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300MW循环流化床锅炉压火及热态启动操作方法探讨 被引量:7
作者 李寿军 刘卫强 《内蒙古电力技术》 2011年第3期102-104,共3页
分析了300 MW循环流化床锅炉压火及热态启动过程中的操作要点和注意事项:压火时应合理选择控制床压,控制好蒸汽温度,把握停运风机的时机,压火后密切监视床温、烟气含量、蒸汽压力等参数;热态启动时要进行热态吹扫,合理调整点火风量,合... 分析了300 MW循环流化床锅炉压火及热态启动过程中的操作要点和注意事项:压火时应合理选择控制床压,控制好蒸汽温度,把握停运风机的时机,压火后密切监视床温、烟气含量、蒸汽压力等参数;热态启动时要进行热态吹扫,合理调整点火风量,合理投煤等。 展开更多
关键词 循环流化床锅炉 锅炉 热态启动 节油 床压 蒸汽温度
锅炉火检监测系统电源可靠性优化 被引量:1
作者 张永旺 《机电信息》 2021年第24期31-32,共2页
锅炉火检监测系统是电厂锅炉灭火保护的重要设备,某电厂锅炉火检监测系统电源柜双电源分别取自锅炉#2热工控制电源柜内UPS和保安电源(AC220 V),电源回路设计存在重大隐患:若两路交直流电源模块故障或整流二极管故障造成6台磨煤机所有火... 锅炉火检监测系统是电厂锅炉灭火保护的重要设备,某电厂锅炉火检监测系统电源柜双电源分别取自锅炉#2热工控制电源柜内UPS和保安电源(AC220 V),电源回路设计存在重大隐患:若两路交直流电源模块故障或整流二极管故障造成6台磨煤机所有火焰监测探头电源失去,将触发炉膛火焰丧失保护,引起锅炉灭火,汽轮机跳闸。为解决此隐患,决定对火检监测系统电源回路进行优化,采用全新的电源分散布局理念,提高独立电源模块可靠性。该技术改造提升了机组运行的稳定性,取得了很好的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 锅炉检监测系统 保护 双电源 准确性 稳定性
作者 安常林 《甘肃科技》 2012年第20期71-73,共3页
在高煤价的压力下,如何保证供暖企业与用户的利益成为供暖企业棘手的问题。选择价位相对较低的煤种是供暖企业唯一的选择,然而新煤种的使用会给锅炉设备和操作人员带来巨大的安全隐患。如何解决燃煤与锅炉设备及操作人员间的不适应,成... 在高煤价的压力下,如何保证供暖企业与用户的利益成为供暖企业棘手的问题。选择价位相对较低的煤种是供暖企业唯一的选择,然而新煤种的使用会给锅炉设备和操作人员带来巨大的安全隐患。如何解决燃煤与锅炉设备及操作人员间的不适应,成为供暖企业的当务之急。 展开更多
关键词 不同煤种 分析实验 锅炉技术探讨
循环流化床锅炉压火及热态启动过程中防汽温超温的措施 被引量:1
作者 卢靖国 《现代工业经济和信息化》 2015年第4期65-66,85,共3页
文章分析了300 MW循环流化床锅炉压火注意事项及热态启动过程中汽温超温的原因、危害;压火时应合理选择控制床压,控制好蒸汽温度,把握停运风机的时机;热态启动时合理调整点火风量,合理投煤以及适时地投入减温水等来控制汽温。
关键词 循环流化床锅炉 锅炉 热态启动
300MW循环流化床锅炉压火及热态启动方案 被引量:1
作者 康田 《电力系统装备》 2021年第10期68-69,共2页
分析了300 MW循环流化床锅炉压火的目的及意义,压火及热态启动操作步骤及注意事项。压火时应严格控制床温、汽温、缸温、汽压下降速率;热态启动时应调整好风量,控制好投煤时机及投煤量;压火期间及热态恢复过程中应控制好环保指标。
关键词 循环流化床锅炉 锅炉 热态启动 床温床压 汽温汽压 环保指标
作者 谢绍洲 何德清 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 1998年第4期243-244,共2页
随着人们生活水平的逐年提高,火锅,这一传统饮食越来越受人们青睐,也由此带来食品卫生的诸多问题。一些不法经营者竟将违禁毒品罂粟壳〈籽〉加入火锅中,诱使食客成瘾,牟取暴利,严重损害了人们的身体健康,阻碍了《食品卫生法》的... 随着人们生活水平的逐年提高,火锅,这一传统饮食越来越受人们青睐,也由此带来食品卫生的诸多问题。一些不法经营者竟将违禁毒品罂粟壳〈籽〉加入火锅中,诱使食客成瘾,牟取暴利,严重损害了人们的身体健康,阻碍了《食品卫生法》的正常贯彻执行。为了确保人民群众的身... 展开更多
关键词 火锅炉 罂粟壳 卫生现状 管理
华能平凉电厂4X300MW机组火检优化改造 被引量:1
作者 折中明 李刚 +1 位作者 张虎存 张帆 《甘肃电力技术》 2013年第2期53-55,共3页
火力发电过程中,锅炉的燃烧系统控制与监测是火电厂燃煤机组的自动控制中的核心部分。在实际电站锅炉的运行中,由于工况调整、燃料的掺配,以及炉内燃烧空气动力场的变动使火检无火焰,极易导致炉内燃料堆积局部燃烧甚至爆燃,对热力... 火力发电过程中,锅炉的燃烧系统控制与监测是火电厂燃煤机组的自动控制中的核心部分。在实际电站锅炉的运行中,由于工况调整、燃料的掺配,以及炉内燃烧空气动力场的变动使火检无火焰,极易导致炉内燃料堆积局部燃烧甚至爆燃,对热力电站锅炉的经济安全运行埋下了隐患。针对华能平凉发电公司中一期4X300MW机组,我们探究火检系统运行中存在的问题,我们对不同燃烧阶段的燃烧提出了配套方案,为我们在后期进行设备改造及选型时留下了大量的参考依据;新采用的红外探测技术火检系统,很好的解决了锅炉燃烧过程中的种种火检信号不到位的问题,使生产人员在生产维护过程中节省出大量的人力、物力和财力。现在将公司的改造成果在此分析总结,以期和各位同仁共同探讨。 展开更多
关键词 热力电站锅炉燃烧检系统焰闪动频率红外探测
350 MW超临界循环流化床锅炉甩负荷试验控制要点及存在问题分析 被引量:3
作者 王映奇 吕建 惠志平 《山西电力》 2019年第6期65-68,共4页
以山西灵石启光电厂350 MW超临界循环流化床锅炉为例,介绍了350 MW超临界循环流化床锅炉甩负荷试验过程,并对甩负荷过程中出现的问题提出了解决方案。结果表明:机组在进行50%及100%甩负荷时采用锅炉压火方式,可保证锅炉各项参数在可控... 以山西灵石启光电厂350 MW超临界循环流化床锅炉为例,介绍了350 MW超临界循环流化床锅炉甩负荷试验过程,并对甩负荷过程中出现的问题提出了解决方案。结果表明:机组在进行50%及100%甩负荷时采用锅炉压火方式,可保证锅炉各项参数在可控范围之内,能满足机组快速并网的要求。 展开更多
关键词 超临界循环流化床 甩负荷 锅炉 超温
作者 骆伟方 《科技资讯》 2006年第6期22-23,共2页
关键词 锅炉 远程通讯 方案
作者 周国东 焦玉明 +4 位作者 张维 张磊 郭涛 李冉 赵俊杰 《光源与照明》 2023年第11期84-86,共3页
文章提出了一种包括多光谱成像、红外热成像和高速摄像等技术组合的多元异构光学识别的方法,能够捕捉不同频段的信息,提供更丰富、全面的视觉和热像数据,实现了锅炉壁面结焦和缺陷的高温图像在线识别,提高了锅炉运行的效率和安全性。研... 文章提出了一种包括多光谱成像、红外热成像和高速摄像等技术组合的多元异构光学识别的方法,能够捕捉不同频段的信息,提供更丰富、全面的视觉和热像数据,实现了锅炉壁面结焦和缺陷的高温图像在线识别,提高了锅炉运行的效率和安全性。研究结果表明,基于多种光学识别原理、多频段数据采集,可以更准确地探测目标物体的物质成分、温度分布、表面形态等重要特征。多光谱成像技术分析不同波长下的反射或透射特征光谱;红外热成像技术检测热辐射能量、分布和温度变化;高速摄像技术捕捉壁面振动、位移及变形情况。三种测量元器件及技术互补,可创新性地实现锅炉金属壁面缺陷的大视野范围监视、识别,弥补了炉膛高温壁面在线观测的行业空白。 展开更多
关键词 多元异构光学 锅炉壁面结焦 壁面缺陷 高温光学图像 锅炉
作者 王利锋 袁晓东 《宁夏电力》 2011年第4期49-50,70,共3页
针对中宁电厂1号炉炉膛火焰丧失造成的锅炉主燃料丧失跳闸(MFT)事故,通过对火检柜电源模块的检查和对事故原因进行分析,得出:由于电源模块长时间运行,造成切换时间延长,使得火检放大器瞬时失电,送DCS有火信号丧失,继而触发锅炉MFT保护... 针对中宁电厂1号炉炉膛火焰丧失造成的锅炉主燃料丧失跳闸(MFT)事故,通过对火检柜电源模块的检查和对事故原因进行分析,得出:由于电源模块长时间运行,造成切换时间延长,使得火检放大器瞬时失电,送DCS有火信号丧失,继而触发锅炉MFT保护动作是产生事故的主要原因。从而提出解决方案,以保证机组安全运行。 展开更多
关键词 锅炉检系统 主燃料丧失跳闸(MFT) 炉膛焰丧失 电源模块 检放大器
作者 张利君 《模具工业》 1998年第4期17-19,共3页
锥盖斜孔冲裁模湘潭机电高等专科学校(湖南湘潭411101)张利君1引言图1为酒精火锅炉盖零件,材料为1Cr18Ni9Ti,料厚t=0.8mm。该零件斜面上有7个相同的圆孔和一个带键槽的圆孔。这8个孔要与上盖的8个孔相... 锥盖斜孔冲裁模湘潭机电高等专科学校(湖南湘潭411101)张利君1引言图1为酒精火锅炉盖零件,材料为1Cr18Ni9Ti,料厚t=0.8mm。该零件斜面上有7个相同的圆孔和一个带键槽的圆孔。这8个孔要与上盖的8个孔相配。加工这8个——————————... 展开更多
关键词 锥盖斜孔 冲裁 冲裁模 酒精火锅炉
Skeleton extraction of boiler flame images based on mathematical morphology 被引量:2
作者 华彦平 于向军 吕震中 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期352-354,共3页
In this paper, a method and algorithm of skeleton extraction based on binary mathematical morphology is presented. Sequential structuring elements (SEs) is also studied, which is the key problem of skeleton extraction... In this paper, a method and algorithm of skeleton extraction based on binary mathematical morphology is presented. Sequential structuring elements (SEs) is also studied, which is the key problem of skeleton extraction. The examples of boiler flame image processing show that the detected skeletons can present the geometric shape of flame images well. 展开更多
关键词 mathematical morphology flame image skeleton extraction
Effect of thermal cycle on Ni-Cr based nanostructured thermal spray coating in boiler tubes 被引量:2
作者 V.SENTHILKUMAR B.THIYAGARAJAN +1 位作者 M.DURAISELVAM K.KARTHICK 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1533-1542,共10页
Ni-Cr based nanostructured feedstock powder was prepared by mechanical milling technique involving repeated welding, fracturing, and re-welding of powder particles in a planetary ball mill. The milled nanocrystalline ... Ni-Cr based nanostructured feedstock powder was prepared by mechanical milling technique involving repeated welding, fracturing, and re-welding of powder particles in a planetary ball mill. The milled nanocrystalline powders were used to coat carbon steel tubes using high velocity oxygen fuel(HVOF) thermal spraying process. The characterization of the feedstock powder and HVOF coated substrates was performed using optical microscope, X-ray diffractometer(XRD), scanning electron microscope(SEM), high resolution transmission electron microscope(HR-TEM), energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS) and microhardness tests. The coated and uncoated samples were subjected to different thermal cycles and characterized for their phase changes, metallurgical changes and microhardness variations. Ni-Cr nanostructured coated samples exhibited higher mechanical and metallurgical properties compared to their conventionally coated counter parts. The results showed that the nanostructured coating possessed a more uniform and denser microstructure than the conventional coating. 展开更多
关键词 NANOSTRUCTURE coating feedstock powder thermal spray boiler tubes high velocity oxygen fuel
Measurement method and experimental research on flame emissivity in coal-fired furnaces
作者 杨超 娄春 +1 位作者 姜志伟 周怀春 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第1期104-106,共3页
The combustion condition in coal-fired furnaces of the large power station boiler is very complex and the flame emissivity is one of the important combustion parameters. A measurement method of the flame emissivity ba... The combustion condition in coal-fired furnaces of the large power station boiler is very complex and the flame emissivity is one of the important combustion parameters. A measurement method of the flame emissivity based on the blackbody furnace calibration of CCD (Charge Coupled Device) cameras and the color image processing techniques of computer was introduced. The experimental research on the flame emissivity in a 200 MW boiler furnace and a 300 MW boiler furnace was conducted respectively through the several CCD cameras installed at different height in furnace. The measurement results show: the flame emissivity increases with the increase of the unit load, the flame emissivity of the burner areas in furnace is the highest and the flame emissivity decrease with the increase of height of furnace above the burners area. 展开更多
关键词 flame emissivity coal-fired furnace CCD camera image processing
Analysis on Frequent Flameout of HG-1025/18.2-YM6 Boiler
作者 Zhang Benyao Yu Yongsheng +2 位作者 Cai Pei Wang Pinggeng Wang Ben 《Electricity》 2005年第3期17-20,共4页
Based on reason analyses for frequent flameout of HG-1025/18.2-YM6 boiler in a given power plant after coal quality variation, major factors such as unreasonable burner structure and inappropriate secondary air distri... Based on reason analyses for frequent flameout of HG-1025/18.2-YM6 boiler in a given power plant after coal quality variation, major factors such as unreasonable burner structure and inappropriate secondary air distribution were discussed in detail. A new mode of secondary air distribution was introduced to optimize the combustion performance, and a lower burner was retrofitted by increasing the relative distance between the primary air fuel rich-lean nozzles and reducing the size of waist air nozzles as well. As a result, the recirculating zone became more stable and the burner's combustion stability was improved.Practical operation shows that the modifications are so effective that the flameout problems caused by instable combustion never occur in operation. 展开更多
关键词 BOILER FLAMEOUT combustion control BURNER
Study and Application of W-Flame Boiler Startup Aided by Adjacent Hot Primary Air
作者 Hou Zhaoyi Qiu Xiantang Du Huazhong 《Electricity》 2012年第3期34-38,共5页
In this paper,the designed features of a W-flame coal-fired boiler are introduced.A scheme of joint primary air for two boilers is made and technical measures are also taken based on corresponding analyses and studies... In this paper,the designed features of a W-flame coal-fired boiler are introduced.A scheme of joint primary air for two boilers is made and technical measures are also taken based on corresponding analyses and studies.The scheme and the measures provide a reference for technicians to improve the efficiencies and reduce the startup costs of other similar large boilers. 展开更多
关键词 W-flame coal-fired boiler joint hot primary air STARTUP ENERGY-SAVING
Numerical Study of the Effect of Imaginary Circle Dinmeter and Initial Flow Field on the Aerodynamic Field in a Tangentially Fired Furnace 被引量:1
作者 Zhu Tong Sun Shaozeng +3 位作者 Xia Chunyi An Baizeng Wu Shaohua Qin Yukun(School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150001, Harbin, China)Ma Xichen(Haxbin Boiler Works) 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1997年第2期149-154,共6页
In this paper, the effect of the imaginary circle diameter opi and the initial flow field on the aerodynamic field in a tangentially fired furnace was studied by numerical simulation and experiments in the cold model.... In this paper, the effect of the imaginary circle diameter opi and the initial flow field on the aerodynamic field in a tangentially fired furnace was studied by numerical simulation and experiments in the cold model. Results show that merely reducing the imaginary circle diameter rki can not significantly reduce the rotatiollal diameter op in the range considered. The flow still rotates coullter-clockwise stably and does not change rotation direction when the direction of all jet axes are defiected suddenly to the opposite rotation direction by up to 5.4" in a countereclockwise llow field. It is the first time that the numerical sAnulation results were obtained which agreed quite well with this experimental phenomena qualitatively. The experimental data, i.e., the rotational diameter & and the maximum velocity on the syrnmetric central line of fUrnace Vm, are only a bit larger than the simulation results. It is shown that the initial flow field has an important influence on the aerodynamic field in the furnace. Other measures have to be taken as wel1 in order to reduce & to resist slagging and high temperature corrosion of furnace tubes. Moreover, a new kind of grid arrangement was proposed in this paper, which can reduce effectively the false diffosion at the exit zone of burner. 展开更多
关键词 aerodynamic field tangentially firing utility boiler numerical simulation
作者 刘成江 《煤气与热力》 北大核心 1996年第4期54-56,共3页
链条炉煤层分布不均的原因及其对策刘成江(平度市热电厂,平度266700)1概述链条炉是应用最广泛的一种火床锅炉,它的特点是具有链条炉排。煤从炉排前端的上方加入,靠炉排的连续移动实现加煤过程的机械化,并在炉排上形成一定... 链条炉煤层分布不均的原因及其对策刘成江(平度市热电厂,平度266700)1概述链条炉是应用最广泛的一种火床锅炉,它的特点是具有链条炉排。煤从炉排前端的上方加入,靠炉排的连续移动实现加煤过程的机械化,并在炉排上形成一定厚度的煤层进入炉膛燃烧。燃烧所需的... 展开更多
关键词 锅炉 锅炉 链条炉 煤层 分布
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