixture is near the chemical stoichoimetric ratio. The pressure increases with the distance from ignition end at first and the maximum pressure was obtained at the middle of tube, but the pressure de-creases and again increases at venting end. 展开更多
关键词 flame propagation methane obstacle pressure gas explosion
Synergistic effects of expandable graphite and dimethyl methyl phosphonate on the mechanical properties, fire behavior, and thermal stability of a polyisocyanurate-polyurethane foam 被引量:14
作者 Hu Xiangming Wang Deming Wang Shuailing 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2013年第1期13-20,共8页
In this study, a series of flame-retardant polyisocyanurate-polyurethane (PIR-PUR) foams were prepared using various concentrations (0-25% by weight) of expandable graphite (EG) and dimethyl methyl phosphonate (DMMP) ... In this study, a series of flame-retardant polyisocyanurate-polyurethane (PIR-PUR) foams were prepared using various concentrations (0-25% by weight) of expandable graphite (EG) and dimethyl methyl phosphonate (DMMP) (0-7% by weight). The effect of these additives on the properties of the PIR-PUR foams, including physico-mechanical, morphological, flame retardancy, and thermal stability, was studied. Increasing amounts of EG in the PIR-PUR foam caused a significant drop in the compression strength. However, DMMP caused the mechanical properties of PIR-PUR foam to improve compared to foam filled with EG alone. The flame retardancy of PIR-PUR foams containing both EG and DMMP was enhanced significantly compared to EG filled foams. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) indicated that EG enhances the thermal stability of PIR-PUR foams but that DMMP decreased it. The morphology of the residual char provided conclusive evidence for the weak thermal stability of foams filled with DMMP. 展开更多
关键词 Expandable graphite Dimethyl methyl phosphonate Fire behavior Thermal stability PIR–PUR foam
Experimental and numerical evaluations on characteristics of vented methane explosion 被引量:2
作者 SU Bin LUO Zhen-min +1 位作者 WANG Tao LIU Lang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第8期2382-2393,共12页
To research the characteristics of vented explosion of methane-air mixture in the pipeline,coal mine tunnel or other closed space,the experiments and numerical simulations were carried out.In this work,explosion chara... To research the characteristics of vented explosion of methane-air mixture in the pipeline,coal mine tunnel or other closed space,the experiments and numerical simulations were carried out.In this work,explosion characteristics and flame propagation characteristics of methane in pipeline and coal mine tunnel are studied by using an explosion test system,combined with FLACS software,under different vented conditions.The numerical simulation results of methane explosion are basically consistent with the physical experiment results,which indicates that the numerical simulation for methane explosion is reliable to be applied to the practice.The results show that explosion parameters(pressure,temperature and product concentration)of methane at five volume fractions have the same change trend.Nevertheless,the explosion intension of 10.0%methane is the largest and that of 9.5%methane is relatively weak,followed by 11.0%methane,8.0%methane and 7.0%methane respectively.Under different vented conditions,the pressure and temperature of methane explosion are the highest in the pipeline without a vent,followed by the pipeline where ignition or vent position is in each end,and those are the lowest in the pipeline with ignition and vent at the same end.There is no significant effect on final product concentration of methane explosion under three vented conditions.For coal mine tunnel,it is indicated that the maximum explosion pressure at the airproof wall in return airway with the branch roadway at 50 m from goaf is significantly decreased while that in intake airway does not change overwhelmingly.In addition,when the branch roadway is longer or its section is larger,the peak pressure of airproof wall reduces slightly. 展开更多
关键词 methane-air flame propagation CFD simulation vented explosion ignition position peak pressure
Numerical Study on Laminar Burning Velocity and Flame Stability of Premixed Methane/Ethylene/Air Flames 被引量:1
作者 陈珊珊 蒋勇 +1 位作者 邱榕 安江涛 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第5期914-922,共9页
A numerical study on premixed methane/ethylene/air flames with various ethylene fractions and equivalence ratios was conducted at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The effects of ethylene addition on laminar ... A numerical study on premixed methane/ethylene/air flames with various ethylene fractions and equivalence ratios was conducted at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The effects of ethylene addition on laminar burning velocity, flame structure and flame stability under the condition of lean burning were investigated. The results show that the laminar burning velocity increases with ethylene fraction, especially at a large equivalence ratio. More ethylene addition gives rise to higher concentrations of H, O and OH radicals in the flame, which significantly promotes chemical reactions, and a linear correlation exists between the laminar burning velocity and the maximum H + OH concentration in the reaction zone. With the increase of ethylene fraction, the adiabatic flame temperature is raised, while the inner layer temperature becomes lower, contributing to the enhancement of combustion. Markstein length and Markstein number, representative of the flame stability, increase as more ethylene is added, indicating the tendency of flame stability to improve with ethylene addition. 展开更多
关键词 laminar burning velocity flame stability METHANE ETHYLENE
Ignition characteristics and combustion performances of a LO_2/GCH_4 small thrust rocket engine 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Jia-qi LI Qing-lian SHEN Chi-bing 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期646-652,共7页
A 500 N model engine filled with LO2/GCH4 was designed and manufactured.A series of ignition attempts were performed in it by both head spark plug and body spark plug.Results show that the engine can be ignited but th... A 500 N model engine filled with LO2/GCH4 was designed and manufactured.A series of ignition attempts were performed in it by both head spark plug and body spark plug.Results show that the engine can be ignited but the combustion cannot be sustained when head spark plug applied as the plug tip was set in the gaseous low-velocity zone with thin spray.This is mainly because flame from this zone cannot supply enough ignition energy for the whole chamber.However,reliable ignition and stable combustion can be achieved by body spark plug.As the O/F ratio increases from 2.61 to 3.49,chamber pressure increases from 0.474 to 0.925 MPa and combustion efficiency increases from 57.8%to 95.1%.This is determined by the injector configuration,which cannot produce the sufficiently breakup of the liquid oxygen on the low flow rate case. 展开更多
关键词 LO2/GCH4 small thrust rocket engine ignition characteristic combustion performance
Methane–air explosion characteristics with different obstacle configurations 被引量:17
作者 Wen Xiaoping Yu Minggao +2 位作者 Ji Wentao Yue Meng Chen Junjie 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第2期213-218,共6页
To investigate the flame and overpressure characteristics of methane–air explosion with different obstacle configurations,an experimental study has been conducted,taking account of the number of obstacles,obstacle di... To investigate the flame and overpressure characteristics of methane–air explosion with different obstacle configurations,an experimental study has been conducted,taking account of the number of obstacles,obstacle distance from ignition source,and stream-wise and cross-wise obstacle positions.The results show that the flame speed and peak overpressure increase with the increasing number of obstacles,while the time to reach the peak is not fully determined by it.And the configuration having the farthest obstacle produces a higher overpressure and takes a longer time to reach the peak,but a slower flame propagation speed is obtained.Similar explosion characteristics are also observed in the configurations with two obstacles fixed at different stream-wise positions.Furthermore,the experimental results demonstrate that the peak overpressures and flame speeds in configurations with central or staggered obstacles are relatively higher,which should to be avoided in practical processes to minimize the risk associated with methane–air explosion. 展开更多
关键词 Methane-air explosion Obstacle configurations Flame propagation Overpressure
RANS Simulation of Methane Diffusion Flame: Comparison of Two Chemical Kinetics Mechanisms
作者 Guessab Ahmed Abdelkader Aris +1 位作者 Iskander Gokalp Faouzi Tabet Helal 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2013年第6期400-408,共9页
Turbulent non-premixed combustion of gaseous fuels is of importance for many technical applications, especially for the steel and refractory industry. Accurate turbulent flow and temperature fields are of major import... Turbulent non-premixed combustion of gaseous fuels is of importance for many technical applications, especially for the steel and refractory industry. Accurate turbulent flow and temperature fields are of major importance in order to predict details on the concentration fields. The performances of the GRI-Mech 3.0 and the Jones and Lindstedt mechanisms are compared. Detailed chemistry is included with the GRI-Mech 3.0 and J-L kinetic mechanisms in combination with the laminar flamelet combustion model. The combustion system selected for this comparison is a confined non-premixed methane flame surrounded by co-flowing air The simulation results are compared with experimental data of Lewis and Smoot (2001). 展开更多
关键词 Co-flow methane/air turbulent flame COMBUSTION numerical simulation chemical kinetic.
明代总甲设置考述 被引量:23
作者 王裕明 《中国史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期145-160,共16页
总甲广泛设置于明代社会组织之中,为明代社会的重要职役之一。治安体系、军事建制、徭役组织以及商税机构等都设有总甲。组织形式主要为总小甲制。不同组织的总甲设置颇有变异;总甲与火甲、保甲、里甲之间的关系相当复杂。总甲设置的基... 总甲广泛设置于明代社会组织之中,为明代社会的重要职役之一。治安体系、军事建制、徭役组织以及商税机构等都设有总甲。组织形式主要为总小甲制。不同组织的总甲设置颇有变异;总甲与火甲、保甲、里甲之间的关系相当复杂。总甲设置的基本功能在于维护社会治安。明中叶以后总甲的衰落与保甲的兴起相嬗替。 展开更多
关键词 火甲 职彼 治安
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