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汉灵关新考:兼论灵关道的走向及相关地理问题 被引量:1
作者 吴宏岐 韩虎泰 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2013年第1期12-17,共6页
汉代"灵关"是汉"灵关道"上的一道重要关隘,扼守着成都通往西南夷的交通咽喉。但对于汉代"灵关"的具体位置,历来诸家说法颇为抵牾,概而括之有"汉嘉灵关"说、"越嶲灵关"说、"二... 汉代"灵关"是汉"灵关道"上的一道重要关隘,扼守着成都通往西南夷的交通咽喉。但对于汉代"灵关"的具体位置,历来诸家说法颇为抵牾,概而括之有"汉嘉灵关"说、"越嶲灵关"说、"二关并存"说三种观点。若要辨清汉"灵关"的具体位置,需厘清汉灵关县、灵关道、灵关三者的关系,并联系古蜀国灵关、唐宋灵关与汉灵关的关系,结合汉灵关道的走向,则不难发现汉灵关与古蜀国、唐宋灵关实为一地,系地名沿承而已。只是前人对《水经注》记载误解,以致对汉"灵关"位置看法的抵牾。 展开更多
关键词 灵关 灵关 水经注 汉嘉 越嶲 西南夷
遥感在天全、灵关地区区调中的应用 被引量:4
作者 刘登忠 《成都理工学院学报》 CSCD 1995年第2期52-56,共5页
关键词 遥感 地质遥感 天全地区 灵关地区 区域调查
四川宝兴县灵关地区的志留系 被引量:1
作者 赵兵 苟宗海 《成都理工学院学报》 CSCD 1995年第2期38-46,共9页
关键词 地层划分 化石组合 志留纪 灵关地区
灵关水电站调压井竖井开挖施工技术 被引量:3
作者 陈洪波 张永 成奇 《四川水力发电》 2017年第5期6-8,共3页
灵关水电站调压井地质条件极为复杂,井身中V类围岩占48%,Ⅳ2类围岩占30%,Ⅳ1类围岩占22%,稳定性极差,在弱风化及新鲜岩体中发育的岩块岩屑型软弱夹层和泥夹岩屑型软弱夹层对井壁围岩稳定影响较大,此类复杂地质条件下的大直径调压井开挖... 灵关水电站调压井地质条件极为复杂,井身中V类围岩占48%,Ⅳ2类围岩占30%,Ⅳ1类围岩占22%,稳定性极差,在弱风化及新鲜岩体中发育的岩块岩屑型软弱夹层和泥夹岩屑型软弱夹层对井壁围岩稳定影响较大,此类复杂地质条件下的大直径调压井开挖及支护施工安全问题尤为突出。阐述了灵关水电站调压井开挖及支护施工技术,可为今后类似工程提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 灵关水电站 调压井 复杂地质条件 开挖及支护 施工 安全
全自动缆道测流系统在灵关水文站测验中的应用 被引量:2
作者 王泽林 《四川水利》 2019年第6期121-123,共3页
本文对全自动缆道测流系统的工作原理和系统优势特点进行分析,并结合灵关水文站测验的实际情况,对全自动缆道测流系统的起点距、水深、流量等实测结果与经纬仪定位测量、船测、测深杆测量进行对比分析,结果表明:起点距比测最大绝对误差... 本文对全自动缆道测流系统的工作原理和系统优势特点进行分析,并结合灵关水文站测验的实际情况,对全自动缆道测流系统的起点距、水深、流量等实测结果与经纬仪定位测量、船测、测深杆测量进行对比分析,结果表明:起点距比测最大绝对误差达到0.16m,垂线定位误差并未超过河道宽度0.5%的范围;水深比测绝对误差在±0.00~±0.05m范围;实测流量总误差在1.5%~5.5%范围内,系统误差不足±1%,测流结果均符合《河道流量测验规范》(GB 50179-2015)的规定。全自动缆道测流系统因具有测验结果准确、技术先进,自动化操作、运行可靠等技术优势,应在水文测站测流方面大力推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 全自动缆道测流系统 水文测验 自动测流 比测 灵关水文站
灵关水电站调压井超前预固结灌浆施工 被引量:2
作者 李晓琴 王兴亮 李波 《四川水力发电》 2013年第4期18-20,共3页
灵关水电站调压井围岩不论是风化岩体还是新鲜岩体的完整性均较差。由于层间挤压错动严重,弱风化及新鲜岩体中共发育七条岩块岩屑型软弱夹层和两条泥夹岩屑型软弱夹层,其抗剪强度均较低,对井壁围岩稳定影响较大。针对如此复杂的地质情况... 灵关水电站调压井围岩不论是风化岩体还是新鲜岩体的完整性均较差。由于层间挤压错动严重,弱风化及新鲜岩体中共发育七条岩块岩屑型软弱夹层和两条泥夹岩屑型软弱夹层,其抗剪强度均较低,对井壁围岩稳定影响较大。针对如此复杂的地质情况,采取了超前预固结灌浆,灌浆工艺为孔口封闭、孔内循环、自上而下分段灌浆、全孔灌浆结束后安装锚筋束进行加固支护的措施,取得了较好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 超前预固结灌浆 软弱泥化夹层 灌浆试验 锚筋束 灵关水电站
灵关水电站压力管道斜井开挖施工技术 被引量:1
作者 李东强 董雪梅 孟凡朋 《四川水力发电》 2019年第4期108-111,共4页
灵关水电站压力管道所处的地质条件极为复杂,岩体极破碎,裂隙极发育且伴有裂隙水存在,洞室围岩稳定性极差,极易产生坍塌。对于此类复杂地质条件下的压力管道斜井开挖及安全临时支护,其安全问题尤为突出,施工难度很大。阐述了灵关水电站... 灵关水电站压力管道所处的地质条件极为复杂,岩体极破碎,裂隙极发育且伴有裂隙水存在,洞室围岩稳定性极差,极易产生坍塌。对于此类复杂地质条件下的压力管道斜井开挖及安全临时支护,其安全问题尤为突出,施工难度很大。阐述了灵关水电站压力管道斜井导井及斜井扩挖采用的施工技术。 展开更多
关键词 压力管道斜井 Ⅴ类围岩 开挖及支护 施工与安全 灵关水电站
汉灵关道辨证 被引量:1
作者 杨伟立 《文博》 1994年第2期77-86,共10页
《史记》、《汉书》都记载了司马相如通灵关道一事.由于文宇过份简略,它的走向,起止经由,给人只是一点徜徉迷离的印象.东汉注《汉书》的各家,对这个问题避而不解.三国曹魏博士张揖注《汉书·司马相如传》在“通灵关山道”下出注说:... 《史记》、《汉书》都记载了司马相如通灵关道一事.由于文宇过份简略,它的走向,起止经由,给人只是一点徜徉迷离的印象.东汉注《汉书》的各家,对这个问题避而不解.三国曹魏博士张揖注《汉书·司马相如传》在“通灵关山道”下出注说:“凿开灵山道,置灵道县”.肯定相如通的灵关道在汉代越(?)郡的灵关道(县).元朝的胡三省给《通鉴》作《音注》时。 展开更多
关键词 灵关 司马相如 《史记》 《汉书》 西南夷 芦山县 中国少数民族地区 《后汉书》 南方丝绸之路 《四川通志》
作者 彭翠娥 《当代护士(上旬刊)》 2009年第11期10-11,共2页
关键词 湖南省肿瘤医院 结业 灵关 临床 培训班 学术会议 办公楼
《雅安职业技术学院学报》 2005年第4期2-2,119,共2页
苍山之麓,青江河畔,座落着一所历史悠久,充满生机的学校——宝兴县灵关中学她地处宝兴"首场门户"灵关镇。其前身为创建于一九五八年的宝兴县灵关农业中学。学校占地面积4334平方米,建筑面积7125平方米。现有教学班19个,在校师... 苍山之麓,青江河畔,座落着一所历史悠久,充满生机的学校——宝兴县灵关中学她地处宝兴"首场门户"灵关镇。其前身为创建于一九五八年的宝兴县灵关农业中学。学校占地面积4334平方米,建筑面积7125平方米。现有教学班19个,在校师生900多人。学校确立"勤奋、务实、开拓、创新"的校风。 展开更多
关键词 灵关 初级中学 学校环境 农业中学 建筑面积 占地面积 校风 教学班 学生 骨干教师
古道觅踪 被引量:1
作者 毛瑞芬 《四川文物》 1988年第1期23-25,14,共4页
在四川凉山彝族自治州境内,从大渡河南岸的甘洛,经越西、喜德至自治州首府西昌市,有一条蜿蜒于崇山峻岭、峡谷急流之间的古道,它就是历史上著名的“灵关道。”灵关道北接成都,南连云南大理,越腾冲出缅甸而至印度,这是我国最早通往西域... 在四川凉山彝族自治州境内,从大渡河南岸的甘洛,经越西、喜德至自治州首府西昌市,有一条蜿蜒于崇山峻岭、峡谷急流之间的古道,它就是历史上著名的“灵关道。”灵关道北接成都,南连云南大理,越腾冲出缅甸而至印度,这是我国最早通往西域的“蜀身毒道”(成都至印度),因此,灵关道乃蜀身毒道的重要组成部份。(从成都出发,当时还有另一条经现在的宜宾到云南的古道称五尺道或称僰道。 展开更多
关键词 古道 凉山彝族 灵关 自治州 五尺道 西昌市 云南 印度 西域 四川
峨眉山与萬年寺 被引量:1
作者 吴觉非 《四川文物》 1985年第2期48-50,共3页
一、峨眉山峨眉山,位于川西盆地西南部,主峰万佛顶,海拔3,099米。襟带乐山、夹江、犍为、峨边;远眺贡嘎、瓦屋、大雪山;俯视岷江、大渡河、青衣江。群峰叠翠,碧流奔泻,浩浩千里,气象万千。关于峨眉山的记载,最早据《华阳国志·蜀志... 一、峨眉山峨眉山,位于川西盆地西南部,主峰万佛顶,海拔3,099米。襟带乐山、夹江、犍为、峨边;远眺贡嘎、瓦屋、大雪山;俯视岷江、大渡河、青衣江。群峰叠翠,碧流奔泻,浩浩千里,气象万千。关于峨眉山的记载,最早据《华阳国志·蜀志》说:“杜宇以褒斜为前门,熊耳、灵关为后户,玉垒、峨眉为城廓。”《华阳国志》记蜀中名山说:“青城,峨眉为坤维之巨镇。”《金陵随笔》说:“蜀人绘蜀山作六图,一日峨眉,去嘉州龙游县三百余里,为六山之最。”《益州记》及《寰宇记》记载:“峨眉山在南安界,两山相对如峨眉。”《水经注》记载说:“去成都千里,然秋月澄清。 展开更多
关键词 峨眉山 大雪山 五台山 历史悠久 灵关 普贤 山西五台 金陵 峨眉山志 寺庙
作者 刘晓蓉 《创作与评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第4期80-80,共1页
日记刘晓蓉我要把一生都藏在那一页页深蓝与浅蓝中仿佛远古的落叶把脉络历历地楼刻在顽石上我没有盼望过那些如蝶飞舞的悲欢将成为历史的见证但我真的在用文字一一记录我的心灵关于那些蔷薇上闪烁的雨滴那些天空留不住的云因为我知道我... 日记刘晓蓉我要把一生都藏在那一页页深蓝与浅蓝中仿佛远古的落叶把脉络历历地楼刻在顽石上我没有盼望过那些如蝶飞舞的悲欢将成为历史的见证但我真的在用文字一一记录我的心灵关于那些蔷薇上闪烁的雨滴那些天空留不住的云因为我知道我正走过的是一条曲折的充满阳光与花香... 展开更多
关键词 历史的见证 灵关 蔷薇 日记 顽石 文字 雨滴 天空
Improvement of Similarity Measure: Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient 被引量:5
作者 LIUYong-suo MENGQing-hua CHENRong WANGJian-song JIANGShu-min HUYu-zhu 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第3期180-186,共7页
Aim To study the reason of the insensitiveness of Pearson product-momentcorrelation coefficient as a similarity measure and the method to improve its sensitivity. MethodsExperimental and simulated data sets were used.... Aim To study the reason of the insensitiveness of Pearson product-momentcorrelation coefficient as a similarity measure and the method to improve its sensitivity. MethodsExperimental and simulated data sets were used. Results The distribution range of the data setsinfluences the sensitivity of Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Weighted Pearsonproduct-moment correlation coefficient is more sensitive when the range of the data set is large.Conclusion Weighted Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient is necessary when the range ofthe data set is large. 展开更多
关键词 chromatographic fingerprints SIMILARITY quality control weighted pearsonproduct-moment correlation coefficient
Screening for metronidazole-resistance associated gene fragments of H pylori by suppression subtractive hybridization 被引量:3
作者 Ai-Qing Li Ning Dai +1 位作者 Jie Yan Yong-Liang Zhu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第12期1847-1850,共4页
AIM: To screen for metronidazole (MTZ)-resistance associated gene fragments of H pylori by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). METHODS: Five MTZ-resistant (tester, T) and 1 MTZ- susceptible (driver, ... AIM: To screen for metronidazole (MTZ)-resistance associated gene fragments of H pylori by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). METHODS: Five MTZ-resistant (tester, T) and 1 MTZ- susceptible (driver, D) clinical H pylori isolates were selected. Genomic DNAs were prepared and submitted to Rsa I digestion. Then two different adaptors were ligated respectively to the 5'-end of two aliquots of the tester DNA fragments and SSH was made between the tester and driver DNAs. The specific inserts of tester strains were screened and MTZ-resistance related gene fragments were identified by dot blotting. RESULTS: Among the randomly selected 120 subtractive colonies, 37 DNA fragments had a different number of DNA copies (≥ 2 times) in resistant and susceptible strains and 17 of them had a significantly different number of DNA copies (≥ 3 times). Among the sequences obtained from the 17 DNA fragments, new sequences were found in 10 DNA fragments and duplicated sequences in 7 DNA fragments, representing respectively the sequences of depeptide ABC transporter periplasmic dipeptide-binding protein (dppA), permease protein (dppB), ribosomal protein S4 (rps4), ribonuclease Ⅲ (rnc), protease (pqqE), diaminopimelate epimerase (dapF), acetatekinase (ackA), H pylori plasmid pHP51 and Hpylori gene 1334. CONCLUSION: Gene fragments specific to MTZ-resistant H pylori strains can be screened by SSH and may be associated with MTZ-resistant Hpylori. 展开更多
关键词 H pylori METRONIDAZOLE Drug resistance GENE Suppression subtractive hybridization
Wide-Band Polarization-Independent Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Gate with Tensile-Strained Quasi-Bulk InGaAs
作者 王书荣 刘志宏 +6 位作者 王圩 朱洪亮 张瑞英 丁颖 赵玲娟 周帆 王鲁峰 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期898-902,共5页
A semiconductor optical amplifier gate based on tensile strained quasi bulk InGaAs is developed.At injection current of 80mA,a 3dB optical bandwidth of more than 85nm is achieved due to dominant band filling effect... A semiconductor optical amplifier gate based on tensile strained quasi bulk InGaAs is developed.At injection current of 80mA,a 3dB optical bandwidth of more than 85nm is achieved due to dominant band filling effect.Moreover,the most important is that very low polarization dependence of gain (<0 7dB),fiber to fiber lossless operation current (70~90mA) and a high extinction ratio (>50dB) are simultaneously obtained over this wide 3dB optical bandwidth (1520~1609nm) which nearly covers the spectral region of the whole C band (1525~1565nm) and the whole L band (1570~1610nm).The gating time is also improved by decreasing carrier lifetime.The wide band polarization insensitive SOA gate is promising for use in future dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) communication systems. 展开更多
关键词 semiconductor optical amplifier gate wide bandwidth polarization insensitive tensile strained quasi bulk InGaAs fiber to fiber lossless operation current extinction ratio
Uncertainty through Polynomial Chaos: A Sensor Sensitivity and Correlation Analysis in EEG Problems
作者 Rob H. De Staelen 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第9期748-756,共9页
The author studies the effect of uncertain conductivity on the electroencephalography (EEG) forward problem. A three-layer spherical head model with different and random layer conductivities is considered. Polynomia... The author studies the effect of uncertain conductivity on the electroencephalography (EEG) forward problem. A three-layer spherical head model with different and random layer conductivities is considered. Polynomial Chaos (PC) is used to model the randomness. The author performs a sensitivity and correlation analysis of EEG sensors influenced by uncertain conductivity. The author addressed the sensitivity analysis at three stages: dipole location and moment averaged out, only the dipole moment averaged out, and both fixed. On average, the author observes the least influenced electrodes along the great longitudinal fissure. Also, sensors located closer to a dipole source, are of greater influence to a change in conductivity. The highly influenced sensors were on average located temporal. This was also the case in the correlation analysis. Sensors in the temporal parts of the brain are highly correlated. Whereas the sensors in the occipital and lower frontal region, though they are close together, are not so highly correlated as in the temporal regions. This study clearly shows that intrinsic sensor correlation exists, and therefore cannot be discarded, especially in the inverse problem. In the latter it makes it possible not to specify the conductivities. It also offers an easy but rigorous modeling of the stochastic propagation of uncertain conductivity to sensorial potentials (e.g., making it suited for research on optimal placing of these sensors). 展开更多
关键词 Polynomial Chaos uncertain conductivity sensitivity analysis correlation analysis EEG (electroencephalography)
Study on the Organic Correlation of Prana Energy
作者 Hae-Young Won 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第12期1061-1070,共10页
Since India's philosophical discussion on the correlation between the mind and the body, the goal achieved through practice has been imbued with much meaning under the influences of yoga. Self-transcendence can be re... Since India's philosophical discussion on the correlation between the mind and the body, the goal achieved through practice has been imbued with much meaning under the influences of yoga. Self-transcendence can be reached through self-discipline that is founded upon the fundamental change and potential for existential practice. The mind and the body do not comprise a binary relationship but instead maintain an intimate relationship bound by the medium of organic energy of breathing, breath, and pr^0a. Of these medium that form the relationship, the pr^-0a has a natural healing tendency, which has been well documented within classics such as Upani.sads and Bhagavad G^ta. Classic yoga explains that pr^0a imbues within it a vivacious passion and energy that will connect the human body with the human mind. Thus, the pr^0a functions as bio-energy. From ancient Indian philosophy to Buddhism, yoga therapy actively utilizes practice as a main element. In particular, the Patafijali yoga's methodology details the organic correlation within its eight limbs (支) yoga practices. The prana is breath. This is the only sense in which Patafijali has used this word. Breath is called prana because it moves on continuously throughout the body and reaches the basic circle of the individual self. It pervades mouth, nostrils, heart, navel region and toes. As a result, it is a healing method that achieves far more than the scientific healing methods common in society. 展开更多
关键词 India's philosophical between the mind and the body fundamental change eight limbs (支) yogapractices heating method the organic energy of breathing BREATH pr~ .ha
Sensitivity of Coupled Chaotic Dynamical System to Parameters in the Context of Data Assimilation
作者 Sergei Soldatenko David Smith Peter Steinle Chris Tingwell 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2013年第12期641-654,共14页
In this paper, a numerical modeling tool is described which can be used to explore various aspects of four dimensional variational data assimilation and parameter estimation arising in geophysical, environmental, biol... In this paper, a numerical modeling tool is described which can be used to explore various aspects of four dimensional variational data assimilation and parameter estimation arising in geophysical, environmental, biological and engineering sciences. A major component of this tool is a coupled chaotic dynamical system obtained by coupling two versions of the well-known Lorenz (1963) model with different time scales which differ by a certain time-scale factor. A tangent linear model and its adjoint are considered that correspond to a coupled chaotic system. The general idea of applying sensitivity measures (sensitivity functions) to coupled systems, emphasizing the data assimilation aspects, is explored as well by the forward sensitivity approach. For this purpose the set of sensitivity equations is derived from the nonlinear equations of the coupled dynamical system. To estimate the influence of model parameter uncertainties on the simulated state variables the relative error in the energy norm is used. 展开更多
关键词 Data assimilation dynamical system sensitivity analysis.
Effects of the Overall Alkaloid of a Traditional Chinese Medicine “Tongbiling” on the Cytokine Expression in Th1 and Th2 Cells of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Their Signaling Pathway 被引量:1
作者 陈光星 刘清平 +3 位作者 王培训 曾耀英 刘良 陈纪藩 《Journal of Microbiology and Immunology》 2004年第1期45-49,共5页
To investigate the effects of overall alkali of a traditional Chinese medicine “Tongbiling” (brucine and strychnine alkaloids in main) on the cytokines expression in Th1 and Th2 cells in the synovial fluid of patien... To investigate the effects of overall alkali of a traditional Chinese medicine “Tongbiling” (brucine and strychnine alkaloids in main) on the cytokines expression in Th1 and Th2 cells in the synovial fluid of patients with rheumatism arthritis and their signal pathway, the mononuclear cells in the synovial fluid (SFMC) of patients were isolated by Ficoll-Hypaque gradient centrifugation, and the CD3 + CD69 + and CD3 + HLA-DR antigen were analyzed by flow cytometry in comparison with those of the peripheral blood. The rest of cells were cultured after resuspension with RPMI 1640 culture medium. Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDB) and ionomycin were added successively into the culture with various concentration of overall alkali Tongbiling (TBL). After 4 h of cultivation, the expression of IFN-γ and IL-4 in CD3 + cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. The influence of overall alkali TBL (100?mg/L) on the intracellular calcium was investigated after Fluo-3/AM labeling and stimulation with PDB and ionomycin at 1, 2, 4 and 10?min, and the influence of TBL on the expression of CD3 + CD69 + cells were determined with stimulation of PDB for 24?h in the whole blood lymphocytes culture. It was found that the percentage of T cells bearing CD69 was significantly up-regulated (77%), while that of T cells bearing HLA-DR was 44% in the synovial mononucleated cells. After PDB and ionomycin stimulation, the expression of IFN-γ in CD3 + cells were up-regulated, but there was no change on the expression of IL-4 in CD3 + cells, indicating that ratio of Th1/Th2 was significantly increased and Th cells differentiate to Th1 cells in mainly. Four concentrations of overall alkaloid of TBL (200?mg/L, 100?mg/L, 50?mg/L, 25?mg/L) could down-regulated the expression of IFN-γ in CD3 + cells and the Th1/Th2 ratio obviously, but all the concentrations of the overall alkaloids had no effect on the expression of IL-4 in CD3 + cells. 100?mg/L concentration of the overall alkaloid did not down-regulate the intracellular calcium level. Each concentration of the overall alkaloid could down-regulated the expression CD69 obviously on the PDB-activated mouse T cells. It concluded from the above observations that the overall alkaloid of TBL could relieve the inflammatory and immune damages by suppressing the expression of Th1 type cytokines and Th1 cell differentiation, regulating the imbalance of Th1/Th2 cells and inhibiting the early activation of the T lymphocytes bearing CD69. There was no remarkable influence on the intracellular calcium signaling transduction pathway. The inhibitory effected on T cells to express IFN-γ might be due to the suppression of PKC-MAPK signaling pathway. From the standpoint of traditional Chinese medicine, this might be due to the regulation of “Yin” and “Yang” imbalance of joints to modify the pathological status in rheumatoid arthritis. This study provided an experimental basis for the application of overall alkaloids of TBL in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. 展开更多
关键词 Overall alkaloid TBL T lymphocytes Th1/Th2 cells HLA-DR
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