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作者 陈征 《兰州教育学院学报》 2020年第5期32-34,共3页
美国契卡索印第安裔作家琳达霍根的文学作品交融多元文化的丰富内涵,其长篇小说《灵力》以环境伦理为主题,探讨了跨越印第安族裔与白人主流社会的文化边界,人与自然、动物边界而建立对话机制的可能性,也表明了霍根呼吁对环境伦理问题的... 美国契卡索印第安裔作家琳达霍根的文学作品交融多元文化的丰富内涵,其长篇小说《灵力》以环境伦理为主题,探讨了跨越印第安族裔与白人主流社会的文化边界,人与自然、动物边界而建立对话机制的可能性,也表明了霍根呼吁对环境伦理问题的思考应该立足于对自然万物和人类关系整体视角的反思。 展开更多
关键词 灵力 霍根 生态女性主义 环境伦理
信则有,不信则无——从信息经济学角度看孙村女巫灵力的范围与兴衰 被引量:1
作者 吴重庆 《中国乡村研究》 2010年第1期254-267,共14页
由于阴阳两界信息的隔绝,人神之间的沟通主要是信息的沟通。人之畏鬼及人之求神,皆缘于人与神、鬼之间的信息不对称。人神关系的实质是'委托—代理'的经济关系,委托者需考虑成本问题。作为神明代言人的女巫———童乩,其灵力取... 由于阴阳两界信息的隔绝,人神之间的沟通主要是信息的沟通。人之畏鬼及人之求神,皆缘于人与神、鬼之间的信息不对称。人神关系的实质是'委托—代理'的经济关系,委托者需考虑成本问题。作为神明代言人的女巫———童乩,其灵力取决于是否提供准确有效的信息。如果信息失灵,信众将因不经济而'改信',导致童乩灵力的变迁。由于信息供给者的特殊身份,信众对灵验的负面信息采取自我管制和过滤的策略,使外圈层信众处于灵验负面信息的屏闭状态。而单方面传播灵验的正面信息,使童乩的声名远播。因此而形成童乩灵力的变迁规律:在空间上,童乩灵力的覆盖面并非呈圆形或扇面区域,而是呈圈层结构;在时间上,童乩灵力只有在内圈层的辐射力衰退之后才进而辐射到外圈层。由于乡村交通和通讯的日益发达,童乩灵力辐射的外圈层的范围半径越来越大,使神明的本土化色彩越来越淡;童乩灵力辐射从内圈层到外圈层的推移速度越来越快,使童乩灵力的生命周期越来越短。乡村社会神明的跨地域性、去社区化以及童乩生命周期的短暂化可能对乡村社会以及人的心态产生深刻影响。 展开更多
关键词 童乩 神明 信众 信息 灵验 灵力
台湾地区妈祖灵力诸说探讨 被引量:6
作者 林美容 《民俗研究》 CSSCI 2014年第6期85-91,共7页
妈祖信仰渊远流长,在台湾地区蓬勃兴盛至今,史未曾有。考其灵力之源,民间主要有:巫女说、应化说、兵马说、正统说、敕封说、香火说、社群说、跨海说、流动说九种。以上灵力诸说,既有源自于妈祖本身的力量,也有源自于历史的正当性,但最... 妈祖信仰渊远流长,在台湾地区蓬勃兴盛至今,史未曾有。考其灵力之源,民间主要有:巫女说、应化说、兵马说、正统说、敕封说、香火说、社群说、跨海说、流动说九种。以上灵力诸说,既有源自于妈祖本身的力量,也有源自于历史的正当性,但最多的动力还是源自于妈祖信众的社会动能。 展开更多
关键词 妈祖灵力 信仰社群 集体力量 流动性 父系社会
化解生态伦理与环境正义冲突:霍根《灵力》对环境伦理的想象 被引量:2
作者 方红 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期20-25,共6页
本文以环境伦理、生态伦理、环境正义为核心概念探讨霍根小说《灵力》的环境伦理观,提出霍根以奥米西托见证爱玛猎豹与被审事件展现生态伦理、环境正义的冲突与视角盲点,并以奥米西托成长为爱玛的精神传人寓意以关爱为基础的环境伦理是... 本文以环境伦理、生态伦理、环境正义为核心概念探讨霍根小说《灵力》的环境伦理观,提出霍根以奥米西托见证爱玛猎豹与被审事件展现生态伦理、环境正义的冲突与视角盲点,并以奥米西托成长为爱玛的精神传人寓意以关爱为基础的环境伦理是解决生态伦理与环境正义冲突的未来,表达了兼顾濒危物种与濒危人群的弱势人类中心主义的环境伦理观。 展开更多
关键词 霍根 灵力 环境伦理 生态伦理 环境正义
作者 龙娟 梁文婷 《外国语言与文化》 2019年第2期40-49,共10页
作为当代著名的印第安作家,琳达·霍根十分关注当代美国印第安人的生存问题,并始终致力于书写印第安本土文化,为印第安人发声。《灵力》正是这样一部聚焦美国内部殖民统治下印第安民族生存境况的作品。在美国内部殖民统治和父权制... 作为当代著名的印第安作家,琳达·霍根十分关注当代美国印第安人的生存问题,并始终致力于书写印第安本土文化,为印第安人发声。《灵力》正是这样一部聚焦美国内部殖民统治下印第安民族生存境况的作品。在美国内部殖民统治和父权制的双重压迫下,印第安妇女处于社会边缘的边缘。在霍根笔下,尽管爱玛已被双重边缘化,甚至可以说被三重边缘化了,是一个处于社会最底层的'属下'女性,在法庭审判中'不能说话',然而她却致力于成为一个'看护世界的女人'。通过塑造爱玛这个具有多重形象的印第安女性,霍根旨在让更多的底层人走出不能言说的困境,最终实现自我救赎。从一定意义上讲,爱玛就是霍根的代言人,表征着霍根的文学创作观。 展开更多
关键词 琳达·霍根 灵力 美国印第安女性 属下
庙宇承包经营、灵力生产困境与民间信仰格局的改变——广东新会北头村仙娘庙的个案研究 被引量:2
作者 杨思敏 吴重庆 《民俗研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期55-64,158,共11页
广东新会北头村仙娘庙在市场化的冲击下,其经营方式由集体经营转为承包制经营,造成了乡村社会民间信仰格局的改变,具体包括神明的'被承包化'、信仰活动'家神化'、信众来源远距离化及在村'仙姑'群体衰落等现象... 广东新会北头村仙娘庙在市场化的冲击下,其经营方式由集体经营转为承包制经营,造成了乡村社会民间信仰格局的改变,具体包括神明的'被承包化'、信仰活动'家神化'、信众来源远距离化及在村'仙姑'群体衰落等现象。庙宇承包经营使庙宇经营者需要面对个人经营创收诉求与由此带来的灵力受损的困境,对此,经营者通过调整经营策略以实现灵力的再生产。另一方面,受庙宇承包经营的影响,民间信仰活动逐渐从乡村社区公共生活退出,其整合社会的功能受到严重削弱。 展开更多
关键词 民间信仰 庙宇经营 承包制 灵力生产
物的社会生命:人情伦理与等级秩序——兼论《礼物的流动》 被引量:13
作者 杨涛 吴国清 《南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第1期71-74,共4页
礼物的流动不是盲目的,而是遵循着一定的社会规范和文化。物是礼的载体,礼是物的灵力,"物"之所以成为"礼物"就在于其"流动性",在流动中赋予物以社会生命。物的社会生命就是指礼物在流动中所遵循的社会规... 礼物的流动不是盲目的,而是遵循着一定的社会规范和文化。物是礼的载体,礼是物的灵力,"物"之所以成为"礼物"就在于其"流动性",在流动中赋予物以社会生命。物的社会生命就是指礼物在流动中所遵循的社会规范和文化及结成的社会关系。阎云翔在他的著作《礼物的流动》详细论述了"横向的关系流动——人情伦理"以及"纵向的关系流动——等级秩序",对于了解礼物流动的运行机制和物的社会生命具有重要的意义和价值。 展开更多
关键词 礼物 人情 灵力 科层制
禁忌语、委婉语性质新探 被引量:5
作者 邝永辉 《韶关学院学报》 2007年第5期20-23,共4页
禁忌语是禁忌的一个组成郝分,禁忌的对象是语言;有时它和它直接指称的事物一起成为禁忌的对象,有时它直接指称的事物不一定是禁忌的对象。禁忌语的产生是由于人们对语言灵力的敬畏,又从对语言灵力的敬畏发展为对人的敬畏。委婉语因禁忌... 禁忌语是禁忌的一个组成郝分,禁忌的对象是语言;有时它和它直接指称的事物一起成为禁忌的对象,有时它直接指称的事物不一定是禁忌的对象。禁忌语的产生是由于人们对语言灵力的敬畏,又从对语言灵力的敬畏发展为对人的敬畏。委婉语因禁忌语的存在而存在,委婉的对象是禁忌的词语,它不在乎是否说得恶毒,而在乎是否避免了直接提及禁忌的词语。委婉语通过换用别的说法、避免直接提及禁忌的词语来取悦于神或人,从而使说话人避免遭受语言灵力的惩罚和社交中人们的鄙视。 展开更多
关键词 禁忌 禁忌语 语言灵力 委婉语
论巫术的起源和发展 被引量:1
作者 吴兴勇 成丽 《怀化师专学报》 2000年第3期36-38,共3页
论述巫术的起源和发展 ,从远古的原始社会的巫术讲起 ,一直讲到当代西方和中国的巫术 (包括算命、招魂术、预言诗等等 )。在重点分析巫术与科学的关系时 ,指出某些科学 (甚至艺术 )起源于巫术。但也指出现代的巫术与现代科学的根本区别。
关键词 巫术 起源 发展 炼金术 超自然灵力 卜辞 算命 道教
桃的驱鬼辟邪功能探源 被引量:3
作者 毕旭玲 《中文自学指导》 2006年第5期59-64,共6页
在中国民俗观念中,桃具有驱鬼辟邪的功能。这种意识在春秋时期就出现了,并一直延续到当代。本文认为:桃的驱鬼辟邪功能是原始超自然力崇拜的产物。在原始巫术信仰阶段,桃树作为一种辟邪灵物曾被原始人崇信过。将桃树作为辟邪灵物而... 在中国民俗观念中,桃具有驱鬼辟邪的功能。这种意识在春秋时期就出现了,并一直延续到当代。本文认为:桃的驱鬼辟邪功能是原始超自然力崇拜的产物。在原始巫术信仰阶段,桃树作为一种辟邪灵物曾被原始人崇信过。将桃树作为辟邪灵物而崇信的原因是原始人相信桃树中存在着一种超自然力,即灵力。作为灵力的载体,桃树最初的功能是辟邪。随着鬼魂观念的发生,桃树又具有了驱鬼的含义。作为一种原始的巫术灵物,桃枝、桃杖应该是最初形式,后来从桃枝、桃杖演化出了桃弓、桃俑、桃板、桃符等灵物,进而演化出桃印、桃殳、桃刚卯、桃汤以及桃胶、桃蠹屎等灵物,最终形成了内容庞杂的与桃驱鬼辟邪功能相关的灵物系统。 展开更多
关键词 驱鬼辟邪 超自然力 灵力 辟邪灵物 巫术灵物
作者 汪志刚 《西部法学评论》 2010年第3期23-27,共5页
关键词 义务履行 相互性 仪式 灵力
作者 林震 《妈祖文化研究》 2019年第4期75-85,共11页
在南宋短短的153年时间中,朝廷对妈祖进行了多达14次的赐封,从而在妈祖信仰传播近千年的进程中构成了一个独特的"关键节点":在东南沿海地区(特别是福建)经济和海上贸易迅猛发展的推动下,有影响力的妈祖信徒们(士人、官员和商... 在南宋短短的153年时间中,朝廷对妈祖进行了多达14次的赐封,从而在妈祖信仰传播近千年的进程中构成了一个独特的"关键节点":在东南沿海地区(特别是福建)经济和海上贸易迅猛发展的推动下,有影响力的妈祖信徒们(士人、官员和商人)精诚合作,通过在异地兴建妈祖庙和申请朝廷赐封,建立了妈祖灵验传说的长效传播机制,促使妈祖从地方神明转变为区域神明。从后果和影响看,这个节点夯实了妈祖在民间社会"有祷则灵"口碑的坚实基础,为元明清三代开启了一个行之有效的政神合作模式,使得妈祖屡屡被统治者选中作为官方教化的标志。最后,妈祖能够从众多神明中脱颖而出的原因在于,其他众多神明在传播过程中缺乏类似南宋这样的关键节点,因此竞争不过妈祖。 展开更多
关键词 妈祖 灵力 关键节点 南宋
作者 赵寄先 《潜科学》 1995年第5期43-44,共2页
关键词 特医学 治愈率 意念力 念力 灵力
Probabilistic Teleportation of a Four-Particle Entangled W State 被引量:10
作者 ZHANYou-Bang FUHao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期440-444,共5页
In this paper, two schemes for teleporting an unknown four-particle entangled W state is proposed. In the first scheme, two partial entangled four-particle states are used as quantum channels, while in the second sche... In this paper, two schemes for teleporting an unknown four-particle entangled W state is proposed. In the first scheme, two partial entangled four-particle states are used as quantum channels, while in the second scheme,four non-maximally entangled particle pairs are considered as quantum channels. It is shown that the teleportation can be successfully realized with certain probability, for both schemes, if a receiver adopts some appropriate unitary transformations. It is also shown that the successful probabilities of these two schemes are different. 展开更多
关键词 probabilistic teleportation four-particle entangled W state unitarytransformation
A novel fully-integrated miniature six-axis force/torque sensor 被引量:5
作者 王嘉力 Xie Zongwu +2 位作者 Liu Hong Jiang Li Gao Xiaohui 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2006年第3期235-238,共4页
This paper presents a new designed miniature six DOF (degree of freedom) force/torque sensor. This sensor is fully integrated with a micro DSP (digital signal processor), so all the signal conditioning, A/D, decou... This paper presents a new designed miniature six DOF (degree of freedom) force/torque sensor. This sensor is fully integrated with a micro DSP (digital signal processor), so all the signal conditioning, A/D, decoupling, digital-signals serial output are performed in the sensor. Some experimental results are presented to demonstrate the capability of the proposed design. Finally, a neural network was used for decoupling the interacting signals, compared with the conventional method using the inverse matrix, this new method is more accurate. 展开更多
关键词 six-axis force sensor sensing element CALIBRATION neural network
Novel sensitivity analysis method and dynamics optimization for multiple launch rocket systems 被引量:1
作者 Tu Tianxiong Wang Guoping +1 位作者 Rui Xiaoting Miao Yunfei 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2022年第1期15-19,共5页
This study establishes the launch dynamics method,sensitivity analysis method,and multiobjective dynamic optimization method for the dynamic simulation analysis of the multiple launch rocket system(MLRS)based on the R... This study establishes the launch dynamics method,sensitivity analysis method,and multiobjective dynamic optimization method for the dynamic simulation analysis of the multiple launch rocket system(MLRS)based on the Riccati transfer matrix method for multibody systems(RMSTMM),direct differentiation method(DDM),and genetic algorithm(GA),respectively.Results show that simulation results of the dynamic response agree well with test results.The sensitivity analysis method is highly programming,the matrix order is low,and the calculation time is much shorter than that of the Lagrange method.With the increase of system complexity,the advantage of a high computing speed becomes more evident.Structural parameters that have the greatest influence on the dynamic response include the connection stiffness between the pitching body and the rotating body,the connection stiffness between the rotating body and the vehicle body,and the connection stiffnesses among 14^(#),16^(#),and 17^(#)wheels and the ground,which are the optimization design variables.After optimization,angular velocity variances of the pitching body in the revolving and pitching directions are reduced by 97.84%and 95.22%,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Riccati transfer matrix method for multibody systems multiple launch rocket system launch dynamics sensitivity analysis optimization design
Effect of Microinfusion of Angiotensin Ⅱ into the RVLM in Rats on the Baroreceptor Reflex Sensitivity 被引量:4
作者 ZHANGFeng GAOXing-ya ZHUGuo-qing ZHONGWan-hua 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2004年第3期121-124,共4页
Objective: The present study was designed to investigate the effect of microinfusion angiotensin Ⅱ(Ang Ⅱ),Ang Ⅱ type 1(AT_1)receptor antagonist losartan into the rostral ventrolateral medulla(RVLM)on the barorecept... Objective: The present study was designed to investigate the effect of microinfusion angiotensin Ⅱ(Ang Ⅱ),Ang Ⅱ type 1(AT_1)receptor antagonist losartan into the rostral ventrolateral medulla(RVLM)on the baroreceptor reflex sensitivity(BRS)in urethane-anesthetized rats. Methods: Reflex changes in heart rate(HR)were elicited by bolus intravenous injection of phenylephrine before and during RVLM microinfusion of saline(0.5 μl/h),Ang Ⅱ (1.5 nmol/h),losartan(250 nmol/h),and Ang Ⅱ(1.5 nmol/h)pretreated with microinjection of losartan (50 nmol/0.51 μl)into the RVLM.The average ratio between changes in HR in beats per minute(beats·min -1)and changes in mean arterial pressure [MAP,mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)] was used as an index of BRS. Results: Ang Ⅱ resulted in a significant decrease in the BRS for reflex bradycardia compared with control(-2.1±0.1 vs-3.9±0.4 beats·min -1·mmHg -1).Microinfusion of losartan had no significant effect on BRS for reflex bradycardia.The effect of Ang Ⅱ was almost completely abolished by pretreatment with microinjection of losartan. Conclusion:These results showed that the exogenous Ang Ⅱ in the RVLM produces inhibitory modulation of BRS,which is mediated by AT_1 receptor.However,AT_1 receptor in the RVLM is not involved in the tonic control of BRS. 展开更多
关键词 angiotensin AT_1 receptor baroreceptor reflex rostral ventralateral medulla
Thyristor Controlled Phase Shifter:A Comprehensive Survey
作者 那吉.阿哈姆斯 陈珩 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2001年第1期85-88,共4页
Thyristor control phase shifter (TCPS) is one of the new facilities implemented in power network, leading to the development of economically efficient and technically reliable system. This paper introduces the functio... Thyristor control phase shifter (TCPS) is one of the new facilities implemented in power network, leading to the development of economically efficient and technically reliable system. This paper introduces the function of TCPS in power system, describes its working principle and structure, and suggests some simple models used in its study and briefly presents the comparison between different types of TCPSs and their applications. 展开更多
关键词 power system FACTS TCPS phase angle regulation
Hydrodynamic Shear Stress Affects Cell Growth and Metabolite Production by Medicinal Mushroom Ganoderma lucidum 被引量:3
作者 龚海刚 钟建江 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期426-428,共3页
By investigating the shear effect on submerged cultivation of a traditional Chinese medicinal herb Ganoderma lucidum, a relatively high cell concentration of 13.8 g·L-1 by dry mass was obtained in bioreactor at a... By investigating the shear effect on submerged cultivation of a traditional Chinese medicinal herb Ganoderma lucidum, a relatively high cell concentration of 13.8 g·L-1 by dry mass was obtained in bioreactor at an impeller tip speed (ITS) of 0.51m·s-1. At an ITS of 0.51,1.02 and 1.53m·s-1, a maximal production titer of intracellular polysaccharide was 2.64, 2.20 and 2.28g·L-1 and that of ganoderic acid was 306, 299 and 273g·L-1, respectively. Under these ITSs, the maximal mean projected area of dispersed hyphae was 3.70, 2.54 and 2.13×104μm2, and that of pellets was 0.91, 0.67 and 0.55mm2, respectively. The information obtained is useful for efficient submerged cultivation of mushrooms on a large scale. 展开更多
关键词 Ganoderma lucidum mushroom cultures shear effect Ganoderma polysaccharide ganoderic acid BIOREACTOR
Sensitivity of Near Real-time MODIS Gross Primary Productivity in Terrestrial Forests Based on Eddy Covariance Measurements 被引量:1
作者 TANG Xuguang LI Hengpeng +4 位作者 LIU Guihua LI Xinyan YAO Li XIE Jing CHANG Shouzhi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期537-548,共12页
As an important product of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS), MOD17A2 provides dramatic improvements in our ability to accurately and continuously monitor global terrestrial primary production, whic... As an important product of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS), MOD17A2 provides dramatic improvements in our ability to accurately and continuously monitor global terrestrial primary production, which is also significant in effort to advance scientific research and eco-environmental management. Over the past decades, forests have moderated climate change by sequestrating about one-quarter of the carbon emitted by human activities through fossil fuels burning and land use/land cover change. Thus, the carbon uptake by forests reduces the rate at which carbon accumulates in the atmosphere. However, the sensitivity of near real-time MODIS gross primary productivity(GPP) product is directly constrained by uncertainties in the modeling process, especially in complicated forest ecosystems. Although there have been plenty of studies to verify MODIS GPP with ground-based measurements using the eddy covariance(EC) technique, few have comprehensively validated the performance of MODIS estimates(Collection 5) across diverse forest types. Therefore, the present study examined the degree of correspondence between MODIS-derived GPP and EC-measured GPP at seasonal and interannual time scales for the main forest ecosystems, including evergreen broadleaf forest(EBF), evergreen needleleaf forest(ENF), deciduous broadleaf forest(DBF), and mixed forest(MF) relying on 16 flux towers with a total of 68 site-year datasets. Overall, site-specific evaluation of multi-year mean annual GPP estimates indicates that the current MOD17A2 product works highly effectively for MF and DBF, moderately effectively for ENF, and ineffectively for EBF. Except for tropical forest, MODIS estimates could capture the broad trends of GPP at 8-day time scale for all other sites surveyed. On the annual time scale, the best performance was observed in MF, followed by ENF, DBF, and EBF. Trend analyses also revealed the poor performance of MODIS GPP product in EBF and DBF. Thus, improvements in the sensitivity of MOD17A2 to forest productivity require continued efforts. 展开更多
关键词 MOD 17A2 FLUXNET community eddy covariance (EC) gross primary productivity (GPP) forest ecosystem evaluation
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