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干旱灾害安全网的构建:从危机管理到风险管理的战略性变迁 被引量:7
作者 程静 彭必源 《孝感学院学报》 2010年第4期79-82,共4页
旱灾危机管理集中于灾害发生时的应急管理或灾后的恢复与重建,而旱灾风险管理则包括准备、预测、早期预警、回应、恢复等灾害发生发展的全过程。从危机管理到风险管理的转变是现代化干旱管理发展的必然趋势,对减少旱灾损失,抗旱保粮,维... 旱灾危机管理集中于灾害发生时的应急管理或灾后的恢复与重建,而旱灾风险管理则包括准备、预测、早期预警、回应、恢复等灾害发生发展的全过程。从危机管理到风险管理的转变是现代化干旱管理发展的必然趋势,对减少旱灾损失,抗旱保粮,维护世界粮食安全具有重要的意义。伴随着管理理念的变迁,政府部门及各类非政府组织等利益相关者也应联合起来,发挥各自的优势并密切配合,组建一个综合性的干旱灾害安全网。干旱灾害安全网的构建对转变抗旱工作理念、加强干旱管理体制、明确干旱管理职能和提高干旱管理水平有较好的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 干旱 危机管理 风险管理 灾害安全 制度创新
作者 林起庆 何兰燕 沈艳清 《中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志》 2015年第8期749-750,共2页
目的探讨偏远农村应对灾害事件的能力。方法利用农村赶集日、农闲时节,深入广西三个边防县共3132名农民发放自制的调查问卷,分别对火灾、房屋垮塌、瓦斯暴炸、食物中毒、交通事故、山体滑坡、泥石流等发生时,村民的呼救、逃生、止血... 目的探讨偏远农村应对灾害事件的能力。方法利用农村赶集日、农闲时节,深入广西三个边防县共3132名农民发放自制的调查问卷,分别对火灾、房屋垮塌、瓦斯暴炸、食物中毒、交通事故、山体滑坡、泥石流等发生时,村民的呼救、逃生、止血、包扎、搬运、催吐等的自救与互救能力进行问卷调查。结果共发放调查问卷3448份,回收有效问卷3132份。农民对“120”急救电话知晓率10.1l%,对于止血、包扎、挤压伤、火灾处理的正确率分别为5.66%、4.51%、5.28%、2.09%;对骨折的处理、固定、搬运正确率为1.22%、1.11%、2.33%,食物中毒急救正确率O.89%,二氧化碳中毒现场急救正确率为1.2%。结论加大农村防灾抗灾投入,多渠道开展灾害安全教育,提高广大农村抗灾能力,最大限度减少灾害造成的损失。 展开更多
关键词 灾害安全 教育 农村
作者 盛谦 曾静 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期1379-1379,共1页
关键词 灾害环境下重大工程安全性的基础研究》 北京 会议 项目管理
作者 魏珊 《西部发展研究》 2021年第1期185-199,共15页
灾害安全作为非传统安全的重要领域之一,其具备的突发性、蔓延性、跨国性以及灾害安全治理的"外溢"性,使得国际合作成为我国西部灾害多发地区应对灾害风险的重要途径。应以"全球命运共同体"为考量,提升灾害响应能力... 灾害安全作为非传统安全的重要领域之一,其具备的突发性、蔓延性、跨国性以及灾害安全治理的"外溢"性,使得国际合作成为我国西部灾害多发地区应对灾害风险的重要途径。应以"全球命运共同体"为考量,提升灾害响应能力,构建"防灾共同体",从而保障灾害的安全治理有序进行。中日两国所处地理位置使两国共同面临相似的灾害威胁,在灾害安全治理方面具有共同的安全认知。目前,中日双方已经在救灾支援、会议协商、声援慰问、救灾演习等方面展开了一系列合作,但仍面临联络机制不完善、合作框架欠规范、社会资源统筹能力建设不足等问题。在共同应对灾害问题时,以"人的安全"和"命运共同体"的构建为核心理念,坚持灾害安全治理合作在国际合作中的优先地位,通过根据灾难周期进行分段式合作,强化灾害管理合作制度化、机制化建设,积极完善灾害安全治理合作体系,为构建"灾害命运共同体"奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 灾害安全 国际治理 国际合作
日本防灾安全教育的经验和我国学校的安全教育 被引量:15
作者 喻问琼 《教育探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期155-156,共2页
关键词 灾害安全教育 日本的经验 借鉴
作者 曾静 盛谦 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期269-269,共1页
关键词 灾害环境下重大工程安全性的基础研究》 力学研究所 验收工作 科技部 中科院
区域水安全格局构建:研究进展及概念框架 被引量:47
作者 彭建 赵会娟 +1 位作者 刘焱序 杜悦悦 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第11期3137-3145,共9页
随着全球变化背景下生态安全问题的日益严峻,生态安全格局研究成为宏观生态学关注的热点领域;水作为重要的自然生态要素,其安全格局的构建也是区域生态安全格局优化的重要组成部分,但目前其基本内涵、构建理论与方法、指标体系等尚未受... 随着全球变化背景下生态安全问题的日益严峻,生态安全格局研究成为宏观生态学关注的热点领域;水作为重要的自然生态要素,其安全格局的构建也是区域生态安全格局优化的重要组成部分,但目前其基本内涵、构建理论与方法、指标体系等尚未受到足够重视,缺乏系统梳理。在对比分析资源、环境与灾害等多学科视角下水安全概念异同的基础上,明晰了区域水安全格局的概念内涵,将其定义为保障区域水安全目标的土地利用空间格局;系统探讨了水安全格局构建历程与方法研究进展,指出水安全研究正由定量评价向空间管控转型,水环境安全格局构建严重滞后,缺乏水安全格局与自然生态过程、社会经济过程的耦合关联分析;最后,基于景观生态学格局-过程互馈理论和地理学区域综合视角,以GIS空间分析、In VEST模型等为技术支撑,构建了水资源安全、水环境安全和水灾害规避安全3个单一维度的水安全格局,并提出基于空间多准则分析模型的区域综合水安全格局构建概念框架,以期有效提升中国城市化进程的水安全格局保障。 展开更多
关键词 安全格局 水资源安全 水环境安全 灾害规避安全 概念框架 研究进展
汶川地震灾后安全建设经验及其对玉树重建的启示 被引量:3
作者 辜智慧 葛怡 +1 位作者 刘宝印 徐伟 《经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期95-101,共7页
汶川地震后,中央和地方出台了一系列的政策文件,社会各界纷纷响应开展灾后恢复重建的各项工作部署。本文从灾害监测预警与隐患排查、基础设施和住房抗震设防水平、灾害避难所建设与防灾减灾教育等方面,搭建了一个震后区域安全建设框架... 汶川地震后,中央和地方出台了一系列的政策文件,社会各界纷纷响应开展灾后恢复重建的各项工作部署。本文从灾害监测预警与隐患排查、基础设施和住房抗震设防水平、灾害避难所建设与防灾减灾教育等方面,搭建了一个震后区域安全建设框架。在此基础上,分析了区域灾害风险管理和安全建设的主要内容,总结归纳出汶川震后安全建设的案例经验,并借此对玉树震后恢复重建过程中,区域灾害风险管理和安全建设提出了对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 汶川地震 玉树地震 恢复重建 灾害风险与区域安全
作者 李海龙 刘琰 张琳 《建设科技》 2016年第13期32-35,共4页
本研究以阳泉生态新城为背景,从场地生态属性入手,借助Arc GIS空间分析,构建基于自然、生物、人文三方面的综合生态安全格局,并以此为依据提出生态新城的生态规划导则,为总体规划建设提供科学合理的参考和指导。
关键词 地质灾害防治安全格局 水生态安全格局 生物保护安全格局 文化遗产与休闲游憩保护安全格局 综合生态安全格局
作者 郁林青 周文培 蒋文伟 《城市建筑》 2021年第6期166-169,共4页
近年来,出现了一系列水质污染、洪涝灾害、水涵养功能减弱等问题,在生态安全问题日趋严重的全球化背景下,水作为重要的生态要素,其安全格局的构建也是区域安全格局优化的重要组成部分。研究区域位于温州市苍南县桥墩镇,以GIS空间分析、I... 近年来,出现了一系列水质污染、洪涝灾害、水涵养功能减弱等问题,在生态安全问题日趋严重的全球化背景下,水作为重要的生态要素,其安全格局的构建也是区域安全格局优化的重要组成部分。研究区域位于温州市苍南县桥墩镇,以GIS空间分析、InVEST模型等为技术支撑对研究区域水生态安全进行研究分析,从水资源安全、水环境安全和水灾害规避安全3个维度构建研究区综合水生态安全格局。 展开更多
关键词 水生态安全 水资源安全格局 水环境安全格局 灾害规避安全格局
The risk evaluation of mine coal-dust explosion based on BP neural network 被引量:1
作者 陈连军 程卫民 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第4期396-399,共4页
Introduced the theory of three types of hazardous sources, and it recognized and analysed such three types of hazardous sources as the factor of inherent hazardous source, factor of inducing hazardous source and facto... Introduced the theory of three types of hazardous sources, and it recognized and analysed such three types of hazardous sources as the factor of inherent hazardous source, factor of inducing hazardous source and factor of men, which affect the safety and reliability of coal-dust explosion risk system and then builds up the risk factor indices of coal-dust explosion according to analysis of conditions inducing the coal-dust explosion. It fixes the risk degree of coal-dust explosion risk system by analyzing loss probability and loss scope of risk system and by means of the probabilistic hazard evaluation method and risk matrix method, etc.. According to the feature of strong capability of nonlinear approximation of BP neural network, the paper designed the structure of BP neural network for the risk evaluation of the mine coal-dust explosion with BP neural network. And the weight of the network was finally determined by training the given samples so that the risk degree of samples to be measured could be exactly evaluated and the risk of mine coal-dust explosion could be alarmed in good time. 展开更多
关键词 coal dust explosion risk source risk degree neural network risk assessment
Emergency Logistics and Standardization
作者 Ren Yan 《China Standardization》 2009年第2期6-9,共4页
Emergency logistics are complex systems engineering operations.Standardizationis the solution to establishing a successful emergency logistics framework.Standardized systems of emergency logistics can be used to tackl... Emergency logistics are complex systems engineering operations.Standardizationis the solution to establishing a successful emergency logistics framework.Standardized systems of emergency logistics can be used to tackle sudden events anddisasters,to minimize disaster loss and to promote a healthy development of emergencylogistics in China. 展开更多
关键词 Emergency Logistics STANDARDIZATION
Experience of Planning the Local Climate Change Adaptation Plan in Taoyuan
作者 Hung-Pin Huang Tih-Ju Chu 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第3期309-315,共7页
Based on the experience of emergency operation on earthquake and flooding in local and foreign countries, the secondary disasters of fire, damage of critical infrastructure usually harmed lives or disturbed living con... Based on the experience of emergency operation on earthquake and flooding in local and foreign countries, the secondary disasters of fire, damage of critical infrastructure usually harmed lives or disturbed living condition. In order to safeguard people's lives and property safety, Taoyuan City Government, except for elementary public facilities, added standardized disaster prevention parks and detention ponds in the zone-expropriation project at Chunglu area. The zone-expropriation project at Chunglu, Taoyuan is designed for 487,600 residents in 2021. The area of public facilities of park, school, road and green land is 50.7 ha, 41.88% of total development area of 122.06 ha, in which, the capacity of disaster prevention parks at Chunglu area is designed for 3,164 refugee in 7.54 ha. An underground storage construction, withstand 7-magnitude earthquake, could supply the amount of water consumption of 3 L daily per person, lasting at least four weeks. The capacity of two detention ponds is 87,800 m3. During normal times, the disaster prevention park and detention ponds can be used as a recreational space for residents. When a disaster occurs, shelters are set up in the parks to accommodate residents to protect lives and property. And, detention ponds could adjust outflow discharge into neighborhood drainage system to mitigate disaster happening. Because the construction of standardized disaster prevention park with climate change needs much more land area, the acquisition of private land area is very difficult either general acquisition or zone expropriation in urban area. During each stage of zone expropriation, the support of landlord and Mayor Wu is very important. By means of public participation, information meeting was held hundreds times and revised content according to landlord's positive opinion. Moreover, the design idea and content was discussed with consultant-company mutually from time to time. Fortunately, this project is finished successfully and got award from Public Construction Council of Taiwan in 2014. 展开更多
关键词 Taoyuan Chunglu detention pond disaster prevention park climate change
Evaluation of Disaster Risks, Vulnerabilities and Response Strategies of High Rise Buildings in Lagos Municipality
作者 Isa Hassan-Enua Mshelgaru Kabir Bala 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第4期422-432,共11页
Although disasters can occur anywhere, certain types of disasters are more likely to have more effects on some buildings than others, especially on those in urban areas. Buildings in Lagos have had nasty experiences f... Although disasters can occur anywhere, certain types of disasters are more likely to have more effects on some buildings than others, especially on those in urban areas. Buildings in Lagos have had nasty experiences from both natural and artificial disasters, claiming lives and properties in the past. This study aims at evaluating the disaster risks, vulnerabilities and response strategies in the high rise buildings in Lagos municipality. Structured questionnaire was administered to building owners, estate managers and disaster managers who manage the high rise buildings. The information obtained was supplemented by personal interviews conducted with tenants and rescue organizations. The study identified collapse of building, fire out break, and communication and power failure as the most likely potential disasters, power failure and collapse had the highest severity of impact, and the degree of preparedness achieved to confront the disasters was below satisfaction. However, the specific status of the response strategies was as expected, but there was room for improvements. The potential disasters were natural, human and environmental and the most vulnerable sectors were other properties rather than the high rise buildings themselves. The magnitude of risk levels could be contained with the level of response strategies already achieved if coordinated. 展开更多
关键词 High rise building disaster preparedness RISK vulnerabilities and response strategies.
Emerging trends in information and communication technology in mine safety and disaster management 被引量:3
作者 DHEERAJ Kumar 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第3期277-283,共7页
There is tremendous growth in the use of Geographic Information Systems(GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Remote Sensing, Satellite Communication, andModeling & Simulation techniques.These tools and techniqu... There is tremendous growth in the use of Geographic Information Systems(GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Remote Sensing, Satellite Communication, andModeling & Simulation techniques.These tools and techniques helps significantly in characterizinginfrastructure, risk area and disaster zones, planning and implementation ofhazards reduction measures etc.Communication satellites becomes vital for providingemergency communication and timely relief measures.Integration of space technologyinputs into natural disaster monitoring and mitigation mechanisms is critical for hazard reduction.This paper mainly focused on all the issues described above.Major emphasis hadbeen given to the recent developments in information & communication technology enabledtools and their applications in mining industries for safe mining operations with increasedproductivity. 展开更多
关键词 information and communication mine safety disaster management
Policy Analysis on Building Regulations and the Recovery of Earthquake and Tsunami Affected Areas
作者 Shoichi Ando 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第8期992-1005,共14页
The paper examines the situation and causes of recent big earthquake and tsunami disasters especially in the case of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, and analyzes the damage to extract lessons on safety of bui... The paper examines the situation and causes of recent big earthquake and tsunami disasters especially in the case of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, and analyzes the damage to extract lessons on safety of buildings and recovery of cities from the view point of building regulations such as the Article 39 of the Building Standard Law. In addition, the Article 8 of the Ordinance of City Planning Law resulted in not so effective against tsunami in March 2011. Control mechanisms of building construction should be integrated into socio-economic, institutional, technical and other policy tools. In order to mitigate earthquake risk, all stages of building construction, from location, planning and construction to maintenance are important. Awareness creation is instrumental for building culture of safety and demands for intervention in disaster mitigation. The demands ultimately help in creating conducive environment for policy intervention, in realizing institutional mechanism of building code enforcement and land use control for the municipal authorities and in creating demand for competent professionals. 展开更多
关键词 Great East Japan Earthquake Building Standard Law City Planning Law.
Evaluation of the Policies for Seismic Retrofit of Buildings
《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第4期391-402,共12页
The Japanese government has established a law to Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995. This paper evaluates the incentives of the policies related to the law. The data shows achieved in 2018 if the current trends of impro... The Japanese government has established a law to Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995. This paper evaluates the incentives of the policies related to the law. The data shows achieved in 2018 if the current trends of improvement will supports the school retrofit works that are carried out by the promote seismic retrofitting of buildings immediately after the Great effectiveness, efficiency, administrative feasibility and technological that the policy target of seismic safety of existing buildings will be be continued. In the field of school buildings, national government local governments, using the guideline for school retrofit. However, there are still significant issues to make all buildings safe. One of the key challenges is how to persuade the elderly who would not invest their money to improve their old houses. Another challenge is to make owners understand the importance and have priority in improving the seismic safety of buildings. Currently many efforts are taken by the local governments, such as holding seminars for local communities, preparing financial support schemes, providing consultancy for seismic assessment and making earthquake hazard maps. This paper also provides comments on the improvement of the current policies for promoting seismic retrofit based on some international experiences in retrofit of buildings. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic retrofit school retrofit seismic assessment hazard map financial support POLICY
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