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作者 孙伟 于元元 《安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期52-57,共6页
文章基于热奈特的叙事学理论分析波特《灰色马,灰色的骑手》中的瘟疫叙述技巧。《灰色马,灰色的骑手》中关于大流感的直接叙述寥寥无几,表面上大流感的叙事声音近乎为零,但波特通过对叙事视角、顺序和时距的巧妙运用使文本处处潜藏着对... 文章基于热奈特的叙事学理论分析波特《灰色马,灰色的骑手》中的瘟疫叙述技巧。《灰色马,灰色的骑手》中关于大流感的直接叙述寥寥无几,表面上大流感的叙事声音近乎为零,但波特通过对叙事视角、顺序和时距的巧妙运用使文本处处潜藏着对大流感的讲述。这种“无声胜有声”的瘟疫叙事技巧不仅能够彰显波特叙事手法精湛,真实展现大流感给人民带来的生理、心理双重痛苦打击,而且也能够给予后疫情时代下的当代读者启示。 展开更多
关键词 灰色马 灰色的骑手》 凯瑟琳·安妮·波特 瘟疫 叙事技巧 热奈特
大流感、战争与创伤记忆——《灰色马,灰色的骑手》中的创伤叙事 被引量:1
作者 王亭亭 《南华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期112-115,共4页
文学界对凯瑟琳·安·波特的研究多停留在其写作风格上,实际上,如果结合小说的第一次世界大战和1918年大流感爆发的背景来看,她的短篇小说《灰色马,灰色的骑手》是一部创伤小说。其中的创伤叙事不仅有助于个人的创伤修复,更揭... 文学界对凯瑟琳·安·波特的研究多停留在其写作风格上,实际上,如果结合小说的第一次世界大战和1918年大流感爆发的背景来看,她的短篇小说《灰色马,灰色的骑手》是一部创伤小说。其中的创伤叙事不仅有助于个人的创伤修复,更揭露了被帝国战争话语掩盖的集体创伤,是对历史叙事的一次积极补充和修改。 展开更多
关键词 灰色马 灰色的骑手》 大流感 一战 创伤叙事
作者 江锦年 《昆明学院学报》 2010年第5期89-92,共4页
凯瑟琳.安.波特是自薇拉.凯瑟以来最受称颂的美国女作家,中篇小说集《灰色马,灰色的骑手》是她最优秀的代表作之一。在这部小说集中,波特运用了大量的圣经原型以及多声叙事、重复、内心独白等多种叙事策略来揭示西方现代人在社会动荡中... 凯瑟琳.安.波特是自薇拉.凯瑟以来最受称颂的美国女作家,中篇小说集《灰色马,灰色的骑手》是她最优秀的代表作之一。在这部小说集中,波特运用了大量的圣经原型以及多声叙事、重复、内心独白等多种叙事策略来揭示西方现代人在社会动荡中所面临的生存困境和信仰危机,展现了人与上帝之间疏离、背弃和和解的三种关系,表达出作者对自我、信仰及人类救赎的思考。 展开更多
关键词 灰色马灰色的骑手 叙事策略 人与上帝 基督教伦理
作者 李欢 李毅峰 《广西教育学院学报》 2021年第4期44-47,共4页
《灰色马,灰色的骑手》是美国小说家凯瑟琳·安·波特著名的短篇小说之一。本文通过运用创伤理论分析女主人公米兰达的创伤症状、形成原因以及创伤治愈,发现作者对主人公米兰达身体和心灵上遭受生死挣扎的描写,实际上是对第一... 《灰色马,灰色的骑手》是美国小说家凯瑟琳·安·波特著名的短篇小说之一。本文通过运用创伤理论分析女主人公米兰达的创伤症状、形成原因以及创伤治愈,发现作者对主人公米兰达身体和心灵上遭受生死挣扎的描写,实际上是对第一次世界大战和1918年大流感中的创伤经历的再现,揭示人民在疾病和战争威胁下的生存处境和生活态度。 展开更多
关键词 创伤理论 灰色马 灰色的骑手》 大流感 第一次世界大战
作者 李丹阳 《阜阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第1期55-59,共5页
波特中篇小说集《灰色马,灰色的骑手》中的三篇小说都蕴含着死亡主题。从作者采取的叙述技巧入手,通过依次分析这三篇小说,探讨其中体现出的波特矛盾的死亡态度,群体的死亡焦虑及面对死亡时艰难的选择。叙事艺术丰富了死亡书写的表现力... 波特中篇小说集《灰色马,灰色的骑手》中的三篇小说都蕴含着死亡主题。从作者采取的叙述技巧入手,通过依次分析这三篇小说,探讨其中体现出的波特矛盾的死亡态度,群体的死亡焦虑及面对死亡时艰难的选择。叙事艺术丰富了死亡书写的表现力,对艺术手法的分析为更好地理解波特的死亡主题小说,提供了新的思路和参考。 展开更多
关键词 灰色马 灰色的骑手》 死亡主题 叙述技巧
作者 黄若泽 《圣经文学研究》 2019年第2期169-203,共35页
《灰色马》是郑振铎于1922年翻译的一部'信仰加革命'小说,主人公佐治和佛尼埃依据圣经尤其是《启示录》展开论辩,由此构成了这部作品的思想基础。本文以'互文性'方法分析郑译小说与圣经文本之间的衍生关系,进而探讨这... 《灰色马》是郑振铎于1922年翻译的一部'信仰加革命'小说,主人公佐治和佛尼埃依据圣经尤其是《启示录》展开论辩,由此构成了这部作品的思想基础。本文以'互文性'方法分析郑译小说与圣经文本之间的衍生关系,进而探讨这部小说在新文化运动语境中的文化接受状况。笔者发现,郑振铎的译本通过对圣经的引用、改写或引申等多重手段,将《启示录》的宗教寓意做了世俗化的政治解读,从而认同并强调了佐治决绝的革命精神。在郑振铎看来,方兴未艾的新文化运动面临着与《启示录》相似的决断时刻,故佐治的精神应该成为中国青年的榜样。由此,郑振铎的译作完成了从《启示录》、政治变革到思想变革的内在转换。 展开更多
关键词 《启示录》 灰色马 郑振铎 革命 翻译
作者 陈叶红 《信阳农林学院学报》 2022年第4期68-72,93,共6页
美国作家凯瑟琳·安·波特的《灰色马,灰色的骑手》常被视为反战经典,但它其实也是一部重要的疫病作品。小说通过去概念化、固定式人物有限视角和双线叙事结构对1918年流感进行了陌生化书写,借用瘟疫相关隐喻批判了暴力战争和... 美国作家凯瑟琳·安·波特的《灰色马,灰色的骑手》常被视为反战经典,但它其实也是一部重要的疫病作品。小说通过去概念化、固定式人物有限视角和双线叙事结构对1918年流感进行了陌生化书写,借用瘟疫相关隐喻批判了暴力战争和强制爱国主义。以虚构的笔法刻录历史真实,小说记忆了1918年美国疫情应对失当这一历史碎片并实现了对美国官方主流话语的颠覆。 展开更多
关键词 凯瑟琳·安·波特 灰色马 灰色的骑手》 1918年流感 陌生化 隐喻 历史
改进的灰色马尔可夫模型在采煤工作面涌水量预测中的应用 被引量:8
作者 高保彬 李回贵 于水军 《矿业研究与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第4期73-76,113,共5页
通过对采煤工作面涌水量作自然对数变换,建立改进的灰色理论模型,然后再将其与马尔可夫模型相结合,得出改进的灰色马尔可夫模型。对千秋煤矿411172工作面涌水量进行了预测。结果表明,改进的灰色马尔可夫预测模型拟合精度较好,结果可靠... 通过对采煤工作面涌水量作自然对数变换,建立改进的灰色理论模型,然后再将其与马尔可夫模型相结合,得出改进的灰色马尔可夫模型。对千秋煤矿411172工作面涌水量进行了预测。结果表明,改进的灰色马尔可夫预测模型拟合精度较好,结果可靠。现场实践证明,改进的灰色马尔可夫预测模型为千秋煤矿制定排水方案和防治水措施提供了较准确的基础数据。 展开更多
关键词 采煤工作面 涌水量预测 灰色模型 改进的灰色马 尔可夫模型
《灰色马,灰色的骑手》中的梦境叙事和疫情解读 被引量:1
作者 李英华 王中强 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期141-147,共7页
《灰色马,灰色的骑手》是凯瑟琳·安·波特的重要代表作,相关研究一直持续不断,研究角度多元化,包括人物死亡意识、心理创伤、1918年西班牙大流感背景、女性主义等。自新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,《灰色马,灰色的骑手》作为疫情文学... 《灰色马,灰色的骑手》是凯瑟琳·安·波特的重要代表作,相关研究一直持续不断,研究角度多元化,包括人物死亡意识、心理创伤、1918年西班牙大流感背景、女性主义等。自新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,《灰色马,灰色的骑手》作为疫情文学再次成为学界关注的重点,小说中的医学性成为新的研究增长极。本文重点讨论文本中出现的多个梦境,将其与西班牙大流感的发展和影响有机结合,并把梦境视作主人公因疫情焦虑而产生的梦魇、染疫后出现的谵妄和劫后余生仍回荡的幻觉等。 展开更多
关键词 凯瑟琳·安·波特 灰色马 灰色的骑手 梦境叙事 疫情文学
医学人文学视角下《灰色马,灰色的骑手》中的疾病叙事 被引量:4
作者 骆谋贝 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期153-164,共12页
主流医学人文学注重疾病叙事在疾病诊疗与医学教育方面的工具性,因而将疾病叙事局限于自传等文类中的线性叙事,旨在突破线性叙事和实现社会批判的批判性医学人文学,是传统医学人文学的发展趋势。美国作家凯瑟琳·安·波特的自... 主流医学人文学注重疾病叙事在疾病诊疗与医学教育方面的工具性,因而将疾病叙事局限于自传等文类中的线性叙事,旨在突破线性叙事和实现社会批判的批判性医学人文学,是传统医学人文学的发展趋势。美国作家凯瑟琳·安·波特的自传性小说《灰色马,灰色的骑手》通过意识流、主体的碎片化和语言的非指涉性等现代主义手法,传达出非虚构性疾病叙事难以记叙的疾病的混沌体验,从而在一定意义上克服了1918年大流感由于一战的遮蔽与疾病表征的困难而造成的文化缺场状态。将该小说纳入疾病叙事体裁,还可利用文学批评中的残疾研究方法,考察疾病的污名化这一社会建构本质;通过打破疾病与残疾的概念界限,将获得对于疾病、残疾、身体与社会之间关系的全面认识,进而为实践批判性医学人文学提供思路。 展开更多
关键词 凯瑟琳·安·波特 灰色马 灰色的骑手》 疾病叙事 1918年大流感 污名化
作者 曾楚桥 《作品》 2008年第3期29-33,共5页
  最近一段时间,松子见到胸口有毛的男人心里就不舒服.    那时候五月还没有过去,风流底的天气还没有热到要坦胸露乳的地步.那男人就骑匹灰色马来了.男人每次来都是把衬衫往肩上一搭,露出胸口一道黑毛,从马背上跳下来就无所顾忌地...   最近一段时间,松子见到胸口有毛的男人心里就不舒服.    那时候五月还没有过去,风流底的天气还没有热到要坦胸露乳的地步.那男人就骑匹灰色马来了.男人每次来都是把衬衫往肩上一搭,露出胸口一道黑毛,从马背上跳下来就无所顾忌地踢门.…… 展开更多
关键词 灰色马
作者 李英姿 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第6期73-75,共3页
凯瑟琳·安妮·波特是20世纪上半叶成就卓著的美国南方女作家,她的作品独具风格,且以短篇小说见长。在她三部代表性短篇小说《被遗弃的维瑟尔奶奶》、《开花的犹大树》和《灰色马,灰色骑士》中,波特对三个不同的女性人物的塑造... 凯瑟琳·安妮·波特是20世纪上半叶成就卓著的美国南方女作家,她的作品独具风格,且以短篇小说见长。在她三部代表性短篇小说《被遗弃的维瑟尔奶奶》、《开花的犹大树》和《灰色马,灰色骑士》中,波特对三个不同的女性人物的塑造更多地向读者还原了人物内心真实体验,从而揭示深刻的伦理内涵,彰显了作品深情的伦理关怀。 展开更多
关键词 凯瑟琳·安妮·波特 女性关怀 《被遗弃的维瑟尔奶奶》 《开花的犹大树》 灰色马 灰色骑士》 伦理关怀
Analysis on the Change of Vegetation Cover and Its Prediction Method——A Case Study in Eastern Jilin 被引量:1
作者 林楠 姜琦刚 +1 位作者 张红红 崔瀚文 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第8期1800-1804,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the dynamic changes of vegetation cover and its prediction method. [Method] The NDVl was used as data source to perform the spatial overlay analysis on the vegetation covera... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the dynamic changes of vegetation cover and its prediction method. [Method] The NDVl was used as data source to perform the spatial overlay analysis on the vegetation coverage changes of the study area in different time period under the GIS platform, with the aim to reveal the spatial distribution rules of the vegetation cover in Eastern Jilin Province during the recent 10 years. The Markov Model and Grey System G (1, 1) theory model were used to predict the vegetation cover change trend in Eastern Jilin Province. [Result] The vegetation cover increased a little, but staying stable in general. The regions with great changes were mainly around the lake and river. The prediction results of Markov Model and Grey System G (1, 1) theory model were consistent with the observed measurement. [Conclusion] This study provided referential basis for the effective protection of the vegetation coverage in mountainous forest, and important reference value for the scientific decision-making on the forest construction planning in Jilin Province as well as in China and sustainable development of social economy. 展开更多
关键词 Vegetation cover Dynamic degree Transfer matrix Markov model Grey system theory model
Forecast of Flood in Chaohu Lake Basin of China Based on Grey-Markov Theory 被引量:10
作者 LI Xiang WANG Xinyuan +5 位作者 SHAO Wei XIA Linyi ZHANG Guangsheng TIAN Bing LI Wenda PENG Peng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第1期64-68,共5页
Flood is one kind of unexpected and the most common natural disasters, which is affected by many factors and has complex mechanism. At home and abroad, there is still no mature theory and method used for the long-term... Flood is one kind of unexpected and the most common natural disasters, which is affected by many factors and has complex mechanism. At home and abroad, there is still no mature theory and method used for the long-term forecast of natural precipitation at present. In the present paper the disadvantages of grey GM (1, 1) and Markov chain are ana- lyzed, and Grey-Markov forecast theory about flood is put forward and then the modifying model is developed by making prediction of Chaohu Lake basin. Hydrological law was conducted based on the theoretical forecasts by grey system GM (1, 1) forecast model with improved Markov chain. The above method contained Stat-analysis, embodying scientific approach, precise forecast and its reliable results. 展开更多
关键词 Grey-Markov theory GM (1 1) Markov chain flood forecast Chaohu Lake basin
Clock-based RAIM method and its application in GPS receiver positioning 被引量:4
作者 滕云龙 师奕兵 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1558-1563,共6页
Because the signals of global positioning system (GPS) satellites are susceptible to obstructions in urban environment with many high buildings around, the number of GPS useful satellites is usually less than six. I... Because the signals of global positioning system (GPS) satellites are susceptible to obstructions in urban environment with many high buildings around, the number of GPS useful satellites is usually less than six. In this case, the receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) method earmot exclude faulty satellite. In order to improve the performance of RAIM method and obtain the reliable positioning results with five satellites, the series of receiver clock bias (RCB) is regarded as one useful satellite and used to aid RAIM method. From the point of nonlinear series, a grey-Markov model for predicting the RCB series based on grey theory and Markov chain is presented. And then the model is used for aiding RAIM method in order to exclude faulty satellite. Experimental results demonstrate that the prediction model is fit for predicting the RCB series, and with the clock-based RAIM method the faulty satellite can be correctly excluded and the positioning precision of GPS receiver can be improved for the case where there are only five useful satellites. 展开更多
关键词 positioning precision receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) receiver clock bias (RCB) grey theory Markov chain
Forecasting freight volume based on wavelet denoising and FG-Markov 被引量:1
作者 ZHU Chang-feng WANG Qing-rong +1 位作者 LIU Dao-kuan YE Qian-yun 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2020年第3期267-275,共9页
To eliminate the grey bias and improve ant-jamming performance of the standard grey-Markov forecasting model,a forecasting model based on wavelet packet decomposition and fuzzy grey Markov(FG-Markov)is proposed consid... To eliminate the grey bias and improve ant-jamming performance of the standard grey-Markov forecasting model,a forecasting model based on wavelet packet decomposition and fuzzy grey Markov(FG-Markov)is proposed considering the characteristics of randomness and nonlinearility of freight volume forecasting.Firstly,based on the data analysis ability of wavelet packet to non-stationary random signal,wavelet packet decomposition is used to improve the analysis ability of data signal by decomposing historical freight volume data into wavelet packet component.On this basis,FG-Markov chain is proposed to obtain the transfer probability matrix of wavelet packet coefficients by introducing fuzzy grey variables,and forecast the freight volume by reconstructing wavelet packet coefficients.Finally,an example of Lanzhou railroad hub is carried out in order to testify the validity and applicability of this forecasting model.Compared with neural network model and other forecasting models,the proposed forecasting model can improve the forecasting accuracy under the same conditions.The forecasting accuracy of wavelet packet decomposition and FG-Markov is not only greater than that of any other single forecasting models,but also superior to that of other traditional combinational forecasting models,which can meet the actual requirements of freight volume forecasting. 展开更多
关键词 freight volume forecasting fuzzy grey model wavelet packet Markov chain
The Application of a Grey Markov Model to Forecasting Annual Maximum Water Levels at Hydrological Stations 被引量:12
作者 DONG Sheng CHI Kun +1 位作者 ZHANG Qiyi ZHANG Xiangdong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第1期13-17,共5页
Compared with traditional real-time forecasting,this paper proposes a Grey Markov Model(GMM) to forecast the maximum water levels at hydrological stations in the estuary area.The GMM combines the Grey System and Marko... Compared with traditional real-time forecasting,this paper proposes a Grey Markov Model(GMM) to forecast the maximum water levels at hydrological stations in the estuary area.The GMM combines the Grey System and Markov theory into a higher precision model.The GMM takes advantage of the Grey System to predict the trend values and uses the Markov theory to forecast fluctuation values,and thus gives forecast results involving two aspects of information.The procedure for forecasting annul maximum water levels with the GMM contains five main steps:1) establish the GM(1,1) model based on the data series;2) estimate the trend values;3) establish a Markov Model based on relative error series;4) modify the relative errors caused in step 2,and then obtain the relative errors of the second order estimation;5) compare the results with measured data and estimate the accuracy.The historical water level records(from 1960 to 1992) at Yuqiao Hydrological Station in the estuary area of the Haihe River near Tianjin,China are utilized to calibrate and verify the proposed model according to the above steps.Every 25 years' data are regarded as a hydro-sequence.Eight groups of simulated results show reasonable agreement between the predicted values and the measured data.The GMM is also applied to the 10 other hydrological stations in the same estuary.The forecast results for all of the hydrological stations are good or acceptable.The feasibility and effectiveness of this new forecasting model have been proved in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Grey Markov Model forecasting estuary disaster prevention maximum water level
Improved grey-based approach for power demand forecasting
作者 林佳木 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2006年第4期229-234,共6页
Grey theory is a multidisciplinary and generic theory to cope with systems of poor or deficient information. We proposed in this paper an improved grey method (GM) to overcome the disadvantages of the general GM(1,1).... Grey theory is a multidisciplinary and generic theory to cope with systems of poor or deficient information. We proposed in this paper an improved grey method (GM) to overcome the disadvantages of the general GM(1,1). In the improved GM(1,1), a new background value formula is deduced and Markov-chain sign estimation is imbedded into the residual modification model. We tested the efficiency and accuracy of our model by applying it to the power demand forecasting in Taiwan. Experimental results demonstrate the new method has obviously a higher prediction accuracy than the general model. 展开更多
关键词 grey theory improved GM(1 1) Markov-chain power demand forecasting
The Explicit Portrayal of Obscenity in American Television Series on The Grey's Anatomy
作者 Mohd Shahnawi Bin Muhmad Pirus 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第1期29-42,共14页
The portrayal of obscenity in television series is not a new issue in our society. It is a reasonable fact to be understood, that the exposure to such explicit content of obscenity is acceptable in Western culture but... The portrayal of obscenity in television series is not a new issue in our society. It is a reasonable fact to be understood, that the exposure to such explicit content of obscenity is acceptable in Western culture but somehow or rather, the acceptance of obscenity among the Asian society is still taboo and this has geared parents to pay greater attention to what type of media content should be watched by their children. The researcher believes the audience could also educate themselves by watching such television series since Malaysia is lacking in sexual education. This research consists of qualitative content analysis. The researcher had included the obscene visuals and dialogues in order to justify the existence of such sexual portrayal on the Grey's Anatomy TV series. A theory was selected for this study--the application on selected variables from a previous research done by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (Sex on TV4, 2005). The researchers had found that such TV content could be a medium to promote safe sex messages since Malaysia lacks in sex education. The implication on theory was to distinguish the obscenity portrayal in TV series in shaping the audiences' acceptance. 展开更多
关键词 obscenity sexual TV content safe sex messages and sex education interpersonal communication.
The Gray-Markov GM (1, 1) prediction model Optimal Allocation of Equipment Maintenance Personnel Research based on Difference Method
作者 TONG Rui SHEN Mao-xing +1 位作者 KANG Jian-she LI Bao-chen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第1期93-96,共4页
Based on the situation that the statistic of the missile facilities' stability was small, and the conventional big example preview method was no longer of use. So, this article used the gray GM (1, 1) model to prev... Based on the situation that the statistic of the missile facilities' stability was small, and the conventional big example preview method was no longer of use. So, this article used the gray GM (1, 1) model to preview a facility' s stability .The gray GM (1, 1) model doesn' t need a large number of example statistics, and it is also accurate, so this model solved the problem in the analyze and preview of the stability of the missile' s electronic facility system, and it has possibility to imply to engineering use. 展开更多
关键词 The Gray System GM (1 1) Stability Preview
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