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火电厂灰水管道清洗技术的现状 被引量:1
作者 王岩 王志峰 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 2000年第5期4-9,共6页
分析了火电厂灰水管道结垢的原因 ,介绍了目前采用和研究的几种清洗技术 ,并对几种清洗技术进行了比较。
关键词 水管 结垢 清洗 火力发电厂 水力输 锅炉
河北省丰宁县二道沟-北灰窑银多金属矿区土壤地球化学特征及找矿预测 被引量:1
作者 董红伟 王飞 +3 位作者 关利进 王纪昆 刘建 宿盛 《新疆有色金属》 2019年第2期12-15,共4页
通过土壤地球化学方法在北省丰宁县二道沟-北灰窑银多金属矿区进行了找矿研究,地球化学特征表明,燕山期岩浆岩中Ag、Pb、Zn浓度克拉克值、变异系数均高于或远高于海西期,与红旗营子群总体特征相差不大,属强烈富集元素。因子分析及对应... 通过土壤地球化学方法在北省丰宁县二道沟-北灰窑银多金属矿区进行了找矿研究,地球化学特征表明,燕山期岩浆岩中Ag、Pb、Zn浓度克拉克值、变异系数均高于或远高于海西期,与红旗营子群总体特征相差不大,属强烈富集元素。因子分析及对应分析表明,红旗营子群、燕山期岩体及蚀变带中均富集铁族元素组合,反映其组成上具有一定的亲源性,Pb、Zn、Cu、As、Au可能作为成矿介质参与银多金属的成矿作用。 展开更多
关键词 丰宁县 沟-北 地球化特征 因子分析 对应分析
作者 栾桂泉 张荣国 +3 位作者 冯春 李焕勇 姚建涛 刘冰 《热力发电》 CAS 北大核心 2002年第3期49-51,61,共4页
关键词 水管 阴极保护 火力发电厂
河北省丰宁二道沟-北灰窑银多金属矿控矿因素及找矿方向分析 被引量:2
作者 王纪昆 冀建军 +2 位作者 董红伟 时培哲 段旭峰 《山东国土资源》 2017年第7期37-43,共7页
河北省丰宁二道沟-北灰窑银多金属矿区地处大窝铺-上黄旗构造岩浆岩成矿带西部,多组深大断裂交会区域,断裂构造、岩浆热液活动发育,构成该区主要成矿地质背景。已发现营房银铅锌矿床、北岔沟门铅锌矿床和牛圈银金矿等众多大型—中型铅... 河北省丰宁二道沟-北灰窑银多金属矿区地处大窝铺-上黄旗构造岩浆岩成矿带西部,多组深大断裂交会区域,断裂构造、岩浆热液活动发育,构成该区主要成矿地质背景。已发现营房银铅锌矿床、北岔沟门铅锌矿床和牛圈银金矿等众多大型—中型铅锌银金矿床,区域矿床成矿与燕山期岩浆活动和断裂构造活动密切相关。通过1∶1万土壤地球化学测量数据分析,该区Pb,Ag,Zn元素富集,主成矿元素组合异常发育,共圈定出4个组合异常,化探异常与矿(化)体相吻合。区内已发现8条蚀变矿化带,矿体形态、产状及矿化范围严格受断裂构造控制。通过不同地质体微量元素地球化学特征分析可知,燕山期花岗岩岩体和红旗营子群地层内Ag,Pb,Zn元素属于富集型和强分散型,利于成矿,同时为该区成矿提供了丰富的物质来源。绿泥石化、褐铁矿化、黄铁矿化、铁锰矿化等是识别蚀变带的有利标志,亦是寻找银多金属矿的重要标志。二道沟-北灰窑银多金属矿区属于受断裂构造控制的中低温热液矿床。通过对区域成矿地质条件和矿区地质特征的分析,总结了该区的控矿因素、成矿物质来源和矿床类型,为进一步地质勘查工作指明了方向。 展开更多
关键词 沟-北 银多金属矿 地质特征 控矿因素 河北省丰宁
火力发电厂输灰带式输送机廊道智能巡检系统的设计及应用 被引量:5
作者 蓝青 《中国高新科技》 2023年第8期84-87,共4页
针对目前的火电厂输灰系统中,对输灰系统的带式输送机、叶轮给料机等关键设备进行日常巡检及安全监控的需求,文章研发了智能巡检机器人,取代了现场工作人员实行设备安全稳定运行的巡检任务。该系统采用多项机器人技术和包括声音模式识... 针对目前的火电厂输灰系统中,对输灰系统的带式输送机、叶轮给料机等关键设备进行日常巡检及安全监控的需求,文章研发了智能巡检机器人,取代了现场工作人员实行设备安全稳定运行的巡检任务。该系统采用多项机器人技术和包括声音模式识别、视觉模式识别的多项人工智能技术,以挂轨机器人为载体,集成视觉、声音、温度、粉尘、红外微波等多个传感器构成的执行终端,采集数据通过VLAN(虚拟局域网)上报给智能管控系统实时分析并生成工作报告。该系统的实施不仅能够取代繁重的人工巡检,更能够作为电厂生产数据化在输灰这段工序上的重要实现,是未来智慧电厂全景实现的重要组成部分。 展开更多
关键词 管带机 巡检机器人 人工智能 生产数据化 智慧电厂
作者 杨智强 葛晶儒 黄东方 《清洗世界》 CAS 2006年第7期36-37,共2页
关键词 除尘冲水管 化学清洗 渗透剂 分散剂
作者 朱志胜 《四川电力技术》 1995年第4期27-30,共4页
关键词 水管 除垢 火电厂
阻垢分散剂在热电厂灰水系统的应用 被引量:1
作者 蒋海涛 李光海 窦泽权 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 2004年第8期57-58,共2页
通过阻垢分散剂对灰水中碳酸钙微晶体的螯合、吸附作用,在灰水输送系统引入异种晶核,达到了减少,防止灰水输送管道结垢的目的。天津第一热电厂灰水输送系统采用津宏化工厂阻垢分散剂后,消除了灰水输送管道结垢堵塞状况,取得了良好的经... 通过阻垢分散剂对灰水中碳酸钙微晶体的螯合、吸附作用,在灰水输送系统引入异种晶核,达到了减少,防止灰水输送管道结垢的目的。天津第一热电厂灰水输送系统采用津宏化工厂阻垢分散剂后,消除了灰水输送管道结垢堵塞状况,取得了良好的经济和社会效益。 展开更多
关键词 水管 结垢 阻垢分散剂
作者 徐丽娟 《电气时代》 2010年第1期72-72,75,共2页
关键词 高压变频装置 渣泵 应用 水管 高压变频器 使用寿命 检修周期 电能损耗
作者 蓝青 《电力设备管理》 2023年第8期284-287,共4页
关键词 巡检机器人 人工智能 智能系统
作者 顾锡芳 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 1988年第6期19-20,共2页
为改进风力送丝系统,本文提出:一、将卷烟机卸料斗旁的交流电磁阀用直流电磁圆阀代替,以减少故障发生;二、风力系统除尘第一级采用旋风除尘器,第二级采用脉冲袋式除尘器,以提高除尘效率;三、采用吸声、消声、隔声、减震等综合降噪方法,... 为改进风力送丝系统,本文提出:一、将卷烟机卸料斗旁的交流电磁阀用直流电磁圆阀代替,以减少故障发生;二、风力系统除尘第一级采用旋风除尘器,第二级采用脉冲袋式除尘器,以提高除尘效率;三、采用吸声、消声、隔声、减震等综合降噪方法,可使噪声大大降低;四、用螺旋输送机与竖直灰道相接合的出灰口输送烟灰,可减轻劳动强度;五、取消卷烟机除尘器,达到省电目的。 展开更多
关键词 旋风除尘器 第一级 螺旋输送机 灰道 除尘效率 干式除尘器 脉冲袋式除尘器 风力送丝系统 阀板 卷烟厂
Detrital apatite fission track constraints on Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China: Evidence from Cenozoic strata in Lulehe section, Northern Qaidam Basin 被引量:2
作者 DU Ding-ding ZHANG Cheng-jun +5 位作者 MUGHAL Muhammad Saleem WANG Xiao-yu BLAISE Dembele GAO Jun-ping MA Yuan LUO Xin-rong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期532-547,共16页
The Northern Qaidam Basin is located at the northeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. It contains very thick Cenozoic terrestrial clastic sediments, which records the formation of the northern Qaidam Basin due... The Northern Qaidam Basin is located at the northeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. It contains very thick Cenozoic terrestrial clastic sediments, which records the formation of the northern Qaidam Basin due to compressional deformation during the Indo-Asian collision. In this paper, we used detrital apatite fission-track thermochronology, including 4 sandstones and 2 conglomerates samples from the Lulehe section, to reveal the Cenozoic evolution of the northern Qaidam Basin. Fission-track dating indicated the source region of the Lulehe section has experiencedimportant cooling and uplifting in the Late Cretaceous(at ~85.1 Ma and ~65 Ma) and the Eocene(~52 Ma), respectively. The AFT age distribution on the section suggested that the provenance of Lulehe section sediments were mainly derived from the south Qilian Shan(Qilian Mountains) and Altun Shan(Altun Mountains), and two significantly provenance changes may occur at 43.4-46.1 Ma and ~37.8 Ma, respectively. The results may have strong constrains on the Cenozoic deformation and tectonic evolution of the northern Qaidam Basin and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Northern Qaidam Basin Apatite Fission-Track Tectonic evolution Provenance analysis
Detection and treatment of water inflow in karst tunnel:A case study in Daba tunnel 被引量:7
作者 LI Xiang-hui ZHANG Qing-song +3 位作者 ZHANG Xiao LAN Xiong-dong DUAN Chong-hao LIU Jian-guo 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第7期1585-1596,共12页
In a karst tunnel, fissures or cracks that are filled with weathered materials are a type of potential water outlet as they are easily triggered and converted into groundwater outlets under the influence of high groun... In a karst tunnel, fissures or cracks that are filled with weathered materials are a type of potential water outlet as they are easily triggered and converted into groundwater outlets under the influence of high groundwater pressure. A terrible water inrush caused by potential water outlets can seriously hinder the project construction. Potential water outlets and water sources that surrounding the tunnel must be detected before water inflow can be treated. This paper provides a successful case of the detection and treatment of water inflow in a karst tunnel and proposes a potential water outlet detection(PWOD) method in which heavy rainfall(>50 mm/d) is considered a trigger for a potential water outlet. The Daba tunnel located in Hunan province, China, has been constructed in a karst stratum where the rock mass has been weathered intensely by the influence of two faults. Heavy rain triggered some potential water outlets, causing a serious water inrush. The PWOD method was applied in this project for the treatment of water inflow, and six potential water outlets in total were identified through three heavy rains. Meanwhile, a geophysical prospecting technique was also used to detect water sources. The connections between water outlets and water sources were identified with a 3-D graphic that included all of them. According to the distribution of water outlets and water sources, the detection area was divided into three sections and separately treated by curtain grouting. 展开更多
关键词 Karst tunnel Water inrush Potential water outlet detection Geophysical prospecting technique Water inflow GROUTING
Assessment of Selected Heavy Metals in Street Dust Samples from Jazan City, KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
作者 Mohammad Kamal Harb 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2014年第4期211-218,共8页
In this work, Jazan province (Saudi Arabia) was examined for its heavy metals content. Therefore, 15 street dust samples were collected, digested and analyzed in order to investigate the levels of selected heavy met... In this work, Jazan province (Saudi Arabia) was examined for its heavy metals content. Therefore, 15 street dust samples were collected, digested and analyzed in order to investigate the levels of selected heavy metals and propose the causes for the presence of these metals. All collected samples were digested using Leeds Public Analyst method. The concentrations of heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cd, Co and Pb) were analyzed using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Six heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Co and Pb) were measured in all samples; the concentration of Cd was not detected in Jazan dust by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The heavy metals levels in Jazan street dust increase according to the following sequence: Fe 〉 Mn 〉 Zn 〉 Cu 〉 Pb 〉 Co. The correlation coefficients and enrichment factors relative to earth crust abundances of heavy metals were calculated in order to predict the possible sources in dust. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy metals POLLUTION street dust Saudi Arabia atomic absorption
Valorization of the Use of Calcareous Tuff and Dune Sand in Saharan Road Design
作者 Messaouda Cherrak Meriem Morsli +1 位作者 Ramdane Boutemeur Abderrahim Bali 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第6期665-676,共12页
This research objective is to propose a co-valorization of powdered tuff, containing a slight amount of clay and dune sand, by mixing the two substances at different rates such as 0%, 5%, 15%, 25% and 35% of sand. The... This research objective is to propose a co-valorization of powdered tuff, containing a slight amount of clay and dune sand, by mixing the two substances at different rates such as 0%, 5%, 15%, 25% and 35% of sand. The adapted criteria formulas are those recommended by the technical Saharan road. The results of the proposed study showed that "tuff-sand" mixtures are denser with a lower optimum water content modified proctor, the fine rate decreases together with the plasticity index, whereas the bearing index (CBR: California bearing ratio test) increases. The intrinsic characteristics, cohesion and sensitivity of mixtures with respect to compactness are almost identical to those oftuffwithout addition. The optimal adapted sand incorporation rate is estimated at 25% at 96% of compactness. Under these conditions, the amount of fines decreases from 40% to an acceptable level of 25% and the plasticity index from 16.2 to 12. The compaction water content decreases by 36% and the CBR (bearing index) increases by 30% and the compressive strength and sensitivity, according to compactness, of the elaborated material are almost identical to those oftuffwithout addition. 展开更多
关键词 TUFF dune sand road construction CBR water content consolidated drained triaxial test.
作者 王乾荣 《教师博览(上旬刊)》 1996年第12期15-16,共2页
1996年版《现代汉语词典》(修订本)刚发行,我就买了一部先睹为快,粗略翻了一下,发现比修订前的第一版(我只有第一版)增补了不少新词语。但仍有一些流行和影响都很广泛的新词语我还没有找到,略有小憾。我只拣儿条说说。有“公家”而无“... 1996年版《现代汉语词典》(修订本)刚发行,我就买了一部先睹为快,粗略翻了一下,发现比修订前的第一版(我只有第一版)增补了不少新词语。但仍有一些流行和影响都很广泛的新词语我还没有找到,略有小憾。我只拣儿条说说。有“公家”而无“公吃”。公吃者,吃公也。这是盛行已久的社会普遍现象,屡禁而不止。 展开更多
关键词 新词语 现代汉语词典 增补 流行语 修订本 普遍现象 以权谋私 灰道 成语 发现
New progresses on geothermal history of Turpan-Hami Basin,Xinjiang,China 被引量:1
作者 柳益群 袁明生 +2 位作者 周鼎武 冯乔 荐军 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第2期166-176,共11页
A comprehensive study on geothermal history of the Turpan-HamiBasin by vitrinite reflectance, fluid inclusion geothermometry, apatite fission track and 40Ar-39Ar dating displays that the main effects influencing geote... A comprehensive study on geothermal history of the Turpan-HamiBasin by vitrinite reflectance, fluid inclusion geothermometry, apatite fission track and 40Ar-39Ar dating displays that the main effects influencing geotemperature distribution are burial depth of the basement, heat flow, magmatic activities, as well as tectonic movement, having a rugulation to be higher in the east and north, lower in the west and south, as well as higher in the past and lower at the present. The heat of the mantle source and the Indo-China tectonic thermal event have extremely influenced matura-tion of source rocks of the upper Lower Permian and the Middle and Upper Triassic in the lndo-China epoch. While, the geothermal gradient and the weak tectonic geothermal event of the Early Yanshan Movement provided necessary heat for the maturation of source rock in coal-bearing strata of the Middle and Lower Jurassic. 展开更多
关键词 Turpan-Hami Basin geothermal history geothermal gradient tectonic thermal event vitrinite reflectance fluid inclusion geothermometry apatite fission track
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