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透视“城市灰色区” 被引量:8
作者 史永亮 《现代城市研究》 2001年第3期11-14,共4页
以湖南省衡阳市为例,通过对城市灰色区的产生原因、特征及给城市带来的负面影响 的分析,提出了改造城市灰色区的目标和规划建设对策。
关键词 城市灰色区 城市建设 城市规划 湖南
作者 周俊 宋建达 《老年医学与保健》 CAS 2005年第2期91-93,共3页
目的评价肿瘤相关物质群(TSGF)诊断前列腺癌的临床应用价值。方法检测38例前列腺癌和86例前列腺增生症患者的血清TSGF,并与血清T-PSA进行比较。结果当T-PSA<10ng/ml(灰色区),血清TSGF值易于鉴别前列腺癌与前列腺增生症患者(P<0.0... 目的评价肿瘤相关物质群(TSGF)诊断前列腺癌的临床应用价值。方法检测38例前列腺癌和86例前列腺增生症患者的血清TSGF,并与血清T-PSA进行比较。结果当T-PSA<10ng/ml(灰色区),血清TSGF值易于鉴别前列腺癌与前列腺增生症患者(P<0.01);而T-PSA则不能(P>0.05)。结论血清TSGF是一种新的诊断前列腺癌的瘤标,可以降低T-PSA诊断前列腺癌的假阴性率。 展开更多
关键词 前列腺肿瘤 肿瘤标记 生物学 前列腺特异抗原 灰色区
作者 史永亮 《宁波经济(财经视点)》 2002年第6期16-17,共2页
日前,城市化正以一种前所未有的速度在神州大地推进,城市固有的由集聚、扩散作用而产生的投资'倍加回报'效应使城市区域不断向周边地区蔓延。与此同时,由于城市建设投资体制的变化及城市行政管理机制改革的滞后,部分原来毗邻城... 日前,城市化正以一种前所未有的速度在神州大地推进,城市固有的由集聚、扩散作用而产生的投资'倍加回报'效应使城市区域不断向周边地区蔓延。与此同时,由于城市建设投资体制的变化及城市行政管理机制改革的滞后,部分原来毗邻城市的农村渐渐被城区'环抱'或'围合',事实上成为城市的一部分。另一方面,它们却仍然保留着农村的生活方式,仍然接受农村式的行政管理。 展开更多
关键词 城市建设管理 城市化建设 城市经济发展 城市灰色区
O型FMD灭活疫苗免疫后呈现“灰色区”抗体应答的猪血液IL-12水平及淋巴细胞亚群的分析 被引量:2
作者 蔡虎 冯霞 +7 位作者 靳野 秦健 祁淑云 刘杨 杨文龙 张晓霞 尚延丽 马军武 《中国兽医科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期1180-1184,共5页
为掌握口蹄疫抗体效价处于"灰色区"的免疫猪群的免疫水平差异,对66头猪用不同剂量的O型口蹄疫疫苗免疫,免疫后第28天检测免疫猪抗体水平,并用疫苗同源强毒攻击,采用ELISA检测IL-12水平,用流式细胞术检测外周血淋巴细胞亚群比... 为掌握口蹄疫抗体效价处于"灰色区"的免疫猪群的免疫水平差异,对66头猪用不同剂量的O型口蹄疫疫苗免疫,免疫后第28天检测免疫猪抗体水平,并用疫苗同源强毒攻击,采用ELISA检测IL-12水平,用流式细胞术检测外周血淋巴细胞亚群比例。结果显示,在O型口蹄疫免疫抗体灰色区,被保护猪免疫后第28天血清IL-12水平较免疫前极显著升高(P<0.01),未被保护猪略有升高,但差异不显著(P>0.05);被保护猪外周血CD21+细胞亚群比例升高且差异极显著(P<0.01),CD3+CD4+T细胞比例显著升高(P<0.05),CD3+CD8+T细胞亚群比例变化不显著(P>0.05),而未被保护猪CD21+细胞亚群比例变化不显著(P>0.05),CD3+CD4+T细胞比例降低且差异显著(P<0.05),CD3+CD8+T细胞亚群比例降低且差异极显著(P<0.01)。结果表明,IL-12水平、外周血CD21+细胞亚群比例、CD3+CD4+T细胞亚群比例、CD3+CD8+T细胞亚群比例的差异是引起免疫抗体灰色区保护与不保护的影响因素。 展开更多
关键词 O型口蹄疫病毒 疫苗免疫 抗体灰色区 白细胞介素-12
作者 何燕子 王妍 《湖南工业大学学报》 2023年第6期61-68,共8页
为弥补传统碳效率评价偏向绝对量指标或者少数几个指标的单点式评价的不足,选取相对量指标,从经济、人口、福利多个维度并兼顾地区发展实际与公平原则,构建区域碳效率评价指标体系。将TOPSIS法与灰色关联投影分析相结合,并利用时间序列... 为弥补传统碳效率评价偏向绝对量指标或者少数几个指标的单点式评价的不足,选取相对量指标,从经济、人口、福利多个维度并兼顾地区发展实际与公平原则,构建区域碳效率评价指标体系。将TOPSIS法与灰色关联投影分析相结合,并利用时间序列平均算子二次加权以实现对泛珠三角9省(自治区)2011—2020年碳效率的动态综合评价。静态与动态评价研究结果显示:该区域碳效率发展水平存在差异,其中海南省碳效率总体水平较高,为0.530;贵州省碳效率相对较低,为0.162;海南省比贵州省高出227%。福建省碳效率呈上升趋势,由2011年的0.327上升至2020年的0.498,增长了52.3%。研究认为,应该制定差异化减排策略、加大技术经费投入、增强社会福利、引进人才以实现低碳经济发展。 展开更多
关键词 泛珠三角 碳效率 TOPSIS 灰色关联投影法
季风槽环境中暴雨中尺度对流系统的分析与数值预报试验 被引量:6
作者 蒙伟光 张艳霞 +2 位作者 吴亚丽 徐道生 陈德辉 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期980-998,共19页
应用地面降水观测资料、卫星云图、雷达回波以及NCEP再分析资料,对华南沿海受季风槽影响下发生的一次持续性暴雨的中尺度对流系统(MCS)进行分析,并探讨采用数值模式对中尺度对流系统降水进行预报的可能性。分析表明,暴雨由多个相继发展... 应用地面降水观测资料、卫星云图、雷达回波以及NCEP再分析资料,对华南沿海受季风槽影响下发生的一次持续性暴雨的中尺度对流系统(MCS)进行分析,并探讨采用数值模式对中尺度对流系统降水进行预报的可能性。分析表明,暴雨由多个相继发展的中尺度对流系统造成。在相似环境中,不同中尺度对流系统发展形态和水平尺度有较大差异,最大可组织发展成α中尺度对流复合体(MCC),但一般为β中尺度线状或带状对流系统。对其中发展形态分别表现为椭圆形中尺度对流复合体(MCS-2)和带状β中尺度对流系统(MCS-4)的对比分析发现,对流的起始发展均发生在夜间,与季风槽中低空急流的南风脉动有良好对应关系。基于临近探空资料的诊断发现,被认为对中尺度对流系统组织发展有指示作用的关键物理量如对流有效位能(CAPE)和风垂直切变难以区分不同中尺度对流系统的发展形态和趋势,探空资料的代表性将影响诸如"配料法"等暴雨客观预报方法的建立和应用。利用华南区域中心GRAPES(GRAPES_GZ)数值模式对两个中尺度对流系统进行的模拟预报结果表明,采用数值模式对中尺度对流系统降水进行显式预报已成为可能。比较而言,3 km水平分辨率模式可以更好地预报出暴雨的发生,但结果对是否调用对流参数化(CP)方案敏感。尽管不依靠对流参数化方案模式能够较好地预报出中尺度对流系统初始降水的发生,但会过度预报发展成熟后的降水。模式中如何描述中尺度对流系统对流的组织发展机制、如何处理对流参数化方案的"灰色区分辨率"问题需要仔细考虑。 展开更多
关键词 季风槽暴雨 中尺度对流系统 诊断分析 数值预报试验 对流参数化方案 灰色区分辨率
作者 康晓峰 《大庆师范学院学报》 2010年第1期125-127,共3页
光线照射到物体上,便形成了明暗变化,这是一种客观现象。明暗变化有一定的规律性,在绘画界把它归纳概括为"三面五调"。对它在造形上的正确应用和可能的拓展进行研究不仅对美术基础理论研究具有重要意义,也将对具象、意象、抽... 光线照射到物体上,便形成了明暗变化,这是一种客观现象。明暗变化有一定的规律性,在绘画界把它归纳概括为"三面五调"。对它在造形上的正确应用和可能的拓展进行研究不仅对美术基础理论研究具有重要意义,也将对具象、意象、抽象艺术之间的相互沟通与融合有一定的启示作用。 展开更多
关键词 “三面五调” 空间变化 方圆变化 明暗变化 黑白灰色区
中小尺度对流系统的高分辨率数值模拟近况和未来挑战 被引量:7
作者 黎慧琦 张大林 《气象科技进展》 2021年第3期75-91,共17页
随着高速、大容量、并行计算能力的迅速增长和中尺度数值模式的不断完善,近年来不断涌现使用1 km乃至次千米网格距开展中、小尺度对流系统的数值模拟研究。这些数值模拟工作展现出目前观测手段还无法得到的动力学一致的高分辨率气象信息... 随着高速、大容量、并行计算能力的迅速增长和中尺度数值模式的不断完善,近年来不断涌现使用1 km乃至次千米网格距开展中、小尺度对流系统的数值模拟研究。这些数值模拟工作展现出目前观测手段还无法得到的动力学一致的高分辨率气象信息,大大提高了对一些中、小尺度对流系统内部结构和演变的理解。但高分辨率数值模拟的未来发展也面临着不少问题和挑战。首先回顾提高模式分辨率至1 km乃至次千米模拟中、小尺度对流系统的进展,并综述目前在高分辨率数值模拟中的资料同化和物理过程处理方法,同时指出中尺度模式中处理积云对流、大气边界层和辐射过程时值得注意的分辨率“灰色区”,然后介绍使用1 km和次千米分辨率模拟中、小尺度对流系统的几篇有代表性的工作。最后讨论高分辨率数值模拟的未来发展和挑战。 展开更多
关键词 中小尺度对流系统 高分辨率数值模拟 资料同化 物理过程灰色区
作者 崔杰 刘思峰 谢乃明 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2012年第2期112-117,共6页
A grey multi-stage decision making method is proposed for a type of grey multi-index decision problems with weighted values completely unknown and attributes as interval grey numbers. Firstly, a method for compar- ing... A grey multi-stage decision making method is proposed for a type of grey multi-index decision problems with weighted values completely unknown and attributes as interval grey numbers. Firstly, a method for compar- ing two grey numbers based on probability is developed to calculate weighted values of the attributes. Secondly, the experts' evaluation scores for attribute values are presented in terms of internal grey numbers. Finally, a weight solving method for multiple-stages evaluation is proposed. An example analysis verifies the availability of the proposed method. The method provides a new way of thinking for solving grey decision problem. 展开更多
关键词 grey system multi-attribute decision making interval grey number
作者 谢乃明 郑静 辛江慧 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2012年第2期118-124,共7页
To extend the traditional generalized grey incidence model, a novel grey incidence model based on inter- val grey numbers is constructed. Considering the numerical information of indexes cannot be accurately obtained ... To extend the traditional generalized grey incidence model, a novel grey incidence model based on inter- val grey numbers is constructed. Considering the numerical information of indexes cannot be accurately obtained and can be defined as interval grey numbers, the interval grey numbers are defined as standard interval grey num- bers which are split in white part and grey part. The absolute degree of incidence and relative degree of incidence based on the interval grey numbers are constructed and their arithmetic are given. Finally, an example about commercial aircraft index selection illuminates the effectiveness of the model. The results show that the model can sort indexes better and can extend the grey incidence models significantly. 展开更多
关键词 grey system grey incidence analysis standard interval grey number absolute degree of incidencerelative degree of incidence
作者 廖锐全 刘德基 +1 位作者 鲁艳峰 肖新平 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2012年第2期131-135,共5页
The uncertainty measurement method for grey information theory and the metric formula are established, and its application in decision-making is researched. The entropy measurement of grey sequence based on the limite... The uncertainty measurement method for grey information theory and the metric formula are established, and its application in decision-making is researched. The entropy measurement of grey sequence based on the limited interval grey number sequence is different from the Shannon probability entropy. The measurement formula of grey number and its properties are studied, such as the invariance, the applicable conditions, and the grey entropy of union and intersection of two grey numbers, and so on. Finally, the algorithm for interval grey sequence and an example are given to show the effectiveness of the method. 展开更多
关键词 grey system entropy measurment interval grey number greyness degree
A Decision Model Based on Grey Rough Sets Integration with Incomplete Information 被引量:5
作者 HOU Ya-lin LUO Dang 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2009年第1期151-158,共8页
In this paper, for multiple attribute decision-making problem in which attribute values are interval grey numbers and some of them are null values, a decision model based on grey rough sets integration with incomplete... In this paper, for multiple attribute decision-making problem in which attribute values are interval grey numbers and some of them are null values, a decision model based on grey rough sets integration with incomplete information is proposed. We put forward incidence degree coefficient formula for grey interval, by information entropy theory and analysis technique, the method and principle is presented to fill up null values. We also establish the method of grey interval incidence cluster. Because grey system theory and Rough set theory are complementary each other, decision table with preference information is obtained by the result of grey incidence cluster. An algorithm for inducing decision rules based on rough set theory and the dominance relationship is presented. In some extent, this algorithm can deal with decision-making problem in which the attribute values are interval grey numbers and some of them are null values. Contrasted with classical model of cluster decision-making, the algorithm has an advantage of flexibility and compatibility to new information. 展开更多
关键词 grey system theory rough set incidence cluster interval grey number entropy null value
Study on the Grey Polynomial Geometric Programming 被引量:1
作者 LUODang 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期34-41,共8页
In the model of geometric programming, values of parameters cannot be gotten owing to data fluctuation and incompletion. But reasonable bounds of these parameters can be attained. This is to say, parameters of this mo... In the model of geometric programming, values of parameters cannot be gotten owing to data fluctuation and incompletion. But reasonable bounds of these parameters can be attained. This is to say, parameters of this model can be regarded as interval grey numbers. When the model contains grey numbers, it is hard for common programming method to solve them. By combining the common programming model with the grey system theory, and using some analysis strategies, a model of grey polynomial geometric programming, a model of θ positioned geometric programming and their quasi-optimum solution or optimum solution are put forward. At the same time, we also developed an algorithm for the problem. This approach brings a new way for the application research of geometric programming. An example at the end of this paper shows the rationality and feasibility of the algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 interval grey numbers grey polynomial geometric programming θ positioned geometric programming ALGORITHM
Preliminary Study on Gray Theory in Forecasting Great Drought in Shaoyang District
作者 谭德权 张果军 +3 位作者 吕校华 沈谨 戚平 王卫农 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第1期138-139,162,共3页
By using occurrence years of great drought in Shaoyang district in recent 20 years,the time sequence was established,and by gray disaster prediction theory,the possible great drought years in future in Shaoyang distri... By using occurrence years of great drought in Shaoyang district in recent 20 years,the time sequence was established,and by gray disaster prediction theory,the possible great drought years in future in Shaoyang district were predicted. The results showed that one quasi-periodic of great drought occurrence in Shaoyang district is 2 years,the next great drought years are 2010,2012 and 2015. Gray prediction drought theory will provide scientific basis for drought resistance work in Shaoyang district. 展开更多
关键词 Shaoyang district Gray disaster theory Great drought prediction
Variation Character of Grain Yield per Unit Area in Main Grain-producing Area of Northeast China 被引量:8
作者 CHENG Yeqing ZHANG Pingyu ZHANG Huimin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第2期110-116,共7页
Based on the surveys and the statistic data during 1980-2003, the variation character of grain yield per unit area in Northeast China and its main factors have been discussed by the methods of statistics and grey corr... Based on the surveys and the statistic data during 1980-2003, the variation character of grain yield per unit area in Northeast China and its main factors have been discussed by the methods of statistics and grey correlation analysis. The results show that: 1) the grain yield per unit area has been taking on an increasing trend in the recent 20 years. It increased from 2519.80kg/ha in 1980 to 4216.11kg/ha in 2003, with an increasing rate of 67.32%; 2) the variation of grain yield per unit area is considerably prominent and its range is also very great, with the maximal increase rate of 42.59% and maximal decrease rate of 21.13%, respectively, which are far above the whole Chinese average level; 3) the variation of main crops' yield per unit area is remarkable, which takes on the character that the yield of corn is much higher than that of soybean and rice; and 4) the grey correlation analysis shows that the most important factors impacting the variation of grain yield per unit area are the total power of agricultural machinery, the consumption of chemical fertilizer and effective irrigated area. However, the influence of natural disaster and income level should not be ignored. Effective ways to improve grain yield per unit area are to construct farmland improvement groundwork, reclaim the middle- and low-yield farmland, etc. 展开更多
关键词 grain yield per unit area grey correlation analysis Northeast China main grain-producing area
Mountain ground movement prediction caused by mining based on BP-neural network 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG He-sheng LIU Li-juan LIU Hong-fu 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第1期12-15,共4页
Six main influencing factors: slope, aspect, distance, angle, angle of coal seam, and the ratio of depth and thickness, were selected by Grey correlation theory and Grey relational analysis procedure programmed by th... Six main influencing factors: slope, aspect, distance, angle, angle of coal seam, and the ratio of depth and thickness, were selected by Grey correlation theory and Grey relational analysis procedure programmed by the MATLAB software package to select the surface movement and deformation parameters. On this basis, the paper built a BP neural network model that takes the six main influencing factors as input data and corresponding value of ground subsidence as output data. Ground subsidence of the 3406 mining face in Haoyu Coal was predicted by the trained BP neural network. By comparing the prediction and the practices, the research shows that it is feasible to use the 13P neural network to predict mountain mining subsidence. 展开更多
关键词 BP neural network mountain regions mining subsidence Grey theory
The Study on Agricultural Economy Forecasting using Grey Relationship Model
作者 YangWang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期112-114,共3页
Thinking of grey group model is the improvement on the traditional grey model. It does not merely use a grey model as the ultimate basis, but takes full account of the traditional GM (1,1) model and the GM (1, n) ... Thinking of grey group model is the improvement on the traditional grey model. It does not merely use a grey model as the ultimate basis, but takes full account of the traditional GM (1,1) model and the GM (1, n) model and join two predictions to form a prediction interval. So, the results are more reasonable and more realistic requirements and have strong guidance and reference. The farther the forecast period is, the worse the forecast is. The forecasts in the forecast period of 1-3 Years are the best, but the results of long-term are only as a reference value and the guidance data. Therefore, as the forecast period goes on, rolling grey model is used to increase accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural economy grey relation grade grey model
Regional diversity of agricultural labor productivity and its driving force in east China
作者 Liu Ziqiang Li Jing Lu Qi 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第2期144-151,共8页
China's eastern area is at middle and later stage of industrialization during which the relation between urban and rural areas, industry, and agriculture appears maladjusted. The main problems are shrinkage in agricu... China's eastern area is at middle and later stage of industrialization during which the relation between urban and rural areas, industry, and agriculture appears maladjusted. The main problems are shrinkage in agricultural comparative earning and lack of driving force of agricultural development. Based on calculating agricultural labor productivity in east China from 1996 to 2005, this paper analyzes contributing degree of motive forces of agriculture develop in ten provinces and cities of east China applying GCA (Grey correlative analysis). The results show that there is no absolute correspondence between the level of industrialization and agricultural labor productivity in China's eastern area. There is no synchronous development between industry and agricultural labor productiviry in some areas. Fertilizer and agricultural machinery input had high contributing degree for ten years; however; contributing degree in land and irrigation work input was low. Non-materialization inputs became the leading role in most provinces and cities' increase of agricultural labor productivity. Modern agricultural development need non-materialization inputs as primary motive force, at the same time, direct material input and facility input as guaranteed function. For some reasons, agricultural development is characterized by "more direct material input, less facility input " in east China now. Optimal driving.force model of future agricultural development in east China is that non-materialization inputs are dominant, that perfected facility input arc guarantee, and that certain substance inputs are necessary 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural development Driving force Direct material input Facility input. Non-materialization inputs East China
The Economic Effect of Mineral Resources Exploitation in Bijie Prefecture in Guizhou
作者 Lu Jinping Zhang Xinhua +2 位作者 Dong Dekun Wang Yining Gu Shuzhong 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第2期37-43,共7页
The exploitation of mineral resources plays an important role in promoting national economic development. Mining is an essential component of China's industrial economy. Using grey correlation method to analyze th... The exploitation of mineral resources plays an important role in promoting national economic development. Mining is an essential component of China's industrial economy. Using grey correlation method to analyze the correlative effect of mineral resources exploitation to relevant industries, using national income method to calculate the pulling effect of mineral resources exploitation to economic growth and using graphs as well as tables to analyze the income distribution effect, the article obtains active economic effect of mineral resources development in Bijie, Guizhou. Moreover, from the view of resources-cored effect, the article analyzes negative effects such as single industrial structure brought by mineral resource development. Through analysis, we find that mineral resources exploitation to some extent brings active effects including gross domestic product growth, local financial revenue growth and relevant industries development; however, its negative effects should not be ignored. The negative effect can be lightened by diversifying industrial structure and prolonging industrial chain. 展开更多
关键词 grey correlation industrial correlation effect stimulating effect income distribution effect resource-cored effect
扩张型心肌病患者磁共振下心肌特征与室性心律失常的关系 被引量:6
作者 孙一博 王喆 +3 位作者 张悦坤 罗方远 陈英伟 董建增 《临床心血管病杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第1期48-53,共6页
目的:探究非缺血性扩张型心肌病(NIDCM)患者磁共振下心肌强化特征与发生室性心律失常(VA)事件的关系,找出相关危险因素。方法:将2019年11月-2021年7月于郑州大学第一附属医院就诊的154例NIDCM患者纳入研究。根据发生VA事件的情况将其分... 目的:探究非缺血性扩张型心肌病(NIDCM)患者磁共振下心肌强化特征与发生室性心律失常(VA)事件的关系,找出相关危险因素。方法:将2019年11月-2021年7月于郑州大学第一附属医院就诊的154例NIDCM患者纳入研究。根据发生VA事件的情况将其分为对照组及失常组,比较两组患者的一般资料及心脏磁共振延迟强化(LGE-CMR)下心肌特征。通过logistic回归分析相关危险因素,并应用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析危险因素的诊断价值。结果:失常组的左室心肌质量(LVM)低于对照组,而年龄、左室舒张末期容积(EDV)、收缩末期容积(ESV)和胺碘酮的应用人数高于对照组(P<0.05)。LGE-CMR下失常组心肌的灰色区占比高于对照组(P<0.05),灰色区体积、强化区体积及占比无明显差异。logistic回归提示灰色区占比增加、年龄增大及ESV增大是发生VA的危险因素,而高LVM则为保护因素(P<0.05)。其中灰色区占比、年龄及LVM诊断VA的曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.662、0.646和0.607。结论:年龄和灰色区占比增大是NIDCM患者发生VA的独立危险因素,而较高的LVM起保护作用。 展开更多
关键词 室性心律失常 心脏磁共振 非缺血性扩张型心肌病 灰色区
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